IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers- Part 3 Topic BORROWING

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hello there and welcome to the next exciting episode of IELTS speaking part 3 now available on Netflix though seriously it's not it's here it's on YouTube but listen today we're going to be looking at IELTS part 3 and the topic of borrowing things let's jump straight into it hi guys its Keith from pi out speaking success and today I'm really excited to share some ideas and question types all about part three on the topic of borrowing things we'll be looking at question types some idiomatic language and some nice ways you can give some good answers for what is quite a difficult area of IELTS speaking part three first of all just to let you know I do offer free lessons on Facebook every Tuesday and Thursday ten o'clock Spanish time Facebook live you can come and join us it's quite a fun and interactive class and I want to let you know that a lot of the ideas today have come from that class so a big thank you to all of the students who are sharing their ideas who are inspiring me to do more and more with this work it really is great thank you so much and if you're not in the class yet why not come and join us also if you want a full course to prepare the IELTS speaking I do have a course on udemy it's called IELTS speaking success get AB and seven-plus check it out downstairs down below okay let's go straight into part three first of all let's look at the the part two question that's related to this topic right the recent question is describe something you borrowed from your friends or family and then part three goes on to look at these questions what kinds of things do people often borrow why don't people like to borrow expensive things from others should companies borrow ideas for their products from other companies oh now that's an interesting question at the end there are other questions but these are the kind of question you may get for this topic let's have a look at them one by one the first one what kinds of things again we've seen this question before but it is quite common what kind of or what kinds of blah-blah-blah-blah-blah my suggestion is to give two or three things don't give a list of 20 just two or three and take one and go down into some detail about it what kinds of things do people often borrow well before we begin let's just get clear about the verb to borrow and the verb to lend right we borrow something from someone I borrow a pen from you okay that means I am taking it but I have to give it back if I lend something to you then I am giving you something hoping please give it back so I lend my book to Alan you can also say I lend Alan my book okay and then to give back or to return is the the other verb okay so I be careful because in the north of England some people get this confused right they confused borrow and lend they might say listen can you borrow me your book know that it should be can you lend me your book right I want to take it so I borrow you lend so be careful if your teachers from Manchester or the north of England because we sometimes get confused so that out of the way notice as well how polite British people are right it's not oi I want to borrow your book now oi can I borrow your book no I couldn't borrow your book could I ah it's a double whammy I couldn't borrow your book could I how polite British people are well sometimes so let's move on so thinking about ideas what kind of things do we borrow well when I was younger and at university and starting out in my working life sometimes I would borrow money you couldn't lend me 20 pound could you 20 pound what you think I am the Bank of England oh you couldn't lend me polite right you couldn't lend me two pounds could you so I would borrow money some people borrow money of course at university are working we would often borrow books borrow pens maybe you'd borrow your mates notes if you've missed the lecture you'll miss the class a lot of things you can borrow some people borrow clothes right you've got a special party you've got nothing to wear because you've already worn your 30 dresses once each you need something new so you may borrow a dress from a friend especially one that you like and who has similar taste to you what else could you borrow you might borrow a car or a bicycle you can borrow all sorts of things right we used to have a neighbor living close by a very trusted neighbor because we live in a high-rise building and we don't know all the neighbors but we used to know one neighbor who is the trusted neighbor and if we needed some ingredients I would nip next door I would go next door then I would borrow some sugar or some flour because there's nothing worse coming back from the shops getting ready to bake a cake I realize you've forgot to buy the sugar so you can borrow some ingredients from your neighbors as well it's worth noting we can borrow things from people but also of course you can borrow things from institutions you borrow books from a library you borrow money from the bank so you can take out a loan or you can take out a mortgage if you're buying a house so generally speaking you'll borrow money from a bank good and here's a bit of a funny one right we do borrow words and we actually talked about borrowed words from other languages so in English we borrow words from well every language we borrow words from Italian ciao right ciao see you later we borrow aurevoir from French we borrow the siesta I'm gonna have a siesta from Spanish and other languages do it right I think in French they say Lu football English word they've borrowed the word in Spanish they go 1/3 1/3 of footing which is not quite right but they've got foot footing and they've made it into a verb to go jogging ICL footing y ou Hui bei cafe coffee Chinese have taken the word coffee and they've borrowed the words so you can if you like talk about borrowed words from other languages so let's have a look at a possible model answer here what kinds of things do people often borrow well there's a wide range of things that people borrow I think we borrow books from libraries we borrow money from the bank sometimes although we also borrow money from friends and families we could borrow clothes from friends as well it's very common in my country for people when they're buying a house to borrow money from the bank so they apply for a mortgage the blank the bank will give them the money to at least part of the money to buy the house but of course when you pay it back you have to pay back with interest and so that is I think a common situation where people will borrow things right let's move on to the next question why don't people like to borrow expensive things from others well as far as I'm concerned that's a nice signpost right as far as I'm concerned and notice the as becomes as because it's not stressed so whenever we don't stress small words like prepositions they become the weak form as as far as I'm concerned as far as I'm concerned there are two things here to look at two reasons that people don't borrow expensive things on the one hand it's because they're afraid they're going to damage it and on the other hand it may be they're worried about losing it so if you damage something like somebody's car or somebody's favorite pen imagine a friend has lent you their Mont Blanc pen worth you know thousands of euros and then you go and lose it you have to pay back that money and so that will stop a lot of people from lending it likewise if you take a car and you damage somebody's car gosh you'd have to pay them back although normally that person should have insurance so it wouldn't matter too much although of course later their premium will go up because they've made a claim so I think those are two reasons right that people tend not to borrow expensive things either they're afraid of damaging it or spoiling it or maybe losing it has a model answer it wasn't meant to be a model answer I was just chatting to you but there are some ideas you can talk about write the word damage is good lose it's very simple a nice bit of grammar here as you can use the conditional right so if they lose it they will have to pay it back if they damage it they will have to pay back what it was worth so it's a simple first conditional if plus the present and then subject and will they will have to do something if they lose it they'll have to pay it back or they will happen if they lose it they'll have to pay for it okay if you want some idiomatic expressions haha you could say well fork out a lot of money fork out fork is from the knife and fork when you're eating right and I think also the farmer has a big tool is a fork that they used to move the hay so to fork out is to take out and pay a lot of money so you have to fork out a lot of money if you lose a Montblanc pen nice french accent if you lose a Mont Blanc Blanc pen mumble are more juicy mumble are more oblong if you lose a Mont Blanc pen you will have to fork out a lot of money for it or another expression is pay back a fortune fortune is a lot of money if you lose the Mont Blanc pen you'll have to pay back a fortune oh it must be that question i had this morning that's affecting me so notice this kind of question right why don't people blah-blah-blah-blah-blah with you've noticed if you watched last week's video we have why do people do something and this is where you're speculating or imagining why people do something here is the same but it's why don't they do something so again you're speculating speculating speculating it might be possibly it could be that maybe people bla bla bla bla bla great let's move on next question should companies borrow ideas for their products should companies borrow ideas for their products from other companies now this kind of question is often begins with do you think blah blah blah or here should blah blah blah so it's asking for your opinion so you want to try and give your opinion and say why and remember the example simple three steps for part two opinion y example get that and you're well on the way so this takes the discussion of borrowing into a really interesting area right so it's not just borrowing from friends but companies borrowing ideas because I think it's a fine line between borrowing and stealing right so for example let's say when Apple were one of the first to create the iPhone and they created this smart phone so now you can swipe the phone and you can download apps and that became very fashionable and trendy to have this kind of smart phone and very quickly other companies were inspired and borrowed the idea borrowed in inverted commas maybe they borrowed the idea and they invented similar phones right so you had your Lenovo Samsung Xiaomi all of those creating similar phones and they just borrowed the idea so long as you respect the intellectual property rights then it's borrowing an idea I guess the problem is when you infringe or break the intellectual property rights then you have a problem and that's stealing okay so I think that's quite good language actually when you're talking about this topic you can talk about intellectual property you can talk about painten's patents sorry patents which are the kind of the legal contract to protect products or a service a trademark I think although the copyright is again it's kind of the legal contract to make something to protect something so you don't use exactly the same thing you can also oh yes borrow in inverted commas I do see some candidates do that when they're speaking and they say well companies shouldn't borrow ideas that's great you but you can even show off more your language and say companies shouldn't borrow in inverted commas they're the ideas from others right II mean verted commas show off your language why not so what else I don't know so you could here be talking about the good aspects right that they should borrow ideas because that will promote competition it will nurture innovation it will give us a wider choice of products and services it's just promoting and creating new and different things otherwise that wouldn't happen I think if I remember correctly it was Isaac Newton who said we stand on the shoulders of giants right we learn from others we take their ideas and we build on them I mean why would you reinvent the wheel and do the same thing again and again no you can borrow from others and use their ideas absolutely provided so long as you respect the intellectual intellectual property rights great there was the case right and I think I shouldn't name names should I Katy Perry I think it was Katy Perry but it doesn't matter this is IELTS this is got the music industry but she wrote a song a while back and it was great song and of course she's famous so she was very successful with the song but then a little-known singer actually complained and said that melody was my melody and you've stolen it and you've made a fortune from that melody and so she tried to take the singer Katy Perry to court and sue her and it was interesting because there was a fine line right between borrowing the melody and what Katy Perry said was well I just I just took your your melody and I kind of borrowed it and adapted it and made it my own and what the singer said was no you copied my melody and it's difficult with things like intangible things that you can't touch because it's not black and white whether you can it's like ideas right at what point do you steal an idea and at what point do you borrow an idea in the end I think the court ruled that Katy Perry was fine that she had just been inspired by the song it wasn't that close but between you and me when you listen to both songs they are very very similar so there's a fine line between borrowing and stealing maybe great so we've looked at three questions three types of questions with some ideas on this topic of borrowing I'm gonna wrap up here thank you very much for joining me if you enjoyed this video please do share it do subscribe remember to come and join us come and join the fun on Facebook live every Tuesday and Thursday 10 o'clock I look forward to seeing you there all the best - take care bye bye [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
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Keywords: ielts, ielts speaking, ielts speaking borrowing things, ielts speaking borrowing and lending, ielts speaking borrow, ielts speaking part 3, ielts speaking part 3 questions and answers, ielts speaking part 3 video, ielts speaking part 3 band 9, ielts speaking band 9, part 3 ielts speaking tips, part 3 ielts speaking 2020, part 3 ielts speaking
Id: 3bwX44vTfxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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