IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers - Part 3 Topic JOBS

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hello my friends it's so nice to see you again how are you so today we're going to be looking at ielts speaking part three we'll be looking at the the new 2020 questions from january to april so if you're doing the test in the coming months you should watch this to get some ideas some language and some tips okay if you're sitting comfortably let's begin [Music] right then for those of you who don't know me my name's keith and i run a website called ielts speaking success here to help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score in the ielts speaking test today we're going to be looking at ielts speaking part three just before i begin let me remind you that if you want to follow an online course with me i do have a course on udemy ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus which will help you level up and get a band 7 or above if you want one-to-one classes with me i teach on italki all of the information is down below in the links so let's begin part three so part three what happens it's based on the part two topic so in part two you talk about a particular event or activity or a person you know then in part three we take that topic and develop it so in part three you will be asked maybe five or six questions over five minutes or so that's about one minute a question right so you're giving quite long answers here maybe up to a minute so you need to develop your answers in part three it's really important and a very simple way to do that is to give your opinion say why and give an example easy as that opinion why example now i'm going to be talking about lots of ideas from different questions today but that's a very simple thing to follow and just be aware that you're developing and digging deeper so the examiner is testing your ability to talk about a wider range of subjects at a deeper level we're using here what are called um hot hots as in hot right higher order thinking skills and that's your ability to not just talk about you but to talk about bigger picture things anal analyzing evaluating justifying speculating all of these are kind of higher order thinking skills and you need the language to be able to to do this to talk in depth about these topics so today i'll be showing you how you can do that and some language to do it now let's talk about um let's talk about what let's talk about the questions so in part two you get a topic and then part three takes the main idea and develops that topic so just so you know the examiner in ielts follows a script they have the questions that they must ask and they follow them but in part three they begin with the script but they can also add their own questions they can follow your conversation and add different questions to test and probe you to kind of push you a little bit so that's good but it also means a lot of questions we don't know but that's fine because we're not here to memorize answers right we are here to get ideas and language so you can speak flexibly and with confidence on a number of subjects so part two right there are about i don't know 50 topics so if in part three there are maybe five questions i mean we're looking at like three 250 or 300 different possible questions there's no way you can prepare all of those questions and it would be a waste of time so don't bother let's use a different strategy right this is my strategy look more carefully at the question types because what you're going to notice is that similar question types come up again and again and again and if you're familiar with the question types you'll know what kind of language to be using and you can talk about it you will need lots of ideas but hey we're going to look at that and that's why you're studying that's why you're listening and reading to so much english right okay so i'm going to begin taking one particular topic i'll show you the part two question and then how that's developed in part three and the kind of questions that come up i'll be looking at some different topics but clearly not all of them there are too many but let's begin with this question describe a job you would not like to do in the future now that's part two right so what do you think part three is going to be talking about well yes right it's going to be talking about jobs and the future okay so there'll be different questions that come up i'm going to look at some questions that have come up these are not exact because when candidates tell us the questions that they've done obviously their memory is not perfect and also as i said the examiner may make up new questions but these are the kind of questions you'll be getting what kind of jobs do young people like to do nowadays which is more important earning money or having an interesting job why do people travel out of their home towns to look for jobs do you think the jobs people do in the future will change have attitudes to jobs in the workplace changed in recent years what are the psychological effects of work what motivates young people in the workplace so here are the kind of questions that you may get now we're looking at jobs but i want you to really focus on the question type so let me explain what kind of jobs do young people like to do nowadays right so here um this kind of question may come up for different topics what kind of music do young people like to listen to nowadays what kind of news do people like to get nowadays what kind of films do people like to watch nowadays can you see have this type of question and once you understand the type you can then use it on all different topics so what is the examiner looking at and what can you say what kind of jobs do young people like to do well you're talking about maybe in your country or maybe worldwide you're maybe speculating a bit so it's i think they do that possibly in many countries it's this um and you're talking about here different kinds when it comes to jobs there are probably two aspects to look at right there's the job different kinds so maybe we say well computing is popular nowadays or i.t jobs have become very fashionable or businessmen and business women a lot of people want to become business people or it's kind of trendy to be an entrepreneur or a solopreneur as a new trendy word a solopreneur somebody works for themselves so we're looking at kinds of jobs but also kind of jobs could be talking about the way that people work so maybe we talk about people want the kind of job where they have more independence where they have flexible working hours sometimes called flexi time younger people want flexi time um they want an attractive job consulting is becoming more popular so rather than people working for the same company for 50 years 50 no 30 years um they become a consultant and they work for themselves but for different companies so the way we work that's becoming popular so you could talk about different kinds of job in that sense with this question as well you may want to touch on the area of generations work generations right now are you familiar with generation x generation y generation zed generation x i think is my generation right the kind of the born in the 70s or the 80s um and it's the the people who are well you can go on the websites and check generation x to see the kind of personality or working style and then you've got generation y sometimes called the millennials people born in the 80s and the 90s and their working style is a bit different and their demands and expectations are a bit different and in the 2000s and on you've got surprise surprise how original generation zed how do they do that xyz not very original but sometimes people call them snowflakes oh dear because they're often seen as being a bit airy fairy a bit soft and wanting everything done for them especially i don't know if that's true but your generation zed is another so you could talk about the generations right what kind of jobs do young people like to do well you know generation x like to have job security and do a job where they can progress up the career path or go up the corporate ladder whereas generation y or generation zed they're much more independent they want flexi time they want a job where they can be in control and have autonomy over their own work kinds of jobs let's move on now the next question is another typical question type it's an a b question right which is more important earning money or having an interesting job which is more know which is more important or which is better using your mobile phone or using the internet which is better local news or international news a lot of these questions come up and a really a good approach with these either or questions is to show off your comparisons show off because you want to show off your language right so you could just talk about one you could just say earning money is much more important because we all need to pay the rent right um you know lots of people have a mortgage they need money to live boom simple but how much richer it will be if you can say well on the one hand right earning money is really important but it's much more important to have an interesting job an interesting job is much more valuable because that gives you satisfaction a feeling of reward and it will motivate you maybe you can live a happier life so here you can see you're comparing a and b it's much better it's much more valuable and so richer language right so this is a great opportunity to talk about comparisons okay good let's talk about another question type here why do people travel out of their home towns to look for jobs why do people blah blah blah blah blah okay now this question is interesting um because it assumes people travel out of their home towns to look for jobs it takes that as a fact why do people do that you can agree with that and talk about why well why people do it but if you disagree you can say well actually i don't think people are traveling from their hometown to look for jobs i think most people stay in their hometown okay when we look at why questions why do people do something you're really speculating because i don't know why they do it what do i know i'm me other people i don't know why they do that so it is really speculating so the language of i suppose or it might be that well maybe the reason they do that is why do people travel out of their hometowns it could be that they are looking for a better job it may be that there are no job opportunities in their hometown okay so that language of speculation is really useful here what about the ideas i think why people leave their home town their home town is often a town right small or a village and there is a migration from here to here from the countryside to the city we talk about the urbanization right people are moving there's an influx of people nice word just careful with the mic influx is a movement into a place so there's an influx of people into the cities or a migration of people from the countryside to the big cities and this is this is happening i think why do people do it well possibly there might be better jobs in the city it could be that people are looking for a better quality life in the city it may be that there are more educational opportunities for their children i suppose people are looking for higher salaries and that's why they go into the bigger cities so you could be talking about that for young people millennials or generation xyz generation zed the snowflakes you're not snowflakes we're not snowflakes i'm not a snowflake um maybe they're going into the city maybe they're migrating into the city because they find there is a more engaging and active social life younger people right we're looking for an active social life more restaurants and cafes to hang out in and to meet other people and socialize to have an active social life social socialize remember we always talk about word families it's really good to do social socialize nice okay um also on this question you're talking about the reason why and there's all these positives right of the big city it can be good to talk about the negatives so people are moving into the city despite the fact there's overcrowding despite the fact so there's a negative but even though there's a negative they still go so there's a migration into the cities despite the fact there is overcrowding there's an influx of people to the big cities looking for jobs despite the fact house prices are so high house prices are rocketing house prices are soaring like a bird so people are moving into the big cities despite the fact there's so much competition right lots of language lots of ideas for that question so the why question speculation let's look at another question do you think jobs the jobs people will do in the future will change okay so we're talking here about something in the future changing and this comes up a lot do you think um education will change in the future do you think the way we access news will change in the future do you think music will change in the future okay so this will change in the future again you're looking at speculation i think it might it could it will it will probably it could possibly so the language of speculation here is really useful so do you think jobs the jobs people will do is going to change in the future notice it might be is going to or will it's all in the future um well i suppose so because i think with you know our technological revolution a lot more jobs are technology focused so jobs around computing coding and i.t are going to become more popular i suppose more people will need to learn coding skills and there are lots of jobs that actually haven't been invented yet because of the pace of change of technology and so certainly jobs will be diff it will be different but maybe we don't know what the jobs will be what could those jobs be that we can't even imagine yet i can't imagine can you imagine what the jobs will be what will the jobs be in the future i don't know i suppose there'll be more jobs around robots robots may take over some jobs so there'll be more automation of jobs robots may play a part in jobs like teaching or in the restaurants i know there's for example a restaurant near me where they have robots that serve the food it's not like a human robot they're little plates that move and they come around the tables and they deliver the food to the table so the automation of certain tasks especially routine tasks will mean that jobs in the future will change automation's a nice word you know automatic automatically the automation to make things automatic so that's going to change in the future great let's move on now let's have a look at the next question how have attitudes to jobs and the workplace changed in recent years so this again is a very common question how has something changed in recent years and here a good idea is just to go to say in the past it was like this things have changed and now it's like this it's a simple three steps that help you think as you go so talking about attitudes to jobs in the workplace it occurs to me that different people have different attitudes so for example remember the generations generation x their attitude to job security was they expected a job for many many years maybe for life generation y were much more flexible and i think generation zed actually don't expect the same job security their attitude is that they will probably change job every year or every six months so their attitude to job security and stability has changed i think also attitudes and expectations of the reward are different so maybe in the past in the past people expected a solid salary and some fringe benefits maybe um like a pension fund social security contributions things have changed and now the younger generation maybe their expectation of rewards is different they expect not only a salary but a wider range of fringe benefits joining the gym crash care for their babies or children um maybe having lunches included a lunch a work canteen like google's fantastic you get free lunches and smoothies and it's all very very it's very different right so expectations on the workplace right traditionally my father probably expected an office where there's a chair a closed office and his desk no computer in those days lots of paper and pens but now a lot of the younger generation maybe the the gen zed would expect the google scenario right comfy chairs open spaces games rooms breakout rooms cafeteria coffee on tap all of these things the expectations of the workplace have changed i think a lot of managers now who are not hierarchical right i'm up here you're down there they're not hierarchical they are flat and so they see less hierarchy and so they don't have a closed office space they work in open spaces and they work at the same level as many other employees in the company so certainly attitudes have changed to jobs in the workplace you can talk about different kinds of people generations you know throw in the word millennials generation zed snowflakes if you like great you can talk here about attitudes oh another thing that i just remembered is attitudes to diversity have changed so um and i'm thinking particularly about uh well sexual orientation gender male and females you know the the attitude now is that a lot more women are in the workplace and will be working whereas before gosh there was um that there was not equality of pay not equality of conditions for men and women and that attitude has definitely changed in most countries um certainly in my country it's getting better still a long way to go but the the attitude towards diversity and equality is certainly a different thing that's changed something you could talk about now next question what are the psychological effects of work well there's good and there's bad there's good in the the psychological effects are that work can be very rewarding especially if it's challenging and you're supported you can be successful and it's rewarding rewarding makes you motivated animated and can be very positive for your self-confidence and your self-esteem right so that's a positive thing i think very positive psychological effects at the same time there are clearly downsides downsides is a nice word downsides disadvantages negative effects right um work can have a detrimental effect on your mental health so if it's too challenging and you're there's a lot of stress and you have no work life balance right work life work family it should be but we say work life balance or work family balance too much stress you're stressed out and that has a really you know detrimental effects on your mental health and i think a lot of employees and workers around the world suffer from this globalization there are huge demands on people to perform and be productive and efficient and we almost lose perspective of time and time for ourselves and our families and so yeah it can have a negative effect on mental health i'm on a rant aren't i i'm complaining again we need a more balance so i think i'm looking at my notes here mental health is is a down side that certainly if we're talking about psychological impact okay rant finished next question one more on this topic what motivates young people in the workplace now again this is a kind of i don't know question um because i can speak for me um but don't just speak personally about you what motivates me i think you have to take it a bit wider so you can begin with me right as far as i'm concerned for me personally i reckon a big motivation is uh you know a good working environment or the fringe benefits the pension the google cafeteria um the gym membership right but you need also to develop and say and i think possibly it may be for many young people in my country they are motivated the money the salary the commission they can make the working environment the colleagues the free lunch the the wide variety of fringe benefits nice fringe benefits those extra benefits we get maybe it's a gym membership fee maybe it's maybe they're motivated by having a kind of a social network where they can work with friends or maybe they're motivated because they can play table tennis in between meetings whatever it may be so don't just talk about you take it wider and talk about what you think motivates young people talk about your country right and give one or two examples it's always good in part three to give examples right for a lot of you know for example i notice in a lot of start-up companies they are they have games rooms because a lot of the employees whether they're generation y or zed are gamers and they're really into games and that motivates them and it's they see it as a skill development so they like to have games rooms and that kind of fringe benefit motivates a lot of people okay so we've talked a lot here about work jobs in the future a lot of different questions remember to focus on the question type i'll be doing more videos in the future keep your eyes open on different topics in part three not just for the topic and the language but to get used to these question types if you like this video please do share it with your uncle aunt nephew niece anybody who might be interested subscribe over here there are links down below if you're interested in my courses or classes i'd love to work with you and be your personal coach and tutor in the meantime have a fantastic day i will see you soon take care bye [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
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Keywords: spoken English, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking tips for band 9, ielts speaking success, prepare for IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking, ielts speaking questions 2020, ielts speaking topics 2020, ielts speaking questions and answers 2020, IELTS Speaking Part 3 tips, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS Speaking Part 3 2020, ielts speaking part 3 Jobs, job ielts speaking part 2, talking about jobs / work ielts speaking, work ielts speaking part 3, work ielts speaking vocabulary
Id: Q2fanyKYOhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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