IELTS Speaking Practice - Live Lessons on the topic of AMBITION

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today's live lesson i've got my jacket on it's a little bit nippy do you know that word nippy nippy means cold it's a bit nippy um because the window was open i was getting some fresh air and it's still a bit cold i'll probably take it off as i warm up but it's a little bit nippy now but welcome to today's class i'm so pleased that you're here i'm so pleased that i'm here and here we are today we're going to discuss the um well the ambitious project of ambition we're going to talk about ambitions different at different kinds of ambitions we'll be looking at vocabulary some idioms um we'll be looking at some of the questions i've been asking you on facebook if you are ambitious is ambition a good or a bad thing right lots of ideas lots of language to help you with your ielts speaking great welcome if you don't know me if it's your first time welcome come in have a seat i was going to say get your pen and pencil ready pen paper but you might be a digital native you might be taking notes on your ipad or something else either way welcome my name is keith um i'm from the keith i am the keith speaking academy um and there's the website down here if you want to check it out it's www keith speaking academy it's full of ideas tips advice about ielts speaking um and how to get better and better speak better english give better answers so you can get that higher score guys if you have not joined the facebook group there's lots of activity there it's if you're into facebook if you're not that's fine i get it but it's keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking come and join us um you can share lots of ideas we're practicing language we do a lot of follow-up from the classes as well from the live lessons um and just a very motivational place to help you improve your english especially for ielts speaking so come and join us there and can i just say if you're on youtube please do subscribe to the channel and turn on that funny ding dong notification button so you can find out about new videos like the video coming this weekend which is on the ielts speaking topic part one topic of furniture so look out for that on sunday i can find out how to talk about furniture a big thank you by the way to all of you who have bought the new course fluency for ielts speaking it's up on udemy there are links down below later i'll send you links here um i think it's still very cheap but it's still there it's a great course to help you improve your fluency start to automatically use some of your grammar and build up intonation kind of natural english intonation so thank you very much all of you who've been taking the course great let's check in let's see how you are who's in the house tsukaina from morocco hello hi tatiana from the ukraine ukraine is here hurry the whole country is here brilliant ojidiran your exam is tomorrow good luck i hope it goes well emmy nice to see you as always again um mary you're still here watching the lives brilliant i'm so happy the leo says yes very cheap yeah great sophie great to see you here again great good to see you interacting ismail from the uae nice to see you united arab emirates shabnam hello there nice to see you lin with a big smile from india how do i know she's got a big smile because her avatar [Music] great nice and uh burke from uzbekistan great or uzbekistan that's the spanish pronunciation speak english keith come on um it's boy i'm very well thank you how are you i hope things are okay in bangladesh i know around the world lots of people again are coming into lockdown england's in lockdown spain's come back back into lockdown so we're all kind of wrapping up warm keeping safe so guys do stay safe over the winter i know these are difficult times right deep 1998 is that when you were born deep i wonder um it's freezing outside well here too i mean hence the jacket stupidly i had the window wide open getting some fresh air but i've closed it now never mind hui lin huang from taiwan hello fond memories of taiwan you know i used to live in taipei just for a year but i really really liked it i hope you're all staying safe brilliant um guys from facebook i can see you somebody's watching from hong kong but facebook i can't see your names so please forgive me if i don't call out your names right brilliant nice looking jacket thank you very much it's in my one of my favorite colors it's blue right so guys let's jump in let's get into ambition we're going to kick off today's class looking at some kind of essential vocabulary so let's break down the the key things about ambition vocabulary so let me pull in over here let's see if i can pop up on the scroll there i am great i'll pop up on the screen as well and let's get rid of that you know it's about ambition so the first thing to say i think about ambition right useful vocabulary is obviously ambition is a noun but notice interestingly it can be uncountable i have so much ambition right much ambition uncountable but it can also be countable i have many different ambitions right um so you can have one or two or three ambitions or it can just be uncountable so it's an unusual noun in many ways that's good news because whichever way you use it you can't make a mistake although the context is important the adjective to describe somebody who has ambition or who has a lot of ambitions is ambitious can you say that with me because it's a strange sound it looks like a t but it's a and uh ambitious it's very difficult sound right ambitious again right i'm ambitious yeah link the ambitious i'm ambitious right that's your chunk that's your sound i'm ambitious nice great so what is ambition exactly a few people were asking this ambition i would say is a desire to do well to achieve a goal or to reach a goal and to succeed right now but the next question then well what is success well it can be anything right maybe it's making money having a family um going climbing the corporate ladder in your company or publishing a book or becoming famous or just being good at what you do every day or running a marathon i don't know success can be anything financial health physical family all of those things ambition though similar words right an aspiration right these are all nouns aspiration intention right you can have an intention to make money i have an aspiration to make money or i have a goal to make money or i have a plan to make money a plan is a bit different because a plan means you've got a road map right you've got things you're going to do aspiration and intention are just destinations right maybe you don't have a plan right but all of these are quite similar so i'll just give you a context to just make it clear i have an aspiration to make a lot of money it's not true well make enough money right but anyway it's an example i have an aspiration to make a lot of money um nowadays right in this materialistic world it seems everybody is trying to make money i have an intention i have a goal too i have a plan to i have a plan to great good simple now then um let's see moving on slightly so how can we say that very useful expressions i think and i was looking at some of the comments you made on facebook there were quite a few common mistakes and i think one of them is that the use of here of two or not using two or being for example so if you have an ambition you can say i want to be rich i have an ambition to be rich i long to be right i long doesn't mean you're tall you might be but you might be short i long is i really really really want to do something i long to be rich i strive to be rich to strive it sounds like try which is good because it's similar it's to try very hard i strive to be rich right let's just put that in to make it clear really want it and try very very hard just to make that clear for you i dream of being right now that was the big mistake everybody said i dreamed to be when i was a child i dreamed to be no you didn't i'm afraid you didn't when you were a child you dreamed of being a postman when i was a child i dreamed of being a postman really not because i wanted to deliver letters but i thought our postman had the most beautiful amazing bicycle the postman had these great big red bicycles and i thought i want one of those so i'll have to become a postman i dream of being so these are things we can say right let's just practice a little bit pronunciation and i'll i'll use the example of rich because it seems to be dominating our society oh dear right i want to be rich listen to the rhythm i want to be rich want rich i want to be rich i have an ambition to be rich i long to be rich nice notice the words that you stress are slightly longer and the pitch is up a bit i long to be stressed to be stressed i i long to be stressed i do not long to be stressed i long to relax i long to be rich that's it i strive to be rich yeah really lengthen that the vowel of i i strive to be rich and then to be rich is almost you're falling like i strive to be rich boom you fall down i strive to be rich i dream of being rich right brilliant i want to know what about you guys right what are your ambitions want to be have an ambition to be a bit of practice for you tell me what you think let me find your comments i dream of being out of here what do you mean marge you mean out of the class or out of your confinement jorah says i want to be successful brilliant paranali i strive to be brilliant brilliant great i dream of being a business woman right great so whoever i put up here can you repeat with me car i want to be helpful yeah yes yes yes seetha i dream of being a ceo a ceo let me help you with that well actually no you could say ceo if you've if in the context of a company you're talking about your company yeah i dream of being ceo i'm sure one day you will make it i'm sure what else have we got nice i want to be an immigrant in canada i long to get an eight from ielts yeah good keep at it zuko more and i'm sure your dream will come true dr shady fool i longed to be a cardiologist well sir you already look the part you have the beautiful coat you look very smart i'm sure i know that's not a requirement but i'm sure you will make it great here's a nice one from aramita i have a burning ambition to get a band eight score to get band score eight a band a band eight score yes you confuse me then let's take that out a band eight score yes to get a band-aid score brilliant a burning ambition which brings me on very nicely thank you very much because that brings me into giving more examples here now ambitions of course can be long term he's ambitious at work he wants to climb the corporate ladder and become the ceo right like our friend was it preet i can't remember who said it but somebody wanted to be the ceo um and that there you go he wants to climb the corporate ladder it's a nice little um idiomatic expression so to climb the ladder but to crime the corporate ladder is the business ladder so you get promoted promoted promoted until you become the ceo that is a long-term ambition but we also use ambition for short term um she's quite ambitious she wants to invite 500 guests to my wedding to my wedding to her wedding i'm not getting married i've already been married once and once is enough of course it is she's quite ambitious she wants to invite 500 guests to her wedding so that's just for one event but you can say oh that's a bit ambitious right that's very difficult or i want to sell a million copies of my new book that's very ambitious do you think you can do it right so you can see the context of um short-term ambition or being ambitious and long term when it comes to collocations somebody talked about the ambition there the burning ambition you can have a personal ambition things like running a marathon have a big family losing weight visit paris i always say paris because it's so everybody knows paris most people do professional ambition right being a cardiologist right as the doctor said or get a phd get a promotion publish a book speak at a conference if you're a teacher maybe lifelong ambition right it's a lifelong ambition of mine of mine too so that's a nice way of saying it right it's a different way of talking about i have an ambition i it's a lifelong ambition of mine it's a nicer a nice expression to use to do something healthy ambition now we include healthy ambition because some people see ambition as a negative thing and if you want to make it clear it's positive then you talk about healthy ambition right so to lose weight that's a healthy ambition to be to have a big family that's a healthy ambition so it's not necessarily about your health but it's a positive ambition right um to become the ceo whatever it takes might not be a healthy ambition right because that means you may whatever it takes means maybe you have to push away other people um stamp on other people and be really ruthless and hard and it may may have a negative ambition but we can talk about a healthy ambition right driving ambition she's a person of driving ambition i'm gonna add what we have there i have a burning ambition a burning ambition that's a nice one as well i have a burning ambition to be ceo and sometimes you know at the workplace if you're not ambitious your boss might say you lack ambition young man you need to be more ambitious well maybe maybe not but the expression you lack ambition right is quite common great good so lots of collocations there to use about ambition lovely so um let's move on we've talked a bit about ambitions um what ambitions do you have oh we've already quite a few that was my my next question but you've already given me a few let's share a few more ambitions you've got lon porn i long to be a top supermodel right great great and uh what's your plan lon paul what's your plan how are you going to be coming that lin says i strive to be a high achiever you're showing the stress aren't you i think you're showing the stress i'm going to show your stress where it should be i strive to be a high achiever right could you please explain again the usage of dream yes um so i said i dream what did i say a dream about being right let me go back very very quickly i dream of being or i dream about being so well to dream is it's obviously when you're asleep but also it's an ambition or a goal something you really really want right so i'm i dream of being rich i dream about having uh a big house so you can also say that for example right i dream about having so you need either the preposition of or about plus the ing that you run that's it that's it aisha super simple well done good question let's come back ambitions ah so this is good so sold off i want to be help poor people right remember you need one verb so instead of be it's help i want to help poor people it's a great ambition i want to help so just to be clear when i said here i want to be right it's i want plus the verb for example i want to be right and it's the same with all of these is i want to plus a verb not for all of them but for i want i have an ambition i long i strive but it can be any verb right i long to have i long to travel i long to visit my auntie right so i lo i want to help here you don't need b right that was my fault for confusing you so rob but thanks for sharing right here we go i long to be a broad yeah me too but we can't right now i dream of being an entrepreneur yes remember the adjective the article an entre pro this is a very hard word to spell there you go i dream of being an entrepreneur sandeep great great mandeep says i strive to be fluent mustafa i am eager to learn great nice and dr asha dr asha i dream of being a successful doctor right again i for a lot of people it's difficult to know where the article comes in but here talking about a job ah a dream of being a successful doctor yeah good brilliant lots of them you always you've you dream of being good citizens of being great successful i have an ambition to be a computer scientist says nema excellent nice okay so that's great now i was going to say this question and i've realized it's warming up great i can take my jacket off this question bear with me what ambitions do you have that is the typical job interview question i don't know if you've been for job interviews lately in recent years but that's often a question they ask you right what ambitions do you have and it's a difficult question because you don't want to sound arrogant right what ambitions do you have you don't want to say well i want to have your job i want to be the ceo one day it sounds a bit arrogant pretentious but you don't want to sound too weak oh i don't have any ambitions i'm just happy to work here no you don't want to sound weak so you need a balance you want to show a healthy ambition a positive ambition for job interviews right um so typical job interview question let me share with you my thoughts so you want to sound i think right enthusiastic but not arrogant right you want to sound enthusiastic but not arrogant so you could say well i want to be successful well yes but that's so general whether it's a job or an ielts interview it's just so well everybody wants to be successful right be a bit more specific so i would and especially in ielts right you want to be a bit more specific something like maybe something like this let's put this like this i want to do i want to do my job well and one day get promoted because i think i have a lot to contribute such as my ideas for teaching students in different ways that's my case right so you're giving a more specific idea i want to do my job well and one day get promoted because and give the reason why well i think i have a lot to contribute such as give an example right such as my ideas for teaching students in different ways right and i think this is a great formula for many many questions um it's your idea and then it's a reason and then it's an example and this is something i mean i teach very much for part three questions but look how short this is right even for a part one question you could say i want to do this because and such as and you can give an idea or opinion a reason and an example right very very straightforward way to answer it good do you know what this is crazy it's gone cold again no sooner have i taken off my jacket no sooner have i de-robed my garment then i feel cold again for goodness sake it's like a yo-yo he's up and down that teacher keith his jacket's off jacket's on sitting up standing down come on what's going on stability seriousness peace speaking academy great you can see right i'm starting to sniff not to worry it's partly because i went out this morning so most mornings i like to go out it was bitter cold this morning it was really nippy as i said at the beginning nippy remember nippy is very very cold and i went out for a long walk i go for about an hour walking through the streets just to get um some fresh air and a bit of exercise and it was so nippy i could feel um winter nipping at my toes and i thought yes it's time to wrap up time to keep warm so although it's healthy and it's good you do need to keep warm stay safe right good great so let's come back where were we what was i talking about right i'm gonna move on to talk about idioms now idioms about ambition nippy oh nippy sorry okay nippy like this ah nippy it's nippy outside yeah cold it's nippy outside thank you emma you've got it what about u.s elections i'm not going to talk about the us elections they are all higgledy-piggledy they are in a mess and i'm not surprised oh seriously i'm not surprised because you could always sense that whoever won the other person was gonna dispute it and disagree i think we're gonna have to wait a few days at least before this is resolved so we're all sitting on the edges of our seat or maybe not maybe you don't care i don't know idioms great people say idioms joe biden winning oh no we're going into a political discussion i love idioms wow wow look at this let's share these dilbrite has been doing his homework deal breed says have a bee in one's bonnet be on one's wildest dreams blood sweat and tears have something on the brain claw on one's back clean your heels if you dig in your heels you foo right brilliant well listen deal prep you've set the ball rolling let's um let's put a few of these in let's just explain a few of these um because these are quite nice some of these so i've got a b in my bonnet right so this is a very old expression but do we still use that i've got to be in my bonnet we do yes we still use it um have a b in one's bonnet i'll tell you what i'm going to do is deal breathe i'm going to just take the most important ones here i'm going to copy them and i'm going to put this so because you're dominating my um my whole screen with all respect i can get rid of you now in a nice way thank you very much for this okay so i've got a b in my bonnet means a b bonnet is your hat so if you've got a b in your bonnet it's something in your head that you want to really really do you really want to do um and you're persistent and you're really really persistent about it so i've got to be in my bonnet um about writing a book i've got to be in my bonnet about writing a book it means i've got this idea and i really really want to do it um so you could say if somebody says well do you have any ambitions well i've got a b in my bonnet about writing a book i would really like to publish a book one day do you know what it's true i have got to be in my bonnet about writing a book i've got this idea for two books that i've been mulling over for a long time so that's a nice ambition um beyond one's wildest dreams the next one well it just means obviously it's it's something that you can't imagine it's almost oh it's beyond my wildest dreams it's something that you really really want but you can't imagine having it having because it's beyond your reality beyond your reach almost so let's say something so great i can hardly imagine it right so we could say well writing not writing a book i can imagine that but publishing a book is beyond my wildest dreams that's right that's a nice one it's beyond my wildest dreams publishing a book is beyond my wildest dreams so again that's something you could talk about um when you're talking about here about this blood sweat and tears i've got an example with that and i'm going to show you that in a moment i've got that one in my head have something on the brain i've got something on my head on my mind on my brain um it's got something on my i'm gonna take it off i don't think we use that very much doesn't sound very natural to me claw one's way back yes is to make a comeback a comeback which means when things have gone wrong to come back and succeed so to make a comeback so to be successful after a failure something like that right claw one's way back um this we would normally use like in i don't know like a football match you know manchester united oh dear they did terrible again they're having a terrible season right but if they um if they're losing a match and they manage to come back and win they can claw their way back right i was losing the game i was losing the game but i managed to claw my way back and win okay um to dig in your heels that's probably a better one to be persistent to dig in your heels right i'm gonna publish a book i've decided i am gonna i'm going to publish my book and even though my friends say it's uh it's just a dream i'm gonna dig in my heels oh it's terrible isn't it when people when you've got a dream and people say oh that's stupid it will never happen give up i hate that and then you say i'm gonna dig in my heels i'm gonna show you right i'm going to publish my book even though my friends say it's just a dream i'm going to dig in my heels i'm going to dig my heels in i'm gonna dig in my heels okay great one or two nice expressions there let me add a couple more on a similar one digging my heels very very similar is throw in the towel i'm sure you know that right i will never throw in the towel i will never stop or give up you need to dig in your heels you need to stick at it it's the same persevere or be persistent is is actually the same meaning right to be persistent or to persevere is to continue to carry on so when you're talking about ambition ambitions really important to stick at it even though your friends say it's a pipe dream it'll never happen you must stick at it and dig your heels in don't throw in the towel sound like a life coach carry on at all costs come rain or shine so even though something is difficult carry on at all costs same meaning exactly the same meaning right to continue or to persevere or this expression which i came up actually in the discussions on facebook i will have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal to go to great lengths length from long right if something's long so if you put in a lot of effort and you do everything you can do everything possible you go to great lengths right so maybe you've got a presentation at work and you spend three hours or four hours preparing it you go to great lengths to prepare your presentation you go to great lengths because you want it to be successful so i will have to go to great lengths i will have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal right and i realize as i say that right as a native speaker i say it very quickly i will have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal but as a non-native speaker you can keep your fluency but by breaking it up i will have to i will have to go i will have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal so you could phrase it like that right i will have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal and then each one is a chunk try it with me i'll have to go i'll and then we'll make a contraction i'll have to go i'll have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal the whole thing i'll have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal right you can feel the chunk pause chunk pause chunk i'll have to go to great lengths to achieve this goal okay that's the way to build up your fluency break it down make it manageable nice then i reached my goal but it was blood sweat and tears this was the other one blood sweat and tears all the way blood sweat and tears just means very very hard work you can imagine right if you've got blood and sweat and you're crying you can imagine how difficult it was blood sweat and tears tears when you're crying blood from when you cut yourself sweat from when you're hot blood sweat and tears i mean you imagine somebody working in the labor camp digging the ground or breaking stones there's going to be blood on the hands there's going to be sweat on the forehead and probably tears from the pain so even though it's a very powerful image we use it as an everyday idiom it's something that's very hard work so you know i went to great lengths to prepare my presentation i was up all night for five hours it was blood sweat and tears idiomatic because obviously there's no blood hopefully i hope not but it's just very hard work great so lots of idioms there right lots of them let's see let's check in with you guys oh that's a good question what's the difference between idiom and slang slang is a regional difference they are words used in a particular place in a particular city or region so the slang of london is different from the slang of manchester which is different from the slang of new york right so they are regional differences so slang you shouldn't use in ielts speaking idioms are just it's english across the world international english or british american english we may use different idioms but lots of them are the same and an idiom is a phrase where the meaning of the words is a little different from the whole meaning of the expression right like blood sweat and tears doesn't mean literally blood and sweat it just means hard work nice question parlor nice can i see this video later akansha yes you can this will be on youtube permanently yes it's a nice expression here shoot for the moon even if you miss you will land among the stars it's a nice expression it's a difficult one to use in ielts i think um but it's it's a nice expression where am i hui lin right now i'm in spain great any more idioms are you inviting people to dinner i stick at my dreams nice yes you can say that stick with it yes you can also say stick with it yes i need to stick at it or i need to stick with it you can say both of those ancel right persistent good i am gonna yeah i've got a feeling i've got a terrible feeling don't worry i am gonna take care of myself it cost an arm and a leg yes well vishal nice one trump will have to go great length to go to great lengths to win the election he has already gone to great lengths i think right i will have to go extra miles to achieve my educational goals this is a good expression the actual expression is i will have to go next the extra it's to go the extra mile to go the extra mile in the singular i'll have to go the extra mile yeah i will have to go the extra mile to achieve my educational goals nice nice yes so we can say i'm willing to go the extra mile to reach my goal i am willing excuse me i'm i'm willing to go the extra mile to reach my goal that's a nice expression brilliant keep your nose to the grind stole grindstone yep from amela and that's to keep working to keep going it's a nice expression i will keep my nose to the grindstone particularly with work right let's get back to the grinds keep my nose to the grindstone it's normally that's used normally at work so if you're preparing to for a promotion or to do hard work yes if you're training for a marathon you might not use this because that's a personal ambition but for professional ambitions yes i would say so yes great rose great our lucky draw winner hello i just finished coaching a training session but it was blood sweat and tears to prepare lovely very very nice excellent good it's time for a cup of tea i've got some more questions for you and then we're going to move on and do some model answers right um so here's yeah here's my next question for you ambition right is it good or is it bad it's an interesting question ambition come down good or bad what do you think is it good or is it bad tell me what you think let's have a look oh some more good expressions i'll try and pick up the the the idioms i've missed some of you've got some nice ones i'll try and pick them up later colloquial language fahima you should use colloquial language that's the spoken language really that's what you should be using in ielts speaking gusty i'm digging cockroaches i've no idea i've never heard that expression deep good expression i've got to burn the midnight oil so ambition good or bad guys well let's see what you say so ashraf says ambition is good for your motivation without any ambition you wouldn't start your own business set or achieve goals and get very far in life beautiful english ashraf beautiful and a very good comment actually yes syed also right it's important to have ambition ambition in order to keep on track of your life with you to keep on track with your life on track with your life yeah keep on track is a nice expression syed keep on track right to keep on your plan or your path nice uh it was a double-edged weapon he you mean a double-edged sword it's a double edge it's it is i think rather than it was it is a double-edged sword yeah so it can be both good and bad right we've got from i s i can't pronounce that i'm sorry i can't read lyric i'll have to get that sorted ambition is good because you will strive to do your best and make no's make no's i'm not sure about make no's but you will strive to do your best yes great nice one healthy ambition is good yeah good gotham says good as long as it is not to hurt others yeah as long as without yes as long as it is not to hurt others so yeah make sure your ambition doesn't hurt others any others it's a good thing if you have strong ambition on your own you will get success in life nice let's put that in into on on your own good if you don't have ambition it's pointless living maybe you're just a happy camper hey there's nothing wrong with being a happy camper tim tim says ambition is a healthy indicator that distinguishes successful people from the herd wow so distinguishes successful people from the others from the rest from the herd right interesting right good nice so very very positive everybody seems to see ambitions very very good which is absolutely great it can be very very good so let's just put a kind of a summary on this ambition good or bad well it's good to have a competitive spirit to strive to success um it helps you keep on track with your life or with your goals yep um what else did we have um anything else we've got track on of course it's great as long as you don't hurt others yep it's good as long as you don't hurt others or somebody said stamp on others right so long as you don't hurt others or stamp on others is a nice idiomatic use of stamp to stamp is to put your foot on somebody as long as you don't stamp on others it has different meanings of course stamp on the envelope but to stamp with your foot and here is to crush or push other people down put other people down good so that can be things you can say about good is ambition good well yes as long as you don't hurt others it helps you keep on track with your goals but it can be bad um it can be bad if you see things as a zero sum game right do you know that expression a zero sum game a zero sum game is where they're let's imagine let's imagine there are there are a hundred dollars in the world right yes imagine the only money in the world is a hundred dollars so if i take fifty dollars then somebody else takes fifty dollars there's nothing left for everybody else right it's a zero sum game meaning 50 and 50 take them away it's zero the sum is zero so the idea sometimes that's true it's a zero-sum game but take the idea of if of happiness if i'm happy and you're happy does that mean there's no happiness for everybody else no it's not a zero-sum game right there is enough happiness for everybody what about sunshine if i enjoy the sunshine does that mean you can't have the sunshine no it's not a zero sum game right now it can be bad right ambition can be bad if you see things as a zero-sum game if you think that i must get it because if not somebody else will win right then it's a zero-sum game right similar to you could call it a a win-lose situation right let's call it that a win lose situation which means if i win you lose right that's a zero-sum game it's the opposite of win-win win win everybody wins i have the sunshine you have the sunshine win lose if i have the sunshine today no no no no you've got no sunshine no that is a win-lose situation that is a zero-sum game so ambition can be bad if you see things as a zero-sum game and so you're trying to win to make sure other people don't win right if your success is at the expense of others meaning others must lose so you can win i hope that makes sense it makes sense to me and but does it make sense to you yep does that make sense at the cost of others yes it is not at the cost at the cost of others at the cost of others of of excuse me yep that's the other way to say it good sure great says natalie great right that's a good one from sylvia so ambition can be bad um if your ambition if you have an arrogant ambition okay let's say that if you have an arrogant ambition this is what sylvia's got i reckon that sometimes ambition can be bad because if you have an arrogant ambition it will get in the way and lost your time yes so yes if you have an arrogant ambition um it can get in your way it can get in your way and make you lose time so true right if you're so stubborn and pushing for this goal and you're not realizing the flow of life you're actually it's stopping you sometimes being so obsessed can stop you making progress because you can't see what's really happening and it can make you lose time yes it's very very true good good and bad okay excellent now then i'm going to move on i talked about good and bad whether ambitions are good or bad we've talked about your ambitions um i'm going to move on to model answers so this is the part where if you've got a question you want to ask me about ambition and i will try and give you a model answer or a kind of answer about ambition okay it's the model answer time macbeth well macbeth was very ambitious emmy he was macbeth to his detriment which meant he had a terrible time i think macbeth saw life as a zero-sum game and uh it was him and if it wasn't him it was somebody else so yes ambition was his ruin i think hmm [Music] great nice comments for you you're gonna wait for the notes yes right okay oh this is a nice one oh lots of nice questions here oh can i take both of these these are good let's start with pretty pp do you have ambition and what are your ambitions in life yeah okay let's go with that one first you preeti do you have an ambition i think it is and what are your ambitions in life right do you have an ambition and what are your ambitions in life just bear with me a moment okay this is where i spend a couple of minutes just lighting everything up right okay um this sounds like a part one question so i'll keep it fairly short right i wouldn't say i'm a particularly ambitious person but yes i do have some ambitions particularly professional ambitions um i do dream about writing a book i'm publishing a book and so right now i'm actually going to great lengths to write the script and start editing this idea i have for a book and yes that's an ambition that i have yeah part one quite short probably maximum 20 seconds there you go nice good question i like this question as well from park guard i think this is a really good one i'm gonna rephrase it because it's not quite right but the idea is is a very good one do your dreams as a child have chat so have the dreams you had as a child you had as a child changed yeah that would be the grammatical the correct grammatical way have the dreams thanks pop guard have the dreams you had as a child changed uh great question yes hopefully they have well maybe not necessarily but for me yes okay we'll go with this um oh absolutely i mean you know it's a bit funny but as a child i longed to be a postman because i thought postman had fantastic bicycles but now um i think even as i was growing up as a young adult that dream changed significantly um and i think i've become a little bit more ambitious and i think certainly from a professional point of view i have an ambition um to be successful in the work that i do um i i long to be a good teacher and to use innovative and creative ways of teaching and although i don't want to stamp on other people i do want to dig my heels in and you know do as much as it takes to to become successful in my area or my field as a teacher again it was a part one question so you know keep it fairly short but develop the idea i had two ideas there right i talked about the childhood being a postman and then i talked about now um and about this this dream of being successful in teaching notice i didn't repeat the post the the writing the book one because i don't want to repeat ideas from my past answers because it's going to be repeating the same vocabulary so don't fall into that trap don't think oh i'm just going to say the same thing because he asked me that before don't use different examples because different vocabulary pushes up your vocab score if you repeat the same example pull down that will pull down your vocabulary score but i love this because you notice i was able to integrate one or two idioms right to dig my heels in do what it takes right similar to go to great lengths to to do what it takes i will do what it takes to be successful nice let's try one more another one love is not a zero-sum game lovely nice that's the thought for the thought for the day um similar questions any different questions ambition you've had for a long time what was the ambition when you were young right okay here's one here's one which is a slightly different question have you ever achieved your ambition i danna nice let's take that i'm gonna help your spelling but let me put this one into here have you ever have you ever what are achieved have you ever achieved your ambitions ambition have you ever achieved your ambition now they wouldn't ask that because it assumes you're referencing an ambition we've already talked about i think it would be a more general question ambitions have you ever achieved your ambitions like generally in life i think that's the more likely question nice one thank you hi dana right and again it's a part one question i think i think right because it's more it's about me and my life have you ever achieved your ambitions um that is a very good question um i think i have had several ambitions in my life um and to be honest i haven't achieved all of them one of them that i have not achieved um is to to be to be a a a kind of a famous guitar player when i was in my 20s i used to play guitar in a rock band and i used to dream of being a famous rock star and playing the guitar at these big concerts and whilst i was happy playing the guitar in the band i never really achieved that level or status of being a world renowned musician but i have achieved my goal of building you know a happy family that was a personal goal that i wanted to always have wanted to achieve and i do feel that i've reached that it's been blood sweat and tears sometimes because obviously families have disagreements but i think we have we are getting there we have gotten there so that's an ambition i feel like i've reached and that was a long answer wasn't it i think the examiner might have cut me off in the middle but there is no examiner to cut me off but to show you the language right that was difficult i was racking my brains do you know what the problem is is that it's such a personal question right you think well do i want to talk about things i dream about right i mean the thing about being a rock star that was very much a 20 year old dream i probably didn't think it would happen and i i felt a bit nervous about exposing myself there but um to people i don't know the examiner and that makes ielts questions sometimes quite difficult difficult right the personal questions but i think you you just have to to expose yourself right i mean it's not the examiner's never listening to the content right they're not going to make notes and then go to the local newspaper and say did you know keith actually wanted to be breaking news right they're not gonna do that so you can it's difficult sometimes but you can talk about that or you could make something up and i was toying with the idea of making up an example but i chose that example and then i wanted to talk so the answer could be well no i've never achieved my ambitions that's fine you could have wanted to talk about one that i did achieve so the personal ambition about the family that's always you know something again very personal very hard to talk about i found that really difficult actually but just stay focused on the language right don't think it's a personal session revealing your life it's it's all about the language great good ah we don't get instant ideas yeah rahila that is a great question we don't get instant ideas how to improve the ideas and examples in mind um it's an extremely difficult question and i think that the one thing you can do right is to prepare better so if you know the kind of topics that are coming up maybe the kind of questions are coming up do your preparation right if you think ambition might be a topic that's coming up prepare your ideas prepare the language raheem let me just take you off you're blocking me prepare the language prepare your ideas so as you're studying you're studying photography music art whatever think about the language but think about ideas what you can talk about i think the key is to prepare before the test that's what's really really going to help you i would say yeah it's a very good question very difficult ambitions are the same as desires um strong desires very very similar strong desires yes right these are all questions for me lots of questions i'm not going to take any more questions okay great who has influenced you that's a nice question yeah but listen guys i'm going to start wrapping up lots of questions so today we've looked at essential vocabulary we've looked at idioms um we've looked at different themes around ambitions good bad personal professional and some model answers let's have a review of the idioms right and we're going to do that with kahoot if you don't know kahoot it's a fun way for us to review the vocabulary right and we can do it together you will need to go into and then we'll start playing the game so listen let me just get it set up and we'll finish up with this bear with me a moment gonna log in that's me it's ambition and we're gonna play let me bring you in so you can see what's going on teach your kahoot is loaded we're doing the classic so what you need to do right is to go to turn down the sound excuse me [Music] um put in your name and the game number 706951 so that's www [Music] k-a-h-o-o-t dot i-t and put in the game pin 706 955 1 706 955 great we've got people coming in already and we'll just give you a few seconds to get ready [Music] jeremy chuck vann great how many have we got in 64. okay i'll just give you a second [Music] raheel i am in my daughter's room how did you know music is a bit strange if i go to kahoot the live chat will close oh dear but you can choose you can answer in the chat that's absolutely fine if you want to stay you can just answer in the chat right guys let's start first question right ambition i am going to reach my goal i won't blank in the towel [Music] let me just make that a bit smaller so you can see right i'm going to reach my goal i won't blank in the towel five seconds left oh there's a few disagreements here yeah i noticed a lot of people said through but notice it's the future i won't i will not must be the infinitive throw see i will not throw in the towel right yes the yellow one because it's i will not plus the verb okay so just be careful some of these questions are testing your tense and the prepositions so s pay very special attention question number two oh no scoreboard manas is up in first place with gautham coming in second and a smiley l coming in third question number two in order to in order to succeed you need to stick blank it don't give up you need to stick blank it don't give up what's the preposition oh dear lots of funny answers well done anita right again that was very close between on and at the answer was at stick at it we need to stick at it right so those of you who put on you're thinking of the literal meaning right you're thinking of the literal to stick on why am i so small you're thinking of you stick the painting on the wall or you stick something on the paper that's the literal meaning but the idiomatic meaning stick at it to keep going is at right okay good so be careful i am catching you out here where are we on the scoreboard manners is still there the only change is cookie has overtaken l here we go question number three he went to great blank to reach his goal he went to great blank to reach his goal meaning to do everything possible [Music] great music well done hershey and banashri well done zilla well done right this is much better great most the vast majority of you got lengths he went to great lengths to reach his goal nice one where are we on the scoreboard manus is still holding it and l has come back overtaking cookie again it's an exciting race it's more exciting than the u.s elections next question here we go question four the last one i reached my goal but it was blood sweat and blank come on i expect a hundred percent here it was blood sweat and blank aurora well done and ashley nazilla well done three two one oh much better that's good yes um it was blood sweat and tears well done quite a few of you put in pain because you're thinking literally but remember it's idiomatic blood sweat and tears well done nice a good note to finish on but let's see then in this podium where hell you got third manus was pushed off the top who's winning [Music] gautham well done number one yo check it out excellent well done gautham you got up there first well done brilliant nice top of the pops so those are some very very useful idioms be careful right because idioms one thing is to know them the second thing is to use them correctly the right tense the right preposition the right form of the word right brilliant great guys we're going to finish up here just to remind you again if you are on youtube do remember to subscribe turn on the notifications as always um at the end of this if you go to my website which is um key speaking academy in about four or five hours i will publish the notes so the notes that we've had today right all of these notes let me take me away these will go onto the website and they will be published there the website is here it's the key speaking academy all you need to do is go and click on the free live lessons right and there you will be able to download the notes great if you've not got the free ebook yet go and check out my free ebook it's on the home page right if you go there you can go just straight away the most 10 most common mistakes in ielts speaking go and download that straight away you can have that and start learning what not to do excellent so it's keith speaking academy let me put it down here where is it can i do that no i can't keith speaking you've got it there at the bottom brilliant and if you're interested by the way do remember on udemy you can go and get the fluency for ielts speaking course brand new course to help you with your fluency grammar and intonation and pronunciation brilliant the links are all going to be down below in the show notes as well or on my website if you go to the website lots of little buttons you can press if you enjoy pressing buttons thank you very much everybody it has always been a great pleasure being with you um look out for the video well look out for the lucky draw tomorrow lucky draw tomorrow morning i'll put a post on facebook group this is the facebook group by the way and you can win uh either my first course or my new course for free that's lucky draw the results will be on saturday sunday new video coming out featuring stan the man my best friend and he'll be teaching you about ielts speaking the topic of furniture part one topic so look out for that on sunday in the meantime have a great day take care of yourselves and i will see you somewhere out there in the ethernet take care my friends bye-bye now
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 72,759
Rating: 4.9264588 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking ambition, ielts speaking success, keith speaking academy pdf download, keith speaking academy youtube, keith ielts speaking academy, keith speaking academy, ambition ielts speaking, ambition ielts speaking part 2, ambition ielts speaking part 3, ielts ambition
Id: au4HIbOKqdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 36sec (4836 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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