IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of SHOPPING

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looks like this the local butchers and the local bakers are still extremely popular whereas in the uk they tend to have been swallowed up by the big supermarkets and the big hyper markets and the reason i'm out here this morning is because today's topic is all about shopping great what you like and don't like about shopping we're going to be looking at useful language vocabulary and expressions you might need to talk confidently on that subject brilliant all i need to do now is make sure i can get back to the office before the music stops see you in a mo that's a great expression by the way see you in a mo a mo a moment see you in a moe [Music] and here i am as if by magic good morning it's thursday welcome nice to see you all um very excited to be here and today yes well what are we going to do today what are we going to do today this is what we're going to do today we're going to look at the topic of shopping fantastic try that again shopping we're going to be looking at essential vocabulary write things like um synonyms for cheap synonyms for expensive right lots of interesting stuff and today something special i've not done before is today i've got a guest coming onto the show who is it well the rumor mill has started moving and rumor has it some of you know who it is maybe you do it's a chap or a guy from ireland um and we're going to speak to him later we're going to have a conversation on the topic of shopping and uh we're going to highlight highlight some interesting vocabulary for you so you can find out you know interesting language from our conversation let's see how that goes um also today we'll be looking at some idioms of course for example do you know the idiom to talk shop to talk shop i wonder what that means well you're going to find out a little bit later today and also we'll be doing of course the regular sample answers or model answers that we always do and finally end up with kahoot our lovely game to do some vocabulary review and things like that nice so first of all then let me check out where you all are who is in the house who is here today let's have a look we've got la reina victoria hello alexi good morning suraj nice to see you francesca and maureen facebook users i apologize i can't always see your name so i don't know who's in there from turkey injilensi nice to see you arman hello um tanja klein i'm excited to find out who our guest will be yeah well it's of course our guest not just my guest he's all of us are hosting him today um who else is here sabine jasmine hello nice to see you amanpreet fantastic cheyenne nice to see you as well and as ask as ask from uzbekistan there's a lot of zize there very nice to see you uh dimiji from nigeria nice to see you as well and naduni from india brilliant people from all around the world good to see you guys do remember if you are on youtube do subscribe so you can find out about well no turn on the notifications to find out about new upcoming videos i do have a video this saturday and actually it's on a similar topic it's going to be a complete model answer analysis of one of the cue cards um around well around what around shopping buying things expensive things right you'll find out all about that on saturday good and just to let you know that the um my website keith speaking academy is where i put all the notes from the show um today these notes are going to go up tomorrow they normally come up this afternoon but i've not been able to get online yesterday and i'll be out this afternoon so it's probably going to go up tomorrow and just let me show you where that is right um curiosity that's interesting curiosity curiosity killed the cat if you go to the um and you will see in the menu free live lessons if you go there tomorrow you can go today if you want but if you go tomorrow you'll get the latest pdfs so all the pdfs are here to download um as well if you want to leave a donation to help me with my work then that's always very welcome you can get the latest ones from jobs last week you can download pdf or you can just click and read the lesson you know if you're more interested in getting the lesson straight away on your mobile phone then you can just go straight in and access the lesson uh here right great and we've got these which are really nice i'm doing more and more of these these are practice tests mock tests right so that means if you want to be at like a mock test where you imagine you're in the class then you can just watch these videos ielts speaking test hell today my name is keith um can you tell me your full name please my name is okay and what can i call you right and so that is actually like it's a mock test it goes on for a whole 14 minutes um and that one is on the topic questions about jobs and work so it's great practice right that's the the one about jobs talk fluently about jobs there are lots of these pages on the website so go and check them out just go and have a look at the free live lessons and everything everything is there free live lessons for you okay up there nice lovely good let me turn that off okay so let's get back to this um today's topic um we're doing well we're talking all about what are we talking all about shopping right shopping just before we begin give me a moment because i'd like to just do a quick shout out i do get quite a few emails and i got a lovely email from abu the other day and abu said to me hi keith i hope you're well i'm very excited to let you know i've got 7.5 in speaking last week i've tried many coaching for ielts exams in the past but your teaching is the best ah my score jumped from 6.5 to 7.5 after watching and learning from your tutorials i'll be eternally grateful to you may allah bless you thank you so much regards abu abu that is a pleasure that makes me so happy it makes me feel that's why i get out of bed in the morning um to get nice emails like that to find out about how people have you know done well on the ielts speaking test um thanks to the the videos and tutorials and courses so that's great thank you very much abu for letting me know good great right yes i'm just checking on your comments here some interesting stuff here have you checked out about learning english in shorts new trends on youtube yep absolutely there's a lot of nice stuff there out there but we're going to go straight in we're going to go straight in just if you're joining us right the today's today's topic is shopping and we're going to begin today with essential vocabulary okay so essential vocabulary let me show you here um i'm going to begin talking about to buy right when we shop we buy things to buy is the normal verb more formally you can say purchase and you can say purchase in the speaking exam that's fine um it is a little bit more formal uh we also say informally to pick up i went to the shops to pick up some um some food items or i went to the shop to pick up some meat to pick up some vegetables i need to pick up some fruit right it's informal it means literally pick up or to collect but it means in context to pick up to to to buy something so if you're talking about supermarkets and shops you can use pickup to mean to buy i think really important words for cheap and expensive right when we go shopping it's all about price price price right as uh jesse j told us it's all about the price tag and i'm not gonna sing as much as i would like to um so cheap we can say inexpensive right which is nice notice we can use um what we call prefixes like in and dis prefixes to make a negative so obviously expensive means it costs a lot of money the opposite inexpensive we can talk about low priced goods right low price um goods low price food we can talk about affordable right affordable goods affordable clothes if it's affordable you have enough money therefore it might be cheap or cheap enough so affordable it's not an exact synonym of cheap it's not exactly the same but more or less it does mean it's cheap and you have enough money to buy it right affordable great expensive is the opposite obviously um we often use the word dia especially in british english right um well the this this fish was so dear all right in europe a what let me see a trout will cost you about two and a half euros um salmon can be like 13 euros a kilo it's very deer right fish i think is quite dear or it's costly another nice word right this food is costly um i think this is all too costly it's too expensive right so some nice words we can use for cheap and expensive okay moving on other words so a shop obviously to shop is a verb but a shop is also a noun in america we they tend to say a store more we do use that in british english sometimes but maybe we use shop a bit more often and store i think is generally more u s um whoops more us uh english to shop right to shop for so notice as always the grammar to shop for something so to buy clothes but to shop for clothes i'm going shopping for clothes we often say instead of to shop we often say to go shopping right a lot of activities has this format to go running to go what to go um swimming to go jogging to go drinking to go walking to go shopping to go skiing um yeah that's confinement skiing for you so this kind of structure to go with the ing it's very common to go shopping um to go shopping for so that's the key message is to remember this preposition to go shopping for clothes to shop for food i know we can shop for lots of things but those are just my examples today right great now interestingly to shop around is a different preposition um to shop around actually is a phrasal verb right and it means to look for the best price so if you shop around that actually means you go from shop to shop to shop to shop so i'm the kind of person who likes to go into a shop and i see the first i don't know the first highlighter i see i go yes that's what i want and i buy it however some people will go into the first shop look at the highlighter and go let's shop around so they go to the next shop and they check the price and then they go to the next shop and check the price and then they go to the next shop and check the price and they go on and on all around the shops and they really shop around and then very often they come back to the first shop and they they buy the first one they saw oh so shopping around right is extremely common shopping around okay where are we here we are now bear with me bear with me one moment okay shopping around another expression to do the weekly shop now this to do the weekly shop is when you shop for food right when you go to the supermarket to buy food for the week you do the weekly shop so that actually means buy food for the whole week most people actually no that's not true not most people some people do a weekly shop they go to the supermarket and they buy food for the whole for the whole month or the whole week a whole month the whole week other people go to local shops every day like you know like at the start of the video at the start today i showed you the shops in spain a lot of people go to the butchers the bakers the vegetable shop the green grocers every day and they buy fresh produce and fresh fruit and veg because they can cook it fresh every day so they don't do a weekly shop maybe they do a daily shop right you get fresher produce and it's obviously healthier right in that sense okay fantastic good now then just bear with me two ticks just bear with me great now in about five minutes or so our guest has just arrived and just told me so in about five minutes we're going to begin um so let's just have a quick look at some collocations right now when it comes to collocations as you may know these are words that often go together right two words that go together a shopping mall or a shopping center we often say shopping center shopping mall it's a nice word whoops maul well some people say mal mal mall there are different ways of pronouncing it i say a shopping mall shopping mall okay um good oh wait a minute hang on a minute great we've got window shopping now some people love window shopping that doesn't mean you're buying windows no it means you're looking through the window to to just look without buying you're just looking at things actually you don't have to look through the window i mean you know nowadays nowadays people actually go in the shop and say i'm window shopping they're inside the shop but traditionally we would just walk past the shop look in the window go oh it's nice yeah maybe next month i can buy that and you don't buy things you just look at things so to go window shopping we talk about high street shop especially in britain we have lots of high street high street shops so the bakers which sells bread the butchers which sells meat all of these are your typical high street shops the high street is disappearing right bakers for bread butchers for meat um news agents for newspapers and stationery and probably milk as well so all of these are your typical high street shops or the corner shop i mean the corner shop is kind of is what it says right it's it's the shop on the corner these are quite um quite common actually corner shops i did have a picture of a corner shop let me see if i can show you a corner shop it's the shop on the corner surprise surprise [Music] and these are very common in britain here look over here so you get shops like this i mean literally they are called the corner shop right and they may sell anything often newspapers um suites little supermarkets um they are the classic they're normally on the corner like this one mini markets selling food and wine so they're right on the corner and those are your classic kind of corner shops i'm not going there my internet's not great today not to worry corner shops retail shops retail or any shops that sell directly to the customer as opposed to a wholesale shop right which sells to to businesses or to other shops [Music] retail sells to customers nice great and a one-stop shop you may have heard the expression a one-stop shop is where you can buy everything in the one shop so to speak okay i'm talking a lot i've got to check in see how you guys are doing i also go window shopping right yeah great nilojan that's a great comment remember i always go window shopping window in the singular right i go window window shopping even though you look at different windows it's got to be in the singular it's window shopping great and roselle i agree roselle i love window shopping because it gives me time to think if i really need to buy it yeah do you really need to buy it that's right great we've got other collocations we've got coffee shop from madushi great very good yep si ferdin i go every saturday to a fishmonger shop the fishmonger great and so the fishmonger shop we would normally use this we would say apostrophe s to the fishmongers right so instead of the bread shop to the bakers instead of the fish shop the fishmongers right that just means the shop where they sell fish absolutely great sweet baby tells us about shopping hours lovely um in the uk sadner tells us there are off licenses yes and they sell um booze booze is alcohol basically drinks wine soft drinks and we've got department stores in the u.s absolutely brilliant shop till you drop cherry says shop till you drop that's a great expression to shop so much for hours and hours until you fall over you're so tired so to shop a lot just to shop till you drop great shop till you drop right to shop four hours i cannot shop for hours i get so bored some people love it right some people love shopping for hours but me as i said i'm the kind of get it done man i just get in the shop see something i need pay for it don't shop around don't shop till i drop i just get in get out as quick as i can that's me for shopping right lovely so listen we're gonna move on now um i hope our guest is still there he might have disappeared you never know but it's moving on to essential vocabulary to our guest okay so i'm gonna just go and check just wait one moment bear with me and let's sort out how this is going to work so i'm going to join the call right interesting i'm gonna join the call right hello great hi i can see you nobody else can see you yet you need to unmute okay unmuting unmuting and now i'm gonna try and bring you in great ah great i think you're in i'm gonna try and share the screen so you can see what's going on as well idea hopefully this should work great so can you can you see us as uh eli i i can see you i presume there's many others out there there's one or two people out there i'm not sure yeah there's only about a thousand people out there not too happy right so guys who are watching welcome well let me welcome eli his name is eli and some of you guessed correctly that um i'll put the name up some of you kind of correctly guessed it was eli who was on the facebook group the other day um i'm just going to check that people can hear you and see you so just give me a yes in the comments guys if you can see and hear eli eli maybe you can start just saying hello and tell us a bit about yourself sure so hello everybody my name is eli i'm an english teacher from london and i specialize in ielts preparation like keith i have yeah i have a youtube channel which is uh english pro tips um ielts preparation and a website which is and you're you're based in um in dublin in ireland is that right that's right yeah i've been here for the last just over a year actually yeah and how is life there life in dublin is good it's it's a cold winter at the moment and actually for the entire year that i've been here we've been in and out of lockdown so it's not been the full irish experience but it's been pretty it's been very nice to live here all the time the full irish experience when you say that i'm thinking of um fried breakfast pints of guinness things like that exactly yeah a very active nightlife in ireland especially in dublin yeah i can imagine indeed yeah fantastic good so um elaine thank you very much for coming on the on the show if it is a show on the uh the programme um what we're going to do i mean as we've mentioned earlier um so we're going to have a bit of a conversation about shopping we'll be asking a few different questions to each other and then we're going to kind of highlight highlight across on my word document some of the expressions that come up um and we may get i'm sure i'll be watching out for people's comments we may get some questions as we go maybe towards the end but let's um let you and i begin on our adventure or shopping adventure so just give me a moment i'm gonna pull up some questions for me as a reference right so um eli i'm gonna ask first and then we can kind of take it in turns maybe so we're talking about shopping today do you do you enjoy shopping not particularly no keith um it tends to depend on what i'm shopping for if i've got a clear purpose for example if i need to buy a new shirt or a gift for somebody then i do enjoy shopping because i see it as having an objective but i've never been someone that enjoys browsing or going window shopping or even going from shop to shop that's not really my thing right right interesting right now i'm going to pull out some things you said some interesting things there at the start you said um it tends to depend on which i thought was nice right instead of it depends on it tends to depend on something that you said um let me see if it's a very useful phrase for ielts i think so yeah in many many different areas let me bring this up um and see if everybody can see this um oh let me see i am experimenting here wish me luck it tends to depend on and then you talked about browsing shops i think you said what do you mean when you say browsing shops browsing just seeing what's inside them right brilliant so going from shop to shop great browsing shops that's nice excellent nice good um some good expressions i'm not sure what else you said window shopping of course also window shipping which i guess is similar to browsing shots right i guess it is yes i mean window shopping we i guess the intention is not maybe to buy but to look at potential purchases maybe i guess it's also got an idea that you don't necessarily go into the shop you kind of stand outside looking through the window and then moving on to the next shop to see what what they have on display right right right exactly yes have on display that's nice as well have on display great now some people are saying there is an echo i'm not sure if the echo is just when we are reduced or if it's just when we're together i'm going to try something eli i'm going to turn off the sharing just for a moment and see if that changes it yeah we can keep it like this actually yeah yeah and i can feed in things okay so have things on display i'll just highlight there for people as well okay super and what about you are you into shopping do you know what um i'm not a big fan of shopping to be honest um especially for clothes i i'm not very fashion conscious so i i go shopping like twice a year for sure for clothes um but i love i do love food shopping um as you know i'm a big fan of cooking and eating healthy eating so i do enjoy you know going around the aisles in the supermarkets and picking up lots of stuff especially local spanish food that maybe i can't get in the uk i bet santander is great for that it is fantastic for that there's a lot of interesting stuff here um i mean it's a a seafood place it's a it's a port it's a coastal city the seafood and the the fish anchovies um white bait you get lots of nice fishy stuff and uh and keith you mentioned the word uh isle what is this isle exactly that's a good point actually so an isle different from ielts the isle is the like the passageway or the corridor in the supermarket it's also the aisle in the airplane in the in the middle of the airplane when you walk down um or where the air hostess walks down and in fact when the man and the wife get or the man and the man or the man and the woman get married they walk down the aisle so it's a very very useful word in many contexts i'll go i'll just write it up um it's tricky spelling all right yeah exactly isle as a noun so in the isles or you can say walk along the isles [Music] and keith say that again do you have a favorite aisle in the supermarket ah oh that's an interesting question do i have a favorite aisle in the supermarket um i probably do the i got quite a few actually yes um so the it's actually not an aisle there's seven aisles it's the fruit and vegetable section i love fruit and vegetable section because there are so many unusual vegetables um but i also if the truth be known i do like the pastry aisle where they have cakes and breads and pastries i can imagine quite a few of your listeners probably agree with you i wonder if they do isle does anybody like people like the seafood aisle yeah there's a echo at times but it's great seafood delicacies let's see and this is interesting so we've got a comment up from ignilitsi coupon shopping is very popular way of shopping in the usa they collect coupons and then go and get things from the supermarkets is that common in the uk coupon shopping collecting coupons is that common in the uk it's it's fairly common in certain supermarkets um usually it'll be on particular items that you don't necessarily need in the uk that is right so for example special deals like um buy one get one free on special kind of canned food that you wouldn't normally buy right um what's quite common at least here in ireland is um vouchers so typically you'll get your receipt after you've done your grocery shopping and then it'll say come back within 10 days and we'll give you 10 euros off if you spend over 100 euros or 5 euros yes you spend over 50 euros we have exactly the same here in spain we have vouchers so as soon as you buy they say come back and spend 50 euros and you'll get five euros discount it's very very clever actually the whole thing really keeps you coming back yes exactly exactly i'm gonna put those words up um just to help people so yeah we've talked about coupons or vouchers that offer discounts um to incentivize you there's a nice word to shop more right i guess to shop more yeah nice coupons or vouchers so common in spain also common in the uk and the us got a quick question i've got a few comments actually mumtaz says i love burger isles [Laughter] little jewel says i love the sushi isle me too and vincent's question is what's the difference between isle and isle now the second isle is i-s-l-e i-s-l-e like the emerald island they talk about island being the emerald isle [Music] so i guess isles is the same as island um it's just an island we have the isle of man and the isle of wight next to britain sorry excuse me next to england part of britain um so yes isle is the is the island and isle with the a-i-s-l-e is the the shopping aisle or the corridor yes nice question um you're right people love the snack aisle eugene says that she loves the she likes i like to snack i'll i like to go to the snack aisle and you could even say i like to browse the snack aisle nice i like to browse the snack aisle that's nice nath says the toiletry aisle i don't know why though [Laughter] okay great some nice comments there um good that's consumerism nursery tv consumerism that's right the vouchers is consumerism that's a big a bigger question um i mean what what do you think about um it's a big question eli about consumerism and you know the fact that we are pushed all the time to consume more whether it's upgraded phones or new clothes um what do you think are we living in a consumerist society i i totally think we do yeah that's right um i think it's very difficult to resist because we are absolutely surrounded by adverts that are becoming ever and ever more cunning and um very attractive and have become very good at um encouraging us to spend even more money on things that we don't necessarily need yeah very very true i couldn't agree more um interesting what you said there ever more cunning so the adverts are ever more cunning ever more cunning sorry evermore just means increasingly right kind of on a growing scale increasingly cunning cunning just meaning clever so they're becoming ever more cunning and attractive to to make us buy things and shop more um do you find that you're quite susceptible to adverts and to particular products being on deals it's a very interesting question it depends to be honest where the advert is um so i'm not susceptible to adverts on the internet very much so i'm not susceptible to kind of facebook adverts or youtube adverts but adverts on a poster as i walk past a shop yes so as i walk past the the supermarket and it says buy two loaves of bread and for the price of one i will i will remember that and when i'm in the shop i will buy two loaves of bread so you could say they grab your attention or catch your eye yeah exactly they grab my attention that's nice yes let's make a note of that bring this up as well so the ads because adverts is a very common thing right they grab the adverts grab my attention grab kind of metaphorically i guess because it's to take or to capture to grab or capture my attention auntie nice lovely yes what else about shopping um well i guess nowadays online shopping is becoming increasingly popular yeah do you do a lot of online shopping keith i do a lot i buy an awful lot of things on amazon um to be honest because it's so convenient it's really fast and they deliver within a day or two days usually um so i use amazon spain and and i just think it's really practical um and efficient yeah yeah very convenient super convenient what about you so i'm currently an amazon prime member but that's only because i left it to the last minute to buy my girlfriend a valentine's gift so i had to become an amazon prime member so that it would arrive in time for sunday but in time for valentine's day but i i i do intend to cancel it quite uh quite soon and i've left many a reminder on my phone to cancel my amazon prime membership because i know i'll just get sucked in and buy even more products from amazon because it makes the delivery cheaper right it makes delivery so so cheap and very convenient that is so nice you love your girlfriend so much that you paid for amazon prime just so she got it i got it 30 days for free okay that's why i need to cancel it very soon i hope she's not watching [Laughter] and the burning question what did you buy for her i bought her a cocktail set oh while we're in lockdown i can show you actually it's right here brilliant so yeah so this it was going to be a lot a lot of fun over lockdown make your own cocktails make our own cocktails wow that looks nice yep keep yourselves entertained in confinement nice very nice i'm just looking over at see what people have got at the moment um there's a quick question here from david who asks what are gift cards eli what are gift cards right so i guess um it's a very popular at the moment they're a way to buy a certain quantity or the promise of buying a certain quantity from a from a shop or a company so for example if you buy a gift card from let's say um itunes then you're saying um i'll give you 10 euros or 10 pounds and then in the future whoever i give this gift card to can buy 10 pounds or 10 euros worth of songs from your store um right so i ch so they're online cards or also physical shop cards also physical shop cards right but they're very popular now with so many shops being closed during lockdown and it's a way to support a lot of local businesses right you're saying i can't necessarily shop in your store but i'm going to buy some gift cards so that when you open i can come back and i can spend that money ah nice nice gift cards great there's your answer david there's another quick question here from nilo jan who says what's come back nilo jam what's the difference between online shopping and physical shopping okay so yeah good question so online is over the internet and then physical shopping usually refers to going to a brick and mortar store yeah that might be one for the whiteboard that is one for the whiteboard let me write that down a bricks and mortar is it a brick or bricks brick brick and mortar store or shop i was saying earlier we probably say shop more than store in britain i guess um where are we a brick and mortar shop so that's a physical shop different from a online shop lots of the brick and mortar shops in the uk are disappearing aren't they the high street is changing very quickly totally and that's actually quite a common theme i think um in ielts isn't it um yes it can appear in in writing task two and it can also appear in in part three um of the speaking test talking about that kind of development in society and whether or not it's a good thing right exactly yes so the the the change of the high street the the moo or the closing down of a lot of physical brick and mortar shops is it a good or a bad thing question for you is it a good or a bad thing well i mean i think it's it's an inevitable thing which is which means it's something that is going to happen yeah um it's more difficult to say whether it's a good or bad thing um on the one hand it's a real shame that a lot of people who work in these brick and mortar stores um are losing their jobs or going out of business but for the consumer the rise of online shopping tends to bring a lot of convenience they do indeed as we mentioned earlier yes that's a great answer i'm going to share some of your comments there that was really good um it's an inevitable thing it's a nice phrase it's an inevitable thing it's going to happen on the one hand classic on the one hand but also so it's a shame that and then going out of business you mentioned things that of companies or shops going out of business um kind of meaning closing closing down which is a very common phrasal verb right to close down so many shots yes go into liquidation which kind of means yeah they don't become water but they their their assets disappear and their yes they go bankrupt right is the other one go bankrupt it's actually scary how many companies and i think with with covid we're going to get even more and more usage out of these um these expressions unfortunately the rise of online shopping yes that's good that's great we've got a quick question now um from dildora who says i'm a shopaholic or a shopaholic person i'd say a shopper i'm gonna just take the person off because we don't normally put person on the end we just say i'm a shopaholic how can i get rid of this habit any suggestions so suggest suggestions from from me or from the audience oh right yeah well i i don't know i mean um like i myself um probably the opposite of a shopaholic so i can't really relate to that difficulty um yeah it's hard definitely not being a member of um subscriptions such as amazon prime certainly help and probably getting rid of shopping apps on your phone will also help yeah i tend to agree i would say stay away from the shops make it difficult for you to shop so don't go to the shopping centers exactly sure don't go to the shopping mall or if you do leave your money at home let's go window shopping right and let's see i think we've got time maybe just for one more quick question and this is from daughter and she says why men don't like shopping it is a generalization but what do you think i mean i mean i know a lot of men that really really do enjoy shopping in general do i know more women that enjoy shopping maybe but actually the women that are closest to me i'd say is pretty much a 50 50 split um keith what about you do you know any can you think of any reasons why men might not enjoy shopping as much as women um i think it's a bit of a generalization but i think it depends on the personality a bit i do know a lot of men who are um more focused on efficiency and productivity than the aesthetics so i you know quite a few men i know when they're shopping for clothes their mindset is practical does it fit is it comfy i'll buy it and i and i think maybe a certain number of women not not all women are a bit more analytical you know is it is it comfy does it fit is it the right price can we find it cheaper let's shop around um and it's more of an enjoyable experience for me shopping is not really enjoyable it's more of a necessity but i think yeah it's hard to say that all men are like that and again i think it relates back to what we were saying earlier that it often depends on on what we're talking about shopping for so for example um you mentioned yourself when it comes to shopping for food you're basically a shopaholic but you really enjoy the process right yeah true that's very very true i do enjoy the process of shopping for food and it's just something i'm interested in whereas i'm less interested in clothes like books if i shop for books i really enjoy it because i'm thinking about the enjoyment i will get from using the books yeah absolutely yes lovely good um i think we're probably just about there there's a lot of comments have just come in and that's all uh there's a few people talking about recommendations of uh men are stingy here we go men are more specific um men actually have things to do whoops not good because of their wives right interesting comments right anything else okay that's great i think um eli we've had lots of questions we've shared lots of um vocabulary there as well and ideas of course people can always come back and they can listen again to the recording and you can pick out even more from the answers that eli and myself were giving um but that's great listen it's been it's been fantastic it's really good having you here on the live lesson um it's been great fun and also i mean i know you put up a post on the the facebook page the other day about your writing and um your website if people want to find out more about you and what you do where where should they go so they should go to english i'll put this up yep okay which is my website and they can check out my youtube channel which is also english pro tips and then ielts preparation so we're focusing on getting ready for the ielts test there right and you're not just doing speaking like me you're doing all the different skills right that's right yeah and particularly writing at the moment and particularly writing right i know there's a big demand for writing so great yeah i mean it's a tough part of the test yes it is very very challenging very very much so great okay eli um thank you very much for coming thank you very much for inviting me yeah it's great fun okay best of luck to you and everybody listening thank you very much take care we'll speak soon okay bye bye great there we have it so that's it that was um eli fantastic just let me close up um english pro tips you can go and check out if you want to check out his website and go and have a look at what he's doing there if you're interested in other things like reading listening and writing you may find some interesting stuff there great so do let me know um either now or later in the comments if if having somebody in the live lesson to chat and talk if it's useful for you um if you have any suggestions and that would be great um i thought it might be nice to have a few different people come in for maybe 20 minutes um so you don't get bored of me well you can listen to different accents different voices men and women and you know learn different kinds of language so i thought that might be useful of course all of these notes that we've had so we've tried to write down some of the notes that came up as we began talking about browsing shops about aisles we talked about about vouchers some nice language ever more cunning nice grab my attention okay brick and mortar shop very very useful in that discussion as eli said about online and offline it's a big topic that's often discussed um and all these expressions about going out of business which we do have so many for okay lovely so i hope that's useful language for all of you great now what do i need next i know what i need next i need a drink that's better good so great um i'm gonna move on i'm gonna ask a question actually um great thank you must go on check it out good do check him out it's useful very informative fun to have him here certainly fruitful nice great yay excellent idea sharing information that's what it's all about mumtaz sharing information okay great we never get bored of you thank you so much uh you are missing the music break time it is break time let's do it again i i'm still thirsty okay so i've got a question for you guys um here's a quick question for you this one here do you prefer online or offline shopping let me know in the comments below which one do you prefer online or offline right as you're writing down your comments um is there a coupon code i think there is a coupon code there was a post in the facebook group that you can find out and check his um coupon code there if you're not in the facebook group do come and join us um facebook it's keith's mastermind community um just search in facebook and you'll find that group come and join us obviously it's free there's a lot of activity there you can find out what's going on okay excellent so let's have a look what you've been saying i'm going to move up so offline or online so jellin says where are you gellin offline pok8 also says offline era nice avatar i prefer offline um and also we've got thiru who says offline that's more comfortable great um indirect says i do prefer online shopping right right this is a nice expression from from fong who says i lean towards online shopping like i lean towards right i like online shopping lovely expression love it the merv says it depends on the day depends on the day i guess depends on the day and maybe on the what you're buying right oh you've a man after my own heart samia says depends on what we are buying and also the price difference yes it tends to be cheaper online if i'm not mistaken um cheyee says i like online shopping but i prefer physical shopping nice right um brick and mortar shops great vera interesting says um online in china offline in australia i wonder why i wonder why says online shopping because it saves time that's true but not for grocery items lovely grocery items are the the fruits the vegetables things like that perishable items right things that may go off lovely so i'm just going to write down i'm going to share some of your comments here let's write down some of the interesting things that you said i prefer i lean towards i like that as you noticed i lean towards meaning i i like or i prefer great online shopping saves time it depends on what i am buying right remember the on the grammar of the words is so important right it depends on whoops sorry i'll get you off for a moment mohammed it depends on what i'm buying yes um great elmoy says both indeed both why not it's not one or the other it's both of them um emma says i love shopping offline because i can try on stuff right you're thinking about clothes right yes that's a very good point emma so i like shopping i like physical shopping because i can try stuff on nice to try on especially clothes we use that very commonly with clothes to try stuff on uh i'll just put clothes we normally talking about clothes if you're trying stuff on right or here's the other one right i like physical shopping because i can try stuff out now if i try stuff out it's not clothes it's more like electronic stuff [Music] so things that work or don't work so if you're trying out you're just checking if it works or if it doesn't so notice try on and try out slightly different okay super super what else have we got yeah so fee newing says a similar thing i prefer offline shopping because i love browsing shops and i can touch the material like clothes material yes good yes i can touch the material i can actually touch the material or you could talk more generally about the products i can actually touch the products so you know if they're good quality or not good quality right okay brilliant i'm gonna move on where am i gonna move on to um i'm gonna take that one off before we look at idioms i'm gonna have a quick look at this oh yes we've got enough time a quick look at this question um describe something you bought and felt happy with so something you bought and felt happy with this as you can guess is a kind of a part two kind of question um there have in the past been different questions about something you bought and never used something you bought that needed repairing um something you bought you felt happy with so here let's um brainstorm ideas what kind of thing would you buy and feel happy with let's have a look come and give me some of your ideas something that you've bought or you might buy and feel happy with so we've got people talking about phones yes absolutely phones will make you very happy don't know why but they make people happy um perfume people have talked about perfume who made a ghoul safer guru safa very good point perfume it was expensive but it felt me happier oh it felt me happier that's interesting guru safa um i would change that in english i would say it made me feel happier it was expensive but it made me feel happier right nice lovely thank you very much that's great thank you for sharing um great what else things that made you happy uh schnecked says i was over the moon when i bought the iphone 12 although it cost an arm and a leg lovely it cost an arm and a leg um very expensive right i was happy although or even though although it cost me an arm and a leg and we are going to look at idioms very in a moment cost me an arm and a leg which just means it was expensive do you remember the um synonyms of expensive dear costly thank you very much snead yeah i was happy although it cost me an arm and a leg very very nice books right somebody talked about books make you happy yep a new laptop i can see why that makes you happy yes you can watch all the new netflix brilliant cell phone gadgets yep so fascilla talks about gadgets so those can be anything you can have electronic gadgets phone stopwatch um all sorts you can have cooking gadgets right things to help you in the in the kitchen of course i would be thinking about that i'm marvel says i felt delighted while buying a variety of desserts at the bakers since i personally love to eat those very nice me too so just notice the ah marvel a variety at the bakers right so we always say a variety of a variety of a lot of a variety of a variety of desserts at the bakers the butchers the bakers because you're talking about a specific shop in this case lovely nice very very nice good oh well the vaccination that's interesting nah says covet 19 vaccination that's interesting did you have to buy that did you have to pay for it i thought in most countries it was free but maybe you paid for it i don't know maybe interesting a pullover is nice yeah joyeux joy says a pullover a pullover which is just it's a jumper right clothes so any kind of clothes maybe it's a jumper sweater dress shirt who knows all sorts of clothes that you may buy and make you happy okay [Music] um yes i made taste a brick and mortar shop is a real shop it's made of stone bricks not online well so we call it a brick and mortar shop yes right arda yeah be careful talking about a gift this is something you bought so you can't talk about a present right smart watch phone dsl camera a car yeah of course a car lin interesting expression i bought some cosmetics and i'm out of this world you would say something is out of this world right if something is fantastic it's out of this world right my my computer is out of this world the cosmetics are out of this world um but i feel well i bought some cosmetics and i feel on top of the world right i'm whoops i'm on top of the world so the feeling of happiness is on top of the world something fantastic is it is out of this world really good uh point there lin thank you so much for sharing excellent describe something you bought and felt happy with okay on this question there are lots of idioms we can use let's have a look at some idioms here now we got uh as we all somebody shared with us it cost an arm and a leg um is to be expensive right it cost an arm and a leg notice and i'll just do this to show you how it's pronounced we say costa nom costa naam an leg say that a nominal leg good connecting whole thing it cost an arm and a leg nice and then repeat it two or three times to get the feel it cost an arm and a leg it cost an arm and a leg it cost an arm and a leg right i went to the shops i bought a new iphone it cost an arm and a leg it's music right it's music absolutely english is music so nice expression something that is expensive um you can say i paid over the odds for it i paid over the odds now you can probably guess over means too much so it means i paid too much right it was too expensive it shouldn't be that much right i went to buy the iphone 12 um i paid i paid a thousand euros today there's a discount and it's 900. i paid over the odds silly me i should have waited i paid over the odds i paid too much or it's going for a song it just means it's cheap now the iphone 12 is 600 euros it's going for a song notice we say four becomes f say that pharah for a song for a song and the whole thing it's going for a song and then two or three times it's going for a song it's going for a song it's going for a song great and then you can make a sentence i bought the new iphone because it was going for a song it was or is it was going for a song interesting song of course in manchester and the north of england we pronounce the g right i know that you shouldn't and in most dialects you don't pronounce the g it's song but in the north of england we say song song so don't worry too much if your teacher says oh it's wrong it should be song oh no no i'm doing the manchester accent song song another nice expression kind of an idiom is retail therapy so therapy is anything that helps you get better helps you recover so you may after an accident you may have physiotherapy you may have mental therapy you may have psychiatric therapy anything to help you recover retail therapy is shopping that makes you happy so you know i a lot of people have said this actually in the um in the facebook chat we were saying yeah i love i love a bit of retail therapy i like retail therapy you know it cheers me up especially in these days of covid right retail therapy can make you happy absolutely to talk shop well to talk shop right this is interesting when you're talking shop imagine the situation okay um i finish work right i i i finish work and i'm teaching students right and then i go home and i have dinner with the family and then i start talking about learning english idioms vocabulary and my wife and daughter say keith dad will you stop talking shop why because i'm talking about work and it's ever so boring right there's nothing worse than your members of your family talking about work talk about something else to talk shop is to talk about your work right the old idea the old idea the idea that your shop is your work right you have a shop that's your work so if you talk shop you're talking about work so seen as a negative thing normally right people usually say don't talk shop so talk about your work so it's usually a negative thing talking about your work don't talk shop dad he's so boring he's always talking shop right talking shop be careful not about talk shop talking shop he's always talking shop at parties there is nothing worse great so all of these are some nice little idioms you could be using um let me just check in with you guys have you guys got any other idioms pay through the nose yes that's interesting right pay over the odds and pay through the nose emma well done pay through the noses to pay too much so let's do that put this one over here i paid through the nose yeah the nose crazy expression right jenny says what was the group page for my facebook facebook page this one keith mastermind community uh jelly for shop talk i don't know about that talk shop as a verb but shop talk i don't think we'd say that retail therapy refreshment kind of yeah to make you feel better basically my father always talks shop uh good question here um does let me take this one off does talk shop be also used about school work not really not really school work it could be metaphorically you could as a bit of a joke if you said to your schoolmates oh you stop talking shop yes as a bit of a joke it could be normally it's about work though okay fantastic brilliant so all of those different expressions we're going to move on next what's coming up next i know what's coming up next the next thing coming up is this are you ready this will take me a moment we're going to move on and we're going to look at something different yes and here we go [Music] nice model answer time where you ask me i try and answer okay um we'll take off the clocks i'm not sure we'll need it but we might do you never know great so sample answers any question on the topic of shopping um you can ask me part one part two or a part three question we can repeat some of the questions we had with eli if you like so guys disco music absolutely love it great so send me a question good can i re-watch the video schwenn yes you can this this video will be um recorded and kept on both facebook and youtube so you can come back and see it on youtube something to do with shopping right um oh this is a good question and i've seen this question come up before so let's try this it's a very tough question and i don't want to answer it because it's so difficult but i should right because then we can all learn including myself this is a great question what are the differences between men's and women's shopping habits great fun thank you very much for this question let me just put it up here excellent i'm just going to take you off for the moment i'll see if i can make it slightly smaller what are the differences between men's and shopping men's and women's shopping habits that's probably a part three question so i might take 30 seconds um let me try okay well i don't want to stereotype or over generalize you know because i think it depends more on the personality rather than whether it's a man or a woman however a lot of people do generally say that women enjoy shopping for clothes more than men maybe because they're more fashion conscious and they like to go into a lot more detail like touching the material checking the price checking the quality whereas maybe men are much more practical and you know if the item of clothing fits and it's comfy they may buy it irrespective of the price um they may be reluctant to go to shop around to find the best item but as i said that may be a bit stereotypical right so there are some interesting words there right stereotype um over generalize stereotypical all useful words that you you probably want to be careful you don't stereotype or over generalize however i talked about comfortable comfy clothes maybe men being practical shop around compare prices right nice so great question quite a difficult one to answer don't feel you always have to tell the truth um and i get nervous sometimes telling the truth because i think well it's my business actually what my opinion so you can always just you can lie you can just make up uh any opinion if you want if you prefer you know especially if it's a sensitive topic right let's have a look oh here's a good one again and this question is a very common part three question what is the product which is consumed most in your country and why yeah fantastic question i've seen that come up quite a lot actually so thank you angeli great what is the product which is consumed most in your country and why right and notice okay notice my answer here and i'm gonna point out something very very important at the end but here's my answer first to be honest i don't know statistically speaking which is the most consumed product in um in britain but i do know that british people buy and sell a lot of cheese we love cheese so there are many varieties of cheese that are sold across the country mature cheese blue cheese crumbly cheese cheese spreads it's something that's maybe connected with our eating culture and our culinary heritage we like to have cheese on sandwiches we often eat sandwiches at lunch time so cheese with different sauces or different kinds of vegetables is a very very common um thing for us to consume either at lunch time um or or another time of the day in the afternoon so i would say yeah cheese is one of the most popular most widely consumed products in my country right so what's my point my point is the test isn't a general knowledge quiz now i guarantee cheese is not the most consumed in my country i'm sure it's not but i had some ideas i wanted to talk about right i had some language about cheese mature cheese blue cheese cheese spread that i i thought would be nice to use so i chose to talk about cheese and that's fine because it's not a general knowledge test the examiner is not going to get on the internet and said oh actually it's not cheese it says here right it's computers they're not going to check it's just an opportunity for you to start talking so you can choose any product just make sure that you say i think it's one of the most right and then that's fine it's one of the most widely consumed products and then talk about anything really okay lovely i'm just looking at the time so i'm gonna move on because um why because it's late we've got about five or ten minutes left so we've done two sample answers which is wonderful thank you very much you guys for those questions we're going to move on to our last activity which is kahoot for those of you who don't know kahoot it's a game we play to test our vocabulary i'm going to log in right now you can also log in and get ready to play it's multiple choice so you get four questions you have to choose a b and c and i'm going to see if you've been awake have you really been awake the last hour or have you been out on the toilet most of the class let's find out what you've been doing and who can remember all of the language from today's um game today's game today's lesson okay i'm going to share the screen with you so you know what i'm doing you know where to go we're going to play the classic game personalize learning so if you want to go and play it again after you can if you've made mistakes you have to put in a nickname don't use your real name just choose a nickname and here this is how you play you either download the app or you go to let me um write that up for you because i just realized it's not there right if you want to go to you can also log in there um choose a name put in the game pin three one zero one four three one okay three one zero one four three one kahoot dot i t is where you need to go [Music] marianne the fish is the product we eat more in spain i i would agree with you there marianne i think you're right [Music] spending sprees are common in the uk i think there used to be fear not so much now people so many people out of work so many people at home right i'll just give you a second a few more seconds to get in there um soroush you have the ielts tomorrow best of luck i hope it goes well diana has been in the toilet oh great shakun's a lively pelican namaste great thank you okay brilliant how many people we've got oh a lot of people um okay if you're all signed in i'm just going to turn up the music a bit because i do like this music [Music] also has an ielts test so all of you best of luck if you're doing the ielts test um absolutely best of best of luck yamina says is it okay if the examiner knows that you're lying yes it's okay it really is it's a language test don't worry [Music] so let's go let's start playing let's just close that and let's start first question all about shopping which is the odd one out so which has a different meaning which is the odd one out with a different meaning you've got 20 seconds left if you can't get in don't worry just put your answer in the comments and i can see it there [Music] which one has a different meaning ida well done steve well done lm well done yeah 113 of you got costly absolutely costly means expensive um the others inexpensive low priced and cheap are all the same meaning right meaning cheap obviously well done nice well done what's next the leaderboard proud urchin is first [Laughter] how can an urchin be proud what are they proud of lucky goat i understand right because goats are on top of the mountain they might fall off and if you don't you're lucky lucky goat mountain yama is in third let's move on which one means look for the best price which one means look for the best price [Music] yellow digital hub good luck tomorrow lenny just put your answer in the comments it's okay thank you bajit so which one means look for the best price this is difficult but well done gold sapphire and well done uh yes me good 103 of you got the right answer to shop around okay now quite a few but shop4 that just means to buy something not necessarily the best price talk shop no that's to talk about your work right and window shop well interesting because window shop might be looking for the best price right it might be but it doesn't have to be so when you window shop it doesn't always mean looking for the best price it may just be looking at different things however shopping around must be is always looking for the best price okay that was quite tricky i realize but well done where are we on the leaderboard well the lucky goat has just got luckier move up to first place and there's a very happy cheetah in third place next question she splashed blank on a new dress she splashed blank on a new dress i think we saw this i think we looked at this expression but let's find out mehmed and prince mera well done nancy well done serene good tara be careful parveen well done well done 102 of you yeah she splashed out which means to spend a lot of money to splash out on something is to spend a lot of money on something right she splashed out on it's strange right out on but to spend money on to splash out on a new dress well done let's see how lucky that goat is oh the urchin proud as ever straight up to first place elated cheetah is in second and there's a silly bunny in third and the lucky goat is not so lucky next question last question if you pay over the odds you blah if you pay over the odds you blank what does that mean to pay over the odds pay over the odds is two to pay too much well done wow excellent that's like almost everybody excellent to pay too much is to pay over the odds nice get a bargain is just to get good value for money get a discount to get something cheaper to pay too little no to pay too much is to pay over the odds or to pay through the nose let's find out all those different cheetahs urchins and goats silva hen wow lucky goat but who's first [Music] it's the proud urchin certainly does have something to be proud of today well done uh well done or madam proud urchin great so we've seen some really good expressions there that we can use with shopping buying things cheap expensive we've looked at a lot today and we're coming to the very very end now thank you very much for joining me if you are on youtube do remember to subscribe turn on the notifications um do check us out on facebook if you want to join the facebook group um that's just there it's the keith's mastermind community there's a lot happening there you can find out lots of information lots of motivation and lots of innovation very very interesting group i think even if i say so myself as of tomorrow maybe this evening but probably tomorrow you can come back to the website the keith speaking academy and you can check um on the the website for the for the what for the notes from today's class and i'm just going to show you very quickly if you want to see where it is just to make sure you know go to keith speaking academy and when you go to the the menu and click on free live lessons right that's where you're going to find all of the notes from the classes the live lessons that we do which are every thursday okay if you want to help me and support my work you can make a donation by clicking here or you can just go straight on and you can download or watch the lessons from the all the previous lessons are here lots of them ambition animals books everything that you get all these topics in ielts speaking lots of free lessons and downloads go and check them out and i hope that they can help you that's it from me today um i'm off later this evening to do my weekly shop we need to buy food which i do enjoy doing actually so listen whatever you're doing this weekend have a great time it's been great being with you thank you very much for joining me and i look forward to seeing you very very soon look out on saturday for the video more things about shopping i think you'll like it take care my friends all the best now bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 68,252
Rating: 4.932549 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking success by keith, ielts speaking shopping, ielts speaking shopping topic, ielts speaking shopping part 1, ielts speaking shopping part 2, ielts speaking shopping questions, ielts speaking shopping part 3, shopping ielts speaking, shopping ielts speaking questions, shopping ielts speaking part 1, shopping ielts speaking part 3
Id: cl_9vcMFO5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 14sec (5654 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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