Baldurs Gate 3 - PS5 Controller and Controls Guide Part 2: Combat

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hello everyone and welcome to the second part to My PS5 controller guide for those who like to know about the basic controls can click on the button on top of the screen or I will link it down below in this video I want to share the combat controls with you all when combat starts the game goes into turn based mode and direct control of your character by the left stick is replaced by this point and click mode for those who remember from my last video pushing the L three button would do that while in combat pushing that button now turns the camera to focus on your character so both sticks control camera movement now the left stick is to pan over the battlefield and with the right stick you can change the viewing angle and zoom in and out if I pull the right stick all the way down I will go into TCT tical View mode you can leave tactical View mode by pushing the right stick up again pushing in the right stick or otherwise called R3 we can still highlight objects this is very useful to see explodable barrels for example or this red area means the field of view of the enemy in case you are trying to hide in combat and you can try and sneak around somehow also the sun sign indicates where there are shadows and where you are well lit this is is also useful in terms of sneak so let's have a look at the UI for a moment so the basics of a turn is that you can take an action and a bonus action and those are shown here and here your spell slots are shown here as well the amount of movement I have left is shown here and visualized on this bar which you will see drain when I move my character if it's empty I can no longer move this turn in the case of my druid it shows how often I can steal wild shape before resting very useful before attacking is to examine an enemy and see what its weaknesses are for example I move the cursor over to an enemy and push down on the d-pad to examine I can do this also when an enemy does something to my character to check what negative status effect it is in the same same way to see the combat lock you can pull the R2 trigger and select combat lock here this can be useful at times to see what happened based of initiative the turn order is picked on top of the screen turns are taken from left to right so as you can see we can take our turns first and then it's our enemy's turn so if it's your turn and you notice that you and an Ali are next to one one another in the turn order you can mix and match actions between those two characters and pick who goes first so I will show this now I will change to my druid by pulling the L2 trigger and scrolling with the d-pad to select my druid by pressing X I will first take an action with my druid we can open the action wheel with R1 or L1 we can pick one action and one bonus action as the UI indicates so let's start with fairy fire this will give my attacks advantage and will allow aarion the Rogue to do his sneak attack for example so I push R1 and move the left trigger so I still have my right hand free to press X and I hover over to fairy fire it says the cost of casting it is one action and one level one spell slot so if I cast by pressing X and then X again to confirm the location after after moving the area of effect with my left stick so with fairy fire being cast and my dur concentrating on the spell I can shape into bare form so to be a bit more tanky and move myself a bit closer I can now move over to aarion and press R1 and select cunning action Dash this means I can still take an action after dashing which is something a Rog can do in case of a self Target action you only have to select it once and it casts on its own after that so I will move him into attack range and given I have advantage against this enemy I can do my sneak attack for more damage the percentage indicates the chance to hit sometimes the only way so there we have done our moves and I will end my turn by pressing triangle so I will let this fight play out for those who like to follow along with the buttons that are being pressed I will react to some of the actions as well so Gail was put to sleep by an offensive wizard spell I have Shadow heart here to wake him up by simply pressing X on him this requires an action as you can see she is now at zero actions left down here luckily Shadow hard has healing word which only requires a bonus action and a level one spell slot you can see now she has two out of three spell slots left spell slots are like ammunition for spells which means she can still cast two other level one spells she can regain her spell slots by taking a long rest a tale for the ages shall be done the enemy Archer shot an arrow with an acid area of effect which did damage on impact and broke my druid's concentration and we lost the benefit of fairy fire while acid does not further damage while standing in it but it reduces your armor class by two which means you will take more damage to do a normal melee attack you can select the enemy and press X which I do here with my bear I'm ready after finishing off our first enemy with a Starion I decide to use cunning action disengage so I can move him away without triggering an opportunity attack which the red circle with the pointing Arrow indicates it would trigger otherwise it basically means if I would move aarion without this the enemy would get a free attack in on aarion [Music] spe have to keep going mistra some of you might notice that I casted a fire canr here with Gail it didn't take a spell slot just an action the Canter is basically a spell that doesn't require a spell slot they are very useful what path lies before me I select jump here from the action wheel but the d-pad up button works also go for the throat moving one thing I wanted to add is that I recommend to make use of the radial customization you can decide on how to organize it yourself for example all the actions on one wheel and all the bonus ones on another or the actions you do the most on one wheel together my previous video and part one talks about how to customize the radial menus so please check it out over there [Music] roll in my favor shouldn't have made me and there you have it enemies defeated there's one additional thing I forgot to mention there is the option to switch between targets by using the d-pad left and right button basically next Target and previous Target I don't use this very often because I find it personally a little bit clunky and more direct to just Target enemies directly so this was my guide on the PS5 controls thank you to everyone who gave me feedback on my previous video the amount of reactions came to me as a surprise and I'm glad I was able to help out some people I realized my audio could do some work and I hope this video would prove easier to understand let me know in the comments the question remains of course still what some of the added PS5 functionalities will be I am thinking here mainly about what the uh the function of the touchpad would be on the PlayStation 5 controller and what clicking it would do I assume the map would be moved there to leave space for the share button I wonder if there will be added functionalities uh as well which would be of course really amazing I'm very excited for the release for PlayStation 5 and I think well um I am very excited for you guys as well that you finally get to play this gem because it is an amazing game um so yeah let me know in the comments what you thought of this guide and if you are excited for the PlayStation 5 release thank you all so much for watching and see you all in the next video bye
Channel: Tissy The Banshee
Views: 20,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, trailer, official release, rpg 2023, crpg, panel from hell, Larian, character creation, Exploring, city, dnd, lore, exploring, release, Monk, dragonborn, 5th edition, Guide, Split Screen mode, split, screen, Showcase, short, Ps5, Controller, UI, combat
Id: qmbwO3hzMr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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