IELTS Live Speaking Practice Session - NEW TOPICS: Art & Money

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hello everybody it's nice of you to join me today i don't know where you are in the world in fact into the chat can you just tell me where you are i'll be so interested uh canada uh iran russia qatar nigeria bahrain panama india philippines indonesia uzbekistan somebody's from mars which is good it's probably our first student from mars so that's nice to see you hope it's not too hot over in mars at the moment kurdistan new zealand uk oh my god there's lots of people there's lots of countries in the world and you're all here and that's totally cool all right i was a little bit late so let's just cut to the chase and get started okay and of course i killed my presentation so let me bring that up what we're going to do today is look at ielts speaking and we're going to do some live practice that is i'm going to pick a few of you out of the audience to actually do some speaking part one it's part two and some part three as well and i'm going to provide you with some feedback and hopefully everybody listening in will be able to benefit from that and see what you're doing well and what you're not doing well and how you can improve so on test day you get a high score because at the end of the day that's what it's all about right so let me share my screen with you and we'll get started i have to share my audio i think yes cool all right cool let's get started so what we're going to do specifically in today's class is i'm going to give you a bit of a broad and brief overview of ielts speaking you probably already know what happens then we're going to look at speaking part one and we'll do a little open mic i'll get two people to do some part one questions then we'll do part two we'll do the same thing part three we'll do the same thing we'll do a little q a and this might take about an hour hour and a half to get through so let's get started so broadly what happens in ielts speaking well the whole thing goes for between 11 and 14 minutes which is not a very long period of time there are three parts which i just briefly mentioned it's actually one-on-one with an examiner it is marked by the person you are speaking to on test day it is not marked by a computer the three parts are like this the first part i refer to as small talk because it's pretty much just small talk part two is where it starts to get pretty challenging i find i'm not going to say i don't like it but i'll say part two is challenging because you have to speak for two minutes and do a monologue mono one that is one person that's you speaking for up to two minutes then in part three you have a discussion which i find much easier than part two but it's a much more philosophical deeper discussion where you really get to express yourself and expand your vocabulary and do wonderful things with your language okay importantly how are you scored in ielts speaking you're scored on well it's actually not four criteria because if you look closely at it number one has two parts fluency and coherence i'll talk about these in a second what that actually means vocabulary range and accuracy so there's almost two parts to vocab there same with grammar it's not just grammatical accuracy you're also scored on your grammatical range or the variability of your grammar how many different sentence structures and verb tenses and modal verbs and conditionals and things like that that you can put in in a natural sounding way not forced and pronunciation and pronunciation in itself is a very complicated uh aspect of speaking it involves many different elements which we've touched on right now so what happens on test day is while you're doing the speaking the examiner is going to be writing things down don't pay too much attention to what they're writing down you have no idea if they're writing that was amazing or that was terrible it doesn't matter but what they're doing is marking you against this thing here that you see on your screen these are called the public ban descriptors this is all the linguistic jargon about where you score from zero to nine okay put simply fluency and coherence which account for 25 percent of your score mean that you speak effortlessly or with very little effort nobody really speaks effortlessly it's always a little bit of a strain and a challenge and there's hesitations and pausing etc but some people speak more effortlessly than others that your ideas and the way you speak is connected that is your sentences are connected and your ideas are well developed now just notice here in fluency and coherence that you are not scored for speaking on topic and we'll get to that a little bit later on the right hand side of that you'll see vocabulary this is worth 25 percent of your mark as well and as i mentioned you have to be precise with the words you choose okay so you're choosing the right word at the right time to make the right meaning and also your vocabulary your vocabulary needs to be varied that is you don't want to be repetitious with your vocab okay you want to try and use a broad range of vocabulary when you're speaking about specific topics and when we think about vocabulary we're not thinking just about single words we're thinking about phrases and collocations and perhaps some idioms and things like this as well related to specific topics down on the bottom left you'll see grammar everybody's favorite friend 25 again it has to be accurate that is if you're talking about uh plurality more than one you'll say glasses and you use plural nouns so you have to get your grammar accurate the verb tenses the right preposition the plural noun etc and also it has to be varied so you can't just answer in short simple sentences you need to use some longer sentences you might um i don't know we'll certainly hear people speaking today and i'll talk about i'll give them feedback on their grammar the other aspect which i mentioned which is also worth 25 is pronunciation that is clarity of your speech that is how well you're able to articulate all of the sounds of english okay one thing you'll need to be mindful of is how much your first language interferes with the clarity of the sounds of english that you make okay so it's totally fine to have an accent your accent is wonderful it's beautiful everybody loves accents but does your accent actually interfere or impact with the clarity of your english pronunciation that's one thing to consider emphasis okay so you do want to use word stress and sentence stress correctly stressed properly is word stress in particular and i'm looking at you people from south india who don't have word stress in your first language connected speech that is that you're able to put the word here link up your sentences in a in a in a way where they're connected actually uh we just launched a video actually on our e2 school youtube channel which you might want to check out on connected speech the last thing is pausing of course you're allowed to pause because we pause to create meaning okay so pausing is important this is how you're scored this is how i will score you if you get the chance to speak today okay cool and just before i move on if you do go to it's our new website there is a pronunciation course there which you can check out if you do need to build your pronunciation skills cool bananas so check out for speaking a cool speaking course okay let's imagine it is test day you're sitting in the waiting room hopefully you're not feeling too nervous but if you are that's totally expected your hands will be sweaty your heart will be racing so be it it's only going to be 11 to 14 minutes of your life you can do this so you'll somebody will come and get you from the room they'll say they'll read out your name you'll walk with the examiner to another little room you'll sit down and then you'll do the id check in which case the examiner will say my name is whatever my name is jay could you tell me your full name and you're just just this is not a part this is not assessed and so you'll just say your full name okay and then they'll ask you can you tell me where you're from and again you just say i'm from australia i'm from india i'm from canada whatever then they'll say can i see your id please and this is where you think oh my god did i leave my passport at home hopefully not then you'll hand over your passport they'll record some details and then all of this is not assessed then you move into the first part of the exam and it's pretty simple let's call it small talk but if you need help with your ielts like more than just small talk if you're concerned about your ielts score do check out that's where all of the methods lessons live classes practice questions etc are at cool so the examiner in part one will ask you 12 questions on three different topics there'll be questions about yourself your life and your country such as do you live in a big city or a small town did you play sport as a child etc here is a list of possible part one topics these are from sort of general english work study hometown weather transport tv sport shopping reading pets newspapers neighbors not the tv show music hobbies family friends evenings dictionaries that's a weird one daily routines computers clothes childhood birthdays art happiness going out food or flowers why not let's talk about flowers okay these are some possible topics that you will see now one of the things that you should be learning prior to your ielts test are the e2 language methods which are very powerful they work for speaking they work for writing they work for reading and listening as well so with this one it's pretty straightforward in part one you're going to give a short response of a few sentences okay you are certainly not extending out your responses you're just answering in about 10 to 15 seconds on each question what you need to do is give your opinion maybe provide a detail or details perhaps you can give a contrast for example with flowers you could say well my grandmother really likes red roses but for me personally i like daisies i don't know there's a contrast compare the past to the present when i was younger i used to like azaleas i don't know but now i actually really like daffodils or you can compare the present to the future who knows what i'll like in the future when i'm old and give reasons as well so these are some ways to expand upon your speaking to increase your score cool right let's do it i'm going to pick someone from the crowd here let me remember how to do this participants i need to click there i need to click on attendees um holy mo if i don't choose you i'm really sorry but there's 609 people um 609 people so let me just find somebody here okay all right emma lark has uh his or her exam tomorrow so let's do that hello emma lock hello hello how are you i'm good how are you nice to have you where are you calling from i'm from india nice which part uh new delhi new delhi oh cool okay i was there recently actually how interesting all right um i'm gonna skip the really simple questions usually in this part of the exam the examiner will ask you you know do you live in a house or an apartment or something like that let's skip that let's let's jump to the slightly more complex questions which i've forgotten to put in so let's talk about whether you live in a house or an apartment so i'm a luck let actually let me do the examiner thing here now in this first part i'd like to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about where you live do you live in a house or an apartment so i live in a house i've been living since my childhood and i have been attached to it okay good that was a fine length of time by the way so what's the favorite room in your house amalak my favorite room is uh close to the balcony my room is adjacent to it i love it because it has all these beautiful windows with itself and i can have a good look of the view through it would you like to move to a different house in the future amaluk uh since i've been living here since my childhood i have been grown attached to it and i do not prefer to move outside it but if i go to some different country i definitely might consider to shift to a different house good all right that's that's fine there i'm like i'll get to the stop um okay a few a few bits of feedback there first of all nice length responses there not too long i think you you did really well you didn't go on for too long if you do go on for too long in the exam the exam examiner will say thank you and just get you to stop but there's nothing wrong with that um it was good i felt like you tried to uh you tried to include some interesting language some adjectives you talked about the balcony the windows etc so you did exercise some vocabulary range there which was good um i couldn't i couldn't pick up any grammatical errors it was some phrase that you said which was a little bit strange which was i am attached to it but maybe that's just my understanding as the examiner because attached couldn't have those two meanings there but um good that was fine uh cool thanks very much i'm a lock uh you have your exam tomorrow is that right yes well i wish you all the very best with that please let us know how you go okay thank you for picking me no worries thank you okay okay cool uh i don't think we need to do any more of part one we're going to skip to part two because that's where the rubber hits the road so let me share my screen again and we'll start talking about this more challenging aspect of the test cool but i think amalek did well there just short clean responses a bit of descriptive language tried to exercise some vocabulary accurate grammar that's as good as it gets okay here we go in part two i'm going to skip that advertisement in part two you are given a task card okay and you have one minute to prepare then you have two minutes to speak while you're preparing you can take notes in fact they give you a pen or a pencil and a piece of paper to take notes on that particular task card which is critical sometimes after the little two-minute monologue you'll get one or two follow-up questions okay so the task card might look something like this this one says describe a teacher who has impressed you you should say who he or she is how you first met him or her why you were impressed and explain how you feel about this teacher now so they give you that they say you have one minute to prepare you'll sit there here's the question what do you do in the preparation time my experience of having taken this exam five times is that that one minute flashes by very quickly and there's very little thinking that you can actually do especially if you're under pressure what i do when i'm doing this is i simply write down the names of one two or possibly three teachers from my past okay or as we'll talk about a teacher that i would like to have in the future so the first person that comes to my mind is my primary school teacher who is my friend's mom so i'd write that one down right and then i'd think okay what's another who's another teacher who's another teacher okay there was one recently with that university degree that i did he was a great teacher i'll write his name down and then i think okay future who would i like to learn from in the future i'll write that person's name down that's as good as it gets i think you write basically three ideas down this is how i approach it anyway so what's the method then the method that i like we call ppf or past present future because i'm going to tell two or three different stories about different people here okay one from the past one from the recent present and one from the hypothetical future okay or i could talk about one particular teacher and talk about them in the past and perhaps talk about them in the present now maybe i bumped into them recently or something like that or perhaps i watched somebody on youtube years ago and then i've watched them recently so it doesn't have to be three separate people you can't actually just divide up the time with the single person why do we do this why do we use ppf well first of all it's going to force you to vary your grammar because if you are talking about someone from the past naturally you're going to use past tense verbs your language will work like that and if you're talking about someone from the recent present naturally you'll be talking in the present perfect and if you're talking about someone in the hypothetical future you'll be talking about would could might wouldn't it be nice etc using modal verbs or conditionals things like this so it varies up your grammar but i think for me more importantly what it does is uh it allows me to continue speaking and i don't get stuck and i don't go round and round in circles that's one method another method is the traditional method this is where you just simply follow the prompts on the card here you certainly can in ppf also follow the prompts but here you start with a short introduction maybe you say something like in my life i've had many fantastic teachers i've been extremely lucky i didn't have the best education i didn't go to the best schools but certainly people from school and also people that i've met in my life have been great teachers to me okay so i've just made up some sort of introduction then i'll start to focus on the particular teacher and talk about who she is when i first met her why i was impressed et cetera okay anyway these are two different methods i think leading up to your test you should practice both and choose the one that you prefer okay just before we actually do the practice here are the possible topics for part two so you can categorize the different topics like this you might talk about a person a place a physical object an abstract object or a time okay and if you look at a person maybe it's an old person a young person a famous person a particular occupation like a doctor or an engineer if your family maybe what teenagers do now a place a fun place maybe your task card will ask you about a crowded place an interesting place like a museum the countryside versus the city a social place a house a different country a physical object you might have to talk about a book a film a gift a device like i don't know a camera a business i've definitely had that question before being asked about a particular business an abstract object like a website the weather is that abstract anyway profession goals or dreams language holiday environment you might also be asked to talk about a time a particular time or a particular memory that you have about being happy or sad or bored or excited or pleased or disappointed where you've needed help or asked for advice been given good news lost something found something learned something or remembered something okay so you can see it starts to get a little bit more complicated than part two sorry then part one okay cool let's practice um we want to uh first of all i just want you to practice by yourself and then i'll select a couple of people so i'm going to disappear you have let's pretend i'm doing it i'm the examiner i hand you the role play the task card i hand you a pencil and a piece of paper and say you have one minute to prepare and then you'll have two minutes to speak i'm going to disappear start preparing now okay you can begin speaking thank you so one thing just to note is that ielts speaking examiners will never say good or um even okay all they're allowed to say to you is thank you because they're not allowed to indicate to you if you're doing well or not well etc right so uh cool now that's kind of hard right it's kind of hard to just keep going and remain speaking about a single topic for two minutes and make it interesting and coherent and have good fluency and varied vocabulary etc so just let's have a look at this again again this is how you're scored just self-evaluate for a second here and just for fun let's pop it into the chat what's your score out of ielts 9 based on the criteria give yourself a score for your performance then moses 8.5 nice work okay what do we got what do we got what have we got nisha 7 simon 6.5 ayat 7 samurai 7.5 kazi five jug preach seven umara eight wouldn't it be lovely if you could just simply score yourself in ielts that's never gonna happen cool let's do it which one of you brave souls wants to actually perform this live let me stop screen sharing and let me also remember how to do this again moses considering your first let me find you moses miller okay let me find you moses there you are hello moses sorry say something again it sounds like a mouse [Music] all right moses i'm not sure what's going on there but your your thing's a little funny it sounds a bit squeaky i'm gonna select somebody else sorry no why does it do this all right all right sorry i've got this this happened last time when i try and click on the thing it flashes and i can't click it let me just see if i can alright got it i just had to be quick all right and it didn't okay good all right let me find somebody else let me find somebody else benjamin benjamin benjamin benjamin there's benjamin benjamin hello hello yes fantastic that's nice and clear yeah terrific thank you all right where are you calling from benjamin i'm from the netherlands ah wow are you there now or are you in another country yeah i'm there right now okay what time is it there oh it's uh 11 about 12 o'clock 11. okay terrific yes now what i'm going to do is i need to share my screen again with you all right i hope you've got some nice uh something to say about art if you can talk about dutch hearts yeah i would try my best all right rock and roll so i'm going to disappear i'm going to give you two minutes benjamin and away you go thank you my first work of art assault is architecture i know many people don't because they consider architecture as in a work of art but the first time i saw it i was about yeah i was around 10 years old and my father was building a house yeah right there then i fell in love with architecture and i considered it myself and not uh yeah the first thing also it's yeah it's uh very complicated to understand you have to yeah it has meaning behind behind it and the more you look in in in the art of architecture the more you understand like every single thing on the architecture project has the same as a meaning and right after that moment i fell in love with architecture uh uh by myself i'm uh i'm i'm going to study architecture it's what i've yeah it's one of my goals in life i don't know much about it because i've not yet started the study of it but so far what i know is that without architecture yeah the the world will be much boring because every everywhere you go different cities different countries the first thing you notice is architecture yeah that's that that's one of the reason i found architecture work of art because and that is something you have desire for something you like something you look at and feel amused thank you thank you cool all right i've got some feedback for you there benjamin um thank you actually before i give you feedback can you just tell me how do you feel about your performance there i feel like i got stuck in the went around of it repeating the same sentences over and over yeah it's i think that's the biggest problem in this section of the test is just simply running out of ideas you run out of ideas run out of language and you get back to the same and this is not my yeah this is not my past yeah like it's it's art i'm not such an art person gotcha fair enough i think um your choice of topic was good though because architecture could be considered art that's perfectly uh fine choice there so i'll give you some feedback here um okay was it effortless yes you didn't seem to be hesitating looking for language so i feel like you have the you have the vocabulary and the grammar which is good um yeah connected with your ideas connected this is where you'd probably fall down because i think you're right you're sort of a bit repetitive you went back you sort of stopped and then you had to drag some other old ideas back up um so if it wasn't very well developed i give you a good score on uh precision of vocabulary and i'd give you a reasonably good score on the variety of vocabulary but probably a bit too repetitious um but that's again it was an idea problem not really a language problem uh grammar i i think grammatically it was fine i've got no issues with grammar pronunciation um you've got a few issues there um architecture um i think you're sort of hitting his architecture i couldn't quite get that one uh yeah that's probably because uh yeah different languages in in dutch language it's more architected this uh gotcha kind of mix yeah yeah well that that's that this is a problem for people whose language is actually close to english is like oh which which is the correct one yeah exactly there was a a pretty strong pronunciation issue with the th sound so something something yours sounds a bit like some thing like an f sound oh okay a little bit so i'm going to note that yeah that's an important one cool but um i commend you on your bravery well done what i recommend you do um while you're preparing is try out that ppf method so instead of just choosing the one topic running out of ideas and therefore running out of language once you exhaust an idea yeah okay you've talked about architecture you've run out of ideas at about the one minute mark then have another idea written down that you can switch to like maybe you'll talk then about painting or something like that okay i think you'll find that we'll boost your score okay thank you very much jake no worries thanks for that yeah it helped me so far thank you okay cool um all right that was interesting cool uh let's let's um hold on one second charles what's the time there 9 40 9 40. all right let's push on we're going to change topics now uh we're going to do another topic so let me share my screen and do it they're with me and all this crazy technology let's practice another one all right this time we're not talking about art this time i'm going to hand over the task card to you have one minute to prepare and i really do encourage you this time to try to talk about more than just one idea so you don't run out of ideas so you can vary your language okay so this time you're going to talk about this i'm going to give you one minute to prepare and two minutes to speak this is just by yourself i'll see you in three minutes wrong one sorry you can begin speaking okay i just noted a typographical error it should say why you can't afford it somebody pick that out cool anyway i think you've got the gist there uh how did you go let's again look at the scoring because this is what it's all about effortless connected ideas well-developed vocabulary is precise but varied grammar is accurate but varied your pronunciation is clear good emphasis good word stress it's connected speech and good use of pausing let's do this live why not why not let me stop screen sharing and let me go to here and let's hope that this works again this time i'm going to choose manaline mendeline manolin where are you there you are hello madeline hi good evening sir jay i'm sorry i'm from the philippines so it's already it's 6 39 in the evening terrific there you go i like i like how the filipino students call me sergey and it's kind of it's unusual must be part of your culture it is especially because i am a healthcare worker so we address everyone with sir our mom the show to everyone nice nice all right madeline are you ready to talk about let me fix that typo why you can't you're going to talk you're going to tell me you're going to describe something that you'd like to buy but you can't afford let me share my screen with you yes thank you sir no problem and you've got two minutes and your time starts now okay um growing up in the philippines i have never been spoiled by my mother to buy any gadgets or any mobile devices that's actually um just new to the market uh now that i am working and earning my own money one thing that i have an eye on is actually the latest ios phone which is the iphone 12 pro max so it's a product that's a very up-to-date that's recently been released by apple and i have always wanted to have an updated mobile just to keep up with my friends and to get more pictures i love traveling and uh taking photos with an iphone nowadays is very useful and it's less technical compared to a camera or a dslr so it's very expensive for me because a decent addition one would be around 90 000 pesos that's more than a thousand dollars and it is way above my pay grade so it's not really within my budget but in the future if i do save some more money and spend less on my travel tickets i think i would afford it especially now that it's a pandemic i can lessen my travels around the philippines and set aside some money for the iphone 12 pro max so that's an expensive item that i cannot afford as of now the iphone 12. okay cool okay uh great well done uh before i give feedback um what do you think how did you go okay i i am actually shaking right now good practice i think i would be sweating right now look it's not for the aircon i think i got less than seven i look i won't talk about scores but one thing one thing i'll talk about is uh it's completely natural that you're going to sweat on tests and your voice will tremble uh it's completely fine so try not to worry about that like examiners see all sorts of things happen on test day of people you know shaking and sweating and whatever that's not what they're concerned about they're concerned about language they're concerned about you paying attention to telling a good story i thought you told a good i hope i did yeah i just wasn't sure about my grammar if i was giving i've got a few a few points here um first of all what you did there by bringing in past present and future you talked about a single object the phone that you want to get which is fine but by talking about the past present and future it really did bring in a lot of interesting grammar and whatnot so that was that was really clever so use the ppf method you didn't talk about three i did objects you talked about one object but in different sort of times and that was that worked really well i've been following you actually for the vps where's my i have a friend that i always practice with oh good he's actually british whenever i try to use the pps method he sometimes he can keep up with the grammar that's what he says nice nice it works so i'll give you some feedback so vocab please especially good um some of the phrases you use were very natural like i'll keep an eye on a decent one above my paint grade um set aside money all of these phrases are particularly relevant when talking about money or that particular topic there so your vocabulary range was fantastic and it wasn't just single words collocations and phrases etc your pronunciation is is clear you have a a you have an accent as everybody has an accent but there's certainly clarity there so there's no issues no issues around me thinking oh what's that word no it was very clear um grammar a couple of little slips here and there but i honestly didn't think it's a big issue um and the story i i i hear that you like to speak i think you like to speak so you have no development of ideas etc so cool well done i'll just give you a well done there um no what i mean thank you sergey no worries you're watching for those feedback i think i would be able to use them during my exam i actually have an exam on april 17th okay so i hope this will be a big help thank you terrific well done well done good luck thank you sir thank you okay let me try to click this button um manually while i do this can you put yourself sorry sir cool all right let's push on come on let's get through this that was fun that was fun all right let's move on to part three part three before we talk about part three if you're watching this on youtube don't forget to click that subscribe button and become one of our you might even get close to being our millionth subscriber we're getting close to that so please do click that subscribe button but again if you want to prepare properly for your ielts test check out and i hate to say you might have to prepare yes you might have to prepare and study for this test okay part three of the discussion the questions in part three carry on from the topic you just did in part two so if you talked about art in part two in part three you're going to have questions with the examiner about art deeper more philosophical questions or about money for example and that's exactly what we'll do these questions will not be personal questions about you per se and what you think they'll be a bit more about abstract ideas okay and it's not an iq test it's just eliciting language so don't worry about that we looked before about how you can expand your answers to get a higher score this includes giving your opinion on something providing details contrasting comparing and giving reasons so please keep all of these things in mind this is what you want to do when you're answering the examiner's questions and you want to speak for about i don't know maybe about 15 to 20 seconds 20 to 30 seconds whatever feels natural don't make it go on for too long ah cool let's do it and um why not do it with somebody here we go let's i've got uh someone in mind here i'm gonna choose solomon solomon hello solomon i think you're on mute you might have to unmute yourself okay solomon you there no all right let's try something else okay let's try hemani pretty good where are you calling from yes i just lost you can you repeat it again where are you calling from i'm calling from bangalore india oh nice i like bangalore it's one of my favorite cities in india cool let's cut to the chase hemang ready i'm going to ask you some questions you're going to give me some nice deep philosophical replies we're going to talk about art so we're carrying on from that uh part two that we did before so hemang what kind of art do you enjoy i enjoyed especially sand art because it is very much traditional and basically you can uh design anything uh over the sand you make them the colorful art as well so i like the sand art very much uh here we have in a sent artist from orissa his name is sudashin patnak and he is like he got the padmashree award from the government of india as well and every time thank you are there other traditional art forms in your culture yes so we have uh many different different art cultures uh uh are there uh they are like uh they are with us like past thousand years or more than that i can if i want to name it like it's uh it's a art on the clothes art on the uh on the glasses art on the different type of materials for example steel [Music] and yeah thank you what do you think makes a good painting sorry can you repeat the question what do you think makes a good painting yes so an uh i uh idea of a person like uh the way he want to show right a painter want to show and how he prepare it basically it will make a good painting it it not just a color or a pattern he has used but how how how he was creative and prepared the painting it makes it more like great should children study art at school do you think yes i believe if if they are interested for that uh kids should learn whatever they are interested and not just the only the curriculum just continue on that one a little bit more yes so i wanted to say like uh if they are interested in art and if they really want to learn learn it then school should be provide them this facility and study i mean make them prepare for the art and paintings that will create that will that will make them more creative and more creative thinking uh they will have their ideas on various various things and uh it will be good for their mental growth as well so i believe that it's a good idea uh one more question hemang what makes somebody artistic it's all about like how how a person you are maybe i think every everyone is artist in this world right now because uh we all have different different thoughts uh i have some different thoughts you have some different thoughts and based on that uh we will have our own our own space where we create the things in our mind right and at the same time if we if we are if we want to do it on the paper or somewhere in in some other form that will be that will be make us to push to push to be a artist thank you all right herman how do you feel about your performance uh i think it's okay yep any areas you think you can improve um i think i can uh improve over the vocabularies i i think while i was speaking i i don't get much words uh like so i think i can i can improve that good one yeah that's my that's my biggest uh point for you is um there were quite a few hesitations while you're thinking for that word you were going uh uh i could hear you sort of looking through your brain trying to find that vocabulary so i think if i were you i would really do a really try to refresh your vocabulary before your exam um i i can i can hear that you definitely have the language like you have the you have the grammar of very few grammatical errors your pronunciation's fine you definitely have a a strong accent at times it's a little bit unclear but not too bad that's definitely not your issue the issue there is hesitation and fluency and really finding that finding that word making it more effortless to speak so you'll have to um one thing i'll recommend for you if you do want to build vocabulary is a course on called test ready which is it really does help build that sort of academic vocabulary but also just just sort of reading widely across different topics et cetera before your exam try to do that but um cool well thanks very much i appreciate yeah you can you can wish me best luck for this sunday i have exam i wish you the best of luck email thank you thank you jay bye okay cool all right so um let's do it let's do one more why not let me find one more uh misbah nope this is gone all right let me go down the list here let me find somebody who wants to do it uh let's go elena all right let's type in alina hello alina hello jay can you hear me i can that's great it's great where are you calling from i am calling from dubai and are you filipino as well no in pakistani i just started okay yeah interesting accents yeah okay so what's your first language well i i grew up uh in the middle east so my parents have taught me english my entire life so i know a bit of urdu but i would consider english my first language not to do okay okay great all right terrific cool all right alina we're going to talk about money okay why not so alina is money important to you uh yes i do consider money being a very essential item and a need that everyone need in this world money is used as a source of living people need it to live now in this world it isn't like the barter system that was in the past but now money is used to go forward in life basically thank you how much money is enough in life money can never be enough i would say a lot of people it as a person would start off as something as how much money they would need but as time would go by they would become greedy and they would want more and more and more so there always has to be a full stop to things i in my opinion i think that a person should always be happy with what they have and not always go far to want more but you mentioned greed what other problems does money cause in society other problems that money cause i could say that a lot of family problems can occur when someone needs money they and they cannot apply for a loan or anything they could always go to their close relatives and ask for you know a short time where they could pay that money back but um that in turn could lead to many uh relationship problems or if uh i'm sorry i just have too many things going on around here um that's fine that's fine uh next question uh do young people save enough money nowadays do you think well um i would like to talk about this as many children they grow up with inheritance from their parents and they can they become spoiled and they move you know they just blow up their money around but if parents treat their children and teach them right they could learn and they could work and save up and work towards what they want and understand the real value of money in today's world as money is literally everything you want something and if you can get it if you have money you can you have the means to get what you want right so i think that children should learn the importance of money not exploit it but work towards uh getting a good amount of it but not overuse so it is uh there are two sides to the coin you could say last question is money the only way a society no that question's crazy i made that question up before it's i'm very complicated too complicated that's the nature of part three though that the examiner really is really is getting you to push pushing you into um spaces of ideas where you have to use really abstract language so that's the nature of part three it's it's not small talk it's um yeah philosophical talk cool so if you think about the scoring that we've been looking at how do you think you went um actually i would like to apologize i had a lot of people around me and while i was talking they were all running out i thought i need to talk here so um okay that's why so that was a little mistake over there but uh i think i did all right i was getting nervous yeah yep that's that's again that's just gonna be a natural part of everybody's test day um anxiety will appear you'll shake your voice will tremble whatever you just have to yes concentrate it's only 11 to 14 minutes of your life so you can definitely do it uh cool so my feedback to you is obviously because your um your first language is is english um pronunciation was crystal clear um grammar there were no grammatical issues and you certainly you certainly i i don't think you exercised your vocabulary range as much as you could have perhaps that's because you were distracted with the people around you but yeah you sort of warmed up towards the end of it you started to get right into it and um give me much richer answers towards the end but um at the beginning i felt like they were a little bit restrained so one of the things you have to do on test day is really quite show off to the examiner you know yes all right ideas will pop into your head and and and um yeah show off as much of your language as you possibly can but um no i think you'll be i think you'll be fine on test day thank you jay thank you so much no problem thanks a lot for participating thank you okay ah i don't want to do that i can't tell you how annoying that little thing is i click on it disappears click disappears anyway it's back cool uh all right we've nearly finished here just a few little things before we go um thank you to everyone who's participated it's very brave of you but i think it's good practice okay so before we uh finish up let's just reflect on what we've learned and the performances that we've listened to so how well did you do especially in part two because i think that's the most challenging what did you find difficult and when you think about the scoring that we looked at in several times which aspects of the scoring do you need to work on is it fluency is it coherence is it development of ideas is it your grammar is it your pronunciation uh is it vocabulary range etc and then the question is how can you work on it of course i think the best place to prepare for your ielts is you can attend our live classes you can watch all the methods lessons which aren't on youtube all of them are on there is heaps of practice questions you can take one-on-one tutorials you can get writing feedback there's also a mock test with speaking feedback or a couple of mock tests that you can take where you actually take a one-on-one speaking simulation with one of our expert ielts teachers which is very helpful cool um i'm a little bit reluctant to do a q a because there's about 1400 people watching but maybe i'll just answer a few questions i'll pick out here if you have any burning questions please pop them into the chat mary says jay in one of my ielts tests i had the topic of money and the examiner asked me is money the root of all evil how do you think we can answer that question that's a funny question i didn't know that they would phrase it that way i i think like asking if money creates problems in society is a fine question is it the root of all evil um i don't know perhaps you could have asked answered it with a bit of humor me personally i would say definitely not i think it can contribute to evil in society but i don't think it's the sole cause of evil in the world okay here's a question jay how can i build my vocabulary great question from ram okay vocabulary building is something that you have to be conscious of and you have to consciously do you have to read and you have to write down words that you don't know and you have to read across a variety of different disciplines um what a couple of websites come to mind one is called science daily it's just a sort of pop science website where all the articles are categorized by technology and education environment and health science whatever read across that just make it a little habit of 15 minutes a day where you just sort of pick up some new vocab vocabulary is one of those painful things where you have to consciously learn it though we do have an excellent course on it's the level 5 course and it's all about building your academic vocabulary which will be very helpful um okay cool i think i'm just going to pull up stumps there okay i'll answer this one from mo how philosophical will the examiner go do you think well the examiner has set questions they're allowed to go a little bit off script with their questions but they're not going to ask you about the meaning of life they're not going to get into topics like religion or anything like that they're very much going to be focused on those quite boring mundane topics like money or art's not boring but those sorts of topics so it's not going to get too philosophical you're not going to be talking about quantum physics for example which is good cool i think that's all i'm going to leave you there thanks very much for coming along i hope it was helpful if you want to join me again remember to subscribe to the youtube channel or check out um i bid you farewell if you're taking your exam soon i wish you all the very best
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 73,051
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Keywords: ielts, free ielts, ielts class, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, e2language, E2, e2, E2 IELTS, e2 ielts, FREE IELTS, E2 Replay, IELTS Replay, IELTS Listening, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Reading, IELTS E2, ielts e2, IELTS Help, e2 live class, e2 ielts replay, ielts replay, band 8, band 9, Speaking Practice, practice session, Practice Session, IELTS Speaking Practice, IELTS Speaking Practise, speaking practise, practise session, Art, Money, Topics, ielts topics, tips
Id: XPYn-EusQx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 51sec (3891 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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