IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of HABITS

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[Music] great good morning nice to see you how are you today lovely to be here um welcome i wonder do you have any habits maybe good habits or even bad habits well today will be very interesting because we're going to look at the language of habits um looking at language vocabulary idioms some listening tasks as well and having some discussions about what exactly are good and bad habits oh and how do you change a habit this lesson could be an absolute lifesaver game changer it could change your whole life well at least keep you entertained for about an hour or so great let's uh let's kick off let's get [Music] going [Music] fantastic great nice to see you here so um as i was saying today's uh topic is all about habits i'll come over here um looking forward to it it's gonna be of some very there's gonna be some very interesting discussions um a quick hello to people we've got johnny beck is here good morning sir arda hello nice to see you uh hong young hi there good morning uh irene hello or irene sorry say it properly nice to see you rahul brac i can't pronounce that brahms excuse me sophia nice to see you you're on the east coast of the usa that's nice that's great good um who else is here deep and hello from bangladesh nice to see you here dip joanne from poland you obviously like the smurfs i can tell brilliant um guys from facebook hello from vietnam dawn that's nice to see you here and hus and boy glad to see you again in the live sessions brilliant good to see you here let me just move that as i said the topic today is yes habits talking about different kinds of habits that we may have um and things like that um before we begin i'd just like to share with you a email i got um this was a while back a few weeks ago it was from um thanos sri and thanos 3 said hi keith hope everything is well with you i'm writing this to inform you i got my desired score in speaking three that is a seven which i sat oh this was in april right i had been stuck that's great english i had been stuck at 6.5 for three years holy moly three years right i mean i think often the problem there is people's study technique might be the problem i have been stuck at 6.5 for three years and decided to purchase your course in march and i did it within one month your course helped me to achieve the score i'm really thankful for creating such an amazing course and i recommend it to many of my other friends who are struggling to achieve their goals thank you once again mr keith keep up the good work brilliant thank you uh thanos free that was really nice to hear that such a nice email and i think you know when people are stuck at a level it's it's often to do with their study technique maybe they're not studying the right way um so that's great that the course really helped you out brilliant nice news the course he's talking about is this one is the ielts speaking success get a band 7 which is a very structured course to help you not only get the language you need but also the tips and techniques and strategies you need for that band 7. so you can go and check that out um through the links on my website you can find the course the course is in two places it's on udemy and it's on my website it's the same course you can follow either one it doesn't really matter okay brilliant let me just go through briefly what we're going to do today so that you know today's topic and what's coming up we're going to talk about habits as i mentioned okay so we'll kick off with some vocabulary that i've spelt incorrectly big typo excuse me about that we'll look at some vocabulary we're going to look at good and bad habits and have a bit of a discussion about what really makes a good or a bad habit right smoking probably a bad habit right we've got a listening task for you to develop your listening skills and uh get more exposed to the language oh i've got a nice tool for you today it's all well shall i give it away it's to do with podcasts so if you're into podcasts there's a very very good one i'm going to show you today in the tools section idioms we'll do a short section about idioms as well and of course we'll finish up with a review kahoot is back so we'll be playing a game at the end to make sure that you are staying awake keeping you on your toes um so that you know to make sure you're learning as we go through the lesson so when the vocabulary and the language comes up do make a note write it down so you can study later okay so that is all of that nice habits also just to let you know um that after the class you can also get the study notes from my website um it's all over here where is it my website it's the if you go to you can find the free live lessons in the navigation and you can download all of the um the pdfs you can study the lesson online or you can download the pdf of my lesson notes and study and you're in your own time fantastic so do join us as well if you like facebook you can find me on facebook there is also a facebook group um if you want to come and join us keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking lots of interesting stuff happening over there so come and join us as well um that's facebook what else is there youtube if you're on youtube then do subscribe and turn on notifications find out about new upcoming videos i'll tell you about saturday's video a bit later and also if you haven't checked out my new youtube channel just over there it's basically just a short channel right so these are very short videos at the moment focused on pronunciation um they're nice they're quick they're short simple answers you can practice your pronunciation with that so go and check them out nice excellent so let me just check in and see how you're all doing edwin says subscribed great we've got people from kazakhstan nice to see you our mala asks is your background picture made by your daughter yes it is yes i should turn this way better for my neck it is um she made that very abstract nice right sufi says hi from oromia this is my 26th version of your live class wow you've been to 26 live lessons wow hats off respect thank you very much viron from iran hi from iran great captain steele seriously captain steele has subscribed or let already um and i was going to point out yes facebook right you guys on facebook um from vietnam you'll notice your name doesn't appear right that's because facebook automatically um anonymizes your name takes away your name you have to give facebook the permission for your name to appear in live streaming [Music] so if you go to your facebook account and look at the settings you can actually give facebook permission and then your name will appear right um go and check it out and if you want your name to appear maybe you don't maybe you'd rather be anonymous i don't know hln says do you have a podcast no i don't i'm going to talk to you about a really nice podcast today i don't have a podcast i would love to do a podcast because i love the radio um so maybe i i will why are you saying happy birthday deepa says happy birthday hey it's not my birthday thank you but it's not my birthday my birthday is in august right the middle of august so uh hold your horses not my birthday yet we've got hello from south korea steve says the euro was over it was indeed well done italy well done italy nice job italy not to worry there's plenty of beautiful things in the world still to look at okay guys let's kick in let's kick off we're going to talk about habits right um so the first thing i'm going to look at is vocabulary spelt badly so let me switch over here habits now and i said at the start of this lesson and a little bit tongue-in-cheek kind of a bit joking right tong in cheek tongue in cheek is joking a bit tongue-in-cheek but a little bit seriously um that this could change your life because when i discovered the power of habits and when i really understood habits wow it did change my life a lot and one of the key things i learned was that we are the sum of our habits there is a quote from i think it's aristotle who talks about something similar basically the idea is who are you who are you you are just all of your habits right the person you are today is the sum of all of your habits throughout your life right so if you spent a life of getting up early working hard then today you're a hard-working person right doesn't mean you're a rich person but those habits of working hard means you're a very industrious hard-working person if you've spent a life of being lazy eating a lot of bad food then you'll be a lazy unhealthy person it's all about habits it's very interesting let's look first of all at english vocabulary before we before we dive deep into the idea of habits um so useful vocabulary how do we express habits in in english well i think the most one of the most common ones is to say i tend to because i tend to means i usually often do this so i tend to get up early in the morning right i often get up early in the morning that's a habit just notice the pronunciation um i tend to i tend to get up because you're stressing get up and tend the two becomes tur i tend to get up can you say that i tend to get up i tend to get up early in the morning great notice you can use a pause to help your fluency i tend to get up pause early in the morning it's great that's that's nice fluency right if you can make a whole chunk i tend to get up early in the morning that's great but if that's difficult do it step by step i tend to get up early in the morning lovely or you can say i like to i like to do you remember last week we talked about i like watching tv means i enjoy it and i like to watch tv means it's a habit or a choice so talking about habits we can say i like them i like to make my bed as soon as i get up as soon as i have got up yeah okay i like to make my bed as soon as i have got up or as soon as i get up both are okay um i like to eat a piece of fruit in the morning right most days around 11 00 a.m i have my elevenses in britain i don't know if we still do this but we used to have a break eleven o'clock in the morning and it's called elevenses right maybe a cup of tea and a biscuit or a piece of fruit um and i like to have a an apple or a piece of fruit in the morning right i like to it's kind of a habit of choice we can also say to do something out of habit right um i get up early every day out of habit it's not true i don't get up early every day i get up early most days to tell you the truth but i get up early every day out of habit nice way of expressing it and here we're introducing the word habit right so i do something out of habit again notice out of the of is unstressed so it becomes of out of out of put it together out of habit i do that out of habit yeah um what do i do out of habit i check my email almost every hour just out of habit yeah i check facebook out of habit it's just a habit i have good that's not good don't check it at facebook all the time by force of habit is another expression right i get up early every day by force of habit by force of habit so practice with me by force of habit out of habit i get up at seven o'clock out of habit what about you i get up at seven o'clock by force of habit and in in reality interesting what time you get up now i'm sure we can share some we can share some ideas over here explain again out of habit do something out of habit means it is a habit i do something because it has become a habit right albert says i check the phone in the morning out of habit lovely practice speaking out loud as well dan says i drink a cup of coffee every morning by force of habit lovely great llan says i work out every day by force of habit every day wow great i watch all kinds of movies and series out of habit yep just out of habit something you do out of habit vu rose hello again i get up at six o'clock out of habit great what does it mean again just it's a habit that you have adopted or taken on by force of habit right i start my day with some music by force of habit the the slight connotation is that you almost can't control it it's become a habit that you can't stop right so by force of habit i start my day with music by force of habit it could be but i think by force of habit because it's force it tends to be something that maybe you don't like as much right but not necessarily it's something that has become so oh how do we explain this it's something that's become so ingrained or that you do so often that it's become a it's become a habit but it sometimes can be used as slightly negative right um you know i i smoke three cigarettes a day by force of habit without thinking it's just automatic okay it can be positive but it is often a negative one by force of habit because the idea of force is you've not chosen to do it right okay for example right if you say i go to bed late out of habit that's great that would be a nice one to say i go to bed late by force of habit suggesting it might not be a good thing okay okay great in the habit of is another one i'm in the habit of doing something i'm in the habit of getting up early i'm in the habit of drinking tea in the morning um occasionally i have a cup of coffee but i'm you know usually i'm in the habit of drinking tea or it has become a habit it has become a habit great so johnny beck i get up at four o'clock out of habit wow that is early very very early christina i get up at five and read out of habit brilliant great habits great okay excellent good i watched keith's videos out of habit your avatar was like me seconds ago that is bizarre that is strange thank you ally [Music] navis said i watch keith live by force of habit i hope it's a good thing though right i hope it's a good thing okay let's move on now so the following are a little bit if something is bad right if you have let me add this if you have a bad habit you can use the following right so when we say i have a habit of this is normally for a bad habit yeah um or i've fallen into the habit of so i have a habit of biting my nails right it's not good it's not good at all um i have a habit sorry i have a habit of biting my nails um of what else um reading in the dark maybe that's apparently that's not very good or i don't know what other bad habits do i have i'm sure i've got lots not listening carefully to my wife it's true sometimes i need to listen more carefully i i have a i have a habit of not listening right i have a habit of talking and telling rather than listening i have a habit of biting my nails so i have a habit of is a negative thing right not a positive thing so these are all for bad habits likewise i've fallen into the habit because it's something you haven't chosen it's something you've fallen into it's a negative you know i've fallen into the habit of biting my nails i've fallen into the habit of getting up late every day so lazy it's not true but for example right okay [Music] let's have a look yeah so i have a habit of playing video games meaning it's not a good thing lynn says i have a habit of getting up late in the morning exactly sahar i have a habit of eating junk food very good yeah these are all bad habits you've got but i deep i have a habit of cutting trees really why do you cut the trees or do you mean cut down trees as in cut down maybe cut down trees um i have a habit of watching tv every day right good abdo says i have a habit of hesitation right interesting navi i have a habit of sleeping in too much right very nice english that sleeping in right is to stay in bed too long or for a longer than usual time brilliant good so all of these habits bad habits as well as good habits and of course if you have a bad habit you may want to stop that different ways to talk about stopping the habit right if you want to stop a habit you could say you can say i'm trying to break this habit i'm trying to kick the habit or this habit i'm trying to give up this habit so just for me to practice i have a habit of biting my nails but i'm trying to break the habit right i have a habit of not listening to people carefully but i'm trying to kick the habit okay what about you our sad says i have a habit of thinking too much i know me too me too elif has a habit of delaying her decisions right got it gayatri hadish says i have fallen into the habit of overeating you and everybody in the time of covid i think we're all overeating but i'm trying to kick that i'm trying to kick that not off i'm just trying to kick that habit i'm trying to kick that habit exactly also zany you're right we can say get rid of i'm trying to get rid of yeah to get rid of the habit yes also can we say get out of the habit i'm trying to get out of the habit yes you can let me add that one because you're in a habit so you can also get out of the habit what else have we got stella h stella says i'm trying to give up drinking good stay healthy um faris says i'm trying to break this habit of playing games while online class yeah that's a bad habit please stop it try and get rid of that habit good i'm trying to kick watching too much tv yeah it's good you would say i think because otherwise it's not too clear but i would make it clear right i'm trying to kick the habit of watching too much tv right just make it much clearer excellent good good we've got lots of them there brilliant let's um let's move on briefly just talk about adjectives to describe habits so these are common adjectives common collocations if you like so if you have a bad habit you can also say i have an annoying habit i have an annoying habit of biting my nails or maybe you have a nasty habit if it's nasty it's like really bad and disgusting um so biting your nails right i have a nasty habit of biting my nails i have a nasty habit of eating fast food every day you know it's it's a disgusting bad habit if you want to talk about good habits right i have a habit of studying english every morning or i have an endearing habit possibly endearing endearing means it's a bit like it makes somebody like you if it's endearing it makes other people like you so you have an endearing habit of following my life lesson i think that's an endearing habit it makes me like you right somebody who listens carefully that's an endearing habit if you listen carefully it makes people like you so endearing is just that idea it makes you like dear makes you a kind gentle dear person dear keith right people like you so you have an endearing habit yes now notice you can also use uh smoking or drinking as adjectives right i need to kick um i need to where's the thingy here sorry i'm just going to change the font i need to kick my smoking habit right so notice here it's uh smoking is an adjective my smoking habit you cannot use this with all of them there are some that are typically used so smoking habit drinking habit um cocaine habit i don't know why that came into my head a drug habit possibly right those are the most common ones um you don't use it with everything but those are kind of the common adjectives okay mostly i guess mostly drugs right in some way okay brilliant so those are lots of adjectives to describe habits good let's check in i'm sure you've got lots of ideas steve we've got oh pradeep i need to hone my speaking skills yes good steve says i need to kick sorry not kick off just kick right i need to kick kick off is like to begin i don't need to kick off you don't need to begin you need to kick some of my nasty habits such as staying up late or doing everything carelessly perfect very very nice good um guri says making good things is an endearing habit making good things yes when you say making it sounds like constructing um if it's general activities i would say doing right doing good things is an endearing habit guri thank you so much you help us so much by showing people the perfect english right good doing good things is an endearing habit lovely two i have an endearing habit of helping people yes now i'm laughing because it sounds strange when you say you know i have an endearing habit um i think you often talk about other people he has an endearing habit um because here you're assuming that other people like you right it's a bit funny it's nice but it's a bit funny i have an endearing habit of helping people right i would say that about somebody else i think you know my neighbor is great she has this endearing habit of helping people if they need something but nice thank you great again two great opportunity to show people the the the nuance or the slightly slightly different meaning these words have right it's all in the practice and this is great because this is how you learn deeper english is by practicing making a mistake getting some feedback from maybe from a teacher and then you think ah okay now i know deal preet come on i'm not sharing that um bj again this is it's funny i have an endearing habit of following well-known public speakers yeah well i guess you're learning from them right but again i would say that more with with you have an endearing habit mano says i want to kick my overthinking habit that works well right really good just remember habit is a single bee just one bee unlike you're probably confusing the hobbit bilbo baggins but i want to kick my overthinking habit great nice who's saying i have to kick my drinking habit great please do now long okay i need to keep my playing games have it you see that doesn't work um and i i don't think there's a rule on which adjectives work so i think smoking drinking drugs yes um but a lot of other things like this one it's great again really good well done luang for trying it's really good but it doesn't quite work i think what might be better i need to kick my video game habit i need to keep my video game a habit and then it's a bit clearer it works a bit better i need to keep my video game habit yep okay great thank you very much that's great really nice what else have we got i think we've got lots there why this is interesting i need to keep my talkative habit so you talk too much right that's nice i think that's that's creative english i think that's very nice yes jahan this is good praising people is an endearing habit remember your article but that's really nice that's a really good example right praising people is an endearing habit it makes them like you lovely okay brilliant nice guys we're gonna change for a moment let me i can feel there's a frog in my throat um it's in there isn't it let me have some water just a moment my jingles are too low how does he do that when he's drinking water amazing okay um let's have a look what's coming up next oh we're gonna order habits okay let me show you this now then okay how does this work what's the best way for me to show you i'll show you here we're going to talk about good and bad habits so if i come back to my plan here we're going to talk about good and bad habits which habits do you think are good and which are bad i'm going to show you some habits right basically and i want you to put them in order the best habits and the worst habits which ones are good which ones are bad right and we're going to do this via a website so if i just bring this website over here oh that's cool isn't it have you ever checked out mix it mixer is cool this is my over here mix it mix kit um it's kind of a graphic media company but you can get this screen not browser tab image every time you open your tab you get a new picture it's really cool i like it look then you get a different picture and every time you open your chrome you get a nice different picture some really nice graphic art i love it anyway by the bye we're gonna go i'm going to use something called mentimeter to help us do this and mentimeter let's do the habits one over here and you're going to see and i'm gonna let you participate in a moment right let's present this up here which habits are the best and we have to put these in order now this was uh me oh you guys are already in there right okay if you're in there um i'm gonna share with you one moment one moment one moment does this work no you're ahead of the game give me a moment then why whilst you're doing this because some of you probably don't know what's happening oh no oh no wait ah dear right bear with me a moment bear with me i've now lost all of my screens come on scenes scenes okay ordering these habits from best to worst um i'm gonna ask you guys to go here okay um i think what's happened is the moderators have already shared the uh they've already shared the the link so if you follow this link and it should be in your windows now follow the link and you will then be able to vote so what i've done is i've taken these it's another link add another one here bear with me how can i be so badly organized you caught me out going so quickly that's it keith blame everybody else terrible habit so yes these are the things right getting up early drinking orange juice reading newspapers smoking jogging playing making your bed playing games which ones are the good ones and which ones are the bad ones so if you follow the link into and then just make your choice and we will be able to see people are already voting i can see we're going to see how it comes up so let me share this on the website which habits are the best so as you're voting it shows we've got 94 people already great the other option you can go to and use the code 76667381 reading newspaper is not available ah yes it's got playing games twice excuse me about that sorry about that yeah as jojo points out that's my mistake excuse me don't worry so it seems getting up early is the big one that people think is the uh the healthiest it's a shame about the newspaper hap thank you very much smoking is definitely down at the bottom right wow 150 people but the results are not really changing everyone is having very similar opinions [Music] smoking at the bottom i was interested about newspapers this is a shame about that but never mind drinking orange juice is right in the middle jogging second best i guess for your health mental health and physical health right making your bed that's what i'm gonna talk about in a minute right okay fantastic good so let me put them let me take a snapshot of that and let's uh talk about them a little bit bear with me okay so that's great let me move back to where i was just a moment ago so the results that you've got there incredible right so everybody said getting up early is the most the best habit i wonder why i wonder why people think that is such a good habit i mean there is a lot of research on this that getting up early um your things like your willpower is stronger in the morning and throughout the day your willpower goes down and your energy goes down so if you make the most of the morning then you have you can be more productive i think also psychologically this idea that you're ahead of everybody else i got up at four o'clock everybody is sleeping i'm ahead of the game also it helps you feel you know you're you're going to be ahead of other people so it seems to be a good habit jogging well yes i mean it's debatable right i think as a form of exercise then absolutely it can get you physically thick mentally fit as well mentally healthy it is very bad for your knees so the continual pounding of your knee on the ground or your leg on the ground it's it can be damaging for your knees there are other exercises which might be better but it depends on every person right of course if you love jogging that's the best exercise for you but i guess the idea is any kind of exercise whether it's swimming cycling walking jogging good habits right making your bed again apparently there's something called knock-on habits so a knock-on habit is a bit like a domino right it's the knock-on effect basically that if you do one small habit you feel good and that starts it helps you do other good habits so if you start your day organizing your bed making your bed you kind of subconsciously feel that you are well organized and therefore you organize your work better you organize your life better there's a knock-on effect that that one small habit helps you snowball into other um even better habits so there's a lot of discussion i'm not sure if there's much research on it but there's lots of discussion that making your bed is a fantastic habit and it's so easy right to do you can get into the habit really quickly drinking orange juice well i'm going to be a bit controversial i don't think that's a good habit lots of people think it's good because it's healthy right orange juice is full of sugar and if you detach the juice from the orange and you just have the juice it's a huge amount of sugar that goes into your body and you get a sugar rush you get this huge rush of sugar and energy but then you go down much better habit is to eat an orange because the orange juice and the pulp that the the orange flesh together allows that sugar to go slowly into your body and you avoid that peak and fall so an even better habit is eating than orange rather than drinking orange juice i know i know that it's everybody thinks orange juice is great um yes and no playing games well again i would say playing games is a great habit helps you relax helps you enjoy yourself it helps you maybe communicate with other people and play with other people it can be a fantastic habit playing video games too much that's when it becomes a bad habit if you're doing it too much but in moderation could be good right smoking for your health it's got to be a bad habit for the secondary smoking of other people gotta be a bad habit for your own personal mental health and stress yes maybe it helps but i'm not so sure what else yeah so guys you make a good point kids not playing games they enjoying gaming kids need to play games right i mean games doesn't have to be video games it could be football it could be tig in the playground some games can be really good monica i made orange juice by myself without sugar in it monica how do you make orange juice without sugar because oranges contain lots of sugar i mean yes they're natural sugars they're not added sugars but the sugars in the orange juice already i agree even worse right is that the orange juice you buy in the shop i mean that's even worse because that's just full of sugar so my rule of thumb never buy orange juice in the shop making your own is better but actually eating the orange is even better i'm not an expert but there's my tuppence orange is more natural than orange juice yes exactly that is true yes good great um getting up early is best okay yeah katie says board games fantastic i mean playing board games i think can be a great way to relax a great way to bring the family together right so mariam that's the point it can mean both it can mean either video games or other games so it depends right great nathra well keith drinking water is the best yeah yeah exactly okay okay what else have we got here's a good habit i should have this one up morning prayers and meditation great habits i totally agree a bit like making your bed helps you get in the moment in the now and close to your your god our god start by meditation says sana great fruit has a lot of sugar yes correct exactly and exactly so fructose right is sugar orange has fructose and that is the sugar good good point here for kids playing games might lead to bad behavior well possibly it depends on the game um there there has been actually a lot of research about video games and the shooting games you know like fortnight that it doesn't lead to violent behavior there is no evidence that kids playing the shooting games leads them to becoming violent themselves it's just there's no no evidence for that getting up early is a very good habit great love your avatar okay and here's another important one i should have put in developing a healthy sleep routine is a good habit yeah absolutely it is very very very important our sleep as well right okay lots of things right interesting discussion what makes a good habit and a bad habit we've talked about food we've talked about games we've talked about physical exercise and activities as well let's move on let's move on i'm gonna move on to this topic right so how to change a habit um if you've got a bad habit there are different ways to to get rid of a habit in fact most of the research shows that rather than kicking a habit that's very difficult it's actually much easier to change a habit right so if you want to get rid of a habit what you should do is replace it with another habit right this is what i've learned if you have a bad habit don't try to kick it just replace it with a better habit because apparently it's incredibly difficult to kick a habit and if you've tried to stop smoking you'll know this how hard it can be however if you can replace that habit with something else it's easier and this is why smokers they maybe they take nicotine patches or they have the uh the e smoke the e-cigarette that has less nicotine and so they replace that habit with another habit something that is healthier for them so i'm going to talk about this what we're going to do is actually do a listening exercise where we're going to listen to somebody talking about changing habits and you're going to do something for me so let me come down here we go listening you're going to listen to someone talking about changing a habit i want you to fill in the gaps with one or two words excuse me a moment so these are the questions see if i can get all five on one page okay have a look at these first i'll just read them through and then we will listen second so there are blank stages to changing a habit stages or steps if you see a blank in your fridge that can be a cue to take one rewards give us a sense of blank to change a habit either you take the q away or you blank the routine drinking beer might be a good way of relieving blank right so start as in your ielts listening it's the same skill the same technique read the questions first start thinking what kind of words could go in here right so think about is it a verb a noun an adjective so number one could be a noun could be an adjective possibly number two you know it's a noun right must be a noun it must be you see ah so it's a thing number three you know it's a noun a sense of it must be a noun after that um number four you blank it must be a verb must be a verb take have offer refuse check yeah anything so it's really useful to think about the word and the kind of word that you need to fill in the gap right think about the kind of word and if you can guess the word that might help you but also all of this is activating your schemata it's getting you ready for the listening you know a little bit what it's going to be about okay great so some of you have got some ideas already great for example sifideens has many possibly three proudness ah proudness is that a word i think you mean i think you mean pride arteom gives you a sense of pride i think yes um ashraf says chocolate if you see a chocolate in your fridge you're revealing what's in your fridge ashraf i don't know if i've got chocolate i have chocolate in my fridge but clearly you have a lot of chocolate in your fridge okay so you're thinking and now we're going to do the listening so if you're ready let me find the listening and we will listen together let's get ready here we go let's begin if you want to change a habit you need to know the three stages of every habit the cue the routine and the reward first you need to identify the cue for example imagine you've fallen into the habit of drinking a couple of beers every evening when you get home from work you're getting fatter and want to kick the habit the cue might be a time a place something you see or maybe something someone says for example you get home and think it's 6 p.m time for a beer or your wife with all good intentions says your home fancy a beer perhaps you open the fridge and see the nice cold beers waiting for you and that's the cue to take one and have a refreshing drink the routine is having the drink and the reward is the satisfaction that drink gives you there are different things you can do to change this habit two of the most common ones are first remove the cue second change the routine with something that gives the same reward the first step could be to remove the cues i mean hide the beers out of sight out of mind right another step could be change the routine with something that gives the same reward but to do that you must know what the reward really is so if having a drink breaks the boredom you could replace it with watching a film on tv or taking your dog for a walk if the reward is quenching your first you could replace the drink with a different cold and refreshing drink so what bad habit do you want to change and how will you do it right excellent well done so i'm watching your comments and uh fantastic lots of very very good correct answers okay brilliant so let's put in um let me find some of your answers if i can so number one we had there are yoona says different uh says quite a few um in the end the answer was was not one what else did we have various could be i think this is when you were guessing but then when we actually began are we here we go marin says three there are three stages to changing a habit excellent very very good number two as hugh says if you see a beer yes not chocolate but if you see a beer number three reward gives us a sense of yogesh says satisfaction exactly very good to change a habit right either you take away the cue or you [Music] alice says change the routine well done alice nice one and lots of you got that right as well um drinking beer might be a good way of relieving relieving what relieving thee says boredom the boredom or boredom exactly great that was it good now there are different words you can use um but those were the answers that i had three stages beer satisfaction change relieving your boredom the boredom um yes you could say alter the routine or change the routine so there are maybe one or two other words you could use but this was these were the main words that came up okay fantastic well done good lots of good answers i can see them all coming through well done nice so we've listened once right now we're going to listen again but we're going to go into much more detail so what's going to happen next is next i want you to listen to the passage and fill in the gaps so here you've actually got the tape script and as you listen this is much easier we're going to fill in the gaps here we've actually got eight different questions so as you listen i will scroll the script and i want you to try and put the answers here in the comments section so we're going to listen again to the whole thing and write down your answers for number one to number eight right very good question coming up here beer is uncountable how can it have ah before it fantastic question because beer is both uncountable and countable right it's like many many drinks like coffee water milk they are uncountable but we also use them as countable nouns i'd like a coffee i'd like a water i'd like a beer two beers please they're also used as uncountable nouns fantastic question though you're really on the ball nice thank you okay um great yeah katie a beer is countable if you add the word cup but even without adding cup right or a glass a glass of beer we would say rather than a cup a glass of beer even without adding that um you it still becomes a a countable noun we use it as countables right same with coffee same with water i'd like a water please great so a q what is a cue a q is a trigger and what's a trigger good question um a queue is something that tells you to do something right if my alarm goes off that's a cue for me to stop the class or that's a cue for me to get up right so my alarm goes off that tells me to get up it's a cue to get up right if i open the fridge and i see the beer that is a cue for me to take a beer and drink the the cold beer it's like the cold beer is telling me to drink it it's a cue to do something so that's how we use it right it's something that tells you to do something great okay boredom is to be bored it's the noun right so if you if i take away this whoops oh no that doesn't work sorry that doesn't work at all wait a minute board i'm sure you know board right so to be bored you're fed up not interested boredom is the noun okay okay let's do the listening i'm going to play the listening and i'll scroll and i'd like you to write down the answers let's do it if you want to change a habit you need to know the three stages of every habit the cue the routine and the reward first you need to identify the cue for example imagine you've fallen into the habit of drinking a couple of beers every evening when you get home from work you're getting fatter and want to kick the habit the queue might be a time a place something you see or maybe something someone says for example you get home and think it's 6 p.m time for a beer or your wife with all good intentions says your home fancy a beer perhaps you open the fridge and see the nice cold beers waiting for you and that's the cue to take one and have a refreshing drink the routine is having the drink and the reward is the satisfaction that drink gives you there are different things you can do to change this habit two of the most common ones are first remove the cue second change the routine with something that gives the same reward the first step could be to remove the cues i mean hide the beers out of sight out of mind right another step could be change the routine with something that gives the same reward but to do that you must know what the reward really is so if having a drink breaks the boredom you could replace it with watching a film on tv or taking your dog for a walk if the reward is quenching your thirst you could replace the drink with a different cold and refreshing drink so what bad habit do you want to change and how will you do it right excellent good okay lots of ideas lots of answers there can i go back oh there's so many gosh well this activity actually um we also did on the website and on tuesday i put some of this up on the website before i go back and just look at your answers i am going to share some of the answers that were put up on the website let me just come and have a look so this was sorry get on this page here we go so this is on the website the keith speaking academy um this was a link moderators if you could share it as well that would be great so this is where you can find the lesson about habits and here's some of the language we've looked at and i put up here the listening task the first part of the listening task right just the very very beginning if you want to change a habit [Music] first you need to identify the the what first you need to identify the and then we've got akash but q well done that was absolutely right um also cue well done hatties behavior first you need to identify the behavior yes actually you could say that that could also work yep uh [Music] if you want to change a habit first you need to identify the habit it could also work yes ted paying says the bad habitual action possibly possibly right um and then it goes on we were number two was for example imagine you have something into the habit of drinking imagine you have something into the habit of drinking imagine you have fallen into says tatbang good yosra says fallen as well absolutely moving dan says fallen fantastic all these people spot on well done number three you're getting fatter and you want to blank the habit of course actually i said kick right i in the actual thing i said kick sunshine says stop which is possible uh jolly quite no not quite james says break is possible uh cho says give up break or kick all three of them fantastic very very nice good and number four the queue might be a time a blank might be a time or a of course the answer is a place right as some of you have said here a place um so a place charmitza said place well done nice uh so hey says someone not someone not someone because someone comes next uh reward a cue might be a reward no not reward steve saba says place well done exactly that's it and then number five was perhaps you open the blank and see the cold beers of course five as you've said is fridge right fridge well done sabbah um tanja says fridge as well parry says fridge so habe says fridge you've all got fridge and there oh all the answers from gurav excellent great so listen thank you all of you i haven't seen all of you but thank you so much for all of the comments um that you've put for answering the questions um here on the website so remember every tuesday i put up the a little task for you to do on the website and we will then review it in the actual live lesson which is now so excellent let's go through and just have a look at all of the answers here and let me just fill this in for you so if you want to change a habit so we've seen number one cue number two fallen number three kick the habit number four a place number five the fridge or refrigerator is the big word but we normally say fridge now number six um the routine is having the drink and the reward is the satisfaction that drink gives you right i talked about a sense of satisfaction it gives you satisfaction number seven hide the beers out of sight out of mind right that's an expression that means when you can't see something you don't think about it so if you open the fridge and you see the beers you think oh i'll have a beer if you open the fridge and you see an orange you'll go oh i'll have an orange if you hide the beers you don't think about it and so that can help you break the habit out of sight out of mind we use that for people as well if somebody a member of your family is far away you can say oh out of sight out of mind it's it's a bad thing right when you forget about people okay number eight was if the reward is quenching your thirst so to quench your thirst is to satisfy your thirst first is the noun thirsty i'm thirsty so if i'm thirsty i drink and my water will quench my thirst it will stop my thirst right but quench is a much nicer word let me quench my thirst okay brilliant now let me just check if you've got any other questions related quench quenching the mean of quenching right is to stop your thirst quench your thirst they go together it's a collocation okay right so naja you're up already because this is my next question my next question then is what bad habit do you want to change and how will you do it right narja says i have a habit nice i have a habit of eating junk food every day but i'm going to change that habit as eating my mama's food by eating yes by eating my mama's food that's great you know for some people the habit of eating junk food is because if in your house you've got crisps and chocolate and cakes you're going to eat them and that's the cue when you see them you eat them so one way to break the habit is to hide just don't buy the junk food and then you're less likely to actually eat it okay cherry reyes i do the live every thursday at 10 o'clock 10 o'clock spain time because i live in spain great bassack says i have a habit of pro procrastination i would like to change it by using the pomodoro technique for focusing very very good that's what i do i use the pomodoro technique and if you don't know what it is go and google it and go and find out pattier says i play video games for many hours a day i actually i'm going to replace playing the guitar with that you mean you're going to replace that with playing the guitar it's the other way around yes that's what that's what you mean it's the opposite i i'm actually going to replace that with playing the guitar i got to correct myself playing the guitar normally instruments we play the guitar the piano that's great that's lovely because you're replacing it right so the the the reward probably is just to feel um excited or to maybe to kill time right to kill some some boring time that's a great way of doing it excellent excellent who else have we got we do one or two more nikhil i've fallen in the habit into the habit of spending more time on social media apps like facebook for at least an hour each day however i have to kick that habit by keeping my phone out of sight fantastic very nice very very nice i'm just going to add into there just to help you nikhil brilliant and the last one i'll share bienish says i have a habit of studying for hours i'm going to replace it with smart study plans ah right so the habit is bad because it's too long too much time replace it with smart study plans i love it sounds very very very good excellent nice okay guys i'm going to move us on i'm going to move us on to the next activity after the listening and the next thing we're going to do is this one bear with me [Music] so toolbox this is where i'm going to share a learning tool with you i'm going to show you two things today first one is about podcasts right and i actually love this set of podcasts um i think it's really interesting and very useful for learners so let me just share with you it's called culips culips it's a strange name i know and podcasts for all levels the reason i like it is because they've got different podcasts at different levels right the website is esl qlips and i'll just show it to you very very briefly and moderators if you could share this as well if you could share the link so people can see it [Music] so basically as you can see here it's culips they're different podcasts over 600 episodes so each of these is a different kind of cod podcast chatterbox over here is nice because it's conversations let me go back sorry that was too fast english conversations at a normal speed right so it's actual natural english and it's an interview with somebody with an interesting story however if you go to simplified speech natural conversations while speaking slowly and clearly so it's actually not as fast as others but if you're at a intermediate or lower level this can be really useful right so you can check out the simplified speech podcasts and each one you know you can access them for free they've got topics like food there's a catch up there meeting a dog so very you know simple but nice topics and it's really simplified english which is what i really like um real talk practical english expressions right for everyday situations you encounter in a speaking country great and then they've got things like speak easy teaches you how to perfect your accent and spear speak in clear comprehensible english so it's a focus on pronunciation great so intonation right useful pronouncing and hearing r and l very difficult for many asian learners questions about minimal pairs so these are i think these are great podcasts i mean i for such a a variety of different podcasts in one place it's really really good um and they're all for free i mean culips they do have a membership if you want to join you can pay to join there's other things there but if you just want to go and check them out first i would recommend it i think they're good that's it culips that's my tip for today okay right um the other one i was going to share with you that i forgot is is this website um my listening passage was based on articles by james clear now if you haven't discovered james clear then today is going to be an important day for you because james clear is an amazing writer whose website doesn't exist of course it exists bear with me uh james clear he writes about habits he has pop-ups as well uh the habit guide how to build good habits so my listening was based on on this these articles right but he's got topics about creativity decision making focus if you're into this kind of stuff um he's a great writer he's well worth looking at he's the guy who wrote atomic habits which is also well worth um well worth reading i love his website because it's so minimalist it's so easy to read but you can go in and access lots of stuff all different articles a lot of it's about self-improvement right but i really like it it's worth checking out if you're into that kind of stuff and i i am to some extent i do like it okay brilliant so what's next what's next good habits and bad habits okay so what's after that after that we've got come here i'm losing my balls listening tasks we've done tools we've just looked at after that idioms we're going to have a quick look at some idioms before we go into the kahoot game so some idioms here yes i love this book rika says i love this book it was recommended absolutely yes please don't spam guys well aparna this is a good question i'm going to answer in a minute my next life so now is a good time to tell you actually next week i'm taking some days off so next week i will not be working for some days including thursday so there is no live class next thursday whoops sorry but i'm taking it's the summer holidays i'm spending a few days with the family um i've got two holidays we've got one now and one in august so next thursday there is no class the the next live lesson will be the fri the thursday after which i think is the 29th if i'm not mistaken right so the quick answer to you is the 29th of july is the next live thursday 10 o'clock okay i'll repeat that later as well um good idioms thank you good so stay with me just for a moment we're going to go through some idioms here great spending time with family is a good habit it is isn't it it's a very good habit thank you very much idioms i'm a creature of habit the first one so this is a common expression um it just we use that well it is what it means right i'm a person who i like habits i like to do the same thing every day in the same way right so some people always get up at the same time they have the same breakfast they they do the same activity every day they have the same kind of food for lunch i'm a creature of habit you know it's just it's what i do right not necessarily me i i don't know if i am a creature of habit but it just means i like to do the same things i like routine basically i like my routines um i'm a stickler for this is a nice expression it's quite a difficult one so i'll try and give an example um i'm a stickler for means that i i insist on something right i insist on on certain things so let me try and explain i'm a stickler for for getting up early for example right so i'm a stickler for getting up early so it means i insist on getting up early and we can use that if i'm talking about other people so if i'm a stickler for getting up early i want me to get up early i want my family to get up early i want my students to get up early i insist on doing things this way right um i'm a stickler for getting early for getting up early um i'm a stickler for doing exercise exercise every day so it means i insist and it the implication is that it's for me but also other people so you get a lot of bosses or managers saying well i'm a stickler for turning up to work on time i'm a stickler for punctuality or my boss is a stickler for punctuality so it means my boss insists on punctuality you must be on time my boss is a stickler for using whatsapp right never uses email always uses whatsapp he's a stickler for using whatsapp so he insists on something another one old habits die hard which means basically it's difficult to change a habit right when do we use this basically when you have a habit that you find hard to change or you don't want to change you say ah i can't change old habits die hard right you say to your friend who's been smoking 20 cigarettes a day for the last 20 years he said come on you really need to stop smoking and they say yeah but you know it's just so difficult old habits die hard it's difficult to change a habit that you've had for a long time and this expression why break the habit of a lifetime um why break the habit or why stop the habit that you've done for so long we use this why break the habit of a lifetime we use this to say i don't want to change my habits right even if they're good or bad so let's imagine i have a beer with dinner every evening right it's not true but imagine and somebody says oh you shouldn't drink so much beer and i say well why break the habit of a lifetime right it means i don't want to change the habit right i don't think it's necessary why break the habit of a lifetime so basically it means it's not necessary to change my habit to change that hobbit hasbit habit and the final one often used at work i'm stuck in a rut which means i'm stuck in a boring routine in a boring routine or in a bad place excuse me bad situation very often people who've done the same job for 40 years they don't enjoy it i'm stuck in a rut you could use this if you're unfortunately in a marriage you're married to somebody for a long time but you're not happy and you just want to change i'm stuck in a rut so you're you're stuck in a situation that you don't like right it's often used about work but it can be used about marriage as well uh keeping with tradition oh how do i explain this why did i put this in that's so hard to explain [Music] so this is used when we do something that we've always done when we carry on with a habit or with a tradition right so typically let's say for example in my family at christmas we always have turkey right it's a bird roast turkey and so i would say on christmas day well keeping with tradition we're going to have roast turkey means we we're going to follow the tradition or keep the with the habit right i will continue with my habit or tradition just means i will carry on with the habit i've got right keeping with tradition i'll have a beer tonight suggesting i have a beer every night keeping with tradition i'll have my live lesson on thursday well no actually i'm breaking with tradition because next thursday i'm not doing the live lesson so i'm breaking with tradition right keeping with tradition or breaking with tradition there you go that's the opposite when you decide not to continue the habit or at least stop it for one time and then finally practice what you preach practice what you preach is do the things you tell others to do it's kind of connected to habits right so some people right might say well you must listen carefully to others but they don't do that they just talk and talk and talk and you say listen come on you need to practice what you preach if you're telling people to do that you should do it too you should practice what you preach to preach is to tell to preach is that the word we use for priests who are telling other people about the religion and telling people how to live their life and that's preaching so practice what you preach papa don't preach yes that's madonna's famous line right yeah don't tell me what to do peppa don't preach great keeping with tradition this is nice matab great keeping the tradition keeping with tradition iranians celebrate uh norus is that your new year keeping with keeping with tradition right iranians celebrate norus great amirite i'm a stickler for watching keith on every weekend nice good very nice padilla i literally learn more from keith than the language school i attend great i'm glad you're learning keeping why is everyone saying the keeping with right sorry just let me make it keeping with make it clear breaking with or keeping with tradition don't worry sana don't worry what i love is that you're practicing and you're trying it's really good we will cook in eid what's malay send me a photo i'd like to know yeah lovely expression for marriage well unfortunately it's a horrible expression right i'm stuck in a rut yeah this is good steve says i'm stuck in a bad routine which is staying up late every day to enjoy the soccer match good yes you maybe you're stuck in a rut with your studying right like the person at the very beginning of the lesson said i've been stuck at 6.5 for three years they're stuck in a rut with their studying right gosh so some nice um idioms there to talk about habits lovely i'll let you carry on you've got lots of comments if there are any more idioms i'll try and pick them out but we're going to move on um because i'm running out of time i think i've already run out of time but not to worry we're going to move on to our last activity after idioms which is of course the review we're going to do car a what a kahoot and in the kahoot we're going to review some of the language that we've been looking at today so how does this work if you don't know kahoot you're going to have to go here to and we're going to do this in a moment let me just get my own kahoot sorted out it's basically a multiple choice game right i give you a question based on today's language you have four choices you choose a b a b c d a b c d chinese kind of like that we can't like that you choose a b c or d um and log in come on and you just choose one and see what's the right one and then we're going to compete against each other a bit of competition so where is it it's here it just takes me a minute so you need to go to put in your name and a pin number which i will give you in a moment and then we can start playing cahoots a bit slow these days isn't it i've noticed so here we are we're just loading up i'll do personalized learning you can use your own name i think so let's get ready to join you can download the app if you want or just go to remember you nee you need to keep watching me because i've got the main screen and the pin what's the pin come on kahoot well it's ever so slow today can't believe it well i can believe it everybody's online oh nice i like it keith breaks with tradition as he didn't lead us to make a meditation today haha that's true well spotted so the pin is seven nine two nine great signing get your name in join the club 792-9299 i'll just give you a few seconds to to get settled in [Music] great alexandra you can play just by joining put your name and the pin number 792-9299 thanks everyone for sharing it hello oratai from thailand [Music] thanks moderators for sharing the link i'll just give you a couple of seconds to get some more people in if you can't get into kahoot don't worry just put your answer in the chat box on youtube or facebook depending where you are okay when i get to 200 i think we'll start let's start given the time gosh okay let's do it habits first question i get up early every day by blank of habit i get up early every day by blank of habit hello ricardo thank you very much hello harry nice to see you here yosra thank you very much for that abdo well done harder well done i get up early every day by yes by force of habit well done that's it by force of habit most of you got it right excellent let's find out how we did there's a scoreboard ielts is top eight five eight anna and volia and james and pooh my favorite bear are all close behind question number two i'm trying to blank my smoking habit i'm trying to blank my smoking habit right be careful with this one i'm trying to blank my smoking habit well done keo good and so right well done oh brilliant i don't even have to explain look at that 190 of you got it right i'm trying to kick my smoking habit one or two put give but remember give up it has to be give up mice habit well done i like it so ielts is still top anna still second james volley and poo you're all in there very interesting rika is the highest climber let's move on number three i spend hours on my phone i can't help it i'm a blank of habit i spend hours on my phone i can't help it i'm a blank of habit yes one you're right some people are so fast mohiyuddin well done eindha well done well done i think the vast majority got that it's a creature of habit must be that's the only one here that fits a creature of habit right you like your routines oh anna has snuck into first place all the other guys are still there this is like a monopoly nobody else can get in last question my job is so boring i'm stuck in a my job is so boring i'm stuck in a blank i'm stuck in an office that's interesting right fantastic well done 174 of you got i'm stuck in a rut absolutely i've just realized actually you could say i'm stuck in an office no you can't because it's you can't say that if it was an you could say an office but you can't say ah office right my job is so boring i'm stuck in a rut i'm in a bad place bad situation great expression excellent so let's see who are the winners everyone's a winner ielts down to third anno oh what happened which means you miko how did you do that how did you come out of nowhere to win oh well done but very interesting fantastic okay nice great so guys that brings us to the end today we've done a lot today right we've been talking about habits we've looked at vocabulary we've been discussing what makes a good and a bad habit as well as that listening task based on the james clear website and his articles about habits go and check out james clear he's good tools we've also shared with you qlips some great podcasts slow english simplified english and real natural english go and check them out i think you'll really enjoy them um idioms we've looked at some very interesting expressions and we've discovered that you are all awake thank goodness you're still on your toes even after one hour and 45 minutes you're still here still focused i am so impressed well done everybody brilliant so as we wind up just to let you know then um next week no live lesson i'm taking a holiday next week um so there will be no live lesson um the next lesson will be on and i'll share this with you make it clear next live lesson on thursday the 29th of july okay um i will be doing a video on saturday of course um so you'll still get a video on saturday the video this coming saturday is actually all about idioms right different idioms you can use for any topic in ielts speaking whatever the topic you can use these idioms i think you'll like them they're quite nice um so have a look at that on saturday um do check out the website if you want to find out more about my work it's the keith speaking academy um you can find out more about what i'm doing there if you're interested in studying with me i do have the online course over here ielts speaking success get a band seven you can find the links on the website um and you can study that with me if you've got your test coming soon it might help you if you feel you want more from me go and check that out um and i think that's it i think we're gonna finish up here anything else i need to tell you other than of course if you're on youtube subscribe turn on the notifications always like to do that and i will see you very very not very very soon i will see you in two weeks time right brilliant take care my friends all the best now see you soon let's go out with some music [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 265,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice - tips for learning vocabulary 1, ielts speaking vocabulary words, ielts speaking habits, eating habits ielts speaking, ielts speaking routines, ielts speaking tips
Id: OR-VN7eD0Mc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 27sec (6387 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 15 2021
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