IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers - Part 3 Topic EXTREME SPORTS

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hi guys and it is really good to see you again today I'm gonna be looking at the topic of extreme sports so we'll get lots of interesting vocabulary and also get help you to give some really good answers to part three questions about extreme sports let's get straight into it [Music] hi for those of you who don't know me my name is Keith I run a website called IELTS speaking success which is all about helping you improve your English give better answers and getting a higher score on the IELTS speaking test today I'm gonna begin with a very very simple tip of a part 3 of the IELTS speaking and a thank you to one of my students who helped me better understand this so in part 3 it's really really good to give examples and to give a really specific examples in fact the more specific the better and so a student of mine asked me she said Oh in that part 3 question I forgot my example will I be marked down and I thought no of course not the examiner is not evaluating your examples per se the reason we give examples is so you can show off lots of rich vocabulary ok examples and more specific examples bring out a whole new wide range of vocabulary and that's why they're good for example if there's a question why do people use mobile phones right well so I can give my opinion I think lots of people use mobile phones to connect with others the reason because well because it's really convenient it's fast and easy to do and the example well take my father for example and many fathers and grandfathers around the world they use you know video conferencing software like Skype in order to get in touch with their family members that may be living you know they may be scattered around the world living in different pockets of the world and it's a great opportunity for them to have a good chat with their family right so can you see the example the kind of language that comes out video conferencing software scattered around the world living in different pocket it's around the world suddenly there's a whole new range of vocabulary which is what you need at the band seven right a wide range of vocabulary used flexibly so you're examples are key for that so remember in part three examples the more specific the better great let's get on with today's video Oh before I do let me just remind you Facebook I'm doing Facebook live every Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 a.m. in the morning Spain time come and join us it's free it's about half an hour 40 minutes we look at different topics some great brainstorming and sharing of ideas I think it can be really useful and a big shout out and a thank you to all the students who join me there because today's class and some of the language has come from the students and the inspiration they give me so really a big thank you to all of you also to let you know I do teach on I talk II one to one if you want one-to-one classes you can find me there and finally last but not least I do have an online course on udemy if you want a really deeper learning experience go and check out the course brilliant extreme sports so what do we mean by extreme sports well basically I think it's a sport right where there's an element of risk or a sense of danger so it's a sport beyond a normal sport where people are taking risks okay it's also a very strenuous exercise so often it's more difficult there's a bigger effort and stronger kind of activity that's needed examples of extreme sports well there's a few that came to my mind that I I'm familiar with such things as parasailing hang gliding maybe skiing you could say rock climbing there's also free climbing and that's the rock climbing right but without the rope so some guys they go climbing 200 meters up a rock without a rope talk about taking a risk surfing whitewater rafting similarly abseiling or even caving so abseiling is where you come down the rock no with a rope otherwise it's called flying and caving or potholing where you go down into the caves and explore the underground caves so they all have an element of risk and I think pushing the boundaries you know pushing the the normal boundaries of sport now when I looked at this topic I also went on the internet here down below you can see a link you can go and search for lots of different kinds of sports and to be honest half of them I've never heard of before because some of these sports are fads or trends that you know people have just started doing and sharing on social media and so I'm not even familiar with them now that's good and bad because it may also be the case that your examiner is not familiar with a really new or trendy sport and so if if as well use lightly mispronounced it they may not understand and if they don't understand what you've said then it's a problem for you not for the examiner so I suggest choosing a fairly common or well-known sport that most people are familiar with so maybe skydiving or you know parasailing rather than the obscure score obscure sports that you can find on the Internet okay that's it so let's have a look at three questions you may get in part three typical questions right as always why do people do bla bla bla bla bla bla is not an extreme sport but why do people do extreme sports do you think attitudes to extreme sports have changed in recent years this is another classic and part 3 question do you think bla bla bla has changed in recent years so here it would be good for you to talk about the past the change and now right and you can imagine the tenses the past the change that has happened and the now so it's a very very common kind of question finally should people do extreme sports or is it irresponsible again should people do something it's asking for your opinion and you need to justify that opinion to explain why you think so as with all part 3 right I think there's a basic recipe for me give your opinion say why give an example and just go back to the beginning of the video remember the more specific the better because of the language you get let's have a look at that first question so why do people do extreme sports well there's a multitude of reasons right I think people do extreme sports partly because they want to keep fit and stay in shape it's a great way to keep physically fit and mentally fit also I think a lot of people want to challenge themselves they want to push their boundaries or push their comfort zone so they're doing something that takes them out of the the everyday routine of life and gives them an opportunity to grow and develop in addition to that I think one of the other big reasons is that people actually get addicted to adrenaline adrenaline is that that hormone that runs through your body makes you excited so either when you are excited or nervous like when you're doing the IELTS speaking test adrenaline goes through your body makes you nervous makes you excited and people get addicted to the adrenaline rush they want that adrenaline kick so they want it again and again and so they become addicted to the extreme sports pushing further and further every time they do it there you go there are some ideas and there are other ideas you could talk about why do people do extreme sports nowadays right people are sharing their experiences online on social media so maybe some people a craving love and fame so they're out there they're climbing on the top of the building taking a photo or a selfie of them doing acrobats on top of the building jumping and spinning and somersaulting and making a video putting it on social media and getting like some becoming famous so maybe they crave Fame besides that people also you know people get a kick out of doing extreme sports it means that you know if they get excited by it they get a kick out of it but also if their peers or their peer group are into extreme sports then they they want to belong and they want to be a part of that group so very often keeping up with the Joneses as we say in English or keeping up with your peers then you have to do extreme sports the same as your peers so there's often that kind of team feeling or sense of group and group belonging that incentivizes people to do extreme sports finally I know some people do it as a bet so there are some people who do extreme sports as a regular hobby others as a one-off and sometimes somebody has has made a bet or a wager with them and saying you know I dare you I bet you won't jump out of an Arab and so they go into a parachute jump she's a kind of extreme sport as a bet that's another way okey-dokey let's move on the next question do you think attitudes to extreme sports have changed in recent years okay well let's think about the past the change and now so in the past I think there were not that many extreme sports I mean sure people did parachuting and parasailing hang gliding but I think this has changed now there has been a significant change especially because of the Internet and the rise of social media so I think nowadays because people are more able to share the videos about these extreme sports that is incentivizing a lot more people to have a go and to try it so the attitudes are much more about people having a go I mean we live in this can-do Society right everyone has a can-do attitude why not have a go try and do it have a new experience so I think yes the attitudes are that we can try a lot more extreme sports much more than in the past and there's a wider range that we can try because of this sharing people are more creative more innovative and so they are showing the examples of new extreme sports that they have made up and putting them on the Internet and other people are having a go maybe there's even the competitive spirit that someone wants to be even better at doing it to jump even higher climb even higher run even further than anybody else so yes absolutely I think these attitudes have changed so language-wise there's some things there I think you can talk about social media people are more inclined to have a go people are more likely to to try to have a go to try their hand at something I want to try my hand at potholing to have a go nice language you can talk about creativity innovation or being innovative so as always when you're learning words try and think about the word family the noun the verb the adjective innovate the innovation noun innovative adjectives should people do extreme sports or is it irresponsible well I guess with this question you can talk about yes if people should do it or no they shouldn't because it's irresponsible let's look at both sides yes I think it is important that people do extreme sports we have such a sedentary lifestyle nowadays that we need to do more activity an extreme sport can be a great way of keeping fit and staying in shape doing some cardiovascular activity is really good what's more you know we we often live a kind of a boring lifestyle very much caught in a routine in the day to day monotonous tasks we do that we need something different to excite us and kind of feel the energy of life and so I think it's great for people to do extreme sports they can push their boundaries a little bit and develop themselves physically as well as mentally so there are some things for the yes right but what about the no should people do them well maybe not maybe it's irresponsible and I think there are two reasons here one is that it's irresponsible for themselves because first of all they may injure themselves right they are possibly ill-prepared many people who do extreme sports do it on a whim without preparation so they're ill prepared and therefore more prone to have an accident and if they have an accident they will injure themselves and of course that has a negative impact on them for example you know somebody climbs a mountain and breaks their leg they can't work for the next six weeks their family have to take care of them it puts all of their family out so it has a kind of a knock-on effect a negative knock-on effect to a lot of people that's just for starters but also let's think about the rescuers right so if somebody does an extreme sport and they have an accident imagine for example they're climbing a mountain but they're ill-prepared there's a snowstorm and they get raps then the emergency rescue team has to fly a helicopter up there go and find them go and save them risking their own lives in order to save the person who is stranded up in the mountain and so you know that it puts other people's lives at risk the government has to invest a huge amount of money to get that helicopter up there and to stand to save them so you could say you know it's really irresponsible to do extreme sports especially if people are ill-prepared so so long as they're well-prepared and they know what they're doing and maybe guided by a professional then it's fine but otherwise you know it can be really irresponsible so some interesting ideas to look out there right and you can think of different examples you know the other day I don't know if you remember this about a year ago in Thailand there was a group of boys there were a football team and school boys right and their coach took them to go into a cave to explore some caves I'm not sure if it was extreme sports but they were in the cave they were kind of potholing and they got stuck and they were stranded there for 10 days and it started to rain so they couldn't get out and they're a whole international rescue team was set up they brought they flew divers from around the world to come to Thailand and save the boys and they did but many people say there was you know it was irresponsible of the boys and the coach to do that and to go into the caves because of the cost and the emotional cost on the family of trying to rescue them so that's an interesting example you could talk about and do notice right the more specific the example what kind of rich language comes out so that's today's message examples the more specific that better there is another thing I think to talk about irresponsibility and that's to do with the social media right so people who do extreme sports and then they film it and they show it that can influence very young people give them a false sense of security so they see somebody walking atop or on top of a building and doing a somersault or jumping and they think oh that's exciting I can do that without realizing the full implications and how dangerous it really can be so there is a real danger that this sharing on social media of extreme sports and making it look easy gives people a false sense of security and youngsters who are maybe much more gullible can try and imitate or mimic that and the consequences can be very very bad right if they have an accident or even worse if they die it does happen unfortunately so that's something else you could talk about great we've talked about extreme sports lots of language lots of ideas especially for part 3 questions and remember that tip all about the examples make them as specific as you can that's it for today I hope you enjoyed the video thank you very much for watching I really do appreciate it tell your friends share this with them and I look forward to seeing you here very soon new topic new ideas to help you improve your English get better answers not get better answers give better answers and get a better score on the IELTS speaking take care now bye bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 91,939
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Keywords: ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking tips for band 9, english speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking success, IELTS Keith,, prepare for IELTS, prepare for IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking, ielts speaking topics 2020, ielts speaking questions and answers 2020, IELTS Speaking Part 3 tips, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS Speaking Part 3 2020, ielts speaking sports, ielts speaking extreme sports, ielts speaking part 3 sports, extreme sports ielts speaking
Id: seJnYe4Ti58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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