IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers - Part 3 Topic HEALTH

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hello my friends and how are you no really how are you it's a good question right because today we're looking at the topic of health we're going to look at some language vocabulary idioms and pronunciation tips to help you talk confidently on this topic all about health let's get straight into it [Music] hello my name is keith and if you don't know me i run a website called ielts speaking success helping you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on the ielts speaking test now today we're looking at the topic of health and it's a really important topic right for our lives especially for ielts students because you had to have a lot of stress a lot of pressure it can be quite demotivating sometimes and you need to keep your mental health strong all the way through i recently had a student asking me about the leap from band six to band seven she said she had been stuck at band six for several weeks and couldn't make up to a band seven and i thought wow several weeks that's nothing you see the gap between a band six and a band seven usually takes people months and months maybe up to a year it's a big gap much bigger than we think so i was thinking how to help and i said you know there are two secrets to getting up from a six to a seven one of them is practice and the other is feedback if you can get lots of practice in and get lots of feedback to show you where your mistakes are and how to improve then with time you will get up to the band 7 level now you may know that i teach i do give classes online but you may also know my timetable is totally full for the next two months so i have a solution for you i've been looking at different platforms and i found one that i really like and it's called cambly cambly is an online platform that has native speakers and it allows you to go in and practice your english at the time you choose the day you choose and the frequency it's a very flexible platform it's you can sign up for a month to do classes or three months which might be ideal for your ielts preparation and you can go in there choose your teacher choose the time practice any time anywhere really flexible and a great approach i think to help you practice questions and practice answers now very kindly the guys at cambly i spoke to them and they have decided to sponsor this video which means for you you're gonna get some discounts how cool is that so first of all they will give you with the coupon code and you get these in the show notes below you can get 15 minutes free to try out the platform and to have a go if you sign up for a month then you can get 10 off if you sign up for three months you get a 24 discount and if you go the whole hog i mean a full year you get 42 discount so it's worth looking at i think it's a great way for you to practice and to get feedback so you can actually get better and better and get really well prepared for your ielts test right now we're going to move on and talk about health health is a really common topic in ielts not only in the writing but also in the speaking and i think any of the language you learn here today a lot of it you could apply to the writing as well as the speaking especially the ideas right so at the moment there is a part two question that says describe an article you read about healthy living so for that part two well you could be looking at you could talk about an article in a magazine in a blog in a newsletter it could be anywhere even in a newspaper and talk about what it says the kind of things that are popular nowadays right are diets losing weight there's a lot of health advice about keeping fit getting active how to do different sports walking and running cooking there's a lot of health advice around homemade cooking super foods you know these really it's nonsense really but it's a marketing ploy super foods are these foods that have lots of extra antioxidants and vitamins and they are really powerful nutritions new oil nutrients for your body things like bananas apples um what else blackberries blueberries strawberries there's loads of them and of course they're nutritious but the notion of superfoods is a little bit of a marketing ploy but those are things that you may be talking about i'm going to look now today at part three questions a bit more general right the kind of questions you may get are how do people keep fit in your country do you think people take action on information they read about in health articles is it easier to live a healthy lifestyle compared to the past do you think health services should be free how could health services in your country be improved brilliant remember we never really know what questions we're going to get because the examiner will make up quite a lot of questions based on your answer but these are some common questions that could come up and really interesting ones let's look at the ideas and let's focus a bit also on the type of question here a lot of these are typical question types in part three for example the first one how do people blah blah blah blah blah right very common we've seen this in previous videos how do people keep fit in your country well one way of thinking about this is to ask yourself well which people right people it's a huge number of people if we're talking about young people oh now there's a nice signpost if we're talking about blah then i think if we're talking about old people then i would say if we're talking about women i would say if we're talking about middle-aged people i think right so you could break down the people into different categories right how do people keep fit in your country well if we're talking about parents i would say a lot of parents like to take their children out into the park on the weekend and go for a stroll they enjoy walking around the park maybe it's a leisurely pace sometimes the parents will go at a brisk pace which apparently is better for your health and i think they do it because it's a fun way to get fresh air to be active and also spend time with the family i know for it for instance in england many parks organize family activity days where you can go with the family and together with other families walk around the park for maybe two kilometers and sometimes you even get a little medal or certificate at the end so that's great things we could talk about right we talk about um keeping fit right improving your health um leading a healthy lifestyle now the first step is to get fit or to get into shape get into we connect get into tin to get into get into shape people need to get into shape it doesn't mean they become a circle or a square no it means they get fit right get healthy so people get into shape by doing something else now once you're in shape you have to maintain that level of fitness right so we talk about keeping fit keeping healthy keeping in shape so it's maintaining that so these are useful collocations for you right um good how do we stay in shape well some of the common activities right to go jogging go swimming go running uh go climbing so you'll notice the go ing is a very common one you can also say go for a jog go for a run go for a walk for a becomes furrow go for a walk stress on the last verb go for a walk go for a jog go for a stroll go for a climb go for a swim right different ways you can express it with quite a few activities especially yoga karate judo we say to do right so it's very popular in our days people in england like to do yoga or even to do pilates pilates is very very popular i used to thought it was called pilots and i thought it was only for the pilots in the air who fly the aeroplanes a special activity for them but apparently not pilates is an activity similar to yoga i think but more focused on your posture whereas i think yoga is more about your flexibility and your body and mind together i think i'm not a yoga guru so i don't know although i have done a bit of yoga right i practiced yoga for a year or two when i was younger but i've never done pilates so do with quite a few physical activities what do people do in your country to keep fit you could let me know write in the comments now when you answer this question um be careful not to just give a long list right it's very tempting to say you know how do people keep fit oh they people some people like to go jogging or maybe walking some people go running some people go swimming also some people do yoga do pilates blah blah blah and you're making a shopping list that will not impress the examiner i know you're thinking but keith it's wide vocabulary well yes and no it's wide but it's not very deep and in part three you need to dig deep right so i suggest you mention one or two maybe three but then take one of them and go deeper right so how do people keep fit well i know if you're if you if you're talking about older people a lot of them like to do yoga and do pilates a few people go walking pilates for example has become really popular lately in england there are even some local community centers that subsidize pilates classes to make it accessible for the elderly and you get huge numbers of people going to do it i think it's because it's it makes them very flexible it gives them a good posture there's also something about community and having a social club together where they can meet other people and practice the activity or the sport together there we go now that was digging deeper a little bit deeper but i think you get the idea right let's move on to another question do you think people take action on information they read about in health articles well again do you think people it depends on the people right so your answer could be well it depends i think on the one hand some people who've had a close shave or a close call and have fallen sick and they're a bit scared then they are more likely yes to take action on something they've read maybe a health article that recommends a certain lifestyle or a diet that they think will help reduce the the disease or the sickness that they have or that they're prone to getting on the other hand i think a lot of people don't pay attention to the articles they read about health um because we're drowning in health articles they're all over the place left right and center and although we may get a bit excited about taking action um we often there's a big build up but then we don't do anything so we're quite excited at the moment we're reading the article but then later time passes we get lazy and we don't take action so i think in many cases people don't take action at all right now so you can talk about the yes and the no i think it is interesting that um if you've noticed we are literally drowning in health articles right i mean on the internet there are health blogs fitness blogs and very often we don't know which ones are reliable and if we're not sure the information is correct then we're not going to follow the advice right we're not going to take action and i think that's a problem um there is also the idea i mentioned that there's a big build up there's a lot of hype around for example a new superfood suddenly um the pear is the big superfood that everybody wants to eat and it's becoming fashionable it's all the rage and so people want to buy it but a bit like a new year's resolution a week later the honeymoon effect has worn off the excitement has died down and people don't follow through they don't carry on eating it so i think in a lot of cases we don't take action on the articles that we read especially about health and fitness right great let's move on to another question is it easier to live a healthy lifestyle compared to the past right my approach with this question is to talk about the past and then talk about the present for example in the past physical activity was not so widespread we also had fewer facilities to work out there weren't that many gyms or outdoor gyms where you could practice sport there was also a lot less hype about nutrition we didn't have the internet so we weren't drowning in these health and fitness articles and what's more a lot of people had quite strenuous jobs there was a lot more physical activity for example people working in the factories would often have to do a lot more physical labor than they do nowadays today nowadays things have changed and we leave them we lead a much more sedentary lifestyle lots of people are sat at their desks looking at computers hi all day and so they're not doing any activity what's more there's a heightened awareness around nutrition and health with public campaigns and lots of blogs and information people are more aware of the need to live a healthier lifestyle there's been you know a plethora of gyms have cropped up around the cities it's just so easy and accessible to go down to the gym and to work out so i think nowadays for sure it's a lot easier um to keep fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle great i love that so it was a nice structure right we had in the past now things have changed or if you want to really boost your grammar now things have been changing in recent years and today it looks like this okay um in your test you don't need to do this yeah don't do the actions just do the talking i do that because i'm a teacher i have to show with my hands speak with gestures right so lots of things we can talk about there some nice language right okay we're going to move on to slightly more complex and abstract questions do you think health services should be free and why oh my well first of all you need to get an opinion and this is quite hard if you find a part three question where you go oh my i don't know um then just take the question copy it paste it into google and see what comes up if they come up with ielts model answers ignore most of those because you don't know which ones are good and which ones are bad look for other information maybe government websites or private websites talking about this issue health services and you'll be amazed at what comes up okay give you some ideas at least so with this question should health services be free um in many countries i think health services are free right um in particular in socialist countries where there's a sense of community and society and making sure there's free education free health for everybody so the advantage is that if health is free then it's accessible for everybody and you guarantee no matter who is sick they are able to access a doctor a medicine and basic health care treatment so it's really important i think yes in that respect they should be free at the same time their many countries have a dual system they'll have public health and private health systems the private health system is also good because it does give people a choice if people don't want to wait for months for an operation um they can choose to go private and get maybe a more one-to-one personalized healthcare a faster service of course you pay for that it's more expensive so it's not accessible to everybody but for those who can afford it it does give them a wider choice so maybe in that respect it's a good idea some countries have health insurance schemes which means that if you're paying the insurance or the relevant tax then yes you are covered of course the problem is if you're not paying tax or you don't have the insurance scheme then you're not covered this was the case for example in the united states where they had an insurance scheme and millions of people were not covered and therefore were not accessing health care and i think at that time was when obama came in with his obamacare and decided to try and make sure that everybody got access to healthcare not easy to change the systems and of course in emerging developing economies it gets more complex because a lot of people um in some you know emerging economies 60 to 70 percent of the workforce are working outside the formal economy so they're not contributing the tax payments so they're not covered by the health insurance and the health care system that's a huge amount of people not access accessing health care and getting the necessary treatment that they may need so there are clearly downsides to having that kind of health insurance um system right that's a long answer but hey that's cool you can speak maybe for up to a minute maybe longer if the examiner lets you don't worry in part three if the examiner cuts you off it's not a bad sign in fact in some ways it's good because it means they've heard enough on that question boom let's change to another one they want to check your ability to be flexible and talk on different topics and different areas so they will chop interrupt cut in quite a lot don't be surprised don't worry it's not a bad thing right at all okay so there are some ideas for you about healthcare services being free or being charged for let's move on to another question how could health care services or how could health services how could health services in your country be improved well again you may go oh my i don't know what do you do paste copy boom google or baidu or whichever search engine you use and have a look get some ideas you may want to talk here about the need for more doctors and nurses so maybe the health care system is understaffed nice word waiting times are always a problem people waiting a long time either for the a and e that's accident and emergency the emergency unit in england it's called a e waiting times for a e for doctors for specialists are often very very long you could talk about that um you may in your country talk about equipment that you need better equipment that the hospitals and the uh facilities are not up to par not good enough right by and large you'll probably be saying you want the government to make more investment in the health care system in many countries including england they have cut investment in health care and it's had a very detrimental impact right we have we are understaffed we don't have enough doctors and nurses in the uk there's a big need to employ invest more in employing more staff you may want to talk about um technology so digitalized healthcare there's a nice word digitalized to digitalize to make digital so traditionally everybody would have to go to see their doctor or the hospital and see the doctor one-on-one but there is a trend now that we're digitalizing healthcare so for example the doctor can treat you by video conference like this or the patient can send a picture for example they have a scratch or a rash on their hand they can take a photo send the photo to the doctor the doctor can give advice either immediate or even prescribe medicine nobody needs to move so this digitalized healthcare is a growing trend i feel what else oh there's a nice example of that digitalized healthcare in china now the baidu search engine allows you to book online to go and see a doctor or to go to the hospital you can book your appointment online it's a simple step but it's already cutting down and saving um on staffing time so improving the system so there's a lot you could talk about one other thing you can talk about i just remembered from my notes is about the education educating the general public on preventive care so most of our money most of the government's money is spent on solving the problem after it's happened people get sick and then we try to treat it but what if we prevent people getting sick what if people take actions to avoid being sick so there's been a big investment in the uk on preventive care campaigns encouraging you to have an active lifestyle eat healthy food take care of yourself in order to prevent sickness and that saves a lot of money for the government and and improves the healthcare system so you could also talk about that about preventive care you may want to go a step further if you're into this topic and talk about changing the way we think about healthcare because at the moment the doctor's at the center everybody goes to see the doctor but what if the doctor what if we took a more holistic approach and the doctor was a member of the team and so people didn't only go to the doctor but they re we rethink how healthcare works an important part of that is preventive care so people self-monitor and they keep a check on their own health and as and when necessary they go and do checkups so for example in the uk when you're 50 you go and do a cancer checkup no matter whether you're sick or not you go and do a checkup to help prevent and see or catch a disease like cancer before it gets too serious so that help happens you may also talk about bringing the alternative medicine sector working more closely with the more traditional sector so alternative medicines like chinese medicine homeopathy acupuncture working more closely with doctors to help prevent and solve health problems in the community those are some things you could talk about there's a lot to talk about right and finally on this question let me talk about the elephant in the room that means the one thing that nobody's talking about well i haven't talked about you may be thinking keith how can you do a video on health and not talk about the coronavirus that's the elephant in the room well so somebody actually asked me the other day will i be asked about the coronavirus in ielts the answer is no because the ielts questions if you notice are very general they're very wide they're never about specific things all your knowledge of things right they're deliberately wide that said you may use the coronavirus as your own example to show off your language and this last question would be a certain well a really good example right how could health services in your country be improved well one aspect that could be improved is international collaboration i think if the health services in different countries worked more closely together and with the world health organization we could tackle growing problems like pandemics for example the recent case of the coronavirus to help mitigate the impact of such pandemics and to help improve the health care we can give the citizens of our country right something like that so you could be using it as an example but don't worry nobody's going to ask you about the coronavirus i would be very surprised if they did but there you go that's something you could talk about w.h.o world health organization international collaboration pandemics right we are on the brink of a pandemic hopefully in a year's time we'll come back to this video and go what's the coronavirus i don't think we will i think it will still be here for a long time but we are on the brink of a pandemic the brink the edge on the edge of that's a nice word on the brink of write it down what do you mean you haven't got pen and paper seriously you're studying ielts without a pen and paper i know i know you're on the train you're on the toilet or wherever i know so well make a mental note right drink think of your breakfast on the edge of the table about to fall off right whatever you have for breakfast it's on the brink breakfast think think of your breakfast brink it's on the brink about to fall off got it if not go and get a pen and paper nice expression though we're on the brink of a pandemic so on that happy note i'm sorry but let's hope things are getting better soon i'm going to bring this topic of health to an end and also this video remember the secret as i said at the start it's the practice and getting the feedback remember our friends at cambly who have sponsored this video thank you very much guys um go and check out cambly you've got some great discounts you can start practicing all the links are down below in the show notes um start practicing get some feedback get really well prepared for ielts and i can't wait to see you in the next video thank you for joining me take care bye [Music] health is a really wide topic and a very one of another through to april we have two part two topics about health um no we don't we talk about keeping fit i think i think what facilities hype um what else did we have i'll have to go back and listen uh we're kind of drowning in health articles and so people don't know um for example oh right scratching my nose
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 536,763
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Keywords: ielts speaking part 3 health, ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking success, ielts health, ielts speaking health, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking part 3 tips, ielts speaking questions, ielts speaking part 3 questions, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking questions and answers 2020,, ielts Keith, ielts speaking topics 2020, ielts speaking topics health, Ielts speaking part 3 healthy lifestyle
Id: ZaI7zkQ8nxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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