IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers- Part 3 Topic PERFORMANCES

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hello there and welcome to another interesting and entertaining IELTS speaking video my name is Keith and I'm here to help you improve your English give better answers and get a higher score on the IELTS speaking test what do you think of that slogan yeah oh yeah okay great so listen today we're going to be looking at IELTS speaking part 3 events and live performances let's do [Music] hello those of you who don't know me my name is Keith and I run a website called IELTS speaking success which is to help you with your IELTS speaking preparation in addition to the website and the YouTube channel I also have an online course on udemy if you want to study with me in addition to that if you want live one-on-one classes I teach on I talkie you can find out more in the links below and also gosh there's more on Facebook I do Facebook live every Tuesday every Thursday 10 o'clock Spain time come and join me there as well but for today let's get into IELTS speaking part 3 so I'm gonna take one of the questions today from part 2 one of the topics and then look at the part 3 questions that we know about and that the examiner might ask you I look at the kind of question and the kind of answers you could give and the focus today is on this question from part to describe a performance you watched recently so the part 3 questions here are going to be looking at live performances let's have a look first at the questions you may get what kinds of live performances to people in your country and joy what kinds of something this is a common question and it means you want to be talking about one or two different kinds don't list ten or twenty kinds just take one or two and go into more detail and depth about them next question do live performances have to be outside or can they be inside another typical question the either/or and here to be honest you can talk about just one of them or you can talk about both of them if you like it's entirely up to you whichever you believe and whichever you think will give you the best language number three do you think entertainers have a difficult life it's a good question isn't it the clue clearly do you think is to give your opinion so you want to be giving your opinion giving the reason why and then give lots of not lots of give one or two examples to show more clearly your opinion okay next how has technology affected the entertainment industry so here you're going to need to analyze and evaluate so talking about the industry and analyzing how technology may have affected it the consequences of that and whether maybe it's a good or a bad thing so there's a lot we can talk about here I'll be showing you how to very shortly be patient finally to what extent data to what extent again it's asking you to analyze to give your opinion justify say why and give examples to give force and strength to your answer and of course the big thing about examples is it gives you much richer language so your vocabulary score goes up exactly now so what extent does the entertainment industry impact a country's economy now these some questions are straightforward some are certainly more challenging and this is the whole point about part three whilst the exam is about language you need enough ideas to be able to talk about so today I will give you a plethora of ideas to talk about as I begin I just want to say a big thank you to all of the students who have been in this class on Facebook we discussed this earlier today and lots of ideas came from the different students on Facebook brilliant ideas we brought them all together and I want to share them with all of you today so a big thank you to the Facebook students and if you're not there why not get on to Facebook every Tuesday Thursday 10 o'clock it's free it's fun come and join us moving on what kinds of live performances to people in your country enjoy so here what kinds of as I mentioned is you want to be giving one or two examples it's in your country which is great so you can talk specifically about your country and the different things you have I guess many of them in this day and age of globalization will be quite similar so the things that pop into my mind are music concerts write concerts music concerts these are typical live performances whether it's inner indoors like in a concert hall or a big stadium there is near where I used to live at least in Manchester I'm from Manchester we have the gmx stadium it's a huge stadium that has been it's an Exhibition Centre that is used for concerts as well it was unfortunately famous a few years ago because a bomb exploded and during the concert I think it was Ariadna Grandy but it's a great concert hall and that is the kind of live performance you can talk about concerts or maybe you're into dance so you can talk about ballet contemporary dance different forms of dance these are live performances even when I was in China we had these local community dances where the people in the park often the retired people would come together and dance sometimes for themselves but sometimes it was a performance for other people to watch hmm if you're into comedy you can talk about stand-up comics right these are the comedian's who go on the stage they stand up in front of an audience and they tell jokes stand-up comedy is another kind of performance talking about music in England we have some festivals music festivals and this is a bit different from a concert because it's not just one concert it's a series over two or three days where people congregate in a field full of mud in a farmers field and they put up a stage and all of these famous singers and groups from around the world will come and you sit there in the pouring rain really happy no it's great fun and all the people come together to watch the concerts the big ones I think are Glastonbury and Redding also big festivals so you could talk about that maybe you have something similar in your country in addition you may want to talk about sport because a lot of sport is performance right football we talk about the football matches is a live performance if you go and watch Real Madrid against Atletico Madrid and you're in the Berner bow and it's this massive stadium with 80,000 people it's a live performance going on also boxing is another one you could talk about or most competitive sports I think right so there are some different kinds of performances you could talk about let's look at the next question do light performances have to be outside or can they be in sight what a strange question and an interesting one right I mean let me think off the top of my head it depends on the performance most most performances could be either or weather permitting you can perform outside whatever you're doing you could do ballet theater sport outside so long as the weather is good enough but on the other hand there are some performances and I'm thinking especially music where it's better indoors because you get better acoustics so many indoor theaters have special wooden ceilings and walls can't remember the name walls yes basic elementary English Keith they have wooden ceilings and walls and they have great acoustics so the reverberation the sound is much better indoors especially for classical music I would say so it does depend on the the performance of course if you're outdoors there can be problems with the weather and the biggest problem I think when you're outdoors is imagine those rock concerts right when there's a 10,000 people and you're very very back and you can see the little little little man or the group on the stage like matchstick toys and you can't see them even though they have a screen it's not quite the same again football matches you're at the top of the stadium they can't even see the football it's like a little fly you can't see very well so although the atmosphere can be very lively and jovial then you can't really see so maybe some events and performances lend themselves better to being indoors that's nice isn't it lend themselves to being indoors it means they're more suited to being indoors so rock concerts lend themselves to being out classical music lends itself to being indoors a good language hey write indoors or outdoors next question do you think entertainers have a difficult life well many for most people the instant reaction is of course not they're loaded they're rolling in money they have more money than I have had hot dinners I mean seriously is it a difficult life of course not that's your first reaction okay and that can be true however when we think about it there are two kinds of entertainers aren't there there's the famous celebrity who is rolling in money I love that rolling literally rolling in money you have lots of money those famous celebrities are far few and far between not many of them few and far between but then we've got all of the other entertainers who are not famous but it's their job it's their craft they're working every day in in the local pub or local concert halls entertaining now their life is difficult couldn't find the word their life is a struggle for many of them because why because there's an they don't have the same financial security that you have from a job because some months you make money some months there's no income depending if you get a role or a job or a gig or a tour or a concert and so it can be very hard that financial instability is really taxing or tiring it's difficult right that's one thing and sometimes for these people it's a real struggle because their parents or family may be against the idea of them being an entertainer it's not the traditional job right of being a doctor or working in a library being an entertainer the associations with rock and roll and drugs and a decadent lifestyle or a bad lifestyle are quite strong so many parents may be against them and not supportive of them so nice words supportive so remember I always talk about word groups families word families when you learn the verb learn the adjective and the noun right to support to be supportive a support the family can be a good support sometimes so it can be tough right for these people who are not famous they're often waiting in the wings which is an interesting expression because it actually comes from theater when you go to see a play at the theater you've got your stage right and then you've got the little actors on the stage and you've got your curtains and behind the curtains it's called the wings of the stage and the actors who are waiting to come on they're waiting for their opportunity they're waiting in the wings and so we take this expression when you're waiting for your opportunity or for your lucky break you're waiting in the wings so many many entertainers are actually waiting in the wings for a big opportunity and they they can struggle let's talk also about the famous celebrities because although they've got lots of money usually is life easy for them in many ways it's not because their privacy is invaded they're followed um you know harassed sometimes by the paparazzi I was thinking before if Prince Harry and Megan you know there are they are they entertainers no they do entertainers donate but they're not entertainers as such they're more um the celebrities but they are harassed by the paparazzi and so much so they've decided to leave the royal family so for many entertainers and pop stars and singers and maybe professional athletes that Fame is a bad thing because you have no privacy and you can get scathing reviews from the media I mean really harsh critical reviews which many people could get upset about so they have to have hard they have to be thick-skinned that's the one be thick-skinned they have to be thick-skinned so they're not sensitive to these comments that they get because everybody and anybody is gonna be saying bad things or negative things about them so it can be tough for these you know famous entertainers as well there we go let's move on how has technology affected the entertainment industry so I think there are many things we can talk about here let's take the Internet as the key technology factor there are two things to look at one is the the technology and the other one is the entertainment industry technology we could talk about the Internet we could start talking about streaming we could start talking about social media all of those with the entertainment industry we could start talking about music we can talk about about what film as well and sport so there are different ways I think is sport and entertainment industry I guess it is actually although it's often a separate category so maybe you want to focus more on kind of music and film and that kind of entertainment so how has it changed well let's take the internet first how has that changed the entertainment industry generally but I think nowadays it's easy for anybody to get into the limelight or into the spotlight in the past it used to be quite difficult it was a hard road to become famous it was very difficult but now because we've got the internet there's a culture of creation everybody is creating not everybody of course not everybody but lots more people are creating their videos their books their songs their music and they're putting it online often through social media kind of channels some specifically for music or for film and so they can get a wider audience and become more well-known and so I think the internet is changing how quickly people can reach their audience and entertain them so that's the one and another thing is it's really a lot easier now to get the kind of high-tech tools that we need to create music song dance film right so the the price of equipment has come down you can buy a cheap DSL camera you can get a fairly good quality microphone for a reasonable price much cheaper than before and you can be up and running and making a film or a song and putting it on the internet for a cheap price and quite quickly and effectively and so it's made the whole creation and entertainment industry much more accessible for the artists and much easier for them to reach their audience because they're creating what because they're creating different stuff because they're creating more stuff the downside of course is that the quality for example of recordings has gone down so your typical mp3 and audio recording is much lower than the old-fashioned CDs that we used to have because they're trying to compress the sound and put a lot more songs on your iPod if they still exist and so the quality has gone down a little bit in order to have more and a higher quantity certainly equipment is cheaper when it comes to film and music I think it's good to talk about streaming because technology now has changed the whole game in the entertainment industry whereas before you're musicians and filmmakers are used to sell the old vinyl albums or DVDs right you would buy a unit and it was about ownership you had it now ownership is old-fashioned now it's about streaming you never actually have the content but you watch it you pay a monthly subscription fee to watch streamed content so the whole way that we access and enjoy entertainment has been revolutionized by the internet let's take one more question to what extent does the entertainment industry impact a country economy I've got no idea honestly if you ask me that question I can probably make something up but what a difficult question so when you're practicing and getting ready for IELTS go on the internet do a bit of research that's what I've done because this is a challenging question so let's find out what a bit of research might tell us so let's have a look at this website that might tell us a little bit about it thirty stats that statistics that reveal the economics of the entertainment industry that's just what I need so what does it tell us the shifting sands of Technology and economics have created unique challenges across segments of the entertainment industry over the past quarter century much of the change in our business is done in music film and art boils down to one catalytic factor the Internet great so it is all about the Internet that's true now you want to be careful that you don't want to speak like this because this is not how people speak right don't say the shifting sands of Technology seriously that's just poetic it's written language you want to pick out the phrases that might be useful for you one of them is this one it boils down to that's a great spoken expression you can say well the impact of Technology oil it all boils down to one main thing the Internet all right it talks about revenue models that's a nice collocation so the whole revenue models of artists has changed because of the internet and really the whole media landscape has changed so these are nice collocations but be careful how much you read and how much you actually speak natural English how do you know yeah stick with me and I'll tell you it goes on to talk about things like although advents like peer-to-peer sharing great streaming the immediacy of relationship between artist and fan that's a bit written you may want to talk about how close the artists and the fans are but these are great little expressions streaming we've talked about peer-to-peer sharing right so you can talk about that how it's changing all of these things how does it affect the economy when it comes down to give us some stats let's have a look so this is mainly for America because it's an American website revenue from media and entertainment 22 trillion so research tells us that the revenue from entertainment in the United States is huge maybe that's because more and more people are enjoying their free time they're attracted by more and more high-quality streaming content and so they're investing more money so it is having a big impact you what's interesting though is that of all of this money that the music industry is generating musicians only receive 12% of that figure so the artists are not getting everything it's also interesting that 70% of the music industry market share is split between three giants Universal Sony and Warner so you can go on and you can do a bit of research cuz this is what I do because I had no idea about this question and this can give you one or two ideas about how to do it so there you go do a bit of research so there you have it a few quick takeaways are one be careful not to pick out written English but make sure you're picking out good spoken English and get great ideas from the internet try and use reliable sources but to be honest whether the research is true or not nobody cares especially not the examiner they're only looking at your English so don't worry too much you can even make things up I didn't say that though really you cannot quote me let's move on so those are some interesting ideas right let's see if I can now answer that question so what extent does the entertainment industry impact a country's economy I think it has a huge impact because I think nowadays more and more people are spending their free time and their money on entertainment whether it's going to see concerts or live performances of music dance or ballet certainly it's having a big impact on the entertainment industry what's more as more and more high quality content is being created such as Amazon films Apple series HBO series this attracts people to to buy this and they will be happy to pay a monthly subscription fee to watch high-quality content and I think the the revenue that countries I think the revenue that the industry is getting from streaming is is huge I read recently I read recently that in in the United States alone the entertainment industry is creating 2.2 trillion dollars a year so clearly it's having a big impact on the country's economy and listen guys that on that note my final answer I'm gonna wrap up we've looked at performances answering part3 questions and your approaches to doing that remember to go deeper into your answer and examples and examples that's the key plenty of examples and you should do very very well stay with me in the future we'll be doing more topics around part three to help you really tackle this difficult part of the IELTS speaking test if you've enjoyed this video please do subscribe if you want more check out my online course on udemy come over to Facebook and watch me with the live classes there and you can join in and also if you really want that one-to-one contact contact me on I talky where I do classes there that's it thank you very much for joining me I hope you have a fantastic day go and enjoy some entertainment I think I'm going to take care bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 126,966
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Keywords: ielts speaking part 3 performances, ielts speaking tips for band 9, english speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking success, prepare for IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking, ielts speaking questions 2020, ielts speaking questions and answers 2020, IELTS Speaking Part 3 tips, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS Speaking Part 3 2020, events ielts, events ielts speaking, performance ielts speaking part 3, performance ielts speaking, performance ielts cue card, Ielts speaking practice
Id: 3Y83io48IXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 15sec (1695 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.