IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic CLOTHES

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hello my friends great nice to see you welcome good morning it's tuesday very happy to see you here this is keith from the keith speaking academy and today we're going to be looking at the really interesting topic of clothes right we'll be talking about vocabulary about expressions and idioms the clothes you like maybe the clothes you don't like and also some common mistakes that people make when talking about clothes so all of that is in store for us um and we're gonna kick off just in a few moments but whilst we're getting ready i've noticed there's a problem with the comments so you'll probably hear but i can't see any of your comments give me a moment and let me see if i can sort it out wow this is the last thing we wanted as we start up come on my friend i don't need that i need this ah oh dear right so i can see some of you are here but i am unable to get any of the comments through and that's a shame because it's really fun in the class to engage with you and interact with you but i'm unable to do that oh dear never mind um i'm going gonna carry on because otherwise what can i do i can't see any comments i do apologize for that um but listen let's get on let's talk about clothes together please forgive me i am gonna feel like i'm ignoring you today but i'm not not at all um so just to remind you if you're on youtube please do subscribe to the channel so you can see the more videos coming up and also turn on that funny little notification button so you can also find out of course what new videos are coming um for those of you who are here for the first time i also have a website and the lesson notes from today's class will go on there you can see it just going down so later this evening my evening you'll be able to download the pdf and the lesson notes to get a record of all the language that we've looked at today okay fantastic good so we're going to talk about clothes let me uh begin first of all last night a lot of people shared their answers to a question i put in the facebook group which was um what is one of your favorite pieces of clothing things that you wear some really interesting things came up i'd like to start actually looking at some general vocabulary right and the the most common mistakes that came up so let's have a look right these were very very common mistakes right i'm sorry i'm going to begin here with general vocabulary so we're on the topic of clothes guys um so the first thing was quite a lot of people said the clothe i love is because you think that clothes is plural right right right but the singular is not clothed no and the singular is not cloth which is another one because a cloth is a piece of material that you use to clean the table or to clean the house with or to clean your dishes and cups that's a cloth so what should we say well you should say the the item of clothing for example i like or i love is the item of clothing i love or i like the most um or let's say one item of clothing i love is or one piece of clothing one piece of clothing i love is right so not the clothes or cloth right so clothes is the plural but an item of clothing or a piece of clothing these are difficult words to pronounce can you say with me clothes not closes no not closes the door opens the door no clothes clothes they're both voiced they're the the clothes a piece of clothing nice an item of clothing nice great good okay now another very very common mistake was this one right i like to wear i like to dress jeans and i've just given the answer right to dress you cannot dress something right you cannot dress a t-shirt or dress a coat no you can so dress is normally uh it doesn't have an object i can say i dress quickly i dress slowly i dress smartly but not i dress something what do we say of course i think i gave you the answer i like to wear i like to wear jeans right i like to wear jeans right that's the one can i put a smiley face on to make it clear that it's right i like to wear jeans closes the plural and this one as well because we're looking at mistakes right common mistakes um so i like to wear jeans i like to wear t-shirts i like to wear hats things like that okay good now the third very very common mistake is this one i wear jeans it is so comfy oh no now why why right why very good because trousers pants and jeans have two legs and so it's plural jeans is plural even though you think it's it's one item of clothing it's actually plural right i wear jeans they are so comfy whoops let's leave that there so we know i wear jeans or trousers i like to wear jeans they are because they are so comfy comfy just means comfortable right comfortable great i wear jeans they are so comfy great that's it those were actually three of the most common mistakes that i noticed yesterday so let's get that sorted out that's really really important okay so for those of you just arriving we're talking about clothes i'm going to begin looking at some common mistakes we make with clothes um and then i'll look at some general vocabulary today and then go on to i've got a little video for you and also some questions and then at the end of the class we'll do model answers if you're new again this class normally takes about an hour but i do have a bit of a habit of rambling and going on a bit longer so if you can stick around fantastic if you can't then you have to go man's got to do what a man's got to do a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do okay so let me move on from those to just some very very useful vocabulary to make sure we get this right as well so we talked about where okay to wear clothes i'll take these first so where sounds like where where is it right where where some people get confused with with were wire wear it sounds like where it's the same sound it's a wear clothes it's irregular so in the present i usually wear jeans and a t-shirt last week i wore a suit war right look at the shape of the mouth it's not it's war right same sound the same sound as war last week i wore a suit war as impo right or present perfect i have worn worn a tie before i have won a tie before honestly i have worn a tie before or maybe i have never worn a tie before of course i have okay so just to get the conjugation because it is difficult to get the pronunciation right and it is difficult to to remember it's irregular right um i usually wear jeans and a t-shirt now because i can't see your comments i'm just going to ask you to speak out right practice where i usually wear i usually wear diddy right can you say a phrase nice now finish this phrase for me at home i usually wear but repeat the whole phrase at home i usually wear super repeat and finish this one at work i tend to wear good i tend to wear right again that's a nice expression i tend to wear so means i usually wear right brilliant good we're going to talk more in detail about this in a moment i say we it's so frustrating i can't see you phrasal verbs no this is useful right because there are some very common phrasal verbs that we use um with wear and the first one is to wear in something when we wear clothes in it doesn't mean we wear them in the house it means to wear something until it's comfortable right do you know especially shoes when you buy new shoes they're quite stiff right and a little bit hard or uncomfortable and you need to wear them three or four times to make them flexible make them bend make them comfy and after you've worn them three or four times they're comfortable right they feel like the good old shoes you had before so you have to wear new shoes in right i i you have to wear new shoes in or i haven't worn these new shoes in these new shores come on mate it's the auto corrector honest i haven't worn these new shoes in yet right to wear in to wear something new until it's comfortable you could wear in a jacket if you buy a leather jacket you know it's quite stiff you need to wear it in maybe a four or five times great now almost the opposite to wear out is to use something to wear it so much that it's old it's ripped it's torn you can't use it anymore so you use it so much it can no longer be used i've worn this jacket out i need a new one right i've worn this jacket out i need a new one excellent it's interesting to note that worn out i am worn out doesn't mean that you can no longer be used it's a bit more metaphorical means i'm tired i'm worn out notice we link out now [Music] now worn out i'm worn out i'm worn out nice expression i'm tired instead of saying i'm tired to say i'm worn out great for ielts speaking okay so those are some phrasal verbs the word dress now i mentioned this earlier right so dress um usually with no object so we do say to dress but it's normally with a an adverb right i dress smartly i dress casually causally no come on casually i dress casually i dress neatly um so at home as you can see i dress casually what about you great you'll have to speak out today because i can't get your comments i'm so sorry i cannot see any of the comments something has broken maybe the software has worn out can software wear out i don't know i like to dress smartly at work i don't dress that smartly actually at work i dress smart casual right for me dress up right is to dress smartly so i will dress up when going to a party notice the use of will when we're talking about a habit i will do this i will do that i will dress up when going to a party right that is to dress smartly great now probably much much more common than saying i dress i think in colloquial speech we use get dressed a lot more so in the morning i get dressed first thing i do when i wake up i get dressed i put on my t-shirt i put on my socks not in that order but to get dressed i get dressed quickly or i got dressed quickly you can get someone else dressed right you can get the children dressed especially now that all the kids are going back to school and it's kind of getting up early again after months and months of sleeping late getting up late it's tough right getting the kids up early again so you have to get the kids up and get the kids dressed it's a nice way to think of it get the kids up get the kids dressed get the kids ready for school right good that's to dress hunky dory great now then oh the last one i mentioned this earlier right my jeans trousers or pants are comfy pants is american us trousers is much more british g b jeans is is everywhere right pants it's a funny story right i remember this is going back a long time ago right going back when i left um university in england i went to the united states for a year i went to work there right and i worked most of my time as a as a waiter just come out of university it was kind of a bit like a gap year i think before i started my career so and i got a job my first job as a waiter and i had to wear i had to dress smartly right i had to wear um the shirt bow tie cumberband smart trousers smart shoes so i had to go and buy all of these clothes and i remember i i used to cycle to the restaurant so i would put my rucksack on and on a clothes hanger the triangle right on the clothes hanger my trousers and my shirt and i put that on the rucksack and get on my bicycle and go so i'm cycling away i'm cycling down the street and unbeknownst to me i didn't know my trousers fell off they fell off the hangar and onto the street so i'm cycling along right through this is washington dc right i'm cycling through washington dc um get to the restaurant take off and think oh bugger excuse me oh dear i've lost my trousers i can't go to work without trousers i mean i just had shorts on so i started walking down the street um as i was on my bicycle looking and looking for my trousers and of course i bumped into some of the local people the local people washington dc local people and i said excuse me in my british accent hello excuse me have you seen my trousers and this guy went you're what i'm sorry but i've lost my trousers you've lost what sir no my trousers he said oh you mean your pants you've lost your pants and i said no i've got my pants i've lost my trousers i'm sorry sorry i don't think i can help you and so i carry on and the confusion of course is pants in english british english is underpants but pants in the u.s is trousers and of course this bloke this guy he didn't know what i was talking about trousers he did and then he said pants but then i got confused because no i've got my underpants on thank you very much i found my trousers on the road went back to work with both my underpants and my trousers funny story great now that was me in the usa so listen oh i've got a question now but this is so frustrating because i can't um get hold of you but listen let's do this because you can still write in the comments box and i can have a drink of coffee and then i can come back and pick them up after the class so here's the question right this is the one i'm going to ask you is what kinds of clothes do you like to wear and we're going to look at types of clothes here so do write down a message or speak it out loud and um just let me see if i can do something with these messages hmm no i've got an idea now you can see what my idea is right so what i'm going to just go and try and do is see if i can watch myself on youtube and get your messages there oh yes i can right good i can see some of your messages here excellent i like to wear smart clothes which makes me comfy mate doesn't make me comfy makes me feel comfy makes me feel comfy nice i like to wear a short skirt ah i like to wear short skirt okay let's take that because that's a good example i like to wear short skirt let me bring you in here i like to wear short skirt so this is a bit like the animals we talked about last week right do you remember i said um with animals i like elephants i like tigers in the plural similar here i like to wear short skirts right or i like to wear a short skirt right so it's either the plural or you must have the ah in there okay excellent nice i like to wear short skirts what kind of clothes you like to wear i tend to wear timeless clothes that's interesting the loofah i tend to wear timeless clothes i tend to wear lovely i love the way you're using that i tend to wear comfortable clothes such as jeans and a t-shirt a t-shirt nina right this is nice from santianda i will dress up formally when going to the office the office um oops come back oh i will dress up formally when going to the office you've moved oh dear but wear casuals that was nice i like to wear casuals you can also say that sports clothes are comfy says here especially at home or going for a walk nice i prefer shorts and t-shirts says daddyk i like to wear traditional indian dress such as sarees because i look pretty in it ah farooq i'm sure you do very very nice joanie says it depends on where i'm going i usually wear scrub suits at work ride us scrubs right which is normally what we talk about for hospitals maybe doctors nurses i always wear comfortable clothes when i'm at home enjoying my rest day right i like to wear smarty pants with good tops rosaline great not smarty pants but smart pants i like to wear smart pants smarty pants is when you make fun of somebody who's very clever or trying to be clever right smarty pants [Music] is kind of making fun of people i like to wear smart pants right okay great so different kinds of clothes um we're gonna look at different kinds of clothes but what i'm gonna do is let me take this up right hey no i'm not wait with me bear with me yeah i'm going to go and look at some more vocabulary for you as we've talked about you've talked about t t-shirt jeans sorry all of those um how to describe your favorite clothes right so some useful adjectives here um you may want to say i like to wear simple clothes or casual clothes or i like to wear presentable clothes presentable means that you can present them not present as in give a demonstration but that you look good enough right if somebody is presentable then they are smart and they can face the world if you're not smart if you've got scruffy hair scruffy clothes or dirty shoes then you're not presentable you cannot face the world right so presentable is quite smart let's say it's quite smart certainly not scruffy scruffy is a nice word right scruffy is kind of um messy untidy it's a lovely word scruffy so presentable means quite smart certainly not scruffy messy or untidy so actually let's just change that make it clearer scruffy some people like scruffy clothes right actually i mean sometimes i like to wear scruffy clothes some fashion might be described as scruffy so simple casual presentable clothes if you're going a bit upmarket and you want to look really really nice then you can be elegant chic chic it's a sound not cha it looks like cha from chocolate but it's shi from she chic dressy you want to look dressy it's very smart very elegant really nice right there's an expression you probably know dressed up to the nines why the nines i don't know somebody go and find out why is he not dressed up to the sevens dressed up to the nines means really smart really smart and elegant by the way smart is not clever smart it's pretty attractive elegant right so here i mean elegance smart has different meanings a woman you can say dress to kill i don't think we use that for amanda we he's dressed to kill your dress or maybe you can actually normally we use that for women dressed to kill is really elegant chic very dressy very very nice right so if you're going to a party you might be going dressed to kill right doesn't mean you're going to kill somebody it just means you're going to impress them right knock them out talk about clothes you may want to talk about bright colors or dark colors right i like bright colors um some people like black they wear black all the time and i know why it's because you don't look so fat in black for some reason i mean that's one of the reasons right especially in in the west some people who maybe feel they're too fat they will wear black because it disguises it a little bit but it's also about fashion and taste um it can represent different things black so it can be worn in different cases for example for morning sorry not morning as in good morning morning as in when somebody dies and you are in mourning then you often wear black for that occasion but also fashion sometimes dictates that we wear black so dark colors bright colors talked about scruffy um scruffy meaning untidy right baggy baggy trousers i like baggy clothes or baggy trousers means very loose like they don't fit properly so deliberately they're too big right deliberately tight or clingy is the opposite is too small again some people like clothes that are deliberately too small so they're tight clingy clingy t-shirts clingy trousers whatever you like again fashion often dictates what people wear and on the point of fashion we can also talk of course about fashionable right talk about fashionable clothes clothes that are in fashion that are in fashion we can say not on fashion but in fashion if they're fashionable or clothed that are in fashion excuse me just a moment excellent good so all of those are different words we can use to describe things i'm just checking in see what you're saying i look smart in my baggy outfit in my baggy outfit smiling good i like to wear clothes in black color ah right this is interesting yes yes yes yes this is interesting i like to wear clothes in black usted gamma thank you very much for that because i see this a lot a lot a lot this problem with clothes look at that this one i like to wear clothes in black color it's the it's the use of black of color is the problem i like to wear clothes in black color so first of all is when we talk about colors in english we actually very very rarely say the word color right so we very rarely say i like to wear black color clothes or colors in black color clothes in black color right very very rare so just take away the word color right it should be i like to wear clothes in black or probably even better i like to wear black clothes i like to wear black clothes i like to wear clothes in black i like to wear black clothes or blue clothes i like i like to wear blue clothes actually as a matter of fact okay great so just notice that with color the word color how you use it right just be careful with that dress to impress yes i'm going to dress to impress and of course you can say that dress to impress very good ammo you can say that with um with going to a job interview going to a party there you go let me share that with everybody that's a nice one thank you um i'm having trouble switching between screens aren't i oh it's driving me crazy there you go i'm going to dress to impress nice expression brilliant okay so guys i'm going to move on um a video for you so last night me and my favorite camera woman made a short video uh it's just a few minutes long and it's about clothes that i like to wear so i thought it'd be nice not just to share the clothes i wear but um you can see how unfashionable i am but you can also pick up some interesting vocabulary now before you watch i'd like you to think about whether these sentences are true or false for me okay so let me bring myself back in the clothes i wear so are these true or false right i'm gonna have to get me over here because i can bring all of these in so what do you think true or false i'll just read through them for you if i can after work i like to slip into a t-shirt now to slip into is to to wear to put on right i like to slip into a t-shirt i love accessories accessories are things like bracelets rings chains bags hats gloves all of those extra things that are not the main clothes right i love accessories in the summer i wear a panama hat now then a panama hat i bet do you know what a panama hat is a panama hat is one of these let me show you what a panama hat looks like it's the very kind of um old-fashioned hat actually but you know still in fashion in my world these are panama hats sombrero panama right those are panama hats so the question was we were saying i in the summer i wear a panama hat at work now i have a dress code to follow right at work we talk about following a dress code which are the rules and regulations number five in my old job because not my job my job now i work from home right i work for myself in my old job i would wear slacks or chinos slacks or chinos so slacks are just semi-formal trousers that you wear like the the trousers you wear with a suit right so again let me just share this with you these are slacks right they're kind of semi-formal but not completely formal you see these trousers right that you would wear with a suit um these are called slacks um or chinos now cheetos are slightly more informal that's quite funny she knows you've got the president of china lost chinos oh it's because it's spanish so chinos in spanish is chinese that's why you're getting spanish people coming up because my browser's in spanish but if you look at trousers right it's these kind of semi semi informal semi-informal no informal but smart smart casual right these are chinos um i wonder if cj ping wears chinos no i think cj ping wears slacks actually funny different people right good so coming back where was i true or false um in my old job i would wear notice i would wear was the habit in the past i would wear slacks or chinos six i always wear tailor-made shirts shirts for work that are tailor-made so made to measure or made to fit if i'm going out to a restaurant i usually go for the smart casual look so guys what do you think true or false i'm going to show you the video and as you're watching you can just type in the comment box put the number one and then t or f right just put a t or an f t or f just put the number and whether it's true or false and then i will give you the answers in a moment right let's get rock and rolling let me show you this um this short video here we go oh hi so talking about clothes you know in the summer particularly if i when i come home from work i like to slip into something more comfortable so i might slip into a nice t-shirt maybe a polo t-shirt i'll usually wear shorts especially in the summer because it's cooler i'm not really one for accessories i mean i know i wear a ring but i don't really wear chains and stuff but i do sometimes wear a hat especially in the autumn well this is my flat cap or in the summer i do like to wear a panama hat because it keeps the sun out of my eyes right very nice and of course being british i always carry an umbrella and that's it now of course at the moment i work from home right but before i used to work in an office and we had a dress code everybody had to follow so we had to address you know business casual i would typically wear a jacket i would have to wear a tie and a shirt in the winter long sleeved in the summer short sleeved shirts and usually just slacks or maybe chinos but i like slacks because they're a bit more lightweight and if it got really cold well of course we'd wear a jumper or a jersey or a pullover it's all the same but lovely to keep you nice and warm in the office now i tend to wear off the peg shirts but when i was in malaysia i found a shop that made tailor-made custom-made shirts going for a song really cheap and so this was lords of kuala lumpur look at that great tailor-made shirt snug as a rug fix like a glove really comfy so sometimes i used to wear this short sleeve shirt for the office and of course i'm talking about me a bloke or a man but for women in the office well it wasn't a strict dress code but they usually had to wear again business casual so the women would typically wear maybe a skirt a top a blouse for a man it's a shirt for a woman it's a blouse maybe a jacket but certainly no ties they didn't have to wear a tie they would often wear slacks and flat heeled shoes you could wear high-heeled shoes but most of the the women wore flat heeled shoes or flats as they call them and of course if we are going out maybe to a restaurant or friends or guests are coming to our house for dinner then i would probably go for the smart casual look um so i would typically just wear a shirt and some chinos possibly jeans depends on the weather on the moon on the vibe and all of that and that is my look for going out so what's it going to be tonight chinese or italian what do you fancy and then you can get my crocs never mind oh my me and my crocs it's funny right you never know what people are wearing on their feet especially online great so that was it listen i saw your comments and i think you most of you've got most of them right and there were one or two interesting questions thank you for the comments i look smart and presentable somebody said that's very nice in my work clothes excellent fashion such a personal thing right so let's have a quick look then just going back over these um just give me a moment okay so the clothes i wear after work i slip into a t-shirt well yes right that's true i like to slip into something more comfortable and i will slip into i will put on a t-shirt i love accessories no i don't wear chains or necklaces and stuff like that although i do have the the ring just the wedding ring but i'm not really into accessories i don't wear bracelets i mean and i don't carry an umbrella all of the time please in the summer i wear a panama hat yes somebody said i look dashing in my panama hat yes thank you very much to look dashing is great to look dashing great expression which just means what handsome am i gonna say not smart no more than just more than smart is handsome you look dashing in a panama hat although you're right it makes my head look a bit strange at work now i have a dress code to follow no that was false right at work now of course i work in my own office here bedroom it's office over there i used to have a dress code to follow when i worked at the british council but not now no in my old job i would wear slacks or chinos yes right i would normally wear slacks i would normally wear a suit actually so tie shirt slacks i always wear tailor-made shirts no so when i was in kuala lumpur i bought one or two right tailor-made shirts but not not all of them most of them are off the peg so off the peg is not tailor-made it's just literally off the hanger it's it's one that's already there ready made it's there bloom it's there bloom what does bloom mean keith nothing so it's not tailor-made it's the opposite right off the peg if i'm going out to a restaurant i usually go for the smart casual look yes right right it's a nice expression you can use that i go for i usually go for the look i usually go for the business look i usually go for the casual look i usually go for the scruffy look right you can use that in different ways nice good i hoped you enjoyed i hope you enjoyed that i enjoyed making it it's quite fun okay so that was it off the peg by the way just written like this is is not tailor-made or custom made not tailor-made just to be clear right so let's move on right now here okay i was going to ask you guys what kinds of clothes you like to wear for work i'm going to struggle getting your answers and sharing your answers but do tell me write down a comment or just speak out loud tell me what kinds of clothes that you like to wear for work and i will listen what kinds of clothes do you like to wear for work scrub suit good presentable blue shirt pair of trousers nice very good comfy business suits good i tend to wear classic clothes great i usually wear formal clothes good chino and shirt probably if it's possible i tend to wear clash casual clothes because i have a physical job that means i have to move around a lot right good my go-to clothes that's good my go-to clothes are oh you've disappeared that looked great oh tamina thank you very much i'm delighted you're still here full white nursing uniform formal clothes casual cloth come on you don't wear a casual cloth surely unless you're cleaning the floor casual clothes slacks chinos brilliant hari kant sharma i like to wear formal suit onward for work not on work for work i wear formal clothes for work great suit satisfied very nice i like it don't give up your day job right good waistcoat fits like a glove yeah that was an interesting expression right it fits like a glove fits like a glove means it's a perfect fit so often tailor-made clothes um fit like a glove because they you know they they're tailor-made they're meant to be snug as a rug you can go back watch the video i put on the subtitles so you can check out those expressions right hunky dory um listen i'm going to move on um just aware of time actually and and how difficult it is to bring in your comments um i'm going to move on to model answers next and before we begin uh with model answers i'm going to give you a tip and i'd like just to highlight something each week about last week's model answer so here's the thing i want you to notice today about model answers um in speech we often repeat things right the same thing but with a slight or small difference and that's very very common okay so and i say this because sometimes people worry too much about repeating words right but it's perfectly natural spoken speech what we do though sometimes is we don't repeat exactly the same words sometimes we we change something about it right but it's perfectly natural let's from last week's um model answer right we had this i actually said and it drives me around the bend not only that not only does it drive me around the bend it really scares me okay now if i was writing i wouldn't repeat not only does it drive me round the bend right i wouldn't repeat this i would just say and it drives me around the bend and not only that it really scares me too because in writing you need to be concise right to the point direct to the point in speaking because the words disappear we need to repeat them and we often repeat words but sometimes with a small difference right so i say this because i don't want you to worry and i don't want you to make perfect answers and perfect sentences because when we're in the facebook group right people are writing answers and sometimes they try to write the perfect sentence like here in pink right but that's written english spoken english is a bit different so as we're focusing on spoken english but we're using writing to communicate um i'm going to encourage you all to try and write like you speak or even better speak first and then write it okay i hope that makes sense right if you write your answers out in perfect sentences you will not sound natural because then if you try and repeat those memorize them or repeat them in the exam it will not sound natural you'll sound like a book you will so i encourage you don't write your answer out first speak your answer first then record it and then write it out that's so much better and i try to do that when i'm writing my answers about speaking answers i try and speak it out first what would be natural and then try and write it okay so i'm just saying that to kind of give you that idea okay so i hope that makes sense model answers then i'm going to ask you for one or two questions uh send them in the message box i can have a look on youtube um facebook guys i'm sorry i i'm not gonna open both youtube and facebook because it'll probably take too much bandwidth i think so guys on youtube send me a question let me have a look send me a question and i will try and give a model answer so let's see about clothes right okay we've got one straight away our clothes important to you from emmy our clothes important to use a good question because that captures lots of things right okay so let's write this down where am i going to write this down i'm going to try and write it here are clothes important to you does that come up okay it comes up our clothes important to you so just to remind everyone we're talking about clothes it's a good question i mean on a basic level yes of course clothes are important um i need practical clothes for example if i'm going out walking and it's raining i need to wear the appropriate kind of clothes maybe a raincoat take an umbrella something that will protect me from the rain so from a practical point of view i think clothes are really important from a fashion point of view i don't think they are that important i know some people say that clothes represent your identity and it's a way of expressing your personality but to be honest for me i take a much more pragmatic approach i think clothes are just a way to cover ourselves and keep ourselves warm or keep ourselves cool i don't really see them as fashion accessories or a way of expressing who i am but that's just my personal take on clothes right okay our clothes important to use a good question emmy nice oh let's see do you think clothes reflect a country's identity we talked about identity the other day didn't we okay gosh that's a tough one that sounds like a part three question but let's have a go let's try and do to this one let me try and uh get this one up right do you think clothes reflect reflect a country's identity i would say you know in in this modern age of globalization i don't think it really does uh reflect a country's identity i think so many people now wear similar clothes be it jeans or t-shirts um it's just everybody's wearing the same garb and even where people are changing the fashion like the ripped jeans that catches on quickly and then again young people across the world are wearing the same clothes so no i don't think it does that said there is one element that's important and that's traditional clothes and many countries still use traditional clothes especially for special events for example at a wedding or at a funeral or at some kind of you know family celebration um for example maybe in countries like india they would wear a surrey for certain events and in other countries there are the more kind of traditional clothes but i think in in a lot of countries that tradition is dying out and those clothes are disappearing and you very rarely see them nowadays whether it's a good or a bad thing so overall i don't think clothes reflects a country's identity it's an interesting part three question and uh ralph thank you very much for the question i i i guess as i'm answering that i become aware there are so many things we could talk about right we could talk about other things reflecting a country's identity right i could say that traditions or geographic location are much stronger in reflecting a country's identity but i would knowing that we're talking about the topic of clothes i wanted to stick on clothes and again the more specific you can be if you can pick out something um and focus on that rather than trying to talk about all of them it makes it a bit easier i think great question i'll take one more question i think manchester is famous for cotton clothes well yes it is from the industrial revolution but then again countries all over the world wear cotton clothes right clothes in in arab yeah arrow countries right they haven't you haven't globalized that's right well some of you have some of you haven't you're absolutely right a quick question annis do you think dress has influence on the examiner no not at all there is nothing in the criteria about your dress of course you want to be presentable right but when you go and meet anybody you don't want to be really scruffy you want to be quite presentable but just be casual right don't worry about your dress too much oh here we go oh my gosh this is such a hard question why am i choosing it why am i choosing this i'm going to regret this but because it's a hard question i think but it's a good one it's part three question it's about the change um let me just put this if i can here i'll just change it because there's a grammatical mistake right okay this is quite specific i'm not sure you would get such a specific question but how do you think fashion trends have changed from the 90s to today i think you would probably be asked how have they changed right not from the 90s but overall because if you don't know the 90s fashion it's a very hard question to answer how do you think fashion trends have changed over time i think is a more a more likely question um so let's see gosh i am like mr unfashionable okay um i think fashion trends have changed enormously um in the past 30 40 50 years not just from the 90s but even before that you know i remember when i was young back in the day flared jeans flares were very popular and shirts with really long collars these huge flying collars they were fashionable um as was long hair as well especially for men um but i think whilst jeans are still popular flared jeans went in and out of fashion and came back again but now different kinds of jeans are fashionable right ripped jeans are much more fashionable and shirts with slim fit small collars um are also popular now whereas in the past they weren't that popular um the old-fashioned kind of mini skirt went out of fashion and then again came in fashion so it strikes me actually that fashion goes round in cycles and it's not long before it comes back into fashion so fashion has changed but i would say not in a linear way but in a circular way if i can say that okay great good brilliant some great questions yeah very very good questions there guys um i'm gonna start winding up here as i mentioned um at the start of the class then at the in about five or six hours or later tonight i will put the notes from the class on the website for those of you new this is the website um so you can download the notes and the model answers so we'll have the transcript and you can look at the model answers and remember what i said about that um if you're interesting interested come and join us on the facebook group right we've got the keys mastermind community for ielts speaking there's a lot going on there people are sharing questions answers um what i'm not doing just to make it clear because a lot of people are asking right i am encouraging you not just to focus on the latest questions but to focus on your overall speaking ability i mean look at the topics yes but build up your skill and flexibility to talk about a wide range of questions on different topics if you only focus on the latest questions um you're not gonna have the flexibility you need for about seven eight or nine okay there are places out there you can get the questions that may help you but i'm not going to focus on that i'm going to focus more on the wider skill set which i think is much more useful for you and that's what we've got in the community i mean there are questions as well people are obviously sharing what they're learning their ideas but it's really active so do come along come and join us great if you're on a youtube do subscribe of course turn on the notifications and oh before we finish before we finish oh sorry i get distracted by your comments it's kahoot i almost forgot of course it's kahoot time we've got the last five minutes to do a little bit of kahoot before i go away oh and i've got a small announcement to make as well so remind me so let's dig into kahoot for those of you who are new um here kahoot is a very simple game we're going to review some of the vocabulary we've been looking at today and i'm going to use kahoot to do that it's kind of a fun quiz um and just one way to get you guys to um to focus on vocabulary expressions that we are using during the class right so let's have a look i've got play let me bring you in you can see what i'm doing we're going to play i'm going to teach we're going to look at the classic one of course as always so this is what you need to do i need to get rid of this i need to get rid of me you need to go to put in your name and then enter the game number 87 888 700 come and join us we've got about five minutes of kahoot and we're going to review lots of vocabulary that we have seen so who's in the house at the moment [Music] great come and join us and if you can't get in don't worry you can still put your answers in the comments box how can keith o'hare be in there that's not me come on you're having a laugh keith fan mick mike [Music] great i'll just give you a second to get more people in right we've got loads of people in so let's start up you can still join even though we're starting to play okay so basically you'll see on your screen four answers you have to choose which one is the right one let's kick off we're looking at clothes last week she um a fashionable outfit last week she um a fashionable outfit red blue yellow or green [Music] last week she um a fashionable outfit time well done excellent oh that's great the vast majority of you got the right answer brilliant war although it sounds like the red one w-a-r spelled differently w-r-e war well done excellent that's the past tense good oh so let's see how you did top of the board not me i'll get out of the way tmk excellent with g and lana and pw we've got lots of letters today great let's go on to the next question question number two out of four i have worn this jacket um i need a new one that's not me by the way i have worn this jacket i need a new one 20 seconds in on out over phrasal verbs great music [Music] whoa i have worn this jacket out so a lot of you got it right not everybody as a few people got distracted um i've worn this jacket in is if you have a new one right but if you need a new one because it's old i've worn this jacket out that's the correct answer well done let's see how the scores are doing tmk are you still there no all the letters have disappeared lana has taken the top teemo coming in second excellent question three which is the odd one out so which one is different which one is different dressy elegant scruffy or chick [Music] here we go yeah it's scruffy exactly well done scruffy meaning untidy messy whereas the other three mean smart dressy elegant chic smart glad to see most of you got that right nice one excellent so let's see after three questions lana has held her own assuming it's a her teemo is still in second place right but beware because mariam is coming up third it's the fourth and last question here we go she is dressing um these days she is dressing um these days dressing a dress dressing the skirt dressing high heel shoes dressing smartly be careful oh that is good to see that is great to see dressing smartly right because remember i said at the beginning with dress it's normally with an adverb she's dressing smartly all the others it's wear she's wearing a dress she's wearing a skirt she's wearing high-heeled shoes right that's great hey you guys are getting better and better nice that's the last question let's see what then happens who is top third place teemo well done mariam and number one is nice brilliant well done lana excellent well done top of the pops very very good like it so well done you picked up all of the language there about clothes you picked up loads of stuff i hope the vocabulary and the practice is useful i do apologize again for the comments situation it's been a bit less interactive than than usual but i still hope it can be useful so remember to go to the website later tonight or tomorrow to pick up the pdf and the the notes you can get them there for free um and i'm gonna turn off kahoot because of the sound leave yes leave brilliant excellent so just to finish up oh yes i almost forgot um so at the moment i give live lessons tuesday and thursday but for the next month or maybe a bit more i'm gonna change that um i'm gonna only do thursdays okay so from next week it will only be thursday for the live lesson and that's because at the moment with the two live lessons and the video and my teaching i don't have enough time to bring out the course so the other thing is i'm developing a new course it's a fluency course to develop fluency skills for ielts speaking it's based on the old fluency gym but it's a complete course it's i'm in the middle of it but i really need more time to finish it to do the videos and to get it out there and i think it will be really very very useful for you and i'd like to dedicate the next three or four weeks just to finishing that so i can share it with you um and for that reason i've decided to stop the tuesday live class and only do the thursday live class right so this week of course thursday but next week just the thursday live class for the next four or five weeks possibly until i can finish it so i'm sorry it's less but you'll still have one live class one recorded video which will come out sunday or monday so it can be spread across the week you've still got the facebook group and the website which i'm developing more and more stuff for you to help you speak better english get a higher score on ielts speaking okay brilliant just to remind you the course i have at the moment is this one over here ielts speaking success get a band seven it's on new to me go and check it out if you think it's right for you then you know go and do it i'm sure it can help you out so listen i'd like to wind up and just say a big big thank you to all of you for joining me today and uh we've talked about clothes we've talked about expressions common mistakes different questions some model answers i hope it's useful that's it for today thank you very much all of you take care i'll see you soon bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 100,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking success, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking, ielts speaking clothes topic, ielts speaking clothes part 1, ielts speaking clothes vocabulary, ielts clothes speaking, ielts clothes vocabulary, ielts clothes & fashion vocabulary, clothes ielts, clothes ielts speaking, clothes ielts speaking part 1, clothes ielts speaking part 2
Id: 3w6weaAHsq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 44sec (4544 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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