FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - FAMILY (Part 1)

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hello good morning hi nice to see you again welcome to Tuesday Tuesday the 12th of May and it's fantastic to be here with you again today we're going to look at the really interesting topic of families so we're going to learn how to talk about families your family my family and answer some of the typical questions we get in IELTS speaking around families it is one of the most common topics that comes up so it's really good to know some of the key vocabulary and have some ideas to talk about excellent let's say good morning to you all hi Anna abhilasha Nicole good morning sharifa nice to see you here Raya Emmy great Elena Sita nice to see you Sheila sasirekha brilliant try and pronounce it correctly hi Ravi and Ayesha and Zara Dominique good to see you here diva Sandra new a lot of you all over the world welcome good morning very very happy to see you today we're going to be looking at the topic of families as I just said I'm gonna kick off in a moment after I've had some of my world-famous honey lemon ginger tea in my less famous Cambridge mugs Cambridge College look it's falling to pieces hopefully the real Cambridge College is much better than that oh that hits the spot it's nice it just has a little bit of spice so it has a kick but it's a bit sweet because of the honey it hits the spot just what you need to wake up in the morning right this morning gives great I went out for a walk with my daughter we went out for about an hour because now we can go out every day to do exercise hooray so we went for a stroll around the park actually not around not in the park but around the park and got some fresh air although I must say relatively fresh air because of course we had to wear the mask so it wasn't that fresh it was probably full of co2 as you're breathing in your own co2 never mind it was greater to get outside so a few more hellos Rumer hello man eco nice to see you here bounnam and Rima said our hellos what a great name Sofia hello good to see you here again of course and mol good morning Duncan nice to see you Tom the kebab Reid interesting name who else is here Greece Carla Rossi Suman why am i speaking in a Spanish accent so what's the topic the topic Bhavna is families okay families great it seems that I have lost weight Elena have I lost weight and I'm you know in you know what it is I've cut my hair Elena I'm just literally shaved I do I have a shaver so I just literally shaved my hair and it makes me look thinner and younger it slowly makes me look thinner it does but I'm very very well okay Laura from Italy nice to see you here Laura brilliant all from Columbia have not had people from Colombia before that's great okay I'm very very well good to see you so families families let me begin by telling you a little bit about my family if you I don't know if you know my family you haven't met them have you so there are three people in my close family what we sometimes call the nuclear family so there's me my wife and my daughter my wife is Chinese and actually we met who a long time ago donkey's years ago we actually met in Spain about 20 years ago I was working in Spain at the time I had been living there for about seven or eight years when I met my wife and we met in a calligraphy class I was studying calligraphy right and she was a friend of the teacher calligraphy if you don't know is the art of painting writing so the Chinese characters with a brush and you draw it with a brush and that's where we met and then we started going out cut a long story short several years later we got married under several years later we had a child and so that's my daughter the third member of the family and my daughter is 13 years old she's in secondary school she's in the other room studying online as well like you not because the school are closed and she takes after both the mother and the father she takes after me in some respects definitely her personality but she certainly has the maybe the eyes and the hair from her mother um so she looks while she's mixed-race so she looks kind of half chinese half British and that's my family in a nutshell that's my family right so now them talking about my family let me just go back and share something with you cuz I maybe I can write something down notice introducing the family notice that I didn't say there are three people in my family which is quite common right people say there are five people in my family then and then and then linen there are three of us it's much more common right there are four of us in my family there are three of us in my family so let me share this with you today's topic topic needle is family okay so let me share my my notes okay so there are three of us right in my family it's the the more natural way of explaining it I met my wife nowadays a lot of people don't say husband or wife where they say partner you can also say spouse there are many reasons people say partner because partner is a safe word right and why is it a safe word because nowadays a lot of people don't get married so they are not really husband and wife but they may be what we call a common-law couple which means that they are legally recognized as being together if they've been together for a long time but they're not married so they're not husband and wife but they are a couple and they're legally a couple especially in England this is possible so partner avoids the embarrassment of are you married are you not married husband wife partner is a very neutral world word also of course it's a safe word because some people if they are homosexual or lesbian and they're they have if they're a man and they have a husband or a woman and they have a wife these are things that even in many countries he's not very open and people don't want to embarrass people right saying sir man where's your wife maybe as a husband or a boyfriend so partner is a neutral and a safe word so you hear this word a lot more nowadays right I met my partner or I met my wife or wife or husband obviously if it's it is a man but partner or spouse are the words we can use okay now here's the interesting thing okay here's the interesting um I was working in Spain at the time so the first thing I told you about my wife was she's Chinese and then but I didn't really describe her personality or describe her appearance right because to be honest what most people are interested in is how did you meet and telling the story of how you met your partner is one of those great really interesting conversation starters and even for an IELTS examiner they're probably more interested and it's more entertaining to talk about that story than to say well she has long hair she has short curly hair and blue eyes I mean that's nice but when you go into all when we first met right I was working in this company she was my boss and then I'd been working there for several years and then we met and you tell the story and it's very very simple to use complex grammar and this is the way that I did it right is to say I was working in a bank at the time or I was studying at university at the time okay very very simple so you've got the present not the present the past continuous you could then clarify how long I had been working there for several years or I had been studying there for a year and then we met in the biology class or in what in the in the what in the meeting room I don't know we met in calligraphy class so look at this this is fantastic you've got past continuous past perfect continuous and the simple past three tenses in a very short anecdote or story three very very great better grades very great no three good tenses you can use very very simply right so it's it's really effective and really powerful because that the examiner is always listening out for complex tenses and complex grammar and that just gets a little light because all the little light goes on so it might be nice to use that okay mm-hmm what about the students yes you mean pay attention to you guys I'm talking a lot I know okay let me come back so that is a very very simple template you can use and I'm gonna let you know because I'm working on a project by the way Hey another project this is a kind of template that I am developing for part 1 part 2 and part 3 of the IELTS test and in the next few weeks hopefully I want to be producing this which is a templates for IELTS speaking audiobook and I'm hoping to produce this in the next couple of weeks and it's and it's based on this idea of having tenses grammar language very simple and simple templates that you can practice and use for different kinds of questions the key thing though is to learn the language and flexibility so these templates are useful right but you have to practice using them you have to practice being flexible and changing them not just memorizing them and learning the language around it okay so that's in the pipeline good let's see let's find out what you guys are up to your families here we go have the pav Vandy there are six of us in my family brilliant apart from my parents I have two younger brothers and one sister very nice apart from my parents that's great that's good we've got now complete there are five of us brilliant hey dunk is I'm single absolutely so single so you've got probably a direct family so what we call the direct family or a media family is includes your mother your father grandparents and your own children or partner so you you're single but you may have parents and grandparents that would be your immediate family or your direct family if it's just your partner or spouse and children we may say it's the close family if you want to include all your cousins and uncles and aunts that's the extended family right the extended family okay so maybe I should just write that down to make that clear we've got let me share this with you so we've got my close family I know and I've read and read nuclear family it's not an expression we use a lot but it does exist so you can talk about my close family so that's your partner and your children then you've got your direct family or immediate family immediate family including parents and grandparents and your children and then everybody in his dog is the extended family that's your uncle's your auntie's your cousins etc etc right you've got all of those as well okay so we've got some nice language here from Puneet I belong to a a or nuclear family and I am the younger one and I have two siblings you've got two B's but it's one B two siblings that's your brothers and sisters right brilliant my mother is a homemaker interesting yes that is becoming a very popular expression and my father is self-employed right excellent yes I think before we used to say my mother is a housewife was a common expression but again nowadays it's become more popular to say a home maker maybe let's see what else have we got so here we are Rema if we're still living with our parents we should talk about my siblings yes absolutely talk about your siblings your brothers your sisters yep and your parents Cassie this is also a very nice expression we are a family of six there are six others nice also yes how about if I'm not married talk about your siblings if you're us if you're an only child talk about your parents if you're an orphan you you could talk about extended family if they are still around and in contact uncles and auntie's if you've absolutely got no family connections at all then talk about that explain that you don't have any family connections and talk a little bit about it okay so here but our wash I have a so a right everybody I have a nuclear family but at present I'm in South India alone oh dear stuck away from my parents oh dear during this lockdown oh dear it's a common story and this brings us towards actually the one of the first questions I was going to look at around family which is do you spend a lot of time with your family okay so this is one of the first questions we're going to look first of part-1 questions and this is a part 1 question I'm going to come back and look at some of your answers as well in a moment but just let me share this one with you do you spend much time with your family okay guys what do you think okay we've got some nice ones here we are a family of four lovely a son a daughter and of course the parents I am the youngest member we are a family of four a son a daughter and of course the parents you're the youngest member so who you are you the son or the daughter or the parent hmm we are a small family my husband and I great good I have a big joint family we are a group of nine people right big family I wonder if that's erm your close family or your immediate family or extended family mm-hmm great I am from extended so I noticed everybody's dropping the act today or the am so puts it back in I am from an extended family but I live alone in Kolkata ah rumor well hopefully today at least in the class this will cheer you up and give you a bit of company okay let's see let's see what we've got we've also got there are seven of us I've got four brothers that's a big family I met my husband during my college days I was studying there for three years brilliant I was studying there for three years where is it where is your I've lost your place it's moved your message is moved I can't finish it oh dear never mind that's nice oh I was studying there for three years while he was on his fourth year of his course got it got it got it brilliant there are four of us in my family my husband and I had known each other for a donkey year donkey's years as through the plural donkey's years before we started to be in love ah it is it's a romantic story it's nearly 20 years since we got married and we've got two sons both of whom take after his father that's nice take after the father or the mother of course means to be similar to it maybe personality or it may be physical appearance both of those right a leaner due to the lockdown I spent 24/7 with my parents now that might be a good thing or a bad thing I don't know yes I can that's true orphaned children probably have Gardens guardians maybe possibly yes okay I hardly get time to spend with my family good hardly get time it's an interesting question how a married woman can include her own family along with her in-laws how can a married woman include her own family along with her in-laws well you can you mean I know there are cultural differences here but in the test you can just talk about your own family as well as your husband's family the in-laws you can talk about both sure okay during quarantine time on 24/7 with my family members right this is probably going to be quite common right right okay here's an interesting one most of time so most of the time okay most of the time because I'm doing job from home so normally here we would say I'm working from home right I'm working from home okay good and again not much as I'm living quite far away from my family members right family members we don't say much in English we really don't use that very much at all so we tend to drop the members and I know a lot of students say this all my family members just say my family it's much more natural I'm living quite far away from my family because we understand there are different people in the family so you don't need to say members more natural without I think okay great Barbie I love to Bend not send I know his typos could people are typing quickly I love to spend quality time with my parents and play with my pets it's interesting right because some people do see their pets as family as well here's a nice expression we are a close-knit nuclear family of three close-knit means very very tight very close lovely I like that a few of you have used that expression I noticed brilliant as a mother I squander my time on my family an interesting use of the word squander that's nice that's very very nice is it I mean squander means a bad use of your time I'm not sure if that's what you mean but you spend a lot of time for sure yes okay great you what we've got I try to spend quality time that's great a nice expression of quality time I love spending time with my family it's nice from Laura great we can talk about spending a lot of free time great spend time with brilliant okay let me move forward you've got lots of comments here I'll try and pick up one or two others we've got here we got recently not really because I'm studying abroad aboard abroad and I really missed the happiness time the happy time with them I think the happy time great I adore spending time with my media and extended family brilliant great so here we got another mixed family my family is multicultural zazz ELISA there are three of us my husband is Jordanian and I am Brazilian and my son is two years two years old great right interesting although we have different cultures and religions we are raising our son under both thoughts it is a challenge but we have been doing it very well well done I totally empathize it is a challenge yes very very good excellent okay some great answers coming up here mostly about spending time closed families brilliant just let me pick out anything else interesting that we have okay we've got here from Moll I normally don't spend time with my family because they are miles away that's nice they are far away miles away from me great and I think this is good my family rather than family members right spend time with my family because they're miles away that's nice more excellent great okay so let me um just I'm gonna share with you some unknown there another question actually another part one question before I change a bit the next part one question is this one is a tough question is do you prefer spending time with your family or your friends sacre bleu what a tough question family or friends now do remember that examiner's do sometimes ask leading questions and a leading question is one that is kind of pushing you to answer in a certain direction right for example why do people drink tea well it's pushing you to agree that people drink tea but maybe they don't right so maybe they don't do you prefer to your coffee well maybe you like both so although the question is pushing you to choose one or the other you don't have to right you can say well I actually I like both or actually I don't like either I don't like my family all my friends I want to be alone I'm gonna sit in a mountain on my own but so the point is you can you can say both right you don't have to choose the question is pushing you to choose but you don't have to it's not about the choice it's about the language right so you could say something like this I am I like both equally right for example but let's see yes depends on my mood great who Sam is a very good point right it depends on my situation in various times times of my life very very true right it depends what you're doing some interesting ones I prefer spending time with my family from near her shearing says without doubt my family is my priority without doubt great without a shadow of a doubt it's a nice expression without a shadow of a doubt great here again sure I prefer to spend time with my family rather than my friends right buddy thank you very much for that we've got from Murray Misha I enjoy being with my family going places visiting my daughters I like that go in places visiting my daughters has a nice rhythm that's great we take my foster son to a lot of different places great nice well nice language it's your situation of course but for everybody foster son is a great expression to know I love to express my time with my family this one I love to express my time not Express you can't express time I love to spend time or spend my time with my family however I prefer to spend quality time with friends also right so you can have both right rym sure once a week I will play bingo with my friends I like the will that's really nice right a present habit I will play bingo with my friends the family is so important to me so I have what do you have I have to say I would rather be with my family okay how about members of my family yes there are six yes yes but again we don't say it very much so a lot of people in favor prefer their family kavita I choose my family because family also like friends such as we enjoy together including jokes and fun oh because your family are like your friends right your family also like friends s are true yes this is a nice answer monks shout because it's it is a tricky question I'd like to spend time with both of them yeah that's absolutely true good now then this is interesting Elina i'd prefer so you can say I prefer or I would prefer spending time with people spending time with people which I feel I prefer spending time with people with whom with whom I feel calm and safe with know with whom I feel calm and safe rather than others it doesn't matter if they are my flesh and blood or friends my flesh and blood great my family great okay so there are different both of them right as a mixture a nice summary here I reckon that they are both equally important it's pretty very very good yes a lot of you say both of them I utilized time I spend time I think spend time is the best collocation here okay so we've got similar that's a tough question to answer and that's really a nice way to begin if it is a tough question say it's a tricky or it's a tough question I like both depending upon the time and the situation okay so that was the part one questions now I'm just gonna move on let me see anyone else yes yeah here's one from Jay Enter it depends actually where I'm going for example if I'm going to a bar I'd like to hang out with friends but if I'm doing dude that's a nice ride it'sit's that sounds like a classic part one template it depends if I'm doing blah blah blah then blah if I'm doing blah blah blah then blah it's nice right if I'm going to a bar I'd like to hang around with friends great hang out hang around both good but if I'm going for a movie I'd like to spend that time with my family brilliant nice giant oh good very good okay so let me share with you something else and I'm just gonna do a little bit of language here because talking about Ages or periods in our life because when we're talking about family we may talk about babies children teenagers adults parents grandparents old people and it's useful just to know the different terminology the different terms for these so I'm gonna share with you different stages of life I think it was Shakespeare who said life is a stage right and we are all players on that stage and there are seven stages in our lives and he talks about seven I'm I've got but I've got seven as if by chance so let me share this with you I'll just talk you through a few the different stages and a few expressions that might be useful to talk about these different than stages so bear with me while I also have a drink keep drinking it's so important right keep hydrated okay here we go giant I'm sorry but you're off so babies how can I make this bigger I know hey nice so babies babies babies so the ages of life right we begin with a baby who's the young one the little one maybe up to one year old and when we talk about babies we just tend to say well they eat cry and sleep right she eats cries and sleeps that's what babies do yeah whoo that's a nice one so toddler she is strong sorrow sorry baby she takes after right looks like we said this before it takes after her mother so looks like personality or or appearance a toddler is normally between 1 and 3 years old and at that age they can be stroppy right she's so strong I neither is there I'm writing too fast like you guys she is so strong a stroppy means oh challenging annoying always demanding demanding that's word always demanding things I want this I want that give me this I want that it's mine now I want it right stroppy and demanding somebody just had this one he is a bundle of joy is a nice expression who is that who gave us a bundle of joy ranganna yeah he's a bundle of joy amazing you know he's great fun great expression he absorbs everything like a sponge and because babe about babies and toddlers do toddlers just learn things so quickly so they learn quickly they have absorbed things like a sponge right then we also have something called the terrible twos and apparently a lot of parents will understand this when a baby reaches or a toddler reaches age two they do become quite stroppy demanding crying a lot and this is called the terrible twos because it's the age where they're very difficult to handle does anybody have a child who's two years a hold or a toddler it's a very difficult age and we often say oh they're at the terrible two stage right okay infants infants is another word yes toddlers preschoolers school or adolescent okay good so toddler I'm going to put together with infant because infant is kind of yes it's kind of two to five years old infant school would be that two to five years old similar to a toddler brilliant was so we've then got what we then God we've got child right we talk about a child now a child can be anything from five up to 11 or 12 he throws tantrums now this is also true of toddlers toddlers throw tantrums and a tantrum is when you get angry you get angry but also if you see the children at that age they get really angry they shout and they throw themselves on the floor and they just go berserk they go crazy they lie on the floor their arms are kicking and the legs are kicking and it and they really like to do it in public places right in the supermarket so one minute you're pushing your trolley here's some food here's some food and little Johnny says I want chocolate and you say not today and little Johnny goes and falls on the floor and starts kicking and shouting and screaming and you're like oh my god Johnny's tantrum he's throwing a tantrum and it's ever so embarrassing because then all the other parents look at you like take control of your child you can't it's a tantrum it just happens right anyway those are tantrums there's a nice one kids are drama queens they are are they some kids are really drama queens okay some nice expressions here apple of my eye right he or she's the apple of my eye and we often say this for children when you really love your children and you like your children let's put that one in here he's the apple of my eye it's a nice expression okay also so tantrums are not good but the good side is you can say well she's a barrel of fun she's a barrel of fun meaning she's a lot of fun right a lot of fun to play with what else have we got pesto Fatima that's nice so let's put that as well maybe toddlers or children maybe both of those pester their parents pester is to ask for something mean and again and again I want to go out I want to go out I want a that's to pester right good so absorbing things like a sponge we've got this nice expression from go Cal toddlers are good at picking things up so that's the same as absorbing like a sponge right learning quickly picking things up excellent nice expression gryska toddlers drive me nuts do you mean your toddlers or other people's toddlers often it's other people's toddlers right indeed right great my toddler is turning - Wow so lucky you you're you're about to face the lovely terrible twos yes bolshie that's nice a stroppy is bullshi that's let's put that one in because that's also a nice word all she thank you very much for that Buller man that's great bull she nice word okay what else have we got my daughter's a toddler lots of tanta toddlers lots of tantrums go bananas yes exactly tantrum is to go bananas go crazy we also talked about temper tantrums what to lose your temper that's exactly it right it's you're losing your temper or you have an outburst as Preeti says yes exactly so tantrums get angry let's put all of these in these are great outburst okay brilliant what else have we got hard nuts to crack yet I'm the apple of my I'm the apple of my parent oh I am the apple of my parents eyes yes nice William okay moving on let me just move that down so we've got children she's a barrel of fun he's the apple of my eye teenagers then she's in that rebellious stage now I don't know teenagers in your country but teenagers in England you must become a rebel you must fight against everything and challenge everything especially your parents it's where you learn the magical word know right sometimes teenagers could be horrible I was a horrible teenager really I know you can't imagine right but I was and also you can't imagine I had long hair as a teenager I had my hair down too here I was a rock and roller I loved rock and roll music I played the guitar I was a head banger long hair and I was terrible because my parents would say Keith it's time to cut your hair no we think you should go to the hairdresser's now and it's where you learn the word no right everything is No why not I don't want to know but it'll be you should do no I don't want to teenager language especially in England so I was a terrible teenager for my parents I was a hard nut to crack so teenagers learn all of those those things right they tend to drive us up the wall yes teenagers are pretending to be grownups oh they are pretend grown-ups right exactly they are right sometimes annoying yes that's interesting two of you said this thing sometimes annoying now it's the same person teams what age is adolescent so adolescent is these the the change it's the puberty rites the change when your body changes in puberty so anything from 12 to 14 15 that's the adolescence is when you go through that physical and emotional change that hormonal change it's hard to put an age because every child is different so the physical changes may begin at 11 they may begin at 13 or 14 so adolescence is similar to teenager the word teenager actually comes from teen right if you think 11 12 13 4 team team age 15 so really is from 13 up to 19 is a teenager linguistically right but I think by the time you're 18 you're actually an adult you're not really a teenager you become an adult children not children's yes nice point thank you for pointing that out pity children that's the plural one child too children great ream sure I'm very cute explaining the tantrum it's because I've experienced right I've got experience of transforms my experience not so much my daughter she was not a big one for tantrums but I think I was a tantrum toddler when I was young as what my parents told me teenager it's a very delicate stage absolutely yes they are rebels exactly most teenagers indulge in juvenile delinquency you yes yes juvenile delinquency is a strong term it's actually a criminal term isn't it it's also when you break the law then it's called juvenile delinquency so it's quite a strong term I'm not sure all teenagers go that far but certainly rebellious certainly breaking the rules yes breaking the law not so much hopefully fingers crossed but definitely they like to break the rules question everything yes how many kids I have just the one pro washer just one child yes brilliant let me come back then to that sheet where were we no where are we come back here we are so teenagers in that rebellious stage anything else we can add for teenagers yeah that's true they think they know everything yep he become parasites is that because they stay at home all the time yes it's a very difficult period in their life Zul fear totally agree yes now this is the very good slide right as mansoor says they are more creative and gallant and never accept anything without thinking of it that is so true which means that they are super creative because we kind of accept things and don't question things and often that's a mistake and teenagers question everything I think that's really good yes so maybe another word is they you know going through puberty which is the the biological word hormonal changes and things like that so you know you could reference that when talking about teenagers okay then we've got we're moving on the young adult maybe young adults you become then responsible maybe you're responsible or maybe not and if you're not then you're irresponsible right so the opposite so some young adults because suddenly they come of age oh yes they come of age that's the other one they come of age so basically when you're 18 you become an adult when we say to come of age they come of age and sometimes that change they suddenly become very irresponsible for a number of reasons I think because they start to get their confidence maybe they start working and get money all sorts of things happens and the sometimes they're irresponsible sometimes they're responsible I mean I'm not generalizing another way of saying irresponsible is to say they're all over the place now she's all over the place means basically a little bit irresponsible but they don't know what they want they don't know what they want to do and they're a bit confused about their direction in life so we say she's all over the place another expression here is she's all grown up which is it doesn't it doesn't just mean that you've grown up it doesn't just mean that you've got taller and that you've become an adult but it's emphasizing the change from them when they were a child and now they're an adult their appearance but their behavior and they're suddenly behaving Morris possibly more like an adult and you say oh they're all grown up maybe it's a common thing for elder parents or even grandparents to say oh look at little Johnny he's all grown up when he's 18 right and he's literally looking like a man so that you you often hear that right oh what's happened let me come back to that let me see what else we've got can we add anything about young adults or can I work the technology more importantly what else have we got anything anything transition period that's night that's nice yep teen numbers interesting right yeah pass Carly that's true about teenagers yep oh okay great god is good they grow wings so children grow wings and that means that they start to leave the nest right so they have grown wings there's a really good expression and then they're leaving the nest and of course the nest is the family and as they leave the nest they get a job and they Lou they leave sorry they move out of the house or they leave home literally so we often say they've grown wings and they're leaving the nest nice lovely thank you for that God is good brilliant yeah juveniles are not punished by oh because you mean because they're too young right oh no we have a Oh No you can get punished in England for sure there are special juvenile centers for juvenile delinquents they're not prisons but they're special centres that are similar to a prison but for young people but that's a different topic let's move on we're at why we're still on teenagers young adults find their direction in life somebody had yes sassy Anika so it's difficult to find their direction in life is good we can talk about maturity yep they are mature as Daniela says it's a time to learn from mistakes absolutely her lack of decision-making yes that's right very good so what do you want to do for your future job I don't know I can't decide right that's nice Jennifer yes my boyfriend is a teenager with a beard and lovely smile lovely good and this one Fatima my husband behaves such as it's not Allah I hope he's not watching or he'll throw a tantrum now this is very true young adults overestimate their abilities yes they do indeed what else have we got start of their career so good from khrushchev age of criminal responsibility talking about crime it's the age of the full civil rights yet they become an adult yeah exactly rides got you session thank you got it brilliant so we got adults young adults that's not where I am where am I hey come back here we are so let's just finish up on old age a middle age so middle age that's kind of my age right middle age is well it's kind of around 4050 middle age 40 50 year old I guess maybe is it as high as 60 so in between kind of your working life and retirement so we've got the great thing the great thing it's a terrible thing but the midlife crisis right so when traditionally when you're 40 many men and women go through a midlife crisis which is where you start wearing them you start you know like you said a teenager tries to be an adult it's where an adult tries to be a teenager so you start wearing caps and leather jackets and growing your hair long and smoking dope and trying to be young again you're trying to be a teenager even though you're 40 and especially men in their midlife crisis are very very funny they start going to rock concerts and dancing and trying to be really young and cool again but it lasts normally for about a year or two and then we get over it that kind of thing how old am I I'm 52 yeah I'm definitely middle-aged I never thought I would reach middle age but I am and actually I'm quite enjoying it it's quite fun to tell you the truth here we are so middle-aged and then sometimes right we talked about getting on or over the hill so if you're getting on it means you're getting older so oh she's getting on she's getting older but kind of in a negative way right so she's getting older suggesting well suggesting what she's getting on well for example if you're not married then people will say oh she's getting on you know it's like you're getting too old so she's getting on or he's over the hill or she's over the hill means you're too old right so again if you're not married people say oh you're getting over the hill you need to get married [Music] or you haven't had children yet that's so annoying why have you not had children you're getting over the hill you must have children soon right so yeah some interesting comments here so that's middle-aged let me move on to old aged old aged or the elderly and of course that's more I think anything after retirement although when you're twenty thirty looks like old age doesn't it but it's more alone you're 65 70 80 90 a hundred that did you see the lady in Spain was at a hundred and tenth birthday the other day amazing so old age he's doing well for his age is a common expression right so somebody who's old 70 80 but still is quite strong can walk around has their mental capability we say oh he's doing well for his age if you saw the news about Tom captain Tom right the soldier in the UK who walked around his house sorry around his garden a hundred times and he was a hundred years old and he walked around his garden to get sponsorship for money for the nurses so he was there always doing well for his age right it's a common expression yes nealy I like this let me be me middle-aged let me be me brilliant this is nice Oh elderly people enjoy their autumn years but they become lonely yes I like the old age because my grandmother is a 90 great and I hope she's doing well for her age it's retirement age absolutely and it's when you engage in more spiritual activities that's right in my midlife crisis I started meditation and started this spiritual activity because we're looking for meaning aren't we beyond beyond what beyond work or meaning in work hmm this is nice time-honored members of society the elderly yes the pains and the wrinkles that's right they act like children they almost go back to being children right sometimes can you tell me the idioms related I can and maybe you saw my cheat sheet and I've just noticed the time I think I talk too much don't I'm yes let's come and have a look at that let's come back to my little cheat sheet so that's old age final one she'll live to a ripe old age it just means to an old age but a ripe old age you can't see it a ripe old age um it's a bit like maturity to be mature like fruit so it just means the good age she'll live to be a ripe old age like that woman who was a hundred and ten Wow amazing and yet she still had her you know mental faculties she was still quite clear about things I like these yep age of wisdom yep they're the mirror of wisdom is nice yes sometimes we say geriatric people the elderly are geriatric people nice yeah good stories come to surface very true mary and that is absolutely true yes so idioms my close family we talked about that earlier close-knit family we had modern family if you saw that I really can't work out the sound problem I was playing the link and on all my browsers the sound is fine and yet everybody said they can't hear it sorry about that questions then so I will leave these notes as always on the website so we've only looked at part 1 questions cuz I'm so slow I'm so slow that's what happens when you get older you slow down you can't go as quick so maybe you know in my middle-aged years I've slowed and I've not got through all the questions oh dear so we haven't looked at part three questions but they're here for your reference right the importance of family how are families today different from the past some of you have put some fantastic answers to this in the Facebook group so if you've not joined the Facebook group Keith IELTS mastermind community go and join the group look at the comments in the the one of the latest posts about families it's the modern family post some really good comments about how families today are different from the past the role of grandparents whether they spoil children or look after children and who should be responsible for the care I'm sorry we've not answered these maybe we can do a part two on family possibly what do you think part two on Thursday about family maybe so let me have a look at some here at my udemy course I wanted to mention at the end I'll do that in a moment idioms like father like son means that they are the same they're similar it runs in the family so this means that you have similar traits all the members of the family have a similar behavior or personality trait or something inherited right it runs in the family so you could say ginger hair I know alright how do I turn this right used to be ginger before it was going gray ginger hair runs in my family right a lot of people have ginger hair or music musical talent runs in my family right a lot of people are musicians musical talent runs in my family or depression runs in my family it's not true but things like that things that may run in the family we can talk about okay and I follow in my dad's footsteps or I following my mum's footsteps that doesn't necessarily mean I take after them but it means you did the same thing right so for example if your father is a lawyer and then you decide to study law and become a lawyer you follow in your father's footsteps right and very often when you take over the family business yeah then you follow in your father's footsteps blood is thicker than water we talked about earlier that family is more important than friends maybe than friends or anybody else so that for that matter some blood blood blood blood is thicker than water as my Manchester accent blood is thicker than water she's the breadwinner or he's the breadwinner so the person who brings home the bacon basically who earns the money earns the money or to say we say bring home the bacon yeah the bacon literally that food he earns the money or here he brings home the bacon and he doesn't he's not talking about breakfast and finally the black sheep in the family is the naughty one the naughty one or the bad one right if somebody in your family is a let's say a juvenile delinquent or goes to jail or goes to prison there the black sheep of the family they're the kind of a naughty one the bad person in the family there's often a black black sheep of the family right okay so those are some idioms for you and I'm sorry we've not gone through everything I wanted but the sound was fine good you've got in your liquid what's you've got to your liquid slow down and smell the roses thank you very much less slack I like that let's slow down and smell the ginger there's no point rushing through anything right that's all okay the more I get older the more I want to go back in the day oh yeah possibly the bit more you get older the more you can enjoy the day enjoy today right yeah I'm sorry I'm not a software engineer thank you very much okay a chip off the old block is a nice idiom thank you very much Spidey a chip off the old block means that you look like or you're similar to your parents yes yes we need a part too yes we need a part too right maybe a part to our families yes Lynn I'm getting on not married yet at 3500 Lynn don't worry don't worry some people get married at forty fifty my auntie got married at 65 right I'm not saying wait right don't go that slowly okay yes on a part two yes we need a part two okay it seems like we're gonna do a part two next time health problems set in lovely Chris key health problems begin or set in very very nice like it okay nice hair come on I've got no hair hardly any hair yeah this one the apple doesn't fall far from the tree is the same thing right that you're similar to your parents makes sense nice these are all nice yes so Richie we can say like mother like daughter because history is chauvinistic and it's a unfortunately it's been a male-dominated society lots of idioms are male-dominated like father like son and that's the idiom that we use but more today than ever before people are saying things like this mother like daughter absolutely why not why just be a male-dominated society it's crazy half the sky right like mother like daughter great yeah this is a nice example pretty good athletes run in my family that's very funny it's good right it cuz it's there's the pun good athletes run in my family love it like it okay so listen guys we're gonna wind up we're gonna wind up some nice expressions helicopter parenting the black duck black sheep can be someone different yes it can I pointed out actually I points that being naughty or bad it can just be different from the rest of the family but kind of assuming everybody's good but yes grades good cool got black sheep of the family brilliant so listen I'm going to wind up here today part two part two there seems to be a general consensus part two it might be a good idea to drop a link for the Facebook page oh yes let me do that now before I forget I've got two links for you actually there's a link for well I think you know the Facebook page probably more useful is the Facebook group probably the Facebook page is just IELTS speaking success wherever you go just search IELTS B IELTS speaking success the actual Facebook group is this one and this will be in the notes right you'll recognize it because it looks like it looks like this when you get there Chrome window here we go so you'll just see it when you get there it's IELTS mastermind just come along and join and you can see 20 people want to join the group I better let you in and the other one is the IELTS speaking success this is the the page okay so you can find if you're streaming actually you can probably those of you on Facebook are already there you're watching this right here and right now I could probably watch myself life I can I can watch myself like that will mess things up so I won't do that and the other one is oh yes just to let you know cuz if a few people ask me about the online course so I do have online course a udemy it's on udemy that's the platform it's for IELTS speaking great course even if I say so myself I'm gonna blow my own trumpet the course price is always changing because udemy fix the price and a few students have asked me how much is the course and the answer is I honestly don't know the top level course the the top price is $100 but it's never a hundred dollars it's always between ten and thirty dollars but the price changes right all the time so I don't know but just go and check it out any time what I do know is that the price today because I just checked it is the lowest price it's somewhere around ten or eleven dollars and it translates into your currency so again you'll have to work out your currency but with the link here today I know for the fact that today it's the cheapest price it's been so just to let you know it's there if you're interested to let you have it okay excellent good all of this comes in the in the notes so the notes where are the notes to the Facebook group for the notes all you can go directly to the website and I'll just give you that as well I'll take this out so if you go to hang on to the website this one here right go to the live lessons finger magic there and that's where you will find all the all the notes they're all down here all the notes you can download them click there and get all the notes from the past classes as well so they will be there but the notes are not instant it takes me because I'm teaching as well so probably later this afternoon in five or six hours sometimes later in the evening they will be up there so check in later or tomorrow and you'll be able to get them brilliant any questions that's a stupid thing to say because now I'll have a hundred questions oh there's a question is hang on a slang hang on is it slang [Music] no it's not slang it's informal so it's not slang because it's used in all nationalities right America can't Canadia Australia it's not regional slang you can use that in I'll speak again hang on a moment wait a moment yes you could use that yes great thank you everybody for joining website link website link website link IELTS speaking yes I think Oh big question how can I keep confident when taking the speaking test basically this the quick answer is so much preparation and learning the language so well that you're confident you can use it it's just the more that you're practicing the more confidence you get I think one of the biggest dangers for IELTS students is to start learning strange vocabulary or unusual idioms that you don't really know how to use and then in the test you think oh I'll try and say that idiom or I'll try and use that fancy word but you don't really know how to use it and you lose your confidence because you're thinking was that right can I use it there so my advice is in the test only use idioms you're confident about that you have already used in conversation or with a teacher practicing and you're confident yes this is the right idiom for the right context if you're not sure and you're just trying to show off because you learnt it yesterday but you're not sure better not to use it in the test otherwise it will whether the first of all the examiner will know you don't really know it and secondly it'll affect your confidence you'll be like what was that right if you just use the language you know well you'll be like yes I know this is right and I can answer it you'll be more confident so the secrets in the practice really the more you extend your language skill the more confident you will be quick answer there you go I could talk for hours about it but there's a quick answer right thank you so much if there are any more questions I will pick them up and maybe we can answer them on Thursday thank you very very very much everybody for joining have a fantastic day and keep practicing keep studying and I will see you on Thursday for part two of the family sounds like a blockbuster right see you there take care bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 60,737
Rating: 4.9102354 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking family topic, ielts speaking family questions, ielts speaking family vocabulary, family ielts, family ielts speaking, family ielts speaking part 1, family ielts vocabulary, ielts speaking family, ielts speaking part 1 family and friends
Id: uAYap63OaUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 11sec (4391 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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