FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic WEATHER

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hello good morning and welcome to today's live class I am a couple of minutes late you will notice but not to worry today we're looking at what are we looking at you're looking at me I'm looking at the window I'm looking outside and looking at the rain and the fog because today IELTS speaking is all about the topic of weather so let's see first of all before we jump into weather just to remind you if you've not been here before my name is Keith I do run the IELTS website IELTS speaking success so if you want to improve your speaking skills that is the place to go www il2 speaking lots of stuff there for you to find great welcome everybody got lots of people have joined us today we've got Mary good morning from London Elena hello how are you Abby Alicia I'm Howard Apple great to see you home in as well nice to see you here through YouTube Sita good morning abhilasha Emily great to see you as usual essenti food are some very familiar names now you and zoo great to see you put marwari nice as well got loads of people Gladys Larry oh sure are gonna go right through to the bottom to catch up Radhika and Moyer nice to see you here Fanta fantastic fantastic right Sofia is on the way home after the IELTS exam Sophia how did it go and I'm so impressed that after the stress of an exam you're coming into another class to do ELLs speaking you are a shining example of brilliant student ship if that word exists and if it doesn't it should do hello Malika and Ahmed nice to see you lots of people Terrence good morning and let's move on okay I'm gonna go and try and keep up with your messages but of course it's impossible that hinge er nice to see you and tange a good morning all the way from Facebook the beautiful Facebook land Steven nice to see you and Sanne and LAN from Vietnam good morning to you quite a few people from Vietnam Kim as well Jaheim from the Philippines lovely nice right so guys I am very well thank you Aysel good to see you good to see you Cheng from Hong Kong right but Marcus and kaol great good morning sir Theresa nice to see you all of you so guys today we are looking at a topic which is so important because it comes up a lot in part one part two and part three and it's the weather right it's the weather I did ask you yesterday what were the what was the weather like in your country and I'm gonna go and have a look at that in a moment but first of all let's begin with questions so to share with you some of the questions we have at the moment actually right we've got this question a part two question describe a time when an activity you did was delayed due to the bad weather holy-moly right an activity was delayed due to the weather now that could be all sorts of things right it may be a football match and it starts raining it may be an outdoor wedding maybe you decided to get married and suddenly that activity it's an event but it's also an activity it got delayed why would you get married outside mmm isn't it better to get married inside you have better acoustics better music especially with the singing I don't know some people like to get married outside some people like to get married underwater I mean lots of very strange things right but Hammad good point job interview that would be the best if your job interview was delayed due to the bad weather possibly maybe the the interviewers were caught in a traffic jam because of the rain and so they couldn't get there so the activity was delayed maybe but all sorts of outdoor activities come to mind right that you may be doing sports games fairs all of those might be delayed due to bad weather or though it could be not just rain but it could be storms hurricanes tornadoes snow blizzards right lots of things like that we can look at all of these in a moment thank you for your love somebody sent me love young love from Vietnam thank you very much yes excellent due to the hurricane delayed in the flight due to the hurricane yes yes now delayed in the flight but you need to focus so not the flight because the flight is the flight and activity it's not really an activity you need to focus on the activity that was delayed so if for example lots of people are flying to a conference and nobody can get there so the conference is postponed or delayed because nobody could get there because of the flight then yes absolutely a workshop might be delayed absolutely yes good brilliant cool yeah interesting wenting very very good charm asus hiking absolutely if you go hiking that activity can be a delayed by the bad weather absolutely all sorts of bad weather Thank You Rita and Lakshmi cancelled a meeting with his or her friend due to bad weather yes absolutely yes because maybe you can't get there now Katherine that's interesting so Katherine says my IELTS exam was delayed three weeks because of bad weather Egypt and then postponed because of the corona virus but the corona virus is not bad weather but the bad weather in Egypt yes thunderstorms that will delay lots of activities I love this expression Ilya this is lovely activities may get rained off make a note everybody get your pen and if you haven't got a pen why not get your notebook make a note rained off right the activity was rained off brilliant lovely nice so Elena from Iraq you're talking about different kinds of weather here North Mountain Corner southern humid hot areas that's good brilliant typhoons great so so nice to see you here you can't sleep that's why you're here that's good I'm delighted that you're here so lots of reasons right oh sorry I've still got my breakfast you know sometimes you get the cereal or toast stuck in your teeth sorry it's still there okay now and this is very good one Rahul the time when me and my friends went to watch a cricket match but unfortunately the match got got what got abandoned due to heavy rain love a heavy rain nice collocation the match was abandoned delayed or a band abandoned can mean delayed right just make sure you don't say cancelled because it was delayed so it did happen later it's a small point but it's worth getting right okay so I'm gonna just share with you now other questions and that come up on this topic and then we'll look at language a bit more so right here we go there wait wait wait it moves so fast not moving so fast what is the weather like hang on a minute okay what is the weather like in your country great question especially in Part one do you think the weather will affect certain types of jobs nice question the other one is what causes the weather to change do you remember your school geography will explain that difficult question but lots of things to talk about right okay now just in case you're wondering what this is this piece of paper in fact I'm wondering what that is this is not my usual room this is my daughter's room and you can probably find out why in a minute look at that she's been doing max she's been learning maps and flags and he's at this clever so she's drawn the flag well she's colored the country in the color of the flag and the shape of the flag look at that this is where we live over here I can't um Spain that's where we are now brilliant very imaginative now then so let's have a look what is the weather like in your country right this is quite life this is going back one somebody just answered this is starting to rain cats and dogs so I didn't go for the groceries for grocery for the groceries the groceries nice raining cats and dogs is one of those kind of old-fashioned expressions I mean it's okay to be honest we don't use it very much in England at the moment okay brilliant oh there's lots of different things coming up here I couldn't attend my duty due to the floods in the river caused by heavy rain great great and that could be especially for your job right if you're working in the rain I'm getting distracted that was the previous question let me rush hey Elena I'm not sure she's more brilliant than her Dan I think now then Hooda here we go let's get into the weather the really nice nitty-gritty the real stuff it's boiling hot in summer and freezing cold in winter make a note that is lovely whoo that it's nice because it's not just hot it's cold it's boiling hot it's freezing cold love it some people wear depending where you live you may have a temperate climate as Hawaii says absolutely brilliant I'm sure Andy Ukraine is a lovely place brilliant now then for India we've got quite a few people from India here India experiences monsoon during the month of May monsoons with us monsoons and that's nice and India experiences instead of saying India has mmm India experiences monsoons great most of the people like rainy days I love rainy days me too right brilliant good now then not far away in Sri Lanka we have a dry climate most of the people here are farmers and Martin farmers mainly depends on the good weather farming is a farming mainly depends on the good weather yep nice very good very very good great what have we got right we've got Iran over here MRSA the weather in Tehran is rainy right now but most of the time the weather is cool great weather can be hot cold mild cool brilliant Hong Kong William nice to see you warm temperatures great so we can have high temperatures hot temperatures warm temperatures mild temperatures in the middle and at the bottom low and low temperatures low and freezing temperatures remember brilliant great now that here's another nice word from Queen Victoria Queen Victoria seriously oh not just Queen Victoria the first Queen Victoria the first I think there was only one in England scorching summer scorching is a nice word and you can see from her lovely emoji scorching hot excellent very very good mmm nice well another one here from jayanta baking hot right metaphorical idiomatic because it's like baking in the oven it's baking hot here very very good wow you guys are good look at this Mohamed this is brilliant in my country the weather is pouring right it's pouring means it's raining a lot it's pouring it's raining very very good right nice one there the one from Kazakhstan about the strong wind storm certain jobs and cancel great I can't pronounce your name cuz I don't know how to read Cyrillic script I'm so sorry Joe from Korea there are four seasons I strongly believe the weather could affect several jobs I'm gonna come on to the jobs in a minute Joe let's stay with weather yeah now then Saudi Arabia I am aware of this it's too hot to with you know 9 OS good so most of the outdoor activities were delayed yeah right ok William good so let's see more about weather so we've got again the x cream x screams extremes in hong kong scorching while the winter is freezing called come on chunk the winter is freezing cold now the winter in hong kong with all respect is not freezing cold it probably is for you but come to england and we'll show you freezing cold go to Scotland did you watch the video about Scotland on the Facebook page there's a video all about Scottish weather now that's freezing cold but Chung or Jasmine I think it's it's relative right if you're used to hot weather then I remember when I was in Hong Kong it was like 8 or 9 degrees people like oh it's freezing I was like in a t-shirt right so the weather is amazing it's getting rainy then sunny right very changeable weather that's a nice word the weather is changeable means it changes quite frequently in England the weather is changeable there's a famous song which is so true called four seasons in one day to remember that four seasons in one day who is that four seasons in one day crowded house brilliant song twenty years ago and of course in England you do get four seasons in one day right it can be misty and foggy like today then it can be raining in midday and the Sun comes out in the afternoon right good so dad not that Dad that go torrential rain very nice collocation heavy rain torrential rain really heavy mace the streets be locked down ok so we've got some a nice one here from Veronica during the winter it's mostly during winter it is Right remembrance it is sunny it is mostly foggy and really humid humid meaning wet but in the warmer seasons there's a bright Sun and nice temperatures nice mild temperatures maybe okay excellent so listen let me just share with you some some what some vocabulary we've been looking at so here we go let me make it bigger as usual everything's too small Veronica we have to say goodbye how do I cancel you cancel Veronica poor Veronica she'll disappear there we go ok so well what is the weather like in your country now really it's very good think about it right if your country is big then it depends where right the country in the south of India is not the same as in the north of India the country in st. Petersburg is not the same as up in the right on the East Coast I can't think of a city on the east coast of Russia but or America or in many big countries it depends where and it depends on the season as well so you can identify go more specific and talk about one of them what I wouldn't do well would I okay if you go through each season keep it short right otherwise it will be too long for a part one question if you say for example in England we have four seasons summer autumn winter and spring in the summer it's sometimes quite hot it's not as hot as other countries but we get quite a bit of sunshine temperatures are not well we don't get scorching temperatures they're fairly mild temperatures in in autumn now at this point right the kick the examiner is going to cut you off because you're gonna be here for 20 minutes describing all the seasons and the weather so be careful with that that if you describe you want to describe all the seasons to show off I know the name of the seasons you've got to be really quick you've got to be really like oh in summer it's really hot in winter it's freezing cold autumn we have lots of windy days and in spring well as the flowers bloom and blossom we get kind of mild temperatures right has to be quick so I would suggest actually you take one season right so something like this and going detail because the devil is in the detail I mean the secret is in the detail that's where you get really good language so what's the weather like in your country well it depends on the season right we have four seasons but let's take summer for example in the UK the summer we have fairly mild temperatures every once in a blue moon we get some scorching hot days where people go sunbathing but overall it's fairly temperate a fairly temperate climate in the summertime right I think that's better because you're going into detail you're bringing out different kinds of vocabulary that's my idea anyway so it depends where and on the season we've got different kinds of weather hot obviously mild is not that hot like in England it's quite a mild climate we get mild weather mild temperatures okay cold and wet okay now different ways of expressing this let me just go through let's take these one at a time it's blah blah blah in my country so here we're using adjectives right so if you want to use adjectives and we can say it's it's scorching right now you remember because some of you brilliant students pointed this out scorching is hot really hot sweltering it's the same really hot boiling the same really hot diantha gave us baking right really hot so those are great it's scorching in my country it's sweltering in my country in the summer it's boiling in my country in the wet season it's really baking in my country in August okay you can see how to use it now if you're getting cold then we can say obviously it's cold quite chilly this is very British right it's chilly not chili con carne not chili as in eating chili but chili as in cold it's quite chilly in my country in autumn and winter if it's really cold and it's freezing cold is nice we can talk about wet we can talk about humid it's quite humid it's pretty humid notice right when we speak in English and when we speak in English here we we don't usually say it's cold right most English people say it's an adverb it's really cold it's quite cold yeah it's pretty cold it's fairly cold it's somewhat cold right these adverbs like this one are so natural and it really just makes you sound English British American Canadian more like a native speaker right they're really powerful they look so simple right quiet fairly no they're really good really powerful so use them great humid if it's wet soaking wet if it's really wet and right who's soaking I am soaking wet the weather is soaking wet in my country gloomy is just a bit it's gloomy not very nice a bit dark a bit grey a bit like Scotland and England with bleak the same not very nice and changeable if it changes every day so that's one way we can say it's bubbeleh in my country right brilliant let me just show you another one here so we've looked at adjectives there but we can also look at nouns so here if you want to focus on nouns we can use this well we get a lot of mumble put your noun in problem we get a lot of sunshine in my country in the summer right develop your phrases we get a lot of tropical storms in the north of India in the monsoon season right we get a lot of another thing don't think of words think of sound chunks get a lot of is one sound gets a lot of get a lot of get a lot of sounds like a polish writer mister get a lot of get a lot of we get a lot of showers in England showers doesn't mean you know soap washing your hair I know it showers is is rain right a downpour some nice words here wow they're brilliant when did I do this showers downpours lovely words we get a lot of downpours right so much better than rain we get a lot of rain yes okay good but make it a bit more interesting bit and seven and eight level right we get a lot of downpours get a lot of showers we get quite a few showers maybe so we get to let off a lot of rain snow wind yep heat waves is another one and droughts so if it doesn't rain for a long period of time we get a lot of droughts funnily enough in England this is a strange dichotomy it rains a lot and yet every year in the summer when it stops raining like after a week we have a drought and the government gets all upset and angry and the people are like oh my god we've got no water can't come on it's crazy we get droughts out droughts where there's not enough rain and so people can't have a shower they can't wash the car or even the bicycle because they're wasting water right so now so we've looked at adjectives right remember boiling baking with - adverbs quite fairly some what we've looked at nouns we get a lot of Papa Papa and the last one is this one herbs of course verbs verbs verbs verbs so if you want to use verbs it's always Papa where I live but Babar it's always raining where I live raining terrain so think of your verbs to rain another word again think a bit more imaginative somebody gave us this earlier right pouring it's always pouring where I live it's always pouring where I live it's always pouring down we often say pouring down noun I remember was a downpour it is pouring them it's it's always pouring down where I live it tends to pour down a lot where I live it's always drizzling drizzling is that nice soft rain very fine rain small raindrops so it tends to drizzle in the north of England that's a kind of light rain I'll just make my notes a bit clearer pouring down drizzling equals right light rain snowing sleeting sleeting is a mixture of snow and rain together right so it tends to sleet in the autumn in England great so there are some ideas for you to start practicing let me come back to you guys mmm I've totally lost track of all of the comments I'm gonna come down and just see what we've got hello again do you know what I've forgotten I've forgotten my drink because in the morning I have to swap rooms with my daughter for the internet connection and I've forgotten my drink can somebody go and prepare me a tea and give me a virtual tea so there let's have I'm just gonna pick out a few examples here Luke says I live where we we have I live where we have no winter time and our average temperature is 28 that's nice and for each temperature unfortunately during summer time it's the hottest time it's the hottest time and you need air conditioners of course exactly great Vietnam has tropical weather lovely very very nice what else have we got somebody practicing drizzling lovely drizzling hala I hope that's your daughter and not you brilliant oh this is nice bye Ezra we have a desert climate very good who's been studying geography nice we have a desert climate character a characterized by heat during the day characterized by that's lovely Saudi Arabia very very nice oh this is good I go nice Kazakhstan extreme continental which means hot summers an Arctic level freezing cold Arctic level freezing cold right brilliant freezing cold hmm very nice from Taiwan Emily says we have we you have a subtropical climate so summers can be quite hot quite hot love it humid and oppressive right yeah they can they make you feel tired right I remember when I first moved to Taiwan the first few weeks I was just getting so tired so much and I think it was the heat was just wolf affecting my body my whole brain and physiology I just got really tired brilliant excellent excellent excellent what else we got I'm gonna go streaming down and boiling hot brilliant I love it when you're using all this new language in central Vietnam it is hot there I remember I've been there as well Danielle freezing cold in Russia where I am NOT in Hong Kong freezing cold brilliant lovely right good this one as well we got the word experience again experience lots of lots of weather's now it's a very good point Sophia excellent weathers is not countable so you can't have a weather or weathers right it's a bit like I don't know it's a bit like what water right you can't have at water or waters it's just uncountable so I can experience lots of different kinds of weather different kinds of kinds with an S of weather no s right so i or we we can experience lots of different kinds of weather in each season nice sophia good and by the way just a quick word about mistakes i am and i will correct your mistakes when you write it ok i want you to see mistakes as learning opportunities mistakes are fantastic they are really really good and i'm so happy when people make mistakes because it shows they're trying to use new language they're experimenting and that is how you learn a language and then if somebody can correct you just try and remember and get it right you may not get it right straight away but the whole process is learning it's so important to make mistakes it really is important if you're not making mistakes I don't think you're learning as much as you could so start making some mistakes brilliant thank you okay great you it's freezing freezing from the northeast of China it is Donbas it's really cold up there gloomy day Jayanti here as well it's a very gloomy day this is nice I love it Sayid where you're in the north of Iran right so there are downpours and it's generally humid generally lovely love it these adverbs keep them coming right now Raoul is leading us on to the next question oh this is nice actually just let me share this worth first mixed weather love it mixed weather changeable weather or mixed weather nice hat in there that's good yep unseasoned cold weather in summer yet unseasoned cold weather in summer interesting good now somebody is asking hi Keith any idioms that we can use for weather hmm idioms for weather that's a good question there are idioms for there aren't there well talking about the weather well if you include phrasal verbs as idiomatic expressions and they are then pouring down is is one raining cats and dogs is a horrible expression I'm not going to use that so old-fashioned they probably are let me think about that and let me come back to you before I've lost let me come back to you where's Raul gone Raul had a really good weave I've lost you you led me and I can't search you we should have a search engine in the chat box you are leading me into the bit about the the next question never mind let me move on to the next question brilliant I can see all the examples here look at that Budapest has a Sun flooded morning today a Sun flooded flooded that's how we say flooded in the north of England that's a nice Sun flooded brilliant the next question okay do you think the weather will affect certain types of jobs do you think the weather affects certain types of jobs there you go have a think about that this is where normally I would drink my tea I can't mm-hmm come rain or shine brilliant let me make a note these people people are coming out with them some Acadians Paul's brilliant if I don't know that of course you know them limb come rain or shine is good I'll share that with you in a moment brilliant so we're thinking about jobs right which jobs here we go definitely says Tina I think PI pilot at pilots job could be affected in the passive could be affected by wind speed yeah storms and wind steed will affect pilots brilliant very good good absolutely for example quarry a couriers job it's not the right spelling Mohammed but good couriers job if your currying carrying and taking parcels and packages especially if you're on a bicycle those in London if it's pouring down and you're on a bike as a courier then that will definitely affect you yes it has a great impact on farming doesn't it yes very big impact if it freezes in the winter that can affect your crops if it rains too much that kind of flood your your crops if it's really sunny too soon and all the flowers come out and the seed starts a crop and then suddenly it gets really cold again that can kill a lot of the crops excellent nice people work in constructions are affected by rainy or snowy weather yeah and you know what the biggest problem with in construction because I used to work in construction in the summers when I was younger I used to fill up my when I was studying every summer I would work in construction to get a bit of extra money and the biggest problem in construction is when it freezes so it doesn't matter if it's raining people will come out and they will still build a house if it's raining but if it freezes they can't why because the concrete to put the bricks on it freezes and if the concrete freezes you can't work you can't build concrete is the stuff you build the walls out of or to put the bricks on top of each other great yep absolutely we was saying here about farmers absolutely true plays an essential role especially rated to jobs especially farmers brilliant anything else construction workers we've got what else if we got might be affected farmers a lot of people have said farmers here I'm not sure what this is chelina field jobs that sounds like research to me like a researcher in the field doing field research when you're actually asking questions and finding out research but I wonder if you mean farmer like farming in the field right I would say farmers if it's research that's good field jobs researchers might be affected not sure why but there might be here's a nice one from hyung traffic police influenced by the rain and storms yes exactly what else have we got yesterda to rock the boat I'm not sure Catherine is that a weather-related one hmm well I suppose it's not affected to the business because nowadays we can work from home independently yeah so I suppose it doesn't affect it doesn't affect business right it doesn't affect business yeah because we can work from home that's very very true yes this one is true construction again building a house quite a few people have said construction careers great nicely spelt love it thank you fishers ole Rima that's a nice idea the word is fishermen fishermen fishermen now unfortunately it's one of those jobs where there are not many women and so traditionally even though there may be a woman Fisher person we say fishermen a bit like postman fishermen we don't say Fisher person Fisher people no maybe we should fishermen yet they get affected absolutely though the storms at sea can affect their work okay excellent undoubtedly yep yep yep what's this one Mary the definitely it will affect various jobs as skying instructors now it's interesting I've never heard of that before what's a skying instructor Oh skiing BRR Keith hello I just got it winter snow skiing it's double I escaped I ing skiing I was thinking like pilots or jumping at the sky like the parachute though though I think you means skiing okay thank you I'm laughing at me great we've got lots more there so yeah I think you've touched upon touched upon right you've touched upon you've mentioned most of the important ones somebody's just come out with a nice idiom again it never rains but paws shred very very good it never rains it pours I'm going to share these with you I'll go over them again try and explain them in a moment with you excellent more idioms keep them coming in it's nice yeah good nice Andy from Russia well this is an interesting slant right about affecting jobs how does it affect a job because it can physically affect you but also as Sorel says whether the weather can affect can affect people's mood right no on just can affect people's mood so it can affect their jobs it can affect their jobs that's right if it's raining and you get soaking wet and you're in a bad mood that will affect your job and how you work and your how you work with people your efficiency productivity that's really interesting so ah that's a nice angle to take on that question right let's move on to another question what causes before I do that let me just no I won't do that no slow down brilliant did I have anything else on jobs I had farmers fishermen builders postman taxi drivers which you've all mentioned excellent ok so here's another question what causes the weather to change and this question takes me back to when I was 14 years old in mr. Pickering's geography class talking about something about air pressure and wind and there was diagrams of things moving and going up do you remember that geography class what causes the weather to change now there's lots of things you can mention somebody hotel Hotel come back stop running away I think your message is running away global warming is a nice one obviously that's something we can talk about somebody else has put a bit of a a be less sure the weather is changing the weather changing oh no good the weather changing is due to global warming deforestation which leads to shortage of downpours very very good Reema thank you for that I've got it on cloud nine good one nice global warming geographical conditions that's true it's all about global warming pollution carbon dioxide global warming ice melting humidity levels all of these greenhouse effect so make a note of all of these greenhouse effects global warming co2 emissions deforestation can all play a role brilliant so all of these are key vocabulary for you guys absolutely greenhouse gases weather changes are now them here we've got somebody who watches the weather who's somebody who paid attention in geography class weather changes because of air pressure that's one of the number one reasons we get weather changing because of the air pressure so with this question you've got the geographical kind of geography explanation and then you've got the the news current affairs explanation talking about global warming and all of those branches great Tina what do you mean the most problem is people what do you mean by that I assume you mean global warming right ice melting Israel very good here's another one global warming or climate change the nice one here again Tina greenhouse gases' peach people burn the forest that could another one be affected not be affected that could affect weather change deforestation has come up a few times all this is nice shiron low precipitation and drought could spell disaster for farmers Wow that's going to the last question but that's a nice low precipitation is the humidity drought no water could spell disaster lovely expression make a note please spell could spell disaster excellent so you've all got a lot of the things here very very very good I'm gonna take you back you remember as I mentioned as I mentioned going back to school right you probably saw a picture like this let me share this with you because this I thought this was heated it took me straight back to the classroom right when you were at school sorry sheeran you're going to evaporate what causes weather right now weather on earth is caused by heat from the Sun and movement of the air it's all about air pressure all weather happens in the lower level in the lower layer of Earth's atmosphere which is a layer of gases surrounding the earth so up here in the atmosphere that's where it all happens the sun's heat warms the air in this layer two different temperature levels in different places heat from the Sun look at that heat from the Sun and how cool is this little website because what it does as well is you can go like that don't heat from the Sun he isn't that good that good isn't that good isn't that cool a bum go away but bum heat warm air rises and then cold air rushes in underneath to replace it so the air rises I'm pointing of course you can't see me goes up here the rut the other air rushes in and the movement of air is what we call wind wind brings changes in the weather such as clear sunny skies or heavy rain blah blah blah blah goes on and on brilliant it goes on to talk about fog rain snow extreme weather such as storm storms and blizzards what a great little website so listen let me share that website with you you can go and have a look later and you can learn a little bit about what causes weather and some nice vocabulary and collocations that you could use there you go find out all about the earth and the however great I should have been a geography teacher not an English teacher geography great brilliant so people are talking now we're getting it people are talking about water cycles the vapour cycles excellent well done now here we go yep achoo you're right the heat from the Sun evaporates the water from the sea and then it goes up after that it cools down and it rains pause you get soaking wet topography excellent nice one that is a key field to talk about this this stuff industrialization industrialization may cause it right the bottom lines as Jeffrey I think the bottom line nice the most important thing is climate change itself people are desperately utilizing a lot of fossil fuels and as a consequence humans are becoming unaware of the negative end results of too much pollution lovely Jeffery very very good excellent so I think yes these are some of the reasons that we've got air pressure wind what changes the weather the seasons can have a impact on the weather seasons as well so definitely air pollution you're right you're very young Rehan I can imagine you can even talk never mind talk English great our youngest student air pollution can cause long-term effect for people such as respiratory disease and lung cancer yes that's very very true okay good condensation yep too much heat can cause loss of water from the sea is that right I didn't know that actually causes that the loss of water from the sea I didn't know that but then surely if the sea levels are rising because the ice cap is melting this is a good balance maybe I don't know right Divya this is a nice answer there are ample ariz at there are ample reasons know of there are ample reasons but I would like to put forth is a certification yes okay so listen carefully there are ample reasons but the one I would like to put forth is desertification nice Divya great well yes co2 emissions absolutely so co2 emissions they do I know what that happens co2 emissions they come into the atmosphere and I think one of the biggest problems is it kind of blocks the atmosphere the heat from the Sun comes into the earth and we've blocked it so it can't go out it's trapped that's the greenhouse effect right it's like we're trapped inside this greenhouse because of all the co2 emissions have trapped us inside and trap the heat from the Sun that cannot escape and we get hotter and hotter and hotter and the whole globe gets hotter right Emmy not your cup of tea don't worry you just you yeah you don't need to learn geography you just need to know a little bit to explain what's going on brilliant so guys we are almost coming yes Andy you're right cloud seeding that's interesting because some countries and I remember when I was living in China the government did cloud seeding quite a lot actually to control the the rain or the weather especially for special events I think I remember most when they had the the Olympic Games in Beijing 2008 and they seeded the clouds so much just before the event to make sure we had good weather during the Olympics mm-hmm so and that's not the only country that cloud sees a lot of countries do that so we've got this problem that um God has said ozone layer so that atmosphere depletion it's being destroyed so we're no longer protecting ourselves from the sun's heat but we're also not letting the heat escape do that in your exam escape great so listen we're gonna have to wrap up let me just come back and share three idioms that have been shared there may be more but I've just seen three and I'll share these with you bum bum bum come rain or shine great come rain or shine means whatever happens right so I'm going to the park come rain or shine yeah I'm going to give my presentation tomorrow in the meeting come rain or shine I don't care if the boss doesn't want me to I don't pair care if I've got a cold and I'm sick I'm going to present come rain or shine great it never rains it pours is a nice idiom which means him everything happens at once so typically the idea is that of course the farmers are waiting for the rain and it never rains and they get worried and then suddenly one day it rains but it rains so much it floods the field and destroys the crops so everything happens at once and it's a negative thing right it's it's a negative thing in the farmers so well it's normally negative actually maybe not always so it never rains it pours you know it's like no it can be positive because the example I'm thinking of is let's say you've applied for 20 jobs and you're waiting and you're waiting and then you get no answers like for a month then suddenly one day you get ten answers ten letters saying you got the job it never rains it pours everything happens at once so it can be positive actually not just negative on cloud nine is happy to be on cloud nine I am happy I am happy to be here with you guys to be on cloud nine I'm sorry I'm on cloud nine to talk about weather geography in English to be on cloud nine great excellent some very very nice expressions they're lovely so oh well there's so much good language that there's coming up from you guys a couple more with you acid rain is a good thing to talk about yep very very nice ecological imbalances lovely collocation don't forget the fluency Jim heard Daniel I haven't forgot the fluency Jim I have not forgot the fluency Jim if and that's what I'm going to do now because it's time oh my god it is time it's 11 o'clock so we're going to wrap up on the weather thank you very much for that let's do five minutes of fluency Jim fluency Jim we'll get you fit and fluent in English so what I'm going to do is first of all find my notes so have a drink if you've got your tea unlike me have a little sip keep hydrated it's really important fluency Jim today is on the past tense so before we've looked at we've looked at the present tense the present perfect continuous and today I'm going to do the past tense for those of you who are new and cool bye-bye for those of you who are new the fluency Jim is like going down to the gym to workout so I'm just going to do some very simple practice to get you more fluent and focus on intonation focus on the sounds right I'm not going to show you the words because I don't want you to read I want you to listen train your ear to listen to the sounds and to listen to the intonation intonation there are three things right listen for rising rising a listen for falling falling hello that's rising hello it's falling right rising falling is the other one hello rising falling so listen for these intonation patterns in the sentence and just follow me I do two things I say the phrase and I want you to repeat I then say the phrase without the words so it's a dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee and I just want you to repeat dee dee dee dee dee dee dee right because it's easier to focus on the intonation and then we'll repeat the words again and I may just point out some connections or things that are a bit unusual all of these come from part one questions so these are also kind of nice answers for the questions okay but they're just focusing on phrases right okay people are writing dee dee dee dee dee dee dee it's also it is hilarious it is very funny very funny yes brilliant good so let's begin are you ready so part so pressed we're talking about the past and past habits so the thing to remember in the past we can use did we can use used to or would write those are three things we use to talk about past habits for example swim the word swim swam I swam a lot so let's begin with that okay I swam a lot right now you've got to repeat right got it I swam a lot dddd i swam a lot great notice how we're linking swam swam a lot right it sounds like a one of the Knights of King Arthur's round table knights sir swam a lot sir swam a lot it's one sound next one I used to swim a lot I used to swim a lot dddddd I used to swim a lot but I don't anymore the ddddd but I don't anymore and altogether I used to swim a lot but I don't anymore the dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih dhih I used to swim a lot but I don't anymore okay got it great and you should be able to hear the stress as well the dee dee dee listen for the stress I would swim a lot as a child dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee I would swim a lot as a child great I forgot to tell you the question the question was did you do water sports as a child I forgot to tell you the question next question did you take art classes when you were a child so here we go I've got to think yes I had to do our classes at school it was mandatory d dddd dddd dddd tea yes I had to do art classes at school it was mandatory I realized that was a bit long I'll try and break it down and the next question did you eat a lot of cakes or desserts when you were younger yes I did TTD yes I did in my family we would have a dessert every day after dinner the titi titi titi titi titi titi titi titi in my family we would have a dessert every day after dinner the next one did you enjoy learning history when you were a child hmm ready not really I didn't like it much dee dee dee dee dee dee dee not really I didn't like it much okay also notice like it much like it much again it's like a sound it's like a surname or a family name mister like it much hello mr. and mrs. liked it much think of a sound like it much I didn't like it much falling intonation I didn't like it much nice it carries on okay not really I didn't like it much I often used to skip history classes dee dee dee dee dee dee dee dee I often use to skip history classes to tell you the truth dee dee dee dee dee to tell you the truth notice is not to tell you it's tough to tell you the truth - to tell you the truth put it together repeat I often use to skip history classes to tell you the truth and the whole answer not really I didn't like it much I often use to skip history classes to tell you the truth challenging I know but you can always come back listen to this and practice again focus on the sounds I don't want to show you the words because I want you to focus on sounds guys that's it that is the fluency Jim fantastic nice workout well done all of you keep going keep motivated the fluency Jim is really good because you can do this every day especially now so many people are confined at home cannot get out you can just practice this every day I guarantee if you do these like every day for maybe two weeks even for ten minutes you'll start to notice a change so brilliant guys thank you very very much keep at it you're doing a really really good job I'm so pleased to see so many mistakes I'm so pleased really to see you trying new language and sharing all of these ideas I think you are the best students in the world great good like a good I'm glad to see quite a few of you like it can help you I hope so excellent guys thank you very very much we're gonna finish here I'm about to rush to get some tea of course actually I might have a coffee today just for a change do you know why because my daughter has made a be Scotch all the Scotch oh is a nice sponge cake and that would be lovely right elevenses a bit of cake and coffee before my next class in 20 minutes William take care everybody all the best bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 56,022
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, ielts speaking vocabulary, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topic weather, ielts speaking weather, weather ielts speaking, ielts speaking vocabulary weather, ielts speaking weather questions with answers, ielts speaking weather and climate, ielts speaking weather in india, ielts speaking topics 2020 weather
Id: MJieNa0ozBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 41sec (3941 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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