FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - FOOD and COOKING

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hello and good morning hi there nice to see you welcome do come in have a seat make yourself comfortable go and get the beverage of your choice the beverage or the drink of your choice mine is ginger red date tea i'll be having some of that later welcome today really nice to see you it's keith if you don't know me from keith speaking academy new name new website um great to see you here and today i'm looking forward to talking to you yes you all about the topic of this one up here the topic of food one of my favorite subjects i really am a foodie right a foodie somebody who's particularly interested in food so much so i even had a as a hobby i made a website about food which i might show you later if we're lucky or maybe not so great to see you here welcome come in and have a seat um it's a great topic it's an interesting one and i'm really nice to i'm really nice i'm not really nice i'm really interested in talking about it so how are you guys nice to see you here great the guys from facebook are in first that's nice to see um we've got also let's see some new faces reset mariku niha onzu gabriela welcome sheik and ck wong welcome zoe zoe lynn welcome um lavarette nice to see you corpreet as well supra nice to see you here guys amrit and sanjana rowi and yin yin and lots more of you piling in welcome nice to see you um good afternoon or morning depending on the where you are in the world if you're watching the recording um on youtube later um then welcome as well um if you are on youtube by the way please do remember to subscribe to the uh the channel um it's now called english speaking success because i'm not allowed to use ielts so i changed it to english speaking success and my website keith speaking academy i'm just to keep you on your toes um also press the notifications so that you can get notifications of any new videos that i'm doing excellent nice to see you thanks for the emojis brilliant welcoming you all learn english with suraj welcome siraj nice to see you here that's excellent good so today food i'm going to begin with my favorite food right and it's this right can you see that now of course it's a bit dirty because potatoes are always a bit dirty i love potatoes because they are so versatile right flexible you can do anything with a potato you can peel them in fact without peeling them you can have them as roast or baked potatoes you can roast them you can deep fry them as chips you can have saute potatoes right sauteed where you're frying them in the pan with just a little bit of oil you can have saute potato chips chips in english british english we call them chips in america they call them right french fries why do they call them french fries i mean the potato wasn't invented in france and norway chips i thought when i was in france i used to live in france the french told me that chips were invented by the belgium not by the french but i know in america they call them french fries right interesting but you can boil them you can mash them mashed potatoes brilliant absolutely delicious one of my favorite um foods well being irish right of irish heritage the potato is responsible for so much we love potatoes um but of course the the lack of potatoes was the reason we had the irish potato famine back in the 1850s 1845 when so many irish people died because there were no potatoes the uh the crops were destroyed and so many people immigrated the reason you've probably got an irish pub in your country because of the potato huge exodus of irish people right delicious great quick question from jammu liddin can we use wanna gonna gotta in the speaking section the answer is yes of course you can because that's how we speak right it's not writing it's speaking so we have wanna gonna gotta absolutely oh yes sheena you're absolutely right shepherd's pie can be made with potatoes right we mash the potato put it on top of the meat and veg it's delicious i agree with navjill that life is tasteless without potatoes right brilliant and now a nice question from gusty how many adjectives can we use to talk about food well it's a good question and i've got a very quick answer for you because i'm going to begin with you on some what we might call essential vocabulary so for those of you joining um we are talking about food up there there so when we talk about food right a lot of people say it's delicious well which is true right this dish is delicious okay um but you can also say it's tasty or this dish this shepherd's pie is tasty really tasty luscious right it's a bit more formal but absolutely fine it's a luscious dish watering right mouth watering um scrumptious so somebody's got scrumptious jasmine scrumptious yes it's slightly more oh it's scrumptious it's a little bit old-fashioned but you could possibly use that still the one to be careful with is yummy right quite a few of you have got yummy as um sheena says yummy delicious tempting is nice that's very tempting let me put that one in i like that it's very tempting and you would say that maybe before you start eating but yummy don't use yummy in the ielts speaking why not because it's the way children speak okay so this is it's children's speak if you like it's not really how we speak as adults so if somebody says it's yummy you probably think they're three years old or six years old i don't think an adult would say oh it's yummy it sounds a little bit strange right more colloquially you could say it's spot on whoa this shepherd's pie is spot on it's perfect right as you're eating especially if you're with friends or somebody has cooked a pie or some fish and chips did i just say fish and chips no somebody's cooked a chicken curry for you you go oh it's spot on mate it's perfect so right nice different words we can use to talk about food appetizing yes sajan very good it's very appetizing that's nice i like that let's add that to our list appetizing brilliant very very nice scrummy is slightly better than scrumptious because scrumptious and scrummy are the same but you've made it more colloquial more spoken that's nice okay brilliant good superb lordong sinfully savoury it's very poetic and it's nice i like the uh alliteration sinfully savory very poetic yes my riku nice it's a good song that right awesome food you could call it awesome definitely out of this world yes why not absolutely good omar thank you very much let's move on we can also talk of course these words are really important i think okay talking about nutritious food um and for those of you on the facebook page you'll have uh you may have listened to the audio about nutrition nutritious food and obesity um so nutritious i think is is you know it's full of nutrition it's very healthy it's good nutritious is a difficult word maybe practice saying it with me new trees nutritious try that with me put the stress on the tree nutritious good the noun nutrition nutrition right it's like new and old new nutrient again nutrient did you notice the stress changed from nutritious to new treatment on the first syllable nutrient brilliant nutrients we have macronutrients and micronutrients what are they we'll talk more about those later another useful word talking about food especially nowadays with our sedentary lifestyle where many people like me are sat in front of a computer all day and we only eat potatoes is obese obese now obese is similar to overweight but it's medically overweight so overweight means you're just a bit fat obese is where a doctor has said listen you're fat you're overweight and your health is at risk you may have a heart attack um cardiovascular disease you know you need to be careful so don't become obese the noun obesity say that with me obesity notice the stress changes from no it doesn't obese ob it's the same stress obesity great nice some nice vocabulary to start the day with brilliant hello everybody what else have we got nutrition right we've got some nice words here gene rosemary talking about overcooked undercooked oily creamy to describe different kinds of food brilliant ah the girlies so the girlie well done as i talked about macronutrients carbs protein and fat spot on um they're the macronutrients i wonder if you know what the micro nutrients are does anybody know what the micronutrients are whoa the girlie you're out of this world let's see if anybody else can get it oh right micronutrients yes minerals calcium these are all good examples of micronutrients vitamins brilliant great pan very good so vitamins and minerals yes berlin zinc is also it's a mineral right so your mineral and your vitamins wow you guys are good i think you're all into health you're either foodies or health buffs micronutrients then brilliant it's worth looking at right very very briefly because we're going to talk about healthy food right um so for those of you who may not know micronutri sorry let's begin with macro macro meaning big micro small macro nutrients are carbs right and we've got good carbs and bad carbs basically the good carbs are the unrefined run refrying unrefined i can't say it unrefined unrefined whole grains vegetables with vegetables you can just say veggies or veg right vegetables is quite a difficult word vegetables colloquial colloquially god i'm struggling today colloquially veggies veg and fruits are all good you know good carbs the bad carbs are the refined stuff the processed stuff white rice white bread white pasta potatoes um and of course carbs have sugar and we need sugar right sugar's good but when you have sugar in coca-cola not so good and fiber is another kind of carb the things you get in the beans the legumes and the heart like chickpeas uh chickpeas lentils pulses like lentils as well all of these full of fiber very very good for you excellent nice and we've also got what else have we got keith got confused very very confused um saw flax seeds um right good those are going to come under the next bit i think table sugar that's right not so good for us i don't think mr n don't worry um we've got protein and fat right so protein typically comes from the fish the legumes the meat nuts are a great source of protein let's just uh oh sorry about that let me just take myself away um fats right you talked about flaxseed fat olive oil um olive oil i think is good and some other oils are better fats somebody mentioned saturated right and unsaturated so as well you're absolutely right saturated fat is i think which one's not good i think saturated fat is not very good unsaturated sounds healthier to me yes brilliant good more ideas protein cheese exactly kk fantastic avocado oil so that's interesting i've i've not used that before um brilliant good and of course finally the micronutrients as we mentioned um vitamins and minerals okay now i'm just going to share with you an interesting website right because if you're into health and you want some interesting vocabulary this one can be quite useful for you it's from harvard great the good guys at harvard harvard university has a department um and here it's the harvard t h chan the school of public health in harvard um they've got some amazing resources which you can look at and i'm going to show you the healthy eating plate and apparently i'm allowed to share this for educational purposes which is of course what we're looking at today um so let me make it a bit smaller it's very interesting right the hey they call it the healthy eating plate and if you can just see it here can you see it the healthy eating plate more or less we can see it basically interestingly right half of your food should be vegetables and fruits mainly vegetables for your healthy eating fruits as well of different colors healthy oils we need oil you must have fats right it's i think it's a really bad idea to go on a diet where there's no fat um and in fact a lot of the low-fat diets have been debunked that they don't really make a significant difference but you do want to be careful you have healthy fats like um like what like olive oil canola oil for cooking and on salad limit butter and whole grains and healthy protein take up the rest so whole grains are the unprocessed grains like you know whole grain pasta brown rice things like that and then your protein from the different sources that you've mentioned healthy eating plate right interesting like it thank you very much the guys from harvard lovely so healthy healthy eating now i'm wondering i have a question for you guys do you eat healthy food there's your question do you eat healthy food let me know in the comments below what do you do you eat healthy food the my plate is actually the um the u.s government's approach it's very very similar the healthy plate is from harvard it's a separate one but you're right the my plate the one that michelle obama obama obama was promoting yes great brilliant let me get rid of this and let's bring in some of your ideas now this is a very interesting one from soki um not every day and i think that's interesting because we should eat a healthy diet but maybe not every day was it um tim ferriss who talks about cheat days right you can eat healthily six days a week but one day a week you should have a cheat day where you cheat and you pig out on cakes and snacks and the things you would like to do so maybe not every day good right interesting i'm in a low carb diet right remember we say i'm on a low carb diet i'm on a diet in zum and thank you for that because for everybody i'm on a diet a low carb diet right the paleo or the keto there's lots of um low carb diets now right really they became so fashionable ever since mr atkins started promoting them if you remember the atkins diet yes we eat home-cooked food nice uh yo yo this is true and people who are obese would get sick easily well that's very very true yes be careful i know they're overweight but they're not obese they're obese they would get sick yes very easily marianne loves vegetables excellent sajam is a health freak nice i'm a health freak who prefers a balanced diet right so it is good to eat a balanced diet thank you sajam give me cakes and give me excess of it right gulsava says before i didn't eat any meat only i ate fish and goat meat goat meat that's interesting goat meat like lamb i wonder if you mean lamb or maybe it's goat meat right from facebook i try to eat a balanced diet that's great yes you can say a balanced diet or a well-balanced diet right as angelina says that's nice well we just need a you need an a and you need a hyphen angelina give you an a give you a hyphen you're set to go brilliant now habel we try to eat mediterranean food yes the mediterranean diet in the the world nutrition research comes out number one the mediterranean diet mr red no because it sucks i love to eat fast food bro fair enough good for you but listen mr n don't eat fast food every day or when you're 50 you'll be in a mess right katarina chia seeds well chia seeds are nice as a compliment right they obviously don't fill you up but to add on top as a and a compliment are great okay great some interesting ideas right muesli elisa is into raw food the healthiest food ever now that's interesting elisa um because raw food i assume you're referring to food that is not cooked right so different kinds of fruit maybe i'm not sure exactly what raw food is right back and let me know um but it could be yeah that it's not it's not cooked um oh yeah i'm not sure about that maybe but that's good for you great anisha prefers home-cooked food to fast food brilliant okay brilliant now then let me um do you eat healthy food i'm going to share a few bits of language with you over here okay what did i say well things like there's the expression in english in english eat the rainbow now eat the rainbow if you say i eat the rainbow means you eat a large variety of colors and that to have a balanced diet it's really good to eat different colors and that will help you get a balanced diet the rainbow i've got a picture in a moment i'm going to show you if i can just find it sorry i've got to empty all of that because i was running out of space for goodness sake where is the picture come on it's run away it doesn't want to be eaten eat the rainbow there was a picture and it's gone away look at that seriously i tell you what let me try and find my picture no i can't i'll show you on on the uh on here just so you get the idea can you see that if i go away eat the rainbow so you're eating foods of all different colors right that's what eating the rainbow is and that by doing that you kind of automatically um become healthy maybe you do don't know so eat the rainbow eat your five a day this is a britain thing in britain we have a government campaign and maybe in your countries you have government campaigns eat your five a day is to eat five um portions of veg fruit and vegetable it's a nice word five portions of a fruit and veg great eat your five a day portions is important because many people have large portions and we need to eat smaller portions remember we said to go on a diet right um some of you are on low carb diets some of you may be on low fat diets or a paleo diet i don't know have you ever been on a diet eat in moderation eat a balanced diet right exactly um some of you have said maybe you're a vegetarian and of course we also have vegans right so vegans not only they don't eat meat but normally they won't eat dairy products or fish or eggs cream cheese things like that right okay some interesting language excellent good let me come back so we can talk there about different kinds of food now healthy eating i wanted to share a very short video with you right um and it's about healthy food and healthy snacks and there's a question in the video and i want you to answer the question right so as you watch the video this guy comes in and talks about snacks and what kind of snacks you might eat right healthy choices watch listen carefully and answer the question right in the video okay so let me show you this video it just takes a second to load bear with me i say a second vegetarian so neha is a vegetarian amila is a flexitarian i love it emmy you're a vegan right nice cool it's video time it is video time hello pranata from north samatara excellent good i think we i think we're good to go let's try and open this hello hi well listen it's that time of the morning it must be about what 10 o'clock 10 30. time for a snack but are you making healthy choices right let's see what you normally have for a snack well actually let's see what i normally have there's different choices right first of all we always have a fruit bowl so you might want for example an apple right an apple a day keeps the doctor away or you could have a pear right we often make this lau dau which is really nice quite sweet but you know quite tasty they say plums because they're purple are a very very good choice very healthy fruit or you might want some hello some fresh honeydew melon maybe with a bit of cheese that could be quite nice or i'm a bit of a dab hand in the kitchen so i can rustle up avocado tomato mushed up or mashed up with a squeeze of lemon and a bit of salt and we get guacamole oh it's delicious well that probably sounds like a british guacamole but really nice but the other choice is right what about having a yogurt you could have a irosky greek natural yoghurt low in sugar might be nice or my favorites salt and vinegar crisps yeah lovely tasty healthy i don't know or what we sometimes have a bit of chocolate white chocolate and look at that at the food label it's got this big red light right it's e which means it's not healthy but it's so tasty the last choice if you fancy this not ice cream but oh nuts actually a selection of nuts raisins currants you know really walnuts oh brilliant so healthy choices don't speak with your mouth full that's what my mother told me so what are you gonna choose let me know who was that the master chef um so what are you gonna choose what's your healthy snack this morning write it down and we'll see what you come up with right so gadam goes for the nuts heber goes for dark chocolate which is healthier than white chocolate actually good choice um oh interesting peanut butter with celery that sounds very tasty nice almonds are very good for you one of these superfoods right kk says yogurt an apple nice choice i think very nice choice fruits oh dry fruits dried fruits with coconut water interesting an apple and a plum haha already had a banana this morning nuts from mangalin you already had a banana full of potassium which is really good for you as well um badad as milk and oats melon yeah good farm rashi goes for cereals i wonder if that's your snack or is that your morning breakfast right i wonder what else have we got apple and nuts there's a nice one the guacamole sounded mouth-watering it is i mean guacamole is a mexican dish i think but i don't think the mexicans put um tomato in it which is why i said it's probably the british version yes ludong i think running probably yes but i'm not sure i choose yogurt nuts and fruit bread and butter and why not if it's especially if it's brown bread right whole grain with a bit of butter some fat is good um if it can be uh unsaturated fat even better whoa supra you're making me my mouth salivate i prefer to have nuts and more steamed veggies with blueberry muffins and a pancake oh sounds delicious not sure if it's healthy but it's delicious crisps yeah british people love crisps i think we're the biggest consumer of crisps in the world i know they're not super healthy but my video made your stomach rumble good susan likes the fruit and nuts excellent good so what snack would you choose you've all gone for i think fairly healthy choices which is excellent so let's move on i've got another question now for you um generally speaking then right generally speaking what food do you like so not just about snacks but what kind of food do you like tell me in the comments section let's have a look right i'm going to share some of your ideas up here let me take this away let me take me away right oh oh lord of this yes you put tomato in it oh cool i'm so pleased to know that um french fries banana and eggs banana and eggs that's interesting let's have a look what else have we got i love eating fish and chips okay fried egg interesting boiled eggs eggs are popular aren't they what's with eggs everybody likes eggs barbecue so barbecue now that could be a meat barbecue but you could have a seafood barbecue or vegetable barbecue why not ramen noodle spot on i love ramen noodles especially if you get the right stock right the right soup really tasty what about potato chapati spot on absolutely delicious i had lots of those when i was in malaysia very nice um gopinath says rice and curry absolutely sophia goes for cake and a cup of tea totally different very very different so i'm talking not just about snacks right but general food all right zoe i like chinese food your traditional food right as well traditional meal dolma i like so much right okay brilliant poultry so i guess you're talking about chicken and uh what else turkey maybe or game anisha goes for rice and curry brilliant oh sheena biryani lovely absolutely delicious bit of spaghetti with cheese on it lovely that italian food excellent some of you go for spicy food some of you go for nutritious food like helen speaking very widely asian food okay excellent so some great ideas so when talking about food that we like yeah um let's bring in this sheet let's get rid of me food that you like no let's take this down sorry it sometimes doesn't work as well as i would like okay what food do you like so we can say i love right so for example if somebody said i don't know somebody said fish and chips seriously um i love fish and chips or i adore fish and chips this is a nice expression i'm rather partial to fish and chips say it with me i'm rather partial to i'm rather partial to right good i'm fond of blah blah blah i tend to eat i tend to eat actually here we would link yeah and we would put this invisible w here i tend to eat i tend to eat and the two becomes ter say it with me i tend to eat let me come over here i tend to eat chinese food i tend to eat indian food yeah good nice and then when you avoid foods i tend to avoid we've got the same this is interesting right we make a link but we add the w because you've got the o which looks like a o to avoid to avoid to avoid to avoid i tend to avoid spicy food say it with me i tend to avoid spicy food nice and use the chunks right chunk it i tend to avoid pause spicy food i tend to avoid spicy food i tend to avoid eggs i tend to avoid meat whoa brilliant well done you can also say i veer away from i veer away from again you're going to be connecting here um just let me i veer i veer away from i veer away from spicy food very way from i veer away from i veer away from spicy food you can do that as well i veer away from spicy food do that in your exam i veer away from indian food i veer away from healthy food actually i should veer away from fast food because although it's scrummy it's not very good for me right so nice some nice little expressions you can you can talk about there um keep practicing those we can talk about we've talked about chinese food but why not say chinese cuisine just a slightly more sophisticated word right i like italian cuisine i like chinese cuisine i love indian dishes right or i love bangladeshi dishes maybe biryani i can't remember where biryani originally comes from but right um or i like italian food i like italian food okay you can go on let me take this down just make it clearer you can go on to say my favorite dish is yeah my favorite dish is spaghetti bolognese notice the chunking again right my favorite dish is spaghetti bolognese it really helps your fluency if you chunk because if you just go on and on my favorite dish is spaghetti bolognese it's not easy chunking really helps you just take bit by bit my favorite dish is spaghetti bolognese try it my favorite dish is spaghetti bolognese change it of course for your own favorite dish but that chunking and pausing really helps your fluency right okay good some nice ideas i don't know where you are i'm trying to track your messages let's see if you're still here ah my favorite dish is pasta my favorite dish is fish and beef the riddle it is time for the riddle well spotted it's time for the riddle biryani's iranian food right oh this is one of the classic it's like it's like the chips right the um french fries countries will go to war to say no we invented the french fries the americans will say we invented it the british will say no we invented it riddle time okay riddle time here we go guys here is the riddle for today and today i've been super clever because i've made it up and i've changed it so you can't search on the internet okay so here is the riddle are you ready for the riddle are you ready i have to go back and double check i can remember it okay a lemon went to the doctor because it was sick what did the doctor prescribe so a lemon right went to the doctor yeah a lemon with legs a lemon went to the doctor because it was sick what medicine did the doctor prescribe i'll give you a second to give me your answer down below oh augustine you're far too good oh guys come on this is not even on the internet i hate it when you get the right answer anti-acid that's an interesting one good vitamin c very good ideas honey is a good idea the actual answer as your as many of you have already got is lemonade lemon aid and of course lemonade as one drink right often spelt like this lemonade that's a drink but it's lemon aid to help the lemon [Music] how cool great that's the riddle for today well done you guys are far too good for me far too good i need to rack my brains a little bit more to get some more complicated riddles to catch you out right okay so we've talked about food let's talk about cooking right and after this i'm going to share with you a few books that i think are interesting on food and cooking but let's first of all address this question right do you cook guys do you cook i am cracking under the nerves do you cook i'm going to turn myself off while i have a drink right good yes cooking is one of my favorite hobbies brilliant this is really good angelina because it helps us just clarify cooking is one of my favorite because you've made the mistake that is the most common mistake we see in ielts speaking right and it's the singular and the plural so cooking is one of my favorite hobbies with an s right um it's one of the most common mistakes so thank you very much for sharing that with us that's really good so everybody can now get it right it's one of my favorite hobbies great um let's see let's get some others supra says yes it's a stress buster in the lockdown very nice i like it stress buster really really good sarah says she's cooking stir fry what right now sarah stop cooking you're meant to be learning english well okay i'm not spanish i'm british okay unfortunately i don't have a knack for cooking i love that i don't have a knack for means i'm not good at very very nice i cook scrambling egg great it's one of those great dishes i cook scrambled eggs for some reason we put it in the plural but it's scrambled eggs i think now this from izana is a common situation i don't like to cook that's why i often eat ready meals and takeaways and this is so common in today's society people don't like cooking or don't know how to cook or don't have time to cook so we are consuming a lot of takeaways not very healthy i'm afraid but yes what else have we got nice little expression from maddin [Music] marina excuse me yes it's my cup of tea great um also sure with my apron on me too or diem i have a lovely apron i'll show you next time you can say i'm really into cooking yes i'm a good cook brilliant i have culinary skills we talked about skills the other day right brilliant i have cool culinary culinary culinary let's just change that yeah brilliant i have culinary culinary skills um for some people yes when i'm in the mood right brilliant good so some nice ideas we can add a bit more language here to say what you've got so you said i'm fond of cooking brilliant or i'm into cooking we can say i love to cook my signature dish is and your signature dish right your signature dish is the dish you like to cook the most and the one you do best so everybody likes to dabble in cooking right we like to oh to dabble in cooking means to try right to dabble in to try most people like to dabble in cooking but we're not professional cooks right but everybody has one dish that if friends come to your house you're going to be like oh yeah i'm going to make this dish because everybody loves it every time my chicken curry for example is my signature dish everybody loves it it's got my own little twist my own little ingredients that nobody else in the world does so i love to cook my chicken curry is my signature dish right so i wonder what your signature dishes are but we can say i dabble in cooking right is to try my hand in cooking to try my hand at cooking from the video you saw this expression i like to rustle up um blah blah blah i like to rustle up i don't know um a spaghetti no not spaghetti i don't know i like to wrestle up a pizza maybe so to rustle up is to make quickly you know we often say i like to rustle something up yeah in the kitchen i like to rustle something up oh come on autocorrect something up in the kitchen if friends are coming i like to rustle something up in the kitchen very colloquial it's very nice use it in ielts speaking because it's a phrasal verb always nice excellent good let's see signature dish i thought we'd get some signature dishes let's see what your signature dish is fried eggs from romaine fried eggs why not oh now then veggie falafel with multigrain sandwich [Music] zainab my signature dish is lasagna that brilliant lovely um italian dish oh sweaty thank you for sharing this what about whip up something exactly the same brilliant i like to rustle something up or whip something up that's great it's the same meaning really nice language great love it are your others my signature says my signature dish is pineapple rice it makes people over the moon love it love it pasta your signature dish is pasta right nice why not indeed so when we're cooking maybe some there are two ways you can cook right you can follow recipes or you can play it by ear follow the recipe means you have a recipe book and you follow the steps other people throw the book out of the window i just get a bit of sugar a bit of flour and egg mix it all up a bit of water and just you know you play it by ear so to play it by ear is to improvise right you just do it play it by ear just improvise basically make it up as i go along right there's no plan there you go no plan and you can play it by ear with anything if you're doing a presentation or a class or a meeting play it by ear don't have a plan but many people when they're cooking instead of following a recipe you can play it by ear i think the more professional you become or the more experienced you become if you're a seasoned chef then you can play it by ear or make it up as you go along literally make it up as you go along excellent good just seeing what else we've got italian macaroni if i remember rightly are those kind of like a dumpling i think i'm not sure this is a nice little practice here great alone when i'm alone at home i try to rustle something up for myself good because i get often very hungry brilliant very very nice language okay to wing it so sunita thank you very much can we say winged yes we can um so you can follow recipes you can play it by ear or i like to wing it brilliant which is exactly the same right to improvise just wing it put in a bit of sugar a bit of avocado bit of tomato squeeze of lemon one garlic or two three wing it mix it up guacamole excellent i like to wing it very very nice so there we've got it different things about cooking now then let me come back so i was going to share well talking about cooking right cook a few books to share with you first of all my hero one of my heroes jamie oliver jamie oliver five ingredients ingredients now one of the problems is as some of you have said is you're maybe you don't know how to cook or you're too busy sorry it looks like an advert this is not an advert i'm not sponsored by jamie oliver some of us are too busy don't know how to cook not interested in cooking and so we go and eat fast food jamie oliver said you know it's much healthier to cook at home so he makes a lot of books he's a british chef he makes a lot of books to make cooking easy right and so his five ingredients this is unbelievable right look at this chicken hot butt so what he does is he shows you if i can just show you here oh come on you get five ingredients onion chicken something else something or something and with five ingredients you make that unbelievable now how easy is that because often people say oh i don't have the right ingredients right so easy fish curry look at that you just need five ingredients and like 15 20 minutes and you can make the easy fish curry nice book jamie oliver five ingredients go and check it out it's quick and easy food i'm a big fan of janey gordon ramsay yeah he's also a very very good uh a very good um thingamajig chef he is um if you're really into health and i notice people like the gurley are into health book like this the china study now this is done by dr colin campbell and his son thomas campbell their phds their nutrition experts it's really really good this is a scientific study and basically the conclusions are we should eat a plant-based diet um because the the evidence that they show from this book is um after doing large long-term widespread studies in china years ago that meat and dairy products and milk and stuff were damaging to people's health so if you're into that china study um i shared this with you the other day michael pollan right in defense of food and this is all about again eating healthy food very easy to read very accessible nice language and it's basically eat food not too much and mostly plants so he doesn't advocate being healthy all the time right the idea of on one day a week it's a cheat day you can eat what you want come on i mean eating you know healthy food every day it's nice right but it's good now and again to pig out on a chocolate cake and an ice cream i mean for your mental health as well right having a mcdonald's now and again it's fun to do so it's just about eating in moderation in defense of food michael pollam i'll put all of these in the finger magic in the notes that you can get right some good language coming up here um let me just share one or two of these because i think it's well worth doing fussy eater right clara so a fussy eater normally we talk about children who are fussy eaters when they don't they will eat chocolate but they won't eat broccoli they'll eat this but i won't eat that they're picky right a picky eater they won't eat everything they're fussy eaters it's a nice nice expression um i'm too busy to cook at home yes there was another one somebody had another nice expression okay that was the other one yeah sweet tooth it's nice i love chocolates if you like sweet things yes it's have a sweet tooth now the last one i'm a seasoned cook that's a nice expression you must be a seasoned cook that means experience cook i wish you does i wish i was much better than i am but i'm really interested in it so if you're getting serious about cooking guys salt fat acid heat salmin nozrat is an absolute star um she is samin nosrad she worked with alice waters and if she was in one of the best restaurants in new york in america apparently but she's captured the elements of good cooking she says that you need salt you need fat acid and heat to make any good dish and it's just an unbelievable beautiful book and it's got recipes but it's also got it helps you understand fat salt right salt is not just salt there are so many things to understand about it it's a brilliant book it's well worth having a look at no as a reference book right okay enough of that we've talked a lot about food i can see some of you are getting kahoot withdrawal symptoms you're you guys are addicted to kahoot aren't you i must have kahoot so let me just um oh yeah okay brilliant some really really nice expressions coming up here i will try and pick them out and add them to the the list of things to do but we are gonna finish on a kahoot just to revise some of the vocabulary that we've seen so far and it's also a fun way to finish up the class right so let me just find my kahoot on food and we will get cracking let's get cracking okay wait a moment okay let me bring you in we're going to do this one teach we're going to play the classic so i'm going to turn the volume down because i remember it gets really loud so what you need to do if you're new here first of all i need to get out of the way you need to go to and then put in the number 838045 you can add your name and then join the game and basically i'm going to start asking questions and you have to put your answers in keith i love you seriously um if you can't get into cahoots you can write your answer in the comments section as well that's absolutely fine okay people are joining up we've got about 60 people i'll just give you a moment to get into the system and then we will start right brilliant i love some of the expressions you've got are great larry the cat okay larry the cat is in gene is in ricardo uh may ackee data you're all joining in rama want brilliant so we've got quite a lot of you in i think i know music's good right okay here we go kahoot um let's start let me find the play button you can still join even though we're starting now remember there's a time limit there is a time limit i'm gonna get rid of me quiz i'm to bananas i'm to bananas meaning i like them right you've got 15 seconds left fond partial a door a fan so be careful with the preposition two i'm um two oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear now then come on guys what's happening fond seriously i'm fond two bananas well then not at all how can you say fond to now that's because you're not thinking and paying attention to every word so in your listening test and reading really really pay attention to the prepositions right you have to say partial two you can't say fontu a fan of yep i adore bananas but i'm partial too oh right oh that's the first time that most of you have got it wrong come on then guys wake up it's cause you're all hungry right you're all thinking about chocolate and guacamole and biryani question number two well actually let's see let me get out of the way a dish i'm good at preparing is my mmm dish strange music right like a horror film not very happy at all this is where the teacher kills the student who makes a mistake [Music] beware oh you've got longer for this one cause i thought it was harder 22 seconds still 20 seconds seriously it's like a spy movie it's a piece of cake nice one eliza okay six five signed single signature or sung and seriously anybody gets this wrong they're at the game right well done most of you got it it's the yellow one's signature my signature dish excellent okay what's next oh the scoreboard we forgot about this yana top of the pops she's so far the quickest to get two right um coming closely behind is than lorraine larry the cat meow and my rules coming up in fifth place question number three we've got a total of four here's question number three when i when cooking i like to play it by foot hand nose or ear and this means to improvise right this is a bit happier right enough of the murder mystery right don't think of hey well done now it's interesting right a lot of you 50 said hand probably because you're thinking of cooking right with your hands um and of course when you cook yes you use your hands but play it by ear that's the expression 104 well done nice one guys that's getting better let's look at the uh the board yana you're still up there at the top larry the cat has come meowing into second place lorraine is up in third tan you've dropped a little bit and my rules still there in fifth place but we've got the last question here we go which of these is a macronutrient suspense again 15 seconds macronutrients this is a tough one well done most of you got it right absolutely 92 if you got it right it was protein remember carbs protein and fat they're the big macro means big the big nutrients vitamins and minerals are micronutrients and water is just water right excellent it's the moment of truth who is the winner third place lorraine well done larry the cat made it into second i wonder if it is it's yana yana made it to the top well done yana fantastic nice one our health and food expert jana lovely and that leaves us to the very very end of today's class we've talked a lot about these things we've talked about a few books we've looked at some nice expressions for cooking eating food signature dishes rustling things up in the kitchen you must be starving now like really hungry so before you go um just to remind you you can get all of the notes um on the website if you go to keith speaking academy um you'll get all of the notes on there so it's keith speaking within about three or four hours more or less go to the website click on free live lessons and that will take you to this page where you can just go there and uh download the the notes they're all there i'm adding more and more so you'll notice i've got more added because you know i had to change website it's a long process getting it all up so i've started to add a lot more there you can download them there if you like the lessons you can also try my online course you can check you can click there and go and check it out but that's it for today it really is time for that second breakfast or snack i think i'll have a raw potato maybe not maybe not so listen guys take care lovely uh to see you here thank you for all of your wonderful comments really really good ideas and for your participation you are key to making the class fun and exciting okay thank you very much um i'll see any questions you have and i can kind of answer those maybe in the next class i'll see you next week next tuesday and thursday same time same place take care be healthy be safe bye-bye now cheerio
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 81,739
Rating: 4.930913 out of 5
Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, food ielts, food ielts speaking, food ielts speaking part 1, food ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking food topic, ielts speaking food and cooking, ielts speaking food and restaurant, ielts food, ielts food vocabulary speaking, ielts food topic, ielts speaking success
Id: KQUoj1MvQnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 12sec (4272 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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