IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of THE NEWS

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[Music] a rock and roll in the morning [Music] how are you and nice to see you welcome today on the 1st of april to our uh live lesson with keith [Music] from the keith speaking academy if this is your first time here welcome [Music] really nice to see you here i'm very excited today as always because today well we're going to be looking at a really nice topic the topic of news right we're going to be looking at news um different language different idioms different questions to talk all about that great topic of news um before we do though of course we're going to kick off at the very beginning with a little bit of [Music] this [Music] [Music] great hello my friends nice to see you here um welcome today well it's very exciting i'm very excited because not only are we going to be talking about the news but we also have um another guest to join us today and i'm going to tell you about that in a moment let me introduce what we're going to be doing today okay so we're going to be talking about the news actually let me get rid of these we're going to be talking first of all about the news of course um we're going to be looking at what we're going to be looking at a bit of vocabulary that you need to talk about things in the news whether it's newspapers on social media or even news from a friend right our guest conversation today we're talking about the news with mr brick all the way from dubai and he will be joining us in about 20 minutes so looking forward to that we'll be having some question practice where i'll be asking you some different questions and you can type in your answers in the comments box that means type hello type um we'll be looking at some idioms as well right to talk about the news i mean for example to give the lowdown do you know what that means to give the lowdown well you'll be finding out later on today when we talk about idioms sample answers of course i'll be giving one or two sample answers of questions that you want to ask me on the topic and then kahoot we finish with a review and a game and the game is called kahoot so that should be quite exciting how does that happen the news great topic right so we're going to begin with the news actually um i'd like to share with you a piece of news i heard this morning you know like in the morning i like to listen to the radio i don't know if you know but i go for a walk in the morning do a bit of exercise and i like to listen to the radio the bbc and i heard a very interesting piece of news i'm going to share it with you in a moment but let me just say hello to some of you great we've got mr haryana hello there sir hello my dearest pharah as well pc official katrina from saudi arabia great mario from the ksa vaclav great to see you here rams ramsey from amsterdam ramsay sounds like reminds me of gordon ramsay my favorite chef um rocket katri hello from pakistan great what is the time will overplay sang shanya this will be over in one and a half hours wow it's a long session but don't worry it will fly past really really quickly it normally does right great um okay mr azamat from uzbekistan great nice to see you anchal from india enough of the hellos what about that piece of news i thought it was a very very interesting and curious piece of news so i wanted to share it with you and i'd like to find out what you think about this piece of news right very very very strange but let me show you hang on a moment i managed to get it off the radio so i could share it with you um i went to the website i went to the bbc website actually you can probably find it there as well so this was the one let's have a look together at this one it takes a moment to load up here we go [Music] hello this is ewan mcgregor from the bbc world service in glasgow some breaking news today uh a new world has entered the english language uh the oxford and cambridge dictionaries have accepted this new word ielts which comes from the the word ielts the international english language distinct system this is a new word that now apparently means difficult or challenging for example my maths exam tomorrow is going to be a ielts exam i better study hard or also in non-study contexts for example my marriage is going through an ielts patch but i hope i can get through it so that's it a brand new word in the english language ilc breaking news from the bbc world service [Music] how interesting right that was today the 1st of april a piece of news on the bbc ielts a new word what do you think about that interesting charcoal says bbc is one of the authentic news channels but this voice sounds familiar osan says welcome to april fool's day well welcome to april fool's day indeed it is i mean that was absolute nonsense of course ielts is not a new word in the oxford dictionary that was um what you can call fake news or keith news um it's april fools day today is the first of april which means you will find lots of people playing jokes on you or pranks on you if you live in english-speaking countries i don't know if in your country you celebrate april fool's day but today indefinitely in england and america people play jokes but particularly in the media right if you open the newspapers today the in the english speaking world you will find one or two articles which are not true they are jokes right they are jokes that the newspapers are playing on you every year we get this and that's your first one that was the april fool's for today ilc great as heber says yes ilc it would be a great word right yeah i i've got an ilc exam tomorrow meaning difficult but it doesn't exist it doesn't exist it's just one of those april fools thank you for the happy happy faces excellent good so today right um this topic of the news i mentioned we're going to kick off with just uh a few minutes maybe 10 minutes we're going to have a look at some vocabulary on this particular topic right um now then i can bring over here i think if you give me a moment i should be able to bring over my notes ielts vocabulary and the news great so of course first of all let's begin and let's talk about um news itself i'm going to get in the middle of my little circle if i can so news right is uncountable so we don't say ah news or here are two news is no no no no no we have to say some use right or here is some news or i have a lot of news right but you cannot say ah if you say ah then you have to say a piece a piece of news so if you want to make it countable in that case that becomes countable you can say a piece of news right a piece of news that was an interesting piece of news about a new word in the english language it was fake news right the person right who works for the newspaper and finds the stories um is called a journalist right that's the person a journalist it's got that nice j sound ju can you say that jer journalist brilliant and say this word then journalism journalism and it's a strong z right it's not it's z there's a vibration here z ism ism tourism journalism racism okay all of these words are the isms journalism is the noun is the kind of the field of study if you like or the field of reporting news so you've got a journalist let's make it ah just to make it clearer a journalist i work as a journalist i'd like to work as a journalist right or maybe you'd like to work as a correspondent now a correspondent the stress on the o n spawn ooh let me wind it up spom again a difficult sound spondant a correspondent when you listen to the bbc they often say here is our paris correspondent or our foreign correspondent or our correspondent in china and that's the person reporting the news it's the person who's in place recording the news with their with the camera with the microphone or with their notebook as a correspondent i mean literally somebody who corresponds who gives you information but normally works for a media outlet um the person on the tv news so the person who uh hosts the tv news is called the news anchor and use anchor right we can also say a news host is also quite common especially in british english a news host so again that's the the person and the noun great what else we talk about to cover a story so the newspaper will cover a story or a journalist will cover a story not literally cover as in cover but to report so it's a coverage story it means to report on a story report a story or report on a story you can say report on a story or report a story you could say both of those so that's nice language to talk about the news right the journalist was covering the story he was reporting on the the pandemic in such and such a country another word that's useful i've talked about media the media the media outlets like the bbc or abc or voice of america these are media outlets to talk about the media we can also call it the press right the press is uncountable and it refers basically to all the organizations that cover the news so the press um so sometimes we also call that the media if you like traditionally the press has been the newspaper because it's the news the press is the printing press it's the machine to make the newspaper the media could be television radio newspaper magazine a wider range right of different kinds of media for example the press you could talk about is the british press biased so the british press referring to maybe the guardian the bbc the well if it's newspapers the guardian the sun the daily express the daily mail the independent the yeah all of those high quality newspapers some of them more quality than others is the british press bias is the british press good is the british press interesting do they cover interesting stories so here we can talk about the british press the french press if you're in india the indian press right different ways to use that i talked about some press are better than others in england we have something called the tabloids or a tabloid [Music] a tabloid is a newspaper which is tends to report gossipy news so it's not a very serious newspaper although they would argue they are um they do kind of more sensational news um things like that some people call it the pink press i think in some languages it's called the yellow press or the pink press um but the tabloid so it's a less serious i get in trouble with the tabloids now the less serious newspaper more sensationalist let's say it's true come on let's not be about the bush it's true the most famous one in england i think is the sun it's a tabloid a bit less serious we also talk about the paparazzi of course the paparazzi are the guys who go around taking photos so they're kind of journalists but they're the photographer right they are news photographers but be careful right this has a negative connotation i mean newspaper photographers can be great of course they are great professional photographers but if they work for the tabloids and they're often more sensationalist and you know they don't have a good reputation let's be honest they have a very bad reputation this word is used negatively right the paparazzi paparazzi let me show you just in case you're not sure let's put this on um on the the website i'll bring this up so you can have a look right just to make double sure papa ratzy here we go we'll do some images so these are the guys right they're the they're taking the photographs but especially of these kind of gossipy rumor newspapers so they have a negative context a negative connotation excuse me and i guess they have a negative connotation because they push the boundaries of privacy they don't care about privacy they will push and push and follow and stalk famous people till they get the perfect photo of them lying in the sun in their back garden whatever works right okay excellent so we've got there the paparazzi just a couple of collocations in fact let me just check in with you guys because i can see lots of comments coming up we can share some of your comments that would be nice right we've got okay nabika asks tabloid only used to show an un and seriousness of newspaper to show unseriousness unseriousness yes yes tabloids are normally negative to talk about less serious newspapers zeal says times of india is a tabloid okay yep great rohit talks about the paparazzi a group of photojournalists who swoop on nice rocky very nice they fool like an eagle they swoop on a celebrity when he or she is spotted at a public place lovely very very nice thanks for sharing that yes the topic is news indeed cyrus sarah topic today is news um do we write paparazzi with a capital letter um no is the answer and you're going to ask me why have you done that keith no you don't need a capital letter um if it's in a title yes but otherwise no jesse says guys with big cameras well yes indeed chasing celebrities yes yeah here you go sria gives an example here we've got princess diana and marlon monroe died due to chasing paparazzi yes um diana let's give her that capital d rest in peace they died yeah they not was died but they died due to chasing paparazzi yes when you say chasing paparazzi here you're using chasing as the adjective so princess diana wasn't chasing the paparazzi but the chasing paparazzi were after her yes great so that's it nice a few collocations i've just put put up a few here um we can talk about a newsflash a news flash is on the news something a very quick piece of news right so that just means a quick notice piece of news pile of it's a pile of news piece of news great um the breaking news as i as you heard today about the word ilc april fool breaking news is um the latest piece of news or news story maybe right and you can guess news coverage because we talked about covering a story right remember up here we said to to cover a story is to report on a story so news coverage using the noun is the collocation here right it's the covering of the story news coverage the bbc covered this story in a lot of detail their coverage was really good so that's the noun so it's always nice right in ielts to show off your vocabulary to be showing the different word families the noun excuse me noun adjective verb adverb and so on and so forth excuse me brilliant good so there's some vocabulary about news um here we go we've got hilar says the earthquake was published as a news flash yeah great and use flash boom it comes onto the the tv very very quickly wow let's have a shout out to rosetta because rosetta is in canada and it's 2 a.m in alberta canada you're up at 2am watching ielts speaking well rosetta my rosette my hat off to you well done that's fantastic you are an inspiration for us very very impressive indeed excellent good so i'm going to move on um now we've got what we got if i bring you back here you'll remember what's coming up next we've looked a bit at some of the vocabulary um i want to bring on next ah mr prick right all the way from dubai so we're going to have a conversation um this is brick brick is his name so it's like yes i like some teachers call themselves mr keith mr brick um so we're gonna bring on miss uh brick and we're gonna have a conversation and we're gonna be talking about well a little bit about brick obviously but then we'll be having a conversation about the news a few different questions and as we talk we'll be bringing up some interesting vocabulary that might be useful for you um so as you watch uh if you have any questions do type them into the comments box and we can try and answer them right excellent good so let me um switch over here i'm going to bring on my name because i am keith and i'm going to call brick so bear with me guys just hang on a moment got so many screens open it's a bit bizarre right my hat off to you right where are we here we go let's try hello hi there can you hear me hi brick i can hear you are you all right yes yes i'm very well thanks how are you fantastic i'm good just give me a second i'm going to bring you into the main screen if i can i hope i can just hang on yeah cool yay it works you're in and there's your name as well right excellent excellent we're in there we're going good um great so listen well first of all thank you very very much um for joining us today it's absolutely fantastic to see you here um and it'd be really nice i guess to start off to find out a bit about you i mean tell us more about you who you are okay excellent well uh i am brick unusual name i know but yeah i'm a i'm a qualified english teacher originally from the uk a few years ago though i moved to the middle east i was teaching english in abu dhabi and i then went to doha in qatar and now i'm here in dubai so i'm actually speaking from dubai now i'm teaching english here so that's my full-time um job but then i also have a youtube channel on the side as well where i just pick out key points about ielts exam and then my channel is based on that fantastic i've seen your channel it's very good some really nice videos there yeah students i will put the link in the notes later and students can go and check out your your channel as well i was going to ask you about the weather but i'm thinking in dubai i can probably guess yeah well it's extremely hot at the moment uh having said that though it's actually less hot this year than it was last year so um it's a pleasant surprise because sometimes the heat gets uh unbearable yeah i can imagine absolutely yes so how long have you been in dubai itself um well i originally came to the country in 2015 uh i was working here for three years in abu dhabi that was so abu dhabi is the capital of the united arab emirates once i left and came back which was which is where i am now in dubai i came here in uh august of last year um yes when i've been here ever since fantastic great i think we have quite a few students from the middle east area from several countries around there yeah absolutely great i'll be very pleased to see you here um and a so are you enjoying dubai i absolutely love it here it's it's an amazing country um yeah the weather is i mean i prefer the hot weather uh more than the uk weather so that's a big plus for me and also there's so many things to do here it's unbelievable the quality of life is amazing so what do you do i mean what do you get up at what you get up to at the weekends uh well usually i'm in the gym in the mornings uh on the weekends though that's usually my time to wind down but there's quite a few parks here so my wife and i usually go to the parks and there's some amazing restaurants here and we're both foodies uh so a lot of the time we just go out to different restaurants um because of the weather's picking up now um this well later on after this in the evening time we're probably gonna go for a swim um on the beach so i'm looking forward to that right fantastic i love that expression the weather's picking up that's a brilliant expression i'm just gonna as we talk i'm just gonna pick out a few expressions and put them on the um the blackboard for students yeah right just to so they can see that great can i just share that with them a moment the weather's picking up great the weather's getting better nice now you and i have something in common because actually i just saw a comment from rohit and rohit says his pronunciation that's yours shows is either an irishman or from yorkshire where are you from originally so uh both keith and i are from uh very we're from the same place really i'm from manchester in the uk i was born and raised there and i stayed there for 25 years and then at that moment i moved to the middle east fantastic and i'm also from manchester and it's strange because we we have slightly different accents i mean you probably have a stronger manchester mancunian accent than i do um i left manchester when i was 22. um but i guess because i've lived i don't know how old am i now i mean i've lived 20 plus years abroad with a lot of that time teaching english i just kind of modified my language a bit a little bit my accent yeah the same things is slowly happening to me i remember when i first moved over to the uae most people just couldn't understand me so i really had to um change up my speech and change my intonation uh even now i'm still five six years in i'm still working on this a lot better you're kind of over enunciate if you like or pronounce more clearly right yeah right fantastic brilliant um now talking about the news right so it's interesting i mean do you personally do you follow the news um yeah i i actually follow the news quite a lot especially with what's going on in the world right now um i think it's important for me to follow the news so yeah and what kind of news kind of are you interested in um well at the moment i'm looking at both local and international news um basically mainly about the stats of what you know the the virus that's going around just to see if it's calming down in the uk uh because at some point my wife and i would like to go back and just for a quick visit um and then i follow a lot of the local news of what's happening in dubai if there's any if there's any events going on um i like to keep on top of things yeah right nice um good i'm typing let me share a couple of those sentences that was very good it's interesting you talked about the stats about the virus i'll put this up the the stats about the virus because we often say that the stats is the statistics right but very often we just say the stats yeah um and so the statistics about the virus how many people are being uh infected or the vaccines the vaccines is is a bit of a there's a bit of a nightmare here in europe i don't know about in dubai but in england it's going fantastic you know they've done like i think 20 million or more people and and here in spain they've done like a million it's like so slow what's the picture like in dubai um well here they've handled it the government have handled it really well so this is a country of around 10 million people and i think right now and around 50 or 55 percent of the people are vaccinated um it's a well-organized well-structured process so here they're handling it very very well right fantastic great the other expression you used i noticed was i like to keep on top of things right yeah what does that how would we explain that to keep on top of things i would i would say that uh that would suggest that i like to keep up to date with the latest news yeah yeah keep up to date with the news that's brilliant nice sometimes it's hard to kind of think exactly what the definition is of these so yeah yeah keep keep on top of things is a really nice expression so to kind of keep up to date with the news keep on top of the news um interesting interesting expressions brilliant i was um listening to the radio this morning and i apart from the fake news i shared earlier with the guys i was listening to some a lot of um interesting pieces of news out at the moment there's things about the ship that was stuck in the suis canal there's um the ship that got stuck in a a river up in england as well can you think of any uh interesting pieces of news you've read about lately um i mean there was actually a similar case here in the uae i'm not sure which emirates it happened in um but the news was i briefly read up on it but the news is basically about how some people were stuck on a ship and how many people just wanted to go out their way and rescue these people um yeah i know it was in the news for a while i wasn't following it too much but that's the last i uh i read up on about it right so that was quite a bit of an interesting news here yeah there's lots of interesting stuff going on so how do you access the news are you like one of these mobile phone scrollers or newspaper people maybe yeah and unfortunately unfortunately but i think unfortunately yes i have become like um getting all my information from my mobile phone so i access um different uh newspaper applications from my mobile phone uh sometimes if i'm on a long drive i will listen to podcasts uh live but for majority of the time it will be um accessing newspaper articles from my phone yeah right which um which applications do you use i mean uh to follow the what's going on in the uk uh i've got the bbc news application yeah um and then men because i'm from manchester uh do you get the men on it have they got an app yeah they've got an episode it's um it's so ideal it's so convenient um yeah so those are the international ones i follow every now i've got the guardian application downloaded as well yeah i don't follow it that much though and then to keep on you know to keep up to date with things yeah uh the uae uh i listen sorry i read uh khalid's times and the gulf news they are probably the most accurate and precise uh pieces of um uh information that you can get here right interesting do you have any i don't know if tabloids is the right word any do you have any tabloids in that area um i don't think that i don't think there's that many i don't think there's any to be honest here unless i'm just completely ignorant but in my five or six years here i don't think i've ever come across any i know there's quite a lot in the uk and but none that i've come across here it may be i don't know maybe it's a very european thing i know definitely in spain they have some in france they do in england we have lots of tabloids yes quite a thing yes yeah very interesting um i'm just going to share what you said there you've got i get all my information from my phone which is great so get get your information from the phone just noticing the prepositions and to access news from different applications so you can access news on your phone from different applications nice the m-e-n if people don't know they won't know is the manchester evening news is our local newspaper i had no idea i i've got like you the bbc on my phone and the guardian i like the guardian because it has um it has the what they call the long read so as well as lots of short stories if you want to go into depth about some stories you can get a much detailed a more detailed uh report about it and their coverage for me is quite independent you know i mean a lot of newspapers in england are either very left or very right it's quite hard to get independent coverage right i think they're quite good in my humble opinion i actually really agree with that statement i i'm the same as well um i'm kind of independent as you would say we are the independent yes great um i'm just seeing if there's any questions from people brilliant yes no questions lots of comments but no questions that's good new york times people are talking about the wall street news of course we're being very british about this because we are british so we're not talking much about the american press but there obviously there's lots there as well brilliant um yes so news news topic a lot of people are using mobile phones right do you think in the future that the way we kind of get news and access news is going to change uh you know that's a really interesting question um i i 100 to think that it will change and here's the reason why um my first ever job was to deliver newspapers to um people's homes no and i still remember but yeah i still remember even if i was just a few minutes late uh people would stand outside their houses waiting for their newspapers and they would read the whole newspaper entirely just to find one piece of information that they wanted to read about uh whereas now uh fast track maybe 15 20 years 20 years i would say 15 years fast track 15 years uh we can access anything from our phone any type of news article if i want to read about uh manchester united football team i can just search that in the manchester evening news application and it'll take me directly to that link whereas you know over a decade ago i would have had to read everything just to you know find out about manchester united so i think if things go along this way it will definitely change how we read the news that's interesting yeah that's interesting um the you're right i mean in the past yeah i used to read newspapers i don't don't read them now but you used to spend a long time reading newspapers now because of the whole search ability we can get news anywhere anytime right really really quickly i thought that was interesting the way you answered that question because i think that this question is a very difficult ielts question actually right how will something change in the future and the natural thing to do is to talk about the past like you did immediately we used to do this and now we do that but then you did that very clever thing where you say if things go along this way yeah it's going to carry on and i think that's a really great strategy if you don't know about the future because we don't right then people are just saying well you know if things go along like this it'll carry on in the same way yeah yeah that's a good yeah it's a good technique for um for speaking we should call that the brick technique as you've just introduced the brick technique that's nice let me write i just noticed noted a few things i'll just share them on the board here um i i love the way you said this so just a moment i'll just get it a bit bigger so he's asking about things changing in the future let me sorry i'm chopping around a lot but i'll just organize my notes yeah yeah yeah so he said how will things change in the future and i i liked this this expression you said well in the past blah blah no you said and here's the reason why so you gave your opinion sorry you gave the situation and they said then gave your the reason and here's the reason why and then you talked about the past and then you said now fast track 10 years brilliant expression fast track 10 years means come forward right 10 years so come forward to today if you like i guess come forward to today fast track 10 years um and then you compared to today and then if things go along this way in the future and then you're talking about how things will develop in the future i just i think things go along this way yes and nice it's it's a tricky question very very tricky question yeah yeah um i mean talking about ielts questions it's because obviously everybody here is an ielts student or most people are um have you what kind of tips do you give your students around ielts um well when we're talking about ielts speaking um one technique that i do give is something that i just did myself when you ask me the question is when you give an answer i mean i didn't have to do it then but uh when you do give an answer and you think oh no that's a bit of a short answer just try to justify your answer because a lot of the time it's easier to give an explanation um so when i said um fast track 10 years i think news might change because and then you can just add more information that's nice yeah so it's really important right to develop your answers and give more information um otherwise the examiner doesn't have enough language to to evaluate [Music] yeah i've got a couple of questions up here um go somebody says i once i've seen a tabloid here in qatar but it's printed in arabic okay oh maybe that's maybe that's why i haven't come across them because a lot of the newspapers would be uh a lot of the tabloids if they do exist they would be arabic that makes yeah do you speak arabic unfortunately i don't it's something that i've been there dabbling into um but it requires a lot of attention and concentration that's why honestly i really admire everyone uh who's trying to learn the english language because i i understand how difficult it is to learn a new language um so no i don't i don't speak it but i'm i will i will at some point i'm still trying to learn fantastic as you said you're dabbling into it great expression i'm dabbling into it i wrote that down for the students i've been dabbling into arabic dabling is dabbling is what is trying is trying to do something right yeah i would i guess um you're at this early stage of trying something yeah yeah like dabbling in cooking do you dabble in arabic cooking i've been i've been dabbling in spanish cooking for sure oh okay okay yeah i'm horrible at cooking so i'm plus my what works well for me is that my wife she loves cooking so it just works out brilliant so she cooks and you clean the dishes yeah yeah that's exactly our way nice brilliant brilliant so we've got dabbling i'll just add that in there as well i've been dabbling into arabic so that's to the early stages of trying something trying something new normally to dabble into to dabble in or to dabble into yeah yeah yeah very nice brilliant dabbling into arabic um brilliant so i mean i'm a big fan of cooking as students no but so does your wife cook um what kind of food does she cook uh well my wife um she cooks a lot of like a south asian type of dishes um i mean my my yeah she cooks a lot of south asian type of dishes so lots of curries um yeah mainly curry is that she just as she cooks and she's been dabbling into again that word a lot of healthy type of cooking yeah so we've been having a lot of grilled food yep and grilled chicken steamed rice um yeah and steamed vegetables i've been just trying a few of that i need to keep the belly down it sounds familiar i know where you're at yeah keep the belly down the middle-aged belly well for me definitely it's coming about i've got a question up here from madushi madushi we and she says why should we follow the news that's that's a good question that's actually a question that might come up on the ielts exam as well i would answer that as i think the news is important especially to keep up to date with what's going on around you yep absolutely um i agree i think i think it's good to keep up to date with your local news to know what's happening in your city as well if there are sudden changes especially in the pandemic times yeah yeah and it's nice at times to be able to it's a it's an icebreaker as well isn't it in conversations when you're having with friends and family often talk about the news so to be in the loop is useful so you can yes i like that in the loop nice in the loop let me add that to our blackboard to keep in the loop or to stay in the to keep to stay to keep in the loop yeah brilliant madushi thanks for that question i'm just going to take you off switch screens it's like flying an airplane all of this technology lots of practice um we tend to follow the news a lot more here than we do in our home countries oh say say that again brick because i just lost you there he got oh sorry but say it again i've seen that from my experience in this country in dubai in the uae one thing i have noticed about the news is that people who live here they tend to follow the news a lot more than we do in the uk interesting yeah yeah why do you think that is um i think a big part of that is 90 i mean this is my own assumption but 19 of the population here are all expats so in order for you to understand uh somebody a lot better you have to kind of read up on the news and what's going on in their countries as well as your own home country to get a picture of you know different contexts that is so interesting of course because there are so many nationalities yeah yeah you've got to be in the loop in all different countries in a way yeah yeah um so i've since i've coming since i've come here i've learned so much about other people's cultures about what's going on in their uh countries um even things such as the weather in south africa something that i would have never thought about right when i was in the uk uh i seem to have learned so much about since coming here wow brilliant so that's really broadened your horizons literally about world affairs yeah 100 wow fantastic that's very interesting got a couple of comments to share we've got a angle or angel says i follow the peninsula newspaper in qatar um what else have we got dabbling is in an indian word as well in the indian language doubling i i didn't know that i actually speak hindi and urdu right so both in hindi and urdu right yeah yeah i mean they kind of intertwine with each other they cross over right so they're very similar so the chances are that if you can speak uh urdu fluently you can most likely speak hindi fluently and vice versa oh interesting right right great so you are you are multilingual not just bilingual yeah yeah um so i've had to learn those languages so again that's why i you know i really appreciate and sympathize with a lot of them uh english learners because i i just know how difficult it is yeah absolutely totally agree i've got one final question maybe this is from fedemi yet who says how can i protect myself from fake news oh that's a that's a really good question um i think i i would suggest two ways one of them would be to read a variety of newspapers uh that would give you a clear indication as to which nays which news is authentic and which news is fake um another way i would suggest i actually i forgot to mention this earlier is i also follow the news by joining lots of facebook groups um that doesn't sound like a very popular thing but here in the uae that's one of the most um that's one of the best ways to keep up to date with what's going on um so if i were to read some type of fake news i would just double check with people in their facebook groups and then usually people will reply and let me know that's interesting that's almost the reverse of what i would think because my instinct is when i see news on facebook is that it's fake and i would go to the guardian or the bbc or a world newspaper to double check if it was true it's interesting i think that's just a dubai thing i'm not sure because again like you said i wouldn't do this if i was in the uk right but i think so many uh expats are here they've just uh grouped a community together uh which is the facebook group and that's where people cross reference things right yeah they're doing that a lot with you know with the pandemic pandemic news yeah um whether we can travel back to the uk or not a lot of the news is um up to date and these facebook groups yeah nice brilliant thanks thanks fermillet for that i'm just going to pull up a couple of things you said there which were good so we talked about authentic news you talked about fake news and authentic authentic just meaning real real news and then to cross-reference the news or to cross-reference the information so to check different sources basically yes yes check different [Music] sources a lag in my computer never mind there we go check different sources brilliant very very nice great brick we're probably going to be winding up in a moment um any other i'm just checking if there's any questions here but any questions or comments that you've got um i'm just reading the comments as well yeah look please do have dubai visa okay some some interesting comments said no actual questions i have um yeah but uh i i would like to say that if any of your students do require any additional help with anything else related other than speaking i do have a youtube channel which is ielts mr brick um so if you have any reading or writing right questions listening and you're more than welcome to have a look at the videos i've got a video that's going live today as well oh brilliant what's the topic of your video today uh today's a reading uh question one of the most difficult ones which is a yes no not given a question so i'm just gonna explain uh how to answer that type of question fantastic great on reading i've just added this to the screen so it's ielts mr brick is that right yeah ielts space mr space brick uh you're killing me hang on a minute ielts space mr space brig if you put that in the youtube search engine you'll find it i'm sure ielts mr brick yes fantastic you go and check it out brick has got um it's a very very good youtube channel i think there's some really um interesting stuff there i think it's kind of a fairly new channel starting up right um yeah so please guys go and have a look go and check it out um because there's lots of information to get brilliant well we'll wind it up thank you very much brick for coming it's been really really interesting actually yeah i really enjoyed that it was really nice speaking to you yeah brilliant great thanks very much i'm sure the guys um are very appreciative as well um there's been lots of really nice comments as well very interesting and it's interesting to get you know different um you know even though we're both british the different cultures because you're in dubai i'm in spain you've got kind of the the indian hindi and urdu languages going on as well very very interesting brilliant yeah okay well listen thank you very much let's stay in touch and um yeah i will see you around here soon cool see you later thanks bye take care bye-bye right thank you very much so brick i've got to work out now how there we go that's how so thank you very much to brick um guys do go and check out um the youtube channel ielts mr brick some really nice stuff there obviously it's ielts based um as you've seen brick has got some great um not only language obviously but techniques for ielts the brick technique that we've established today fantastic brilliant good so um we're going to carry on let me just change things around a little bit if i just move our names off brilliant and um let's have a jingle bar [Music] nice it's coco it's coco says it's such a lovely and easy way to learn english through your live videos absolutely loved it great very pleased to hear that very interesting interview right very very interesting some nice things hannah says i shakun smiles hannah says i like the brick technique that's going to become now world famous people will be on the facebook ground have you tried the brick technique what's that oh fantastic great the iraq says where are you from sir me i'm from you haven't been watching have you i'm from manchester the same as brick we're both from manchester but i do live in spain at the moment susan says i think brick is down to earth and very friendly i totally agree very down to earth very very friendly very nice guy very honest and open nice great sweat says i've got the exam on the 10th of april well look at the face [Music] good luck sweetheart i'm sure it will go really really well okay let me switch them let me come back so we've had this conversation with mr brick which was great i'm going to move on to some some question practice right i'd like to ask you guys some questions um similar to the ones that we've seen um and see what see what you say so let me pick out some questions for you of course what i'm going to do i'm going to keep all of the notes right for that you can see today on the board i publish as a pdf on the website this video is recorded and you can obviously go back to youtube to watch it and then you can press the link from youtube to my website and download today's lesson notes so you can carry on studying and learn more and more to get an even better score in your ielts speaking okay first question for you guys right today is is it important to keep up to date on the news i'd like to hear what you think about that give me a comment down below is it important to keep up to date on the news abigail yes i do speak spanish as well yes as abdul are the speaking questions different in different countries no they're all the same questions around the world abdul how can i download the material oh right abdul go to my website um keith speaking academy don't go now it's like the student saying can i go to the toilet sir and then they disappear and they never come back so abdul don't go now go at the end of the class i mean if you'll go to the toilet go to the toilet but don't go to the website go to the website later it's the key speaking academy or go and bookmark it right let's see let's let's take that off let's share some of your your answers to this question um the first simple one from eddie yes it is shama gives a bit more information yes it's really essential uh jean yes it's very important for daily life nice very very good uh vaclav says yes absolutely especially when pandemic yes i let me help you a little bit there instead of when right let's say and let's change your spelling instead of when let's say during especially during the pandemic and we normally say the the pandemic yes absolutely especially during the pandemic great ramsey says ramsay yes it is to keep in the loop nice very good student it's important to keep in the loop [Music] um ismail says yes news enrich us with what's going on now this is really good and it will help us because there's a small mistake but this will help everybody when we talk about the news right normally we would add the yes the news and even though it's uncountable it's still the third person it's it so the news enriches right enrich enriches the news enriches us with what's going on the world that is very very nice ismail thank you very much yes um jigar says yes it's very important and help us to be with the world now same thing right you see ismail has helped us but now this helps us to be with the world i'm going to make your answer even better jigar right i'm going to make it even more natural yes it's very important and helps helps us helps us sus helps us to be in touch with the world right not just with the world but in touch with the world that's a nice answer brilliant jigar thank you very much um saurabh says yes definitely because it keeps us aware of aware of what's happening around the country or around the globe yes so that's nice yes and you're i'll just change your definitely with the fini not fina finney yes definitely because it keeps us aware of what's happening around the country nice brilliant beautiful great samara says absolutely for us to keep on the loop oh on or in samara in the loop and to broaden our horizons that's also nice that was an expression i think i used as well right to keep in the loop keep inside because if you've got how would i explain it imagine the loop right is a circle there's the circle of news it's literally ah what can i show you oh children's toys always very useful that is your loop right it's literally that is your loop so the loop is a circle don't break it or she'll be so upset so when you've got a circle of course you're not on the loop right you want to be in the loop you want to be in the circle so in the loop or in the circle if you're on it you don't know the information so be in the loop i love that great toy goes down the stairs automatically always a good decision to do your live class in your daughter's bedroom so in the loop lovely brilliant let's move on let's do one let's no let's move on all together right question practice um i'm going to move on and i wanted to show share something with you right some great answers coming up but i am going to move on just aware of the time and my thirst [Music] it's warm today the weather is getting better and better the weather's picking up the sun is coming out and it's oh by the way it's easter if you're celebrating it's easter thursday easter friday and then of course good friday and then easter sunday on sunday so this weekend if you're celebrating happy easter to all of you i forgot to say it but easter is a time of interesting it's a time of death it's a time of birth rebirth right and it's the time of spring where the flowers are coming out the animals are mating young uh lambs and foals and chicks are being born and it's a rebirth right it's an exciting time and that's why i think also with spring the weather's getting better and better so there we go what am i talking about i was talking about a website i wanted to share with you right um if you're interested in the news and the language to talk about the news and especially ielts part two where you may be asked to describe a piece of news you need your examples right you notice me and um brick today brick and i me and brick brick and i were talking about some pieces of news about the boat in the suez canal about the pandemic but in ielts sometimes it's hard to think of a piece of news and people say describe a piece of news and you go blank so it's a good idea to do some research get some ideas to talk about and there's a great website and i'm going to share it with you and this website is actually an english learning website but it's called breaking news english and i'm going to explain i want to share it with you because i think it's a great resource and i would like to explain to you why i think so so it's called if you can just see at the very top can you see breaking no you can't see i'll make it making a pig's ear of this come on keith breaking news english right dot com basically breaking news english dot com um free english lessons so here you can see you've got a piece of news like the suez canal reopens earth safe from the asteroid hit olympic torch relay starts in japan look at the dates i mean these are all very very new right 31st of march 29th of march 27th so every week um this website and the the guy who runs it puts up two or three articles of recent news and look it goes by level so if you're a lower level you can access the information at four if you're a higher level at level six let's take the suez canal right reopens and what you get if you're a teacher as well not only a student but if you're a teacher you've got your ready-made lesson plan here you can print the lesson plan you can listen in both american and english you can read the article jumbles no spaces there's a grammar analysis there's a spelling section it's just great so look you've got ignore the advertisements obviously but you've got the article here the suez canal is finally open again you've got some warm-ups to do to get you in the mood especially good for teachers right there's then some vocabulary to do looking at the matching the word definition some true false to practice your reading skills synonyms to build up your vocabulary blocked i mean if i go in a bit closer for you blocked make the that's my uh i have a dictionary thing i can check the meaning excuse me i think the answer is obstruct block yeah so number one g great synonym match phrase match it just goes on and on i mean it's absolutely it's amazing if you're a teacher uh or a student you want you can do role plays unbelievable how does this guy do it it's absolutely amazing and i love the listening bit because i'm a big fan of listening to texts for students if you want to improve your speaking listening is much better than reading right um so you can do slow medium british so i can do suey's canal reopens after stranded ship is freed this is or american suez canal reopens after stranded ship is freed brilliant and you can listen to the whole thing anyway guys it's called i'll put this in the um in the chat now but also i'll put it in the notes later it's just one that's out there there are lots of resources and i'm sure you're going to be sharing some with me but it's really good breaking news english dot com great website it's well worth having a look nice okay let me move on where are we that's it breaking news that's the one okay now then i'm gonna move on next sarah samara let's take you off how did you get there um [Music] what's coming up next i'm going to look at idioms right idioms next we're going to look at two or three idioms on this topic um for example to give the lowdown i wonder if any of you know what the lowdown is i wonder well let's um have a look together right and you can share more idioms with me as we go along love from india hello love from spain to you [Music] okay some idioms to talk about the news okay um to give the lowdown wow so to give the lowdown right is to give all the details about a piece of news [Music] about a piece i e pi apple pie piece of news so let me just mark that and show you this to give the lowdown right so for example right imagine your colleague at work has to go and speak to the boss the boss says oy you come into my office now and you see your friend going to the boss's office and they're talking talking and then and then your friend comes back and you say come on give me the lowdown right tell me all the details of what happened tell me all the details of the news right that just happened give me the lowdown you could use it talking about news in the newspaper right oh i've just read an article about the the ship in the suis canal hey give me the lowdown what happened right it's a nice expression so give me the low down um to give the lowdown give me the lowdown give all the details right the next one you've probably heard this one on the grapevine to hear about something through or on the grapevine it's most famous because there's a song i heard it on the grapevine right um is to hear something from someone else from another person not the source so you hear about a piece of information not because you read about the original information but somebody else told you about it right so when a friend tells a friend and the friend tells you that your uncle is getting married you heard it on the grapevine right your uncle didn't tell you he's getting married but he told a friend and the friend told a friend and the friend told you then you hear it on the grapevine or through the grapevine to keep someone posted right keep someone posted we talked about keeping in the loop and it's actually the same right to keep whoops let me write this out again to keep someone [Music] in the loop and both of these mean well to keep someone up to date up to date with the news so both of these are that to keep someone up to date with the news to keep someone posted um keep someone in the loop um we often use this when you're talking with friends or family and or colleagues at work or classmates and they're going to do something right i'd say i'm going to go and speak to my um my boss about this and you say yeah well keep me in the loop right in the loop keep me up to date um keep me posted it's like they're going to post you a letter and tell you what happened in the meeting with their boss it doesn't mean literally post a letter times have changed right but keep me posted is to let me know or just keep me up to date with what's going on right great um now yes there's a few questions here femilita again so the grapevine similar to hearsay yes hearsay is when you hear someone else tell you that's the grapevine absolutely yes good um what else have we got okay no that's good keep someone informed yeah that's nice let me add that one as well thank you very much rubjet for that keep someone informed yeah and then we've got this expression by word of mouth and it's well this one actually i'm going to put up here because it's more like to hear something from another person right um so we might say let me give you an example i heard it i heard it by word of mouth which means someone else told me about it so someone else told me about it so literally the word has gone from your mouth to another mouth and then from that mouth to another mouth by word of mouth so it's it's like the grapevine it's moved it's passed on from one other people we often talk about marketing right if you want to do some marketing the best marketing is by word of mouth where your customers tell other customers about your product that's by word of mouth but also we can use it to talk about the news and to keep people up to date and to find out information right so yes to keep someone oh not here i'm on the wrong one by word of mouth great let me move this up as well i think i've got another one i've got one more at the bottom to break the news to somebody is to tell somebody the news i don't know why we break the news it's not like you break it you give the news but to break the news um it's normally for negative right news and i think that's why it's negative because it has a negative impact so it's normally negative news um you know i'm gonna i have to break the news that you've failed the exam and then i'm gonna break the news i'm not gonna tell you the news i'll break the news because it's negative right so that's just to tell someone the news [Music] i have to break the news that um it's gonna rain tomorrow maybe so breaking the news it's normally quite negative news yeah here's a good example yep from sriya i had to break the news to my friend about the accident of her brother yes yes um to spill the tea jesus i don't know that do you mean spill the beans to spill the beans to tell a secret maybe maybe what about the breaking news from petra petra come back oh hang on a minute fear i'll come back to you in a moment petra breaking news um is the latest news so that's different right to break the news is to give the news but the breaking news is the latest news right fear come back to you to break the news to tell someone the news yes that's what i said yeah i know you're just practicing great excellent um brilliant bad news travels fast that's a bit of a proverb or a saying that's right bad news travels fast yeah black gold says your avatar is making me hungry black gold break the news is normally bad news yes what about breaking bad as a tv show my friend and i don't know where that name comes from i've no idea okay excellent good um so we've looked at idioms after idioms right uh we're gonna move on to something a little bit different let's change the pace change the pace a little bit um yes i'll just have a drink and then what we'll do is [Music] so yay it's time for sample answer this is where you ask me a question about news an ielts question and i will try and give you a sample or model answer um which later we can analyze um and i will put on the website so you can have a look and learn from it okay so please do write down some questions and i will move over here into my model answers area good let's see what's cooking what's your favorite type of news what do you think the government should do to reduce fake news can you make recall a news that made you happy what type of source do you prefer hmm describe the time you received a bad news let's do this one it's a part two question describe a time you received a bad news and also cecile has given us this lovely learning opportunity um she's reminding us obviously deliberately that news is uncountable so you cannot say ah news you have to say news describe a time when you received bad news of course cecile was just sharing that opportunity for everybody to learn thank you cecile that's great now then let me just paste and copy that i'll move that over here can i go up a little bit yeah right cecile so much thank you so much so much thank you right oh goodbye oh my this is difficult so i'm going to take maybe half a minute to think about this because i do need to to think of a time i received bad news right okay and before i begin this is a hard one because i would try not to talk about things that are very very emotional and things that jump to my mind are the deaths of family people family members of the family um especially with the kovid i i'm going to avoid that because i think it's too emotional and i think it could be the last thing you want really the last thing you want is to get upset during the exam because it will ruin the whole exam for you some people think if i get a bit tearful and crying the examiner will help me and think oh okay we'll give him a give him an eight no it's really if you get upset it will really affect your ability to speak well in part two and part three so i'm thinking try and think of something that is not going to upset you bad news but not you know maybe a member of your family who's died that's going to be really tough so let me come back to my 30 seconds and think of some bad news but not too bad or make something up got it take a second to think about the structure right okay let's do it shall i try and do two minutes let's try and do a two minute countdown because that might be more uh realistic right oh clock started help right so um i'd like to tell you about the time um i got some bad news and it was when i booked a a hotel for a holiday but it had to be cancelled um so this is going back probably a month ago or maybe two months ago and during the time of the pandemic um that there have been a lot of confinements and lockdowns and recently in in my country the lockdown finished this was about two months ago so we were able to go out again and so my family and i booked a couple of nights in a hotel in a different city and we were really looking forward to it it was something that we were so excited about because we had been cooped up in our homes for such a long time without the ability to go out breathe the fresh air and enjoy socializing so we got excited about this trip to the hotel um but the day before the government announced that we were not allowed to leave the province we were in and the hotel that we had booked was in a different province so legally we couldn't go we were in a bit of a dilemma you know should we break the law and go or not go and in the end we had to cancel the hotel i got in touch with them and said it's going to be impossible for us to come luckily we could get our money back because there was a policy a return or a refund policy that gave us our money back but we felt devastated we were really annoyed and frustrated um because we've been so looking forward to this break and in the end we just had to give it up and stay at home clap two minutes spot on that was it that was the time we received bad news and that was a true story actually a true story good um that's nice sample answer guys because of the time i'm gonna move us on from that sample answer i know i've only done one today but i am running out of time um because i would like to move on to our last activity right we've got just enough time we've looked at a sample answer i'd like to look at kahoot which is our review this is a kind of a fun game that we're just going to play together we play it on the website you will need to go to in a moment and when you're there you can see the questions that i will ask you you've got four answers you have to choose the correct answer and this is based on the language we've studied today this is to see if you've been napping having a siesta or paying attention to the class let's see let's find out okay so bear with me i've just got to go and find it and find it on kahoot and then pull it up where are we let's log in hooray if you don't know kahoot you're in for a treat it's quite fun i'll just pull it up you'll need to kind of do two things at the same time you need to watch me and go to kudait there's an app if you're watching me on your computer you can play on your mobile phone there's a great app you can do it really easily if you can't then you can just put your answer in the comments box as well on youtube that's absolutely fine right where are we ah here it is let's play okay so what you'll have to do let me show you actually this will be easy if i show you let's teach uh once you go in there oh they've made that that's interesting bear with me okay what you have to do is go to um put in the game pin which you can see here is five zero four and then choose a nickname choose a name for you and then we can get going the game pin aditya two four one six [Music] yeah somebody's put it in the thing thank you very much guys for posting that so it's and these are the great funny names you've chosen bavina says nowadays i became a fan of yours thank you so much bavina it's great nice money nice money nice melody yes true vaclav [Music] great you've got your names i'll just give you a few seconds to get in wow there's a lot of people joining today the more the merrier as they say [Music] great so we're going to be reviewing some of the language we've been looking at today talking about the news excellent [Music] big hug from new zealand brazilian boy here reginaldo nice to see you here reginaldo venkat your first time welcome i hope it's useful for you punit i love the way you teach mr keith thank you very much my pleasure the less the worst funny that we never say that we never say the less the worst we say the more the merrier the more the better the more the more the merrier hello from iran radu how did your test go i hope it went well right you can play it on your laptop popping up on the screen is people's names these are the names that you've chosen okay let's start guys let's get in there first of all question number one the news here is some blank news just in here is some blank news just in you've got a choice of break broken breaking or fixed you've got 20 seconds left hello from iran sharia nice to see you here some good answers coming in here is some the answer is breaking 138 people got it well done breaking news right is the latest news i noticed 48 people said break now be careful that is the verb to break the news to break the news is to tell the news as a verb but here it's the adjective right the breaking news easy mistake to make but don't worry we're just kicking off that's the first question scoreboard who's at the top regina i have to make this a bit smaller yes oh there's five of you all in the same place interesting right let's move on next question true or false so is this correct or incorrect true it's correct false it's incorrect i have a news for you i have a news for you is that correct english or incorrect english hmm it's false of course it's false right it's not i have ah news you cannot count news right it has to be i have news for you oh my lordy lordy is that right that's strange only seven people difference oh that's worrying that's very very worrying because this is the most basic one you must get this right it's a such a common mistake i have news for you is the correct answer let's move on right some people have got their names in interesting second so anita is at the top and carrie is next okay let's move on okay sorry i heard this story through the blank i heard this story through the blank me and technology i'm having fun here maria you're welcome the grapevine i heard this story through the grapevine remember not through the grape tree or the grape through the grapevine exactly these results seem very strange because we didn't have a thousand people in there did we not to worry we know the right answer scoreboard next oneeda is still up there at the top let's see last question news passes quickly by word of blank news passes quickly by word of blank like the music there you go news passes quickly by word of mouth write by word of mouth remember that image of the word going from one mouth to another another mouth by word of mouth great that's the last question let's look at the scoreboard friendly dog is third awesome deer is second and number one oh nader or o'neida how did you get your name in very interesting oh need a well done congratulations you're in you're top of the pops very very nice brilliant listen guys thank you very very much for joining me today we are at the end so just to recap for you we've looked at the news today we've looked at lots of vocabulary we had a great conversation with mr brick and we've discovered the brick technique go and watch that if you missed it we've done a bit of question practice um we looked at some nice idioms like to give the lowdown to give all the details of a piece of news and more we had a sample answer on the part two question describe a bad piece of news you've had and also we had kahoot right that's it lots of interesting stuff i hope this has helped you so these notes from today and of course i'm referring to the notes over here all of the notes that we've had today will go on my website and so you can download all of these from this one it's the keith speaking academy right the keith speaking academy let me show you where that is to make sure you know where to go if you go to the keith speaking academy up here right um and just look at the top navigation panel everything's a bit slow this morning go to the free live lessons and in the free live lessons you scroll down you'll notice this has changed a little bit but you get the latest live lessons you can download here or you can click to study the lesson obviously you can watch it on youtube and then we've got all the previous lessons and i've just added this so if you want to go for a to d right advice ambition animals i've taken off the youtube video because it was slowing down the site but you can still if you go if click to study the lesson right you get all the notes here on the website and from here you can then you can download the notes again but you can watch here you can watch the whole thing right you there is the link to the youtube video if you want to watch it so you've got basically everything there all in one place so it's in the free live lesson section on the website um the keith speaking academy uh what else can i tell you um if you're watching youtube i know some of you are on facebook but if you're on youtube and please do turn on that subscribe button so you can find out about new videos coming and the notifications i do release a video every saturday it's a recorded video around midday on saturday and this saturday the video is why you are stuck at a band 6 or 6.5 because a lot of students tell me they do the test they get a six then they get a six point five they do the test again they get a six and they're like stuck in this circle six six point five and they just can't break out saturday's video is going to tell you why and how to solve the problem okay so look forward for that um what else that's it for today thank you very very much all of you for joining me it's been a great pleasure i do look forward to seeing you obviously saturday for the video next thursday if you're celebrating easter have a lovely lovely time happy easter it's death and it's rebirth it's also a very it's a time to reflect and think but it's a time to also enjoy life brilliant take care my friends all the best now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 55,283
Rating: 4.9403577 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking topics, free ielts speaking practice online, free ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking tips, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking news and media, news ielts speaking part 3, news ielts speaking, ielts preparation, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking practice, news ielts, ielts speaking vocabulary, news ielts speaking part 2, news ielts speaking part 1
Id: YaYBqzjM_vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 4sec (6004 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.