IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic ANIMALS

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hello great it's keith from the keith speaking academy nice to see you how are you today today we're going to look at the interesting topic um for ielts speaking of animals right now animals will be looking at which hand is it it's this hand animals we'll be looking at different kinds of animals different topics related to animals indeed i think today we'll look at um pets zoos wild animals and there is these are all kind of topics that will come up in ielts speaking and also in your everyday life right you may need to speak to people about pets and zoos wild animals maybe depending where you live if you live in the middle of a city maybe not so much but we'll look at some language pronunciation some idioms all the usual good meaty stuff great talking of animals um you know i i like dogs but we have a dog over there right and when the neighbors go out he's like yelping and crying and howling like minute after minute after minute and as much as i like dogs when you hear that repeated all the time oh it's like a drip of water to your forehead man drives you mad but never mind today we're going to look at language so good morning to all of you hello to uh gulstaffer the girly hi physio12 nice handle emily nice to see you regiwana jaspreet cowstab angel um who else have we got let me see zulfien nice to see you as well bushra annie's lots of people anybody from facebook that's interesting nobody from facebook that makes me worry a bit been waiting for me god's little warrior good i've been waiting for you too and now nice that you're here if it's the first time here for you just to let you know my name is keith um i run the website uh keith speaking academy and just so you know where that is right it's here um um the website is being built up slowly i know very slowly but it is being built up with more stuff and indeed after the class you can go there there and get the notes from our live classes so all of that's going on also just to let you know if you're interested in coming along to the facebook group it's keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking the longest name in the world and it's a great place to look for a speaking partner to practice answering questions to get some really interesting materials again not just from me but it's the whole community of people who are sharing ideas and sharing the love brilliant so who've we got here maura from vancouver hello there nice to see you um me happy that's not me happy that's somebody here me happy says did i change my logo almost so i've chosen thank you so much actually to all of you there were hundreds of comments about helping me choose the logo and clearly by far by far the most popular was number one um so yes i'm going for logo number one we're making a small change to the font a little bit but that will be the new logo coming out later today so thank you all of you for that um while i'm on the thank yous as well can i just say a quick thank you very very much to to to to to who to xiao ching ma who has helped with a donation to sponsor the work that i do really appreciate that thank you very very much every little bit helps so here we are looking at animals let's see who else is in joe morgan from dubai i bet it's hot there right so we're missing that small paint behind you well that one it's still there right good afternoon of course for me it's still morning sun is rising beautiful day um but for a lot of you guys it's actually afternoon do we get interactive speaking sessions ishika no not well it depends what you mean you get to interact in this class by typing but not by speaking um i don't at the moment do any kind of large group speaking activities i don't have the time at the moment namaste guru amrit thank you very very much i know namaste because i do yoga sometimes and all the yoga teachers for some reason at the end of their yoga they go oh namaste namaste have a great day even though they're american or english speaking so namaste is quite popular it's quite trendy in um in over here in england and the west and guru of course i know right guru is a teacher right your face is your logo seriously thank you very very much billy brilliant so petra high deep boiling where you are right nice and mild climate where i am brilliant so let's kick off right let's have a look at the topic of animals today um i'm going to begin actually with a bit of vocabulary but before i do that right let's ask let's no let me ask you a simple question um which animal do you like right which animal or animals do you like and be really careful with your answer because this is the number one mistake everybody makes talking about animals so think before you type don't give me the animal give me a sentence i like blah blah blah blah i really like blah blah give me a phrase tell me which animals or animal you really like and let's see who's on the ball um right oh very nice okay great muhammad says i adore dogs valentine as well i'm crazy about dogs brilliant um goldfish interesting english with wab english with wab hello cats great oh now them elephant interesting now they i like dog okay angel or angel maybe it's angel is it um i like dog i'm gonna pick you out because you're the first one but this is really really good thank you very much for this because it introduces me to the first point right when we're talking about animals we like we cannot say i like dog i like cat right um because you're talking generally about all dogs or all cats right so you have to say i like dogs and that's the first thing i want to point out today because it's the number one mistake right examiners ask which animals do you like i like dog i like elephant i like cats no i like dogs i like elephants right because you're speaking generally if you're speaking about one dog like my dog then you say i like my dog right i like my dog or i like my neighbor's dog i don't i hate my neighbor's dog no i don't hate my neighbor's dog i hate my neighbor because he or she is the one who goes out all day and leaves the dog i'll stop the rant i'll stop moaning and complaining so angel thank you very much for that that's great it points out the first thing right vienna orangutan interesting right great um so nimko katy sheikh same problem right exactly the same thing so all of you be on the ball be aware be on the ball like be um be aware of this i like cats excellent great kylie's got a nice little expression uh cat for sure cats for sure right i'm a cat person that's a nice expression right i'm a cat person it doesn't mean you're like um i don't know super cat like a superhero it just means you like cats i'm a dog person right portover says i like cats i have a pat named i have a pet named zoo zoe zoo zoo i don't know how to pronounce that but i imagine your cat can't speak so it doesn't matter jane picking it up brilliant i'm a dog person fantastic alexander this is nice i do like tigers nice use of do to give emphasis i do like tigers nice the girlie says i like pets generally speaking now rabbi this is also interesting i adore cats too much so i adore cats fantastic but why do you say too much because too much means it's not a good thing right i eat too much i'm getting fat it's not good i adore cats too much means it's bad it's a negative thing so and i'm not sure why that would be negative i suppose you mean i adore cats so much right i i think tell me if i'm wrong but be really careful with the too much because too much is negative really negative i adore cats too much um and so therefore i collect them and i've got 20 000 in my house that's too yeah that's negative but otherwise i accord i adore cats so much right i'm into dog [Laughter] why am i laughing i'm laughing because when we use dog like the singular it sounds like the food right i'm into fish i'm into chicken you're talking about the food i mean to dog maybe you do maybe it's one of your favorite dishes possibly but because we're talking not so much about eating animals today we're talking more about pets zoos and wild animals well i'm into dogs right talk about the the animals we like i'm into dogs brilliant so some great answers there and you've brought up some really really nice things wow this is not funny it's interesting as in riot says i like ducks and ducklings i used to have a duck and her name was queen great fantastic very very interesting okay so listen let me move in to a little bit of vocabulary so some basics here um i'm going to come over here and bring this over a little bit and hopefully you can see that i hope so so i like giraffe right now we had this from angel and others i like giraffe no right i like giraffes it must be that s i like giraffes i like dogs i like elephants right that's nice you can also of course say i adore uh i'm somebody said i'm into or i'm uh person right i am a cat person for example right some nice expressions there talking about pets so we're going to talk about pets as well today just a couple of interesting idioms this is not about animals but it's about the word pet right and we use it in two interesting idioms i have a pet hate people speaking whilst listening a pet hate is something i hate a lot right simple as that something i hate a lot we call it a pet hate it's kind of the idea that this hate is with you all the time every day like a dog or a cat it's with you all the time so something you hate a lot you can say i have a pet hate and then say what it is i have a pet hate neighbors leaving their dog alone oh no i have a better one i have a pet hate is dogs pooing in the street and the neighbors not cleaning up the poo right another expression is i was the teacher's pet that you may have heard of the teacher's pet is the teacher's favorite so if the teacher really liked you at school then you would be the teacher's pet and all the other students would be really angry with you right let me get rid of these one moment i'm going to come back into the picture over here so teacher's pet excellent just moving down we're going to talk about zoos today as well so just a quick introduction some vocabulary around zoos um different kinds of animals we talk about species it's a very hard word to say it's a sir speech so there's a s sp she's she's species right it's a bit like spee and then she's it's a bit like that right species so it's an s and a sure try and say it with me species species there are many different species okay good that the e is a bit shorter it's a species okay capture obviously in the zoo we have animals that we have captured or taken or caught so it's similar similar to court or to catch as a verb but it's used a lot in talking about animals that we we catch so to capture an animal and then animals are kept in captivity so notice capture and say this with me because it's again it's pronunciation's so important capture capture captivity can you see where the stress has changed from capture to captivity captivity and always with new words learn the collocation or the grammar right if you like it's in captivity in captivity the prisoner was in captivity the animals are kept in captivity try that with me animals are kept in captivity good it's a bit of a tongue twister right there's lots of cur and per capped kept in captivity a nice tongue twister there you go didn't even realize kept in captivity nice practice that with your children cage is obviously the box with the the what the rods where the animals are kept in captivity animals are kept in captivity in cages wow that's a great one right animals are kept in captivity in cages think cats there you go cats are kept in captivity in cages say that 20 times quickly cage is the noun caged is the adjective let me just put this over here so it's clear it's sad to see caged animals caged caged caged animals link that animals caged animals nice finally endangered right so we can save endangered animals literally animals in danger so literally we take the in danger and we create a word an adjective it is endangered right it comes slightly from in to n endangered we can save endangered animals okay brilliant so that's just a little bit of language around zoos let me come back and just check in with you where you all are right got some nice examples coming up here dogs are kept in captivity they are sometimes yes a very interesting question from vinid to some extent the pet animals are in captivity at home right this is a really interesting point right yes pet animals pets we could just say pets actually pets are in captivity at home somebody once asked the question is your pet sorry is your dog a pet or a prisoner a pet or a prisoner and it makes you think well they're on a leash or a lead they can't go out freely they do everything i do is your dog a pet or a prisoner interesting this is nice jugal nice bit of practice wild species are kept in captivity in cages even difficult for me right it kept kept but not not capped but kept right great dr yogis thank you very much i'm great thank you very much right ah now she'll pay brilliant you've brought up a really really good point here right so here tiger is an endangered animal are you talking about one tiger like just one harry the tiger look there's tim or tom the tiger probably not right you're talking about a number of tigers or a species of tiger like the white tiger so what do you think it should be that's right well dumb you're very smart tigers right are an endangered animal right even though it's an endangered animal right tigers it must be tigers are an endangered animal right so this is a really good point there is another way we can say this and i'm going to share it with you because i think this is again it's one of the very very very very common mistakes tigers are an endangered animal and i'm very thankful and grateful shilpa because this is really good um to share with everybody tigers right so let's get that right tigers are an endangered animal or you can say the tiger is an endangered animal the tiger right and here it's kind of hard to explain but that we we're saying not the tiger a particular tiger but just the tiger why do we say that we do we say the tiger you're referring to the species the species of the tiger is an endangered animal so you can use either the tiger not tiger no the tiger is an endangered animal or tigers are an endangered animal right brilliant thank you very much for sharing that that's really nice oh here's an expression a nice one from sonia brink of extinction yeah let's get let's go the full hog the whole monty they are on the brink of extinction and i'm going to paste them copies so i can put it in the notes and share they are on the brink of extinction right about to disappear basically yeah brilliant nice so am i able to add that to my notes maybe maybe maybe not yes i am sonia great nice let me come back i've lost your comments everybody so sorry pandas are endangered right extinct right extinct means disappear pierre and shoe so angela's extain extinct uh great question so extinct just means so let's get it really clear to become extinct means to disappear to become extinct and as i said before right don't just learn extinct learn the collocation to become extinct or to be extinct if it's already right is to disappear um so no more exist right so the the great northern rhino in africa is becoming extinct there's only two left both females only two left so it's becoming extinct the dodo is extinct so extinct to be extinct is the noun and we but we've also got the other noun extinction so um this expression is a really nice expression on the brink of extinction means about to become extinct excellent that's it good question from anton are fishes in a things tank fish tank case no not really because a cage has to be a cage right so just let's get clear show you what a cage is because you may not all know what a cage is um so anton if i just get rid of you excuse me so here these are cages right different kinds of cages so a bird yes is in a cage uh a lion a tiger is in a cage of fish no fish is in a fish tank or a fish bowl we wouldn't consider that to be a cage no not really right a nice collocation here right to save endangered animals such as tigers and pandas so nice collocation save endangered animals great brilliant we have a cat activist keeping cats in captivity is not fair freedom to cats abroad right now again coming back to singular and plural right kk this is good zoo snatch the freedom of animals as they have to live in cages this is really good so snatch is to grab or to take quickly to take away now are you talking about wanzo or zoos in general right so kk what should you say exactly we are on the ball love it right zoos generally zoos snatch the freedom of animals generally as they have to live in cages van dabby dosie nice right and here's an okay another good uh one to point out from maestro maestro guru teacher pandas are not anymore in the list of endangered animals ah right on the list i didn't know that i didn't know that but that's good to know good for the pandas yeah so vienhard brings up a good point and also brings up takes up the whole screen i think it would be better if the animals live freely like komoda island they have their own place or rhinoceros in their own area they are not captivated in a cage in a cage so yeah you would need in cages or in a cage it's a good point right it's a very good point because animals as well as zoos we can have animals who are in a natural park right we often call it natural park or a conservation park where they are allowed to roam freely um but they are protected right so some interesting language there right let's let's share that with you on here in a conservation park sometimes let's put a natural park there are different names and i know in different countries they use slightly different names um animals because we're talking about generally are allowed to roam there's a nice word right is to walk to walk to rome to walk without direction a bit like ramble they are allowed to roam freely right to roam freely that's a quite a common collocation so make a note of that great in a conservation park animals are allowed to roam freely yeah it's good it's all good language talking of good language let's move very quickly just to talk a little bit about wild animals language and again i'm just focusing on some quick quick wins some nice language um herbivore okay i'm not sure if you know this word so i'm gonna check give me an example in the in your text box tell me the name of a herbivore let's see who knows what a herbivore is let's have a look a herbivore oh nice herbivore mohammed is very very quick right he says and i'll just get rid of me herbivores eat plants right excellent herbivores eat plants plant eating great why can't i get you here rag raghav why is in the list substituted with on the list it's in the list it's on the list it's in the list of it's on the list i guess you could say both uh verse of a lot but i think on the list is more common but you maybe you're right maybe you can say both it's a good question right animals kirbyvores cows deers horses yeah cow again be really careful right i want you all of you on the ball today cows are herbivores right not cowie's herbivore but thank you very much anxiou for bringing this up cows are herbivores right great others rabbits brilliant okay you've got it so they eat plants what about carnivore give me an example of a carnivore herbivores whoops give me an example of a carnivore just while i update my notes cows cows cows oh come on rabbits horses carnivores that's the latin root any spanish or italian speakers will know what this is straight away right carnivores we've got oh come on come on my friend no it's not working for some reason oh dear i can't get you oh why is that okay something's happened to my notes to the comments your comments are frozen they've disappeared or i can't bring you in oh dear okay now i can give me meat um snakes are carnivores maybe they are a lion is a carnivore that's great you can say that a lion is a carnivore tigers lion crocodile so any meat eating animal right that's the key thing great i'm sorry about the comments they're not working properly so this is a meat eating animal oh meat eating animals great such as lion tiger human some humans not all of them certainly not all of them uh so lions tigers crocodiles um all of those right somebody said snakes i think some snakes yes a mammal right last no mammalian marsupial give me first mammal what is a mammal carnivores we've got mammals oh nice i've got you've got some nice answers here but i'm afraid i can't uh why can't i do this warm blooded animal that feeds its young on milk great it is a mammal is a warm blooded animal that feeds its young on milk humans are mammals exactly as yo yo as yo-yo says no i can't i'd that's such a shame i can't add your comments anymore i'm really sorry about that whales okay i'm just going to take your comments and add them because you've got them here um so mammals warm blooded the young feed on milk i think there's a few other things you could add but you've got humans whales is a good one what else did you have dogs dolphins bears yeah all of those dogs dolphins bears brilliant marsupial as some of you pointed out the uh the young live in a pouch and i think i'm right in saying they are native to australia i think it's the only country that has marsupials and some of you have given examples kangaroo let's see other examples you've got of marsupials not an easy word to say right try and say it with me marsupial a bit like chicken soup soup peel marsupial any other examples of marsupials anybody kangaroo koala very good koala bears which are not actually koalas at all koala a whale is not a marsupial wombats excellent wombats there's lots of them in australia right there's there's all sorts um koalas yes zebras are mammals yes koalas great yeah platypus i think you're right i think that is a uh this is marsupial platypus possums that's the other one possums yes brilliant the dingo it's the dingo wallabies absolutely so the wallaby is very similar to the the kangaroo excellent good okay so nice we've got some like key words there about wild animals so let's come back um i'd like to find out more about pets okay um so as i said at the start we're going to talk a little bit about pets zoos and wild animals let's talk about pets first um and this question why do people have pets why do people have pets right i don't have a pet but i wonder why other people have pets what do you think why do people have pets hmm right i'll get rid of me again for entertainment absolutely um yep good to keep this a nice one to keep people company for security is good for security right i wonder if i can oh this is so annoying because they i can't share your comments so annoying it's interesting to spend time with them they feel emotionally connected to pets yeah absolutely sorry i'm not talking about wild animals anymore i'm talking about pets to have fun when they're tired okay so let me share because i can't for some crazy reason can't share your comments which is so frustrating um but let's put some here so we've got for security i'll just put a few ideas down share them with you in a few simple words that you've put there right let's just change the font for security some of you said for company oh change the font bear with me i'm not going to do this every time for security um they symbolize a sense of welfare that's interesting simple lies a sense of welfare or maybe well-being right maybe you mean well-being is slightly better symbolize a sense of well-being they keep you company somebody has said great what else have you said they're cute and cheerful in today's isolated life they want a companion so they have pets yes nice in today's isolated life they want a companion is nice companion is a nice word right so we've got company and then we've got a companion company we say keep you company right so nice nice development of that word it gives them pleasure companionship there you go again right for companionship come pannions great word again it's all based around the same idea but showing some great flexibility here with the words people are lonely they need someone to take care of them sense of belonging to curb loneliness jivan brilliant let's add that one to curb lone leanness why is my font gone so strange to not to turn to curb come on so to curb loneliness right is to to well to prevent really or to reduce to curb loneliness very very nice they make us happy if we're sad people don't want to be lonely right some great ideas right okay they feel their lack of love with pets right great ah i can get you back in i can get some of you back in they they because they're filling their lack of love with pets yeah if they've got nobody around them absolutely pets are comforting companions nice word great security to show off this is also true right somebody says to show off we like to show off our dogs to others right they also help us build relationships with others right help us meet other people they help us meet other people so true because whether you are um walking your dog in the park or people come to your house and see your cat it's a great conversation starter it's a great way to break the ice um oh i see you've got a dash hound how long have you had it oh is it male or female or what's he like is he does he take after you or is he very mischievous right and what pet food do you give him oh me too great conversation i mean you meet somebody with a dog instant bonding instant building of rapport because you both know you're either both lonely or you're either both uh not feeling safe and you need something guarding and so you've got this rapport you can build instantly so it is a great way not only to show off but to meet other people as well right um it's a way to socialize yeah absolutely now a quick point here right um in ielts speaking part three you often get this kind of question right why do people do something why do people have pets now often you can find you're giving an answer that's very very wide right well people have pets for security or they want companionship and you start going very very wide a very simple technique with this question is to choose a group of people right so choose maybe old people young people people who live in houses people who live in the countryside choose one group of people and go deep into your answer because by choosing one group of people people you're being very specific and giving very detailed answer so your vocabulary is going to be much wider and much more in depth right part three of ielts speaking is going deeper and deeper and deeper it's not just being fluffy and talking very generally so here for example you could say well why do people have pets well people let's take people who live in the countryside those people often have large properties that are kept don't know they have large properties that are often left empty or unattended and so they often need guard dogs and they're very partial to guard dogs who can look after the security of the property and make sure there are no burglars going to come in and steal stuff because very often they may not be there so people in the countryside may want a special kind of pet often a guard dog that will keep thieves and burglars away right so can you see i've answered the question but being very specific it's much easier for me because i'm just focusing on that one line and also vocabulary burglar thief um unattended guard dog suddenly some very rich vocabulary comes out right so that's a nice thing to do right choose or focus on one group of people for this kind of question it's a very very nice technique if you think your answer is too short then add another group right so you could say and in addition to people who live in the countryside i think people who live in the city nowadays feel so lonely that they want companionship and so they turn to dogs and cats to help curb the loneliness that they may feel in the big city right and again it's easier for me because i'm focusing on one group of people does that make sense nod your head if it makes sense i wish i could see you but i can't see you right excellent yeah nice so you're picking it up here right some great examples here petra some disabled people have trained dogs as pets blind people have pets to help them navigate in their daily day life their daily life petra fantastic great so you've got the idea mrs hassan people who live in the countryside some pets are the main source of income such as cows they sell cow's milk right exactly it's interesting you could consider cows as pets i mean are farm animals pets i don't know actually that's an interesting question you could probably get away with that yeah great giant hog as well for old people they often feel lonely and isolated with the companion of pets they would feel loved and wanted yeah it also helps them keep a routine life love it brilliant so you've picked it up you've absolutely got it that's what you want to be doing there i think nice great let's move on to another question right i'm going to move on now to talk about zoos right zoos people are saying what's a zoo zoos like this one here zoos where we um animals are kept in captivity right where animals like wild cats are kept in captivity in cages zoos good or bad right zoo's good or bad well i'm going to do with you a little a little thing here let's do let me copy the link i'm going to do this on mentee because meant is quite fun to do as well so bear with me i'm going to do a poll with you i want to find out uh what your opinion is on this so bear with me will this work here it might work here indeed it might excellent let me just close up here turn on here i'm going to close the animal thing right zeus oh zoo is a good thing zoos are a good thing true or false now okay bear with me that's good but it's not good it's not good he says because it's not working bear with me be patient have a drink i always need to have a little bit of a gap right and a drink okay i think we're in i think we're in now then i want you to have a look i'll get rid of me basically i want you to go to right and in you will see and use the code eight one zero six nine three one okay can you see that at the top i can see the problem now i can see my problem and use the code eight one zero six nine three one there you go i'll try and make it bigger me and technology brilliant well done keith i'm just putting your answer right zoos are a good thing true or false code is eight one zero six nine three one oh now this is getting into an interesting debate right look at this we've got 36 people saying saying what same false we've got 33 people saying it's true zoos are a good thing 51 people saying false now that's interesting i'll give you a second a few of you just to add your ideas but at the moment the balance is uh that it's false that zoos are not a good thing right the truths are catching up but still 74 of you say that zoos are not a good thing and i wonder why so if you said it's not a good thing why are they not a good thing and listen all the the tigers are catching up the zoos are a good thing they're catching up why are they a good thing come and tell me right gosh okay i'm going to close that for the moment you can still vote but i'm going to close it for the moment i'm gonna switch in to our notes zoos being a good or a bad thing and let's see exactly why are they a good or a bad thing give me your comments in the box and let's share them mitra sitting on the fence but good both good to preserve endangered animals good entertainment and bad because animals cannot roam freely well done i like it that's me clapping uh okay zoos allow scientists to study on animals is that a good thing or a bad thing right it's an artificial habitat it says karam again is that good or bad my guess is it's bad because if it's not natural they're not living in a natural way um predators like tigers they forget how to hunt and so they can no longer look after themselves they're dependent on the zookeepers right ishmit they provide knowledge to children while in schools that's also true very very good so zoos are a good thing for the safety of people now that's interesting liz do you mean that therefore the tigers can't attack us is that what you mean right this is an interesting debate because also um we've got other ideas no we haven't because the thing's gone ah can i get you back in okay pals i'm on the fence on this one that's a lovely expression i'm on the fence love it i'm on the fence with this one um i love animals in their natural habitats but as the world is developing animals are on the brink of extinction well done zoos are perfect venue for them to breed breed is a nice word right to grow and to have young or youth young young animals okay great patel says if i talk about positives then zoos are best for the conservation of extinct species right now you have to change that because if it's extinct they don't exist right you can't conserve them so we would have to change that the conservation of species becoming extinct right obviously they're not extinct because that means they've disappeared but for the conservation of space species becoming extinct nice very nice khan says i'm in two minds so listen let me uh let me bring this in because as a nice way to start this answer i'm on the fence on this one that means right i'm undecided it's a nice expression i'm in two minds about this again undecided yeah i'm on the fence on this one i'm in two minds on this one i'm in two minds about this um great so you've got different arguments let's see if i can just capture some of them um what did we have okay we've got some here from manas cages and living conditions are too cramped nice great for the animals they need liberty and freedom liberty and freedom somebody said they need liberty and freedom nice great um some countries have bad zoos yep not good for the entertainment they can help educate children nice very very good zoos can help educate children animals lose their instincts for example how to hunt and often become depressed i mean this is interesting right uh because we don't really know if they become depressed but there are studies on animals that show their behavior changes radically in zoos and they exhibit depression-like behavior so gosh that there are arguments against it and for it absolutely so the one i guess is uh what i'll do later is i'll capture your arguments right and i will put them into the for and against kind of that's against der keith against and for yeah there's lots of more arguments and we'll capture them i'm just aware of time so because of time i'm going to move on a bit we're running short of time as always it goes so quick why is it that in my class time speeds up all of a sudden we're talking about zoos i do want to talk a little bit before we finish up about um animals right wild animals because we talked about pets we talked about zoos talking about wild animals and in particular model answers because i do like to just spend a few minutes in each class doing a model answer not so that you can you know memorize it but just to give you an idea of the very natural english that can be used and i do try to keep it as natural as possible it's not always easy and then after the class you'll get the transcript in the pdf notes and you can check it and look at the really interesting language you know listen out not just for the fancy vocabulary but for the natural english right the well you know maybe i'm undecided i'm in two minds about this this kind of very natural english language which is really really useful so the the model answer i need you to ask me a question about wild animals right the topic is wild animals um ask me a question in the chat box any question about wild animals and i will try and give you a model answer oh okay we've got one in come in come in so over here i'll put you here tell me about a time you saw a wild animal where how do you feel okay only one question i know you're trying to do the cue card right right wait a minute well it's an interesting question because i live in the city so i don't get a lot of access to wild animals as you can imagine but i do remember once when we were out trekking in the in the mountains we went through a forest it's not far from where i live actually and whilst we were going through the forest um suddenly out of the blue we saw this fox and i didn't know there were foxes in that forest um but you know lo and behold there it was it was a lot bigger than i imagined as i mentioned i i live in the city so i don't see many wild animals um but this fox was almost the size of a wolf and what was interesting was it was really scared of us it was more scared of us than we were of it so it kind of peeped up from behind the bush it looked at us and then scurried away to run away and escape obviously it was afraid of humans um so i i felt surprised to see how big it was and how scared it was but it's a really interesting experience um that time that i saw a fox in in the forest near where i live there you go right interesting right so some interesting language um and of course i can't remember it because my brain is going so fast but as i said we'll pick this out later and you can go back okay i'll do one more here uh peach hello bish it's interesting english and french do you think zoos well okay i'm just gonna change that because if it zoos in the plural generally speaking zoos are do you think zoos are a good way to preserve wild animals okay preserve again i'm gonna make a small change here and i'll explain why because preserve is ambiguous we do talk about preserving nature and preserving animals but also we talk about preserved vegetables when we put them in vinegar and preserved meat when we put it in maybe vinegar or salt or smoke so there is a danger that this might mean putting the wild animals in vinegar to eat them right it's ambiguous but it could mean to conserve wild animals um i'm gonna so i don't so i can focus better conserve wild animals right both are correct it's just that preserve is slightly ambiguous okay do you think zoos are a good way to conserve wild animals i tell you what if in the ielts test you have i don't you can't take water if you could have water it's a great way to gain time right well it's an interesting question and i think i'm in two minds about this um i know that by and large the scientific research points in the direction to suggest it's not a good way to conserve wild animals because the wild animals are kept in captivity often in small cramped places they lose their instinct um whether that be how to hunt how to look after their young or how to socialize and so they become depressed and they change their behavior and so really they're not surviving as a species if we were to let them out into the wild they would die within a week so i think we really have to question whether we're really conserving the wild animals the species for the long term that said there are certain animals maybe endangered animals on the brink of extinction that need more protection otherwise they will die out and so for those animals it may be plausible to put them in captivity um preferably a natural park where they can roam freely and be closer to nature and so that yes in that case that may be a better way to conserve the species right good nice right i think i was it's interesting because it actually helped me when we prepared the vocabulary on the brink of extinction roam freely it came quite naturally to use those so thank you for the preparation nice okay um okay i'll do one more i realize we're over time but if you're happy to stick around i'll do one more um what wild animal do you like and why okay so last question and i think this looks like a kind of in ielts speaking probably a part one question right what wild animal do you like and why so i'll keep it fairly short it's my lifesaver and if you're wondering those are red dates at the bottom i'll eat them later after the class what wild animal do you like keith um i'm a big fan of elephants i think elephants are curious and amazing creatures um i've seen elephants on the television not in real life where they're trained to do amazing things um from almost acrobatics to painting with their trunk and i just think they're lovely creatures and they seem very sociable and very friendly although of course in the wild i'm sure they're much much more aggressive but they are typically an animal that humans like to tame and i think they're wonderful bit of a long answer but interesting stuff right that's it for wild animals and everything else so great guys we have looked at today coming back to my little thingy we've been talking about animals we've been talking about pets zoos and wild animals few model answers um we're gonna finish up with a kahoot as always because i do like you to review the vocabulary and i like to i like to keep you on your toes right keep you on your toes means to keep you alert and awake so throughout the class you should be thinking what's he going to test us on which vocabulary or grammar am i going to test you on um so i've got a few questions we'll do it in kahoot and we'll have a bit of fun to find out what you've learned from today okay as always give me a second to find it hoots it just take a second won't be a minute um and as you're having a look at this just to remind you if you want because people are always asking me what's the website address what's the website address that's the website address right there and if uh kahoot if you don't know if it's your first time kahoot is an interesting way for us to play some games um and to practice our vocabulary it's quite fun and uh i think you'll enjoy it so just give me a second okay here we go so we're gonna look at the uh the teach mode teach over here i'm gonna disappear you'll need to go somewhere to do this because you're gonna participate right so basically you need to go to kahoot you can see at the top um put in the number 127038 add your name and bob's your uncle you're ready to go and we will start in about a minute so i can see quite a few of you are coming in already [Music] i'll just turn the music down a tad a tad means a little just turn it down a tad tad [Music] okay so we've got who's in there lots of people go deep tien the gerdy kangal gurdeep sandu who almost won the other day right 154 of you i'll just give you a few seconds and then we'll start up [Music] one of the best things about this is actually just the uh the music and do remember if you can't get into kahoot and not everybody can then you can just put your answer in the chat box okay ayushi my next class is next tuesday so it's every tuesday and thursday at 10 o'clock [Music] yeah i like to keep you on your toes okay let's kick off animals i like bubba okay so what is it is it dog a dog dogs are dogs what's the right answer you've got 20 seconds left let's see who is on their toes i like dogs 135 not bad but could be better like my teacher used to say at school could do better not bad dogs right do you remember at the start we said we're talking about all dogs in general so it should be i like dogs not dog not a dog that's just one and if it's just one you say i like this dog or my dog but generally speaking i like dogs right remember that and of course for all animals scoreboard so who got it right the quickest zaled or excellent and look now and kylie coming in flo you're on the ball aren't you always on the ball question number two in zoos animals are kept blank captivity come on this is a piece of cake 10 seconds left [Music] two one wow fantastic now that's what i want to see that's what i want to see every time um animals are kept in captivity remember capsic cats are kept in captivity in cages that's your tongue twister for the week remember that one brilliant so let's check after that who's on the top oh zaled has lost his place look now look now has moved up and flow look out flow's on your back she'll be there soon or here i don't know question three a kangaroo is a a mammal a marsupial an amphibian or a bear tricky question 10 seconds i'll give you a clue kangaroos are from australia ah fantastic they are marsupials right kangaroos are marsupials because they carry their young in their pouch they do feed the milk like mammals but this is a separate species they are marsupials like the wombat the koala bear and others right lovely let's see who's top of the pops whoa i told you look out for flow look out on the ball absolutely so zaled is still up there in second place look now in third it's like a three horse race this one is let's move on to the fourth and final question we should protect animals we should protect animals sounds like sherlock holmes or jason bourne great music some good answers in the chat box oh now that's now we're cooking now we're cooking means now we're really getting serious brilliant endangered we should protect endangered animals right now 34 of you said extinct you cannot protect an extinct animal because extinct means it's disappeared it's gone already so be careful with that right endangered animals well done brilliant so let's find out who has won the game this week here's the podium who's first third and first [Music] oh it's luck now straight in came from third place up to second place and now conquered the world in first place excellent well done you have been lucky you had some luck now or maybe you were just on your toes i don't know well done you excellent well done very very nice so listen guys thank you all of you very much for joining me today it's been great um if you're watching this on youtube um if you are please do remember to of course subscribe turn on that funny little notification bell over here um so you can find out about the new things coming up the new videos coming up um i'll just turn that off great and just to remind you for those of you are interested um and if it's the right time for you i do have this course it's an online course on udemy um the link will be in the notes in the pdf later but it's called ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus if you think that's right for you go and check it out it might help you out and there's the facebook group of course and there is the website you can go and check out and get the notes from today so that's it it's a big big thank you from me thank you for joining me it's been great to see you here and hear about all these really interesting um ideas and debates right about zoos animals and things great i'm always looking for new topics to have in our live class so if you've got any ideas do let me know in the comments box in the meantime next class next week tuesday thursday 10 o'clock spanish time tuesday and thursday 10 o'clock spanish time on youtube or in the facebook group you can also watch it there you can also watch it on the website i think but best in youtube or facebook that's it my friends take care i've enjoyed this lesson very very much and i can't wait to see you next time all the best now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 61,026
Rating: 4.9294462 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking success part 2, ielts speaking success 2020, keith speaking academy, keith ielts 2020, ielts animals vocabulary, ielts animals speaking, ielts speaking animals part 2, ielts speaking animals, ielts speaking animals topic, ielts speaking animals part 1, animals ielts, animals ielts speaking, animals ielts speaking part 1, animals ielts speaking part 3, animals ielts speaking part 2
Id: v_fbJnVMHAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 2sec (4622 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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