IELTS Speaking Practice: Topics of FEELINGS and EMOTIONS

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hello good morning nice to see you here [Music] today it's thursday april the 29th and today we're going to be talking all about feelings and emotions [Music] and we've got some nice groovy music this time i hope you're doing well today we're going to talk all about different idioms language we've got listening practice we've got stan the man coming to visit us lots of exciting stuff great [Music] let me turn down the music and let me wish you all um a very very happy thursday i hope you're doing well despite the tribals and tribulations the trials and tribulations of kovid i know it's hitting a lot of countries very hard at the moment i hope you're all staying safe and keep on studying with me let's begin with a little bit of this [Music] hello nice to see you i've got a bit of a frog in my throat a frog he's like ribbit ribbit ribbit in my throat here right when you've got something like and you can't clear your throat i've got a frog in my throat so i'm gonna keep on drinking my tea i've got some nice um breakfast tea and say hello who's in the house steve steve roger nice to see you irene nice to see you as well i always mispronounce your name but nice to see you sadchat is here kate hello good morning um she rag is here rtom from armenia nice to see you patricia nice to see you as well tanja from germany as well um we've got elizabeth from nigeria great um who else have we got from iran bl creation that can't be your name hello mr bl creation no it's obviously a nice handle you've got but listen guys nice to see you all coming into the the room today um as i mentioned today right we're doing what are we doing today we're doing this interesting topic of well this one right emotions and feelings um let me show you exactly what we're going to do today okay come over here right um so we've got emotions and feelings also i mean look at these guys all sorts of expressions and feelings we're going to be looking at we're going to be looking at vocabulary for example did you know that to say happy we can say content pleased ecstatic actually lots of other words as well in addition to vocabulary we're going to do some practice where you're going to be practicing with me great um we're going to look at some topical issues i think today we'll look a little bit of mental health which is very topical especially given the you know the situation we're in well with covid people losing family people losing their jobs a lot of pressure so we're going to touch on this topic um we're going to look at a listening task as i mentioned stan the man is coming in we've got a short video with stan who'll be talking about how men and women express their feelings in different ways oh dear could be quite controversial a bit stereotypical but let's find out what he's got to say um and then we'll be looking at one or two idioms i wonder if you know this idiom to feel down in the dumps you can probably guess right down is not feeling up feeling bad feeling sad in the dumps the dumps is like the rubbish where you put all the rubbish so if you're in the rubbish bin obviously you don't feel very well so feel down in the dumps is not feeling well feeling feeling bad feeling sad and depressed right not not sick but just depressed not feeling well idioms and of course we'll finish up as we always do with a bit of review and a fun game to finish so that is my plan for today that's what that's what we're gonna do let's um come back in and do what i'm gonna start off with just sharing with you this is a note i do like to share notes and emails that people share with me um a because i think they're very very motivating for me to know that i'm helping people but um i hope also they can motivate other people to think ah me too i can also achieve my goals in english learning and ielts and i would like to focus very much not just on ielts but you know the key to success in ielts is to elevate right take up take up your overall english skills not just exam technique but all of your english skills right for me it's the difference between between being a a struggling ielts student right and being an ielts speaker right a confident english speaker that's really where i want to take you if you want to come with me please do so listen back to that note ali said to me hi keith i would like to thank you for such great courses the courses that i offer he said both courses helped me not only to improve my speaking but also other sections as well it's so true right the courses help speaking but i think they also help listening um a bit of reading and writing possibly not much writing but definitely listening i got my ielts results recently and my band scores were speaking 7.5 overall eight i'm pretty sure that anyone who takes your courses will definitely see its positive improvements in a very short period of time thank you ali aliyev ali thank you so much for that no that's really really really nice um the courses that he's talking about if you don't know are the fluency for ielts speaking and the ielts speaking success course they both at the moment on on udemy um the links are on my website and i can share those with you the fluency course um is as i mentioned elevating your overall level of english right focus on building fluency phrasing chunks intonation the ielts speaking success is much more focused on the exam exam technique exam practice tips and strategies it's a complete preparation course but those are there so you can go and check them out you can find out more on my website it's the keith speaking academy and on that website you can get all the information about these courses there right excellent let me take those off and let me take this off by the way if you are on youtube if you're watching on youtube do subscribe turn on notifications to find out about my upcoming videos but today we're talking about feelings right um i'm going to give you a quick introduction to feelings and then i've got a question for you right so first of all quick introduction oh hello behind the scenes unintended so feelings and emotions there are two main types of feelings or emotions right i have discovered in my research primary and secondary right primary emotions are as it says the main emotions love happiness surprise anger sadness it's the the emotion or the feeling you have about something but this is interesting each of these can lead to secondary emotions which is a reaction to the first emotion so what i mean for example if you feel love right that could also lead to feelings of excitement and the excitement is your reaction to love that's your secondary emotion you might be confused why am i in love why have i lost my appetite why can't i sleep at night maybe because you've got the love and you feel confusion you may feel embarrassment and all of these are secondary emotions i didn't know that but now i do and now you do and of course right you've got positive and negative ones we can talk about positive feelings maybe love and happiness negative ones anger sadness and so forth right so in this lesson today we're going to be looking at the vocabulary you need to describe a range of feelings as well as talking about we'll talk about the main topical issue today mental health um if time if time permits we might look at emotional intelligence which is interesting as well right okay so i've got a quick question for you guys how are you feeling or in english we often say how are you doing how are you doing and the are you becomes are you how are you how are you how are you feeling right when you ask people you don't say how are you no how are you how are you how are you feeling how are you doing so there's my question tell me how are you doing today let's see lots of people in the house is a bit busy let's see somebody on facebook says i'm feeling elated my mustafa is fine oh dennis i feel down in the dumps i'm so sorry to hear that dennis sheika is excited um what else have we got claudia says absolutely excited and glad to attend a live lesson for the first time claudia welcome nice to see you here shivam is feeling good great ayan great as well this is nice azima i'm doing great that's nice it's a nice collocation i'm doing fine i'm doing great i'm gonna actually copy that because i like that very very much it's very nice i'm whoops i'm doing fine i'm doing great or maybe i'm doing terrible who knows but that's a lovely collocation like it feeling low right not so well says oybeck oh dear i mean actually as well i'm feeling under the weather right this is nice my mental health is very good very nice i'm not surprised with your um philosophy and your avatar you look very connected with the universe good alicia how do you feel i mean great this is your first class i wonder how you feel another one under the weather ride i'm not surprised actually because um when i went on the the facebook page oh well the facebook group if you don't know i have a facebook group um i actually sorry guys let me just bring you over here i actually have a facebook group and a facebook page the facebook group the facebook page the facebook group is a community where we're all studying together and sharing experiences and language and questions um or language and the and the what was my point is that i asked yesterday how people were feeling and interesting a lot of people said yeah i feel down in the dumps i feel under the weather i feel stressed depressed and a lot of it was to do with covid a lot of you i know are also a lot of students in india are feeling the squeeze of kovid at the moment it's very very difficult people were stressed and confused especially those preparing for the ielts exam as well so i'm not surprised it was interesting a lot of the different answers that we we got there but quite a lot of people were also happy elated feeling good um doing great right all different ways so a myriad of feelings around the world i'm going to share some vocabulary of some of the main feelings right for example happy let me take this one up here right i feel happy today we can say as well as happy we can say content now listen careful listen careful listen carefully it's not content because content is the stuff inside a book or a film it's content right content content the stress is on the tent content if you're content then you're happy stress on the tent pleased is happy ecstatic is very happy let me just add that right how do you feel ecstatic very happy similar to elated you may also know elated it doesn't mean you're late how do you feel i'm late no i'm elated a nice stress on the elay elated elated i'm elated also means that you're happy right now other words so you can say i feel content i feel ecstatic but if you want to say i'm happy about something i'm happy about my exam result or i'm happy that i passed the exam or i'm happy about the fact that i passed the exam you can say i'm glad i'm glad that you are here i'm delighted you are watching me today i'm thrilled so many people are on the call i'm pleased that you are here with me today learning together so all of these words we can say i'm glad about or i'm delighted about delighted again stress on the eye delighted say that with me delighted yeah i know in a lot of languages it's dum dum dum dum dum i am delighted um but in english you've got this ding ding ding ding right i'm delighted about i'm delighted that i'm here lovely good i'm thrilled right thrilled to bits is a nice uh idiomatic expression i'm thrilled to bits i'm thrilled to bits which is obviously very happy right so delighted and thrilled both mean very happy so i'm just going to take this [Music] and put it here and put it here but we don't need elated again i don't think right in fact we don't even need the brackets why do i put brackets great so that's happiness but of course you may have a different feeling you may feel angry and if you feel angry you could say i am cross cross right why do we say cross i don't know but it's like the cross um i'm cross i'm i rate i rate i rate the stress on the rate i rate it's like almost you don't know what to say i um i rate i'm he's i rate i was irate about the exam result i was cross about the government uh doing something that they usually do vexed is a nice word vexed it's a vext it's a s vec vex not easy i know but try again vex next i was vexed about the problem okay great angry sad as we mentioned earlier a few of you said down low blue like the music why is the music the blues called the blues because it reflects the the the oppression the struggle that the sadness that is there that people have felt and through that music right so i feel blue or despondent i feel despondent is an interesting word um stress on the spawn spawn despondent spun great and of course as somebody said you've got that idiomatic expression down in the dumps brilliant down in the dumps stop writing brackets keith why do you keep writing brackets i don't know habit change your habits go and read james clear if you want to change your habits go and read james clear it's really interesting anyway sad let's move on we've got happy angry sad anything else no not at the moment so um let me just check in with you guys i'm sure you've given me lots more things we can say as well yes farjana says i'm feeling fantastic great pandya first day at your live session i'm doing great lovely great student pandya well done taro says i'm doing well i'm doing very well yep sitarasa says i'm doing well um anything else superb says antonio i'm feeling superb mustafa this is interesting but can i share because i think it's not quite right but share for everybody over the sky now the sky is huge i think it's very difficult to be over the sky i think you mean over the moon right i think if you mean very happy it's over the moon thank you mustafa for sharing that that's great can help everybody and sabha as well let me share with this because this is interesting right shabba i says i'm at cloud9 to see the live session right now for some reason we don't say at cloud9 we say on cloud9 a bit like the monkey king who used to fly on top of the cloud he's on the cloud right on cloud nine sabah brilliant very very good thank you we've got raul who says i'm feeling again top of the world you must be on i love teaching in my daughter's room because she has all these props here's the world right um and here's what have we got here's rahul rahul is on on not next to but on top of the world rahul you are on top of the world well done thank you so much for sharing it's beautiful and it helps everybody it really does even if people make small mistakes it helps everybody else in the group so keep sharing your ideas is really good thank you i'm i'm on feeling no come on keith come on get serious i'm feeling on top of the world brilliant you see even i make mistakes brilliant anything else that's interesting feeling very glad brilliant good meenak she says i i i thrilled that you read my comment first time and now it's the second time yes but this time i mean actually i'm gonna make a small correction because it's to be thrilled right i am thrilled or i feel thrilled yeah great good uh why slice i'm thrilled to bits lovely thrilled to bits right oh down young has just done the test two hours ago and you're here after the test that is so impressive i hope it went well for you great okay anything else oh black gold i'm bitter interesting because bitter is a taste but it's also a feeling right i'm bitter you may be bitter or angry with somebody yeah okay very very very nice thank you for sharing lovely um quick question not a question i'd like you to finish the phrase right choose any of these and just give me a short phrase you can say i feel vexed vexed is angry thrilled is yay happy down in the dumps is sad and excited is excited take a moment choose one just one and finish the phrase that is true for you and this is really important because when you take the the dry words and you internalize them you make them alive for you that's when the learning happens so give me a phrase it's also quite interesting give me a phrase oh wow you guys are quick i mean really quick nino i feel vexed when i got my electric big i fell oh i felt i fell i fell i felt i see what you're saying i felt feel felt right because i think that's going to be a common mistake right it's one people often confuse fall fell feel felt i felt vexed when i got my bills i know what you mean i do yes um another one here from xing i am i oh hang on a minute i got thrilled i can't read because my screen thing is covered i feel thrilled whenever there is a party at my home there we go thank you nice very good and what i like what you've done there is you put whenever and that is great because it's not just when whenever emphasizes every time right maybe not just once but every time so i feel vexed you know whenever i there is a party or i feel thrilled when there's a party then it's every time that's nice great zara i felt thrilled when i got my driving license i can understand that that's great cherry maybe one day we can beat rupinder i feel thrilled when i saw you are live right yes now that's okay i wonder though because you say feel is now or all the time i wonder if you mean when i see you are live like every time if it's every time then it's i feel when i see if it's just once in the past or today i felt when i saw so just be careful with your tenses everybody great hatties i feel vexed when i find my car in the pool when i found yeah again if it's just one time in the past i'm going to change this one for you because i think you need the past felt most commonly you'd have the past and the past or the present and the present i felt vexed when i found my car in the pool what do you mean your car was in the pool you mean the swimming pool seriously ah that's great or maybe it's a different pool is it the pool where the government has taken your car away and they have it in the car pool maybe that's what you mean [Music] oz man i feel vexed when i lose the internet connection great feel lose present present thumbs up uh ulvier says i feel vexed when my work doesn't go well very nice great why is everyone vexed let's get some others excited sing sing i feel excited when i get a new phone yeah brilliant brilliant joanna i feel thrilled when i am wow now at first joanna i thought you forgot to finish the sentence but then i thought maybe joanna is being spiritual and philosophical i feel thrilled when i am when i am me i am myself just when i am present in the now maybe you're being spiritual joanna nice thank you for sharing love it okay so interesting let me switch over and let me let me have a drink okay great um so moving on now i um on tuesday i think it was on tuesday i put a notice on youtube facebook page facebook group to say what the topic is today right feelings and emotions and for those of you who are just joining by the way can i show you yes today we're talking about emotions and feelings and on tuesday i also opened up a webpage on my website and gave you a link so you could go there and do a task because i want to get you engaged before the lesson so you're already thinking about the language that you need for this lesson so i asked you to do a task and don't worry if you didn't see it because i'm going to show it to you now and it's all about word families now what are word families do you mean brother and sister no no i mean noun verb adjective adverb others that may be those are the main ones right so when we talk about the economy as a noun um economical is the adjective economist is the person economically is the adverb right these are the word families and it's always good as you're growing your language and growing your vocabulary to also grow the word families because it just it's a quick win right for one word you can get four different words let me show you what i mean right and show you the activity so we're talking about nouns adjectives verbs adverbs others when we learn vocabulary it's a good idea to be aware of word families so i mean the down adjective verb adverb etc of a word we're going to look at the table below and i want you to try and fill in the missing words you can leave a comment and i also asked you to create a sentence but for today you can just fill in the missing words okay so here is the activity i hope you can see that it might be a little bit small let me just make it slightly bigger it's magic isn't it look at that okay so i've given you the verb to loathe meaning to hate to adore meaning to love to irritate meaning to make somebody annoyed or angry to confuse meaning to make somebody confused whoops giving you the answers so can you tell me what are the missing words four missing words have a look and see if you can put them in the notes in the notes in the comments [Music] interesting interesting i'll just give you a second that way i can have a sip it's nice to drink the tea when it's hot and it's still hot it was scorching when i got it i was a bit rushed today i was rushed getting everything set up and my wife was so kind that she poured the tea prepared the tea and even brought it to my seat and it was scorching hot when i arrived when i started so i couldn't drink it but now it's perfect okay so let's see um low the adjective oh everybody's finding this one difficult has anybody got the right one ah yes here we go this one's tough right but mei has it right it's loathsome right loathsome is the adjective um i'm going to write it in in a moment adore has anybody got it a yes now i can't pronounce this because i don't know arabic i'm assuming it's arabic um adoration yes the noun is the adoration excellent thank you what about irritate the noun is is is is anybody irritate anybody got irritated danielle has it irritation irritation is the noun excellent and then for the last one for confusion and the adjective is well has anybody got it we've got quite a few loathsomes well done femi let quite a lot of irritations any others confuse confused confuse well i'm going to share this one with you ravenblitz says loathsome yes a dormant no confusing yes it was confusing or right there are two possibilities has anybody got the other one the clue is in the what the word above yes here we go confused right it can be confused or confusing exactly let me just put these up then the the answers and again make them slightly slightly bigger okay so to load this to hate right so if something that you hate is loathsome right um let's imagine unfortunately there's a person you hate right let's see my team i don't know a neighbor you say that neighbor is loathsome right he's always shouting and playing his music so loud and he's really grumpy and you know not very nice he's a loathsome person it's a tricky word but fun because it's got the th and the sir loath some some loathsome loathsome a loathsome person which means to hate right to adore is to love and adoration is the noun right um you know the the adoration that the fans have for justin bieber is incredible for example irritation as well the irritation is the annoyance or the annoyed feeling the irritation i have when my computer doesn't work or it's off the limits right there's just too much irritation when my computer doesn't work and of course you can have irritated or irritating um irritated is the feeling you have because of that irritating describes the thing that makes you irritated so the computer is the thing right that makes me irritated i feel irritated and my computer is irritating right irritated is my feeling irritating is what makes the thing that makes me feel that confused and confusing it's the same right i'm confused so many students are confused with ielts right because ielts is the confusing thing not true well it is true but it shouldn't be that's why i'm here to um to make you clear and give you some clarity clear clarity adjective noun can you see word families so useful to show off your language in the test okay very very nice great thank you for all of those um i'm going to switch just for a moment to kind of catch up and show you this so listen we're feeling we've been talking about feelings and just to make it clear so that i know where i am we've talked about different vocabulary like content pleased ecstatic right how you feel let's move on and do a bit of practice we've done a little bit of practice right about i feel vexed because my car was in the pool love it um but let's do some more practice and i'm going to show you a couple of photos and we're going to talk about the photos right okay so let me find those photos where are they keith i think the photos are here i want you give me a moment to tell me look at the photo and tell me how this person is feeling and why so you have to guess right look at the photo and tell me how the person is feeling and why so maybe you say they're feeling uh cross because they their car was stolen right maybe so look at the photo and guess how are they feeling and why here's number one right get your creative juices flowing and let's see what you come up with air angel love it very funny uh i'm cross because there are a lot of ads in youtube it's true yes but you know that's how it works feeling is mutual okay let's have a look we've got um try and give me a sentence if you can i've just got single words a sentence is better something like this he feel he feels surprised boom it thank you so much because this is a great learning opportunity for everybody you've probably realized but what you need right is that s he feels surprised right he feels surprised okay vivek love it he's shocked to see the boss in superman's dress nice great thank you rula says confused okay he is confused by her answer right patricia he's worried for something um okay you can say i'm worried for somebody i'm worried for you but you can't say i'm worried for something right you have to say i'm worried about something he's worried about something yeah i'm worried for you yes but i'm worried about something okay anything else he feels confused because he was fired ah nice osman very nice great oh this is like nice he's feeling baffled yeah excellent let me just make a note of that because baffled is the same as confused but it's a lovely word thank you for that minhas great black gold he felt disturbed because his wife left him oh dear maybe maybe yep fed me let he was confused by what his boss said yeah let me just change that for you to be confused by something irritated by what his boss is saying lovely good simranjit says that he is feeling confused to see her reaction yes yep good okay he's confused surprised uh i'm not sure what that one is fire yet this is good the man is perplexed right perplexed that's another word which is confused that's a great word i'll come back and review these with you perplexed excellent anything else shocked and amazed this person is disappointed because because of someone's answer ah right like he's in the uh he's in the meeting yes and he's disappointed because of someone's answer because of right great julia thank you great okay some interesting ideas okay nice like it i'm gonna show you a different picture right um now if you can just make your comment a bit longer why is no how is she feeling she how is she feeling and why okay here's number two and uh as you're just feeling about that feeling thinking it's a bit musical [Music] that's a nice word [Music] [Music] let's take that one off great nice bit of music okay ina says she's puzzled about the information puzzled is another great word puzzled about the information given to her on the phone lovely given to her in the passive great control lina really good control of english like it simran she's thinking about her new dress yes she caught herself gossiping about his future husband about her future husband i think right yeah she caught herself that's nice she caught herself she stopped herself gossiping about her future husband maybe who knows um here's an interesting one she's worried because her mother-in-law is coming daughters and mother-in-laws yeah tell me about it great she's confused listening to someone on the phone oh this is great what you had great she's feeling vexed great because of an irritating customer she has on a core beautiful absolutely stunning language raja hat very nice love it lubna she's carefully listening to her friend very nice but how is she feeling giving giving says she feels it as a boring conversation yeah i think that's a typo i think not as but she feels it is a boring conversation yes sedan she's bewildered that's another great word why are you guys are you swallowing dictionaries but really good i'm going to make a note of these because we'll come back to them she's bewildered but why i like this one from cedant actually she's feeling vexed to hear her mother scolding her right telling her off yeah probably her mother is saying get off the phone you've been on the phone for two hours already look at the bill i have to pay scolding mothers great um all right maybe this one from rashmi she's feeling irritated to hear what her friend is saying to her on the phone yeah nice very very nice we'll just add there on the phone we put on the phone okay mitra says she's feeling cross many many possibilities right but brilliant some really nice interesting answers let me bring you back um to the the feeling thing let me just bring it up here can you see here we go how are they feeling and why there were lots of fantastic words here related to confused so all of these mean confused say with me baffled she was baffled she was baffled by her friend now she was baffled by the call perplexed she was perplexed she was perplexed about the exam flabbergasted flapper gasted flabbergasted the flap is the is the stress right she was flabbergasted she was flabbergasted by the news listen ddd can you hear that det again she was flabbergasted by the news yeah get that phrasing nice she was flabbergasted by the news two phrases she was flabbergasted by the news great puzzled she was puzzled by her mother puzzled by her mother-in-law probably or bewildered bewildered yeah brilliant nice great so listen very very good nice words great all to do with confused let us switch for a moment and come back we've done quite a bit of practice there which is great um let's move on ah let's have a look at mental health this is a really interesting topic right all about emotions and mental health i'm going to share with you a website actually and it's a website by the nhs in the uk the national health service is the government-run service to promote health in the uk um and on their website i found an interesting uh page about mental health and how to tackle mental health i think especially nowadays it's a very interesting topic interesting we say to tackle mental health so to tackle is to to handle or to cope with right let me just share a couple of these words because i think they're very uh behind the scenes unintended um let's just have a look mentor how do you keep your mental well-being right how do you tackle mental health problems or how do you handle whoops mental health problems or the last one i'm just going to copy and paste just to help you with this cope with because i think these are all really really useful right to tackle to handle or cope with how do you tackle mental health problems and this is great language because you can use this with any problem right how do you tackle the problem of climate change how do we handle climate change how do we cope with mental health problems um later i'm going to ask you this question i mean this is the question the website looks at right how do you keep your mental well-being mental well-being is a really good collocation yeah we can talk about mental health or mental well-being some very very good collocations both of them actually should have a hyphen thanks who am i thanking i don't know right so let me switch to this website i'm just going to show you very briefly and discuss with you some of the ideas that was the bit about how do you feel great okay should i make that a bit bigger there you go five steps to mental well-being evidence suggests and this is the great thing about the national health service right is that they do research so it's science-backed there are five steps to improve your mental health information about coronavirus of course um first of all connect with other people interesting right good relationships are important for your mental well-being yes um this is great language actually a sense of belonging a sense of self-worth right share positive experiences emotional support look at the language this is great language hopefully i've got the moderators who are the emoderators who are helping me moderate the stream they should be sharing these links with you don't worry if not you can get the links from the pdf at the end of the class so you can have a look interesting what it says about don'ts right do not rely on technology or social media alone to build relationships that's so true right number two be physically active right and it talks about it's great for your physical health and fitness again the nhs great language right we should use the nhs as our teaching materials improve your mental well-being really good language self-esteem that's how you feel about yourself right self-confidence um great change your mood mood is a great word change your mood is is your you know if you're in a good mood or a bad mood it's your feeling if you like if you like and what it says about don't do not feel you have to spend hours in a gym that's good do activities you enjoy yeah great number three learn new skills right that can boost self-confidence that's a great collocation boost self-confidence and raise self-esteem wow that's just great sense of purpose right if you learn a skill you could learn a language you could learn how to knit you could learn how to paint anything you could try to cook something new that simple well not that simple it doesn't always go well yeah do not feel you need to learn a qualification yeah you don't need to do exams just make it for fun number four give to others great sense of reward positive feelings again self-worth all of these collocations make a note of them they're really good right and number five pay attention to the present moment was it joanna who says i'm happy because i am very true we call this nowadays mindfulness that's the buzzword right the word really popular word um because i think in the past it was more about meditation spirituality and that those have so many connotations about god and religion that nowadays people talk about mindfulness because there's no religious connotation at least in england and i think in america too paying more attention to the present moment can improve your mental well-being listen if you can do nothing else but that one thing that will change your whole life so true right excellent very very interesting um emotions and health mental health talking about mindfulness there's an app that i used to use it has some free stuff but then you have to pay after a while but it's called headspace and i did use that for about six months and it was great it's a great app um i don't they don't sponsor but i just thought i'd let you know headspace head space one word lovely mobile app to do a bit of mindfulness right if you're into that okay great so let me come back to you guys then um here's my question to you this one here how do you keep your mental well-being what do you do to keep your mental well-being take a moment and then let me know let's see what you're saying krishna headspace that's it nice mega like that mega thomas good comment okay let me share what mega says he says well i always see to it that i always keep my self-worth from faltering nice good so my self-worth lovely collocation from faltering is from falling apart or losing it really nice i wonder how you do it though mega how do you do it uh yes doing yoga great arty i do gardening brilliant fyra says to cope with great to cope with mental health problems i tend to always think positively yeah very nice great lovely someone talked about this one a growth mindset i thought that's interesting i have a growth mindset there are two things right there's the fixed mindset and the growth mindset and the growth mindset says i can get better yeah many students say to me oh my english is so bad and i feel down in the dumps but the growth mindset says my english level is low now but i'm getting better i can actively get better and grow your english level is the same in both cases but your attitude is totally different the first one is down in the dumps and sad the second one is excited to grow growth mindsets so important great similar i guess patel talks about positive thinking lovely patel nice um what else do we have i will do meditation i love that i love the fact kiddist that you use will for habit right will is not only the future but for a habit we do again and again i will get up at six o'clock actually no i will get up at seven o'clock right i will do meditation great good uh diva divia says by trying to keep myself busy great nice what else do we have says i hit the gym every day nice expression hit the gym go to the gym [Music] uh singh says by indulging in activities which gives your mind a sense of calmness yes you mean gives your mind gives my mind a sense of calmness right [Music] eating healthy food oh all about motivation vision passion yes great tan says eat healthy food that's interesting i wonder if that helps maybe siddhartha watching your videos really maybe great jk entertainment okay by having some entertainment juiceder says i do yoga and meditations oh you mean yoga yes great slight that's probably a typo i'm sure that was a taivo jester yes right dr sria says for me daily exercises and meditation helped me fit as a fiddle that's nice right at the same time it's really helpful for my mental well-being lovely and uplift my mood very very nice right um i'm just going to add because the expression right fit as a fiddle i would say it keeps helps me keep fit as a fiddle right um i'm just going to add a couple of letters to tidy up doctor yep so helps me keep fit as a fiddle fit keep fit as a fiddle the expression very nice that means very very fit right excellent resting sleeping and meditating from my munna sleeping right it's underrated sleeping is so important really for our mental health we don't sleep enough really really true great lots of ideas about mental health i'm going to move on right from mental health to look at something else but before i do badass great give me a moment okay what's next keith let me ask you what's next guys do you remember what's next after emotions and health what was after emotions and health i'll have to go back to my little thingamajig listening task listening task we've got a little video right uh we're going to watch somebody and we're going to listen to them talk about not mental health talk about feelings okay let me share this with you so we're going to listen to stan talking about feelings and how men and women express feelings in different ways what i want you to do my lovely ielts speakers not students ielts speakers english speakers growth mindset try to spot right to see stop stop oh for goodness sake sorry i'm getting these notifications try to try to spot uh to see as many words or phrases as possible related to feelings right so if you hear the word happy write down happy if you hear the word perplexed write down perplexed right so any words connected to feelings write them down in the comments and we'll discuss them later right so that's your task try to spot as many words or phrases as possible related to feelings okay good let me find the video first and then we're gonna watch are you ready yes keith we're ready okay here we go stan talking about feelings [Music] yo check it out it's stan the man so feelings and emotion interesting topic yeah listen my girlfriend julie yeah she's very good at expressing her feelings sometimes you can read her like a book when she's happy she tells you right how are you love oh i'm over the moon i'm ever so pleased i passed my exam right and when she's down in the dumps you can tell right are you okay dear no i'm not i'm depressed right i don't want any dinner i'm not in the mood leave me alone that's julie right and when she's angry well you know about it right i'm so cross with colin at work i did a great job preparing our presentation and he stole my thunder he telling the bosses it was mostly his work oh the idiot i tell you what my julie is an expressive person right but when she asks me you know how are you doing yeah all right are you feeling okay yeah all right you know some men like yours truly are just not very expressive right some men i reckon like yours truly it's not that we don't know how to express our feelings it's just that we don't always know how we actually feel we don't spend a lot of time thinking about feelings and analyzing them right we we we just ah what was that giza right that bloke who said i think therefore i am well i reckon if he were a woman sorry if he had been a woman correct grammar then he she would have said i feel therefore i am and i recommend today it's more like i am therefore i am anyway great topic feelings and expressions nice [Music] right interesting stan stan the man um great good so lots of ideas you've got there lots of words let's just share some of the words you came up with um if i can find it it's going to go back a little bit whoa where are we this is the trouble there are too many comments there are too many of you where are we yes we're ready stan okay we got i'll just randomly choose some of the words you've got happy great that came up read her like a book right which is to see somebody's feelings on their face if you say i can read her like a book it means it's easy from their face to know their feelings or their what they're thinking right some people they're like you can see they're angry right you can read them like a book other people when they're angry you've no idea that they're angry right that's great well done read them like a book what else did we get uh over the moon yep talked about being over the moon very very happy over the moon good what else did we get pleased yeah she was pleased about something nice down i think came up nishona as well yeah let's see ah jethil gets it stunned i think we had stunned down in the dumps that was it and i'm so pleased yes what else did we do we got melly said depressed that's right that was a stan's wife saying she was depressed what else did we have depressed anyone else angry was there i'm not sure if she said angry she used a different word i think or maybe she said angry as well but there was another word did anybody get it depressed angry [Music] i'm just scrolling through okay it's making me dizzy ah so cross yes joy well done cross meaning angry she also talks about being cross i'm not in the mood means i don't want to do it right i don't feel like doing it that was great thunder yes but what was the expression patel thunder but what was the expression did anybody get that expression hattie says angry cross thunder idiot the thunder expression yey soleil gets it stole my thunder and mary vic also you've got it right stole my thunder if somebody steals your thunder then it means that when you should get credit for something they take the credit right i'll explain this in a moment when we look at the text but yeah he stole my thunder he stole my good thing right i i should get the credit but he stole it great expressive my missus is very expressive good malika talks about expressive great she's an expressive woman absolutely this was interesting pattita ever so pleased this is such nice beautiful english right instead of saying very pleased say ever so pleased i was ever so happy i was ever so sad that's just so natural and really nice english instead of very yeah i'm very happy i was ever so happy well spotted patima great anything else we got anything else i'm just going to scroll through expressive thunder thunder depressed got lots of okay uh yeah people have started to summarize that's great yep yama's well good all of those are good i'm just seeing there's anything new upset maybe keep on surviving sounds like a song maybe upset yes okay i think those are the main things yes i'll just see if there's any any others okay those are the main ones we've got the moment so you've picked out a lot of the words related to feelings the answer for the answer i'm gonna ask you to watch again but this time you'll see the words on the screen and you can check your answers okay let's do it here we go in a moment so it's the same video but you'll be able to read and see the words in bold about feelings come on apple [Music] yo check it out it's stan the man so feelings and emotion interesting topic yeah listen my girlfriend julie yeah she's very good at expressing her feelings sometimes you can read her like a book when she's happy she tells you right how are you love oh i'm over the moon i'm ever so pleased i passed my exam right and when she's down in the dumps you can tell right are you okay dear no i'm not i'm depressed right i don't want any dinner i'm not in the mood leave me alone [Music] that's julie right and when she's angry well you know about it right i'm so cross with colin at work i did a great job preparing our presentation and he stole my thunder he telling the bosses it was mostly his work are the idiot i tell you what my julie is an expressive person right but when she asks me you know how are you doing yeah all right are you feeling okay yeah all right you know some men like yours truly are just not very expressive right some men i reckon like yours truly it's not that we don't know how to express our feelings it's just that we don't always know how we actually feel we don't spend a lot of time thinking about feelings and analyzing them right we we we just ah what was that giza right that bloke who said i think therefore i am well i reckon if he were a woman sorry if he had been a woman correct grammar then he she would have said i feel therefore i am and i recommend today it's more like i am therefore i am anyway great topic feelings and expressions nice [Music] thank you thank you thank you stan the man i'm gonna talk about his opinion in a moment right but just let me point out you did very well i think you got all of the feeling words very very nice well done a couple of things i thought were interesting there um he she did say angry and cross stole my thunder is a great expression right just look at the context right so julie did a great job preparing the presentation with colin but probably colin told the bosses hey i did all the work so colin gets the credit colin gets the praise and he almost stole that praise from julie and julie gets nothing right she doesn't get any praise so if somebody does that to you they steal your thunder okay great expressive it's a nice again we talked about um word families right express expression expressive expressively right um i think some other interesting words reckon right you can use this in ielts speaking absolutely reckon means i think i reckon it's natural english express our feelings i should have highlighted that one as well the other interesting one um was this one giza okay bloke uh don't use these in ielts speaking because these are slang these are british words meaning man right that man that person or that man it's always a man that giza or that bloke it's very very slang so really interesting to know but i would not use slang in ielts speaking right i think therefore i am um and for women i feel therefore i am or for stan i am therefore i am right interesting so interesting language and i wonder what you guys think do you agree that men express themselves differently uh to women i wonder i wonder if you agree maybe maybe but listen we're going to come back we're going to skip on in a moment um skip on if you like to skip we have looked at a lot of phrases right um but let me move on because after phrases what i would like to look at next is the listening not the listening test what's after the listening task is idioms we've actually done some through the listening like feel down in the dumps right which means to feel low sad or depressed um but let's have a look at others come back so let's share a few idioms let's add a few more to our list the ones i've got at the moment are to have mood swings now to have mood swings let's begin with to be in the mood to be in the mood we saw that right to be in the mood equals to feel like doing something so i'm in the mood for dancing as a song to be in the mood to do something to do or to for doing you can say to be in the mood to do something i'm in the mood to go to the cinema i'm in the mood to study english right to feel like doing something to have mood swings it's basically that that your mood swings from happy to sad happy to sad and your mood is changing a lot and often the connotation as a negative thing right mood swings are generally seen as a negative thing often connected with mental health problems or mental well-being but maybe stress at work things like that you may have mood swings we've got to be in low spirits so we talked about to be low to be down to be sad to be in low spirits is just to be sad of course but to spirits is the word there to be in low spirits we've talked about feeling down in the dumps to feel sad as well oh let me up move that up great let's see guys any other idioms you've got melanie says men are greater gossipers than women seriously come on melanie seriously men gossip more than women well you have to convince me because i'm not convinced feeling under the weather ina that's a nice one yep i'm feeling under the weather under the weather now that one yeah i'm feeling a bit under the weather is normally is not just it's not just a feeling of sad or happy under the weather is normally a bit sick a bit ill it's often much more physical right rather than emotional feeling sick feeling off color right these tend to be more whoops um physical feeling rather than emotions but let's put it in here because it's still still useful oh irina an emotional roller coaster yeah to be on an emotional roller coaster to be experiencing uh experiencing lots of emotions of different emotions again this is a negative thing thank goodness for spell checker it saves me time to be on an emotional roller coaster oh irina i have to move you so we can see that to be on an emotional roller coaster so yes for example when you're starting a new job there's lots of emotions going on stress happiness sadness confusion that's an emotional rollercoaster hello nicholas from greece to be in low spirits we've said um ezra you're late as well you're not late you're extremely late we're about to finish soon ah dear dorset to be on a high that's nice thank you dorset yep that means to be very happy and it's idiomatic of course it literally means that you're taking drugs to make you happy but we use it idiomatically you don't take drugs you just say i'm on a high at my birthday party all my family were there i was so happy i was ever so happy i was on a high this is a lovely expression to be out of sorts yeah to be out of sorts um to not feel yourself is another one i i don't feel myself i don't feel myself today i don't feel myself means i i don't feel comfortable or happy right and often you just you don't know why but let me change that i feel out of sorts i i don't feel myself i don't feel comfortable or happy oh come on oh no thank you very much for that it's frozen it's frozen come on there we go great to feel out of sorts oh there's so many oh my gosh so many material well being tough to bits yeah chuffed again chuffed to bits is lovely it's a british expression i wouldn't use it in the um the exam because it's british it's local but really good expression helen yeah chuffed to bits chuffed happy right it's nice uh i'm feeling blue yep tanja we've talked about feeling blue earlier on i think reader like a book we've had yeah any others paola during menstruation women usually have mood swings good example on the edge of the seat is that a feeling i guess it is to be excited yes to be tickled pink okay yeah all of these are good maybe we can add one or two um [Music] let me add this one from kate and i'll just do this as the last one i think i am tickled pink to be happy right i'm oops i think i have to move you kate because we can't see i'm tickled pink to be happy i'm happy i'm very happy i don't know why you're tickled pink but yes that's what we say to be typical to be tickled pink i'm tickled pink i was very very happy good all of these different idioms let's leave it for there because there's a lot we don't want to have too many what i might do is pick out some more from the chat later and i can add them to the final sheet okay so listen um before our last activity um i'll just remind you that the notes that we're making here and i mean these notes here at the end of the class i put them into a pdf change them a little bit upload load them onto the website and there's also a web page so you can go to the website later and get the link to the page and download them for those of you who are new let me just show you where that is if you go here to the uh this one here let me make a bit smaller so it's the it's keith speaking academy right this is where you need to go later keith speaking um go at the top to the free live lessons and i think if our e-moderators can share the link this would be great but the free live lessons here and you can find first of all the live lesson the latest live lesson so last week we talked about the virtual world and you can download the pdf which is the no the notes so you can study offline as well or you can go to the class now to make this easier for the website the last live lessons all the previous ones you can access here um all you need to do to get the pdf right is just click on the lesson you're interested in if you're interested in family just click on the family and it takes you you can actually read the lesson online but also this is where you can download the notes right so go to the page and then you can download the notes or you can just study here right you can study the different parts of the lesson directly on the website is another option whichever is easiest for you okay so that's just to let you know about the website and the the pdf will be there if i know some of the pdfs are missing i'm updating them and they will be up in the next week or two just give me a bit of time to do that and i need about three hours or four hours after the class today to upload three hours you're saying why do you need three hours because i need to change the notes and check the notes and all of that stuff anyway let's move on to our last activity what's coming up next what's our last activity does anybody remember we've talked about idioms our last activity our last activity is the review it's kahoot time now some of you don't like kahoot i know understandable that's fine those of you who do like kahoot do stay with me we're going to play this game it's quite fun it's a multiple choice i'm going to ask you four questions each one you choose a b c and d and check if you have been listening to today's class we're going to pick out some key vocabulary or idioms and test you because testing is a great way to review but also to stick to get words stuck in your head my friend okay let's get straight in there then kahoot again if you're new you'll need probably two screens or to switch because as well as watching me you will need to go to this place to kahoot dot i t right and if you go over there then you'll find the entrance to the quiz if you like we're going to play it together we'll do it live together um i'm going to give you a well you choose a name a nickname and then i'll give you a pin so let me give you the pin first okay let's okay so the pin for this game is nine three five eight two one six and uh moderators if you could just put the pin in the chat that would be a big help for people because people are switching from one screen to another so the pin is nine three five eight two six you can put in your name and then we get ready to go i'll just give you a few seconds to get into the room [Music] [Music] nice [Music] big thank you to the moderators on youtube we've got paula and jahan who are moderating and helping me with that thank you so much guys okay we've got 186 people just give you a second if you can't get in don't worry um if you can't get in you can just put your answer in the comments below no she could no funny names today people are allowed to use their own name was my mistake wasn't it i don't usually allow that but never mind not a problem okay just give you a second to find your space there bear with me and the muse is gone right let's get started okay let's get in there okay and just before we start as well i've also got moderators on the facebook page so uh up sarah thank you very much for helping there and uh al-sabha bin haq thank you also for helping us with that this is great guys let's kick off feelings question one which is the odd one out which one is different right which word has a different meaning you've got 30 seconds delighted ecstatic irate or content have you been paying attention well done well 85 people got irate because irate means angry the others really mean happy delighted ecstatic content are all happy right but irate um is angry or very angry a lot of mixed answers there that's interesting let's move on oh the leaderboard king jail was the fastest one in there well done question number two i'm not happy i'm feeling down in the blank today i'm not happy i'm feeling down in the blank today come on guys helen well done mitra well done juliana as well mohammed be careful nemo be careful well most of you got it right it's dumps with a u not damp with an a damp with an a means wet but dumps right is the rubbish tip down in the dumps well done 142 of you impressive nice next question oh king chal is still up there but nada is coming in close right number three i hate this film it's the most blank film i have ever seen i hate this film it's the most blank film i have ever seen loathing loathe loatheness or loathsome what's the right answer oh this is a tough one oh dear well done helen yeah this was tough right this was very difficult and i know people struggled with this earlier loathsome is the right answer here right um that's the only one that's the noun loathsome a loathsome film it sounds strange it's an unusual uh suffix for a noun but it's the right answer okay let's see how we're doing oh creative manager has stolen your thunder king the creative manager has come in there third place let's go to the last question during covid our mental blank has suffered sorry there's a typo not out hour during covid our mental blank has suffered three seconds left well done kashish nemo well done malai well done whoa that's impressive that's great 163 of you got well-being mental well-being remember that website from the nhs full of great collocations excellent well done let's move on and see the final result third nada mickey me mickey creative manager he took or she took first place i see kinjal came in fifth place well done excellent nice creative manager a great name lovely that's it brilliant guys well done thank you really so much for joining me today i do apologize i've gone on a little bit longer than expected but today we've looked at lots of language about feelings and emotion um we've looked at lots of synonyms and collocations we've talked a little bit about um mental well-being mental health and ways of tackling mental well-being we've done a bit of a listening activity picking out interesting idioms and expressions you can use you've come up with lots of great ideas and great language i am so impressed i've got a feeling so many of you are changing from becoming ielts students to becoming ielts speakers right we could even say not only are you changing from english students to becoming an english speaker whatever your level you can make that change from just being a student to a speaker and that confidence is really going to help you so well done all of you i'm very proud and very happy ecstatic elated over the moon on top of the world to be here with you today thank you so much um do remember go later you can check out on their website and the keyspeaking academy um if you're on youtube subscribe please do and turn on the notifications you can find out about my video coming up on saturday i'll be releasing a new video on saturday i think it's going to be very very interesting for you gonna have lots of stuff um questions and answers great language so look out for that on saturday what else can i tell you come and join us at facebook facebook page keith speaking you can find lots of information and come and join the group if you're interested in facebook groups in joining a motivated and excited team excited then do come and join us right and a final word to remind you if you're interested in studying with me i've got the fluency course that you can join or the ielts speaking success course that is much more focused on preparing for you the test language tips questions and answers the full monty as we say in britain thank you so much my friends take care these are difficult times with um coronavirus so look after yourselves stay safe and do take care of your mental well-being been a pleasure thank you everybody take care bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 116,786
Rating: 4.9499307 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts preparation, ielts speaking topics, ielts teacher, ielts speaking band 9, ielts online class, ielts listening, ielts speaking 2021, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts preparation full course, ielts speaking test tips, ielts feelings, ielts feelings vocabulary, ielts speaking feel, ielts speaking feelings, ielts speaking emotion, ielts speaking emotions, keith speaking academy
Id: Lb1XtqZlqU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 12sec (6072 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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