IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of HOLIDAYS

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ah hello there hello good morning great welcome now i think some of you may be in the mood for a holiday well today is your lucky day because today we're going to be talking all about holidays so get your sun cream get your cat ready because today we're going to be looking at the language grammar vocabulary everything you need to talk fluently about holidays brilliant looking forward to it let's start right now [Music] [Music] hello there i'm all ready to go good morning how are you um good to see you here today's topic as i mentioned right is holidays great i'm sure a lot of people are really in need of a holiday i can't take you on holiday but we can do something very very similar listen if you don't know me my name is keith i run the keith speaking academy which is this website you may have have heard of you can go there and get lots of resources to help you with your ielts speaking um also i run let me take off the holiday bit i what do i run i run the um the youtube right english speaking success but also you should check check out this one right there's a new channel called um english speaking success shorts which is all about helping you a lot with pronunciation and just learning little snippets of english in like less than a minute very very useful very handy for you i do hope listen bye if you are by the way on youtube please do subscribe turn on the notifications to find out about other videos coming up soon take off that ridiculous hat you're indoors not outdoors great let's see um who's in the house today a quick hello amandeep we know you well sir thank you very much uh yo yo you're just back from a holiday in sian that was amazing i'm sure it was i love sian that's where you've got the terracotta warriors right very nice place navjot singh i'm very well thank you how are you um jojo from thailand thailand where are you from jojo thailand i think adel aliosofi nice to see you here welly hello right facebook user says please add more short speaking well i will add more short speaking um it's a very very good point um i'm going to add more well every monday that's the one english speaking success shorts if you go to um get out of the way if you go to google and just or youtube and look up for english speaking success shorts you'll find it i will i add a new video every monday and every wednesday and this is very uncomfortable yeah every monday every wednesday so look out for that great mastica medicos a hero you or me right harry hello nice to see you again nissan off hello lots of people in the house brilliant um good time then for me to explain what i'm going to do today as i mentioned we're talking about holidays um so let me just go through and tell you a little bit about the class today so you'll need your passport you'll need to get ready we're going to talk about holidays we're going to kick off first of all by talking about some vocabulary um a little bit of grammar as well mixed in with vocabulary i think actually grammar and vocabulary are very closely connected the way that we use a word is often about grammar right today there's a focus on uh the verbs with two and verbs with ing the gerund also known as aka um after that we'll be looking at holiday activities you know the kinds of things that you guys do on holiday um and what the british like to do on holiday um we'll talk about exactly the brits aboard so the brits are the british right british people um the kind of things or the stereotypical things that we do abroad not always true of course and by the well by the way well done guys last night england euro through to the final well done brilliant absolutely great game well done lads did very very well gareth will be very proud of you we're going to look at a toolbox so i'm going to share a couple of tools with you today that will help you learn english um we're going to do a relaxing visualization i'm going to take you on a virtual holiday in your head listen if some of you are locked down and you can't leave the house at least we can take a holiday in our head and we'll be doing that today and we're going to look at some idioms i'm afraid i don't have a kahoot today people might get a bit angry but don't worry we'll have lots and lots of fun in the meantime with everything else that's going on right but let's kick off with a bit of um with a bit of vocabulary and a few questions um abdullah hadi says where are you from good question i'm from manchester in england um but i actually live in spain so it's not a holiday every day although some people think living in spain is a holiday every day it's not but it's a lovely place to live yes um krishna says hi keith it's really great fun having you on my phone people around me just go crazy what's this bold english guy making krishna laugh out loud and now talking about krishna fantastic uh himanji has a quick query let's put your query up if i get rid of this i'm just going to take a couple of questions hello sir in speaking section 3 how long we need to elaborate our our answer our one answer our answer how many x sentences are expected for an answer it's very hard to say but um as a guide in poor let's say in section three it could be anything right from 30 seconds to a minute right the point is you need to develop your answer to say as much as you can um sometimes the examiner will cut you off quite quickly um because they've heard enough and they want to jump to the next question so they can test something else so don't worry about interruptions so if i say you know up to a minute that does not mean the examiner will let you talk for a minute they may but they may not the important thing is keep talking i i would say you know 30 seconds 40 seconds when you're practicing practice speaking 30 seconds to a minute try that but be prepared to be cut off by the examiner because it does happen right okay great vivienne hello from madagascar here's an interesting question last one then sir do you have any books written to speak english fluently i haven't written a book no i've written ebooks but to tell you the truth they're just pdfs um they're kind of ebooks pdfs but they're on my website you can get them there but i haven't written a book like an amazon book no i haven't written that but if you go and check out the go and check out my website and maybe i can just show you this right um you'll see on the first page there is here an ebook um common mistakes the 10 avoided the 10 most common mistakes in english so in english in ielts speaking so you can put your name in you can put your email in and you can go and download that there's also a book that might help you in the resources section which is free this one over here free ielts books it's just a free book about listening and reading materials it's the best podcasts and videos on the internet that will help you prepare for ielts right it's not really about fluency um so that is the quick answer to your question now i can't get rid of that wait a minute [Music] cancel cancel there you go that gets rid of that um but if you are interested not in a book but in a course i do have a fluency course haha i always have something for you um the fluency course is on udemy you can go and check it out go through the links in my website um and you'll get a discount and then you can go and check out that course it's not a book but it's a course great listen guys let's kick off let's get straight into um some vocabulary to talk about holidays okay ielts speaking vocabulary here is some useful vocabulary for this topic so in the uk and england i mean england of course united kingdom is england scotland wales and northern ireland in the uk we talk about a holiday um in the u.s they tend to use the word a vacation but they're the same meaning so we would say to go on holiday right so no so notice it's on right i'm going on holiday or to take a holiday i need to take a holiday i want to take a holiday so it means the same to go on holiday or to be on holiday right so in august i'm going to take a week's holiday and then i will be on holiday right not in at but on to be on holiday i'm going to take some time off is another common expression i'm going to take some time off or take time off work we understand it means that you're not working so it's a holiday i'm going to take some time off in august i will let you know later when so those are the basics we need your comments great man indeed i got a band seven in both my attempts well done excellent nice one we can talk about a public holiday um which is basically so a holiday when you're going on holiday is when you take maybe a week off work and you go and visit another city usually or another country however when there's a national holiday then that's called a public holiday like in england christmas day the 25th of december is a public holiday the 26th of december is a public holiday the first of january is a public holiday these are if you like national celebrations they may be religious they may be just national to do with the nation and the state maybe celebrating independence for example in the uk we often talk about a bank holiday so many of our public holidays fall on a monday um and if it is on a monday we often have a bank holiday a monday bank holiday people like bank holiday mondays because you've got saturday sunday and monday right bank holiday monday i love i love the tradition here in spain that even if the holiday doesn't fall on a monday the spanish build a little bridge so you've got saturday sunday and the holidays on tuesday they just make this little bridge called el puente and they say ah don't worry we'll just take four days holiday boyater puente and so saturday sunday monday as well and tuesday they just make a huge holiday and they cleverly call it the bridge let's just make a bridge and have a longer holiday very clever these spanish people we talk about the holiday season right um so now right we're coming into the holiday season right this time of year is the holiday season um around christmas in england it's also the holiday season we talk about holiday destination so these if you like are collocations right words that often go together holiday destination um my favorite holiday destination is where is it i haven't got one right i've got lots of favorite holiday destinations um but you can say my favorite holiday destination is sevilla in spain for example we've also got the school holidays so here it becomes in the plural notice the school holidays um and that's when the children no longer need to go to school in the summer right okay great let's have a quick look some interesting things right i don't know if mrk if you're from iceland but in iceland the working week is only four days right interesting oh hang holly bobs equals holiday i didn't know that right in italy we have el puente great it's a latin thing isn't it free mankind in iran every day is holiday for us because most of us are jobless uh dear great very very nice i like your sense of humor tanja nice to see you tanja we call it a bridge day two in germany that's interesting in england we're so formal right a bank holiday i mean what's look what's the bank got to do with it brilliant thank you very much for those moving on let's look at when we talk about what we like to do on holiday right there are different expressions so a lot of people ask this question and it can be quite confusing right in english is so do we say do we say for example i like to travel abroad or i like traveling abroad right the simple answer is both they are both correct you can use either right i like reading i like to read i like playing football i like to play football right both are correct there's a slight slight difference in not meaning but emphasis or feeling right the the ing which we use a lot in england we we tend to use this more your emphasis it's all about enjoy right i like traveling abroad what i'm communicating or stressing is that i enjoy traveling abroad right i like cooking right so i'm telling you i enjoy cooking right but i like to cook on saturdays it's not that i'm emphasizing i enjoy it's more a habit or a choice right i like to cook on saturdays is more about a choice or a habit that i have yes i like cooking when i cook on saturdays but i like to cook on saturdays i don't like to cook on on mondays because i'm so busy i'm very lucky i have a wife who can cook for me um so i like to do something is emphasizing a choice or a habit right i like to travel abroad right it's it maybe it's a choice i like to when i'm on holiday i like to travel abroad it's a choice right i also enjoy traveling and i like traveling abroad okay i like to try the local food right so this is nice to talk about things that i choose to do on holiday i like to travel abroad i like to try the local food um i like to learn the local language when i went to japan i spent about a week trying to learn japanese before i went and it was great right i mean we went to tokyo and we went to a few different places but when we arrived in tokyo i'd learnt my phrases and expressions um and i can't remember now but i asked something in a shop like how much is it i can't remember what i said and of course the lady went out and i went oh oh dear and of course she took the calculator or her phone and then she showed me ah and then she said it's actually 55 and all my learning japanese was a waste of time because what i didn't realize is that when the people answer back i can't understand but she was very happy that i tried to speak japanese right it was great so i went ah arigato and i it was it was great i mean i like to speak a bit of the local language when i go on holiday it's true um i like to to do something and if you enjoy it then i like traveling abroad i like visiting museums you guys i wonder what you guys like to do i'm going to ask you in a moment right but let me just move on a moment actually no let's see let's see i'm sure you've got some ideas oh you're all planning your um speaking partners together brilliant how much is it right nice thank you very much i like the culture of other countries brilliant maddie says i like to listen my favorite songs good i like to do you mean on holiday or all the time maybe on holiday right remember mary just to help you listen to i like to listen to my favorite songs yes says i like to learn english with following keith youtube lessons lessons very nice great excellent you saw i like to go to the beach yep notice this is nice because it gives you the the opportunity to practice right don't say i like to go to the beach no i like to go to the beach you're missing the you hate i just noticed let me give you a gift there's a little present there's that for you so you can try it try it with me i like to go to the beach try that i like to go to the beach great i like to go to the beach fantastic thank you very much uh shaw that's great yeah this is a nice one that me too revati i like to taste different kinds of food there indeed me too i like to try the local food um avon please says i like to meet new people in new places yeah great i'm just gonna gift you there a different preposition i like to meet new people in new places lovely and el am not lm can i like to draw some things great and ellen if i can get you in shows us the enjoying idea i like attending your class right that's the enjoyment factor you see the difference right i like attending your class she's she's telling us she enjoys it lovely thank you very much other ways of saying you enjoy or like of course i'm fond of right i'm fond of i'm fond of and here we always have uh ing i'm fond of visiting museums right notice the of as well it becomes of of i'm fond of i'm fond of visiting museums that's got a nice verb because of of is a and visiting is of i'm fond of visiting it just flows through i'm fond of visiting museums i'm fond of visiting the local bars maybe right all sorts of stuff so fond of as well we can use nice other activities when we talk about activities i mean we've said you know i like to go i like to listen to music i like to to do this very common is to say go with a verb in ing i like to go camping um i like going camping if you enjoy it right on holiday i like to go swimming right that's what i choose to do i like to go swimming in the sea no that's not true i like to go swimming in the swimming pool i don't like to go swimming in the sea so much because there might be um what are they called what are they called medusa is the word that was coming out medusa no the jellyfish jellyfish there might be jellyfish that can sting you i go hiking right go trekking i i love going trekking i enjoy it i'm fond of going trekking or going hiking some people like to go sightseeing where you visit the common touristic sites right or the tourist sites or touristic sites visit the common touristic sites tourist sites both of those are fine and finally with activities that with a so this is not every sorry this is not every verb right there are only some verbs that do this um i don't think there's a list of all the verbs but here are some but it's just through practice that you can learn them i mean so go jogging i like to go driving i like to go walking all of these are okay sometimes we can use do some with the verb ing so instead of saying i like to sunbathe we can say i like to do some sunbathing or instead of going hiking i like to do some hiking i'm going to do some hiking on holiday and for sure i'm going to do some reading um because i love reading i'm fond of reading and i'm going to do some reading on holiday i think i'm going to read some crime novels i like to read crime novels on holiday because you've just got so much time you can almost finish the book in one day it's great and find out who the murderer is so do some or do a bit of as well i like to do a bit of sunbathing it just means the same some a bit of so it's not a lot but just some do a bit of sunbathing this is very natural spoken english right um i'm going to do a bit of hiking we're going to kathmandu we're going to do a bit of hiking right and then in the evenings we'll do a bit of reading i think things like that okay good let's have a look how you're doing if you're picking all of this up let's have a look i like to do sport great and he says i like to read romantic novels gorby says i like to exploring oh no now be careful you have to choose here you have to choose one or the other right i like to explore new words on the internet in my daily life right that's made that sounds like a habit and good if you want to emphasize it's enjoyable then you say and i like exploring new words right choose one or the other mrk love it i'm all for going on picnics great that means i'm fond of i'm in favor of i'm all for going on picnics love it very nice yeah ashima i'm going to do shopping today right now can i add that's great but it would be really natural to say i'm going to do some shopping today i'm going to do a bit of shopping today just make it a little bit more natural right lovely anisha i like to do some meditation right very good right roaming in on the streets and soaking in the local culture is lovely brilliant i'm going to take off your first in you you don't need the first one but roaming or strolling in a very relaxed way on the streets and soaking in taking in the local culture is lovely so ecra uses the durund the ing as a noun at the front here which is also very very common and lovely english very nice great free mank is i'm fond of visiting shanghai again i'm fond of visiting shanghai okay again it sounds a bit strange with again but yes arda i like to do a bit of meditation under the water that's interesting do you do that in the swimming pool or in the bath at home interesting but i love the english i like to do a bit of meditation that's nice that's nice cure i like to go island hopping right it looks like you live in a i'm looking at the background and the flower maybe you live on a bunch of islands who knows i like to do a bit of reading on a daily basis absolutely beautiful really really nice yes track says i like to spend my quality b time at home quality me time right time for yourself very very nice english brilliant guys thank you very much that's really nice i'm loving it so um what's next what's next ah i'm just going to look briefly at yes different kinds of holidays um so kinds of holidays one of the most common is to go on a package holiday a package holiday is where everything is organized [Music] so the the company the holiday company or the tour company organize the flight the hotel the food the visits the trips kind of everything's included usually included in one price right that's normally what you get for a package holiday personally i've never been a big fan of package holidays i'm one for organizing it myself and kind of winging it when i get there i just like to make it up and improvise you know especially especially with the family because you need to be so flexible so when you arrive in a new holiday destination and you're thinking what should we do where should we go um inevitably people disagree i want to go to the museum i want to go to the beach and you you have to be flexible but being able to improvise and decide one day you'll eat at the restaurant the next day you'll do a takeaway and eat in a in the if you're in a villa maybe so i like to be flexible but some people love the packaged package holiday because everything's included and it's just so convenient it really is another nice word is a staycation right so when you stay at home stay cation from vacation staycation one word uh is to have a holiday at home spend a holiday relaxing at home some people love a staycation because i think you get so stressed at work and sometimes to be honest going on holiday can be stressful right um the flight organizing the family the milk bottle for the baby and then have the children got the right clothes and then what if the hotel doesn't have it's not air conditioned and all sorts of stress that sometimes you need a holiday to get over the holiday you've just had so some people say oh forget it no i've got to stay at home and just relax and sleep and watch netflix so a staycation we also have a bank holiday i talked about earlier it's a national holiday or a public holiday so you can use any of these three bank holidays is really only in the uk i think so these are different kinds of holidays and just to finish up on vocabulary some common adjectives a fun-filled a fun-filled holiday right means fun exciting enjoyable holiday disastrous holiday means terrible everything goes wrong a complete nightmare or a dream holiday right it's your ideal holiday perfect holiday there's so different adjectives to describe holidays from perfect to fun to complete disaster disastrous so all of these are your adjectives that you can use there are many many more i'm sure let's have a look we've got how do i pronounce your name a groovy gamer although i like staycation i would like to go on a package holiday right nice great i love staycations great i'm going to put an s on there staycations because you're speaking generally right i love staycations there's another this is a good reason of having a staycation says asel saving money by having a vacation instead of a vacation sorry saving money by having a staycation instead of a vacation yeah absolutely saving money is good um we can talk about what ashraf talks about annual holidays that's right talk about an annual holiday this is two every day is a staycation due to covid that's true that's true nikhil says i love to this is great i love to take remember i like to it's a kind of a choice or a habit i love to take a staycation once in a while so that i can watch movies and spend time with my family that's lovely i like it jai talks about package holidays give us a feeling of security because in a new place it's difficult to cope with the roots and the arrangements that is very true actually i haven't thought of that uh when you're in a new place you don't know you know where things are if it's safe where to go so it gives a feeling of security very good point thank you for that great excellent unforgettable holiday like it nice let me add that i'm going to add that to the dream unforgettable that's what you are exotic holiday science fiction i mean that's not yes science friction clever like it exotic holiday yeah it's a bit different uh yozra i thought staycation means being on a holiday but in your own country not only at home no no a staycation well at least in england and i'm pretty sure about this it's when you stay in your home not in your country because if you go if i'm in manchester and i go to london on holiday that's not a staycation that's a holiday to london i'm pretty sure about that but you know good question great question any brits watching feel free to correct me right okay sophia nice to see you here on my vacation i like a quiet and peace time peaceful time with within myself which allows me to recuperate yeah yeah very very nice i'm just gonna add peaceful and because you're writing so fast you've put quite instead of quiet i think you mean quiet right i like a quiet and peaceful time very nice lovely good okay hunky dory that's brilliant so we've been looking at lots of vocabulary um i need to check what's next let's find out what's next over here vocabulary holiday activities well i guess we've kind of talked about this a little bit but i am interested right to ask you all this question basically what do you do on holiday right you've given a few ideas but now we can practice a bit more you can use some of the language or some of your own and let's just share a few ideas right brilliant i'm late again oh dear while you're doing that guys let me just um have a drink water sometimes the best drink in the world right let's share a few ideas robotics for kids love it i go swimming great hong says taste some traditional foods nice my village i spend right what do you do on holiday i mean generally right generally speaking so not just last time but generally so i spend some time with my family and friends ramis i like to go ah this is interesting ram is you've given a great opportunity for all of us to learn here because at the beach means i'm at the beach right i am on the beach or i am at the beach but with the verb go it's always go to somewhere i go to the beach i go to the shop because it's go you must have two right i like to go to the beach remember that i like to go to the beach great emma says sleep yeah of course why not visit historic places great i'll just add your s because i assume it's not just one place you want to visit that you like to visit yeah it's historical places um historic or historical historic kind of means it's it's famous but i think you mean historical which means from history so they're important in history so a historical place would be london tower or london bridge or saint paul's cathedral in england or what's it called that buena in florence in italy these are historical places they're they're they're they've got a place in they come from a place in history rather than being kind of famous right um slightly different so historical yes great uh um and no no says reading uh a book reading books again i'd say reading books i think make it plural because you're speaking generally reading books on holiday it's a good idea great sandeep says swimming hiking spend time with family okay watch movies i do some gaming i take fun love it i love that you're picking up do some do some gaming build some sand castles how nice lovely this is nice from ali i love to give cycling a go lovely very nice i love to give cycling a go um fat him up says i like to go outside lovely uh i like to go to the beach for evening walking so you've got the go-to but we'd put the i like to go to the beach for evening walking great anything else ah i like working in my garden nice that's a nice way to spend the time isn't it great um good what else i have a couple of more go play games from mohammed great go sightseeing go for go sightseeing yes go sightseeing without the four go sightseeing excellent lovely um brilliant let me close that up let me come back what do you do on holiday nice um i'm going to share a couple of ideas i wrote down and then we're going to move on to something quite interesting here you go let me show you this here are some ideas uh of different activities people may do sunbathe right a lot of people confuse sunbathe and i think when they this is when you go into the sun hopefully with your cream uh and you want to go in my case go red i mean i'm so fair my skin is so fair i burn really easily so i i don't like sunbathing full stop i don't like it i just i get too hot and burn but some people like to get a tan or to yeah to get a tan to go browner so the verb is to sunbathe right and i think the problem is a lot of people translate from their own language and they have things like a sun bath or have a bath in the sun no just to sunbathe i like to sunbathe i usually go sightseeing we talked about i visit the tourist sites whoops sites excuse me ghts the tourist sites i soak up the views right which is nice that means i like a sponge soaks up the water it means to take in to look at right i take in or look at but it's not just look it's enjoy looking enjoy looking at the views it's a great example i think somebody used that earlier and somebody used it on the web page as well i soak up the views i take a ton of photos just meaning a lot of a lot of again just a bit more colloquial spoken english i take a ton of photos and of course nowadays with a mobile phone you can take a ton of photos because you can take as many as you want i'm showing my age i chill out on the beach chill out relax kick back lots of expressions we've looked at for that right put my feet up you know lots of them put my feet up but they all mean to relax basically to relax kick back put my feet up some nice colloquial expressions you can use in your ielts speaking lovely okay so those are some ideas i want to move to that to this holiday activities do you remember i was going to tell you about the brits abroad right what the british people often do abroad well i'm going to show you four sentences there's a word missing and i wonder if you can fill in the gap can you find the missing word let me show you ten things the british do on holiday here are the four the first four ones of them right here we go have a guess right what's the missing word for number one number two number three and number four i'll just read them through the british abroad right on holiday we complain about the stay in the sun too long and get bum on day one we steal bum and soaps from the hotel and we start drinking some kind of bum as soon as you can right guys take a minute try and put in some of the answers right and i'll get us in the uh in the caribbean mood i wish i had a tequila sunrise but it's water interesting great number four ah interesting british people abroad this is great to see what you think of british people cream ah right cocktail right love it complain about the cues listen nobody queues as much as the british we complain about the lack of cues that's true we're like why aren't people queueing up what you mean the rest of the world doesn't queue like in britain oh interesting interesting tan and sunburn there's a small difference this one happy voice uh love it great good let me take those off let me come and share i mean most of those could be true right most of those could be true these are the ones that i had right we do the british complain about the heat right we don't complain about the weather on holiday because nobody has worse weather than britain right so wherever we go we're normally happy with the weather um but if it's too hot and it's usually too hot we complain about the heat and we're stupid right because we spend the whole year in england going oh it's so cold it's raining i want i want the sunshine we arrive on holiday in sunny spain oh it's too hot complain about the heat but some good ideas right i mean a lot of you said you could say weather services the the bill the invoice for the bill yeah i mean all of those the food maybe but again right nobody that's not true traditionally england had the worst food in the world but i i disagree now i totally disagree i think england has got some great food now if you know where to go come to my house number two stay in the sun too long and get burns right or sunburns you could have i mean both of those i saw a few of you put sun burnt or get burnt get i wouldn't say get tanned because get tanned is a positive connotation right if you're sitting in the sun and you get tanned for us that's positive but if you're in the sun too long then it's negative and burnt is the negative one stealing shampoo yeah of course maybe creams maybe um the towels yeah come on who doesn't do that go to the hotel and steal the shampoos and the creams the sun cream and number four start drinking some kind of alcohol people said cocktail uh yes all of those but it's true right british people i mean the minute we're on holiday it's an excuse to start drinking alcohol not everybody but you know it's the stereo type here are some other interesting things that british people do on a holiday that i i got this list from well from my head and a bit of research on the internet and just choosing what i think is also true and how many of these are true for you right i'm sure it's not just british people take a photo of yourself with a drink and post on instagram as soon as possible right first thing you see in everybody's instagram screen is oh i'm here on holiday and here's me and the beer by the pool british people take 10 minutes to get into the pool or the water thank you very much to michael mcintyre for inspiring this one but you know most people when they go into this pool or the water they just jump in british people it's like oh is it cold is it warm let me just put my finger in oh it's a bit cold oh and then you put your foot in first and then your leg and then and you take 10 minutes where rubbish are getting into the water we say how amazing it is the local people in the hotel can speak english oh it's like traditional british people abroad again stereotype right oh it's amazing people outside of england speak english hello welcome to 2021 8 check out if there is a mcdonald's near the hotel it's sad but it's true number 9 buy a t-shirt with i love spain or i love turkey or wherever you are on it must british people must do that and then give it to somebody you don't like when you go home number 10 i don't know i left number 10 for you what do you think british people do on holiday what's your experience this is a dangerous question but what's your experience of british people on holiday [Music] great lots of ideas still coming through yeah this is very true tran absolutely the very first thing to do is post photos and check in the destinations stereotypes turkey love you too keith yeah love turkey melanie yeah drunk and fighting on bars unfortunately maybe true sanjeev tried to speak foreign language yes and very often we do a terrible job but we try origato what was that in japanese for um [Music] yeah great they do shopping yes great get some red wine yep absolutely all around alcohol it's true lots of it try local dishes take an afternoon tea yes yo yo have you changed your avatar just for the afternoon tea post that's impressive if it's true drink tea yes i love drinking tea absolutely eat hamburgers i know the mcdonald's thing what is that what is going on hannah go to primark buy some trendy clothes yeah true you know if you're in a country where there's a pre-mug oh look there's a pre-mark let's go let's do a bit of shopping it's a nice day today in it in it sounds like stan the man fantastic great so those are ten interesting things that british people do when being abroad good i'm gonna have a drink and as i have a drink we're gonna move on to the next um the next activity which is this one check it out [Music] that wasn't long enough for a real break okay toolbox and this is where i'm going to share with you a tool something that i like um that i recommend to students um lots of tools on the internet today's tool is guys moderators if you're there if you wouldn't mind if you wouldn't mind how polite is that if you could possibly if you wouldn't mind possibly sharing the tool can you share the url please in the chat this is a quick and easy information about important words right so it's similar to a dictionary but it's better right let me show you why if i just paste and copy this if i go over to my website and i'm just going to change the url and it should take us to show me word right in english dictionary but it's not quite um let me give you an example this is the best way to do it right if we take holiday for example so similar to a dictionary but it's just it's so clean and easy to use so you get the american pronunciation holiday british holiday and you can even see very clearly the ipa the phonetic script for american english and british english it tells you the noun leisure time taken away from work right plus an example this is so important right what i really like is that with every definition there's an example because the context is so important or the holiday a day on which work is suspended by law no mail is delivered on federal holidays right national holidays i know federal's a bit different but verb spend or take a vacation so you get to know the collocations which words go together spend a cut vacation or take a vacation and then extra examples and this is what i love that you've got all these examples you don't have to go looking anywhere else but this really shows you how to use the word is a national holiday because it's a holiday she'll have a four weeks holiday we're planning on taking a holiday it's just brilliant the language is all here and then finally word forms are you we they holiday right to holiday it's also a verb she holidays it holidays present participle past tense holidayed singular plural you've got all the grammar around the word here and i just love how clean simple and the important information is just all there it's just really nice it's clean i like the minimalist google-like approach okay that's it good let me come back if i can there you go that's it so that's it show me word so i guess as an alternative to a dictionary but especially those important words you're not sure about you know you're thinking is it is it holiday or holidays or is it necessary is that an adverb or an adjective how do i use necessary you know all of these words you're not sure this i just i love it i think it's really really good right the web is great it says and totally the web's amazing right these nice little tools excellent now another tool for you help your pronunciation a tool for pronunciation there's two things here one is i'm being cheeky i'm promoting my own youtube channel english speaking success shorts just in case you haven't discovered this right because i think it really can help your pronunciation let me show you if i just paste and copy self-promotion self-promotion self-promotion i love a bit of self-promotion english speaking success shorts there's the youtube channel it goes straight in there hopefully and the video there's not much here i've only just started doing this right um but these are kind of these one minute videos and they're all very very simple for pronunciation let me show you again i say the top bit and you say the bottom bit do you have any hobbies i do i love playing computer games i play mostly repeat with me most days actually i play most days actually i do i love playing computer games i do i love playing computer games i play most days actually wonderful keep practicing that's it bit of self-promotion that's it just to get you um to encourage you if you want short snippets because a lot of people have said you know why don't you do shorter videos so i thought well that's nice you can just repeat with me really work on your pronunciation and it can be a big big big help great oh here this is interesting i don't hear ah voice is too low mohammed says your shorts are very helpful thank you navi why don't you post these shorts onto tick sock tick tock so we can do it with you oh that is a very good idea i'm not on tik tok do i want to go into tick tock well interesting that's a very interesting idea great let me think about that right almin managed to get 7.5 wee well done congratulations brilliant very very nice the other thing i was going to mention to you is for your pronunciation is this thing called elsa elsa is a mobile app and again i collaborate with elsa because i think it's one of the best apps out there for my pronunciation um if you don't know elsa let me just show you if i can where can i show you this elsa it's spelled e-l-s-a elsa so it's basically it's a phone it's a mobile app on a phone where you can practice individual sounds you can practice words and you can practice chunks um you get the sound you listen you repeat and it gives you feedback the ai artificial intelligence gives you feedback on how close you are to the correct english it's really nice right really really good to do um you can download the the app for free you can then pay to get i think a year membership or lifetime membership lifetime membership is not expensive and if you go through the link with which the guys are sharing there is a discount for my students as i collaborate with elsa so if the moderators can share the link then you can get it in the chat it'll also be in the video description at the end of this lesson so when you go into sorry this video is recorded on youtube if you go into the video description you can see the links later and go and download it all to help your pronunciation right all different ways to help your pronunciation cool great with that let's move on ah it's speaking meditation and visualization okay um it's time for this i am not able to take you on a holiday today but i'm going to do something similar great paulus shared the links thank you very very much you're welcome let me explain um if you're new in the last few weeks i've been experimenting with doing a a visualization right it's a bit like a meditation okay so what happens is for the next five minutes i'm going to ask you to close your eyes and to relax and i'm going to talk you through a journey we're going to do some activities together in your head and as you listen to me you just imagine those things happening so if i say you're on the beach you just imagine yourself on the beach and you just follow my instructions right it's a very very peaceful and relaxing way to learn english and i think that so many people get stressed about ielts i think with covid we're all stressed about not having a holiday so this is me giving you a holiday in your head for five minutes to relax with english okay so that's all you have to do all you have to do is close your eyes and relax if you want to open your eyes you can but i think you can focus more when you close your eyes if you've got headphones even better okay okay let's kick off right i'm gonna put up a picture and then you can listen and just relax and follow my instructions okay let me find this are you ready okay this is my holiday visualization for you let's do it it's time to relax but just for a moment think about your work being busy meeting deadlines running around the stress and now stop sit down sit down and relax breathe slowly breathe in and breathe out breathe in and as you breathe out feel all of your muscles relax breathe out and relax your arms your legs your face your eyes and now smile because now you're going on holiday your bags are packed just a few clothes and essentials as you're traveling lightly you have lots of time and nothing to worry about keep your eyes closed and come with me into nature we're going to do a bit of hiking slowly and gently walking up a mountain feel the fresh air as you breathe in and out feel the cool air on your arms and face we're near the summit now the top and now look look out at the view soak up that view what can you see and how do you feel well let me transport you now off the mountain almost like star trek into a museum we're inside the museum listen it's so quiet you can almost hear a pin drop as you stroll down the middle of the room you look carefully at the pictures on the wall what can you see [Music] but now let's leave the museum and let's come to a restaurant on the beach the sun is out but not too hot and the restaurant look it's a cozy little place off the beaten track with just a few rickety chairs and tables it's a place where only the local people come and we sit down in the shade what would you like to drink [Music] with ice and to eat what about a barbecue or or some seafood or some nice local delicacies well no sooner have we ordered then the food arrives and the drink and you start to chill out and enjoy every bite every sip every moment it's like time has stood still you can feel every second enjoy each moment relax slowly we're going to leave the beach and come back home or back to work if you're secretly listening to this whilst you're at work so after i count to three you can open your eyes and come back one two and three welcome back from your holiday did you have a good trip i hope you had a good holiday i wonder what you drank i saw a few people drinking dry martini and somebody went for lobster and seafood great sounds nice somebody saw the mona lisa actually it's interesting i realize some people just like to close their eyes when i say what can you see i don't mean through your eyes i mean in your mind but some people like to chat right and send messages it's fine whatever relaxes you great heartbeat says feel the cool air on my arms and face smoothing it's amazing i love it great amazing weather great lucky girl says it was incredibly therapeutic as well as really helped me let my hair down well that's the idea um and we also got a message from somebody on facebook says i'm right now waiting for my test in 30 minutes oh my so i need some relaxation listen listen good luck whoever you are on facebook that's great somebody asked about off the beaten track yeah far away from the town or the cities great so very refreshing nice i hope you enjoyed it that's my holiday for you because some of us cannot go on holiday um your comment actually leads me very nicely into the next activity right because we've talked about the brits aboard we have talked about the toolbox we've done the relaxation visualization it moves us onto idioms like off the beaten track right so i'm going to move on and talk about some idioms next so let me come back and look at over here some idioms idioms to talk about holidays let me share a few with you and then you may have some others you would like to share as well okay so i think some of the most common ones are to relax right um to take things easy so to relax we can say the following to take things easy um to chill out we've had right to let my hair down [Music] obviously that's idiomatic for me to put my feet up these are all idiomatic to get away from it all means to escape work and stress basically to get away from it all so i'll put those in a bullet might make it easier right to get away from it all it's just what the doctor ordered so of course the doctor gives you medicine to make you better so when you say oh that visualization was just what the doctor ordered it's excuse me can't control my burping um it means it's just what you need it right it's just what i needed to feel better right so of course it's idiomatic so it doesn't mean medicine right it could be a beer oh that's just what the doctor ordered or when your wife gives you your favorite dish or your husband has cooked you your favorite dish and you say oh that's just what the doctor ordered i was feeling a bit tired that that is just what the doctor ordered just what i need to feel better right with holidays let me just check in if we've got others okay you're still writing and we can talk about to travel light um so when you just have a few things like in the visualization i said let's travel light just the essentials right only take a few things with you so it is referring to your suitcase your clothes so if you're going on holiday for a week and you just have a very small bag you say well i'm traveling light i've got my toothpaste couple of shirts socks underpants that's it i'm traveling light some people never travel light some people even for a weekend they take two big suitcases i've got three pairs of shoes i've got five hats we're going for a weekend no no but i might need them some people just do not travel light no names mentioned to get off the beaten path is to go to places that are far away from the tourist places so most people go to the typical busy tourist places right you go to paris you go to the louvre you go to the actor triumph you go to montmartre right you always go to the typical places great but if you go to the less common places then you get off the beaten path the path is the road beaten is where your feet have beaten or hit the road so it's to go to less common play tourist places it's not always touristic places but by and large so somebody earlier said well it's it's places outside of the city away from the away from the crowds right that's the main idea away from the crowds where fewer people go to get off the beaten path uh and to take in a few sites so the sites are the tourist attractions right they can be museums bridges buildings squares to take in is to enjoy so basically to enjoy to enjoy a sight or a place we can say this is going to be easier for me to take in a few sites trust me there is method in my madness to soak in remember to soak in the sights to soak in the site soak in the view i think we soak in a view more let's soak in the view take in a few sites okay what else have we got manmed says to discover places to get off the beaten path yeah good very good uh what does it mean by and large means overall overall yeah good for eba to get up bright and early that's nice yeah and that's quite common on holiday right you want to get up bright and early to catch the bus to go and see the sights to get up bright and early yes what it says nice iran says i would love to get off the beaten path this summer yeah especially with social distancing we need to get off the beaten path don't we very very nice water water well what else what else anything else soak in soak up soak up the view soak up thank you very much yes soak up the view yeah thank you guys mary and asthma please can one go on holiday in the countryside yes of course of course yes to soak up the sights yeah good good the hitachi seaside park in japan if i can practice my non-existent japanese is a perfect place to get off the beaten path great holidaymakers is a nice word i love that word um it's not quite an idiom but it's a very good word so people on holiday the holiday makers the tourists right to unwind is to relax as well yes can you save the video of course the video is saved automatically in the facebook group on the facebook page and in youtube so you can come back and watch this video what i will do is i will update the description for you later yes john mark long time no see lovely to see you here some people travel like they bring the entirety of their home stuff yes yes there's an expression in english then john mark that um they've got everything and the kitchen sink or everything but the kitchen sink so you can say you've taken everything but the kitchen sink there are some variations on this but more or less you've taken everything but the kitchen sink the kitchen sink so it means that you've taken everything in the house almost you know the fridge the sofa your bed your pillow why not take the kitchen sink you can't because it's fixed but you've taken too much you've taken everything but the kitchen sink it's ironic it's british sarcasm at its best you've taken too much too many things right normally when we're going on holiday we use this expression to talk about people in the family who take to who do not travel lightly they take too many things or don't travel light thank you kwada do not like traveling light right you know some people don't some people like to make sure they've got everything they need on holiday right sadjam i can't there are too many comments sorry there are so many i miss i miss them all soak up yes recharge my batteries yeah okay we can say that as well recharge my batteries i can add that one on here to relax brilliant good excellent i'm going to take that off for the moment so listen guys lots of idioms there right about relaxing get away from it all travel light get off the beaten path to enjoy the sight take in the sights soak up the view get up bright and early and dear wife you've taken everything but the kitchen sink but i still love you of course great so that brings me idioms it brings me right full circle okay excellent um so guys i am afraid today i do not have a kahoot i ran out of time i couldn't make it big apologies don't worry i will do one next time um but just to say to remind you if you are on youtube by the way please do subscribe and turn on the notifications because notifications you will find out about saturday's video and this saturday i release a video every saturday it's recorded and saturday is how to get a high score in ielts speaking might be interesting for most of you how to get a high score in ielts speaking that's saturday's video it's recorded so it doesn't matter what time right it's around 12 o'clock it will be released but on saturday sunday you can watch it i think it will be interesting for you if you've enjoyed this live lesson please do leave me a comment you've left lots of comments already um but if you want to study more with me i do have over here um ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus it's a complete structured structured course it's recorded videos and worksheets and activities it's not one-on-one classes with me no it's recorded videos but it's a fantastic course i think can i say that no it's a good yeah i i don't know let somebody else say that but i think it can be really really helpful if you're looking for a band seven or about eight or bad nine check it out the if i ask the moderators can you put the link in the um in the chat also later when the video is recorded look in the description and you'll see the link to the uh the course ielts speaking success get about seven and if you're looking for something and you want to study more with me go and sign up right brilliant good that's it if you want more information about me and uh what i'm doing go to the keith speaking academy go and check it out um there's also i'm on facebook at the moment and who knows maybe after today i might go on to tick tock i've got no idea let's see one step at a time in the meantime i hope you enjoyed today's holiday and if you're going on holiday have a great time if you're taking the ielts speaking test soon fingers crossed break a leg good luck i hope it goes really really well in the meantime take care all of you stay safe right look after yourselves all the best now bye bye let's leave with some music foreign
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 78,881
Rating: 4.9483628 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 2, ielts class, ielts lesson, ielts preparation, free ielts speaking practice online, free ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking lessons, ielts speaking lessons pdf, live lessons for ielts speaking
Id: IX_WS4-xfFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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