IELTS Speaking Part 2: Awesome Tips and Useful Phrases

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ielts speaking part two is a piece of cake if you know what you're doing let's find out how you can succeed in ielts speaking part two [Music] hello this is keith from the keith speaking academy and the youtube channel english speaking success so in ielts speaking part two people get nervous they get lost and they get confused right and so they get a low score on ielts speaking all because of part two so how do you handle it how do you succeed in ielts speaking part two well in this video i'm going to give you six tips and lots of useful phrases you can use to guarantee your success i'm also going to tell you about a challenge that i'm running together with elsa mobile app where you can practice these phrases and help you improve and so get a higher score in ielts speaking if you don't know elsa it's an amazing mobile app that will help you well improve pronunciation learn new vocabulary and build your confidence it's great i am a big fan more about that later right now let's get into the first tip so tip number one plan a clear structure now you may know or maybe you don't in ielts speaking part two suddenly the examiner will give you a task card a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil and you have one minute to prepare it's really important in that minute to get an idea get an idea quickly one idea that is good enough don't spend the whole minute thinking of different ideas one idea and then use that minute to prepare your structure of course you have the bullet points that can guide you but what you want to write down is what you're going to talk about so for example if the question is describe a person you think is intelligent right i may i may write down something like this i'm going to talk about my father and about well he's reached what he does but he's retired i can talk about the job he had i'll say that he's intelligent because of the advice he gives me and also he plays chess and this will stop you getting lost where am i what was i talking about what was the question the structure so important don't write a lot you haven't got enough time just some keywords structure so important and do remember when you're speaking you keep this and the task card you keep it in front of you you use it a bit like politicians giving a speech you use it to guide you so for example it might look something like this well i'm gonna tell you about my father he's retired at the moment but he used to be a i think he's intelligent because you know he gives very good advice i remember one time he and also what's more we play chess and he's a very good chess player he usually beats me blah blah blah blah blah and that's the person i want to describe this is your roadmap this is your structure make sure you have one don't get lost tip number two is be direct at the start so remember in part two you have one you can talk for one to two minutes i recommend you talk at least one and a half minutes now you might not know how long that is although if you have been practicing at home you should have a good feeling right if you're not sure keep talking until the examiner stops you so be direct some students i think make the mistake of giving a kind of an introductory lecture or talk about the topic like intelligence describe an intelligent person well intelligence is an important aspect of human nature there are different kinds of intelligence emotional intelligence and no stop talk about the person or tell the examiner directly who you're going to talk about for example the person i'm going to describe is my father boom bam otherwise any kind of preamble or talk or lecture is going to confuse the examiner and will not help you you can use a nice little idiom here you can say the person i'm going to describe is none other than my father none other than none other than difficult right can you say that none other than none other than my father when we're talking about something or a person that may be a surprise to the listener you can say well this is it's none other than my father the person i'm going to talk about is none other than my mother right if you're going to talk about a place right your favorite place just say i'm going to tell you about my favorite place it is boom direct so be direct at the start don't ramble don't digress don't go around all the houses get to the point by the way as i mentioned at the start of the video i'm doing a challenge in collaboration with elsa on the elsa mobile app in that challenge you can practice all of these useful phrases for ielts speaking part two you can practice the pronunciation of the words the word stress the phrases the chunks you can even practice in conversations it's absolutely brilliant even if i say so myself i'm really excited about it i think you'll love it it's going to help you not only build pronunciation but help you learn phrases like this and build your confidence the links are down below in the description if you want to download the elsa app but i'm going to tell you a bit more about it later on for now let's get into tip number three tip number three is to use different tenses sometimes students ask me keith in ielts speaking part 2 which tense should i use there's no answer you can use any tense depending on the meaning you want to give what's important i think is in ielts you need to show off a wide range of grammatical structure including different tenses so part two is a great opportunity to do that very often there are opportunities to talk about things in the past things in the present and things in the future if it feels comfortable i want to show you now in this video one technique it's a special storytelling technique to describe events or activities it's as old as the hills but it's really powerful and it's about using the present tenses to describe a story in the past sounds strange right but let's see an example okay let's imagine we've been asked to describe an event and i begin like this it happened about two months ago i was waiting for a friend inside a coffee bar this woman came in and started talking really loudly on her phone then she sat next to me it was so noisy i asked her to be quiet now if you look at the structure we've got the time it happened is usually the simple past it happened two months ago when we set the scene we usually use the past continuous i was waiting for a friend i was sitting in a bar setting the scene and then there's a series of actions which are often in the simple past she came in she started talking she sat next to me different actions that's great already you've got some different tenses there but look what happens if we change and introduce the present tense have a look at this it happened about two months ago i was waiting for a friend inside a coffee bar then this woman comes in and starts talking really loudly on her phone and then she sits next to me oh it was so noisy i asked her to be quiet now can you see what what's happening we've got the time is the same the setting of the scene is the same but then i switch to this woman comes in and starts talking the present simple what this does is it makes the action really vivid and alive almost as if you can see the woman here in the conversation right it brings it to life it's a really powerful technique and then very often when we're concluding talking about the final actions you go back to the past right it was noisy i asked her to be quiet it's a very powerful storytelling technique it's quite tricky so you need to practice it a lot and there are no rules about when you switch tense it's just the feeling you want to create but try it out practice it and now that i've told you i think as you start listening to stories you'll probably start noticing the use of the present tenses in to describe past events very powerful very useful give it a go practice but only use it if you feel confident okay great let's move on tip number four use some flexible templates i'm a big fan of templates right a template is really a set phrase but where you change one or two of the words each time you use it i think templates are great because they can build your confidence they can give you flexibility and in a way they're better than set phrases or idioms because those are fixed and you memorize them the template you're changing it each time you use it but it's so powerful for example right ielts speaking part two i'd like to kick off by telling you that's the template i'd like to kick off by telling you what happened i'd like to kick off by telling you the agenda for today's meeting i'd like to kick off by telling you what i think about this piece of work it's such a great template very flexible when you're starting anything especially ielts speaking part two another one describing an event right this took place this took place quite a while back this took place two months ago this took place last year actually great another one if we're describing a place it's one of the da da da da places i have visited it's one of the most amazing places i've visited it's one of the most beautiful places i've visited actually it's one of the cheapest places i've visited can you see these nice templates are giving you lots of language and flexibility helping you show off your grammatical range as well there are many more and you can find them in the elsa challenge i'm doing if you don't know elsa mobile app then let me just show you how it works um it's great right so especially if you're an ielts student you'll notice you can practice ielts topics right you can practice part one part two and part three and look at that even part three you can look at different conversations and practice your pronunciation in the whole conversation also elsa have created quite a few challenges with teachers and my challenges in here and let's have a look at how one of these parts of the challenges works you can practice individual sounds differentiating sounds and then the words in context this is nice have a look at this one okay it asked me to practice the difference between these two coast that's coast great continue and let's have a look here cart card cart card cut a notice card of course card when you have the voiced d at the end the vowel is longer cart card card it's the second one yes great it's absolutely brilliant you can do lots of practice improve pronunciation build up your vocabulary and also your confidence it's great now when you go to sign up for elsa because you're my students we have some discounts for you if you sign up for a one year plan you can get a 30 discount off the original price if you go for the lifetime membership you get a whopping 80 percent off and then you've got elsa in your phone forever and it's great because they're adding so much new stuff new challenges new information new topics and you get access to all of that forever for a one-time payment go and check it out in the links below right now let's get back to those tips tip number five use cohesive devices cohesive devices are these words or little phrases that connect your sentences and your ideas it's like the glue that holds your ideas and your speech together sometimes they're called discourse markers linkers connectors right and without them then your speech and sentence is just a disconnected there's no logic it's hard to follow they're really important some of the basic ones are first of all to kick off when you're beginning right when you're going in sequence after that next when you're changing topic anyway when you're concluding finally in the end right and all of these are so important because they make it easy for the examiner to follow you and so you will get a higher score it's one of the main criteria for fluency in the ielts band descriptors so it's really important here are some more examples in the middle of a story changing direction anyway what happened next was anyway what happened next was nice when you're coming to the end often in ielts part two um we have to talk about our feelings right you may say and when it comes to my feelings i'd say i felt really happy about it when it comes to my feelings i'd say or you could say as far as my feelings are concerned i'd say i was over the moon say it with me as far as my feelings are concerned there's a kind of a linking as far as as far as as far as my feelings are concerned i was over the moon or i'd say i was over the moon different possibilities right these are great cohesive devices you can be using to give cohesion to your answers and really impress the ielts examiner remember you can practice these in the elsa mobile app speaking challenge let's move on to tip number six the final tip and maybe the best is tip number six get into the flow so i think all of the above tips are really good in my humble opinion but and this one is also really important so sometimes when students in ielts speak in part two they kind of forget the grammar and all the tips and what they should be doing and they just start talking and it just flows and you can see them get into a flow and they just come out with this lovely natural spoken english lovely descriptions lovely storytelling and it just works and it's great because remember ielts speaking is a test of your natural spoken english not academic english so getting into the flow sometimes and allowing this creativity and language to come out naturally is really great of course it depends on your personality and possibly on your level and how much you've prepared but if you've done lots of preparation and you've got the confidence it can be really great to just get into the flow and i think you know creativity is really important because creativity is is your uniqueness right when you speak every sentence you create is unique it's your creativity coming out you know if you're gonna migrate abroad and live in a new community and country that community doesn't want a robot they need your creativity they need to listen to you creatively expressing your ideas in english same if you go to study abroad at university they don't need another robot to come into the class they want to hear somebody using english creatively they need your creativity it's about what you can give them it's almost it's your responsibility to be creative and to speak the best that you can so i think it's really important if you're going for an ielts band 7 8 or 9 then don't be too straight too narrow-minded don't just imitate lots of phrases open up be creative get into the flow let yourself shine and you'll get the score that you need so follow the above tips start using these phrases and i am confident you have a great chance to succeed in ielts speaking part two remember i think the success is in the practice so just practice as much as you can remember the challenge in elsa you can go into the challenge i'm doing start practicing there straight away the links are down below if you sign up for a one-year membership you do get a 30 discount and if you sign up for life lifetime membership there's a massive 80 percent discount insane but great go and check out the links down below and you can have elsa in your pocket for the rest of your life fantastic so if you've liked the video do remember to subscribe and turn on the notifications it's been a pleasure as always spending this time with you i hope it helps good luck with your test and i will see you in a few moments in the next video take care my friend bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 135,057
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking success part 2, ielts keith 2021, keith ielts speaking part 2, ielts speaking part 2 tips, ielts speaking part 2 strategy, ielts speaking part 2 vocabulary, ielts speaking preparation, ielts speaking preparation tips, how to prepare for ielts speaking test, how to prepare ielts speaking cue card, ielts speaking cue card tips and tricks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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