IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of ADVICE

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[Music] right hello there my friends how are you it's nice to see you welcome to what welcome to today's live lesson very excited to be with here with you and me today we're going to be talking about the exciting topic of giving advice this one over here we're going to be talking about some vocabulary answering some questions anecdotes about advice and some idioms as well plus we have a very special guest joining us today and we'll be having a conversation all about advice that is fantastic i cannot wait so listen let's get the show let's get this show on the road let's begin [Music] hello my friends how are you listen this is great how exciting it's a lovely today lovely today it's a lovely day today i can feel that spring is in the air the sun is shining the temperature has gone up a little bit and the flowers have started to blossom we've got some lovely colors in the streets here it's looking very nice um let's find out just very quickly who is in the house hello who's in the house majda albay good morning nice to see you kenwood yulin hello nice to see you again of course sakshi hello nice to see you and eron erica from italy menu gazwami good afternoon and also javita from nigeria lovely welcome javita um cine right good morning nice to see you hello and a big hello to all of you who are here joining me thank you very very much for joining me today we're going to be looking at advice giving it taking it ignoring it whichever you want to do really doesn't matter what's important is the language that we use um so what are we going to do today let me just go through and give you a little bit of a run through of today's class we're going to look at advice we're going to talk about vocabulary right and then what will we do we'll have our guest martin right so martin this really is martin in real life um he's a musician but he'll tell you more about himself and about what he does with english teaching um so we'll have a conversation with martin um we'll do some listening practices today and our good old friend stan the man is back in town so we'll be doing some listening practice with stan so you can do some listening and speaking we'll be looking at some idioms of course we always like to look into some nice idioms and collocations for example give it your best shot do you know what that means give it your best shot you're gonna find out today we'll be doing the sample answers as always one or two sample answers from ielts questions and kahoot as well and of course we have a few things to celebrate today um we've got something to celebrate with martin but we've also got a celebration because i got five hundred thousand is that right that's crazy five hundred thousand that's crazy five hundred thousand subscribers on youtube amazing thank you so much all of you who are watching um so i'm going to do a lucky draw 500 000 people five courses i'm giving away three five free courses um today you can choose whichever course you like if you win actually because maybe you've done one and you want to do another so i've got two courses you can choose whichever one at the end of the class we'll be doing the lucky draw and finding out who those five lucky people are who've been commenting on the post yesterday so that's what we've got lined up for today very very nice i just wanted to share with you i got a comment i get lots of comments from students and it's so nice it actually makes my day and it really motivates me when i get up in the morning and i check a few emails or comments and there's such beautiful things and it's very motivate motivating so thank you very much for those this was from an excuse my pronunciation uh and he said hi keith thanks a lot for your videos and courses i have a 7.5 in speaking and overall an eight thanks a lot even i have done my test but i would love to watch your videos on youtube so even though he's finished ielts he still wants to watch the videos on youtube i think that's great because i do believe language learning is not just ielts ielts is a small part but important part of the journey it's a whole lifelong learning right carry on learning english afterwards for your life for your business for your travel maybe for work you know so i think that's great and if you can still if i can still help you then even better very very happy to do that lovely good so let's see how you're all doing before we kick in with our vocabulary but let me just say a few hellos we've got florence says you deserve it thank you very very much um thank you very much congratulations good for lucky thank you too lovely and from slovakia again apologies um and i'm you know i must say also thank you i have quite a few people who are and i don't know how to pronounce your names right with the um cyrillic script so i sorry the arabic script and i'm not sure but thank you also i don't know how to pronounce your name but thank you so much um and others from uzbekistan again this is cyrillic script so i cannot pronounce your name but thank you very much for you guys in uzbekistan there seems to be a community a growing community of uzbekistanians if that's a word if not i've just made it up so there if you're an uzbekistanian then welcome paya patel thank you very very much right from iran there you go there you go that'll teach me to recognize my languages from iran nice nice to see you all here it's actually it's going to be fun yes i think today is going to be fun we've got a lot of exciting things coming up so let's kick off um just to remind you at the start if you are on youtube of course turn on the uh notification button this one so you can find out about my new videos coming out i have a new video recorded on saturday about midday will be coming out so looking forward to that it's all about how to improve your speaking skills surprise surprise and what else the website just to let you know you can find out lots of resources on the i take all of our lesson notes and put them onto the website so if you want to go to the website i'll show you right now where you can go and find out these resources so if you go to the um there's lots of stuff here the about the test about resources under resources we've got you know top tips useful tools there's a vocabulary guide there's practice tests that lots of students are doing now which is to you just sit with me a recording of me and i ask you questions and you answer them right you can see other students doing mock tests but the free live lessons up here this is where you can find all these pdf downloads um from the latest class so you can watch um the video here or you can just download last week we did transport right um and all the previous lessons are here animals books in alphabetical order so you can just download them or if you prefer you maybe you're on your mobile phone you can just click and go and read the lesson notes um directly on the on the website i think i've got so many windows open now it's a little bit slow but normally it's quite quick so there you can see lots of stuff there that you can be uh you can be watching lots of a big emphasis on on vocabulary to help you with these different topics so that's it free live lessons that's on the website um go and check it out brilliant let me just close some of my windows let's have a look then essential vocabulary let us start with essential vocabulary which is over here i think yes and i become a little circle so essential vocabulary to start with right um we're talking about advising and advice so listen really carefully to the pronunciation the verb right is to advise it's a voiced sound z z a bit like the b right z advise advise advise that's the verb right the first one however the noun the second one is advice it's not voiced so it's a s i like the snake right advice advice so put them together to advise advice can you hear the difference it's a very small difference normally the context will help you make it clear but there it is a different sound right so advice is uncountable and this is a big really common mistake people say i will give you a advice or two advices no no no no no don't do that you cannot count advice so we say he gave me some advice right he gave me some advice if you want to count it you can say a piece of advice right she gave me a good piece of advice or maybe she gave me a bad piece of advice possibly you never know but advice is uncountable and there's a lot of words like this that you find in ielts like news like information um advice all of these are uncountable right so it's a piece of news a piece of information um or a bit of advice a bit of news right in more spoken english we often say he gave me a bit of advice so all of your books are going to tell you a piece of but when we're speaking actually um a bit of is also also very very common right he gave me a bit of advice so we've got the verb the noun and the adjective advisable if you remember my pronunciation video last saturday word stress which syllable ad vais advisable it's the second it's this one right advisable um advisable is the adjective it's not very advisable to watch too much tv it's not very advisable to spend a lot of time on your mobile phone for example right so it's not advisable great um when it comes to giving advice we can say different things right when we want to give advice let me take these all down together when we're giving advice we can say first of all he advised me to do something he advised me to go or recommend he recommended me to go right it's actually a really really interesting city i advise you to go my brother recommended me to go right that's one structure very very common the other common structure is he recommended that i go so this is not advice but only recommend and suggest these two he recommended that i do it he suggested that i go um so it's i plus actually it's it's the verb but it's the subjunctive right and you can see it's the subjunctive because here it's not i recommended that she goes no that she go so this is actually it's the subject plus the subjunctive it's quite unusual in english to have the subjunctive but we do get it sometimes and this is one of the cases right recommended i recommended that she go so the subjunctive the subjunctive is actually it's the same as the infinitive um for all of them i go hugo she go hego they go we go etc so the subjunctive is dead easy just remember she go i suggested that she'd go and the last one that we often use is this one um recommend with the gerund i he recommended going so where you're not talking about who not not me but he recommended going to the cinema right so we can say he recommended me to go to the cinema um i recommended that she go to the cinema or he recommended going to the cinema so you've got three possibilities there are more but three is enough i think right three is enough to begin so my question then my question for you guys is in the comment below um think about some advice from your parents what advice did your parents give you right what did your parents recommend or suggest right give me a sentence in your comments let's have a look mohammed says i must say your advice in the live english lesson will boost our score i hope so yes katie says some pieces of advice that's good good gab bandip says a little bit of advice that's good max gaming hello from uzbekistan right let's have a look let's just share a few comments here sator says my parents recommended me to study harder nice very very good my parents recommended that i stopped gaming perfect yes um shah says my parents recommended me to watch keith's videos really well that's great good parents listen to your parents ah now then okay good point huang advised me giving up smoking so the giving up ing you can only have with recommend and suggested not advice right if he's advised then you want this one he advised me to okay so he advised me to give up smoking we would say here he's because it's he advised me to do something right he advised me to give up smoking okay um we've also got wear warm clothes clothes good they recommend that i learn english okay good that's in the present so probably still true um leni says my father advised me to work hard he advised me to work hard very very good fathers are good at doing that aren't they um my parents always advised me to do my best very nice said b now amrita be careful with this one mum suggested me to go if we go back right just remember suggested so me to go is going to be with advised and with recommended right but suggested is either that or doing right so let's change this mum suggested well if you want to say me you would say mum advise me to go to the office to go to office to go to office or to go to the office to go to the office is a place you work to go to office sounds like you're going to work for the government maybe that's what your mum advised you maybe right adriana says they recommended that i study more right perfect they recommended that i studied more yeah perfect very very nice lovely some lovely examples there let me just move on one moment just bear with me bear with me here we go let me come back i'm going to look at some collocations some common collocations we can use here um so with advice with us as a s advice it's not an s but it's pronounced because it's the noun as we said a bit of advice is good a friendly piece of advice is quite nice a friendly piece of advice right my uncle gave me a friendly piece of advice now that means not only that they are a friend right but that they're trying to persuade you to do something without forcing you so your parents probably your parents give you advice because they they want to push you a little bit harder and probably your boss or your mentor will give you advice but somebody who's being more gentle will probably give you some a friendly piece of advice right now your boss or your parent can say this is a friendly piece of advice and what they really mean is you have to take it this is a friendly it's like i'm trying i'm pretending to be a friend i'm giving you a friendly bit of advice but you'd better take it better take the advice or follow the advice right different kinds of advice constructive advice which is basically positive or or helpful let's say helpful advice um unsolicited advice is advice you don't want right do you ever get unsolicited advice you know when people you're minding your own business you're doing your things and people come over to you without you asking and so you know you should do that have you thought of doing this why don't you do that you need to do this i didn't ask you right why are you telling me unsolicited advice it's advice you don't ask for but people still give it right lots of people are very good at that giving you unsolicited advice just say the word with me it's a difficult word unsolicited and i'm going to put the stress on the unsolicited unsolicited advice unsolicited advice that's it nice you've got sensible advice right which is um logical and also useful right sensible logical useful that's sensible advice right great and you can talk about heeding advice which is to follow advice or take advice so we can say to heed advice or to follow or to take advice right the opposite would be to ignore advice i ignored my father's advice don't do that well you can do right you don't have to follow your parents advice um but if you decide not to heed their advice then you're going to ignore their advice right simple as that lovely good so let me just um do this great let me check in with you let's see how you're doing what have we got sana says yes celici's advice is not important well that's right it's usually not important it's people getting involved in your business just be careful with your spelling sana right so this is a solicited advice there's lots of esses today solicited advice right great yeah mechmed this often happens people who hate me give unsolicited advice right often the case um mangidi says i always accept sensible advice yep that's logical my uncle give me friendly piece of advice to go to work you're being very um where are your e's you've just all your ease have disappeared friendly piece of advice i understand what you're saying yes eduardo this is a nice segue a friend of mine recommended me to listen to rock and roll english podcast very nice great and that brings me very nicely onto our guest today rock and roll english martin from rock and roll english is joining us today and what i'm going to do thank you eduardo for that link a nice link i just need a second to call martin and to bring him in to the party did i say party the class it's fun though right right here we go i wonder if he's watching he might be watching on youtube you never know let's see i think he's ready we're gonna pull him in in a moment right let's see hello keith hello hi martin how you doing not too bad is my camera not switching on it's not switching on at the moment no okay there we go there you are fantastic brilliant right now i'm just going to bring you in to the uh okay because you're in skype i'm going to bring you into the uh into the thingy the show okay just one big moment the big moment here you go okay so i'm here yeah you're here you're in you can you can only see me right but you are actually in yeah i'm looking at the best bit though which is you don't know yeah yeah well that depends on your point of view so um just let me see if i can change your i'm just going to pan you out a little bit if i can okay no problem see your your flag because you've got this fantastic flag right yeah that's right although it does kind of have a grammatical error in it because i forgot the other apostrophe there but never mind oh dear good job my head's in the way anyway my head my head's blocking that your hair's in the way as well that's right so just to everybody watching i'm gonna say a big welcome to martin thank you for joining us martin great to see you here thanks for having me good now you can't see the comments but i'll keep an eye on the comments as as you as we talk okay we're gonna we'll have a bit of a chat and then go on to talk about the topic of advice um okay but i'd really like to begin with you and rock and roll english i mean tell us a little bit about you and what you do okay um well it's just i have a podcast that helps i would say intermediate learners of english and above and it's just a podcast where i just have a chat with my friends basically about more or less anything lots of stupid stuff just to keep people entertained because um when well i suppose i am still learning italian but i was always looking for italian podcasts to listen to and i always found them quite boring and i just wanted something um just like every day normal chat that you have with your friends in a pub let's say um and so that's very much what it is and then i hide and then i highlight the rock and roll vocabulary and then give that to the listeners um and then yeah and then we also have a members area where people share their what i call r r stories i always share mine on the podcast and then in the members area people share theirs well i always like to go for embarrassing stories i think that embarrassing stories kind of bring people together don't they no one wants to hear about perfect lives that's right you don't want to hear about my ferrari and my big house neither of which i have but there's enough of that on instagram yeah exactly people want to hear about you breaking down um and yeah these kind of things so yeah i always try and share embarrassing stories fantastic great good there's a lot of people saying hello welcome um which is great um somebody ashref says you look like ishant sharma indian cricket bowler okay interesting that's so that's a new one i've had um lots in the past what one i often get is actually jesus um this is the new one that's a new one for you and lenny is asking how to get into the podcast your um if i've got it right i'm just going to put it up i think it's if i've got this right is rock and roll right yes that's right and you can find the actual podcast on all of the podcast apps spotify itunes podbean pod addict all of them they're all difficult to remember them all and um i was talking about celebrations today and um so you've got something to celebrate i think right um yeah i suppose the i i imagine we're talking about the birth of my daughter the birth of your daughter you are a new dad i am indeed she was born on valentine's day which is an easy one to remember oh congratulations thanks yeah um i'd always oh i had never liked valentine's day i always thought it was just a complete waste of time but now i suppose i will have to celebrate celebrate in some way on valentine's day and have you chosen a name uh yeah otherwise you know she was born like nearly well two and a half weeks ago so be a bit strange to have no name um her name is lara like um lara croft from tomb raider is that your ambition aspiration for her to be a tomb raider yeah exactly that's the dream fantastic great um lovely and i if i remember right you're living in italy is that right correct in sicily just to be precise in sicily yeah absolutely what's it like over there fantastic um mainly for the weather obviously growing up in england um didn't really have such wonderful sunshine um but here i think i posted a picture on instagram i think it was on the sixth of february i i was actually in the sea um went to the beach and i can see the sea from my balcony um so yeah life is good sounds nice sounds very very nice brilliant good um so congratulations coming in lots of congratulations okay thanks yes i say he does look like most actors who play jesus okay yep see told ya there you go you've sown the seed now martin we're going to talk a bit about advice what i'm going to try and do is just you know have a natural conversation but every now and again i will come out and put like a whiteboard you can't see it but there's a whiteboard on the screen and just make a few notes of interesting language so feel free to ask me questions or point out any interesting language i might use okay if i do so advice i'm interested i mean talking about advice what kind of advice do you give other people um i suppose uh obviously being a teacher i tried to give people advice about um how to learn languages um in particular to to learn english um how to do well on maybe an exam like the ielts exam when people ask me about that um in fact i was thinking about this and i was thinking of some advice i'd received and this is actually advice i often pass on for the ielts speaking exam because before my um [Music] so at my brother's wedding because as you know in england at weddings we give speeches and i was the best man so i had to give a speech and i just before i gave that speech i remember my cousin who was older than me and had done many speeches in his life said to me go slowly like pause right because if you start speaking like this and you start picking really fast and no one understands what you're saying um and because which is often the case because you get anxious and then you start speaking fast and then no one really understands what you're saying um so for example that's advice i often pass on to people when they're doing the iowa speaking exam to not speak too fast and to go slow to pause at the correct time so that's the main piece of advice i give i don't like giving too much advice because i don't think i'm a good person to do it because i make lots of stupid mistakes in life i think hey but we all learn through our mistakes right often that's exactly essential to make mistakes really i'm going to pull out just something that you said there and just show because i think that's useful we talked earlier about giving advice but you said um pass on advice so advice i pass on for the exam is to speak more slowly or not speak too fast so that i think it's nice to pass on advice lovely um now you talked about not only giving advice but taking advice um do you like it when people give you advice um well i think depends who it is i suppose um yeah i um so yeah i'm i do like it i mean especially at the moment i've been getting lots of advice about parenting for example and all of that advice is very much welcome because um i basically have no idea what i'm doing but the the good thing i've come to realize is that basically no one has any idea about parenting um i always thought that once you're a parent you're prepared but from from what i understand yeah like what i've come to realize is that basically no one does and you just kind of make it up as you go along absolutely it's totally made up i mean i i realized i was very anxious before my daughter was born about what should we do and to be honest even the the few articles or bits of books i read about it just went out the window because as soon as she was born everything just went so fast that exactly they don't have time to react it's almost innate you just respond as a human right so exactly yeah no it's exactly the same i read a few books and like you said that very much went out the window in like five seconds um how old is your daughter then keith she's now 14 okay well yeah i mean she's grown up quite a bit now she's now at um secondary school um and interestingly i think when she was going through the kind of eight nine ten period there there are i found it more useful to to read books about the development of emotional development and you also do get support from schools at least we did i mean teachers at school are very much focused on working with parents to help them and that was really beneficial um okay yeah but as a baby you know they eat and they poo and they keep you up at night definitely poo yeah um yeah i i mentioned this on a i think on monday's podcast how uh changing nappies is quite difficult mainly because that's the time she decides to poo um and i i described it as i think it was mike tyson the boxer said everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face and i kind of feel like that with changing the nappy like i have a plan of like what i'm i'm gonna do and then she starts pooing and then again that plan just goes out the window and it's just total panic yeah and you manage as well as you possibly can yeah exactly and try and avoid avoid nappy duty next time yeah exactly that's great there's a few interesting things there i'm going to just pull up again on the whiteboard for the the guys watching um it's interesting you said i to get out we talked about getting advice but you said i've been getting advice about something which is actually a really nice use of that tense i've been getting advice present perfect continuous about something in this case parenting and we were looking at collocations earlier just before you came on and here you talked about welcome advice it's very it's welcome advice which is advice you like and you want to get of course of course and this expression it went out of the window i think we had a lot longer we did what does that mean exactly how would you explain that um well i mean if you think about it literally so i think i was talking about like a plan so basically you have the plan and then if you talk about literally it's literally thrown out the window so it's not useful anymore right it's just it's gone yeah that that's brilliant yeah i'm going to put that in let's put it it's no longer useful i was thinking about how on earth to explain that but that's good it's no longer useful it went out of the window so especially we talked about plans the plan went out of the window right yeah yeah cool yeah and then you have to just basically basically come up with something something new indeed indeed indeed yes you've talked about i mean advice with the the baby there have you ever as there has there been any useful advice that people have given you um i think probably the um most useful advice i've received was actually from someone in the like what we call the rock and roll english family so the community for the podcast and she told me basically that there is no right way and the right way is your way like so like listen to your baby's needs um and like yeah there is no right way because i was really worried about i have to do it this way or this way or this way and yeah she basically said to me that there is no right way do what you think is best and and go from there basically so that that i thought was the most useful because i'd heard things like okay if your baby um is you have to feed your baby every two hours if the baby's sleeping you have to wake the baby up and then feed him or her and then other people say something completely different this is the other thing about advice actually is you get completely different advice even when we were in hospital i can't even remember what it was now but one of the nurses came in and told us to do something and then literally one hour later another nurse came in and told us to do the complete opposite uh so so what do you do that's really it can really panic you right as a new parent um exactly so like i said this person um in the rock and roll english family said basically there is no right way so just do it your way and that's fine right right brilliant i'm tempted i don't know if it's a good idea but i'm tempted to ask the the viewers if they've got any advice for you because i know we've got quite a few um with young toddlers who are bringing up two or well one or two or three children um toddlers kind of the two to three year olds i wonder if any of you out there have got any advice for martin um it would be very much welcome so um let's have a look let's see what people say um great when you yeah when you mention they have like one two or three especially if they're like close in age that must be very difficult i think it's about my brother my brother's less than two years older than me so it must have been a nightmare for my parents when we were young yeah i think yeah that's that's true i'm not sure i've only got one child so i don't know but i i do know families who've got here in spain that the they call it the a large family right so children of five or six children is quite common um and i've always been in or an admiration how they bring up all these children and they said actually it's really easy because the more children you have they actually look after each other the older children take the duties off you and actually caring for the other children um so that's that's quite interesting okay maybe i'll tell my wife we need to have five then yes in the next five years yeah i don't know what she'll say about that yeah great i've got we've got i can put up some comments here dedic says there is no right way just follow your instincts yeah that's nice this is what i like yeah i'm just going to write these down because follow your instinct is a nice expression definitely especially in that sense with them with children shakun says don't complain and cherish the moments with your kids yeah and and another good one which yeah is again i think very good advice because sometimes i do find myself like holding my daughter and in my my other hand i've got my phone and i'm checking instagram and i think like this isn't right is it like i should really put my phone down um yeah yeah true but you know i do wonder when when they're a baby you you wonder how much they really know about you being on instagram i mean do they really care i mean if they're eight then yes they want their attention and you're ignoring them but if they're a baby some people say they do know right they can sense that you're ignoring them but i don't know yeah it is you do sometimes think if you could just talk that would be very useful like when she she's crying and like so she's just been fed um changed their nappy and she's still crying you think what else could it be if you could just let me know that would be great exactly yeah can you just instagram me a text yeah tell me what the problem is send me a dm on on instagram and let me know yeah exactly it would be nice nice we've got uh surijith who says my advice is don't take any advice okay zb says one kid is enough i can't cannot imagine a second one okay right right that's interesting um yeah my wife will be happy with that um that's the first thing she said to me after giving birth um was we are never having any more children again it was a tough labor was it uh i think so i actually wasn't allowed in the delivery room because of the covid restrictions but my wife said um it's a good job you weren't because you would have definitely fainted because she knows i'm a bit queasy and don't really like all of like this kind of stuff i was disappointed but i think maybe in hindsight it might have been for the best that's quite interesting i mean having a baby in times of covid must be quite difficult for for everybody right yeah it's a bit it's anxious yeah um yeah we also got married last year in times of kovid so wow yeah we love covid you're a total family exactly yeah wow fascinating um i'm just going to share up again so we had a couple of interesting expressions just to share with people oh this was earlier completely different advice that's another collocation i guess you get completely different advice follow your instinct i'm a bit queasy queasy i think is when you get dizzy easily right yeah yeah especially when um you see maybe like maybe stuff like that like that that makes you feel dizzy like you're going to faint yeah yeah feeling queasy yeah veins maybe sick as well exactly so you didn't see the birth you did were you the father like me actually i had to wait outside and they came out with the baby and handed me the baby um well i that didn't actually not exactly that so after the birth they brought my wife up i was in like a private room upstairs waiting for her to come and that's but i was expecting like a big moment of like hugging each other like on a film of like we hadn't seen each other and then she just she and then she just said that was when she said we're never having any more children and then i went downstairs and and then i could only actually see um our baby through the glass at this point because they were running some kind of test so i didn't actually hold her in my arms and for about another probably two hours probably right right um wow interesting yeah brilliant um more advice there's lots of advice coming in now okay i did ask listen to your baby and be very patient yeah patience is a good one yeah patience definitely need that um that's from nh from mamma mama must be a mother okay my advice to martin is to keep the ball rolling in changing the nappy of your baby and to be a good father in bringing her up okay yeah i like it um so what connected to patients actually um some other advice i um received well actually i saw this online actually someone was talking about babies and he said um if your baby is having a meltdown that doesn't mean that you need to and which i think is what it could so obviously a meltdown is like when you're it's like going crazy um and because it's quite easy i think to do that yourself when the baby's crying and stuff but to like try and smile and laugh so then the baby feels relaxed right it's yeah because the more agitated you get the worse exactly thank i like that expression yes i'm going to write that down have a meltdown so to go crazy lots of people i think that's used a lot we talk about a lot of teenagers have meltdowns with their prices on social media um people losing their jobs are having meltdowns yeah being affected it's quite a common expression nowadays well i was about to say with covid and everything um i think maybe many people may be using this expression of having meltdowns of whether it's being locked in at home or unfortunately obviously many people maybe have lost their jobs and stuff like that so i think it's quite an easy time to have a meltdown unfortunately indeed it is unfortunately hopefully hopefully things will get better yeah um nitin has got some very interesting advice this is quite philosophical i think you could read this on many levels see what you say nitin says simplest piece of advice for martin stay put okay yeah but i mean i wasn't planning on going anywhere i mean i can't anyway i had locked down so i can't i can't go anywhere even if i wanted to exactly yeah that's great great advice um everyone's saying talks about patience patience is the key yeah there's an interesting expression here from yosro yosera says hey martin i suggest simply that you play it by ear great expression play it by your ear let's just kind of improvise simply follow your feelings when it comes to taking care of your baby lara yeah yeah i like that a lot as well yeah just go with the flow kind of thing yeah yeah play it by ear let me write that down as well i just add it on it's a great expression for everybody play it by ear it's kind of improvised not not plan yeah yeah what was the one you said go go with the flow right go go with flowers yeah that's another common expression go with the flow improvise play it by ear or to wing it that's the other one for winging it yeah just wing it is to do something without a plan or without any kind of preparation or yeah yeah or maybe maybe parenting off the cuff parenting yeah good to do it off the cuff which is the same right yeah is that like no plan just just to improvise and i like that that's off the cuff parenting that's nice creative language now off the cover off the cuff teaching yeah yeah parenting brilliant and um what's that this is a hard question it's one of those what's the worst what's the worst piece of advice you've been given that's what you know you realize was absolute nonsense the worst piece of advice i should have really thought about this because i thought he'll definitely maybe ask me of like the best piece of advice but i didn't really consider this so maybe it's a good question yeah maybe it's just because i'm such a um positive person that i was thinking it's only going to be uh positive positive questions um well i can change the question because that's a bit of a a mad question a better question is do you always follow other people's advice no absolutely not it's the the classic of someone telling you okay yeah great definitely going to do that and then definitely definitely not going to do that right so no definitely don't um and as i said it it depends um who's giving you advice um yeah you always want to think someone that's done what you want to do for example right um is the person to to listen to i suppose so yeah definitely definitely not so it depends if they've maybe been where you want to go yeah and what about you i'm going to put that difficult question on you now um the worst piece of advice you've ever received um yeah okay it's a good question this is um a combination of advice and my interpretation of the advice okay um so in hindsight it actually turned out very well in hindsight um but so somebody advised me um to quit my job and start an online business okay and they said you can make loads of money like in months and i was at the time a bit in a cr in a crossroads with whether i should carry on working or do something different um and i thought okay i'll have a go so i decided to quit my job and start working online as an online teacher and that was terrible advice actually because i really really struggled to make money um for a long time and we went through financial hardship for quite a long time okay much better advice would have been carry on with your job start working online and when you're comfortable give up your job but don't kind of jump into the uh the online business yeah um although yeah i mean i i agree but i think i'm probably the other person to that that have been doing that with my job but then i think you go much slower because then your your job obviously takes up a lot of your time so there are so many things you would like to do with your online business that you actually don't get time to do um so yeah probably yeah probably wasn't great advice in those months when you were struggling but uh as you said it probably turned out quite good in the end because i'm sure you worked much harder in those months to um to build it up yeah because i'd burn my bridges basically i had i had no choice yeah so i have the term there to burn your bridges yeah and your bridges let me bring that one up as well um yeah i had to get on and make it happen and and as i said it turned out really well i love what i'm doing and it's great um the the online teaching now is fantastic um but it was quite difficult at the start of course yeah let me just put up these expressions some nice expressions um just give me a minute this technology is so complicated sometimes i feel yeah because uh when i'm in your scene people don't realize how many things how many screens you've got there and what you're typing you're trying to talk to a person you're typing you're it's there's a lot going on there's a lot going on it's like the swan going across the water looks very smooth but the little feet underneath kicking exactly doing a lot of work yeah so what we've got here we've got if following a people's advice if they have done what i want to do it's an interesting grammatical structure um in hindsight means kind of looking back um so we often say in hindsight it was a good thing or in hindsight it was a bad thing yeah at my moment obviously you don't know that at the time exactly burn your bridges um is to to burn your bridges is to is to what you've got like no way back let's say you you go to a place and then you've got no way back um you've burnt the bridges there's no way back [Music] so it's to make sure well yeah not make sure just that there is no way back let me put yeah let me put that similar to this i remember reading once i think it was napoleon or something when they were he was invading um an island or something they took the boats there and then he said burn the boats because like this is it now we're not going back we're here so similar to you with the online business yeah burn your bridges give up your job then uh you burn your bridges there's no way back jesus and napoleon exactly today's lesson about advice has been brought to you by napoleon yeah absolutely great burn your bridges i i mean the good thing about burning your bridges is that you it does force you to exactly to work hard and make things happen exactly brilliant i'm just going to check in with the comments um where are we the voice oh there's uh oh there's echo yeah the echo happens when i bring up the blackboard yes sorry about that all right um pay your dues i suppose keith is a versatile man oh here we go back to bringing up babies i suggested breastfeeding is the best for your baby rather than using formula until two years old after two wow i i hadn't heard until two until at least two years old says wow yeah that's interesting now in in different countries there's different cultures around breastfeeding and um i i have noticed it between because we bought our baby up in in china and then and comparing that to england there are different attitudes to breastfeeding yes oh right no absolutely yeah luckily um my wife um managed to get the hang of that quite quickly that was the other thing that when they brought the baby in like i said after these two hours a man just came into the room and almost in some way dumped her on us and just said like okay do i try breastfeeding changing nappy and i i was expecting them to show us how to do that but they didn't and then i had to then get my phone and watch a youtube tutorial about uh how to do these things somebody just mentioned that earlier they said just don't worry just go on youtube you can learn anything you need to know about exactly that's the the beauty of the world we live in today you can learn stuff on youtube you can indeed brilliant good um so i'm just keeping an eye on the time so martin i think we're probably going to wind up um the conversation was great some really interesting language and i'll go back and look at some of the language um again um and share that with the students as we wind up i mean for people who want to find out more about you where should they go where can they get in touch with you um yep like rock and roll english dot com if you just type rock and roll english into google and you will see various things pop up the podcast and the website and i would say yeah have a listen to the podcast and then go from there really um i've got a youtube channel i don't really use that because there are so many different things to do i think like just trying to concentrate on one and video making is definitely not um my forte so um i try to steer clear of that right so your focus there on the podcast definitely i try to focus more on the podcast i personally love podcasts as well because just like them when in that dead time let's say of like cleaning or walking to the shop or something like that you can actually listen to something interesting so yeah i'm a podcast man fantastic and i i what i like about your podcasts i mean i've listened to a few is the it's very very natural i mean it's very natural english spoken in a very natural way and you bring out lots of interesting language that maybe a lot of other teachers wouldn't look at um and i think it's really good yeah i often think as well i um if you compare that to like textbooks for example where you've got actors that have got like a scripted conversation so one it's not very natural and to a lot of the language that you hear the majority of it is useful in textbooks but you also um so for example my podcast we use language that you definitely wouldn't find in textbooks right um which can be very useful especially if you move to an english-speaking country yeah absolutely and your final piece of advice for the students uh was i supposed to give advice well the advice i give at the end of every podcast is just keep on rocking so i suppose that enjoy your time enjoy life and keep on rocking keep on rocking absolutely sounds fantastic sounds great brilliant okay um that's nice martin we're going to wrap up thank you very very much for joining us it's brilliant thank you for having me it's been great i really enjoyed it and i'm sure it's going to be very very useful for students as well thanks a lot so i'll log off now yeah you can log off i'll hang up as well yeah all right all right okay that's how it works okay thanks keith cheers thanks a lot bye-bye right guys let me bring us back and take this here we go yes wonderful that was martin thank you so much martin um i just noticed i had the wrong banner up at the top but it is if you want to get in touch with martin it's rock and roll english um you can find out more about what he's doing there www rock n roll english dot com i'll leave all the notes in the um at the end of the at the end of the video we're still going we have another half an hour to carry on with today's lesson um good thank you for that martin thank you for everybody stay with us um good i'm glad that it's useful some of you saying it's nice to hear sometimes it's difficult i know to follow the conversation but i i do try and keep up with the um the notes to highlight some interesting things that come out as we're talking okay excellent what are we going to do next what are we going to do next when i'm not sure i play a funny jingle bar good do you know what i'm going to have some water it's become a fashion in our house to drink from jars instead of using cups we've started using jars and it was my daughter that started this um this fashion and apparently she said it's very it's very instagramable although nobody's gonna take a photo of me drinking he said no no you take a photo and then you put it on instagram maybe i don't know it's quite interesting great all of you um mothers and fathers out there with young babies you've learned lots of vocabulary today about nappies and pooing really interesting it's a difficult time right having a baby and it's difficult balancing the family life and balancing study but do try and find a little bit of time you know every week or every day to carry on with your study i know what's coming next what's coming next is we're going to do a listening activity right so we are on the topic of advice and the listening activity um i'd like to do is this one it's one let me show you over here let me take off the advice we're gonna watch a video of stan if you remember my um character stan the man um stan the man is giving his girlfriend some advice right um and hide that there are six pieces of advice let's change this he's giving his girlfriend not some but how do we make it countable oh yes pieces pie p-i-e helps me remember apple pie six pieces of advice um and for each one the question is what is the advice about now the first one i gave you right is about cooking that's the first one but listen carefully and just make a note write down or think or put in the comments what are the six pieces or the six pieces of advice what is the advice about right now this is advice that stan is giving to his girlfriend um his girlfriend is called julie and we're gonna find out exactly what advice right so it's listening and watching right so if you're ready let's get it set up stan the man what are the six pieces of advice about here we go that didn't work did it let me try again [Music] yo check it out so this is stan the man's advice to his lovely girlfriend julie number one yo julie i suggest you add a bit more salt yeah it's a bit bland for my liking number two yo julie why don't you watch the crown i've heard it's really good number three yo julie if i were you i'd buy him a t-shirt or something like that yeah your dad is really into fashionable clothes number four hey julie i reckon you should ask for a raise yeah it's high time you got you got one number five julie i think it would be best if you let me do it you look really tired my dear number six yo julie i wouldn't do that if i were in your shoes no no no no that is asking for trouble yeah my advice would be to ignore it or delete it check it out this is stan the man's advice to his lovely girlfriend julie yeah stan the man thank you very much stan with your lovely advice to your lovely girlfriend julie um very very good let's check it out um let's see hang on a minute advice what was the advice about so the first piece of advice was about cooking right here we go just a moment let me see if i can find some of you yeah here we go let me share some of you some of you noodle almost got it noral said little bit more alt it was actually as cornell says salt used more salt so it was about cooking yes it was about cooking so let me bring this up nope here we go uh what was the advice about the first one was about cooking right a little bit more salt the second one what was the second one about becky says tv yes um emmy says crown well yes uh nh is probably the closest yes watch tv so it was actually it was actually yeah what tv series to watch or which tv series to watch come on pull you down let's change that to which is better which tv series to watch the crown is one of those netflix series about the um the queen queen elizabeth and the royal family in england number three what was it um it was related as quilly said to clothing yes um and also as monda says shopping yes shopping even more specific buying a t-shirt well done erica good yep eve tau says if i were you i would buy him a t-shirt excellent very nice so this one was was buying a present for her dad buying a present for her julies for julie's dad right for her dad very nice and it was a t-shirt or something some kind of clothes the next one was um [Music] quilly said a job raise yep becky also got salary raise um anyone else we've got chef john's talked about salary yes ali promotions almost okay so the answer here was asking her boss for a raise so he was talking about asking her boss for a raise great what else have we got um the the next one number five aida talks about rest yeah have a rest ap about caring it was definitely about caring um as steve says related to health yes good so actually actually this one was about excuse me steve was about doing the house cleaning the housekeeping or cleaning the house they were talking about cleaning the house well stan was talking about cleaning the house and how he needs to help julie julie should have a rest yeah let me do it have a rest or as nh says stan says let me do it um and number six what was number six number six um we've got nilufor says number six ignore or delete it but what is he talking about yeah i mean it's actually you're right ignore or delete it don't do that as linear says right what is but what are they talking about okay girl lay you're almost right delete a message yep so we're talking about yeah messages emails or messages right so here they were actually talking about a scam email there was a scam email and julie is going to answer and uh of course stan says don't do that no you're asking for trouble just ignore it or delete it right so those were the different situations now the actual language that came up about advice the actual language is here right um let me see if i can just take this onto one page will it all fit onto one page maybe filling the gaps maybe not let's have a look here i bubba you add a bit more salt it's a bit bland for my liking i don't know if you know this word bland but bland just means not salty basically something's bland it has no taste it's not salty so it's a bit bland for my liking what i like and i think here he says you add you could say i suggest right or i recommend remember we saw at the beginning of the class i suggest you do that i suggest i recommend you do that i suggest or i recommend you add a bit more salt okay good number two um number two don't you watch the crown i've heard it's really good this is another common way of giving advice is why don't you do this why don't you watch bubba bubba why don't you watch the crown good you're getting the answers coming in number three if i were you i if i were you i would buy him another very common way of giving advice if i were you i would do that if i were you i would if i were i don't know what do you say if i were martin i would be very patient with my new baby easier said than done i know i reckon you should ask for a raise right you should i reckon you should i think you should or i reckon you should ask for a raise now number five i think it would be bababa if you let me do it you look really tired there are two options here stan actually said best right but you could also say better it would be better if you let me do it it would be best if you do this so again this is used commonly for giving suggestions or giving advice recommendations and the last one number six i wouldn't do that if i were in your that's asking for trouble if i were in your watch well there are two possibilities right if i were in your there you go here's one possibility shoes if i were in your shoes and that is what stan says right if i were in your shoes you could also say if i were in your place i wouldn't do that if i were in your place that's asking for trouble that's going to bring you trouble my advice would be my advice would be my suggestion right would be i think you could say my recommendation it sounds a little bit more formal i think when we're speaking you know my advice my suggestion are probably more common i would say so my advice would be to ignore it all together or just delete it the email or the message the scam right fantastic great so lots of language there you can use right on giving um giving advice lovely excellent okay let me move on um to look at idioms some idioms for advice okay i'm going to share four idioms with you and we'll just go through them and if you have any idioms please do put them in the comments and let's have a look at them together so here's a number of idioms we can use when talking about not jobs and work when talking about giving advice or asking for advice okay um first of all i'm at a loss can you give me some advice i'm at a loss right l-o-s-s at a loss i'm at a loss the expression means that i don't know what to do basically so it's a little bit connected to the word lose when you lose your money or you lose something and you when that happens you don't know what to do but we say i'm at a loss right can you give me some advice um i've i don't know i've i've got my test tomorrow i'm at a loss how do i prepare i'm at a loss i'm preparing for ielts next month what do i do how do i prepare i'm at a loss i don't know i don't know what to do okay so i'm at a loss a word in your ear means a friendly piece of advice a friendly piece of advice i.e that's how i remember i eat pie peace have a piece of pie a friendly piece of advice right a word in your ear so anybody can do that so if somebody if you think you know that somebody needs some advice um you could just go a word in your ear i think you should do this a word in your ear why don't you watch the crown or something like that okay next one don't bite off more than you can chew so to bite off more than you can chew that's to chew so don't do too much basically don't do too much don't do too much you know a lot of people bite off more than they can chew they take on too much work they do too many things [Music] it anything really just don't do too much last one give it your best shot give it your best shot means to do your best as you can guess i guess just do your best right give it your best shot i'm not sure exactly where the shot comes from whether it's shooting a gun or shooting like a basketball or just doing your best you know give it your best shot do your best try your best fantastic all right good yeah this is a nice one we've almost got a nice expression almost nick um learn walking before start running so what we would actually say is learn to walk before you run right it's a nice expression i'll just add that learn to walk before you before you run so learn so you can imagine what it means right it's fairly clear a bit like don't bite off more than you can chew i mean that's it's really the same don't do too much brilliant anyak i'm at a loss my friends will come to my home tomorrow yeah what are you going to do what are you going to cook what are you going to do with them this is a good one think before you jump i know i never think before i jump it's a nice expression think before you jump think before you leap or think before you jump we have both of those so think before you take action think before you do something yeah most of us don't right we just jump straight in great this will make it a ring in your ear that's interesting i don't know that expression i'm not sure about that what does that one mean or what what expression are you putting there tell me what you think that means that's interesting yozra says don't count your chickens before they hatch so don't you should not count on something until it has begun or maybe one when one is very sure about it yeah don't count your chickens before they hatch let's add that one that's definitely an idiom your chi kins before they hatch right fantastic nice good davoo thank you very much for your comment right don't bite the hand that feeds you interesting let's add that one and then i'm going to move on don't bite the hand that feeds you that's interesting i mean don't bite the hand that feeds you is literally um is literally what don't attack the good things you have i mean if somebody is for example if somebody is um helping you don't go and attack them because they'll stop helping you or if somebody's paying you to work then don't criticize that person because they'll take the money away don't bite the hand that feeds you so if somebody's giving you food yeah don't bite the hand right don't shoot yourself in the foot so basically don't attack the things you really need things or people maybe okay nice and this one think before acting right lovely there's a lot of idioms there there's a lot more coming in ah to remember it all times to remember it at all times interesting right i don't know where that comes from maybe that's an american one i'm not too sure but that's an interesting one great thank you very much listen thank you everybody for lots of ideas about idioms i'm going to move on right um i realize i'm running short of time but not to worry we're gonna do a very quick um a very quick one of these let's try one of these because i've got a few other things i'd like to do today where is it it's not there where is it ah dear whenever you try and find things they never quite work are they [Music] brilliant sample answers we're going to have a look at sample answers so this is i'd like you to write down a question um on the topic of advice right so we are talking about advice write down a question and i'll give you a sample answer right okay i'll give you a second to do that hokey cokey advice so oh some interesting expressions there i'll gather those up so here's a nice one let's try this one this is from vito do you often follow the advice from other people do you often follow other people's advice okay let me just change the um the font just a moment do you often thank you very much for that question v that's great you often follow do you often follow the other people's advice i'm going to change it a bit i would say other people's advice just to sound a little bit more natural do you often follow other people's advice well it's an interesting question i would say it depends on who is giving the advice if it's a person that i trust strongly and somebody who maybe has been through a similar experience then i would probably heed what they've got to say however you know if it's unsolicited advice from somebody maybe i don't know or don't respect or don't trust then it's unlikely i'm gonna follow what they say so i can be a little bit picky about whose people i whose advice i follow there you go nice some interesting words right remember follow advice heed advice trust trustworthy good expressions good words to use nice thank you for that question let's take one more question okay this is an interesting question um when do old people ask for advice from young people this is from christina nice question let me um again just copy that great thank you christina lovely question uh sounds like a part three question i think when do old people ask for advice from young people it's interesting right because often we think about um young people asking advice from old people but this is turning the table on it on its head and i think old people when it comes to modern technology old people tend to turn to young people for advice um you know take for example nowadays a lot of old people are going online onto the internet so they're buying tablets some smartphones that they may have never had before and these silver surfers are eager to get online but often don't know how the device works so they may ask their their grandchildren or younger people to to help them to do that to show them how the device works how to connect to the internet um and you know how to to make the most of the different tools that they've got to do that so i think technology is a case where definitely older people would turn to young people to get some suggestions right okay good nice question interesting answer i mean that was the first one that came to my mind was about the the whole idea of uh technology and technology where older people you know struggle and they help or they want young people's help could be other things could be fashion could be clothes it could be anything right it depends whether you know the old people as well right lovely good okay guys i'm going to move on from here we've been doing model answers i'm going to move on to look at kahoot kahoot is where we're going to do a final review of some of the vocabulary and expressions that we've seen today i think a lot of you know kahoot but if you don't don't worry i will explain what we're doing it's a very simple online game where you're going to get a chance to get a question and you answer a b c or d basically so we've got one here on advice today you can play it either by putting your answer in the comments or you can enter the system and i'll show you how to do that if you come across into so it's if you go in there um then basically you need to put in a pin you choose a name there's a made-up name you can choose go to put in the pin at 7 0 8 8 9 7 0 and you can join us right there's also a mobile app if you want to download the app or you just go to the website um choose a name a nickname and then the pin is seven zero eight eight nine seven zero seven zero eight eight nine seven zero come and join us if you can't get in don't worry you can just have an uh you can just put your answer in the comments yeah so if you're new kahoot is just a game and we're gonna practice some vocabulary from today to see who has been paying attention [Music] [Music] lovely music [Music] right good you're sharing your nicknames that's great we've got quite a few people in so let's get going let's start up so here's the first question about advice which one is the odd one out so which word is different which is the odd one out or different so just choose the word or write it into the comments which one is different you've got five seconds left well done raghav and suji right well done the vast majority of you got it right it's videos because the others are all uncountable to remember at the start of the class we said advice is uncountable you say some advice right and it's the same with news and information you cannot count them if you count them you have to say a piece of advice a piece of news a piece of information or a bit of information great well done guys well done very nice let's look at the leaderboard majestic pony is up at the top and there's a decisive mouse very interesting number two next question she advised me blank she advised me blank tricky she advised me blank welcome well done mariette well done the vast majority of you got that right she advised me to do it great we looked at that at the beginning of the class different ways of using advice or suggest advise suggest and recommend well done excellent oh things have changed a lot um cheerful dove is at the top now whoever you are red dog second joyful eagle third question number three if i were you i blank go if i were you i blank go thank you roberta for your comment christina well done lee well done now tia good jane well done let's see wow that's impressive well done almost everybody 130 people got wood which is correct if i were you i would go right classic second conditional well done nice let's move on i think it is oh it's the score the scoreboard cheerful dove is still happily flying at the top and red dog is coming in second joyful eagle struggling to move up great question number four the last one i don't know what to do i'm at a blank i don't know what to do i'm at a blank this is an idiom you should be able to get i don't know what to do i'm at a blank yeah hermione well done married married well done raghav good good nice lavanya be careful right well done again the vast majority got it right it's loss l-o-s-s pronounced loss i'm at a loss meaning i don't know what to do lovely okay let's see the podium where are we joyful eagle third red dog and is it the dove it is it's the happy cheerful dove first place whoever you are well done fantastic and that is kahoot lovely so a nice bit of revision a fun way for you to practice what you've seen today very very good so we're almost at the end in a moment i'm gonna finish up with the lucky draw if you remember um we've done a lot today but we have got to finish up with that lucky draw i've got to focus i've got so many things going on so before not before let's do that right now so i got half a million subscribers on youtube i'm incredibly thankful for that thank you so much and if you haven't subscribed yet please subscribe just so that you can find out about all the new videos coming up from me we do the live lessons every thursday normally an hour and a half sometimes a bit longer sometimes a bit less um at 10 a.m spanish time or central european time and i just wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who have been following me for such a long time and also for the new people who are following me on youtube and my website um it's great and it's so inspiring for me to be able to reach so many many students it's one of my big dreams and ambitions was to help and support you know students all across the world and this is a great opportunity to do it so a big thank you so i'm going to give five um of my courses to five people so a lot of you have put a comment on the on the youtube video and i've i've taken all those comments we're going to extract them we're going to put them through some software to pick out five winners and what you can do you win is you win i either my course about ielts speaking get a band 7 or if you prefer you can do the fluency course right so if you win you can choose whichever course you want the fluency course is much more about fluency intonation automating grammar so if fluency is a problem for you that's a good one the other course is a complete course looking at exam preparation exam technique model answers lots of language for part one part two and part three it's a bigger course and that's my main course so you can choose either of those but let's get into it when i've chosen the winner please do contact me you can do that either through facebook messenger or email um i will try and contact you i will publish the um the names um but if you can contact me do and you can do that through um i'll give you an email for the winners uh here we go okay so this is one way if you want you can contact me by email keith at um or just facebook messenger is great as well but i will try and track you down and find you guys as well okay so let's do it let's do the draw um i'm gonna switch over to this software and uh we're gonna pick out five people drumroll here we go let's let me find how to show you this how am i gonna show you this let me try and do it this way bear with me right here we go let's begin we're gonna start and pick the first winner and the first one is kazia stan my greetings greetings from kate favorite dishes chicken broth lovely fantastic if you can recommend it if i've caught a cold they do say chicken soup is great for the soul right and all things like that fantastic brilliant so i'm just going to um make a copy of that so i remember and we are going to copy unique link let me do that as well and let me move forward another winner the next winner is patima shahama favorite food ice cream and jackfruit i love jackfruit i had lots of that when i was in malaysia very very nice lovely well done congratulations again i'm just gonna paste and copy so i keep a record of all of this and let's move on to pick another winner diana mary delighted with your offer my my name is diana and my favorite food is pizza wow pizza everybody loves a bit of pizza over here in santander i think friday night is frozen pizza night for so many families over here brilliant copy the unique link so i just copy that as well and let's move on to the next one number four [Applause] first of all congratulations thank you very much uh favorite food is panipuri which is also known as water balls sweet and sour lovely i do like a bit of sweet and sour congratulations brilliant let's put this up also to remind me i'm just going to copy the link so that's number four we've got one more left here we go and the last number five let's see who's the winner baron raj my name is k bharath raj favorite food until now is prawn biryani which means it might change in the future who knows but fantastic congratulations i'm just going to copy that brilliant that's it that is the final result well done all of you my friends that is excellent very very pleased for all of you brilliant nice well done so we've got five people five prizes um do get in touch with me um i will try and find you but if you know if not do get in touch with me keith at um and i will also put the names in this video description and just in social media on facebook so that you you know we can get in touch and then i will gift you the course whichever one you like you can have the fluency course or the ielts speaking success course congratulations to you very very pleased very happy thank you very much brilliant talking of facebook if you haven't joined the group we have the group the facebook group keith's mastermind community um just look and search on facebook and you'll find it there and just a reminder that the the notes from today um you can find on the website at the keith speaking academy and it's in the free live lessons area just go there on the website and you'll be able to find all of the the latest live lessons and the pdfs that you can download directly onto your computer so you can carry on studying great they say studying a little bit every day is the secret right do a little bit every day to practice so a big thank you to all of you for joining me a big thank you to martin for being our guest today and the congratulations to the five of you who won that's brilliant um that's it look out for my video on saturday day after tomorrow about midday it's all about how to improve your speaking skills five awesome tips on improving speaking skills and i will look forward to seeing you next week for another live lesson in the meantime keep studying stay positive stay safe right um if i were you my advice would be study five minutes every day and keep practicing your speaking that's it from me take care my friends bye bye now
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 65,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking advice topic, ielts speaking advice you received, advice ielts speaking, advice ielts speaking part 2, advice ielts speaking part 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 46sec (6406 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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