IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of SOCIAL MEDIA

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[Music] right good morning everybody nice to see you it's keith from the keith speaking academy good to see you here thank you for joining me and if you're on youtube well it's english speaking success great we're going to turn that off as we move in welcome today we're going to be looking at the exciting topic of well social media lots of interesting stuff lots of great language idioms debates some listening activities all of that coming right after well right after this [Music] hello there good morning nice to see you how are you doing really that's great i'm doing fine as well well really exciting to be joining you today on this really thrilling topic of social media all about social media and you right so um what we're going to do let me show you actually what we're going to have a look at today social media and new that's the topic right these are the things we're going to look at we're going to look at do you like how i coordinate this and this artistic design right we're going to look at some posting i'm going to ask you to post on a special wall i've set up for today so we can actually see social media in action in addition we'll be looking at some kind of interesting vocabulary to talk about social media and we'll have a debate actually on the pros and cons the advantages and disadvantages the benefits and the drawbacks the positives and the negatives the good points and the bad points of social media because it's quite a controversial topic right great after that we've got a listening task we're gonna do lots of listening practice today i'll really um you know put you on the hot spot or on the hot seat and see how you do then we've got a few idioms right i wonder if you know this idiom it rubs some p wrong way i wonder if you know that it's an interesting idiom right i'm going to explain that a little later and that's it that's everything we've got going on today all of that social media and new now i've got a little note here that says your sound is a bit strange why have i got echo use echo cancellation right i see that's why that's happening should be okay um let's see who is in the house who is here we've got adityan good day good evening to you tahira good morning uh ho chakbar from uzbekistan nice to see you here um hey from red woo fatty amini nice to see you as well rav at d hello everybody hello you we ola from poland great to see you here as well um shoot how good morning nika fd good morning as well i do like your little logo i wonder if you are a company or are you a person who knows great ajian ajayin gupta it's a great topic today it certainly is ajian it's a great one and really i think it's interesting because there's a lot of controversy and debate around social media all sorts of stuff that we're going to look at today i've got a quick shout out i do get some emails from different people and i got one the other day it was a very nice email from cecile and she said hi keith good day i am your avid follower lovely language cecile avid follower right um i took the ielts exam and on my second attempt it's got the target speaking band hurray i purchased your udemy course watched almost all of your youtube videos and attended some of your live lessons i just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart you have helped a lot of introverts like myself believe in our english and be confident in the speaking test if i haven't found your videos and watch them i wouldn't have made it god bless you and continue to a blessing to everyone thank you very much cecile i think that's very very interesting i think it's interesting the first that you mentioned introverts shy people timid people a lot of people do feel very timid when coming to speaking in a foreign language me included i am although you may not think so i am a big big introvert right um i spend more time on my own than i do socializing with people um but great i'm delighted i can help people and also it's interesting you said you did the udemy course the watch the youtube videos as well as the live lessons and that's great because some people ask me um is youtube enough are the live lessons enough it's never enough learning a language the more you can do the better right don't limit yourself to say well i'll just learn these five topics no the more you can do the better you're going to get so i think the sealers have got a great idea come to the live lessons join the course go to the website um watch the youtube videos do as much as you can really it's going to be a big big help for you for ielts not just for preparing but for actually becoming a better english speaker which i hope all of you are going to do or on the process of doing lovely good what else have we got um a bit of news just to let you know um as you probably know i mentioned there the udemy course right i've got this course on udemy which is to prepare for ielts speaking um i'm actually gonna also put this course on another platform um just to make it more accessible so more people can find it um so i'm also gonna put it on a platform called teachable which is a different platform it's exactly the same course it will just be in future on two platforms on udemy and teachable same price same course same me um just to let you know that's probably in a couple of weeks time i'll be putting it on another platform as well you can still get it on udemy right of course it stays there but it will just be growing on another platform great ielts speaking success go and check it out by the way for those of you who are on youtube do remember subscribe to the to the channel english speaking success and also turn on notifications to find out about upcoming videos that i've got coming um excellent how are you doing everybody i always want to come and check in make sure that everybody's okay hello from cambridge in the uk hatties hello nice to see you there ashukula from afghanistan great to see you here sir today reid quark khawar is joining for the first time great good nice to see you here brilliant the more the merrier absolutely okay guys we're going to move on um claudia says her exam is approaching don't worry claudia you will be absolutely fine i'm sure so social media right interesting topic um let me bring you over here i was looking at the the definition of social media and i discovered there are two things that we talk about social media and social networking and i thought they were the same to be honest but apparently there is a bit of a difference it turns out social media are because it's plural right medium singular media plural however that said in spoken english we use it both as a plural and as a singular right a lot of people say well my favorite social media is facebook now according to the latin it's plural and it should be plural but we do use it as a singular noun as well right so you can say my favorite social media is facebook but strictly speaking media here should be plural so social media are great primarily internet-based tools so they're the tools right for sharing and discussing so social media can include also google docs um drop share things like that as well as facebook twitter and all of those social networking comes up a lot on the internet and it says it's more an act of engagement so it's more the activity of using social media right interesting to be honest most people like me even native speakers look at them very much the same and we use them very much the same so do remember right ielts is not a test of your technical knowledge um it is just a test of your spoken english so don't worry too much about that right brilliant um i'm looking at your comments rahila says i'm watching with interest and i bet right i bet today there's a lot of people who are i.t engineers social media experts marketing experts who are going to be not attacking me but keeping me on my toes to make sure that i'm using accurate information i'm by far you know i'm by no means an expert i really don't know a lot about it but i know enough english to talk about it right let's have a look then it's well oh a quick question then for all of you guys right what do you use social media for i did ask the facebook group yesterday um and here are some things you may use it for chatting with friends sharing things meeting people being part of a group playing games are you noticing actually all of these should be with the gerund right it would be better sharing meeting people being part of a group identity that comes up as a key thing in research with social media the need to belong to a group and to to mold or create your identity right interesting we'll talk more about that playing games of course whether it's fortnite candy crush or whatever um studying of course that's what you're doing here for entertainment for business so here that would be good to change it to four because we say four f for business for marketing get that nice f right we very rarely say four because that sounds like four we say for entertainment for business for marketing um so i'm interested guys what do you use social media for let's have a look let's put up a few ideas right wajida says learning new languages excellent hatties says social media are nice good for chatting with friends great scarlett get the news yep or getting the news tahira attract attention yeah interesting yes hanoi searching new things searching searching for right searching for new things let me just help you a little bit hanoi thank you very much searching for new things um good we've got prague entertainment sharing things and meeting new people all of those right nice good checking news yep good or checking checking news or checking the news i think if you're talking about checking news or information from family yes checking news if you're talking about the bbc voice of america or the guardian checking the news right checking the news is more that kind of you know news from websites and newspapers checking the news great all right hi michael good expert you i'm not an expert far from it my friend harinder says entertainment claudia claudia you're the one who says your exams coming right good i use them mainly to get to know more friends and stay in contact with nice collocation stay in contact with other people with whom i share interests claudia your writing is beautiful very nice with whom i share interest very good like it um hat is we've got already socializing with friends great so lots of different things for marketing right i'm interested to know those of you who are marketing with an e haddish marketing let me give you a little hand i know it's because you're writing so fast right that's the only reason i wonder what you guys are marketing i'd be interested but trisha says looking at keith hello keith on facebook so i do spend some time on facebook but to be honest i don't spend a lot of time on facebook um i am not a big fan of social media i mean i use it for learning and teaching absolutely and for business for you know growing my channels if you like um but personally i rarely post on facebook you know and if you follow me personally it's a waste of time because i don't do very much i do use whatsapp with family that's true because it's private right we like that private group i'm not a big fan of putting my life out there i'm not really a vlogger i don't think i would ever be a vlogger like that i don't think so no great so let's move on ah this is interesting right before we look at vocabulary um i'm going to have a look at i'm going to have a look at this with you because i said right we start on social media i'm going to ask you let me just click let me just click post on my wall i'm going to show you my wall i've created a wall okay um i've created a special wall to look like social media um and what i'm gonna do is gonna share the link with you we've got the moderators guys thank you very much who will put the link into the youtube and facebook page and group and i want you to go there in a moment and have a look at the wall and post something right let me show you how you can do it so the link guys if you can post the link those the the e-moderators this is the uh the linoit l-i-n-o-i-t link that would be great stop spamming guys whoever's spamming stop spamming right i can't see all the comments but um so listen if you can go to the wall right you will see something like this i hope yes you'll see something like this it's a cork board right and basically if i can show myself over here i'm super small um here welcome to the wall so what you do right when you go on here um is if you just click on a yellow paper it pulls up and you can just type i am keith for example um i'm i'm keith and i'm from [Music] manchester in the uk and then a question right let's what's your favorite food with british spelling please what's your favorite food and then you can change the font size if you want to make it bigger you don't need to make it too big let's just make it medium size um you can change the color if you want but i think the black looks best um you can add things but just it's absolutely fine and then just post right and it will appear as if by magic and you can move it around right you can also move the cork board around it's actually quite a big board um if you look down in the bottom corner over here it shows you where you are um so if we get a lot of posts and i'd like you just to go in and go and post something right if that's it let me check if the links have gone in hopefully the links have gone in guys if the moderators are in there and have put the links let's just do a quick check and then let's see if people can start posting stuff bear with me a moment we're loading up right so this is the link let's double check if it's going in is it coming up in the links coming up it will take it might take you a while and i'm wondering if you need to sign in oh dear let's double check let's double check bear with me you may need to size definitely free but you may you shouldn't sign in but you may need to oh no look we're there we're there people are in fantastic brilliant let me bring it up dun dun oh come on come on why would it come up i can see all of your comments here [Music] okay website's not me you don't want me do you let's take me away let me try and find you that's strange why is it not showing up there it is there it is welcome to keith's walk east wall has disappeared right we've got lots of interesting stuff here hello i'm alfonso from the philippines we're waiting for writing classes hui from vietnam uh hello keith this is ali from iran sylvia's there lots of people you guys when you're in there you can actually move um you can move your post-it so you can move around the board you can post them down here as well right so you don't post on top of other people excellent great so that's brilliant you're posting some things we're going to come back to that very very shortly thank you for your patience right you can keep posting but we're going to kick on and we're going to move forward next looking at some vocabulary so when it comes to vocabulary um ielts speaking i'm going to have a look at some different words patricia i'm going to take you off for the mo we're going to look at some common vocabulary we need when we're talking about social media okay so to begin with to go viral if we say something goes viral or it's a video that goes viral it means basically it becomes very popular and it spreads so viral comes from virus and a virus spreads as we all know that it spreads very quickly so to go viral is to spread quickly um and here in social media of course we're talking about videos or posts basically okay so that's to go viral now to scroll i'm sure all of you know this right um when you scroll on social media so you have your phone right and when you scroll you're going up or down you can scroll down or scroll up to swipe is when you go left and right so you're swiping left and right for some reason we use these words with social media it's interesting with screens right so it's to move up and down on a screen and to swipe is to move left and right on a screen okay to swipe of course originally to swipe is when you foom when you hit somebody or you fool you have a swipe at somebody that's originally but here on social media moving left or right on a screen a vlogger is as i mentioned people who put their life on video so from the moment they wake up to the moment they go to bed you can see their life on video so basically it's a person sharing their life their personal life on video personal life and ideas i guess it's a vlogger v for video blogger with a ba is is you know is person sharing their personal life through writing but this is through video now a meme uh the meme so blogger let me just make that clear somebody's asked what's a blogger then a blogger is a person sharing their personal life by writing by writing a blog that's why it's called a blogger of course so notice there is a very small difference there right sorry so a meme yeah a meme is something funny now i i used to think a meme was something funny so who said that somebody said that can i find you something funny it was meme is something funny yes and i thought it's the same but it's interesting right because according to the dictionary it has a slightly different meaning um let me come up with you oh wait a minute sorry [Music] let's have a look here meme if i show you it says here right a meme is an idea behavior or style that spreads by means of imitation so it's not just something funny it's an idea a behavior or style that spreads by means of imitation from person to person very interesting right um and of course these are examples of memes they are funny pictures but when you think about it they are ideas or behaviors or something cultural being spread from person to person right so that's a meme very interesting i mean so what can we say a funny way a funny way to spread ideas and behavior maybe it's just a funny picture it's easier right a funny picture normally often with writing on as well great cyber bullying let's move up cyber bullying well that's just bullying so a bully is to bully as a verb to bully is to attack and intimidate and humiliate somebody um so to attack and in timmy dates that's to make them feel very small but on the internet that's cyber bullying a big issue and a big problem nowadays bullying in schools yes cyberbullying on the internet and the kind of people who do cyberbullying are trolls right now trolls is a bit of a wider meaning if we have a look at the word troll right and you've probably seen you've probably seen the the video right this is a troll actually it's a horrible monster the troll is a real bad monster and there's a film right trolls which has lots of little pink nice friendly monsters suddenly the trolls are very very friendly um but an actual troll there you go don't they look great but an actual troll is not so friendly i mean look at this guy over here they look horrible and that is the meaning really of a troll if we look carefully is an ugly creature but trolling on the internet oh an internet slang it says here a troll is a person here we go a troll is a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the internet by posting inflammatory inflammatory posts right so it's a person who flames others and upsets other people right interesting interesting so a troll um someone who flames and upsets other people on the internet [Music] to flame by the way if you don't know to flame to flame is to write in capital letters right so if i write who are you if i write like this on the internet it's very offensive and very negative because it looks like you're shouting who are you you idiot that's what it looks like right so be very careful when you're you're typing and writing on the internet or in emails because capital letters is recognized as flaming and flaming is going to upset the other person so be very careful with that don't flame people just write normally that's a troll um we can talk about an influencer obviously it's a person who influences others on the internet so people out who have huge following on youtube channels on instagram and you know they sell like the kardashians right they're big influencers and they can sell their cosmetic lines or or they can actually people will listen to them and pay attention to them because they have influence fishing right fishing pronounced like fishing catching your fish but on the internet right slightly slightly different slightly different let's go back let's have a look at fishing let's pull up fishing and see what it says for us if i just nip over here i think it's like im pretending to be somebody else to steal their information look you can see in the picture it is a kind of fishing floor data and fishing for somebody's information it's a cyber crime nice word in which a target are contacted by email by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals to give sensitive data and basically you know they're going to steal your id banking credit card and passwords right so people uh pretending to be somebody else and stealing basically that's what it is right fishing interesting why it's got ph i don't know why it uses ph but this pronunciations like fishing i think it literally from catching fish you're catching the credit card data data from other people right so that's phishing is um imposting or imposing let's say pretending to be someone else so you can steal someone's hello the neighbors are drilling so you can steal someone's uh id personal info for example fishing great guys how are we doing i've been ignoring you can you record this live video yes it's been recorded and you'll get it very very soon brilliant um so we've got ah claudia follow different vloggers very good meme funny short video from simran good and how is influencer there you go i think we've just answered that one influencer somebody who has influence foreign says cyber bullying refers to the misuse of information technology with the intention to harass others yeah that's also cyber bullying it tends to be stressing the harassment of people yeah absolutely misuse of information yeah maybe you you spread lies about that person or things that are not true cyber bullying is a crime as well yep absolutely what else have we got charity says to offend and humiliate so talking here about bullying cyber bullying schreyer says cyber bullying is a serious crime and victims should ask for help absolutely absolutely true yeah ziad says trolling increased recently especially when people were in quarantine they just spent time online yeah people are spending more and more time online very very true so there's more of it great some people here for the first time excellent yeah absolutely anything else social media streaming let's move on to streaming right um so streaming is basically where you sorry ziad let's take you off streaming is where you can uh well let's get this right it's where you send out information like a video in real time and it continues to be sent out so you can keep on watching it so we're streaming now right yes and everyone's going complicated keith yes absolutely very complicated let's bring in good old google to find out what it says about streaming it's interesting because i know obviously like you and me we probably know the main meaning but it's interesting how um google gives us a different slant streaming is an alternative to file downloading a process in which the end user obtains the entire file for the content before watching it or listening to it right great chaos stream it's all in spanish into the continuous transmission of audio video files the media file is being played and it's being stored remotely wow okay listen the continuous transmission of audio or video files that is good enough for me at the moment i think that will do let's put that in there streaming that will do for the moment and you experts can get a better definition as i'm talking it does kind of mean live it means live yes your class maria says sorry madzie says your class is now being streamed live joshua says sharing something live to the audience in audios or videos yes yes mesut says streaming is a flowing day data in or data in any type right good excellent right data privacy keeping your data your data or personal information private thank goodness for co writing correct a spelling corrector makes it so much quicker brilliant okay excellent so we've looked there quite a lot of different vocabulary we're going to move on right from vocabulary and we're going to have a drink of water bum right good what's next social media debate and discussion okay guys um so i'm going to ask you first of all here with social media what are the pros of social media right i mean the advantages let's make it clear in your opinion let me know in the comment below what do you think are the pros or the advantages of social media and that gives me time to have a cup of another cup of tea have a look let's see let's have a look i'm just gonna have a look at something just while we're doing that i want to try and fix my sound problem why is it doing that that's a bit strange oh dear that might be a problem later but not to worry right guys let's have a look the the advantages social media sayantana says we can communicate globally at the same time great bro he says we can keep touch ah not keep touch but keep in touch right right keep in touch keep in touch with family nice good uh we've got also eddie who says checking the news quickly yeah especially things like twitter right great for checking the news quickly um trang says lost a lot of time right now more than that's interesting trying and thank you for this because normally we can say to lose time right but normally when we're talking about um [Music] the internet and not making good use of time we say to waste lots of time to waste time right not really to lose time but to waste waste lots of time um lose time is where for example you're you're doing an activity let's say you're preparing a meeting you've got half an hour to prepare and you spend 20 minutes chatting with your friends or you lose a lot of time because you've only got 10 minutes left you've lost a lot of time but where you're using your time in a bad way it's to waste time i know what you're thinking it has a very similar meaning right very similar meaning but waste time for example you know playing games instead of learning english playing games instead of listening carefully to your family that might be a waste of time right okay great what else have we got yeah poonam says buying and selling products through social media we can that's right nowadays we can even buy and sell products through social media um it's become a bit of a one-stop shop you can do everything yep kahina says keep the contact this is great because these are all very very common mistakes rather than the um keep contacts so we would say um kahina normally keep contact with our friends or keep in keep in contact do you remember keep in touch keep in contact right both of those nice on facebook it works as a connector between people yep barbie l says easy and fast communication all very good and this is the one that i have from jessica it's the same for me communicate with family members from abroad yes communicate with family members you know that's a very student thing to say in england and america we tend to say members of our family right we don't really say family members i think that's something a lot of students say members of our family or members of my family yes but great very good thank you jessica um similar to keeping in touch stay up to date all of these are great right so let me just write down a couple of things if i can keep in touch with family faily come on what are you doing keep in touch with family can i just change that ever so slightly oh it's just off out of reach there it is thank you so much keep in touch with family uh keep in contact with da da da da keep up to date with da da da da great and that can be family or the news for example keep up to date with the news family etc etc right this is interesting from subha to earn knowledge and awareness i don't think you mean earn i think you mean learn and if you don't you should because the collocation should be to learn knowledge right or to gain knowledge i'm going to put to gain knowledge i think that's a bit better to gain knowledge um to learn new things yeah brilliant to gain knowledge what else have we got acquire knowledge harshev says to acquire knowledge that's nice gain acquire get excuse me gain acquire get knowledge and information around the world brilliant nice very good uh for royals and says we can develop our business yes develop a business exactly yeah build a brand as i said build a brand or build influence nice collocations build a brand build influence thank you uh for rosanne great okay those are the problems right all good things that you've been talking about however what about the cons let's have a look what are the cons and by the cons of course i mean the disadvantages what are the disadvantages leave me a comment let's find out learning okay great these are all very very good ah somebody's asked about cue cards let me come back to cue cards in a moment i thought that would come up to attend my classes yes right okay let's have a look fear says it can be addictive yeah i'm going to write these up as we go because absolutely right it can be addictive lord else yeah wasting time waste of time or wasting time actually that's a really good collocation i like it wasting time waste off time or wasting time wasting of time wasting time wasting time yes great logan says waste too much time on it on it very good nice use of the the the preposition increase time maybe maybe time consuming that's good let's put that as well it's time consuming a waste of time it's time consuming what else it's convenient well yes false news yep false news um we often call that fake news or incorrect information yeah you never know the reliability of the source if it's shared on social media you never know if it's going to be true or not right geezer says sorry um bombarded information from divya yep bombarded information nice good easily distracted yeah that's one of the big problems right it easily distracts us i've got a frog in my throat again people are distracted that's nice actually nice um use of the passive good what else there are intellectual property violations yeah good intellectual property violations absolutely that is also a problem health issues i guess yes connected to well health and mental health issues right all of those are problems so it can lead to mental health issues yeah absolutely as well as possibly physical health but definitely mental health yeah a lot of those brilliant lots of ideas i like this yes the internet is a time sink yes like the water going down the sink and disappearing it certainly is right it's a rabbit's hole don't go down that rabbit hole you'll end up wasting a lot a lot of time brilliant good so we talked about the pros we've talked about the cons i'm just going to share with you a picture over here um and just talk a little bit about this with you let me share actually not that picture i wanted to share this picture with you right social media pros and cons some of the pros are in blue right you can use social media to get recruited a lot of organizations and companies are using your facebook they're looking at your facebook feed or your instagram feed when they recruit you now negatively it can also have a bad impact if you've got lots of photos of you um naked running around the streets drunk then you're not going to get recruited but you can set a positive image you can connect with others we've talked about that you can educate and get educated so not only gaining knowledge and learning but you can also educate others and i don't just mean as a teacher i mean like me but anybody can educate other people because the sharing of knowledge is how we learn right you can get different opinions yes and no the different opinions uh yes because you're exposed to lots of people around the world so yes it's true you can meet people from iran afghanistan from india from australia from canada and all these different opinions and cultures it's really interesting but that said the algorithm of social media means that you're fed the same stuff again and again so once you start following somebody who believes a all of the posts you start to see are related and other people who believe the same thing so if you start following posts on fake news suddenly you're getting lots of information about fake news because the algorithm is giving you what you like what it thinks you like so actually your your vision becomes very very narrow right and if you go and watch the um oh what was it called the film the social the social dilemma was it called i mean it explains the algorithm is making our lives very narrow and very very limited because it's feeding us like food the same stuff again and again and again so i think that's interesting i think it's a yes and no getting different opinions yes and no make a name for yourself at the top then yes if you want to build a brand build a business the negatives we've talked a bit about cyber bullying related to gossiping right people gossip even in private groups like in what's up thing have you seen what jack's been doing recently gossip gossip stalking is when you follow somebody um especially a celebrity and you uh well you follow them and you harass them basically because you don't leave them alone fake identity predators these are these are the trolls we talked about earlier and the danger of getting hacked of course getting hacked is a big issue or a potential issue as well right absolutely okay interesting now then let's go and have a quick look let me bring that where are you there you are welcome back you're like i didn't go anywhere keith i know okay so let's have a quick look i want to have a go back and have a quick look at the wall i created at the start of this lesson and i want you to take a moment to go back to that wall and to write an answer to a question there were lots of questions on that wall oh my god the wall has gone crazy um the wall is nearly full and let's see i want you to go and write a question let me show you the wall this is crazy i hope you can see it right here's the wall hey keith you're a top-notch teacher you're a top-notch student that's great hi keith what is your best idea for spending a vacation i can't move you across can i move you across here we go my best idea for spending a vacation um well is to go walking in the mountains make yourself a little picnic some sandwiches and hot soup and go up into the mountains get some fresh air for like a week that's my idea of a great vacation we've got dr apurva from it from london where he's in london in the uk great hail the keith krishna from india got 7.5 because of your classes that's great thank you very much but you haven't asked a question any questions i'd like you to go in and now ask a question right can you type a question and you can answer other people's questions as well tirim from pakistan great cherry from tuqministan dong from vietnam are there any football fans here come on guys i'm afraid i am not a football fan but i do watch manu once in a while keith post let me put that right down there under your there's my answer dung great fancy from hong kong it's an interesting activity we can just see you over here please give some tips to break my not monotonous way of speaking well use practice intonation sweaty [Music] different types of international say a sentence like you are happy then sad then uh angry and so on there you go there's my answer swathi i'll just move this down for you if i can so try saying a sentence like you're happy and then sad and then angry right so you kind of say oh i don't like football i don't like football oh i don't like football i don't like football change your intonation changing your emotion can help change your intonation stuff like that great up on the wall who else is here keith i cannot find some of the pdfs where can i find them yes i have been very very slow i apologize i am updating them but i've been doing it very slowly because i've been putting the the course on the teachable website but i am doing it soon yes great hi sir what's your favorite cuisine have you ever tried indian food how come on of course of course yes i love chicken chicken madras and also biryani but i don't know how you spell biryani beer how do you spell biryani oh no i'm not sure how you spell biryani bear with me bear with me oh no no no no no oh no what's happened oh come on right as i don't know how to spell biryani ignore spelling i'm going to change it to kim address and also um yo oh rogan josh lam especially lamb but i'm a big fan of vegetables actually i also like vegetable hello what's happened hello i tell you what we're having some fun and games with technology today aren't we some real fun and games let's try again no come on website yes current application yes so why is it not showing there it is so yes i love chicken madras and also lamb rogan josh how to study a word efficiently well that's a good question how to study a word efficiently then the way to do that is to um practice it in well to see it and practice it in different contexts look for it in different media so for example try and find it in listening in writing and then practice in at least four sentences that's just a very quick answer if you like right look for it in different media and then practice in at least four sentences so guys listen i'm going to leave you to answer each other's question this board will stay up at least for the next week you can go in you can go and read you can answer each other's question this is very messy social media right because facebook it just goes down there's a stream that goes down like the uh the sink the time sink it the you scroll up and you go down the feed this is a very messy social media interesting right now i think it's time that we had a look at uh well we've looked at posting let's have a look we've looked at vocabulary right we've done the debate pros and cons listening task i think it's time for a listening task so this listening task is i actually posted on the website um the keith speaking academy if you've not been to the website guys do go and check it out there's lots of great stuff there the right you can go check out lots of information but on the tuesday before the live lesson i always now i always post a question or a task and you have to go in there and try and do the task right um so what i did is i posted this question now then can i find it wait a minute ah dear i'm having a terrible day with technology absolutely i posted a question but let me just show you the question damn okay the all of the stuff on the website by the way just to let you know as well that when you um when you finish hang on bear with me i'm going to just do something i'm going to show you the website so when i finish when we finish the class today you can go to the website the keyspeaking academy right which is over here and if you go to the top to the free live lessons that bit up there then you will be able to find the latest live lesson which you can download or you can click and study and then if you want past live lessons you can go down here and find all different past live lessons um and click on them and then when you go there you can download the pdf here directly this was just easier to do and this is the pdfs are being updated so they're not all here but i am doing those now so there's a page to there's an ielts speaking lesson about social media and on that page what i did is i had a look at some questions i posted some questions and let me show you the questions i posted and i asked you to guess what the missing word or words are so this is one word here there are two words um have a quick look guys and see if you can guess what the missing words are and then in a moment we will do the listening see if you can guess thanks moderators for posting the the website right that's great right let's start sharing number one users ah interesting uh or accounts somebody says possibly good interesting i won't tell you the answer yet subscriber says kahina maybe uh guys what about number two number two stevenson says tick tock uh number three people have said saloni says number three accounts social media active social it's but it's two words so yes it would be it would be if it were correct media accounts right um viewers interesting number four waste of time is the waste of time possibly any other ideas um number two alexandra says tick tock the new kid on the block tick tock sounds good right number four perfect the perfect time we spend could be it could be yes it could be what else have we got anyone for number five vloggers for number two that's interesting that's interesting number three could be consumption not sure about that maybe number three might be users has anybody got number five no because it's covered come on keith wake up right users instagram media dong kang users instagram instagram ah the new kid on the block instagram yeah new but not that new okay interesting lots and lots of uh suggested ideas there but nobody has number five that's interesting come on guys nobody has number five shakun has come in with a people negative if i can get your message of people feel social media has a negative effect amandeep also says users feel social media has a negative effect or says the same fear says the same this is going to surprise you population positive claudia being controversial good paola says use as a negative okay very very interesting a final one from arpita which i think is interesting social media users has a psychological effect brilliant so guys what i'm going to do is we're going to play and you're going to listen and as you listen try and find the answer okay now then this is where i'm worried about the sound because this annoying message has been there i want to swipe the message well let's try you tell me if the sound is bad right just give me a message in the comments but let's try social media social media is not only here to stay it's a growing phenomenon with new platforms cropping up every year an old favorite facebook has just under 2.5 billion users whilst the relatively new kid on the block tick tock has just 500 million there are an incredible 3.6 billion active social media users that's about half the world's population how much time do we spend glued to screens well 74 percent of facebook users check their feed every day and spend an average of 35 minutes a day there but that's just facebook in fact our addiction to social media goes much deeper it seems we are scrolling posting using social media platforms for an average of three hours per day it seems crazy but people worldwide now watch one billion hours of youtube videos every single day social media goes beyond entertainment it seems to be coming a one-stop shop for all our daily needs including keeping in touch with friends and family getting news sharing ideas and even shopping let's look at the impact of social media on young people many users are teens and in a recent survey in the usa 81 of teenagers said social media was having a positive effect on their lives so despite the parental worries of trolling body image and fomo many teens feel more connected to friends and think social media actually exposes them to different viewpoints so that's social media what about you how do you feel about social media right yeah the sound is good okay great we'll come back to the question of how do you feel but nice well done so you've got a lot of those answers correct not all of them from guessing but when you listen i think you've got all the answers you've picked them all out i'm just going to do a very quick summary and they're going to use saurabh because he said number one 2.5 billion facebook users yes number two the new kid on the block is the new fashionable person right or company uh tick tock very good 3.6 active social media users there were two words good number four although we spend i think it was 35 minutes on facebook we spend three hours a day is the average time on social media and then number five yes it was teenagers and positive 81 of teenagers feel social media has a positive effect this is true right it's very very interesting most of us thought it was going to be negative um but when we listen we discover that it's positive okay thanks for that summary saurabh and thank you for everybody else i see a lot of you have got the right answer when you do it so i think this is interesting right from two points of view interesting from an information point of view about the changing face of social media how popular it's becoming and how we are spending so much time there but also interesting from an ielts listening point of view right um i think it's a great strategy when you're listening to to do the following right as soon as you see the topic or the the list of questions is to scan very quickly and to start thinking about what's the topic what's it gonna be about and then start thinking about vocabulary you know you know we looked at vocabulary so if you think you know and if you see that the topic very quickly you go oh this is social media then your head should be thinking troll influencer data protection data privacy um keeping in touch the different vocabulary we saw like today right cyber bullying connecting with people all of these vocabulary words and collocations you want to be activating as quickly as you can because that is going to prepare you for the listening and then if you have time also is then to be looking at the gaps and guessing this is not just for ielts this is for any exam or in fact real life is just to start looking and guessing what it might be because then again you're getting potential possible words user account subscriber follower right all of these words are coming up and then finally when you finally listen you're so alert and ready subscriber user account oh user boom you catch the word right because you're already prepared with options and then it's so much easier to catch the right word the more you can practice like this the better really do lots of practice think about the topic get the vocabulary guess the missing words and then listen and listen actively as you're listening right brilliant that's really good i am to play this one more time for you and as we play i'm going to scroll scroll scroll up um we've filled in the gaps we've done that we've got the answers we've done the answers right users tick-tock media users average teenagers positive what i'm going to do now is just for you to listen again it's more practice and we're going to focus on some more things as we listen gonna focus on more language and information okay so let's just listen one more time listen carefully and have a look for some interesting language as we listen okay let's play social media social media is not only here to stay it's a growing phenomenon with new platforms cropping up every year an old favorite facebook has just under 2.5 billion users whilst the relatively new kid on the block tick tock has just 500 million there are an incredible 3.6 billion active social media users that's about half the world's population how much time do we spend glued to screens well 74 of facebook users check their feed every day and spend an average of 35 minutes a day there but that's just facebook in fact our addiction to social media goes much deeper it seems we are scrolling posting using social media platforms for an average of three hours per day it seems crazy but people worldwide now watch one billion hours of youtube videos every single day social media goes beyond entertainment it seems to be coming a one-stop shop for all our daily needs including keeping in touch with friends and family getting news sharing ideas and even shopping let's look at the impact of social media on young people many users are teens and in a recent survey in the usa 81 percent of teenagers said social media was having a positive effect on their lives so despite the parental worries of trolling body image and fomo many teens feel more connected to friends and think social media actually exposes them to different viewpoints so that's social media what about you how do you feel about social media right well done you've picked up i'm just going to go back because you picked up on some really interesting language that that came up here right um you talked about sophia talked about cropping up a few of you mentioned that right new platforms cropping up every year which just means whoops which just means appearing right appearing every year let me just change that great cropping up um rtm talked about glue to screens i'm just going to highlight actually new kid on the block that's another expression glued to screens and spend time is also a collocation right spread time glue to screens which basically means um stuck to or watching a lot the screens right great that was nice we also had addiction 2 from tam more expressions check your feed check their feed or check your feed on social media our addiction 2 well spotted tam right addiction 2 really really good other words scrolling posting all of these useful words for social media what else did we have one stop shop deepak talked about a one-stop shop it's become a one-stop shop a one-stop shop of course is a place where you get everything you need doesn't have to be a shop that where you buy things but just a place where you get everything you need um so because on social media you can get the news speak to your family make friends buy things it's a one-stop shop right you stop in one place and you get everything very common nice expression getting news right look out for these collocations always look for the two words that go together collocations are so important um positive effect negative effect again great collocation um trolling body image so this idea of com of comparing your body you see all these great um photos of strong beautiful muscular people and you think look at me oh dear and you feel bad because of your body image so again really important words fomo i think a lot of you know fomo because we talked about it in the facebook group um yeah mary mentions fomo fear of missing out which is on social media that idea that you think other people's lives are much more interesting and that yours is a bit boring and you fear that you're missing out everybody else has got champagne sunshine holidays in facebook and you think oh look at me i'm stuck at home fear of missing out fomo anyway great listen that's it that's the listening good activity well i don't know if it's a good activity i think it's a good way for you to practice listening do lots and lots of it right fantastic brilliant um i've just noticed the time but i'm gonna rush forward because i would also like after doing that today i would still like to do what there's one thing left right two things left idioms let's have a quick look at some idioms before we finish up today um if you need to go of course then of course you have to go please do but if you can stay then we're going to look at some idioms about social media let's have a look together let me come over here idioms to talk about social media i'm going to go through these and then we can also look if you've got any others you can add uh is asking for for code keith is 65 years old oy mp i am not 65 years old i'm going to tell you the truth i am 53 right still a young chicken my friend okay idioms hooked on right now we talked about being addicted to but you can get hooked on but just notice the preposition is different you can get hooked on social media which means you can get addicted to social media it rubs somebody up the wrong way right and this mean it's this means it annoys or irritates you irritates you it annoys or irritates that person right so for example you know i do use facebook but i'm not a big fan it rubs me up the wrong way it just irritates me because it takes up so much time and i can never find the post that i'm looking for and i don't know how to navigate it it rubs me up the wrong way right it just irritates me or annoys me and here i don't like everything about it but i put up with it put up with is to tolerate and still still use but i'm not very happy about it right so it just means to tolerate [Music] to tolerate something you know sometimes sometimes i feel that our flat is too small um but you know i put up with it it's not a big problem i tolerate it it's okay i put up with it now social media is great for spreading the word or getting the word out and this is to give a message to other people to remember the memes right the memes is a way of sharing a message information or behavior in a funny way um so memes are great for spreading the word so it just means to to to tell your message to everybody um getting the word out so giving a message to people or information giving information or a message basically that is spreading the word spreading like butter on the toast spread the word around get the word out you'll notice in these idioms there's a lot of phrasal verbs right phrasal verbs yes very good a couple of comments idioms are great way to use the speaking test yes they are a nice question tag by the way yes they are a great way to to use just make sure you're confident you understand them practice them lots before you use them in the test yes getting the word out means sharing the message exactly exactly very very good okay can we say young hen yes you can yes yes you can okay paula absolutely spot on powders are one of our moderators by the way let's create your own sentences from new idioms great idea love it nice please do keep practicing it makes rich language it makes language rich absolutely so let me carry on great we've got spreading the word tik-tok has really taken off it's all the rage so to take off is like the airplane the airplane takes off but when a business takes off a business becomes successful right so to take off is to become successful and it's all the rage just means it's fashionable it's very actually it's very fashionable great become fashion become successful so it's taken off instagram is instagram reels have taken off um youtube shorts have not taken off they're not all the rage really i don't think and finally sorry not finally jump on the bandwagon is to follow a fashem that just means to follow a fashion fashion um so of course when months ago when tick-tock was all the rage everybody jumped on the bandwagon everybody started watching and doing funny dances on tiktok not me i didn't jump on the bandwagon but when a new platform becomes popular everyone jumps on the bandwagon uh yes clubhouse right has become all the rage lots of people are jumping on the bandwagon jumping on the bandwagon has a slightly negative feeling to it right it's slightly negative because it means that you're following other people without thinking so it can be a little bit negative not too much but a little bit you know when you say oh everybody's jumping on the bandwagon with clubhouse it probably means that you are not right you think they're all just following fashion so it's a little bit negative um and finally i like to while away the hours scrolling on instagram yeah so it's a while away the hours is to spend time in a relaxed way spend time in a relaxed way i like to while away the hours watching tv i've been whiling away the hours watching money heist recently series three and four but some people like to while away the hours scrolling on instagram right great so um okay this is interesting how it says i took off on the exam which was held yesterday ah now then um it's a it's a non-transitive verb so something takes off you can't say i took off but you can say the business took off or the event took off but you can't say i took off that's great amid that is really good because by practicing and trying you can get feedback and then get better and better that is the only way to get better so i love mistakes mistakes are a great way for us to learn so that's really good um nice thank you very much there was another question here fear says can we say she's a she's a type of person who likes to jump on the bandwagon she's the type of person she's the type of person yes yes you can absolutely yes tick tock is banned in india ah well yes indeed annabelle i spent hours whiling away on the beach last sunday i spent annabelle right i spent if it was last sunday or maybe it's every sunday annabelle maybe you're so lucky you while away the hours every sunday okay sergey star despite almost all my friends jumping on the bandwagon with tick-tock i've been whiling away watching keith brilliant i've been wiling away whiling away the hours right you need something whiling away the hours brilliant i love it that's nice despite almost all my friends jumping on the bandwagon i've been whiling away the days whiling away the hours whiling away the afternoons some kind of time element there brilliant that's great now i realize it's a little bit late um there are some useful idioms there to talk about social media i am going to finish up with a quick look at kahoot kahoot is a quick review for everybody if you can stay an extra five minutes we can do the kahoot and we'll just review some of the language we've looked at today to help get it hardwired in your head as well okay so guys bear with me just give me two ticks to get to find my kahoot if you don't know what kahoot is then you will need to go over here you need to go to this website in a moment um and join not join go to the website put in the game pin which i will give you in a moment and we're going to play the game together so you'll need to have two websites open if you're on a laptop you can get the app there's an app kahoot app which might be easier or you can just go have two windows open go between the two windows so we've got social media um you need to put in the pin which i'm going to give you now as well as let me put this as well as what as well as your name as well uh right okay let me share this with you ready to join so there's the pin guys the pin you're looking for is eight eight three six eight one six eight eight three six 6816 and you should be able to get in don't worry if you can't get in you can just put your answers in the comments the same that's it oh my god i love cahoots great that's great helen says it's really hard to put up with all the work pressure i know what you mean a nice sentence tao says keith's channel is really taking off that is a very good sentence thank you very much but yes it's it's a good good practice eight eight three six eight one six great some lovely practice there i'm liking it a lot we've got 173 let me just give you a few seconds mary says i'm in but it seems not barack good luck with your ig account i hope it can take off okay let's um let's start social media this video is really taking off i think it will go blank this video is really taking off i think it will go blank well done well done dennis wow look at that we've got 135 people got viral very very good a few people chose vaccine no the vaccine is what's going to help us with the covid but i think the video will go viral right excellent well done guys let's move on who's at the top i'm not sure how to pronounce it um i think and kaput is second some great names all right next question number two facebook has 2.5 billion active blank facebook has 2.5 billion active blank this should be a piece of cake well done garnett well done tran wow look at that fantastic 176 that i think is the best answer we've ever had great so um is still at the top and is second and kaput has moved down to third let's move in next question i don't like social media it rubs me up the wrong blank i don't like social media it rubs me up the wrong blank well done 77 well done [Music] well done my little library well done one four four people got it right excellent very very good this is you're doing really well today nice it rubs me up the wrong way of course meaning that it irritates me or annoys me way is holding strong interesting kaput has gone second come on third great let's move on the last question which is the odd word out which means which is different which word has a different meaning or which phrase has a different meaning which is the odd one out uh wow wow wow 142 this is unprecedented i've never seen such good results such amazing students well done free from right all the others mean addicted to hooked on obsessed with means you're all addictive addicted to something more or less here we go okay put i've got a feeling it's gonna be indeed it is well done very very well done right at the top nice oh great guys i'm very impressed well done with that i'm very impressed on how well you did getting all the right answers those are some of the best results we've ever had unbelievable very very nice so listen um first of all just to remind you right um in a few hours you can go to the website um the key speaking academy and find from the free live lessons you can download the materials from today's lesson i will just show you very quickly again where that is so you know where to go i think i can show you bear with me it's over here no no it's not what a day what a day keith speaking academy all you need to do later in about two or three hours is just click on the free live lessons up here and then you can download the latest lesson that will be there so do um do do that brilliant also just to let you know if you want to find out more the um the course i've got ielts speaking success you can get information from the website um and you can go also get from the links below this video when this video is recorded in about 20 30 minutes there are links on the video to the the course as well if you're interested if it's right for you if you've got the exam coming up in the coming months um brilliant that's it what else just to let you know on saturday so if you are on youtube right subscribe and turn on notifications so you can find out about saturday's video on saturday i'm releasing a video which is all about comparing and contrasting right in ielts speaking we often have to compare a and b compare things compare people compare activities or places and even in part three we need to compare ideas right on the one hand we've got this but also a video comparing and contrasting i think you will like it that's coming up on saturday um so look out for that in the meantime keep on studying keep on practicing if your exam is coming up soon best of luck break a leg i hope it goes really well um and i look forward to seeing you here again same play same place same time same place thank you so much for joining me right take care everybody all the best now bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 107,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, free ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking common topics, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts listening, technology ielts speaking, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking practice, social media ielts, social media ielts speaking, social media ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking topic social media
Id: ENwsM3-T598
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 55sec (6055 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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