IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of HANDICRAFTS

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hello there good morning and welcome it's nice to see you um this is keith from the keith speaking academy looking forward to our live lesson today where we're going to be looking at the topic of handicrafts interesting topic lots of language lots of vocabulary some practice a listening task and lots lots more looking forward to it listen let's get right into it [Music] [Music] hello all of you it's nice to see you how are you welcome to well today's live lesson as i mentioned we're looking at this topic handicrafts and how to talk well fluently about handicrafts so i'm looking forward to getting stuck in and to getting going um lots of interesting stuff we'll be um together for about an hour and a half today looking at lots of language so a very quick hello to who's who's over here let me have a look who's in here uh yosera good morning keith you've been missed thank you you're very kind it has been yes three weeks i think since the last live lesson maria actor nice to see you sally samina um sabrina nice to see you as well we've got vamshi hellos hellos keith hello zvamshi nice to see you love preet kawa nice to see you hello tran huang anto great cartini lots of people i'm from sri lanka v hangi great i hope you are well and that you are all well very excited to be here um listen i just wanted to share with you something i got a message the other day which was from a student which was a very nice message i wanted to share it was from sunaina kawa and he said um dear keith thank you so much for doing so many things for all of us i was not good at speaking and i settled on your course nice language i settled on your course meaning i chose your course nice um and i would say i think this course is one of the best courses i've ever come across wow that's very kind just by going through all your lessons i got eight in speaking thank you once again fantastic great so nikawa i'm very thank you very much for the comment very pleased that you um you got that score um yes because some students ask me you know does the course can it help you i know it can help you get a seven but can it help me get an eight it depends if you're already at the seven level then it could help you get a a a eight if you're at the sixth level then probably not gonna get an eight because that's such a big leap um with one course you would need more and more practice but anyway the course he's talking about of course is this course ielts speaking success over where over there um get a band 7 plus which is on my website you can go and check it out if you're interested where is the website the website is over here it's called um although we are broadcasting on youtube and facebook um i do have a website called keith speaking academy and you can get lots of information there about ielts as well as about the course um let me show you very briefly if you'd like to see that's not what you want to see is it that's my facebook page you don't want to see that you want to see this this is the website um there's information about the ielts test on the format evaluation topics part one part two part three etc free live lessons you can get so if you watch these lessons um you can get the pdf of the lesson notes from here shortly after the lesson last time we did socializing right so you can just download the uh the notes here and you can join the library fun interesting but all the other pdfs are down here right and you can get these for free absolutely free um a whole myriad of topics you would commonly get on ielts speaking so lots and lots of stuff there and you can get my online courses here um good let me come back which leads me actually to make tell you something because you may have noticed today is thursday duh yes keith we know today is thursday which means tomorrow is yeah but what color that's right tomorrow is black friday right loads of people going mad in the shops on black friday um so i also have an offer for you i have an offer called the black friday bundle what's the flat black friday bundle this is my black friday bundle for you right what i've decided to do is to put my three courses that's the ielts speaking success uh the fluency course and the library all together in a bundle discounted it's about 20 off um all of it it works out at 33 which is going for a song i think anyway um the links are in the we'll put the links in the notes the links are on the website um the links are also go if the moderators if you can put a link in the chat that would be great i'll tell you more about this later as well so you can find out all about the bundle okay on my black friday bundle i have to jump on the wagon with black friday excellent good that's it let me close all of those things up let's uh let's see how you are of course we've got lots of people joining fridays are pretty beautiful yes they are yes great how are things going for your new course yourself the new course is great the um the speaking interactive course is going well we've got i think around 200 students um who are studying at the moment week by week we have a community this week they're doing podcast partners where they're sharing audios with each other they've got small speaking groups where those who want to practice can can practice more so i hope it's going well i think it's going well great i have a few people there on the course yes there we go mingle how do i how do i pronounce that one it looks like the premier league it is the premier league ming legend i already brought the interactive course so helpful and lovely excellent now the interactive course is closed for enrollment at the moment but will probably open in february next year yes um great the pdf link well just go to the keith speaking academy and go for the free live lessons and you can get it there yep excellent good angelina says hello keith thanks for your wonderful lessons you do a big job very very nice thank you very much angelina very kind listen um let's jump in let's jump straight in and have a look at um the following we're going to go in and look at some vocabulary if i remember correctly do i remember do i remember correctly let's have a look um this is what we're going to do today right we're going to look at handicrafts okay so just give give you an outline of what's coming um i'm going to begin with some vocabulary look at different kinds of expressions and words on this topic then we're going to do question time question time i'll ask you a few questions we'll look at some of the answers there we're going to do a listening test today and a listening task we is i'm inviting an old friend back um to come and do the listening task with us and that will be quite interesting to see we'll also then be doing this i'm going to show you the toolbox my toolbox is just where i share a very simple tool to help you learn english even better and then we'll finish up with some expressions around arts crafts and handicrafts stuff like that right so we're going to begin handicrafts with vocabulary right that's the first thing we're going to do today voom strange stuff going on vocabulary where do we begin let's begin with this one if i put myself in a little circle okay here's a question for you handicrafts i blank handicrafts is it make or do what's the correct verb here is it make or do let me know in the chat box tran how long is the live it's an hour and a half now we've got lots of interesting answers some people say make some people say do some people say make some people say do interesting make it's a lot of makes but i do notice quite a few do's but nobody actually has the right answer can you guess wow look at that okay somebody says i make handicrafts somebody says i do handicrafts what's the meaning of handicrafts good question handicrafts are things you make with your hand i'll explain in a moment um yeah handicrafts are just in case it's not clear are these things right can you see the spoon the bowl the little the the kind of the embroidery or the quilt quilted thing these are handicrafts okay the answer is both you can say make or do handicrafts that's the answer why because handicrafts right are basically hand crafted items but also they are activities so a handicraft is something you make by hand for example this candle right this candle has got all these stones was made by hand it's a handicraft it's an item it's a thing so you make a handicraft if it's a thing however right if a handicraft can also be an activity right it can be an activity if it's an activity you talk about to do some handicrafts so the answer is both make and do if you're talking about the item the thing let's call that a thing item is the better word but if you like a thing a handcrafted thing then it's let's make some handicrafts if it's the activity then it's let's do some handicrafts simple right that's the answer okay [Music] yeah claudia said i thought of make because you do with your hands so you're right so you do make a handicraft if it's a thing right um but if you're talking about the activity i like handicrafts and activity then it's more um then let's do let's do some handicrafts now we talk about handicrafts you can say handcrafts as well i think in britain and england we handicrafts is much more common and looking on the internet handicrafts seems to be much more common that's the word i would use but both are in the dictionary both are correct right handy crafts or handcrafts okay we also talk a lot about arts and crafts um especially in school um and when we're talking about the subjects or the activities let's do some arts and crafts but again arts and crafts can be the items but it can be the activities so you can say let's do some arts and crafts or i like doing some arts and crafts or i like doing craft work as well if you're talking about the activity um but you could make some crafts as well i want to make some crafts or bake some handicrafts okay great now different crafts or handicrafts different kinds of crafts or handicrafts i tend to use handicrafts rather than craft um because craft has a second meaning craft is also a kind of a vehicle like an aircraft like is as a is or or a sea craft like a boat so i think when we're talking about art and handicrafts i prefer to use handicrafts if we're talking about activities so what are the different activities you can have for example weaving right now weaving well i'll show you weaving carving pottery and embroidery right i'll show you them i'll try and show you them weaving carving pottery embroidery now you're thinking that's not very helpful keith maybe not but let me try and show you some pictures weaving there you go in many countries the traditional weaving method looks like this right you're making maybe some clothes or a rug or a carpet and you weave the material together nowadays a lot of people have machines to do weaving carving is normally with wood but it can be on stone so you take a kind of a knife and you carve the shape or the figure out of the wood so carving again it's a very traditional handicraft they have in many countries and you can make some magnificent wood carvings like i've got a chest set that is made out of wood carved craft um you know skillfully that's the word skillfully um pottery that one of course is this um a lot of people have tried pottery it's a lot of fun if you haven't tried pottery it's great fun you use the the kind of the mud if you like or the clay with water make a shape often like this and then put it in the oven to heat up and to go hard and then put your flowers in it if it's a vase embroidery is it's what my grandmother used to do she loved embroidery she would put designs like this so you would have a thread and needle or a needle and thread and she would kind of sew a pattern into the cloth or the fabric and when you create this pattern it's called embroidery right that's embroidery excellent good um so those are the different kinds we've got there we've got weaving carving pottery embroidery and probably others actually probably some others um adela for example tells us knitting could be knitting yep it's kind of handicraft as well yeah i mean says i used to do embroidery why did you stop not enough time great so some of you like handicrafts that's great any others knitting yes we've talked about knitting yeah that's probably the other the other big one now these are activities right if you're interested in finding out more about handicrafts um again there is a website by well wiki wikipedia hello wikipedia i've heard of wikipedia if the moderators could share the link if you're interested you can just go and have a look i'll show you here the website on handicrafts it's basically wikipedia it gives you some nice language to talk about it talks about artisanal handicraft handmade it talks about the tools the skills crafting handcrafting arts and crafts right very popular in america i think in england as well right mass production it's a really useful page to pick up lots of vocabulary to talk about this talks about it at school there's a list right a list of modern of modern common handicrafts oh there's lots of them batik i remember doing batik painting when i was in malaysia crotch crochet is another one so guys go and check it out um you can see lots of uh information really it's a very short page but lots of very very useful language for this topic there you go adrita thank you very much okay so um we've talked a bit there about activities right but what about if we're talking about crafts handicrafts as items what are the things well there are um vaz's i know i know in america they say vases vases in england we say vaz's vases baskets candles bags wallets jewelry all of this stuff right um i mean i can show you a couple of pictures i think i've got some pictures still have i got more pictures i think i've got some more pictures stay with me so vaz is we looked at this could be a vars baskets um like this not like that like this baskets which have been woven have been woven to weave have been woven good english thanks keith um you've got jewelry and all sorts of trinkets like this right make little bags um maybe wallets purses yeah jewelry more is the earrings i mean jewelry is very popular right when you go to the flea markets you get earrings necklaces rings nose rings lip rings all sorts of rings you've got it that's the one right so handicrafts right very very interesting word families let's have a quick look at word families because as you may know i'm very keen on learning word families when you learn a word i think it's really useful to learn the noun the adjective the adverb the verb the different forms of the word right and this is called the word family because they're all a big happy family so a craft or a handicraft we've talked about so looking at the word craft can be an activity or a skill right so some people say teaching is a craft right he's very good at his craft um some people say that you know being a musician is a craft um playing music cannot be a craft an activity or a skill to craft then as the verb is to make something skillfully i've crafted a piece of music then you make something skillfully i've crafted this candle right give you a simple example i've crafted because i love this present perfect tense because it's so present it shows you look right here look now look i've crafted this candle it's a lie my daughter crafted the candle i've crafted this lovely candle right to make skillfully uh crafty actually is a bit different because crafty means clever or cunning clever and cunning let's see cunning means you know sly clever but a bit under the radar going round the corner cutting corners clever and sly craftsmanship is skill is your skill right i admire my daughter's craftsmanship even though she's not a man still call it craftsmanship why don't we call it craft woman's ship i guess in a year or two we will craftsmanship i admire your craftsmanship um you could say something like that i admire her craft men's ship skill right or ability i admire her craftsmanship great those are where is it there it is word families okay just say the word with me craftmanship because craft craft right there's a but it's a craft but that sound drops when we say craftsmanship there's no craftmanship craftsmanship i admire her craftsmanship that's it lovely very very good brilliant word families um so i've got a quick question does anyone make any handicrafts leave me a comment let's find out if anybody makes any handicrafts and whilst you're commenting let's put on a bit of jazz [Music] oh spot on adela collision well good are you a teacher you must be rule yes is definitely should be crafts woman ship should be fidan used to make beaded necklaces or bracelets nice um oop have you gone craftsmanship good choice sorry that i was just about to click on ahanaf i only type my legal writings right there we are come back there you go i make pencil cases with ice cream sticks brilliant ice cream sticks i suppose more than one right uh jeffrey randy yes i do embroidery nice uh premier league again i made a vars last year and it was wonderfully made it was wonderfully made yes i'm not blowing my own trumpet but it was wonderfully made uh great a good question uh yeah crochet is without the end it's like this [Music] good good question so crochet is a kind of handicraft yes it is crochet brilliant uh smoke i made a pot using clay lovely lovely mohan mohsen mohsen says in iran the most important handicraft is traditional carpets right um [Music] yeah i would say is the traditional carpet if you're in the singular say it's it's the traditional carpet you're referring to a singular thing otherwise put it all in the plural so i think what i would say more naturally i would probably say the most important handicrafts are traditional carpets yep i would tend to put it in the plural fantastic thank you mohsen for sharing that great anybody else number 25 number 25 uh ho i'm learning embroidery great michelle is i'm trying to make my first embroidered handkerchief very nice embroidered very good um gaurav i think coffee maybe not maybe not a handicraft um nikita says i have ability to make handicrafts tell us more what do you make nikita the hangi says i used to make freight i used to make it's the same thing keep it in the plural because i'm sure you made more than one right um so keep it in the poor in the plural i used to make fragrant candles don't put craft you don't need to add craft we understand it's a craft um better to keep it short and simple lovely i'd love to see some pictures of these right um how do i pronounce that tt i make painted bookmarks interesting great in the plural lovely very very nice wow there's lots of things um do a last one from layla i've i have crafted present perfect way i have crafted some jewellers oh dear don't craft jewellers because the jewelers are the people if you crack they won't be very happy i think you mean jewelry and vases and always make a variety of crafts excellent let me just help you with the jewelry yeah a jeweler is the person i crafted the person poor guy i i've crafted some jewelry nice excellent that's brilliant very very nice we have a lot of talent in the room today okay let's move on and talk about places to buy handicrafts okay and some just a bit more vocabulary so in england we have flea markets and a flea is like a little fly right flea market the flea market i understand if i remember correctly comes from the french something like le marcie de pousse maybe any french people watching could help me with this them it's something like that and it and we've taken that into english and the flea market is basically a street market that sells lots of handicrafts right normally bags or or secondhand stuff or cheap knockoff stolen stuff or pirated stuff all sorts of stuff it's normally cheap and bags clothes shoes jewelry the usual stuff right flea markets are very popular in england lots of them basically like a street market and the stuff that you can buy right this is interesting we've got a lot of words for cheap handicrafts um can be called so cheap handicrafts can be called brickabrack right say that with me brick brick brack brickabrack i love buying brickabrack say that i've got lots of brick-a-brack at home or trinkets trinkets say that trinkets the flea market has lots of trinkets or knickknacks knickknacks in fact we don't say nick we say knickknacks nick nex knickknacks it's a very colloquial word but ielts speaking you can use colloquial english don't use slang but you can use colloquial english you can find knickknacks at the flea market nice good so the all of those you can say brick brag trinkets knickknacks knick-knack paddy whack give a dog a bone my old man came rolling home that's a song that we literally learn as children in england knick-knack ornaments um so ornaments and adornments these are uh not colloquial these are normal words so maybe i should make this clear this is more informal right whoops so trinkets is informal i think knickknacks is informal ornaments is fine ornaments are decorations right like this is an ornament it's used to decorate the house an adornment is used to decorate the house so these are the nouns to decorate to adorn right uh the noun ornaments or adornments so all of those things we saw before like the vars the vase the vars the jewelry not the jewelry um the pictures the embroidery that can all be those can all be adornments or ornaments can you say that ornaments ornaments when you're practicing pronunciation do exaggerate right don't go ornaments do exaggerate because that'll really help get in your mouth working and when you exaggerate and then when you speak normally it sounds good ornaments adornments yeah that's it imagine you're an actor on the stage i really do go and exaggerate ornaments adornments knickknacks trinkets breaker black brick-a-brack you can see how much our lips move right in english okay lovely um what else do we have i have a couple more a couple more words and then we'll move on just to finish up these are about skills for making your own handicrafts so these are great adjectives right dextrous which means skillful with your hands so some of you who say for example we've got over here i crafted paper planes i'm assuming you did more than one i crafted paper planes then you are dexterous because you have a skill with your hands so you must be dexterous um so that means uses your let's say your hands skillfully let's get fully dexterous use your hands skillfully it's like skillful right let me try and give you a definition with um adjectives it will make it better skillful 1l skillful with your hands skillfully two l's skillful 1l english mad dexterous is the adjective nimble fingered is the same handy is the same notice handy has two meanings handy can mean convenient it's handy to have the shop next door but i'm handy that means i uh i i am dexterous i can use my hands well other words of course creative innovative innovative notice it's although it's o a it's innovative artistic i've got an artistic bent it's a nice uh expression that means you have some artistic inclination you've got you're you are artistic basically it means i am artistic i've got an artistic bent um my father or my mother said when i was very very young and i picked up i picked up this drum and started beating the drum bum bum bum but in rhythm and they said oh he's got an artistic bent i think as my mother said no he's just noisy bang bang bang but my dad said no no no he's got an artistic bent he's got some artistic flair or talent maybe talent is a good word so i wonder if you have i'm sure a lot of you have got an artistic bent and when we talk about handicrafts the opposite right we've got so handicrafts are handmade goods are handmade goods the opposite of course is mass-produced goods or machine main goods machine-made goods machine-made goods say those with me mass produce goods machine made goods handmade goods good handmade is different from the handmaid's tail right if you're watching that on netflix that's a different handmade okay great that's it lovely lots of um vocabulary i'm done with vocabulary i'm done with vocabulary let's just have a look what you are what you're up to hey dong hello nice to see you here i've got very clumsy hands right so you're not dexterous um great anything else people have got rosie enjoying great rosie that that's a cool avatar rosie mate my mum is handy because she is creative at knitting yeah very very good just to help you a bit there with with because you don't need of because she is creative at knitting nice rosie good great some good ones um good i'm just picking up some other useful phrases a dexterous artist is nice quote kim very nice yes mohsen can we say we made the carpet by weaving yes not in by by weaving he's dexterous with wooden vases um yes i would say right i would just make it really clear i would say he's dexterous when making wooden vases right um or he's dexterous at his text just making yeah you could say at as well when or at a bit like skillful at right right painting is painting a handicraft batik painting is a handicraft it could be it could be i think it's it's considered under the umbrella of art and crafts so painting is more art handicraft is normally something you could sell right it's practical normally yeah i mean but what about an adornment keith and ornaments those are not things you hmm it's a difficult question right um i think it depends on maybe the use of the painting so you know paintings in an art gallery we don't call handicrafts you don't call the mona lisa the mona lisa a handicraft no but a nice little battic painting that is used to decorate your house could be a handicraft okay um can we say where have you gone a clumsy girl without any artistic bent yes absolutely you can say that yes sans says handicrafts are expensive than machine made goods oh you mean they're more expensive [Music] are they it depends i know what you mean very often they are more expensive yes they are very often good point excellent okay guys let's have a as we move on let's have a cup of water [Music] okay what's next up after vocabulary next up after vocabulary is question time what do i mean by question time i'm not sure i can't remember what i mean by question time oh yeah i don't mean you ask me a question it means i'm going to ask you a question i have another question for you um okay i've got this question for you should we encourage children to make handicrafts what do you think give me a comment below let me know should we encourage children to make handicrafts [Music] okay [Music] yes but they need to be under supervision very nice very nice i like that meal says definitely definitely a typo but well done because it will improve their skills in an artistic way okay very nice zara says absolutely children should mostly be encouraged to make handicrafts when you say mostly it sounds like a little bit yes but not too much but if you say absolutely i think absolutely children should definitely be encouraged to make handicrafts right nice good uh however says well as far as i can tell yes because it's a way of earning money for your livelihood for their livelihood livelihood is a great word well done very very good nice i'll just correct your typo excellent however it's a it's a it's a way of earning money for their livelihood okay [Music] i got an 8.5 speaker wow wow congratulations three well done how did you do that 8.5 well done manched fantastic love it um lev says it will develop their art skills or their artistic skills yes um sure it will improve much creativity yes yes it makes them unleash their creative mind oh that's nice they can unleash their creative mind and develop their artistic artistry develop their artistry artistry here sounds a bit strange right i'm going to take a few examples from you right they can unleash their our their creative you said creative mind or they can unleash their artistic talent um brilliant i like that thank you let me add some other things that you said they can develop their artistic flair is another one or bent so flair and bent is kind of talent that they've got right what else did you say there's a lot of other ones that came up um yes as far as i can see uh it's a great way to earn a living right that's a common expression to earn a living um somebody said i think how i said earn money for livelihood is also okay earn a living might be a bit more common yes without a doubt it develops their fine motor skills and artists and an artistic bent yeah yes so it can develop their motor skills that's a really good one motor skills so motor skills are how they move um i guess when you say fine motor skills it's the small movements with hands when you build and construct construct things yep it'll make them more dexterous it'll make them more dexterous someone had what else why does it not come on there you go right brilliant what else have we got based out yet it helps keep our traditions intact yes nice so we would say it helps keep our traditions traditions intact yeah very very nice keep your tradition intact lovely lovely language i think these need to be a bit bigger don't they just a little bit let's take one more will this recording be saved yes it will it will be saved yes in in youtube and facebook here's another expression yes absolutely making handicrafts can be a rewarding activity that ramps up the children's creativity and cultivates their imagination great yes yep so it ramps up so to ramp up is to build up it ramps up or builds up their creativity is that what you said or crea the children's creation creativity we want to say right it ramps up their creativity um it's a rewarding activity that's also good like it okay nice some nice expressions we can use there right with all with for all of those questions earn a living develop their motor skills make them more destr desperate dexterous helps keep our traditions intact it ramps up their creativity it's a rewarding activity nice brilliant okay good i'm going to move straight on because of time i would like to move on and do a listening task with you right now the listening task i've actually invited a friend i've got um an old friend of mine that i'm sure you know some of you may remember he's going to come in and do a speak for a minute or two about handicrafts which are popular in his country but first of all i am curious which handicrafts are popular in your country which handicrafts are popular in your country let's find out first first time in welcome english he from korea hello powerpuff girl oh i hope you're okay i'm sure you can you can follow it later so most popular um pottery okay interesting paper planes paper planes that's interesting remember you probably want to keep if it's a thing keep it in the plural um this one embroidering on clothing right also adam says embroidery batik says teresia nice batik diana says making handmade jewelry okay masks says kinkini interesting masks yes uh artium says weaving rugs weaving the rug right ceramic vases interesting batik says zz nice carpets carpets again i'll put it in the plural carpets pottery from a poo of okay lots of them interesting olga says knitting [Music] and as we've been told marjan repeats carpets in iran are very traditional right carpets are very traditional great and uh ah ying ju10 says wooden wood sculptures would i would say wooden because you probably want it as a here i think the adjective wouldn't is better wooden sculptures okay lovely thank you very much for sharing those guys really interesting which handicrafts are popular in your country okay so i want you to listen right and i want you to find the answer to this question in the listening which handicaps are popular in the speaker's country and why okay that's the question are you ready yay we're ready okay here is the listening my old friend this will make some of you laugh here we go yo which handicrafts are popular in my country well that i think is a really interesting question i think handmade jewelry is probably one of the trending handicrafts in the uk i think yeah the ease with which you can buy and sell it online has also boosted its popularity you can get all sorts of intricate designs or even minimalist designs using a wide variety of materials yeah i suppose right the fact that many pieces of jewelry also have a personal touch adds to their appeal recently yet i bought my julie a bracelet at a flea market you know one of on one of those bricka brack stalls that sells all kinds of trinkets and she loved it she said it was unique and beautifully crafted i think handicrafts make a lovely gift yo check it out i love it some of you like that's not keith who is that stan the man those of you i saw steve roger followed me those of you who've followed me for a long time will remember stan the man um he's my doppeldanger he's my twin brother so to speak um stan the man talking about well handicrafts in the uk of course um great very very interesting thank you for the comments so what was the answer which handicrafts are popular in the speaker's country in stan the man's country somebody's gonna steal stout stand the man right we've got lots of answers here um somebody says jewelry handmade jewelry unique and beautiful luthier alter ego exactly exactly handmade jewelry is one of the popular handicrafts in his country nice answer good full answer [Music] mariam says wood carving not wood carving but hand mail jewelry handmade handmade jewelry because it boosted its popularity um you're halfway there hand mail jewelry handmade jewelry because let me see if somebody else has got the answer the osra says they are trendy in the uk they have intricate designs good good yep zion you've got that yep you've all got ham mail jewelry perfect jeanette as well nice yep you've picked up the variety of materials okay ah here we go yes canna got the answer jewelries or handmade jewelry because they can sell and buy online that has boosted the popularity right that has ramped up the popularity because you can buy and sell them online that was the other reason yes also as you say because they're unique they're beautifully crafted um great okay well done you've got you've got the answers basically now you've got the basic answer so it was jewelry [Music] beautiful handcrafted and can be bought and sold online next i'm going to ask you to listen again but this time if you can zoom into your screen i'd like you to listen and read and fill in the gaps there are five gaps for example i think handmade batik blah blah blah is one of the trending handicrafts in the uk i think you know number one right very simple have a listen and fill in the gaps for number two number three number four and number five okay excellent that's what i want you to do let's listen again as you listen you can see and fill in the gaps are you ready let's do it yo which handicrafts are popular in my country well that i think is a really interesting question i think handmade jewelry is probably one of the trending handicrafts in the uk i think yeah the ease with which you can buy and sell it online has also boosted its popularity you can get all sorts of intricate designs or even minimalist designs using a wide variety of materials yeah i suppose right the fact that many pieces of jewelry also have a personal touch adds to their appeal recently yeah i bought my julie a bracelet at a flea market you know one of on one of those brick-a-brack stalls that sells all kinds of trinkets and she loved it she said it was unique and beautifully crafted i think handicrafts make a lovely gift yo check it out yo right great so let's have a look um we've got a few answers yuko says jewelry and boost okay um good we've got number three appeal good excellent number four oh store it could be but it wasn't but it could be yeah i see a lot of you have said stores ah it was actually a different word not stoles you're very very close incredibly close number five anybody crafted zhong baiji with those beautiful dogs yes oh olga is very close olga you're extremely close well done with number four but be careful with number two saba you're extremely close but be careful with number four fidan you're extremely close but be careful with number four oh dear can anybody get numb can anybody get all of them lastly you're extremely close but be careful with number four no i don't think anybody's going to get it oh oh no you fam you are so close but be careful with number three right let me put you out of your misery because you're so close all of you okay i think hang made jewelry okay let's put it in capitals handmade jewelry is one of the trending handicrafts handmade jewelry double l excuse me um is i think the ease with which you can buy and sell it online has also boosted not boasted but boosted its popularity you can get all sorts of intricate designs i suppose the fact that many pieces of jewelry have a personal touch adds to their appeal attraction right their appeal is the attraction so that was another reason they're popular right is that the many pieces of jewelry have a personal touch he bought his julie his wife or girlfriend um a bracelet in one of those brick-a-back brickabrack stalls stalls not stores but stalls it has the dark l stalls she said it was unique and beautifully crafted yes whoops i think hand handicrafts make a lovely gift okay well done all of you you are all extremely close well done nice good i'm just going to show you this again just to point out some of the interesting collocations right um remember these notes over there over there these notes you can get in a pdf off the website shortly after the class i mean normally about three or four hours after the class because we have to edit them upload them blah blah blah so later tonight or maybe even tomorrow you can go to the website do remember the website is here just go to the free live lessons click on the free live lessons and you can get the you can download the pdf here from the latest lesson okay just to let you know so interesting uh collocations handmade jewelry is another one to boost its population its population where am i um island 1850 no it boosted its popularity so to boost popularity intricate designs are very detailed designs the opposite simple is a minimalist design so minimalist like minimalist design in the house or outside architecture very simple right so one is complicated one is simple intricate complicated minimalist simple have a personal touch right it's a nice expression it has a personal touch you can say a person has a personal touch or the handicraft has a personal touch this doesn't have a personal touch but if she wrote her name then or my name it would have a personal touch um it adds to their appeal so to make it popular add to its appeal we talked about flea markets right street markets bric-a-brac stalls um in the flea market very common trinkets again remember that's quite informal but a nice word for cheap handicrafts beautifully crafted remember when you're speaking to use these adverbs extremely close beautifully crafted it really it's such a simple way to increase your vocabulary score and to make you sound just more interesting but also more complex vocabulary beautifully crafted right that's it okay that's it those are the some of the collocations if you like that you might find here excellent nice good so what's next i think i know what's next if i remember correctly what's next let's have a look question time we've done listening task we've done toolbox ah well if it's the toolbox this is where i'm going to share a tool with you that can help you with your english learning well if it's the toolbox then it must be time for this [Music] the last time i showed that somebody said squid game it looks like squid game right but it's not squid game it's toolbox so keith's toolbox these are very simple tools to help you improve your english spoken english particularly but i came across a very interesting website the other day now you may know that i'm a big fan of the bbc um i listen to the bbc a lot i mean it's on my phone i've got the sounds app bbc sounds app and you can listen to the radio anywhere in the world and a host of podcasts but that's not the tool i've gone across the pond to america in english we talk about the pond being the atlantic ocean yes i i've gone across the pond to america and um i had a look at the voa website i don't know if you know voice of america and for a lot of you who are immigrating or studying in america obviously american english may be more interesting um you know the difference between british english and american english it's quite small right it's it's 95 the same language accents are different some vocabulary is different a little bit of grammar is different but not much but the voice of america has a special learning english part department maybe and i didn't know that and i i stumbled across their website um learning english with the voice of america and thought it was very interesting so i'd like to share it with you it might be useful for you the the website is again moderators um if you can if sarah you're here and uh khan or paula if you can just share the link in the chat that would be great um i'll while they're doing that let me show you directly what this looks like and the reasons i like it i like it because it's split into levels so you can look at different uh levels like beginner there's materials for beginner intermediate and advanced there's lots of listening which i'm a big fan of to improve your speaking you should be listening more and more topics very common topics you'll get on ielts and there's a there's a grammar section which is the grammar section is not very systematic it's kind of a bit pot luck but still interesting listen let's have a look let's have a quick look so this is it voice of america learning english bitcoin city el salvador aims to build the world's first bitcoin city really okay um if you come down right let me just show you so you've got this beginning level right so you've got activities or videos looking at some very common topics right budget cuts great topic to look at you've got things around new words pronunciate pronunciation pronunciation but then you've got intermediate level and again look at the topics art and culture right we've been discussing a lot of things around arts and culture today um you've then got advanced level and you've got different things there but if you have a look let's have a look arts and culture let's see what they've got there intermediate level just to give you an idea native americans and the oh it's thanksgiving right was that this week or last week can't remember because i'm not american whoops sesame street i used to love sesame street when i was a child sesame street has its first asian american puppet brilliant look it's bert and ernie which one's this is his ernie right ernie hello bird hey bird what's happening bird ernie will you go to sleep okay bird time to go to sleep i love sesame street um but what's great here right is you've got a listening the children's television series sesame street is getting ready to welcome a new friend ji young is joining the neighborhood filled with puppets that's quite slow isn't it i think that's quite slow but it's good it's very clear and then yes you've got the script right here the children's tele so you've got the script you can follow it highlights vocabulary um brilliant it's good i think it's it's really nice you've got the full script so you can listen you can build on your vocabulary but they also give you help with the vocabulary right at the very very bottom words in these stories words in this story so i i think it's great i think i like the idea they've got different levels beginner level advanced level you may be up into the advanced level and that's great they do have a grammar section as well um and if you're a teacher let's teach english they've got things for teaching as well okay so that's it basically i just wanted to share that with you i think it's a very interesting website some nice materials great anything else other comments today is thanksgiving in the usa whoops wow come on keith my american friends would never forgive me fortunately i don't have many happy thanksgiving if you're celebrating my guess is if you're american you're probably not watching this um your english will be good enough but yeah maybe some of you are over in america and you're celebrating thanksgiving excellent good they're not as good as the bbc ah it's very interesting you can download the app right good they have an app as well brilliant yes yes i do i used to but not anymore we called this character senjed huh okay right okay brilliant good so that's the tool that's my um the tool in the box now um i'm gonna move on what's next we're gonna finish up with another another activity let me come back tool box come on expressions now this is interesting because i racked my brain for expressions um for idioms to talk about arts and crafts and i couldn't find any and i went on the internet and all of the idioms about arts are not talking about arts they're using the words like as a um what was it a painting or a picture speaks a thousand words or um to paint everybody with the same brush stroke which is not talking about art but it's using art express hard words so i just wrote down expressions these are not idiomatic they're just some expressions that could be useful right to talk about this topic let's have a look at some if we're talking about um different activities for example right um we might say for example we're talking about weaving weaving it's a lot harder than it looks you can use that for any expression for pottery it's a lot harder than it looks which means it's more difficult than you think right crochet it's a lot harder than it looks another expression which i like which is a good one for this kind of activity to while away the hours is to spend a lot of time on a enjoyable activity enjoyable activity i can while away the hours knitting or doing crochet i can while away the hours painting or doing a batik painting so while away the hours is to spend a long time doing something you enjoy fiddly it's quite a fiddly thing to do i love this word fiddly fiddly means it's difficult because it's intricate and detailed so when you're you need to be dexterous then you need to work with small things like right for example if you're trying to um let's say you've got a disk drive i'll try and show you bigger or not disk drive mobile phone right better example you've got whoa mobile phone and you decide to open the phone i know you shouldn't but if you do and then you're trying to fix it and you need a small screwdriver and there's lots of little pieces and you need to pick them up it's very difficult it's very difficult because it's fiddly it's fiddly it's there are too many small things my hands are quite big i'm not very dexterous so it's quite difficult to do so fiddly just means it's difficult because it's small i guess that's the closest definition difficult because it's small or it deals with small pieces right that's the kind of idea so [Music] it's quite a fiddly thing to do difficult because it deals with small pieces so you may say a lot of people say um i think i think sewing is fiddly not seeing sewing sewing is fiddly embroidery is fiddly uh is fiddly right embroidery you've got the needle and the thread and it's so small that's so fiddly okay you need patience and perseverance as a lovely pp it's a great alliteration patience and perseverance i like that very much almost poetic you need a steady hand so a steady hand is where your hand doesn't move again this is literal not idiomatic you need a very stable hand if you're if your hand is shaky like this you can't do it so things like sewing embroidery crochet you need a steady hand that can move softly smoothly we talked about the personal touch right earlier to have the personal touch many handicrafts have a personal touch normally that is things where they put your name on it or they write something for you especially for you right it really means customized for you customized that's what it really means to have a personal touch and local heritage i mean we did talk about preserving the tradition um but also local heritage the heritage is the tradition the the wisdom [Music] the buildings it's it's everything the culture it's much wider i think so the local heritage um is a really nice collocation to have as well okay so i didn't come up with any idioms but these expressions can be quite nice to use use great let's see any other questions any of the comments you've got this is absolutely true creating wooden wooden sculptures um is fiddly it is fiddly yes that painting was kind of jaw-dropping for me interesting fatima that's great i can while away the hours learning english lovely great i'm pleased to hear that great what else have we got anything else um sophia nice to see you sophia how can can we say stable hand you need a you need a stable hand you can i think more common is steady hand but you could say stable hand yes mohammed no i don't do i don't do zoom group meetings i'm afraid no i can while away the hours doing nothing yes you can say that yes absolutely yes yeah very good saying sewing is fiddly well saying sewing is difficult yes fiddly is always with your hands right it's always something to do with your hands um calligraphy is a little bit fiddly right heritage in french you have patrimon ah the patrick yeah patrimony la patrimonia in spanish as well um yes similar words great sewing is a daunting task it is indeed yes i don't sew right now then um okay we're coming to the end now unfortunately i have not had time to do a kahoot what and i can see people like no min epl says kahoot i'm really sorry i've been rushed off my feet i've been snowed under with work swamped i've been up to here with work and i have not had time to do a kahoot i do apologize um but don't worry we will be back i um i'm gonna make the pdf of all of the notes today and you can go and study that and um practice and practice let me remind you i was going to mention something to you right remind you about the website it is um if you follow facebook then yes we're on facebook as well the facebook page at um i've got a black friday offer for you and this is the black friday offer it's the bundle the black friday bundle um and basically khan paola and up sarah if you could share the link in the in the chat this is on the website um it's actually it's it's on the teachable with my other courses i've got several courses right so what i'm doing is the link will take you here i'll just show you for black friday this is today and tomorrow and also today tomorrow and saturday only three days i've got three of my courses this is only for friday and saturday but you've got an early bird you can get it today as well you can get it right now if you want um so i've got the ielts speaking success fluency course and the library all three of those together which normally cost 22 22 44 49 and i'm doing them for 33 so there's a lovely discount on those you can go to this page you can press the buy now if you want to get all three courses um and then you can go in and basically you do the payment through the channel here um you can pay by paypal or credit card and then just go through make the payment and and that's it dead dead dead easy it's the black friday bundle the links are in the chat i will send them out later as well um do remember that this video is recorded right on youtube and facebook so you can come back anytime to my youtube channel or the facebook channel um and watch this video and look at the links in the the notes there if you're on youtube do remember of course subscribe turn on notifications you'll find about out about my upcoming videos so um the what was i going to say the the what the live lessons next week we don't have a live lesson the week after so in two weeks will be the next live lesson next week there will be a recorded video on the saturday so i am with you virtually every week next saturday um not this one but next week next saturday there's a recorded video and then in two weeks we'll have the next live video so listen that's going to be it for today i hope it has been useful i hope you have learned lots of vocabulary got some ideas to talk more confidently on this topic of handicrafts do come back you can listen again pick out the language go to the website keith speaking academy download the pdf for free get that and you can carry on practicing to your heart's content you can while away the hours learning english and preparing for ielts speaking okay if you feel like you want a course something more systematic to follow that really focuses you go and check out the bundle the black friday bundle you can get access today but also friday and saturday then it's finished the offer it's a very very nice discount you get three courses all together um go and check it out it's cheaper if you're thinking about it if it's right for you go ahead today friday and saturday only that's it the black friday bundle it sounds like a film from netflix right okay that's it final comments before we go where are you from i'm from manchester in england great thank you so much for um joining me if you're taking the test very very soon best of luck i'm sure you'll do a fantastic job believe in yourself because we all believe in you and your ability i certainly do i'm sure you'll be great okay see you soon take care my friend all the best now bye-bye so [Music] cheer me out [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 78,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking lesson, ielts speaking lessons, ielts speaking lessons pdf, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking practice live lessons, ielts speaking handicraft, ielts arts and crafts, ielts speaking tradition
Id: 4k97grHUZnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 23sec (5183 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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