What to do when Demand & Growth Stops in your Cities Skylines!

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hello everybody welcome back to the next episode of the city skylines with me biffer and here we are in the city of teaport today we're gonna build and grow two new areas and particularly the second one is interesting because we end up with no demand for growth in our city so i'm going to show you how to force demand and growth i would also like to say thanks to nord for sponsoring this video they have a new offer starting today if you go to my link that's in the description there nordvpn.com fifa use the code biffer to get a two-year plan plus one additional month free with a huge discount so the price would be 89 or 3.56 a month or 75 euros three euros and three cents a month fantastic all of that is in the description go and check it out uh oh yeah commercial okay that's fine so it's commercial that side and then we're going to have some housing along here buy this sort of motorway some of the roads may come underneath and connect over here we shall see whoa jumpy cave ah the first jumpy game of 2021 gotta have it gotta have it uh yeah that's the idea anyway and then we've got this area here which is bringing in tons and tons of people so what have we got there visitors 61 50. so that will definitely go up as well particularly if we end up adding a train station unfortunately this line along here is our cargo network that is entirely separate from everything else this is our oh yeah slits off here to go outside is that an intercity train yes it is so i could add a train there and just use this one line as a dual purpose line even though we've separated effinghouse out and that'll easily bring more people in here to our park into these things cathedral apparently to the eden project and over here yeah we are gonna do that let's just get in let's just start doing some building having a bit of fun so what did you get up to um with your time off maybe you were taking time off from uh everything like me i just walked away from the computer so i'm not going to do anything to do with that and enjoyed it immensely it was fantastic enjoyed some time with the family uh train station have we got any other train stations in here what do we got oh there's a big one [Music] that's an interesting looking one that might be quite good yeah that's like a sunken one yeah let's go for this one uh that one there why not so we're gonna add that yeah that's more what i was trying to do just to give a little bit of space between here and there so we can have a line coming off and going back on again uh everybody likes those if i just do that that will curve around nicely and i do that that will curve around nicely oh perfect there we go and then what we can do before i forget is we can have a line going from there all the way through here that will shimmy over onto this line yeah up here is that connected am i just making yeah there it is that's the connection i'm looking for it will come up here and go into this station here excellent and then all the way back again so that'll bring over some of the tourists and things i'm also going to turn off into city trains there we're going to keep that over in that one and then we'd like to get this connected up so let's just maybe i'd like this to be this road here a little bit nicer let's upgrade that and then yeah so we've got a park here how are we going to set this up i'd like the road to sort of curve around this park so we're going to have down here ah tell you what you know feeling ever so slightly rusty it's been a while since i've picked up city skylines we're going to do that we're going to have an asymmetric road then we're going to go back to this one and we're going to have this sort of curve around like it's following the line of the park just a little bit there and that's where our park entrance is going to be so let's add that on as we're going along uh small park maine get this one here the big park main gate there we go orchard gardens so we'll come back to that so that's got access to this area i'm just going to use the move it mods uh here and just budgify that along a bit that's what i want nice curve like that excellent and there's already trains coming in which is great so that gives access to that this could connect to here you know it's for people walking out of here although these are actually a road which we discovered before i believe did i stop it having cars and things no i didn't what do they want people driving on those unnecessarily i want them to stick to the main road so i'll tell you what we'll do we'll just add a little rather little path why not uh let's use the gravel path we'll take this one here and we'll go go on a little bit further we'll go like that there we go so people can walk down there that looks like it's all connected excellent that's good right cool so suddenly taking up a load of space over there and then over here we'll come back to this in a minute how am i gonna get people into this sort of housing estate that's down here um i'm not entirely sure i don't want any huge roads down here i mean i'm thinking about having a road going underneath that could sort of connect here but then it's going to start taking people away from the main road or what i could do is have a road come off here and then come underneath and connect to that so that is not connected to this which might actually be a better idea how would they get to there then so this we look at our highway a highway comes in here curves around and then everybody comes off there for the forestry and the industry they go up here they go down this road and into here and that's how this connects and then it connects underneath there so there is an underneath connection here so they might sort of yeah what's going to happen is we have even more people coming down this way i don't want to put a junction in there let's see how it goes let's build off this road here and we'll see how it goes i don't think the traffic is going to be too bad i don't think it's going to be too bad so let's get this road here and we'll just do it that way uh yeah i'll go to about there and i'm going to grab that one and we'll follow our eyeballs and see where this ends up [Music] yeah i think we'll leave it like that it's not going to have as many houses in here as i thought that's fine and it is right by the highway and this is the protected highway it's got like these little barriers at the side so it won't quite be as noisy as maybe you think it would be but what i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna do this as a whole little district on its own there we go bird song park let's have a quick look at the themes here enable theme manager and what i'm thinking about here is just for birdsong park because i'm going to go for university city because i'm just thinking it's right by the highway it's going to be noisy maybe cheaper housing and we'll try i think those will actually look pretty good let's just check if we've got water in here almost we'll give them water why not so let's be kind and nice there we go that's the whole thing covered in water they're going to need services and things as we go along and i'm just wondering whether we could yeah let's go with that and just see what we get so let's grab this let's fill it all in there we go that's everything filled in uh before we let them move in i'll tell you what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to birdsong park we're gonna do some policies in here no we're not i'll tell you what we're going to do we're going to go to the district tab that's what i'm looking for told y'all's a little bit rusty and we're going to go for organic and local produce in here and then right underneath where the highway is we're just going to change these so maybe like these ones right here and these ones over here and just put a few little shops in that sort of nook there i'm gonna do the same here now these probably won't fill in straight away we've got no need for commercial at the moment so each of these little junctions there we go we'll just pop some of those in there come on fill in thank you very much that will cover that and then we probably could just do with so we're going to have as you said this park over here i'm keeping it paused at the minute i like to unpause and see it all work it together in one go we're going to add the connection to this park here so let's grab i'll go for a small part main gate let me go in somewhere there we go so that's now autumn meadows and then what i can do is have an exit on this side that people may happily walk through because what have we got access to they might want to get to over here yeah we've got all of this stuff over here so if we can add or in the middle there that would be good so we'll grab this one not in park area well we can fix that let's grab our park area and just zippy doo-dah that down there a bit there we go oh it just won't let me do it okay i'm gonna have to get rid of that sorry space ready occupied oh it's just gonna act weird because we've got these protected bike lanes here um we'll have to see hopefully not hopefully it'll be okay right so then let's go back to our parks tab and we're gonna grab this tree-lined one here i'm gonna run that like that and then we'll just run another little walkway over here so i can enjoy all of these trees we're going to be adding in even more trees as we go along and you know what we could add even another little entrance over here if we can encourage as many people as possible to walk and use this you just know it's going to be a money and i'm not doing it in a cheesy way we're allowing people the choice if they wish to they can walk there and then we could even give them access under here oh yeah go on let's do it why not let's use the same road and how are we going to do this so if we come up like that you know what we could just do actually let's make it easier let's just get rid of that thank you get rid of that if we just get our zone there we go and we're going to get that we're going to bring it in there and then we'll add our side gate there not in park area that one's in park area or wait don't complain and then we just run that under there so they can have access through there they've got access there they've got access over here and then what about a bit of access over this side as well let's just run another little path and i can see where it's going to be it's going to be right here so let's get rid of that let's get our park zone and zippy doo-dah up to there get rid of you and we'll pop this in there there we go excellent i'll just fill that in again at the side fish and a bit of a bosch there we go there we go we could even do it off of here as well couldn't we because these are actually walking path roads yeah let's do that as well if we come up there a bit and do that just try not to destroy where the house is that'll give access to all of this and now the people are moving in let's see what we're gonna get tell you what one thing we could do with adding is just some services and things over here before we let this go we're gonna need some schools i'm actually gonna use the undergraduate library where the heck do these come from i've seen that before has it been so long i've forgotten if you think what's going on let's go for the community school so we'll add that in the middle here and then i want a library there we go public library right opposite that so that's going to cover most of that area i reckon we're going to need another little community score over here let's do that nestled in the trees why not that'd be lovely wouldn't it there we go and then just maybe a couple of other services and then we'll let the thing run okay we've had some houses move in here we go big high rises on one side highway on the other side and it slowed down a little bit because as we've started filling that need now we have some other needs we've got industry oh i've got demand master accident installed whoops that was from my one tar one city thing i'm not using it so now we've got need for uh industry and commercial well we do have commercial around here we could just add a few offices in just to try and help this along the way and that could actually fit here alongside the highway i think that'll be that'll work out very well uh and then we can not add many houses in but now we're going to destroy this one here thank you very much and we're going to destroy that little shop there excellent and then along the back here oh now is there going to be offices in the university city thing that i set up in this district i'm thinking that there isn't gonna be let's have a quick look at the themes again in birdsong park university city theme manager okay we can check this out university city and if we pick our offices actually we'll do none and we'll just pick offices and we'll say display all that are included so none are in there at all well that's okay well what we can do is we don't have to get much more technical than grabbing our zone tool and just d-zone in this little section through here so then that will then take the normal zone information that the rest of the city does looks you know looks a bit odd if you look at the zone tab but i think that'll be fine okay so people are moving in very slowly but they're moving in what else could we do to encourage them to move in uh first of all i tell you what we're gonna do is we are going to now i'm clicking on the wrong thing all to meadows we're going to whack the price up for that we can start making some money as everybody walks through that area yeah what we can do is give them some access to mass transit at the minute they've got a lot of walking to do all over the place now what do we have down here we do have a tram that runs around here could we give them access to that without messing a load of stuff up also that comes in is every tram stop along here that is the nearest tram stop could i change some of this um if they come up there they can walk out there crossover no they're fine i'm not gonna bother changing all of that that'll be okay um yeah so we definitely need to give them access to some buses or something so i'm thinking i'm gonna run this stop down here out to our ferry so it's going to come up this road here and then we'll just make some stops along here so that's not to actually forget that one we'll go here outside the school and we'll just loop around one in there to cover that district then we'll go back where should we go yeah let's go along here and stop outside all the services and the things we've got there we'll do a stop in here by the offices then we'll loop around here and do a stop opposite the park then yeah it's going to cut across itself we'll have a stop in there stop in there and then it can go all the way back is there a stop in here no we'll do a stop there because that's where all the commercial shopping is and where those schools are i never go all the way back over there excellent let's see how many 32 000 buses it's added to that uh that's gonna be bus line 17 yeah let's take a look uh 12 buses yeah far far far far far too many let's make that four and that should do for now and we'll keep an eye on that and then even though we've got this massive big park that runs all the way down there i'd like to give them some little parks as well everybody loves a dog park there we go so let's pop in and that's got a huge area of effect there's no house there let's pop one there that'll cover all of that and then can we squeeze one in over here before that house finishes getting built there we go and that will cover all of that which will be fantastic and we probably could to be honest add some more things into this path as well spruce it up a bit why not let's spend a bit of money yeah hopefully that's not too much of an overkill oh up to level two already fantastic and then finally i wanted to get more trees in there i'd like it to look as dense as all of this um so i'm going to use the move it mod we're going to grab that double click trees and we're just going to grab a selection of that copy it and then whack it all in here pop and tree anarchies are fantastic [Music] and immediately there we go to me that spruces the place up absolutely lovely look at that suddenly it looks like a really nice an extra nice place to live with all these trees lovely meandering road not too far from all the services you need shops as well and this huge park that you can literally walk out the back of your house if you're lucky enough to live here and go into that is just lovely and we're so close to hitting 100 000 i'm just having a look around here to see if we can just add in some blocks of high density housing somewhere just to really finish us off and take us over the limit now look at this road that goes up here is a road to nowhere could we do something with that yeah i think we could and just put like a grid in here would fit absolutely perfectly by these trees let's just outline this first of all just to get an idea of what we're working with here so i want to keep it within that area there so we'll keep all these trees around the outside which means we might just need to change this a little bit so what i'm going to do we just pause that we're going to hook up a sw what have we got we've got all the lane maths and stuff going on here three lanes plus one uh two lanes plus one down to three i don't really want a six lane road coming through here so i think what we're gonna do is just add a little roundabout on here so we're gonna use the roundabout builder i'm gonna change it so it is a three lane uh which is under this one it is a three lane roundabout and we'll go to free cursor mode we'll make that a tiny bit bigger because we're going to build over here as well i'll probably be fine absolute elevation we measured from zero level terrain yeah we're level terrain and we'll try and line this up that was just fantastic let's try that again telling what might help is actually if we level this terrain off first of all in line with these roads i think that'll work very well and i accidentally made it with a gravel path oh i tell you what you know getting back to it after two weeks takes a while but yeah we'll get there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes so okay so here is the area off the highway here i wasn't going for exactly lined up grids although these main ones in the middle here all the same size 10 by 10. goes a bit wonky there as we get nearer to this road but we're working within the confines of this forest here that was the main thing and i've also decided to use the bike lane roads everywhere so they can bike now what i would like to do is make sure these all have access other than just this one here on the highway so i'm just thinking of adding in a small road up the top here um to this section let's just see because then they're going to have access to the train station i'm pretty sure we're going to end up adding a train station in here somewhere anyway actually this train station runs all the way down here with this end stop over here would another station here be too close that one then that one do you know what i think that might be just a good idea let's just add a little something in here and then hopefully we can encourage as many people as possible to move into this area that is the idea there we go that'll work out fine as it's only one stop up there and then another stop here before it heads off into town i think just having this straight through without having a bypass on that will work just fine and then we just want to add a stop and we'll do that one and we'll do that one so both of the lines should have stops there excellent that's good and then what else can we do to try and encourage more people to move in here i'm going to try and increase the land value here by using a little trick i probably haven't done for a while which is adding some water in the middle here right that was far too deep let's just undo that let's make that brush strength a bit less yeah that'll probably do and then we'll grab that there and smooth that out there we go excellent and then we'll drop a bit of a water source in there and hope i don't flood everything let's drop that down to a smaller size and we are on a bit of a slope here so i'm not quite sure how that's going to go it's going to overflow a little bit hopefully that should even itself out we could adjust you know what i'm going to do is i'm going to just make that the same height as that let's try that again control h already looks the same height as that it's just a bit wonky because the land is wonky there we go that's fine yeah no problem at all a couple of other things to fix in here let's set up our roundabout so i'm gonna do control shift left click there we go so dedicated loans giveaway signs all the goodies and then we've got traffic lights on everything or one of these junctions down here which i really don't want so what's going to be the quickest way to sort this if we just grab that road there and say we want give way signs on all the roads coming on there we go excellent we'll do the same over here excellent and then we just need to change this one back and we need to just change that one back going to the end we just need to change that one and that one there we go and then i'm also just going to do left control left click dedicated turning lanes okay uh yeah we'll do that so we'll get dedicated turning lanes one way and then it's the other way there yeah i think we'll just go with that that'll be fine it's not going to be super busy in here famous last words and that should be fine and all of these should just be going anyway and these at the end yeah we're going to do the same here where these roads join we'll make those give way and we'll do that all the way around i'm doing this but the the quicker way of doing it is just to select that road and that should do all the way around the whole thing yeah there we go from beginning to end so we'll do giveaway signs for everybody coming on and then we'll just make sure we redo the roundabout bits there we go and then if we should do dedicated turning lanes we can just whip around and do that quickly like this there we go fantastic and then oh he's complaining of no water and then this coming in and out of here yeah that's give way oh that's already set up brilliant that's great that's everything we need yeah then i just need to get some water on here there we go all sorted let's just quick look at the land value oh do you know what completely forgot the land value is maxed out over our whole city of course it is because of what we've done in previous episodes cool okay and then i just want a couple of little parks dotted around the place here and what is the biggest sort of park i can fit in without deleting a load of these roads ah it's a shame that one doesn't quite fit in you know i bet we could make that fit in if we really tried there we go let's just do some anarchy and let's see the coverage of that is huge so we're only going to need two of these so i'm going to pop one over there yeah that's fine and then we'll pop one down here and let's just take a look at that yeah no problem at all what is this guy doing oh he's soaking up some water that was accidentally yeah put everywhere then we want to put some walking paths in just to this section in the middle that's it they've all got access to where they need to go um they could cross over at the roundabout i might just leave that for now i was going to add another crossing in over here actually i think i might just do that let's grab node controller and just add a crossing there we go we'll do one there and then we'll do one over here as well we'll turn the lights off excellent just to help people get around a bit that is what we want to do and then of course they're going to need some services so let me just pop some of those in there we go so that should do for all the coverage of all our services we've got parks we've got pretty much everything they need in this area here apart from public transportation we've obviously got the trains that stop here we'll double check i've got those lines all set up right um a bus that does some sort of loop or do you know what i'm even thinking now a tram would just be fantastic around here oh how about a trolley bus we haven't done a trolley bus have we pretty sure we don't have a trolley bus in this city let us change these roads i know we've set it all up recycling but we're going to go with trolleybus instead yeah this is going to be weird with the trolleybus on here um because we've only got two-way two-lane one-way road or this one and we don't have like with the trams a separate trolley bus road that we could use without i'm wondering whether we'll get the trolley bus instead to like cut through here do you know what i think that's a good idea and avoid all of this bit altogether with the roundabout yeah just to make sure just to make sure so let's just put a standard what have we got in here and let's go the one with the grass we'll change that to that and that to that i think that's all sorted that will go round cool beans excellent so we do need a trolley bus depot there we go that's worked out okay and then we can just run our trolleybus line i'm probably going to end up with two here we'll have one going one way and one going the other way there we go i've changed the mind i've gone the other way round we're just going to do one and it's on the inside of the road so easier for everybody to get to so we should have our trolley buses coming out let's just check how many it's going to stick on the line in case it's far too many five and how much should they hold let's have a look 30 yeah for now i'm gonna drop that down to four and we'll just see how that goes excellent that'll be good and then i think the last thing that we need to do is are we just gonna put normal high density residential in here i think we are we do want some shops as well so what i'm thinking is is we're going to put the shops around the outside and buy the train station in this section here and then we'll fill the rest with high density residential and we'll see how that all goes we've got some demand down here so that's good let me fill this in [Music] well we are slowly slowly getting some growth there we go got a few houses let's see how that has affected our population okay we have reached 101 000 so this is going to need a little bit of babysitting to get this up to to get it filled because obviously we're gonna have different needs that come along um so what i'm gonna do is as we have needs for industry i'm gonna start plopping some offices around here and then we'll see how that goes they'll fill up oh i've still got the the day and night cycle on so they'll fill up as you can see down there with the orange bar and then it might mean it needs some more commercial and it'll just keep sort of going backwards and forwards backwards and forwards until we fulfilled all the needs and hopefully this will fill up so i'm wondering what this is going to get us up to i might just babysit this for a while and see if i can get this all filled up and then we'll take a look together oh look how beautiful the city looks at night look at that look at that absolutely brilliant and i'm hoping lots of people are going to start using the train and the trolley buses as well the bigger this gets [Music] [Music] well would you look at that barely a few minutes later and this thing is absolutely humming it is filled to the brim with people 107 thousands uh let's just see the traffic in this area no traffic at all that's what we want to see let's see how many people are using the trolley buses 91 a week that's fine that's okay uh there's quite a few people waiting here that's interesting and there's quite a few people waiting here so that is down there and where's this one that is up there okay so i think we probably could do with a couple more trolley buses let's double it come on now let's have eight trolley buses to get people traveling around this area but that's worked out really well i like that we've got some spaces we can feel but look at that fantastic what do you reckon let me know in the comments below be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on my future videos coming up on this channel on city skylines and i will see you all very soon have a great day take care everybody bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 137,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, cities skylines how to start, cities skylines demand guide, cities skylines no demand, cities skylines trolleybus
Id: rR71Io7vN8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 13sec (2053 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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