IELTS Speaking Part 2: Band 9 TEMPLATES - #6 THINGS

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so guys here we are it's number six in the series helping you master part 2 of the IELTS speaking test this is Keith and I've been trying to give you a framework approach to give you language templates and structures to help you with part two right now I put all of the parts who questions into categories and so far in this series we have looked at people places events activities today we're gonna look at things [Music] so hi if you don't know me my name is Keith and from IELTS speaking success and here to help you really build skills and confidence for your IELTS speaking test the focus of this video is all about part two of the test one of the most difficult parts of the test because that's where you either crumble and fall and lose your confidence hmm or you can do really well and lead into a great part 3 so to help you I'm looking at some structures and language we'll be looking at some ideas for all of the recent questions in the category of things so let's have a look at what those questions are so recently we've had describe something you borrowed which was useful I borrow things all the time I borrow sugar from my neighbor money from my wife describe your favorite item of clothing maybe it's your new jacket or your new t-shirt hmm describe a movie you recently saw lots of movies kay I've come out recently describe a photograph in your home so that's not a photograph is it it's a painting but you will have I'm sure lots of photographs maybe of your children or your friends partner boyfriend girlfriend whatever describe a toy you had as a child there that's tough a toy you had as a child is it dolls is it a bicycle hmm there's lots of things to talk about so these are some recent questions let me just pick out a few and talk through some ideas you may have okay so describing something that you borrowed which was useful well I guess we often borrow money right from people whether it's five euros five pounds whatever your currency or you borrow money from the bank you wanted to get a car loan or a mortgage for your hair all of that is borrowing money was useful books of course maybe you borrow books from your friend you borrow books from the library of course tools like these things what do you call those that thing to put something that thing to repair the plug or to screw in something it's called a screwdriver so tools you may borrow they're useful because they help you mend things or repair things bicycle did you borrow your friends bicycle because your bicycle was broken sometimes I borrow clothes in fact whenever I go to visit my brother or my dad I often borrow their clothes and the phone now that's interesting because you don't borrow a phone for a long time but you may be with somebody and you need to call a friend but your phones out of battery oh can I just borrow your phone and I'll just call my friend oh I'll just borrow your phone and call my wife let her know I'll be late for dinner so maybe you borrow the phone even for one phone call right that's useful nice ideas what about clothing well very often your favorite clothing comes from a special event like a wedding or a christening or maybe it was I don't know unfortunately maybe a funeral you have to buy the black tie but the event that's probably not going to be your favorite item of clothing forget that idea but the wedding dress though the suit those may often be your favorite items amazing right my wife still has her wedding dress and I've still got my wedding suit and here's the funny thing I can't wear it because I've got fatter and bigger but when I went to throw it out she refused as she stopped me and said you can't throw that out it's your wedding suit and I thought well I need more space in the wardrobe but no it had to stay it stayed it's in the wardrobe I never wear it but it's there other things may be comfortable clothes right jeans favorite clothing though there's a part one question about jeans hmm so maybe your jeans cause they're comfortable favorite clothing or a sweatshirt or a hoodie like this one lots of people get a hoodie from there a hoodie a hoodie from their University with the name on right to show off or remember where they've studied maybe your favorite shoes or a nice leather jacket if you've ever invested in a leather jacket like I did when I was 22 I kept it for years I wore it all the time it was just every single day because I loved it so maybe your leather jacket is something that you wear or maybe your hat I've got a lot of hats I've got a flat cap I've got a woolly hat I've got a Sun cap all sorts of hats some of them are my favorites sometimes I've got one because it's a souvenir when we went to the aquarium in Hong Kong and it's got the name on the top of the Hat and I wear that quite a lot because it reminds me of that holiday so you know those souvenirs clothes as souvenirs especially the t-shirt right then those might be nice items of clothing to talk about now describing a toy look at this guy the Hulk that's not my favorite clothing by the way the nice little shorts no this is a toy so maybe you want to talk about and this is not a doll because we tend to use doll for girls dolls and boys tend to talk about action figures so this is an action figure The Hulk is an action figure why is that right I mean don't dolls do action in fact lots of dolls do right they cry they move gosh some of them even poo apparently and they do action but no for boys it's an action figure and so this is an action figure but maybe you have a cuddly toy like the cuddly teddy bear or the cuddly dog lots of people like those Lego is the big international game for building blocks board games might be a toy you had you know maybe that was monopoly Cluedo or whatever board games you had and when you grew up toy cars the boys and girls and of course the classic puzzles or in England we tend to call them jig saws where you put the pieces together to make a picture and then you find out that one piece is missing out of 1000 at the very end there's one piece missing cause it fell down the back of the sofa how frustrating is that anyway these are toys you could describe so there's just a few ideas some food for thought to get you thinking now let's look at structure so I think when you're talking about things whatever it is you probably can talk about how you got it you can describe it what it looks like and why it's important how you feel about it IELTS part 2 always asks and how do you feel about it and explain how you felt about it so why it's important and that feeling emotive language is really useful so let's break this down bydd how you got it let's have a look at some language okay so how you get things well sometimes you find them you find them in a shop you find them online but instead of I found it what about I came across it I came across this action figure in the second-hand shop or I came across this lovely Jackie online so it's a nice phrasal verb I came across it in the supermarket online and then you buy it or I bought it I bought it in the shop hmm make it a bit more interesting I picked it up I picked it up in the charity shop or I picked it up at Toys R Us I picked it up online so I bought it and as with most phrasal verbs there's this connection right I picked it up I picked it up I picked it up it's a chunk and I do encourage students to think about chunks of language don't think so much about the four words I picked it up just think of the sound picked it up I picked it up practice after paying your money you then get it you can say I got it it arrived in the post or I got it I got my hands on it it's literally the idea of holding it and feeling it you know I couldn't wait to get my hands on it I was so happy to finally get my hands on it so that's some nice language when I was so for example I came across it on the internet when I was looking for something else so can you see we're building complex structures so not only I came across it on the internet when I was so you're building an extra clause when I was looking for something else so think about that building your structures your sentences to make them a bit longer so longer that you still still feel comfortable with okay don't feel you have to build big big long sentences and you're not comfortable and you can't speak like that just do what you're comfortable with first these are just ideas right so maybe you find and buy something but maybe it's a present it was a gift it was a present from Uncle John it was a gift from uncle Thomas auntie Theresa whoever colloquially in England we often say I got it as a gift off Uncle Tom it's a different way of saying it it's a much more complex way of saying it but you'd need to practice it but it's nice right and again it has that linking I got it I got it as a gift off someone I got it as a gift of my brother you can connect more if possible I got it as a gift of my brother I got it as a gift of my uncle I got it as a gift of my brother that's a lot of connecting again practice but do what's comfortable with you and maybe smaller chunks at the beginning I got it as a gift of my uncle work small steps first brilliant let's move on from how you got it two descriptions so Wow English is great isn't it look at this not only can we say it's red but if it's a kind of red but not exactly red we just say it's reddish well it's bluish it was a greenish color I've got this reddish cap or this bluish jacket it's nice a and it I'm sure you have this in many languages but I love this in English it just gives you a very simple way of making the color less clear it's reddish we can talk about shape its square shaped it's round shaped triangle shapes triangular shaped it's pear-shaped whatever it may be your phone is kind of square shaped or is it rectangle shaped rectangular shaped there's many things you can say it's pear-shaped is great because when you say something went pear-shaped it's an idiomatic expression it means it went badly wrong so imagine you going to your IELTS test and you're so nervous you can't speak and you just don't say anything ah the whole test went pear-shaped it went badly wrong it's a horrible example that's not gonna happen right it's not gonna go pear-shaped follow me it'll go Keith's shaped keep practicing okay now nowadays a lot of the things we describe maybe it's a website a phone a computer a tool state-of-the-art means it's very modern very state-of-the-art high technology right so it's a high tech phone it's a state-of-the-art building it's a cutting-edge computer so cutting-edge means with the latest technology finally you may want to say it's unique there so that there's only one of that kind so it's it's a unique cap maybe it was maybe your clothes were tailor-made so it was a unique shirt one of a kind there's only one of that it was one of a kind so feelings why is it important so very often in English we might say it means a lot to me because it's important for me right it means a lot to me so notice again the connecting it means a lot it means a lot the two becomes turn it's a weak form lotta a lot a lot to me it means a lot to me because it was a present all because I got married in that jacket and suit that is still in my wardrobe taking up so much space it has a lot of emotional value so maybe it's not worth a lot of money but it has that emotional value so typically wedding dresses right they have emotional value or sentimental value it has a lot of sentimental value again maybe you like it or it's important because it's unique one-of-a-kind like no other that's nice it's like no other totally different and of course you couldn't live without it I couldn't live without my phone I couldn't live without my cap well I could but not in the Sun if it's very sunny I couldn't live without my cap because I burn very easily I couldn't do without it I couldn't do without it it's the same meaning it's really important you have to have it magnificent so let's move on I'm going to give you an example here and it's one that I think is quite hard describing a toy you had as a child okay so here is a model answer I will try and pull in and use and practice some of those expressions that I have shown you so far and let's see how I do okay if you're sitting comfortably I will describe a toy I had as a child okay when I was a kid growing up I didn't really have a lot of toys but I do remember one that I was particularly fond of and it was an action figure he was a soldier now I recall that I got that as a gift of one of my schoolmates so my parents had organized a birthday party at home for me and everyone had come round to the house and in the middle of the party we had the present-giving bit I was so pleased to get my hands on it because I had always wanted one of these action figures so as I said the toy was a toy soldier and it was called Action Man no don't say that in the test it was called action man it wasn't state-of-the-art at all actually it was just a very simple plastic figure he had two different outfits so you could dress him up to fight in the jungle or to fight in the snow the German the jungle outfit was basically a greenish top with black trousers and a camouflage jacket oh yes and he had a round shaped backpack and a rifle I probably only played with it for a few months actually but I kept it for years it wasn't unique or valuable so right many kids had an action man but I think it had sentimental value for me it reminded me of that birthday party and it was one of the best parties I'd ever had that's it so describing a toy you had as a child there's a model answer for you I hope that the templates the language the structure of this video can help you and listen if you'd like to find out a lot more templates examples and model answers with all the analysis breaking down pronunciation fluency the vocabulary you can use and different kinds of grammar how you can be really clever with grammar to get a higher mark in IELTS speaking go and check out my online course IELTS speaking part 2 totally focused on part so it's brilliant follow the link below go and check it out if you're around AB & 6 looking for a band 7 or above that is the course for you it'll give you confidence I hope you enjoy it this is the end of the series great or 6 go back and watch them listen to the language practice practice practice I look forward to seeing you with a new series of new ideas in the near future thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 119,805
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Keywords: ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking tips for band 9, ielts speaking success, IELTS Keith, ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking english band 9, ielts speaking part 2 band 9, ielts speaking part 2 tips, ielts speaking part 2 topics, ielts speaking part 2 best answer, ielts speaking part 2 answers, ielts speaking part 2 band 9 templates, speaking templates for ielts, ielts speaking part 2 templates, templates ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 2 things
Id: 7zaCPkgMhiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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