These 13 Spells are Actually Overpowered in Baldur's Gate 3

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and this Baldur's Gate 3 video we're going to talk about the most underrated spells that are deceptively better than you might think with a ton more functionality and applications than you'd suspect or just way stronger than you might estimate at first glance first up is longstrider this spell increases the move speed of a character by 3 meters until a long rest three meters might not sound like a lot but the standard move speed is 9 meters which means that this increases the amount of distance you can cover by a third which is huge and it's an even bigger deal if you're a race with short legs like a gnome dwarf or halfling what's also great about this spell is that it doesn't require concentration so you don't have to worry about losing concentration or taking up that concentration spell slot not only that but because longstrider is a ritual spell if you cast it outside of combat it doesn't use up a spell slot meaning you can cast it as many times as you want without sacrificing other spell slots allowing your entire party to move more each turn so you've got nothing to lose and 33 percent move speed to gain number two we have magic Missile magic Missile is a damaging spell that fires off three missiles and each missile can be sent at three different targets or all three on the same Target if you want this spell is extremely flexible for one because you can use it to finish off one monster without over killing it if it has low health and send the remaining two missiles to other targets you can also upcast this spell to increase the missile count and second magic Missile always hits your target whether it needs to fly up or down left or right whether you're disadvantaged or blind magic Missile always lands and third magic Missile can turn corners and bend around obstacles to reach enemies that means you don't even need to have line of sight on the target to cast magic Missile and hit them and fourth and most importantly each missile will trigger a concentration saving throw on the target so it's excellent at interrupting enemy spells that require concentration these spells are usually really powerful too May making magic Missile a real Lifesaver especially since you can send all your missiles at that one single Target almost guaranteeing that you break their concentration alright next up at number three is disguise self this spell allows you to magically change all aspects of your appearance this spell is powerful for a couple of reasons one it allows you to disguise yourself and then steal pickpocket and perform other criminal acts and when you've had your fill you can end your disguise and your character's reputation isn't hurt because you were disguised your reputation is important because if you do enough criminal acts guards will turn hostile towards you they'll throw you in jail or depending on your dialogue choices it will turn into a battle that might be difficult to win second if you do end up slaying a humanoid that you want to use Speak debt on they won't talk to the person who killed them but if you turn off your disguise and you speak with the dead you'll have better results and vice versa third disguised self can also give you different dialogue options like in our race picking video if you're a drow you have different different dialogue options than a non-drow the same goes for other races too depending on the circumstances so disguise self can give you more options than you would have otherwise when it comes to dialogue fourth you can actually use disguise self to change your race to unlock weapon bonuses for example you might find a weapon that only gives you a certain bonus if you are githianki using disguise self to turn into a gith Yankee will unlock that item's bonus power for you and then fifth if you're a party of medium-sized characters disguised self can change you to a small sized character and that will allow you to creep through small holes or tunnels that would otherwise be inaccessible and what's amazing about disguise self is that it's also a ritual spell that does not use up a spell slot when you use it outside of combat and lasts until long rest so this is really such a useful spell that can be used in a massive number of scenarios so definitely very underrated next up at number four is command command is one of the strongest and most flexible spells in the game and it's a love level 1 spell command can be used to make a creature flee move closer freeze drop to the ground or drop their weapon of course this is incredibly powerful to make a creature drop their weapon many players use this on Commander zelk when escaping the nautiloid to get his flaming great sword called the everburn blade which is really strong for how early you can get it but that's not the only use case you can create a dangerous patch of ground Through alchemist's Fire Spike growth hunger of Hadar Glyph of warding and so on and then use command approach to force your enemy to step right into this hazardous area that's just another use case there's plenty more besides these two it can also be upcast to remain useful late game and can be very impactful against deadly bosses on top of that it doesn't require concentration one of only a few control spells in the game that doesn't alright next up at number 5 is guidance guidance is an incredibly powerful can trip which means it can be used on limited number of times it's such a good spell that someone in your party should always have this spell it can be used in dial log situations along with disarming traps and lock picking to improve your odds of success in all those scenarios you can also use guidance to boost your odds at perception checks so if you use it on the party member leading the way they'll see important things coming unlike in dialogue situations where you can use guidance during the roll you can't use it after a perception rule that takes place when you enter a room for example so make sure you cast it before you start exploring one important thing to remember though is that this can trip requires concentration so make sure you don't overwrite any other spells you might be concentrating on before you cast this coming out at number six we have bless bless is a powerful spell that affects three targets giving them not only advantage on attack rolls but also saving throws this spell is powerful because it can dramatically help protect your party by having advantage on saving throws and the 1d4 advantage on attack rolls will also help your party deal damage and if you upcast this spell you can increase the number of targets to 4 allowing you to buff your entire party with these advantages now you might be thinking this spell is isn't that great because it requires a turn and spell slot and your concentration could just be broken well if you make sure to always use blasts on the Target that is casting the spell the spell can actually protect itself essentially giving that advantage on concentration saving throws while continuing to provide everyone in the party without Advantage too coming in at number seven we have healing word healing word is an incredibly good healing spell that you're probably already using and will continue to use healing word does consume a spell slot but it can also be used at very long range and it is also a bonus action meaning your turn isn't over after you cast it you can cast another spell or attack the same Turn You cast healing word however the most underrated use and best use of healing words is actually to heal a downed teammate which will bring them back into the fight instead of moving into melee range to help them up which will use your turn and you can instead use healing word from range to bring back that down teammate and continue your turn with a regular attack or spell this makes the spell incredibly important important for the entire game when using it to bring back downed teammates alright next up at 8 we have sleep many players have been sleeping on the Sleep spell sleep can put multiple targets to sleep removing them from combat the spell is based off their current HP not their Max HP so it's more effective on enemies that have taken damage sleep is sometimes more powerful than finishing off a wounded enemy because you can Target multiple enemies at the same time which effectively reduces the amount of damage your party is going to take by taking that many enemies turns away what makes sleep even better is that you can upcast the spell which means using a higher level spell slot to make the spell more powerful and be able to sleep more enemies with a higher total HP of course this is necessary as enemies get more HP otherwise you wouldn't really be able to use this spell as much as you progress also an attack on a sleeping Target will always have advantage and if you're within 2 meters of that sleeping enemy it will also be a guaranteed critical hit this nearly guarantees that you'll finish off those sleeping wounded enemies on your following turn and what makes this spell especially overpowered is that it does not trigger a saving throw it always works as long as they are within the HP requirement unlike other spells that can fail this one cannot which is why it's really underrated for how good it is coming in at number nine we have color spray this spell blinds targets up to a total amount of HP similar to sleep however unlike sleep color spray is cast in a frontal cone so it's much more difficult to pull off on multiple opponents especially if they are spread out however blind is an incredibly powerful ailment blinded targets melee attacks have disadvantage and ranged attacks in spells range is reduced to 3 meters all attacks made against blinded targets are also advantaged and this spell does not trigger a saving throw meaning it will either work because the total HP is less than or equal to the Spell's ability or it will fail because the total HP is higher a good use case for this spell is to use it on weakened monsters to disable them and allow your party to finish them off faster next up at number 10 is minor illusion minor illusion is a can trip which is a spell that doesn't use a spell slot and can be cast an infinite number of times this is a spell which creates an illusion and has a very long range if you use this outside of combat you can lure monsters towards your illusion which has a lot of use cases you can use this to sneak by enemies move them away from an objective they're guarding or even to group up enemies that are spread out to set yourself up for a massive AOE combo spell on them mixed up at number 11 is shield shield is a reaction that consumes a spell slot to increase your armor class by five and you take no damage from magic Missile this lasts until your next turn which means you'll have the increased Armor class for all future attacks made on you until it's your turn again this can be especially useful to keep your casters alive but also incredibly helpful for your Frontline Paladin or Bard if they decide to multi-class and next up at number 12 we have Sanctuary this is an incredibly powerful spell that allows you to go almost entirely invulnerable being unable to be targeted by spells or attacks until you attack or harm another creature however you can still take damage from area of effect spells and attacks what's really powerful about Sanctuary is that it uses a bonus action so you can still take your turn whether it's casting a spell or attacking and then end your turn by casting Sanctuary on yourself so it's really powerful to be able to do your abilities and then sort of go back into hiding by casting Sanctuary going nearly invulnerable really really strong and then finally at number 13 we have create or destroy water this spell can be used to call forth rain extinguishing exposed flames and forms a water surface this water surface causes the wet condition which causes vulnerability to cold and lightning damage lightning spells cast on water causes the shocked condition removing their reaction and having a chance to stun you can create quite a powerful Trap by using crate or destroy water and by placing a glyph of warding lightning which will cause lightning damage and on that wet surface when they walk over it not only that but the spell can be used to remove acid and fire from the ground or a character that might be afflicted by it the spell can also be upcast to have a bigger radius so lots of use cases for create or destroy water that probably most players aren't taking full advantage of and this is my list of 13 most underrated spells in Baldur's Gate 3. let me know in the comments below if you think there are other spells that are just as good or some use cases that I haven't mentioned for these spells thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 348,901
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Keywords: toyhouze, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 paladin spells, baldurs gate 3 best wizard spells, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 druid spells, how to prepare spells baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 best spells, baldurs gate 3 wizard spells, baldurs gate 3 best spells reddit, baldurs gate 3 level 5 spells, baldurs gate 3 spell slots, baldurs gate 3 spells on release, baldurs gate 3 level 6 spells, baldurs gate 3 new spells, baldurs gate 3 spell tier list, spells, bg3, baldurs gate
Id: AHZJw_maqqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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