IELTS Speaking Questions and Answers - Part 3 Topic NEWS

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hello guys welcome and it's great to see you again as always today we're going to be looking at part three questions from the 2020 new questions for IELTS speaking I'll be looking at specific questions some question types lots of ideas and language about how to answer these questions oh and a few tips and tricks it's always nice to have some tips and tricks as well on the way let's get into it [Music] hi guys for those of you who don't know me my name is Keith and I run a website called IELTS speaking success so as well as these videos on YouTube you can go to the website get my free book avoiding common mistakes in IELTS speaking you can also have a look at my online course on udemy and if you want that one-to-one class with me I do teach on I talkie and I'm always happy to see you there now today part three is a challenge right so there are so many questions in part three I'm going to be looking today at some of the part 2 questions I've looked at before and how we develop the part 3 answers so let's begin part 3 first of all part 3 is different from part 1 and part 2 because part 1 is very much about your personal experience right and part 2 is your own personal experience you're giving a talk about a time when somebody you know a thing that you lost maybe part 3 is where we go general we talk about general ideas maybe a bit of theory maybe a bit of research but it's a more general idea it's really important in part 3 that you develop your answers in part 2 was called the long-term so you spoke for up to 2 minutes in part 3 your answers should go up to around a minute maybe so each answer could be up to a minute so again it's long answers but digging deeper really getting into a deeper conversation about the topic so the examiner will be listening out for everything for your fluency can you speak for a longer time to the range of vocabulary and accuracy your range of grammar and accuracy as well as your pronunciation right so for example can you maintain good intonation over longer sentences so how do we do well in part 3 here's a very simple Tipp develop your answers with your opinion the reason why give an example okay that's gonna develop an answer so say what you think say why give an example dead easy you do that you're well on your way to a good a good score you're well on your way to giving good answers okay in addition be aware that in part three you're looking more not only at telling a story but at evaluating information analyzing justifying these kind of higher-order thinking skills don't get too nervous but just be aware you you are analyzing a little bit more wow that's blown your mind you like what are those words even mean Keith don't worry just remember opinion reason why example okay let's dig deeper let's actually get into some questions I'm going to take a topic over here and this is one we've seen before in part two right it says describe a person in the news that you would like to meet so you're part three is going to be on the same topic but digging deeper so what will it talk about it'll talk about news a person in the news that you like to meet so it's probably focusing mainly on the news different aspects of the news here are some of the questions you might get why is it important to watch the news to people in your country tend to watch local news or international news why do people like listening to negative news do you think some people find the news entertaining how has the way we get news changed in recent years now interestingly all of these questions are actually typical part three question types and it's useful for you to understand the question types and what the examiner is looking for okay so when it says why is it important or why is blah-blah-blah important you need to be able to evaluate something and say why it's important and justify your answer so why is it important to watch the news well let's have a think about it right the news I think there are two kinds of news really there's local news in your country and there's the international news globally and so why are they important well generally speaking I think it's important to keep up to date so you may want to talk about keeping up to date with world affairs things happening in the news current affairs so all of that it's you need to know what's going on do you some people say you do other people say wow doesn't matter but you can talk about this right you can talk about keeping up to date keep up to date keep up to date with what's going on in the world what else I think if we talk about local news why is that important well local news is probably more relevant to you it's probably going to affect you more right so things like politics local politics maybe elections being held in your country that will affect you maybe some change to the infrastructure they're building a new motorway or a new bridge in your city all of these things are gonna be more relevant to you so we could talk about that right international news is maybe not as relevant so these are issues around the world what's happening in different countries maybe it's business economics war all of that is possibly relevant but maybe less relevant now some people say that actually both of these are important and it really depends what you do right so if you work at home and you never leave your country maybe you only need to know about local news if you're a business person or an international traveler or you work for a multinational company maybe you need to know international news what's happening around the world it's gonna be more important you can talk about globalization leads to the interconnectedness of all our countries and all our businesses so therefore I need to know what's happening around the world for example the recent outbreak there's an epidemic there's been an outbreak of the corona virus over in Wuhan in China it's now affecting other countries that is a topical it's a piece of news that I need to know about because I think it's relevant and important if I'm going to travel or it may affect me or my community in the future so think of examples keep up to date for I mean for this before you do your IELTS test it's always a good idea to keep up-to-date with the news go and have a look at the guard in the BBC or The Voice of America or your local newspaper and just see what's happening because that will be a great source of examples for you to talk about right okay now the next question do people in your country tend to watch local news or international news we've actually talked a lot about this the difference between local how it might be more relevant and international is more globally focused so it could be relevant or not I won't talk any more about it because we've talked a bit about it and of course if in the exam you talk about these two in the first question the examiner will probably jump over the second question and go into the third one and that one is why do people like listening to negative news it's true isn't it there is so much negative news you know to be honest I think that we are fed negative news I think the media almost spoon feeds us negative news it's doom and gloom the war over here the fighting the trade war somebody died the accident we are fed negative news so it's partly to do with the media I guess there is a demand for it though people like it why do people like negative news maybe it's because we like to complain right maybe it's not human nature to complain about things so when there's the you know I don't know if you follow the brexit story debacle but what a mess and people love it because they can complain about it all the time oh god brexit what on earth are they doing you know right and people bond with negative news they kind of like to come together a moan about it or complain about it so maybe that's one of the reasons the other thing I think also is that media knows this is a horrible thing to say but death cells death whatever it be whether it's war or accidents it sells newspapers or digital newspapers right so people do like that maybe also there's a human instincts that we are fascinated by death I mean why don't we like crime novels and war films and action films where people are dying there is a strange kind of fascination with death people are intrigued by crime and death and so maybe in the news they're making the most of that to sell us this negative news at the same time it's partly habit it's force of habit we just we do it we read negative news we accept the negative news through the radio every morning you turn on 55 people have died in an accident wow what a great way to start with your breakfast what a way to start the day but by force of habit we kind of do it automatically so maybe habit has a role to play with why people also like negative news maybe do you think some people think the news is entertaining yeah there are two things that jump to my mind here one of them is connected to that bonding they talked about so news is a great conversation starter when you're in work the next day and often you're around the water cooler or whatever and you're chatting to your colleagues you often chat about the news right and it may be it's a form of entertainment I mean wow we have a good laugh talking about brexit there although it's all negative well up until now it is negative it's a terrible idea but it's a way it's a form of entertainment almost how ridiculous our politicians can be and so it's a it's a conversation piece for people at work so in a way it's entertainment the other thing I think is also comedians use the news a lot right comedians give a commentary about the news they talk about what's happening in the news they make fun of it they make parodies they do satire and so that it is a form of entertainment for comedians I think it's absolutely a form of entertainment and therefore for us the audience watching it's also definitely entertainment how is how has the way we get news changed well when anything changes right you probably there's a lot of questions like this how is how have things changed in recent years I think with this kind of question you want to talk about the past what it was like what has changed and how it's different now so talk about the past with news we had newspapers magazines and the radio what's changed technology we have the Internet things have become digital so now the way we get news is much more through the internet online digital newspapers maybe we download a magazine on our Kindle we get the news we listen to the radio on demand on the on the Internet all of those ways are changing the way we access news also social media so we get a lot of news through at least where I live through Twitter maybe through Facebook through social media channels and that gives us a lot more access to news than we ever had in the past and on top of that I think we're creating the news more and more people are creating the different kind of news that we get take Donald Trump as an example I mean he's not a media outlet but he creates the news through his tweets and that becomes news that is spread around sometimes it goes viral sometimes it's picked up by the media outlets and they spread it as well to other people so definitely the way we access news has changed so with that kind of question talk about the past talk about something that's changed and what it's like now great I'm gonna stop here oh how did I do that change jumper just like that it's like those magicians on Britain's Got Talent right clever so I'm finishing today we've talked about news and we've talked about different question types for part three the question types are really important I'm gonna do a series of videos on part three looking at different topics so you can get used to the question types rather than doing one massive video also makes it a bit more doable for me brilliant so listen look out for that if you've enjoyed this video please do tell everybody you know especially other IELTS students if it can help them subscribe as always there are links below to the udemy course if you want to study with me or take online classes with me I would be delighted to be your coach and tutor in the meantime take care enjoy the day see you soon bye bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 135,496
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Keywords: ielts speaking tips for band 9, ielts speaking success, prepare for IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking topics 2020, ielts speaking questions and answers 2020, IELTS Speaking Part 3 tips, IELTS Speaking Part 3, IELTS Speaking Part 3 2020, news ielts, news ielts speaking, news ielts speaking part 3, news ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking news and media, ielts speaking part 3 news and media, news ielts speaking band9, ielts speaking topic news, ielts speaking topics newspaper
Id: -6F1Guqx_h0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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