IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of THE VIRTUAL WORLD

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[Music] hello [Music] and a very very good morning to you all so nice to see you here [Music] happy earth day you're good birthday it's not my birthday not birthday earth day today is earth day april 22nd [Music] ironically our topic today is not about earth it's about the virtual world or the online world we're going to be looking at lots of idioms vocabulary a focus on grammar and also some listing activities and videos lots of fun [Music] so let me take down the music that's brilliant nice to see you here lovely to see you here welcome today to the virtual world which is a rather interesting topic we're going to be looking at lots of interesting things around it before we do though um let's kick off with a little bit of a a little bit of what a little bit of this [Music] hello it's keith from the keith speaking academy on youtube it's english speaking success welcome hey if you don't know my website do go and check it out the address is um lots of resources to help you with your speaking especially for ielts speaking of course but you know one of the best ways to prepare for ielts speaking is to actually just improve your overall general english that's what it's really about so that's why we have lots of different topics to discuss through these live lessons great let's see who's in the house we've got hello it's dr mina from kuwait nice to see you we've got a mohammed shafikul hussain nice sandy pillow ashraf from india khan nice to see you again nabino's here um azad bayat from iran great nice to see you here today from armenia we've got arteong great um who else may mate it a lot of people joining today brilliant hard deep sing today is my ielts speaking test it's your test what are you doing here go to your test hardeep you'll be late listen best of luck i hope it goes well my advice for you is get there early a little bit listen to a bit of english before the test and then just smile and really have a good time it will really help you great so welcome to all of you nice um as i said i mentioned the website right down here the key speaking academy um now first of all let me go through actually what we're going to do today right now i mentioned the virtual world which is true um that is the topic today is the virtual world um so what are we going to do the virtual world actually just means the online world right we talk a lot about virtual reality and you know that world but really it's just the online world but i think it sounds really cool the the virtual world um so what are we going to do we're going to be looking today at some online activities what do people do online um what do you do online what are the virtual activities you do we'll be having a look at grammar which is a bit of a new focus for me i normally focus on vocabulary but i thought today this topic particularly lends itself towards grammar and comparisons we're going to be comparing things right which is better netflix or prime video we're going to find out soon right um we're also beginning going to look at digital humans because in a way all of us are semi-digital humans but we're going to meet some real digital humans as well we'll be doing some listening activities we've got a short video to help you develop your listening skills idioms as well we always have a few idioms and under review we'll be finishing up with kahoot which is that wonderful game to help us at the end come back the virtual world that's what we're on today excellent now then today with the virtual world um just to let you know right a couple of things one is that with the live lessons now i tend to tell people on tuesday what the topic is and send you a link so you can go to the website and do an activity before the live lesson for those of you who are really motivated and keen you can go so what i did and let me show you this that i put this on the community tab in youtube and in the facebook group so i share with you the topic and then the link and quite a few people have done it so this was the the link for today's class right today's class is the virtual world um and you're always going to get a pre-live lesson task right oh that's nice task look how cool is that so there's an introduction here the task here was to fill in the answers here and then people put their comments lots of answers down here so we're going to be looking at a few of these later but look out for that in the future and also be aware that the after the class i take the notes and i put them in the free live lessons area i've changed this a little bit um just to make it in a way easier or faster to use so the last live lesson you can watch you can download or you can read and study the lesson for the previous lessons you just have the link right and the link will take you to that lesson and then when you're there you can download the pdf right so you can still download the pdf you just need to go to the lesson link to get it it just made it a lot easier to organize um the website that way so it can load faster right okay brilliant that's it the other thing to let you know today is um i've a big big thank you to i've got quite a few people who are helping me with moderation moderating the chat box on youtube and facebook one of the main reasons obviously is in the chat box we want to support each other and encourage each other so just to make sure we're giving nice comments supportive comments and also practicing our english of course but i do notice sometimes people put a comment 5 6 7 27 times repeating the same comment what you don't realize is my software doesn't show me all of the comments it shows me one only one so i've asked i'm going to ask the moderators to make sure there are not too many distractions in the chat box so big thank you to you guys for that brilliant good let's um let's kick off let's have a look what was the first thing that we're going to look at about the virtual world oh yes i think i remember online activities right online activities i'm going to show you a video right okay um let me let me move across over here whoa not this one wait a moment this one over here yes um online activities what can we do in the virtual world now remember the virtual world is the online world what can we do i'm going to show you a video and i want you to see how many activities you can spot right how many activities can you spot in this video so just make a comment you can write in the comments how many activities and if you like tell me what the activities are okay brilliant okay let's start with me showing you the video it's quite short let's begin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excellent brilliant great so how many activities did you spot these are all different online activities let's have a little luck look let's have a look what people have said right here we go we've got that three playing badminton badminton i think you mean it's a different game right we've got doing video games right playing video games at the um says it exactly playing pac-man we had great we had shopping absolutely um what else did we have ashraf says online shopping to exactly says literature searching yeah good so literature searching i'm not sure if you mean looking for books or doing research right i literature search um i think that sounds more like research rather than looking for books uh we can also remy says watching youtube absolutely yes information searching searching for information stalking you can stalk people not a good activity but you can ding also talks about trading which may be the same as losing money meow meow very very good presenter we can teach and give feedback that's what i'm doing it wasn't in the video but that's what i'm doing absolutely um we've got connecting with people games research yes facebook of course searches surfing as well now on the number dav deep says nine so who says five some facebook user hello says 12. patricia says eight patricia's not on there where are you there you are you and your friend with britisher says eight alexis saw five edna says thirteen that's interesting right because i didn't get 13 okay i'll tell you the ones that i got the number that i got is over here let me take you off edna just a moment i got online gaming meet people online shopping reading blogs online learning on udemy doing research buying and selling stocks sending emails like business maybe watching films and series tv series listening to music we had spotify was up there reading oh now gambling and attending a funeral were not on there but that was eleven right one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven activities however i added gambling because you can gamble online you can attend a funeral online you can stalk people right um in fact if the truth be known almost anything you can do in the world you can do online so actually our online activities we can do almost anything right i mean i've given a selection here but actually you could do almost anything so i am interested in you guys um what do you do in the virtual world leave me a message tell me what you do in the virtual world let's see kk says he he does online banking we've got somebody call me the tick tock guy so you spend all your time on tick tock i assume right i'm guessing george will study right um viraj i would like oh to play in games that's interesting let me help you a little bit here viraj um i would like to play in fact if you say i would like it means you you don't do it because you're not able to do it right let me leave that in no let me take it off because i think you mean i think you mean i like to play games because if you say i would like to play games it means you don't have time you can't do it but i asked what do you do so your answer should be i like to play games yeah thank you for that that's a great a great learning opportunity for everybody does browsing ashraf a bit of online business um over here i earn money on the internet good for you nice pownish does meetings yep and haseeba does lots of stuff shopping playing chatting listening to music and studying brilliant very very tower does watching films so lots of different online activities right lots of things that you can do excellent now then let me move on to the next bit so i mentioned right um online activities which we've had a look at i am gonna turn my attention to a little bit of grammar and when i say grammar everybody runs out of the room oh no i hate grammar go and get a cup of tea i need to go to the toilet sorry teacher no don't go away this has got to be really easy and clear and really helpful for you right comparisons okay because in ielts speaking you need often to compare things right the difference between a and b one is bigger smaller better larger more expensive um comparing things in the past in the past and the present comparing the present and the future right lots of comparisons that you may have to do in ielts speaking so it's a really important area now on the website the task before today was to fill in some questions and i'm going to give you all the chance to do this now right so let's put you to the test so ielts grammar there are many different ways to compare two things and this is a skill you certainly will need in ielts speaking so let's have a look at some ways of doing this so looking first at comparing online gaming with playing games in the real world right how are they different or similar online gaming and playing games in the real world well i'd like you right to fill in the gaps below using one word for each line so here's a line so one word for each line so number one has one word number two has two words number three has three words there are different possible answers of course but the important thing is to get the grammar right so let's see what how you do just have a look and have a go at this right let's have a look share a few answers we've got hello shakun you're in today great you're not sure you're now deep easier great number one playing games online is easier right yes um others hey why is it not working safer great for number one that's also possible um accolos is better than good all of these are good now then this is interesting right because this one fun right interesting fun is an adjective right playing online games is fun but if i'm comparing right this is a strange one right we would say playing online games is it's more fun than something else now some of you are thinking that's a bit strange isn't it funner this is one of those unusual words that is short but we use more it's more fun right so that could be for number two right good point sarika says easier for number one absolutely could be easier yeah absolutely let's have a look at number two ashraf has got more interesting playing games online is more interesting more interesting perfect very very nice what else have we got for number two ah trang is much better than yes you can say much better than you're emphasizing it's not only better it's much better right not a little better but much better that's nice yes anymore for number two i can't see any more number twos here we go k says playing games online wow okay you're such a good student right you've written out the whole sentence to practice more so you get better and better what a good student nice playing games online is more convenient than playing face to face very nice more convenient good shahood says more exciting i think it could be emuel says it's quite safer it's quite safer hmm it's quite safer it's quite safer it's quite a bit safer it's quite a lot safer that's interesting i'm going to come back to that one when we review these rania says more convenient yep brilliant what about number three anybody got number three right number three is three words whoops three words right anybody on number three right gusafa you have made well done but not well done you've made the mistake that almost everybody makes right and this is the most common mistake because easier means more easy so you cannot say more easier because it's the same thing right you can say much easier but you cannot say much more easier right you can't do that because easier is already more easy right you could if you had a complex word if you had a word with a long word like difficult with three syllables right difficult much more difficult you can say right but don't worry you are not the only one making that mistake it's the most common mistake um says much less intimidating yes we can have more or less intimidating so you'll notice the adjectives here are all long adjectives i'm going to do this intimidating if five syllables so these are all longer adjectives right anybody else on number three oh nobody else on number three maybe i'm missing your comments ah here we go much more interesting yes great sujan very very nice much more convenient says azad good uh be careful with this one ss the boring thing is not a comparison it must be more or less right you want to compare right patricia has fought i'm gonna bring it out because just to show you that everybody falls into the trap with this mistake far more better right better is the same as more good so more more good doesn't work more better is the same thing you can't say more better you can say more expensive more difficult but not more better right so it's far more we have to change your adjective it's far more interesting far more interesting right of course if you want to say better you just say it's much better far better right great thank you patricia for helping us all learn here and finally ann says much more interesting right so if it's much more the last adjective must be a long adjective well done very very very nice let me just go through and explain why let's take the first one let's do it one by one i hate it when that circle comes on i start to panic when the circle comes on um right okay bear with me a moment so playing games online is better than face to face um so remember when we say something is good the comparator comparison is better right if we say something is quick the comparison is quicker right playing games online is quicker than um if we say lonely right the comparison is lonelier than what you'll notice with the uh when we add e r right what you'll notice is that these are all short adjectives normally one syllable possibly two syllables good better it's irregular quick quicker short shorter fast faster lonely lonelier lonely is too but lonelier and notice that the y must change to i right that becomes an i for your writing just so you know that okay so that's that's quite straightforward right what about if it's a long adjective well if it's a long adjective then we come to this bit here playing games online is more expensive than playing face to face so we have we use more with these long adjectives normally three or four or five syllables expensive exciting engaging right normally sometimes with two syllables it takes more but you just have to learn which ones right there's no rule so more expensive great that's brilliant so let me bring those up together you can probably see them together might be better so the first time short adjectives plus er longer adjectives plus more that's straight fairly straightforward now because i gave you two gaps with number two we can also have playing games is much better than playing face to face now here this is what we call emphasis playing games online is better right there are different ways of looking at it playing games online is a little better right a bit better but if you want to emphasize it's much better right it's so much better than we use much it's much better not more better no no no no no no much better right we can also say it's far better or it's way better because the idea of course is much better far is a long distance it's far better way far away is a long distance it's much better much better far better way better those are your three emphasis words right to show it's bigger much bigger better lonelier quicker faster okay so we can say it's much better it's much quicker it's much lonelier it's way quicker far quicker okay and then in number three the last question because you had three gaps this was showing you how to emphasize not just the short adjectives but the longer adjectives so we know the longer adjectives takes more more expensive so if we want to emphasize right um we use much so if it's expensive right this one is five dollars that one is 500 it's much more expensive much more expensive it's much more expensive we can also use far much much far and way much far away it's much more expensive right we can say it's far more expensive or way more expensive right or slightly there's another one here which is just a little slightly more expensive of course you could go the opposite and say less it's much less expensive right the if it's less if it's not more expensive it's less expensive you can go the other way as well right far less expensive way less expensive okay right good i hope that's meant i hope that makes sense let me just check in with you see how you're doing yes so it's much more exciting yes it's much more exciting brilliant more exciting is a longer adjective so let me check with you is this right or wrong it's not right is it right it's not right it's much easier it's much easier okay nice thank you for that it's far more thrilling far more thrilling great much more thrilling way more thrilling great yeah great much more interesting good some adjective with able like enjoyable yep that's a good point so adjectives with able tend to be with more more enjoyable more reliable yes good point far more challenging all of these are great very very nice good okay good i think you're all there yes some good examples what are we talking about we're talking about comparisons at the moment that's nice very very nice um so very quick summary for you and a couple of points very quick summary comparing using short adjectives you add er bigger better longer right comparing using longer adjectives it's more plus the word more expensive if you want to make emphasis you can use way far or much for both of these right for both of them just make that really clear it's farm it's far much for example it's far better way better far more expensive much more expensive so this is the interesting language right this is what i think is interesting because when you're in ielts yes you can say yeah it's bigger it's longer yeah sure but to show off your language oh it's far bigger oh it's way better oh i think it's you know it's it's way more expensive you're really showing some nice rich language when you when you can do this okay finally i noticed a few people talked about prefer when they gave their answers when we're comparing right um we say it's far better than right so playing games online is far better than playing face to face or it's way more expensive than playing face to face however preferable it's two it's a different preposition so a is preferable to be eating fish is preferable to eating meat sophie my digital human told me that or i prefer meat to fish again if you're using prefer you can to compare but be careful it's two i prefer meat to fish i prefer i prefer playing online to playing face to face right so just be a little bit careful with the preposition nice my final word on grammar is i know it's all well and good looking at this seeing the rules but when you speak you'll still make mistakes i know i do not in english but in other languages it's normal how do you improve that the secret is the practice so when you've got a structure like far more expensive make up lots and lots of sentences if you want to improve your writing write them down if you want to improve your speaking speak them out but just speak out sentences right to yourself right you know much more expensive well um shopping in a real shop is much more expensive than shopping online shopping in america is much more expensive than shopping in where in vietnam for example um buying a house is much more expensive than buying a flat um using dollars is much more expensive than using euros right so all i'm doing is i'm actually thinking of real examples but i'm practicing that structure lots of times and like going down the gym if i do this 50 times a day this will get bigger and bigger and stronger it's the same with your mouth and your grammar it will get bigger and bigger and stronger right far stronger way stronger so that's it it's in the practice excellent i need a drink lovely good thank you a shout out to sravya your live sessions are way more interactive thank you very much great uh lovely good good you've got me you've got me oh this is so nice gita your classes are way more beneficial than any other online classes beautiful beautiful grammar yes not beautiful guitar i'm sure gita is beautiful as well but the grammar is beautiful keita right live like good guys let's move on um what's coming next i'm going to share a couple of uh websites or tools with you right we're talking about the virtual world remember yes remember we've talked about virtual comparisons um i'm going to look at digital humans next digital humans now what do i mean by digital humans well people in the online space maybe we're talking about a i as well artificial intelligence robots that people are scientists are creating ai people right digital people who can actually engage with us and speak to us almost like real people but they're not real they're robots or artificial intelligence but they can think and they can challenge and they can ask questions i had a very interesting experience yesterday if you're on the facebook group you can go and see my engagement with sophie who is a ai conversation digital human she calls herself a digital human it's very very interesting let me um share with you let me show you this one bear with me a moment i'm gonna just go and find it okay so digital humans first of all i'll show you this one digital humans digital einstein we're going to look at einstein first do you remember einstein yeah of course you do and all of you have studied at school e equals m c squared theory of relativity i know how to say it but i've i know nothing about it um so here right if you go to that link um you'll find meet one of history's greatest minds look at this one of the brightest minds and biggest personalities in history you can actually talk to einstein or you can go for the more attractive option maybe you can speak to sophie and yesterday i spoke to sophie now i don't know if this is going to work because the connection has to be very good it's not perfect if you want to speak um but look at that interesting right let's chat let's see if i can show you more or less what happens oh come on einstein is busy what's he doing creating a theory of i don't know potatoes hello there it is so great to meet you oh and digital einstein hello einstein i have been built by world leaders in ai technology to put a friendly face between man and machine as a celebration of 100 years since being awarded the nobel peace prize that's right i am particularly excited to have been recreated in a digital format to give people around the world something to smile about come in and test my a brain with questions about albert einstein or all things science and technology well let's type some i also have a fun quiz that you can do every day where shall we start well how big is the earth given that today is earth day earth day it is how big is the earth let's see if he can tell us how big is the earth well i will always encourage others to challenge everything we know about science the earth is most definitely not flat the earth is not flat okay what happens in a black hole but the old black hole question well the laws of physics require that you be both outside the black hole band to a crisp while also inside the black hole alive and well isn't science amazing science is amazing thank you einstein you're amazing i think it's amazing right it's really interesting digital humans you can go and visit that um the link hopefully you can get through the uh through the chat window if not later um after the class you will be able to go and see and download the links in the the documents that we've got um so another interesting tool i'd like to share with you is this podcast if you're into podcasts this one is called the digital human and it's absolutely fascinating um i well worth i strongly recommend it go and have a look let me bring you over here not over here over here einstein i'm gonna take you away excuse me and let's come over to the bbc oh no bear with me so bbc radio 4 the digital human by alex kratosky and this is amazing right it's got all different episodes on our world the virtual world what we do online you know about dreaming online about finding treasure about trolls um stream exploring culture in the digital world digital native monster myths about being monsters exploring sacred thing exploring trust how does trust work online it's absolutely fascinating if you're into podcasts it's and alex is really easy to understand i think she's a bit like me she's i think she's canadian but she's got a beautiful accent that's easy to follow um and some really interesting podcasts there on the digital human there's lots of stuff there but listen for me i think it's well worth checking it out the digital human right good those are just two small tools that you can go and have a look at and go and uh check out i think they're really really nice okay now then what's next from digital humans we're going to move over to a listening skills so i've got a listening activity for you right um to practice your listening skills and you'll be reviewing online virtual vocabulary and the grammar right what about that that's cool isn't it very very virtual the nice okay so let's have a look at um the virtual world first of all i'm going to show you we're going to look at real versus online shopping so real shopping just let's make that clear versus online shopping right first i'd like you to read the script below and see if you can guess the missing words then watch the video and try to fill in the gaps the answers will be at the bottom of the pdf so let me show you the script first right and see if you can fill in the gaps now i realize this is a little bit small but it has to be small to fit on see if you can do that have a look oh come away get out of the way for example for me online shopping and face-to-face shopping are worlds blank what could that be have a look i'll give you a couple of minutes to read through and guess the missing words some interesting answers coming up interesting yes shakun well done for number three nabina not bad for number four that's not bad haseeba number two is good well done oh saurabh yeah number four excellent well done number seven well done nice very nice number four excellent that also is good remember there are different possibilities ah interesting any others oh vina wilson number four that's a nice answer well done as well tao or tau tau in number five spot on nice oh number two remy maria flores not number two think again for number two oh trangler number eight you've got it spot on okay i'll just give you a another minute to have a look and then we'll watch the video and check irene that's good i mean irene mangru bang rocks that's number three that's a great answer nice and tall hue you've got number six right as well well done good wow alice number six that was good well done good answer i hadn't thought of that that's also a good answer there are different possible answers don't be afraid to close your eyes and dream big that's a lovely little handle the doctor number seven oh no be careful with number seven think carefully the doctor okay so listen you've had a chance to read you've had a chance to get some answers some of you got some very very good answers what we're going to do now is actually watch the video and we'll come back and check some possible answers right okay so listen carefully and see if you can hear the answer bear with me of course it's gone to the cloud so you just have to wait a second i love apple thank you so much apple for stealing my video and giving it back for me online shopping and face-to-face shopping are worlds apart right i actually love to shop online because i can access almost anything i want with a click of a button it's a breeze to search for items and it's much more convenient than going to a shop you know i can do it all from the comfort of my home i don't have to worry about the hassle of traveling to a shopping mall going around the busy shops waiting in a queue that said i recognize there's always a bit of a security risk vis-a-vis using online payments right sometimes online sites are hacked and credit card information is stolen but i think most established stores have trustworthy online security systems some say that they are actually way safer than real shops i guess the one thing i do prefer to buy in a brick and mortar shop is clothes right i need to feel the material to see the quality and try them on to to check the size by and large i'm much more at home shopping from home i love that i'm much more at home shopping from a home right okay so very very nice um we can share some of your ideas just one or two of them let me put it back up again anita says for me online shopping and facebook shopping are worlds equal no not equal with a click of a button yes for number two from the kitchen of my home yes i can do it all from the kitchen of my home well that is possible yes it wasn't what i said but it's possible uh i don't have to worry about the need of traveling no the need to travel yes but not the need the need of travelling that's a bit strange and not what i said um what else have we got we've got sarub right online shopping and face-to-face shopping are worlds apart ah right i can access almost anything i want with a click of a button good from the comfort of my home that was number three i don't have to worry about the hassle good some people we had other answers like trouble is also possible but i said hassle trouble cost somebody said cost is also possible number five um that said i recognize there is always a bit of a security risk vis-a-vis this is a nice expression it's a i think a latin expression vis-a-vis meaning regarding vis-a-vis regarding using online payments yes online payments very nice well done thank you uh soohood for number six says um number six sometimes online sites are hacked yes are hacked very very good perfect nice thank you number seven we've got i'll take it up so we can see some say they and they is the online shops are actually way safer that is possible yes as you remember right there are three emphasis words you could use way safer um as anita says far safer possible or anybody else i'm just looking anybody else get the other one yeah it's aha much safer great far way much safer than real shops great well done number eight i guess the one thing i do prefer to buy in a brick and a brick and anybody get it africa i love this a brick and plumber shop that's great it's not correct but it's such creative language i like it thank you ali says mortar right a brick and mortar shop so when we're talking about a real shop it's made of bricks and mortar right the cement that glues it together so the bricks or the stones is the real house a real shop so a brick and mortar shop compared to an online shop well done aliyah yeah now there is in fact you haven't seen it here but there was number nine by and large i am i am what is that right by and large i am i'm not sure if that's right let's go and check did anybody no because it was off the screen by and large i am what would it be by and large i am much more at home or way more or far more i think i said much right i'm much more at home shopping from home like shopping from home is another expression um like uh working from home shopping from home great excellent that's it those are the answers i'm gonna play the video again and you can actually look and listen one more time to develop your listening skills here we go one more time thank you apple for stealing my video and giving it back just in time just in time [Music] for me online shopping uh dear come on keith sort it out get the right position full screen for me online shopping and face-to-face shopping are worlds apart right i actually love to shop online because i can access almost anything i want with a click of a button it's a breeze to search for items and it's much more convenient than going to a shop um you know i can do it all from the comfort of my home i don't have to worry about the hassle of traveling to a shopping mall going around the busy shops waiting in a queue that said i recognize there's always a bit of a security risk vis-a-vis using online payments right sometimes online sites are hacked and credit card information is stolen um but i think most established stores have trustworthy online security systems some say that they are actually way safer than real shops i guess the one thing i do prefer to buy in a brick and mortar shop is clothes right i need to feel the material to see the quality and try them on to to check the size by and large i'm much more at home shopping from home brilliant well done good so listen well done all of you there fantastic job what's happened here oh i know what's happened here that's what's happened here okay so there you are just a final look those are the final answers all the way through i hope that can help you develop a little bit your listening skills um and well done all of you who got lots of the right answers very very good thank you for the summary ashraf adnan thank you those are great and shreya thank you for summarizing that's great el ham sharifi the topic today is the virtual world or the online world sunny sharma good morning to you right so for those of you who are just joining us we've just finished the the listening skills activity we're talking about the virtual world or the online world um now with we're talking about comparing kind of online and face-to-face right what are the differences between online activities and face-to-face activities we've just been talking about shopping right what about learning online right how is online learning different from face-to-face learning right i mean what about you what do you think how is online learning different from face-to-face learning think about the grammar we've been talking about and practicing today tell me what you think what about you how is online learning different from face-to-face learning do not worry the listening was very challenging yeah if this is difficult for you that's absolutely fine really don't worry thanks chitan hello from italy hello yam way you are very late yes catch up oh thanks nandina that's very very nice of you well let's kick off with a few ideas right face-to-face learning is more interactive than online that good very very good learning academy is an online learning academy i think face-to-face learning is more beneficial yeah right absolutely good we've got it is much more affordable beautiful absolutely beautiful it is much more affordable than face-to-face yeah yes face-to-face learning is much more efficient you guys are fantastic nice much more efficient than online learning okay what else have we got the differences mickey says i reckon these two are equally marvelous right very good point actually very good point samir way more convenient ah but which one do you mean online is way more convenient uh uh says individuals or yeah i would say the plural there normally we would say you know people can individuals can learn at their preferred time you mean with online right yeah absolutely now then shashita i'm gonna pick on you in a very positive way thank you very much for this because it gives us the opportunity just to make sure everybody's clear online learning is much more safer safe is a short adjective right so we don't need the more because more is already safer right so it's just safer online learning is much safer right you don't need more thank you shashita that's great because everybody makes this mistake not just you right lovely thank you very much they are poles apart oh that's lovely oh come back i didn't realize i was going to add that to my idioms section that's lovely i did remind me when we get to the idioms that's a really nice one they are poles apart the poles we talk about the uh it's great being in your daughter's bedroom because when you need something it's here the north pole the south pole north pole south pole they are poles apart means you know they're absolute opposites they are very different thanks naomi they are very different polls apart and also thanks to adi that's a great expression like it online learning is much more convenient very nice ruler is a good point right through online learning teachers will not be able to see your body language yeah you can't really see my body language you can see my facial expressions and my facial gestures but you don't get all of the body language and it's in 2d not 3d so it's not quite the same interesting yes saitama says i have less attention span when i do online learning yeah well that's true because face to face the teacher can lean across and say oi listen online i can't touch you right i can't affect you so well good point um anything else shakun says during this pandemic time virtual learning is the only choice we have these days although it's tough to handle online learning as it's challenging sometimes but it is manageable very good point very nice english very good yes alexander says there are less interactions in comparison with face-to-face learning now it's good almost as i do because interactions is a noun right when we talk about nouns so less is with basically less is with um uncountable nouns but with countable nouns you need fewer right it's a very common mistake it's actually a mistake a lot of native speaker native speakers make but interactions is a countable noun so it's few fewer fewer interactions right a small point but good morning all team members men do welcome great shin says we can learn from anywhere it's much more convenient than learning face to face very very nice let's take a last one um samara online learning is safer nowadays compared to going to school physically that's interesting yes interesting that's a whole pandora's box that we could open up there in fact it's a can of worms there's a lot of discussion to unpack but i'm gonna move on from that thank you for your answers really really nice um let's move on what's coming up next i think coming up next is this and this bad absolutely one or two idioms right to talk about the virtual world idioms so poles apart we had right let me like write that one down from adip um they are poles apart that's great because i was struggling actually i was struggling to find some good idioms to talk about to be polls apart and you're like keith we can't see what you're writing i know i know be patient okay here we go idioms talk about the virtual world the following idiomatic expressions can be used to talk about the virtual world okay um they are poles apart when we're saying so two things are very different so i think we can use this to when we're comparing virtual activities and face-to-face activities right online learning and face-to-face learning they are poles apart online shopping face-to-face shopping they are polls apart online gaming right playing football online and playing real football they're poles apart right they're pulls apart i'm going to make it a contraction because when we speak we use contractions much more than when we're writing in ielts writing you probably want to write they are right don't use contractions in your writing but in speaking yes use contractions they are poles apart another one buying online is a pain in the neck um that basically means not enjoyable now those of you who are familiar with this will have lots of variations right so pain this is your neck and there's a pain there's a pain in your neck means it's not enjoyable you don't like it we can also talk about a pain in the ass pain in the bum um different i'm pointing down yeah body language you see it doesn't work buying online is a pain in the neck right not enjoyable it's easier said than done this is kind of idiomatic it's not exactly it's easier to say this than to do it right so people say well you know learning online it's easy at a click of a button you can learn with keith well it's easier said than done right it's not so easy because you need an internet connection you need a computer um you need silence a quiet place you need a good speaker you need earphones it's easier said than done right basically it's not as easy as you think you know people say ah teaching online it's easy it's easier said than done my friend another one it's worlds apart right um and this is exactly the same as the first one up here it's worlds apart which i thought was interesting because we're talking about the virtual world anyway um it's worlds apart or they are worlds let's do they i think that's better they are worlds apart to be worlds apart the idea of the world over here if you think about the the think about the planets yeah think about i haven't got a solar system come on why haven't i got a solar system somewhere but you've got earth mars venus saturn the planets or the earths or the worlds are very far away they're worlds apart very very different you get the idea and it's a different ball game again i'm going to put these up here because they all mean the same these mean they are very different okay let's just tidy it up so these all mean they are very different they are poles apart they're worlds apart it's a different ball game and this comes from um you know football cricket rugby they are very very different but here it's idiomatic right learning online and learning face to face it's a different ball game right idiomatic we're not talking about balls but or ball games we can also say it's a far cry from it means it's very very different but these are not so maybe i don't know shopping online it's a far cry from shopping face to face it's a far cry cry from ah oy hello like shout but cry right you must use the word cry it's a far cry from you may use that for example if you say well somebody told me about this fantastic film and i went to see the film but it's a far cry from what i expected right i expected a great film actually it was rubbish it was a far cry from what i expected the quality of the meat in my butcher garnish miguel is a far cry from the meat in the supermarket it's very very different it could be positive it could be negative right in this case it's positive good so any uh where are you guys coming come and join me any other idioms that may be useful here let's have a look yeah you've got lots of ideas still on the online learning great oh so many comments pain in the neck it's a far cry from what i expected yeah that's a really common expression that's really good brilliant sanchelly great student she's practicing already yes reading ebooks is far cry just remember the ah it's a far cry from reading hard copies very very nice any other idiom oh idris good question won't it be there a different ball game no it's singular right it's singular it's a different ball game the reason is poles right there's two worlds there's two but when we say it's a different ball game it's one you're referring to one of them so you're talking about online learning and face-to-face learning it's a you say online learning is a different ball game singular right that's why it's a singular so you're taking one of the things to compare and just focus on that one it's a great question though yeah idris it's a p oh it's a piece of cake yes you could say it's a piece of cake it's easy yeah it's easy costs a fortune it's expensive yep um anything else related to this okay yes this one aliyah it's a completely different animal yeah we do say that it's a completely different beast or a completely different animal aries has got it panned out differently from what i anticipated that's very nice to pan out is to turn out or to result in something different yep we've got using a computer is a far cry from creating a program yes it is very good example very very nice excellent good okay right guys there's a few more comments i haven't got any more idioms at the moment but what i will do is later we can have a quick look at the chat and pick out the idioms and add them to the worksheet okay so the worksheet remember after the class maybe two or three hours after the class you can go to the website and you can pick up the worksheet from the website all you have to do is go to the live lessons section and i'll just show you just so that you don't forget when you go to the website go to the free live lessons and there in about three or four hours you'll be able to download the latest live lesson last week it was friends of course today is the virtual world and this is where you can download it and you can get all the past lessons down here right you just need to click on the lesson and that takes you to the lesson and you can download most of the most of the resources it is true i had to change and update a lot of the pdfs so i'm still updating them so if you can't find a pdf don't worry i am updating them and i will get them back online as soon as i can okay great good let's move on um i think it's time well what is it time for let's see we've had idioms what's after idioms oh it's kahoot time we're ready for the review i'm going to review some of the vocabulary that we've looked at today and we're going to have a look at um different some of the expressions we've used today and review them with kahoot the game so can i uh that's so cool i love this the virtual world let's do our review with kahoot now if you're new to kahoot is a game you will need to participate on a different website you need to go to in a moment and there you can start playing the game with me with us together just let me get the game set up so i'm going to ask you four questions you have a multiple choice a b c and d choose the right answer and see if you can win the competition win the game uh where are we in the virtual world it's dead easy to do right you just go to choose a name choose a nickname put in the pin number i'll give you the pin number in a moment you can download the app actually kahoot have an app if you want to do it on your phone might be easier and then we can do it so listen let me let me share this with you and you can see get ready to join so go to look for the pin no don't look add add the pin number one eight nine nine nine nine zero so the pin the game pin is one eight nine nine nine nine zero you have to choose a funny name to participate and it's a just let me make that clearer there we go brilliant so we've got people who are joining i'll just give you a few moments to to join up [Music] nice music eh [Music] great good [Music] so how many people have got we've got 180 people you're telling us your name so minhas is noble dove giving falcon pandora's box great okay guys i think we've got nearly everybody in don't worry if you can't get in um you can put your answer in the comments box as well that's absolutely fine okay right we've got 200 people in brilliant let's start the game the virtual world online shopping is blank cheaper than shopping in real shops online shopping is blank cheaper than shopping in real shops let's see come on guys this was the most common mistake everybody makes oh yeah caught a few people out but we got 99 with much absolutely much cheaper okay remember you can't have more with a short adjective cheap cheaper you can't say more cheaper right that's just the same thing much cheaper 99 people got it right well done let's see where the leaderboard is top so the the one with the right answer and the quickest was the red mouse interestingly there's a swift snail right behind you let's go to question number two this movie blank more interesting than the book this movie is sorry this movie is blank or interesting than the book sorry there's a typo this movie is blank interesting than the book nacelle well done neko mango well done ooh format well done yeah that was a bit easier i think yes way 141 it's way more interesting than the book well done rash meet and chinello and black gold flecks nice let's check the lead a bit the leader board oh there's a silly shark silly shark come on silly shark has come into first place with a space turtle interestingly on earth day has come into second question number three it's a far blank from what i expected now then come on guys it's a far blank from what i expected 10 seconds left well done kismet alma well done well done irene nice oh that's nice to see 139 got it it's a far cry from what i expected really nice expression well done a lot of you got that right where are we city shark is still up there followed by the space per turtle number four last question i work from home so i do blank working oh this is a tricky one i don't think we've seen this one actually i work from home so i do blank working kitchen is not an option this is tricky but let's see subhash well done ashraf nice yes anisha good this was tricky but you did really well yes very well remote working right remote working we don't really say distance working now you can talk about distance learning yes distance learning that's a collocation but the collocation here is remote working right working from home remote working well done lots of you got that right that's nice let's see then who was the final winner silly shark so that means it was the agile penguin who was very agile actually came out of the blue to steal the show from the sharks and the turtles well done penguin turning nature upside down like it very good excellent very very nice so well done all of you well done for paying attention and practicing and getting better and better using these different grammar expressions i'll just turn down the music a little bit um as i said remember the secret is in the practice just keep practicing don't just learn the rule you must practice if you want to improve your writing write out sentences if you want to improve your speaking speak out sentences make up phrases which are true for you all right it's a far cry i don't know the um the the the the the what the beaches in santander are much better than in england they are a far cry from the beaches in england right just make up sentences and practice using the expressions great i hope we're going to finish up here today i hope you enjoyed the class um if you enjoyed the live lesson do remember i've got two online courses there's a fluency for ielts speaking that um can help build up your fluency it's a grammar-based course actually so each unit focuses on a different aspect of grammar there are 16 grammar points that we go through the essentials you need for ielts speaking and you practice and practice and practice with me through the course through a recording it's not live it's recorded so that's a great course fluency for ielts speaking if you want a complete ielts preparation course for ielts speaking with not only kind of fluency but language vocabulary tips strategies model answers then ielts dancing ielts speaking success might be the course for you right the all the links you can find on my website you can find on the videos in the the links from the videos or in the notes so at the end of the day if you want to go to keith speaking academy later today you can find the notes from today and links to the the courses if you're interested if they help you if not that's fine absolutely great okay let's take that if you're here on youtube do remember to subscribe to youtube turn on that notification button to find out about my upcoming videos i go live every thursday 10 o'clock central european time um and saturdays i publish a recorded video and the recorded video on saturday what's the recorded video on saturday about because i made it on monday i can't even remember great i've got a blank i've drawn a blank i'm like i'm in the test boom can't remember oh yes i do remember what it is now it's different ways of saying i don't know right very often in english we say i don't know i don't know don't say i don't know there are different ways you can say i don't know i'm going to show you on the video on saturday this coming saturday that's it thank you very very much all of you for joining me i hope you've enjoyed it i hope you're learning lots um and i will see you soon enjoy the day enjoy your study take care my friends see you soon bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 38,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking topics, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking technology topic, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts technology speaking, ielts technology vocabulary, ielts technology speaking questions, talk about technology in ielts speaking, technology ielts speaking, technology ielts speaking topic, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking 2021
Id: T6Sc3FgtZHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 26sec (5546 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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