IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of SOCIALISING

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[Music] ah hello there my friends hi nice to see you welcome um to today's live lesson um very excited about today's lesson we're talking all about socializing now socializing well that's making friends meeting new people getting to know people we'll be talking about the language about work socializing with colleagues students university everywhere you need it'll be very very exciting i'm looking forward to it so before we get into it let's begin with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello my friends welcome it's very nice to see you it's wednesday the 3rd of november and today god autumn is here i'm looking out of the window it started drizzling and then it was raining and now it's just pouring down drizzling raining pouring down oh dear autumn's here it's getting very nippy and cold and chilly but not to worry we're nice and snug inside and today we're going to have a live lesson we're going to talk all about socializing socializing is basically meeting people making friends getting to know people making contacts um it may be at work it may be in a club it may be at university or even school it's a very important area and we're going to look today at the language in english you need and maybe one or two tips to help you socialize right great um let's see now i can see quite a few of you are here which is great you've obviously seen my messages that today is the live lesson i know it's usually thursday but i've had to change it to wednesday because i'm going away tomorrow just for a short trip um and so we're here today and also notice the clocks in spain and europe have gone back we do this very mystical thing where we switch the clocks back an hour and the rest of the world goes huh what happened anyway we are um here it's 10 am same time as always for me but it might be a different time for you let me see who's in the house who's in here raya hello germit singh hello we've got el kaing from myanmar nice to see you rabia tiramazi hello there blue moon interesting name great el if i pronounced it right great um love preet kaul from punjab in india nice to see you here mohammad radwan mo very very good nice to see you here as well so here we are um today as i said socializing wow lots of people from all over the world today is a public holiday in japan did you know i didn't know that it's almost like i planned it kenny so make sure that you could attend almost sebastian says in english of course let's keep it all in english absolutely um miriam from germany great el ham says i'm not social at all um right well interesting we're gonna we're gonna sort that out we're gonna make you a sociable person by the end of the lesson okay so what we're going to do today let me just go through some of the activities that we are going to do today so as i said socializing vocabulary that's our main theme right we're going to look at the main vocabulary to talk about this we're then going to talk about socializing at work but also at university because i realize we have quite a lot of university students as well so socializing maybe at university um but also at work and how you do that and the language you may need we're going to look at small talk right this is the kind of the the when you meet somebody new and you talk about rubbish not rubbish it means you don't go very deep right into a conversation you normally have some small talk about the weather or something we're going to be looking at different kinds of small talk today and also some idioms on this topic of course and we're back with kahoot and if you don't know what kahoot is you better stick around stay to the end and you will find out what that is so lots of interesting stuff today right socializing vocabulary excellent i'm going to kick off as always um by looking at the vocabulary to start with say a few hellos just as i'm sorting out my notes hello catherine from belgium litty from kerala in india nice to see you here keith are you from spain no i'm not i'm from manchester in england but but i i came to spain because they've got lovely weather except for today it's like being back home in manchester pouring down today never mind the rain's still good it's not the weather that makes you happy right it's your own choice so let me um let me kick off oh and i just wanted to say because um some of you may know that i've already started the new course ielts speaking interactive we are we have started this week that's all happening lots of activities going on um that course is closed for the moment if you are interested um it will probably open again next year i'm imagining february maybe not january because when the course finishes at the end of december i'll be looking at kind of improving the course and then probably february but i will let you know but if you still want to study at the moment with me you can still study on this course over here the get a band 7 plus this course is on my website you can you can get it it's a self-study course you can join anytime you study in your own time at your own pace so this is still available you can still study this with me absolutely um the links i'll just ask the moderators guys if you can to just put the link in the chat and people can find it or you can go to my website right and get it on the website as well you'll find links there all over the place as soon as you go what's my website good question the website is the keith speaking academy and if you go and have a look there you will find different links to the course lots of materials about ielts speaking okay those of you who like facebook you can follow me on facebook at the keith speaking academy as well um we're we're up there doing lots of stuff and what else well if you're on youtube please do remember subscribe and turn on the notifications so you can find out about more stuff coming up talking about youtube um these live sessions um if you want to check the times because to be honest this month and the coming month things are all upside down there's so many things happening with work with family got a trip back to the uk there's all sorts of stuff happening my timetable is moving so what i've decided to do is let me show you on the youtube channel right if you go to the youtube channel you'll see here at the very very top i've just put the timetable for the month you'll see up there so for november right we've got a live lesson today there's a recorded video next saturday the 13th and then another on the 20th and then our next live lesson is on the 25th so i've just put the timetable for november because everything is topsy-turvy it's all upside down november and december so there you go you can find out the activities i'm doing on youtube and facebook here you can watch the live lessons on my facebook page or on the youtube channel of course okay so just to let you know the channel is english speaking success easy to find easy to remember i hope cool nice so we've got some people from the course cass is here hello cass nice to see you she's on the course on the interactive course brilliant right excellent so vocabulary let's jump straight in and start talking about socializing so social socializing comes from the verb right um to socialize so to socialize basically is to to meet other people in simple words is to meet other people um socializing then is also a noun i mean it comes from society society is people right groups of people basically um but you can also have socializing as a noun i hate socializing it's not true but it's not i yeah let me let me change that i don't mind socializing i've changed it socializing as a as a noun right i changed that because between you and me [Music] i'm quite an introvert right especially with other people i'm very happy spending time on my own i don't mind mixing with people and socializing and getting to know people but i'm also very happy just sitting on my own with a book i mean that's just me right so socializing some people love it some people don't mind some people hate it we'll see anyway the noun socializing society group of people basically right so we've got two adjectives we've got social and sociable but let's be careful because we use them a bit in different ways social is to describe things right sociable is to describe a person so you may say i'm very sociable right that's fine don't say i'm social no right i'm i am a sociable person right that's what we would say i'm a sociable person social is used for things like let's say a social worker who works helping families in society who need help right um we can talk about social benefits is the money the government gives to help people without a job or with with difficulties in their lives right social benefits social worker a social club in our neighborhood we have a social club for young people to help them meet and get off the streets and uh you know be with people of their own age so social is more about things sociable is more about people right let's see let's see what you guys are like let's see if you are sociable or not and mars says i don't like socializing i prefer spending my time at home watching your awesome videos love it right jana tool hello nice to see you here reiya says i'm not a sociable person perfect nice i mean your english is nice yes we've got social networking of course that's another good example social networks social media obvious examples i miss social networks which are really the same thing i think great social media says nadja thank you very much yes well pointed out excellent sociable means talkative yes yes it's it's an interesting question gesso because i think being sociable is a very important balance between listening and speaking right sociable people are often talkative but some very good sociable people are not very good some very sociable people are also good at listening right so i think it's a balance of both great what else have we got who else is sociable mariam i'm sociable medi i'm a sociable person lovely great mari bonjour right mona says socializing is vital in arabic culture now that's interesting because i do recognize certain cultures put great emphasis on socializing for work for getting ahead for making progress right whatever it is very very interesting nadja says i'm i'm i'm so sh not a sociable if you say ah right because sociable is not a noun then you have to say you have to put a noun i'm a sociable person great niger thank you very much for that that's lovely that's helping all of us sort it out right flita says i'm an introvert but really like to talk with my close friends and nice people yes very good great savincha i'm sociable right paola says i'm a gregarious person lovely same thing paula i'm going to say if it's a person you do need the ah right you've got to have the ah adjective noun noun a gregarious person a sociable person like narja said right excellent thank you for sharing guys lovely let's move on sociable so other words you may look at if you want to talk about sociable people right other similar words we can say friendly he's very gregarious which is what exactly what paulus said um [Music] affable affable means friendly somebody is friendly approachable it it is what it sounds like if it's easy to go and talk to somebody to approach somebody then they're approachable they're sociable um it they're easy to talk to right so these are all very similar words easy to talk to affable just means friendly i'm trying to give you the kind of the nuance of the meaning here gregarious is more outgoing you like sorry outgoing you like meeting people friendly obviously friendly okay so you can use these words as well let's just get the pronunciation right because they're not that easy to pronounce so i'll just give a short sentence and you tell me if it's true for you right i'm friendly now you repeat unfriendly what i want you to do is to also change it to make it true for you so you may say i'm not friendly i'm not friendly or i make i'm extremely friendly okay so let's repeat first friendly true for you repeat gregarious gregarious gregarious gregarious i'm not a gregarious person true for you next one repeat affable affable i'm trying to get my hand in the picture at the ball after ball let me do it this way affable affable affable a bit like apple i'm quite a laughable person true for you approachable approachable i think i'm quite approachable true for you right good okay excellent so some nice practice there good um we're getting some interesting things coming up here meddy says i'm quite an affable person good natured yes you can also be good natured yes um fight says i'm a gregarious person and i like to mingle in social meetings great sahar i'm extremely affable nice i'm a little bit affable person oh this is an interesting one i'm a little bit of a laughable person now we have to add this is confusing i know i'm a little bit right is your is your claws a little bit that's one clause so you still need another ah i'm a little bit of an affable person so think of a little bit as a clause or a a chunk i'm a little bit of i'm a little bit of an affable person complex but nice thank you pradeep that's lovely i love your own photo as well great guy i'm a banana person seriously great okay amiable is good yep that's the latin root word amiable friendly let's add that because that's the nice one friendly affable i'm gonna put that next to a mutable affable a amiable excuse me great sonia great okay some nice expressions there let's look at the opposite though right if somebody is not sociable we may say he's unfriendly or he's rather unfriendly often we we're quite diplomatic right we want to make it softer so let's say he's rather unfriendly other words solitary aloof cold solitary i mean again pronounce with me solitary solitary solitary from solo alone right so that means like likes likes to be on their own aloof aloof aloof aloof is um it's not two words it's one word to be aloof to be aloof is to be cold and distant from other people right so to be distant in the sense not physically distant but emotionally distant so you're a bit cold right to be aloof to be cold similar thing right you know when you meet some people and they some people are like oh it's great to see you give me a hug great right that's friendly or amiable affable some people though oh it's great to see you oh hello how are you all right right aloof they're a bit distant they're emotionally cool or cold so some people are aloof so of course you may be you may be a very friendly person but in a different time and context you can be aloof so i guess aloof is not your personality aloof is an emotion you may have at a certain time right um i'm sure if you see me at a party with people i don't know i'm a little bit aloof right because maybe i'm nervous and that makes me aloof actually deep down i'm very affable but i might be aloof in a certain situation i love that word aloof i don't know why it makes me laugh i'm aloof are you really i am yes i'm aloof okay lovely what else have we got florence says yes i'm very shy but i'm a very affable person i'm sure you are i'm sure you are i'm a very i'm ah i'm gonna add you ah lots of people today are missing the ah so there you go florence that's my present to you is right syad says people who always smile on their face are more approachable yes good this is interesting syed because notice you've put his face but people could be male or female so if we don't know it's male or female what do we do in english we put there solves the problem right even though it's one person people but people's plural people who always smile on their face are more approachable i totally agree uh syed that is so true you see a smiling person you think ah i'll go and talk to them yes florence says i'm not a gregarious person gaurav says i'm overwhelmed by the the affability of my neighbor is your neighbor too friendly right some people are too friendly i totally agree yes great sabbah says my bosom friend is quite affable as well as down to earth right good great affable amiable amir yes totally they're the same yes he says i'm a person who is so approachable lovely very nice english love it very nice thank you very much great so we've got two sides of the coin sociable and unfriendly aloof let's move on talking about meeting new friends okay let me just come over meet new friends oh i wrote acquaintances as well because this is important right um can i just make that a bit smaller meet new friends make acquaintances some people use friend and acquaintance as the same they're not so an acquaintance is somebody you know but they may not be a friend at work you probably know a hundred people your colleagues right now they're acquaintances but maybe only five five are your friends so there's a difference right let's just make that clear because it's really important and i'm going to explain why in a moment an acquaintance is someone you know but let's make it an acquaintance is someone you know but may not be a friend [Music] no but is not excuse me is not a friend is not b is not a friend it's important um because if you talk to somebody and you say that that they are your acquaintance you're telling them they are not your friend imagine i'm down the pub and i meet some new friends i'm socializing i have a drink we get to chat we have a great time we tell stories we um you know we even listen to some music we're in the pub we're drinking we're chatting exchanging life stories giving each other some phone numbers and you know having a great time and then at the end of the evening i say nice to meet you now we are acquaintances what a terrible thing to say that's like saying you're not my friend but you should be because we've just spent the whole evening so be very careful with the word acquaintance it's somebody you know but not a friend if if you make friends call them a friend right don't call them an acquaintance so that's why i made a note of that right making so making friends to make new friends to meet new friends to meet or to make right you can say both there's a very old-fashioned phrase in english right that says when you meet somebody in english nowadays we say nice to meet you shake hands nice to meet you a long time ago people would say nice to make your acquaintance shake hands it's nice to make your acquaintance which is important right because to make your acquaintance is to meet you it's not friendship that's why it's very important but that's quite old-fashioned we don't say that now we say nice to meet you right but be aware of the word acquaintance it's not a synonym we can talk about to make friends as i said to hang out so with friends these are other words we can use to hang out with friends um let me just put these into some simple sentences right make friends i would like to make some new friends let's see i would like to make some new friends i like to hang out normally with hang out with friends to chit chat is just to chat have a simple conversation about simple things so probably not about climate change but about food holidays sitting in the sun having a coffee to chit chat so i love um i love to chit chat with friends over coffee to chit chat with somebody over coffee over coffee notice right because it's not that you're floating in this in the sky but it means that your your chitchat is over the coffee the coffee is is underneath and talking of which as you and i are chit chatting now where our chit chat is over the t so we're having a chit chat over tea i like to chit chat with you over tea maybe you're chit chatting with me over coffee i don't know over to chit chat or to have a chitchat right it's like to shower to have a shower we can say to have as well i love to have a good chitchat with friends there you go i'm going to put in a real example i love to have a good chit chat with my friend adley okay so to have a good chit chat it's yes why a good chit chat a nice chit chat brilliant so all of these um connect as well to connect with somebody to connect with somebody um this is interesting because it has kind of a particular meaning for me um so on the one hand if you want to make contact with somebody you say let's catch up soon right so to catch up is to make contact to make contact you know meet and go out [Music] let's catch up soon but to connect doesn't mean that usually to connect is more about two people getting along well having a good relationship if i say we really connected that means we got along like a house on fire again let's go back down let's go back down to the pub we're in the pub we're there we're having a few peanuts we're having a bit of a drink maybe a beer i don't know and you're meeting people you're socializing and then you meet one person i'm there i'm chatting to this person and we get on really we just click we're on the same wavelength we click we get on really well we connect that's the meaning of connect to connect is to have that really strong connection or contact or relationship so it has a slightly different meaning it's not let's connect next week no let's catch up next week but if you connect then it means to get along well right other expressions let me roll this up this deserves a page of its own to get along well or right to click with someone um to get on like a house on fire i think i said like a house on fire not that that's good but it is good i know literally it's not good but metaphorically it's good um [Music] yeah so that's to connect to connect is to get along well uh to click to get on like a house on fire we really connected okay so slightly different from catching up i think you can see the difference right to click we really connected yeah [Music] good excellent now then we've looked at lots of vocabulary let me see what else have we got any more vocabulary wes we do even more vocabulary a little bit more ways to say to visit a friend now these are phrasal verbs and i love these because they're so informal they're quite colloquial they are perfect for ielts speaking right some people do say to me now and again but keith ielts speaking is a formal test right no no no no no no ielts speaking is a test of your natural spoken conversational informal english right you need to speak in a natural way informally colloquially it's fine that's why we've got idiomatic expressions most idiomatic expressions are colloquial informal language we use in speaking yes some can be written but most are spoken so ielts is about informal language it really is not slang and not vulgar swearing language no but informal yes so phrasal verbs are great and i love these phrasal verbs they sound so cool pop over you must pop over next week for dinner right to visit a friend why don't you pop by tomorrow i feel like i'm in england when i say that it's so british um i'm not sure if they use the same in america i think drop and stop probably pop i think is very british please pop by tomorrow do you want to pop by next week i love it it's so british me and my tea great sat here in the rain oh i think i'm nostalgic for england i really do been over two years right two years since the kovid i've not been back to england i think i'm seriously getting very nostalgic pop by i'm i mean the good news is i am going to pop over to england in a couple of weeks as i mentioned right drop in it's the same all of these are the same do you want to drop in next week can you drop by on tuesday why don't you stop in and have a coffee tomorrow um i tell you what i can stop by tomorrow at six o'clock is that okay great all of these are ways to visit a friend and you can use these in your stories right if you're in your stories i mean in part two for example right when you're talking about a situation or an experience or an event and then i went and i popped over to see my friend and then we went to a party together i remember a very very interesting time i went out for dinner so i i stopped by at my friend's house and then we went to the restaurant together you can use these in many many different ways right i love these phrasal verbs great um let me see how you're doing i've neglected you i forgot you were there i was in england you can stop by to visit perfect i love it great that's nice nadja says i will drop in new tuesday next tuesday i think you mean yes brilliant good my bosom friend sarah would often pop by to catch up on what has happened to me over tea meh that is uh outstanding that is beautiful that is so so nice and i'm so impressed because your ability to use all of this new language that's fantastic wow wow if i had a heart i would throw it on the screen lovely great fatty thanks for stopping by are you maybe you're making a joke with the bye right that's quite funny because bye means bye bye it's like you're being ironic thanks for stopping by and then go away are you trying to be funny because that is very very funny i like it ah right you've changed it next but actually you're right so by is by but in a very funny way that is very very funny i like it uh sabbah says i'm gonna pop over in spain oh i'm gonna pop over to spain i'll pop over to if you're going to a place with travel yes pop over to spain i'm gonna put a capital s otherwise all the spanish people be very upset with you when you get to immigration the border control they won't let you in they say are you the guy who spoke spelt s you spelt spain with a little s i saw you on keith's video you can't come in no so be careful s capital s right any others faria you're invited to pop by my home thank you so much can you send me the address i will be round straight after the lesson for a cup of tea we can have a chit chat over tea great uh i'll pop over and see my friend says i'm here lovely great any others swing by this is nice yes roselle swing by let me add that to the list that sounds a little bit more american because americans are much more swing by whereas british swing by yeah i like that nice it's good it's correct yes i'll swing by on tuesday i'll swing by after the class very nice thank you felix says he will stop by at his family house tomorrow great lovely good would you stop by tomorrow yeah yeah nice brilliant excellent good marie asks can you say to be wistful it is a synonymous nostalgic it's very similar yes it's very similar i'm a bit wistful today i am right i can tell um mirka says on your trip to england would you like to stop by in prague mika if the aeroplane has parachutes then yes if not no maybe at a future date but i love your sentence thank you very good when i go to my country i pop over my dearest friend i pop over yes i pop over to see i'm going to add that in it makes it more natural i pop over to see my dearest friend yes okay fantastic brilliant lovely lots of nice practice there okay lots of interesting stuff um i'm gonna move on and uh have a little drink just realized you can't hear that that's my jingle if anybody out there can make jingles please send me a new one because that one's a bit old hat i've had it such a long time i think i need a new jingle so i'm open to jingles if you want to send me one right i've got a question for you guys and here's my question where do you meet new friends i think nowadays you know people meet friends i don't know when i was young we used to meet friends in the library or in the museum but nowadays things are different excuse me i'm going to come to the friendship coach in a minute where do you meet new friends just um give me a comment below let me know and whilst you're doing that i'm just going to increase the font size i think this is too small beep bear with me a minute i just think the font is too small where do you meet new friends give me a message in the chat box i think that's better i'm not sure you'll be able to see it clearly i think that's better okay where do you meet new friends let's have a look mohammed says at work restaurant you meet new friends in a restaurant really i'm talking about new friends right wedding parties great good in club in in a club i would say in a club in a club um let me just move things across where else at offer at the office i tell you what we're all struggling with the and ah today aren't we at the office yep great um [Music] in the virtual world due to coved in the virtual world great um where else such social networking yeah on the instagram christina's gonna kill me because she says right i've given you the and then you tell me you don't need the not with instagram no because it's well it's a name it's like on whatsapp on instagram on facebook you don't need though okay um padisa generally speaking at the cafe is a particular cafe that you go to to meet people at a cafe um i meet new friends in social media on on social media yeah good connor says at work right good grocery store wow at the grocery store wow that's interesting yes and why not absolutely okay very very interesting so clearly there's there's lots of different places there's the physical places and then there's the virtual places like on instagram on facebook uh on whatsapp maybe whatsapp i think is more the no no on whatsapp um at work in the workplace in a cafe or in a museum in a library also in the grocery shop down on the edge of the street at the end of the street okay good so that's where you meet new friends um interesting the friendship coach i was reading this the other day and guys if you could share this in the um the moderators paula and madeira i'm sorry if you could share this in the chat the friendship coach i'm just going to show you it was a really interesting story and i think it's interesting about the concept but the language as well and it's about a woman if i remember correctly who had reached 30 right 30 years old and she felt she had no friends that she her life had taken a path particularly work and she just so focused that she was not making friends and she didn't know how to make friends and was getting a bit depressed and i think this is a very common situation in society today that people are disconnected and it's not so easy to make friends wow the last two years it's been almost impossible to get out and meet new friends and so she finds somebody this is in america who is a friendship coach right you want to learn english go to an english coach you want to make friends or learn how to make friends go to a friendship coach and this person shows her how to make friends and it's really interesting i mean i thought it was interesting i think it's worth having a look i'll share the link with you i'll just show you briefly on the on the screen now what it looks like um basically i hired a friendship coach oh come on websites i hired a friendship coach to help me make friends here's what happened friendships don't just appear you have to be intentionable about making them and you can have a look right the year i turned 30 so to turn 30 is to become 30. the year i realized i didn't have friends and i was heading into a new decade of my life feeling strong about my career and my life accomplishments and my relationship but when he asked me who i wanted to invite to my birthday party my mouth opened and let out a long trail of um and she's a very gregarious person very affable very sociable but then something changed friends got married and had children and she didn't oh this sounds so familiar to me i felt sad and lonely and then she met this counselor or this friend and it tells the whole story i hired a friendship coach it's really interesting if you want to practice your reading um it's really interesting if you want to practice your english it's great if you want to find some nice tips of how to make friends it's really good quite nice anyway guys go and have a look go and check it out the friendship coach i just wanted to share that with you excellent so i'm going to move on i'm going to move on actually to the next bit which is this we've talked about socializing vocabulary right um we're going to have a little chat about socializing at work but i'm including university here as well right um and look at the language around this kind of situation cass says this is so me yeah i really i really related to the story i thought it was very very interesting right ma john thank you very much right good let's carry on socializing at work so where was i i was here right speaking topics socializing at work university or school so the kind of language we're looking at making to make contacts right so again the difference between friendship acquaintance and contacts it's a little bit different i think contacts is quite clear right contacts is to know somebody because they are useful for you right um let me this let me put this in i think as simple as i can make it right let me see [Music] where are we here we are make contacts excuse me um to meet people because they can be useful now this is not necessarily a negative thing it doesn't mean you're manipulating people it just means well it's good to know these people if you make contacts at work you get to know people if you get to know your boss and your other people who are senior in the company those are good contacts right they can be useful for you in the future in a very positive way maybe you you go and chat to the um the the person who works in the grocery store or the baker or the butcher because it's useful to have that contact if you in the future need something special maybe they can help make contacts with neighbors right your neighbors may not be your friends but they can be useful contacts so that idea of kind of friendship acquaintance and context a little bit different i think socializing at work is about building relationships right so i'll just i'm going to make this clear these are verbs at the moment obviously you can make them nouns to build relationships with people that idea which it's good to build relationships build a connection with someone to remember we talked about that connection is that clicking to get on well so maybe you you think it's important to build a connection with your close team right the people you're working closely with you want to try and build a connection you want to make contacts with people in other departments and you can build relationships with everybody okay so build a connection with someone and build relationships with people and to make contacts more general okay um we talk about networking right especially at work um there are different events whether it's a conference a meeting um or or a social activity maybe going down the pub with colleagues that's networking so to networking is to meet people to meet people normally for work reasons [Music] so i'm talking in the context of work or university right so let's go and network let's go and meet people for work um so very often you will have networking events for working people i mean we have them in this city i've been to a few in santander where the working people especially people who work for themselves they organize these events you go along you take your name card you go and have a snack or something to drink you normally there's uh somebody speaking a presentation and then you get a chance to network to go and meet other people hello my name's keith here here's my card hello um i'm an english teacher how are you good nice to meet you here's my card there are different ways of networking right but essentially people want to build contacts build relationships sometimes make a connection with people that's what it's all about right networking so it can be a very important part of work similar is to mingle now to mingle is a bit more informal to mingle at a party or an event is to chat to people right so this is to to chat informally [Music] to people come on autocorrect to chat informally so to network is much more formal to mingle is much more informal in fact at a business network you need both you need to network here's my card and you need to mingle hey nice jumper where did you buy that oh you need to mingle as well right to network and to mingle lovely word mingle mingle can you say that mingle gull it's got the dark elder oh mingle mingle to mingle lovely to network to mingle so moving on talking about work how to make friends and influence people so there's a famous book right how to make friends and influence people i'm not sure how to win friends is the name of the book i've got it down here it's a famous book dale carnegie some of you may know it let me um let me just share it with you when i first saw the title i thought i don't like that influence people it sounds like manipulating people sounds very negative but actually it's really interesting even just for social life how to win friends and influence people look this is the one how to win friends and influence people dale carnegie a very old book but it has some golden nuggets some really nice bits of information it's worth reading right not just for work but just for meeting people making friends if you can have an open mind um i think it's good i think it's very very interesting so some of the things in that book right i think are just very common sense how to make hands be helpful right great i remember right going back when i started um this was back oh gosh 10 or 15 years ago when i started my first business so to speak educational business it was a small training school um about 15 years ago and i used to go to networking events and i used to take my name card and i used to meet people and and i would say stupidly but oh hello my name's keith um yes i'm an english teacher yeah i sell i sell training i sell training to companies we do all kinds of english training whatever your needs here's my name card right now and i would say that to everybody now not very helpful actually because most people are not looking for english training and the idea of changing that and being helpful was was a big game changer and so what i learned to do was to say instead of saying i'm keith i'm an english teacher is to say hello i'm keith what do you do oh right right so you you sell magazines right who do you sell them to oh right well i actually teach english is there any way i can help you and suddenly people would be like oh actually do you know anybody oh actually could you help with this oh actually can you help and suddenly click that connection building a connection because you want to try and help somebody instead of selling something it was a big game changer for me so being helpful one of the things it says in the book i thought was great be helpful listen is another now we talked earlier about socializing and being talkative but a key part of socializing is listening right dale carnegie says make sure the other person talks more than you right so listen more than you speak that's what a very very famous uncle once said he says look you have two ears and one mouth use them in proportion very clever uncle tom two ears one mouth so listen twice as much as you speak clever right uncle tom was a clever man so listen don't complain another great one because sometimes people just oh complain complain complain and people tend to push away right people who complain however building rapport is important right building rapport is the idea um of being on the same page right having the same emotion [Music] let me try and explain having the same emotion or being on the same page so being oh how can i explain this i'm thinking of an example right um don't complain but build rapport so what i mean is for example i'll take a simple example um i had a friend who came up to me right and said she just started complaining about work i hate my job i'm in the same job i'm so bored my boss is such an idiot really he's a complete idiot the other day he asked me to do this this and this i mean can you believe it what an absolute idiot i hate my job and this went on and on and what i tried to do apart from was to say no no but i'm sure your boss is is good really he just doesn't understand um but listen your job's great because you've got this and i'm trying to be optimistic and she's just complaining and so we're and in the end she got frustrated and says oh you don't understand boom okay so building rapport right a much better way is when she complains about oh i hate my job i hate it it's rubbish and my boss is an idiot if i say yeah you're right yeah your boss total idiot i can't believe he does that what an idiot and we build rapport right we're on the same page so i'm agreeing and i also complain yeah about her job your job ah i don't know why you do it your job is rubbish you shouldn't do it yeah and so we're agreeing and then later you can change and be optimistic but the idea of building rapport is really important because when you click then you've got the friendship and then you can influence people you can get them to change so don't complain but build rapport so maybe i complain a little bit in order to build rapport does that make sense i hope so if it doesn't rewind later this video is recorded uh come back and watch it again right um let me just come back because there's a few interesting questions yes yes yes medy you've got it okay so build rapport while complaining exactly that's it perfect um rapport is a french word yes good it is um somebody else had a comment which was very similar to build rapport to connect yes exactly exactly that is connect why is the final t silent because it's a french word that's why yeah great keith totally knows how to build rapport with his students ah i hope so to get on the same page i hope so thank you this is nice from sabha i can go out on a limb for my friends which means to make a big effort to help them so i can build a wonderful rapport with them yeah i think it's a good way to strengthen relationships absolutely sabbah totally agree yes yeah great good look at that manjira this is nothing to do with report but maybe you're building rapport with me you're the best i say i scored 6.5 in speaking by watching your videos just for three days seriously and that helps you get a seven well great job done excellent excellent um agree with each other yeah that's rapport basically fantastic so we've got be helpful listen remember your ears don't complain but build rapport smile is another one somebody earlier said people who have a smile on their face are more approachable and i totally agree i couldn't agree more um i think smiling just makes it much easier to build friendships it's so simple right it is i mean common sense but it's so simple but we forget especially at parties right gosh when i was 17 or 18 a few years ago and i was at a party i was mr nervous hello my name's mr nervous and i was like hello yeah my name's keith hmm okay yeah look at the face right would you approach me would you think i was friendly no and yet the smile hello everything changes so simple right so simple but dale carnegie hit the nail on the head when he said smile and remember names very simple right it does help when people use the other person's name oh hello jack again hey jack's thinking oh he remembered my name i must be important for him so remembering names i think these are fantastic very simple tips to follow to make friends and and influence people in a positive way right remember we're talking in the context of work university not only making friends but making contacts maybe acquaintances to to help you as well but to help others lovely how to make friends thank you dale carnegie for his contribution excellent i do recommend the book so we're going to move we're going to move um i'm just going to go back to my little little presentation thing this is great socializing at work we've talked about excellent let's move on let's talk about small talk right small talk is very interesting small talk is the trivial things we talk about when we meet people trivial means not important right that's why it's small talk it's not big talk it's small talk so the unimportant things we talk about when we meet new people when we meet new people we talk about the weather we talk about food we talk about our clothes i don't know all sorts of things i'm interested right um what in your country what do you talk about with small talk i mean i can share the ideas in england um but i'm interested to know in in your country what do you talk about when you meet new people um in england very much we talk about the weather we talk about sport right football did you see manchester united last night unbelievable they were so lucky right to get a 2-2 draw just because ronaldo saved them at the last minute sport food work hobbies and travel these are quite common i think in england um what do you talk about when you meet new people in your country i'm gonna have some cold tea let me give you a couple of seconds and whilst you're doing that let's have a bit of jazz whilst you're um getting your ideas together so [Music] [Music] do [Music] family health [Music] movies [Music] study [Music] school and the like subjects the subjects you like yeah especially for students right good culture [Music] politics it's a big one in spain as well everyone here loves to complain about politics well england too children interesting [Music] health again good [Music] weather [Music] politics not me right interesting use of we but not right interesting family [Music] how's life going these days yep very general [Music] right hobbies foods okay [Music] we like to chitchat about celebrity gossips and politics okay and uh i bet it says adele sorry first about the weather so it's interesting right because i think there's a difference between small talk with people you know and small talk with new people okay at least in britain definitely so with new people then yes the weather the sport food work hobbies travel yes however with new people [Music] find common ground so yes sorry so with these topics the idea is you're finding common ground to find common ground means to find something you have in common right [Music] something you have in common it's building rapport so if you say you know i don't know oh you're from um you're from albania what kind of food do you have there oh yes we love eating this we love fried chicken oh i love chicken i've got this special recipe and we're building rapport we're finding common ground through this small talk um talk about hobbies then again that's finding common ground be you that's my my message now in england though be careful with so with new people we probably would not talk about family religion politics age or salary right especially meeting new people because why well family because you don't know if they're divorced you don't know if they've got problems having children uh you don't know if somebody recently died in the family so meeting a new person and saying oh are you married well what if they've just divorced i mean how embarrassing is that right and they probably don't want to talk about it oh do you have any children what if they've been trying to have children for 10 years and they can't you can see the potential for conflict and upsetting people it's quite for british people it can be a bit of a dangerous area to talk about with new people new people of course with friends at work that you know yes how's how's your wife she's great how's your husband lovely of course but i'm talking about these with new people right religion again because you don't know if there's going to be a conflict if that will cause problems and politics right i mean imagine you you meet somebody new in your country and say oh our president what an idiot hey and imagine the other person really likes the president conflict so it's it's seen for us to be a very um a taboo area right with new people i emphasize right with people we know down the pub of course we talk about politics yes age oh nice to meet you how old are you salary i mean salary this was a classic because this happened a lot to me when i moved to china and there's a very different culture and what people will talk about in chinese or even in english is very different from britain so people would quite happily say a new person i meet in a in a new situation right in a party hello my name's keith oh hello yes you look quite old how old are you and oh you're a teacher how much do you earn what do you mean yeah what's your salary every month for me very embarrassing questions i wouldn't talk about but in that culture quite appropriate so i'm just talking here about british culture right we we are careful with these topics right with meeting new people okay that's why you know small talk is often easy but just a bit careful and that's why like ambrosia says talk about the weather the weather you can't go wrong right you can't offend people with the weather talk about names absolutely well ages personal with ladies only yes much more with ladies yes i think most men don't care um but you never know right it can be rude exactly yes and hassan says yeah i guess salary is personal exactly it's a personal thing we talk about pets that's great yeah you could talk about pets yes oh ravinder happy diwali to all very good point happy diwali to everybody great festivals you can talk about talk about education maybe yes okay yeah yes exactly good pdt says i think talking about salary is common in my country as well right right interesting jokes is a good one yep and that's something i noticed in spain is very very popular right people meeting and using jokes to break the ice absolutely emma lovely to see you weather is the best topic for small talks yeah small talk absolutely good even though it's different conversations small talk always in the singular good point emma lovely okay so small talk i'm going to move on um small talk listening and encouraging others i mean this is again it's about a lot of people when they're communicating in english they say i don't know what to talk about i don't know how to keep the conversation going well i think a key thing about keeping the conversation going is listening and encouraging the other person to talk right so if somebody is talking and telling you something about themselves it's very common in english to go uh-huh uh-huh really no way right tell me more right and then okay and we use this i think many languages do this but in english for sure um what you don't do is you don't listen because then a british person will stop talking and the conversation will stop british people need to hear this okay yeah oh interesting yeah yeah no really we need to hear that in order to carry on feeling comfortable generally speaking of course so this idea to keep a conversation going it's really important to use this tell me more aha uh-huh used to confuse my wife right my wife is chinese and she would say something and i would go uh-huh and she would repeat it again because she thought aha meant i don't understand uh-huh and she would repeat it i go no uh-huh means yeah i agree carry on uh-huh really no way that's interesting i mean really interesting not the uh boring interesting so there's all of these different ways to encourage people right and i'm sure this is the same in many languages but culture may be different now another thing when you don't really understand i think there are two things you can do so in your if you're in a conversation there's a bit of small talk and then you start developing the conversation with well with anybody whether it's a native english speaker or an or a french person or a spanish person or japanese or wherever if you don't understand sometimes this can be embarrassing right so there you are at the party mingling people are speaking english you're listening with two ears but you don't understand and then you stop and then somebody looks at you and goes what do you think because you didn't understand everything you've got two choices right you can be very open and say i'm sorry i'm english is not my mother tong i didn't quite understand can you repeat that right that's fine that's great you can be open i say i i didn't understand can you repeat that that's great the other way is to do what native speakers do because a native speaker doesn't say i didn't understand because they understand english some things a native speaker will say are i don't really follow now that means i don't follow means i didn't follow the conversation it doesn't mean i didn't understand the english it just means i didn't follow what you were saying it's basically saying it's not me that has the problem it's your explanation is not clear i don't follow right so you're kind of saying to the other person you're not clear make it clear or what do you mean exactly again you're saying i don't follow because you're not very clear what you said is not clear say it another way what do you mean exactly um or i i don't fully get it can you explain again again it's not about i don't understand the english it's that you the speaker over there you're not very clear i don't fully get it your ideas i don't fully get it i don't fully understand the idea can you explain again so i think there are two approaches when you don't really understand people and conversations in english you can be open and say listen i don't speak english perfectly i don't understand can you repeat or what natives do is we just say well i don't really follow suggesting you need to be clearer or i don't fully get it can you explain that again or what do you mean exactly right all of these are great sentences to help the conversation and if you don't understand particularly the last one is a great one in ielts speaking part three because remember we're talking about keeping the conversation going ielts speaking part three is about keeping the conversation going developing ideas but what if the examiner asks a question and you don't understand of course you can say i didn't quite understand can you repeat that but if you don't want the examiner to know that you don't understand you can say like a native speaker what do you mean exactly it's perfect it's fine it's perfect right so the examiner may say to you i'm trying to think that if an examiner is in a part three and the examiner let's imagine says so we're talking about climate change um what do you think of the recent yes what do you think of the recent um goals of governments around the world to reach 1.5 target what do you mean exactly and the examiner has to rephrase well i mean recently governments have tried to reach this target to reduce climate change do you think it's a good idea oh yes blah blah blah blah blah so this question what do you mean exactly is a great question because it's a question native speakers use to get clarification so oops wrong screen but it's great right what do you mean exactly so these are ways if you don't understand to keep going and help you in any conversation but also in ielts speaking nice i think even if i say so myself great good oh we've got some other good ideas here yes nandan says can you elaborate a bit yeah lovely that's nice as well very very nice yeah good what do you mean exactly i love that good what do you mean what do you mean is good but it's a little bit direct what do you mean if you want to make it a bit softer what do you mean exactly it just makes it a little bit softer right okay great what are you trying to say to me um oh grammatically it's good but it's a bit strong what are you trying to say to me um it's a bit strong i think that's too strong it's like how can i explain that it's like you're suggesting that this speaker has an a a an ulterior motive that they're trying to communicate something different and you're saying no no what are you trying to say to me it just sounds a bit strong it sounds too strong for me grammatically great but i wouldn't use that in the ielts test and i'd be careful in a conversation um yes it's very strong great ideas though this is the way guys exchange ideas and then we can help see what's appropriate or what may not be appropriate so yeah excuse me i didn't catch it can you please repeat it perfect siddenek perfect great great claire the same i'm sorry i didn't catch that can you repeat it once for me lovely yes yeah all of those are great brakes great can you make it easier for me if i had again in a conversation yes in the ielts test no you don't want to say to the examiner make it easy for me because that's saying my english is low you don't want to say like an advertisement oh my english is low so in the ielts don't say that no can you explain that right in a conversation with friends it's okay right but not in ielts yeah uh uh as well this one oh not this one sorry this one could you please enunciate don't say that not not in the ielts because enunciate means to pronounce clearly and if you're suggesting the examiner is not pronouncing clearly the examiner will not be happy it's a bit offensive um so don't say enunciate and it's very formal i wouldn't say that could you please say it again it's just better right some really interesting phrases there i hope that i hope this helps give you an idea right about what's appropriate and different techniques to help you keep communicating keep the conversation going right um good i'm going to move on very briefly this one winding up so if i'm talking about conversations here and communicating with people we were talking about small talk and then developing the conversation winding up then is finishing your conversation right and this may be for example at a party at a networking event at a work event and so when you want to finish the conversation maybe because you're tired or you're bored or it's time to go home very typically in english we say anyway and anyway if you watch my video the other day right means change the topic change talk about something different or do something different anyway and that just tells the listener it's time to stop and then we would use the the um present perfect continuous it has been nice meeting you or it's been nice chatting so it it's it has that's what it stands for it has been nice meeting you we use the present perfect continuous because it's the idea that an activity began in the past has been continuing to now but now it's time to stop it's been nice meeting you but shut up it's been nice meeting you but bye bye right it's it's a way of communicating stop but very politely so anyway it's been nice meeting you with the pronunciation it's been nice it's been it's been it's been it's been nice try with me it's been it's been nice it's been nice meeting you try again repeat with me it's been it's been nice it's been nice chatting okay and that if you're speaking to an english speaker that's enough they will understand and they will go right i mean you that's the scenario if you're in a meeting or a at a party anyway it's been nice chatting oh yeah yeah sure okay yeah time to go bye-bye they understand people understand what you're really saying right and of course it's true it probably is true even if it's not i mean you don't say well anyway it's been a terrible conversation i need to go home don't say that anyway it's been nice chatting whether it's true or not but i need to go or we're very euphemistic we can also say i'll let you get on so instead of saying i'm going is i will let you carry on um i'll let you get on i don't want to keep you so you're kind of saying i'm letting you go i don't want to keep you or directly i need to make a move to make a move means to leave right i need to make a move so these are ways of finishing that conversation in a nice way anyway it's been nice chatting it's been nice having this live lesson with you i need to make a move bye-bye that's it right that's how you can wind up the conversation lovely yes but joe don't leave yet we've not finished yet we're still going to do kahoot this is a nice one i think i've taken too much of your time that's lovely that's very polite very nice yes it's a pleasure meeting you it's been a pleasure right this would be better this would be better use the the um present perfect much better much more natural it's been a pleasure meeting you because the present perfect means stop it's been a pleasure meeting you oh right good you're leaving yeah i've got to make a move okay i have to run yeah good i have to make a move i have to run um i'm off catch you later these are great let me make a note i'll just add these i'm off catch you later i need to run and they're great because they're idiomatic right you're not gonna run away it just means i need to leave okay lovely i'm gonna move on very very briefly come over here just for a couple of seconds to have a look at from small talk have a quick look at idioms and then we're going to move on to kahoot i've just got a couple of idioms that's not true i think i've got four idioms five idioms to share with you some of these you may know we've got to break the ice to break the ice okay to break the ice is to really to start a conversation easily whoops so when you're at a party everybody's nervous nobody speaks you need to break the ice to break the tension help people relax that's probably a better explanation help people relax so you can break the ice with a game you can break the ice with a joke you can break the ice with a compliment right different ways to break the ice and again this is a common expression i think in many languages a fair weather friend well is a friend only when times are good which is not really a friend right because a friend should be with you through thick and thin when times are good and when times are bad but some people like to be with you when times are good but when times are bad bye they go they disappear this we call a fair weather friend so when the wet weather when the weather's good when things are sunny they're with you as soon as it starts raining they make a move that's a fair weather friend nice expression this is i think much more common in american english but it's becoming used in britain as well to chew the fat right means to chit chat i mean if you can imagine somebody chewing the fat if you're let me change if you're eating it looks like hello my name's keith it looks like you're talking right to chew the fat looks like you're talking so the expression to chew the fat means to chitchat to have a conversation informally that's why i say chit chat chit chat is more informal right informally yeah why don't you pop over and we can chew the fat over coffee can you pop over tomorrow and we'll chew the fat over a pizza or fish and chips to be a moaning mini is somebody who always complains someone who always complains do you remember we talked about complaining and building rapport um some people always complain and so you can say listen i know work is difficult but don't be a moaning mini right don't complain all the time so a moaning tube so yes let me change this slightly so to be a moaning mini is someone who complains all the time and the example is don't be a moaning mini okay lastly to give someone the time of day it doesn't mean to give the time hello it's six o'clock no to give someone the time of day means to give someone your time to listen to them so that means to to listen um to give someone the time of day to give someone your time and to listen to them [Music] so sometimes you meet people right and they just don't listen and you're asking for help and they don't listen they ignore you they don't give you the time of day but but you may find some approachable people especially in the workplace or at university you may find a teacher who's very approachable and will spend time listening to you they will give you the time of day right i think a good teacher will give you the time of day listen to you and try and help you so to give someone the time of day is to give someone your time and to listen to them that's basically what it means right so some bosses don't give you the time of day some teachers don't give you the time of day right my boss just doesn't give me the time of day just doesn't give me the time of your life time of day okay great those are some idioms to break the ice a fair weather friend to chew the fat to be a moaning mini to give someone the time of day nice lovely my oh my what has happened to the time today idioms last but not least kahoot so here we're going to do a final review and we're going to see which of you have been staying awake so it's a very very simple activity um kahoot will just do it together i'm going to go onto the website you need to keep watching here if you're new by the way but you need to look at wwe and then put in your name put in the code pin i'll give you and then we can play the game together so let me just uh set this up just give me a moment to get the kahoot ready and then we can play it together where are you come on socializing here you are right stay with me we're going to play together and i'll share this with you let me show you the website so you can see what's going on so as soon as you get there at put in the game pin which i'll show you now put in your name the game pin is two two nine two five seven eight two two nine two five seven eight um and then once you're inside we can start the game we've got four questions to find out what you've learned today we'll do a review of some key language from today don't worry if you can't get in you can put your answer in the comments as well that's absolutely fine power life see you soon so the game is kahoot it's a fun game but it's a nice way to us for us to review some of the language today nemo don't worry if you can't get in you can just watch the screen for the questions and put your answer in the chat that's fine lena nice to be with you farrier says i like to give my mother the time of day good for you monica says what a lesson hey good hope you like it mariam says my professor doesn't give me the time of day that's what you need to say yes okay we've got lots of people in i'm just going to make it a bit smaller so we can see okay let's begin let's get straight in there kahoot let's start socializing first question which of the following is the odd one out approachable aloof affable gregarious so which one is different that's what it means approachable aloof affable gregarious choose your answer you've got 30 seconds well not anymore you've now got six seconds right some good answers aloof fantastic 75 of you got the right answer aloof means cold and unfriendly all of the others mean friendly or sociable right excellent good let's check out the board vietnam is at the top dwong is me second adi is third somebody's got diarrhea oh dear let me just uh make this a bit bigger there we go that's better okay question number two you should blank over for dinner sometime pip poop pop or pipe you should blank over for dinner sometime meaning to visit of course what's the answer pip poop pop or pipe well done sriji sulfi car well done yazara well done a theater well done [Music] yeah look at that fantastic 124 of you got pop to pop over to visit great good let's see where we're doing oh dwang is me is up in first place bonjour is in second place right good somebody's in third let's move on question number three if you mingle at a party then you drink too much eat too much talk too much network what's the meaning of mingle if you mingle at a party what does it mean oh interesting well done as a web nav deep well done it means oh network but look at that 71 people said talk too much if you mingle then you talk no so to mingle is to network it means to to go around and meet people all of the others were red herrings you see right that's question three let's see how we're doing dwong is still second at first you amiko has come up to second fantastic talk and we've got a very strong vietnamese contingent here mary mary's in fifth place um and bao tang has a streak with three correct answers in a row interesting it's the last question i'd like to go for coffee and chew thee blank with my friends fat candy meat gum i like to go for coffee and chew the blank with my friends of course we're talking about chit chatting yoga your questions about idioms not quite the same no they don't mean the same a bit i'll explain another time fat yes to chew the fat well done hi we've got 103 people got to chew the fat which means to chit chat have a informal conversation i like to go for coffee and chew the fat with my friends not to the gum i mean there is chewing gum but that doesn't mean anything it's not an idiom chew the fat is the idiomatic expression great so let's look at the podium third place yumiko second which means i think dong is me is up in first place well done you absolutely brilliant nice hooray good so listen guys um come back how do i get you back here we are great we're back um it's been nice chatting anyway just to let you know right the if you want more information you can um you can find out if you want more information about ielts i'm just trying to find my stuff um and more resources go and visit the this is the website you can find out stuff about ielts up here lots of information lots of resources over here you can follow hello free resources yes lots of stuff there you can follow my blog um up here lots of information and tips on the blog the ielts speaking interactive course is enrollment is closed that's happening now the next course is probably february but if you want to study with me um i do have still the ielts speaking success get a band 7 course you can find it on my find it on my website self-study you can follow that great course really good preparation very flexible study when you want um so you can find out information about that again if you go to the website and click on that big orange button my online courses it'll tell you about those two quite well there's ielts speaking success and the fluency course you can go and sign up there and you can um find out about what other students said and you can sign up you can go and buy them now they're 22 going for a song brilliant so listen thank you so much for joining me today if you are on youtube do remember subscribe turn on notifications um if you want to join me on facebook then there's the facebook page there's also a facebook group you can come and join us keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking i cannot wait to see you next time do remember right for those of you who've just arrived to go and check the youtube channel what am i doing go and check the youtube channel to find out the dates of the live lessons so i'm doing two live lessons a month two recorded lessons a month okay so do go and check out on the website uh on the youtube channel english speaking success you'll see there at the very very top right if i bring this down the videos in november we've got a live lesson today the 13th will be recorded the 20th is recorded and the next live lesson thursday the 25th at the same time right so please do check the activities for november everything's changing a little bit but that's what's going on that's on my youtube channel you can find out all about that there so please do check as always it's been a pleasure i've really enjoyed being with you today i hope this has helped i hope it's useful with your study um that's it thank you very much let's leave with some nice pop music and i will see you next time around take care my friends bye [Music] [Music] cheerio [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 96,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking lesson, ielts speaking lessons, ielts speaking lessons pdf, ielts speaking social network, ielts friends topic, ielts friends vocabulary, ielts friends speaking, friends ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking friends topic, ielts speaking friends vocabulary
Id: NoTiuofSBDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 5sec (6785 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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