IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of BOREDOM

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lesson it's gonna be really boring tiresome tedious and monotonous the whole lesson a very very boring lesson but hopefully not that boring we are going to look at the language of boredom being bored and you know what bores you all of that it's going to be fun and exciting let's kick off with uh let's kick off with this shall we [Music] [Music] [Music] hello there nice to see you and welcome to today's class it's thursday the 18th of something 18th of march right um i hope if you celebrated paddy's day yesterday 17th of march was uh saint patrick's day i hope you had a good time and that you're not uh too tired or hungover today right welcome all of you today's lesson is all about being bored um we're going to be looking at lots of exciting stuff let me show you what we're going to be doing today right we're going to be looking at the topic of boredom a bit like this young gentleman over here we'll be having a look at the vocabulary how we talk about being bored right we'll be looking at what bores you right it's an interesting word right boar what bores you we'll be finding out today we will be having a look at the lockdown boredom i think the lockdown brought a lot of opportunities but a lot of boredom for people so we're going to talk a little bit about lockdown boredom we'll have it having a look at idioms to talk about this topic um and of course as always we'll be doing one or two sample answers and then we'll finish up with a little review about all of that great sounds lovely let's get all that back so we're going to begin at boredom but first a few hellos su tau hello call me bella hi bella yes amen says no it's impossible what the boring class right hello emma and salmon glenda glenda from japan nice to see you here glenda sia hi uh who else is here reader from qatar lovely to see you reader and uh who else somebody else and cannata also from japan ah too from japan and delorum hello lu dong hi lou nice to see you and savita hello lots of people here good to see you all here thank you so much for joining me today really appreciate it um great now as we begin i got a i got a little note here look note here it says say hello to jose ramon this is a note from my wife right and jose ramon hola buenos dias biendo un saludo jose ramon is my wife's driving teacher and she's just started classes she can drive but she hasn't driven in spain so she's started to do some kind of refresher refresher classes and jose ramon is taking care of her so a big shout out jose ramon thank you so much please do look after her right um i couldn't possibly teach my wife to drive i think you need a certain i don't know a certain ability to do that so i've put her in the hands of josie ramon great another just a quick shout out i get quite a few emails from people um and i just wanted to say a shout out to actor hussain who's actually over in england and we were in contact about a year ago um and now this is what he said he wrote me a very nice email he said hi keith i felt i am on top of the world so glad to meet you um at this similar time last year it's the best year to look after myself and my self-improvement i learned so many things from your youtube video and the band 7 plus course you inspired and encouraged me and my lifestyle completely changed nowadays i can speak without thinking about vocabulary or phrases it's everything in my head no more hesitated talk you told me practice makes perfect and i just listen to you oh wish you a healthy wealthy happy life bless you my friend actor actor thank you very much that was beautiful very very nice um and that makes me very happy to see the change in people the change in attitude as well as lifestyle or ability or confidence is great so really really pleased to see that you know there's been a few messages on on the facebook group a lot of people getting successful scores 7 7.5 which is fantastic there are now and again one or two people who say you know i got a six again not very happy disappointed um and it's a failure now i don't think it's a failure right if you don't get your score in the test it's not failing it's not a failure right for me it's just a step it's the next step towards your goal some steps go up some steps go down but the important thing is you're going towards your goal you're on the journey you're still moving there and it's that journey that is so important so please don't lose hope don't worry don't get too sad i mean feel sad for a day but then move on right keep going keep practicing because all of us here are turning up day after day and it's that long term practice and dedication that is gonna get you to where you want to go so to all of you congratulations nobody's failing everybody's moving moving in the right direction great so um good let me just check in see how you're all doing binayak academy hello nice to see you naomi from indonesia hello naomi that's my daughter's name nice to see you jesse hello sir first time attending great thrilled to bits mohinu nice to see you great viraj says sir where are you from well it's interesting because i said spain right but of course i'm from england i'm from manchester in england um um people from manchester we call mancunians right so i'm a mancunian but in my 20s i left england to live abroad and now i live in spain which is quite nice yes fatima first time in the class as well welcome and lou from uzbekistan i get a lot of people from uzbekistan emailing me which is really nice keep it coming guys please do right maiden from turkey all over the world listen let's move in let's kick off right we're going to talk about boredom today i've got to try and stop laughing because boredom is really serious subject right look like like this guy here boredom we're gonna kick off right and we're gonna have a look first of all at some vocabulary on the topic of boredom so let me share if if you will let me share my little blackboard so the first question right a lot of students get confused is it bored or boring right the film is boring or bored and i feel boring or bored you know what which one is it what should it be maybe you guys down below leave a message tell me what you think it is this film is blank and i feel blank let's get this sorted oh there's quite a few different opinions here right first up then ashraf this film is boring and i feel bored perfect okay thank you ashraf that's great this film is boring and i feel bored right thank you ashraf nice glasses very cool very lovely so this film is boring boring right is kind of an active it's an active feeling it describes things or people right it describes maybe a book or a film or a person that bores you so the film is boring the book is boring some classes are boring some people are boring right people who just have a very monotonous voice hello nice to see you my name's jackie good morning and my great virginia jojo right maybe it can be boring however um that's boring but bored right let me bring that up is more passive it shows how you are made to feel i feel bored it's how you are made to feel by something so it's that passive idea right um i feel bored because of the book or because of the teacher or because of waiting in the supermarket i feel bored right so that's the difference between boring and bored right but notice boring can be to describe things and people as well people can be boring if they they have that active impact on you so let's take an example right um i was bored i'll put these together so you can see it all together i was bored by this film by this book or by this person right um so you can see it is literally an uh a passive sentence right i say up here it's passive i was bored by something so you can remember it by being passive i feel bored because this film is boring it's how i'm made to feel the challenge is right if somebody says john is blank what's the answer john is blank the answer is we don't know right of course we don't know because we don't know if it's describing his feeling or his impact on someone right if we're describing his feeling then john is bored yeah the feeling as we said here bored how we're made to feel if we're describing his impact on people then john is boring right if that describes actively his impact then john is boring so that's the key thing right now if i bring them up together we'll do one more here here we give the the context right number one john is he makes me fall asleep john is blah blah blah he's not interested in this film what's the answer what's number one and what's number two yeah very good we've got it yeah so prim jit said number one is boring john is boring exactly he makes me fall asleep perfect john is boring he makes me fall asleep excellent thanks brinjit and we've got namita says come on lamito why are you not coming on now you're here so it's boring number two board john is bored he's not interested in this film right exactly john is bored perfect so now we've got that sorted out brilliant let's move on some very quick collocations right so collocations we can say i'll just put this up collocations collocations are of course words that go together words that commonly go together we can say to be bored to get bored or to grow bored right um so i was bored yesterday watching the film and i i grew even more bored as the film went on for example the noun boredom right boredom stress on the first syllable boredom there's a lot of boredom during the lockdown and the verb to bore right it's pronounced the same as o r or it's that look at the shape of the mouth let me show you here so it's not er it's a round shape or or and it comes from the throat bore bore great lovely right so the teacher bores me bore balls he bores me she bores me the comedian's jokes are terrible he bores me right make the or quite a long sound it's a diphthong or no it's not it's a long vowel or ball lovely coming back great great good we're in i'm just checking in with you good so those are some collocations let's move into a question right my first question we're going to look at this question first right what bores you what bores you before you answer i'm going to share with you this website because i think it's quite interesting right um sergey he bored me yes said okay perfect exactly quick question just throw it up there he bored me yes he bored me bore bored perfect i'm going to show you this website because i think it's quite interesting um it's about being bored what bores you let me just show you this 11 different things that bore us let me see if i can bring this up the 11 most boring things in life according to science and according to me according to me so the first one no actually number 11 is being broke now being broke you may know this expression you may not to be broke is to have no money when you run out of money then you are broke so being broke yeah that's boring because you can't do anything waiting in line right queuing sitting in a waiting room like at the doctor's or at the dentist um whenever you're waiting yeah that's extremely boring and the routine of everyday life well that is a bit macro that's quite wide right but yes the routine of life can be boring tv commercials or advertisements in number seven listening to politicians that's boring right most politicians are boring but you know with respect to politicians they you know they do a great job sometimes slow internet connection amen going through junk mail boring being on hold when you're on the telephone and somebody asks you to wait standing in lines isn't that the same as queuing waiting in line at the post office standing in lines generally um being stuck in traffic is his number one so lots of interesting ideas about what bores that person what's interesting i think is the language that he's using and let me just highlight this for you right he says for example being broke now remember idiomatically it doesn't mean broke it means no money right having no money to be broke equals whoops to have no money being broke bores me waiting in line this also is a noun phrase so being broke we use the gerund the ing right this bit the ing we call the gerund is it's used as a noun or a noun phrase so being broke is a noun phrase and then you've got the verb it bores me waiting in line noun makes me bored there's the verb politicians again it's a noun this case just a noun followed by the verb so noun verb or if you like subject verb it's the subject verb noun verb politicians are boring so very often when we say what bores you we often put a noun or a noun phrase and then the verb being broke waiting in line listening to politicians right or just politicians are boring so using a noun or a noun phrase and then the verb is the common way to do it right excellent good so my question to you what bores you leave me a comment let's see what bores you right nabika charge up your laptop if the battery's gonna die emmy nice to see you again oh people with limited energies bores me says rton oh john you're doing the same pose as me people with limited energies right good brilliant emmy says waiting in queue waiting in queue now we've got the british and the the american waiting in a queue or we've got two different ways of saying it waiting in accu which is more british and waiting in line which is more american right but nice good one emmy nabina says the lockdown is boring great because of the restrictions on travel yes nice daughter says listening to news great notice the noun phrase listening to news that's the noun bores me brilliant also very nice sobrata says when my endeavor not worked when my endeavors don't work or didn't work yeah i feel bored nice good i'm gonna just add a quick correction there great when my endeavor didn't work i feel bored lovely sobrata but hardwinder being on hold bores me right being on hold on the telephone right isn't that annoying when you ring up like the any any service and say just a moment sir and they put this music daddy daddy so annoying um right kanata says i usually get bored by book i think you mean by books right buy books or buy a book let's put it in the singular i don't know if you mean one book or books in general i usually get bored by a book because i cannot keep concentrating on it how can i get rid of it well get rid of the book throw it away get rid of the lack of concentration um you have to practice concentration right it's a skill you need to practice so kanata start practicing for ravi he's bored waiting in line yep absolutely let's see any anyone else need have no money and nothing to do now you're almost there me what bores you remember that this is really nice right because you're showing everybody it's the having the noun phrase having no money that's the noun phrase and nothing to do right brilliant yeah that really bores lots of people what else raul says daily exercise bores me do you mean like exercise as in walking and fitness exercise or mental exercise or english exercises maybe all of them i don't know right barratt says political conversions makes me bored oh yeah good i think what you mean is and i'm gonna correct you but tell me if it's right political conversations right um political conversations make me bored right political conversations bore me or they make me right passive bored right they make me bored thanks barat for that that's great to show everybody we can make it clear great good for joanna we've got kovid 19 pandemic bores me yeah good alina first session welcome maf tuna my work bores me maf tuna i think you need to change your job do a different job change around do something different excellent good now that's really nice some really nice some phrases there um i'm going to share with you because i actually asked everybody in the facebook group and if you don't know by the way and if you haven't joined please do come and join if you like facebook facebook facebook come on keith manchester facebook if you like facebook come and join the facebook group um it's keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking if you're into facebook um come and join us and there's a community there there's quite a lot going on people sharing experiences questions answers practicing um the other day we had a gentleman from madagascar who was doing a video recording and different students were practicing together on video without me brilliant i mean great opportunity to go and practice so come and join us but yesterday i asked the group what bores you and there were lots of comments and really interesting so i want to share some of them with you and maybe pull out one or two pieces of language pieces of language chunks yeah pull out one or two chunks to show you that um and so i'm going to go through a few of the comments and make a few of my own comments right this is a short video i made this yesterday so you'll notice my clothes have changed right just a few minutes let's have a look at what you all said right let me find it okay it takes a second to load up and we'll just watch a few minutes and uh interesting ideas that came out and some beautiful language okay if you're ready let's do it right hello oh i look a bit rosy maybe because i've just woken up from my siesta my afternoon nap could be and i just wanted to have a look at this question today what bores you oh look at that holy moly what 224 comments there was only about 80 a few minutes ago what happened oh dear anyway i just want to have a quick look at some of your comments and make a few comments myself about your comments let's have a look what bores you guys for zaida when i follow the same kind of hectic routine yeah i know what you mean right for anna the pandemic bores me nice good english that's great for hang yuen taida jobless well if you haven't got a job yet or if you've been laid off in the pandemic it can be a real yeah hassle and a bore absolutely the pandemic restrictions are a bore for miller oh dear um and for raman um when i'm doing nothing i feel bored to death excellent lovely idiomatic expression we're gonna look at lots of those as well um let's see for rosanna it's the corrupt politicians without the yes rosanna and corrupt politicians yes they're all over the place and they are a boar absolutely um the peter small talk ah small talk is boring right you like to get straight to the point cut to the chase don't beat about the bush right excellent good for camille i'm really bored not to see any progress in my english writing as well as reading oh dear oh dear we need to get you some solutions camille so that you can see progress and feel much better about it but not right now um fatan day dende i get so bored when i'm studying and i don't understand anything well i i relate to that i hope you understand this for today let's see what else have we got for rupjet managing household chores alone when your house help is on leave is quite boring and tiring i imagine right osman says i'm fed up with social media i can't do this anymore i know what you mean i am also very fed up with a lot of social media i'm fed up with the scammers with the um the people's not scamming me but spamming scamming and spamming um yes especially on my personal feed oh dear now jane this is interesting jane says i get bored when my seniors don't pull their weight right so they don't do enough work and just sit there ordering juniors around instead of showing them the ropes right showing them the ropes showing them how to do the job this really gets on my nerves gets on my nerves seriously though i need to speak out jane lovely answer beautiful like it very very much um and tanja says what bores me the most is gathering with friends and only one seems to be talking it feels like they love to listen to themselves giving a talk i yes i've got well one or two friends who just talk and talk and talk and talk and it's okay but when they don't listen that's what really bores me right but yeah nice point anybody else anna says many things like waiting in a queue watching a slow movie and especially shopping with my sisters because she takes ages for that i love it she takes ages another nice idiomatic expression right takes a long time well watching a slow movie anna simple solution if you're on netflix or streaming just speed it up fast forward to the interesting bits let's pick out one more we've got over here um janice says fall in line stuck in the traffic jam stuck in the lecture room with the lame tutor oh that's right there's nothing worse than a lame tutor who's boring and uh not engaging right totally agree well listen that was a quick visit thank you for all your comments i'm really sorry that i've not had time to answer all of them but um i hope today we've seen a few more i'll try going try and go in and answer a few view more in the meantime let's get back to our live lesson with that teacher what was his name oh yes keith and i'll go back for my um afternoon cup of tea and biscuits take care see you soon what's his name keith oh yeah right i was very rosy right why was my face so red that was a bit strange that was maybe it was the lighting in a different room so interesting great um some very nice comments thank you very much to all of you who commented what a lot of comments um as i said it's impossible for me to answer all of them um unless i don't sleep but i try to answer one or two but hopefully that gives you all some ideas i'd just like to share with you some of the language there i thought there was some great language and really useful for you because it's so natural spoken english which is what you need for ielts right um let's have a quick look we you talked about being jobless right so jobless basically just means uh yeah unemployed so other words no unemployed uh not having a job obviously great if you're laid off it's a boar so to be laid off is where the company lets you go they don't fire you but they just say we're sorry there's no work for you so like in covid right lockdown because all of the restaurants had to close they had to lay off a lot of people they just let them go right so to lay someone off is to let them go say there is no work there is no more work maybe we could say right that's the idea right okay um i feel bored to death was a lovely expression i i use that a lot it's very very bored i feel bored to death right notice how we say it the two becomes tur i feel bored to death in fact the board two the board the d i feel bored to death try that i feel bored to death nice stress on the board and the death i feel bored to death yeah perfect good very nice expression right i feel bored to death small talk is just you know talking about the weather talking about weather maybe about family maybe about i don't know what you've done right it's the not the not the important it's the social lubrication if you like then we had get to the point right i was that was a really good we had cut to the chase don't beat about the bush so get to the point is to be direct but we can also say cut to the chase cut to the chase notice again right the tur cut chase cut to the chase right it means be direct say what you mean cut to the chase right don't tell me about the weather and then no cut to the chase or get to the point or don't beat about the bush which i love don't beat up but don't run around the bush the bush is like a plant or a tree don't beat about the bush so those three are all the same right uh household chores great we can also talk about household tasks you know things like like i i don't know ironing cleaning cooking all of those that some people find very very boring understandably i'm fed up right means i'm bored basically i'm bored i talked about don't scam and don't spam to scam is just don't cheat me right i mentioned last week we have a lot of scammers on facebook trying to cheat you don't spam spam don't spam me right don't send me messages right so send messages trying to sell things don't spam and then there was this interesting expression they don't pull their weight right means that they don't work they don't do enough work enough work they don't pull their weight their body they don't do enough they're very lazy show them the ropes is to show how something works so very often when you're starting a new job your boss will show you the ropes sometimes your colleagues will show you the ropes it comes from the old sailing metaphor right when you're sailing on a boat you have ropes and you have to learn the knot and how to use the ropes so when you learn something we say to show you the ropes so particularly in a new job somebody somebody should show you the ropes okay so show how something works and i love this expression it gets on my nerves right it's basically it's annoying it's annoying notice it gets on my nerves nothing to do with being nervous no no it's annoying or irritating right and then we also had she takes ages it just means she takes a long time some people when they whoops takes a long time some people when they are i don't know some people when they're cooking they take ages some people when they're on the phone to their friend they take ages some people on the toilet they take ages there's nothing worse and this expression right there's nothing worse we often say that right there's nothing worse than somebody who takes ages on the toilet there's nothing worse than somebody spamming you all the time there's nothing worse than the scammers on facebook there's nothing worse it's a lovely natural expression right okay good yes good think right okay is this life jack this is live yes it is live aida says i take ages to study english nice lian it is live but liam we're mixing some recorded with live right um aniket says she took ages she took a ridiculous amount of time that's very nice a ridiculous amount of time very very nice okay um marsha says you show us the ropes i do i show you the ropes on how to learn english how to prepare for ielts thanks a million yeah some interesting roland where can i re-watch this live stream on youtube um so as soon as it's finished it's recorded and it's kept in my youtube channel so just go to english speaking success and you can you can watch it there absolutely izma is this an idioms class i'm sorry it's not an idioms class it looks like it right there's maybe too many idioms but no this class is all about boredom believe it or not great okay let's move on oh hasn't it my exam on saturday please keith give a constructive piece of advice constructive advice okay hasn't i my advice for you is on friday relax um immerse yourself in english but relax so maybe read a book or watch a film or listen to a podcast in english but something very relaxing go to bed early get up the next day full of energy full of beans and think you're going to enjoy the test right that's the only thing in your head is all the way as you're walking to the test center you're thinking i'm going to enjoy the test i'm going to enjoy the test i'm going to enjoy the test it's the only thing that you think about that's my advice i hope it's constructive good luck to you and everybody who's doing the test right excellent good so we've done that let's move on right because i've been looking at vocabulary and we've looked at quite a few idioms there um we've talked about what bores you now lock down boredom yeah lock down boredom um here's a question and i'm going to share with you an idea as well a lot of people talked about lockdown and how the restrictions are boring or they bore you so i would like to share with you um on this question let me share this question how did you tackle lockdown boredom tackle in this context means to solve a problem or to handle a situation to handle to cope with how did you tackle lockdown boredom i mean what did you do right maybe you're in lockdown now i don't know some parts of the world are um where i am at the moment we don't have lockdown but so that's why i say in the past how did you tackle lockdown let me show share with you this website right which i was just reading the other day i thought was quite interesting about ideas for lockdown it says six ways to fight there you go fight or tackle to fight coronavirus lockdown oh those advertisements bore me it's been nearly a year since the start of kovid19 that's right and more hard weeks look to be ahead so dw has a few ways to fight lockdown boredom i'm gonna share six with you here very briefly first one you can guess right get out the board games play some board games with your family second one is computer gaming where is it playing together without being in the same room so you can play computer games across the internet even though you're not in the same room you can play go here's another board game you can play that great game biking away the blues so another one is to get on your bicycle and it's a way of um not being bored if you're allowed out i mean in lockdown you're at least in england people are or were allowed out for one hour a day i think to to cycle or run or do some exercise so important to get your exercise so cycle bike the blues away dancing dancing on wheels in this case gym and fitness studios so doing some exercise what about knit your way through the crisis to knit your way to knit i don't know if you know to knit right is to make these kind of clothes right just let me show you to knit some of you may not know what knit is to knit that's to niche to knit excuse me right you can see from the pictures so this is knitting or to knit to make clothes i wonder some of you probably do knit i'm guessing right gyms are closed yep that's true in a lot of places gyms are closed it's not possible um but doing exercise at home could be possible putting pencil to paper so writing stuff maybe write a story write a message write a letter interesting idea right putting pen to paper the nice expression to put pen to paper means to write yeah i enjoy putting pen to paper and writing down my ideas for classes or singing in your own home studio which means basically singing in the shower or singing singing in your home making um some kind of music recording it and sharing it with other people interesting right very interesting um so those basically are all different ideas but how do you tackle boredom right what do you guys do especially in lockdown let's have a look right so jesse says in order to relieve my boredom love that relieve my boredom nice i started learning how to bake cookies and i can say that i'm slowly improving lovely and then of course you can relieve your boredom by eating the cookies marika on a similar note well by making myself busy like baking great expression make myself busy making myself busy um what else have we got emma says i bake some cakes and share with some poor families that's lovely that's nice very nice catherine says doing karaoke right notice again we can use the noun or the noun phrase to answer this question uh krishna says i've been swamped with work great expression swamped with work means you have too much work i've been swamped with work so does that mean you're not bored i guess interesting right because in lockdown like like krishna and myself we have been swamped with work if your work is online then actually lock down there's been no time to be bored because there's been too much work great says sometimes i make interesting jewelry with beads like a necklace also i can knit scarves myself oh fantastic great great i think i'm just going to change your spelling there just a small one there over here on spelling right i also knit scarves for myself great ravi talks about doing something interesting make get rid of boredom and time could be used as to learn something new it's gonna like killing two birds with one stone yes killing two birds with one stone yeah learn something new very nice ravi yes and for eda singing is good for me but it's horrible for my neighbors either i take it you're not a great singer but don't worry says i hooked on playing computer games yes yes so hooked there because hooked is a is a past participle you need the was right i was hooked on playing computer games at the time of lockdown protag nice very very nice i like it good what else have we got a lot of people baking cakes it seems shikuza was painting nice um sally hello from algeria nice to see you here um leon says i watch a lot of connect 4 to exhaust my brain power what a good show i don't know that i know the board game connect4 but i don't know the show hmm um what else have we got for lucky lucky's mean gardening can help you yeah guarding absolutely great thank you very much lots of great ideas on how to tackle the lockdown interesting right now um i'm going to move on we've talked a bit about boredom i've got another question and this question goes a bit deeper right now coming back to ielts and ielts speaking often in part three right you get a question like this do you agree it is impossible to feel bored in today's society yeah do you agree it is impossible to feel bored in today's society this kind of question where the examiner asks you do you agree or disagree um you don't have to agree you can disagree and say no or you can agree right again it's not formal it's not like writing so you don't have to say yes i totally agree or no i disagree strongly you don't have to say that you can just start speaking it's absolutely fine um if you want you can use a filler and say a connector and say yes you know i i totally agree um but it's not essential so it's impossible to feel bored in today's society there's a lot of ideas here let's look at what the ideas could be what are what are we thinking about here um so one of them might be the suggestion that there's so much technology right there's a lot of technology um like social media like streaming videos so that that is impossible to be bored um it could be about online learning right there's a lot of opportunity for online learning so to learn new skills that's all a bit small isn't it and come on let's make it bigger learning new skills so maybe you know maybe painting a language coding so there's so many things to learn with online learning could be that it could be the growth of the fitness let's say this the growth of the health and fitness centers sector so now the opportunity for people to you know to people are cooking more exercising there are more gyms there's so many opportunities now for healthy eating doing exercise bicycles you know there's there's a lot more than before that means it's difficult to be bored so these are just a few ideas right that you may want to talk about maybe the idea of technology um the growth online learning or the growth of health and fitness there are many more that you could refer to so let me ask you let me ask you guys um what i know not what do you agree it's impossible to feel bored in today's society let's have a look and as you're doing that i'm going to play my jingle i've not played my jingle yet today i love that jingle good morning from brazil hello shakun you love that jingle don't you okay do you agree it's impossible let's bring up some ideas there's quite a lot here do you agree it's impossible to feel bored catherine says not really because too much connectivity also can drain you a lot and thus makes you feel bored after some times right very good point too much connectivity with screens um and social media right it can drain you can make you tired yeah i'm going to just copy a few of your things here great thank you um ez says neither agree nor disagree actually it depends on the personality for example brilliant that's a nice part three answer for example i am very talented on getting bored i'm very talented on getting bored in any situation after 30 minutes love it nice good bit of humor i like that just notice um it's get talented act yeah i'm i'm very talented at getting bored in any situation lovely nice thank you very much let's have a look uh adrian adrian i'll try and pronounce your name andrea nerisson andrea narissan i absolutely disagree for the reason that as far as i remember nice as far as i remember my parents when they were my age now had more fun and were better entertained than in this era with all these cutting tech cutting edge technologies yeah great i'm going to put technologies in the plural just because you said these these cutting-edge technologies that's great and a really good point right i absolutely disagree for the reason that as far as i remember lovely and referring back to your parents time very nice answer good mirabelle says i enrolled on an online course which not only played down the boredom oh i love that played down the boredom brilliant mirabelle nice but set the tone for a new career pursuit for me yeah great let me just borrow your language [Music] brilliant play down the boredom so to make it less important or to reduce it nice great maruf says yes i agree strongly because our society depend on the network and don't try to attention each other's it is my opinion that's nice maroof that's nice our society depends on the network and i would say here i'm going to change it a bit doesn't try um to pay attention to each other yeah great brilliant so i'm just going to tidy up a little bit i agree strongly because our society depends on the network and doesn't it doesn't try to pay attention to each other so i think that's what you mean where people are not paying attention to each other i think i hope i've understood correctly yeah lovely very very nice um i'm going to do one more from i partly agree with this because of a lot of study stuffs from online plantation indoor games doing yoga and learn holistic life from internet video doesn't bore you yeah good now remember agree is a verb i agree so not i am i agree i partly agree with this um great i partly agree with this because of a lot of study stuff stuff is always in the singular not in the plural it's an uncountable noun right study stuff online indoor games learning holistic life great from the internet video doesn't bore you that's lovely doesn't bore you brilliant good very very nice lovely answers there's a lot more there but i'm going to move on i'm just going to review share some of those things that you said too much connectivity can drain you so when you say something drains you right it makes you tired [Music] that's really nice right so for me um i don't know dancing drains me um speaking on the phone to some friends for like two hours can drain me i'm not a very talkative person um so you know going to a lecture sometimes can drain people right and then learning something new played down the boredom so basically here in this context um it means to reduce in this context or it really means to make less important to play something down just means to make it less important but here it's really about reducing right learning something can play down the board and we'll reduce the boredom okay nice good good what's next what's next it's always time if i don't know time for a jingle if i don't know now then um in a moment i'm gonna move on and share some more idioms on this topic with you right um but before i do that i wanted to let you know on saturday as every saturday i have a new video and this uh it's a recorded video coming out on saturday is an interesting one i think you might like it i hope so i sit down with another teacher another ielts teacher and we have we have a conversation and i call it a band nine conversation and what we do is we talk about um different ielts questions and so it's kind of an ielts test because all of the questions are ielts questions but it's a conversation it's just a relaxed conversation so when you listen you think it's a conversation but when you listen carefully you think it's an ielts speaking test and there's lots of really nice language and some great tips we're going to talk about i'm going to share with you now just a snippet right a sneak preview a couple of minutes of the conversation that we had together now i did this with a teacher from vietnam who i met maybe a year ago um through the internet and we've been in touch his name is dat um or datio he has a site called ielts with datio and we got together and we we made we made in this video which we will show what i will show on saturday he will show on his channels i'm not sure when probably saturday but i want to show you a sneak preview just a couple of minutes and see what you think let me show the bit of the conversation to give you an idea here we go it'll take a minute to work out as always but i think it's interesting you can let me know what you think is it a conversation or is it an ielts speaking test or in reality should your ielts speaking test be a conversation aha and that in a way is the whole point is that the more you make your test like a conversation the more successful you're going to be right and that's what we try to show so as always my computer has hidden the file give me a moment okay i think i think we're there great so oh the first question i need to ask is how do i pronounce your name oh you can call me uh dad or daddy oh it sounds kind of funny that oh yeah but just call me dad i think that's that's my real name dario is more like a nickname that my friend gave me but i think it's cute that's why i i chose that for my channel right fantastic it's a great name i like it datio but i'll call you that that's fine um keith that's right exactly with that strange sound so many people struggle with yeah keith um so i'm based here in spain where where do you live dan um i'm currently living in saigon or people would call it ho chi minh city but i prefer dagon because it's kind of reminiscent of the past you know yeah yeah indeed so is that your hometown or is that is your hometown a different place um it's uh it's my hometown actually i was born and raised here and i actually have been living here you know my whole life uh i think i know i know that i did move to singapore to study for a few years and then i came back here but my life it doesn't feel very different from before so so yeah i i'm living here currently right and what what do you like about saigon or ho chi minh city oh um i feel pretty fortunate to be living here because um i got you know i got access to pretty much any amenity that you can possibly think of right and uh it's very modern it's very convenient to live here and i'm a foodie as well so you know like i love eating so i have a passion for eating trying different cuisines and saigon particularly saigon has you know a variety of cuisines and i can try as many as many kinds of food that i can think of right so you've been in that city since you were born has that city changed over the years um over the years you mean over the last 10 years over the last 10 years 15 years yet uh i i didn't really you know pay attention but the most striking change is probably the fact that it has gotten more polluted and harder so much harder than before um i think it's the same situation for a lot of mega cities that are growing but saigon definitely has a lot more residential you know areas you know apartment complexes and skyscrapers so i think that's uh it's kind of a nice thing to have but at the same time um the infrastructure cannot really uh you know accommodate that many people right very interesting it's a fascinating conversation um and i i love the way i think that it's it's hard to know is it a conversation or is it an ielts speaking test it's probably both and as a few people have commented right yet that the more it's like a test though sorry the more it's like a conversation the better it is yeah um as i'll just share a few comments christina says yes i'd like to think about the ielts speaking test as a conversation because it makes me more comfortable relaxed and confident yeah absolutely um also gavar i think said a similar thing says wow he doesn't have the local accent he must be a really good teacher well i'm sure datio is i mean his his english is fantastic i mean it was bad nine english um and i'm sure he's a great teacher as well but very very interesting conversation um great hit the like button thank you guys thank you for hitting the like button brilliant good this is it cancer rhiann you've hit the nail on the head it sounds like a very comfortable conversation but it's in the ielts format very smooth and involved both ways it actually calms your nerve if the speaking test is good yeah it does calm you yeah and i think what's important is that it's it's in the hands or the responsibility of both the examiner and you right so the examiner sometimes they're relaxed sometimes they're not but you also have responsibility to be relaxed because if you're stiff and formal and hello my name is keith i come from manchester it's a beautiful city in the north of england right then the examiner will also be oh and what do you think of it it will become more like that so you also have a responsibility to be relaxed and to smile like if you watch the whole conversation you'll see it's just like chatting maybe to a colleague at work over coffee and you know where do you live how long have you lived here and it's it's so important because that relaxing helps you express better english anyway enough said saturday um around midday spain time i will publish the video go and watch it um you'll be able to see the whole conversation we also do analysis of the language so you can learn lots of band 9 language and some really interesting tips about the test so look out for that on saturday good moving on right [Music] moving on we've talked about lockdown boredom um i'm going to move on next to idioms about being bored right so let's have a look at some idioms on this particular topic and please feel free to share as well in the in the chat so the following expressions right these are used to talk about being very bored right as we mentioned earlier i think we saw the first one i'm bored to death right i'm bored to death notice how that the d and the t is the same sound i'm bored to death and you stress the noun the nouns whoops i'm bored to death say that i'm bored to death i'm bored to tears i'm bored to tears similarly i'm bored stiff i'm bored stiff stiff is straight like oh okay this is stiff it's hard right it's oops it's stiff this is flexible it's not stiff um i'm bored stiff so you're so bored and the idea i guess is that when you're bored you're you don't move that's why you're bored to death it's like you're dead you're bored stiff i'm bored stiff bored to tears like you're crying it's so boring i cried i'm bored to tears i'm bored silly it's you're so bored that you go a little bit crazy i'm bored silly i'm bored out of my mind out of i'm bored out of my mind so again you're going crazy you're so bored i'm bored out of my mind it's good if you can to get this connective speech right try and get that bored out of oh there's two connections here we go ah come on so say this with me my mind again my mind out of my mind bored out of my mind i'm bored out of my mind i'm bored out of my mind i'm bored out of my mind i'm not i'm really happy i'm having a whale of a time great i'm bored out of my mind i'm fed up again we looked at this earlier as with most phrasal verbs we do connect fed up dub dub dub asmr dump fed up fed up i'm fed up fed up and teeth teeth at the very back why i don't know but if you're very very very fed up we say i'm fed up to the back teeth i'm fed up to the back teeth right to the back teeth i don't know why but it means you're really fed up right great do i have any more i do if something is boring we can say it leaves me cold right so there's no emotion there's no feeling it leaves me cold it's dull so something is dull it's boring and this is interesting it's about as exciting as watching paint dry so you can chunk this you can chunk it with it's about as exciting as as exciting as watching paint dry now as you can probably imagine watching paint dry on the wall not very interesting right very slow very boring it's about so we make the comparison it's about as exciting as watching paint dry great expression great i let me see i'm sure you guys have got others as well yeah there are a few more um yes there are some expressions as joanna says that i use um the f word and there are quite a few but i'm not going to cover them because it's very very strong slang and this is a family show it's true i've got some there are some i think it's a family show some people tell me their husbands and family watch as well uh yes we've got also you could say yeah the most mundane moment i've ever visited so mundane is a nice word just means boring nice the most mundane moment that's a nice alliteration most mundane moment it's the most monday moment i've ever experienced so nice words for boring are mundane monotonous tedious somebody also mentioned tedious these are all good adjectives that mean boring boring right so the film is mundane the film is monotonous the film is tedious um i don't know why i've got capitals don't need capitals great what else have we got love from mongolia i know thank you very much i like mongolia i was in ulaanbaatar quite a few times but many years ago even had a chance to ride on the horses it was fantastic thank you um aida says i do not know why today i am bored all right you're almost there i am bored so stiff notice stiff is not two but stiff is just bored bored stiff just go back notice that one so to tears to death but bored stiff i'm bored stiff i'm bored silly so the s doesn't have the two right the sir stiff sir silly there's no two aida i totally understand there are some days right that i'm just really bored and i don't know why and i just can't get any energy or any enthusiasm and i just want to sleep i don't know why it happens yeah i get you shakun has mind-numbingly boring which is nice yes mind-numbingly so to make your brain numb is just really really boring mind-numbingly boring let's add that one up there as well thank you very much shakun mind-numbingly boring nice papuna has also got that one thank you it was born like hell yes yes possibly yes it does nothing for me that's nice yeah it does nothing for me it leaves me cold let me add that one because that's quite common as well it does nothing for me especially when we're talking about books and films and art right and that picture it does nothing for me there's no there's no feeling no emotion it's just boring lovely very nice banal thank you that's another one yes you're right thanks sir banal we can add as well okay great quite a lot here quite a lot of them i'm gonna stop there right um so we've looked at lots of different idioms gosh we've done a lot um we're gonna move on next and we're gonna have a different activity and what we're going to do next is find the video i love apple [Music] yeah it's that time of day sample answers or model answers where you ask me a question about boredom and i will try and give you a model answer i say model answer so i'm going to answer like an ielts question um it can be a part one part two or part three boredom has been all of them there have it has been a part one question it's also been a part two question right describe a time when you were bored or a i think a conversation that was boring and then of course part three so it could be any of those so write down a question below in the comments and i will choose one or two and we'll do some sample answers great thank you some of you are still coming with your um idioms i'll try and pick out a few more and add them to the notes that you can download on the website later on do remember that you can always get lots of resources on that's my website you can get the the notes from today's lesson and all of the live lessons you can just download them for free and that should help you study and practice and become better and better day after day keith speaking somebody asked what happened to my jar yeah well i've changed this is also quite instagrammable right am i am i allowed to do that font villa you never know these days these days of pc what you're allowed to do and not allowed to do subtle advertising not at all okay good so let's take that off let's have a look at some questions right there there's a lot of similar questions about what you do when you're bored how do you overcome boredom um what did what made you bored as a child oh that's nice interesting i'll do this one because this is actually in part one what you do when you're bored or what made you bored as a child maybe both of those let's do okay i'm going to do both of those because there a lot of them are coming up very similar i'm going to take emmy's version which is this one what do you do when you're bored and emmy's got three pronouns three question marks i only need one thank you right emmy thank you very much for that question um let me just change the screen a bit okay what do you do when you're bored can i bring this down well it's an interesting question um you know sometimes i might get bored with uh and a book that's a bit monotonous and mundane and in that case to be honest what i do is i i normally stop the activity i'll stop reading and i'll just go and do some exercise i like to go out for a little stroll get some fresh air and just change the environment or the atmosphere to try and change my mindset and get focused on something different something different so that's basically what i do when i'm bored right short answer but part one right stop the activity do something different change my mindset yeah good great nice question and then let me add also the one about i remember to find it find it now this one salmon what did make you bored as a child okay i'm going to just look at your grammar a little bit but the questions there is great so it would be what made you bored as a child right what made you bored as a child whoops great which is switching into the past tense right um okay as a child i typically got bored uh at school right unfortunately there were one or two teachers who bored me to death because they just was so monotonous and that their voice was really monotonous and unchanging and they just were not very energetic or exciting and so as a kid you know i had a very low threshold of boredom and i would easily get kind of irritated and bored by monotonous teachers right again another short and easy answer um a low threshold of boredom is a nice expression the threshold is that the barrier right so if you have a high threshold of boredom for boredom then you can tolerate a lot if you have a low threshold for boredom you don't tolerate very much i'll put this in the notes you can go and find out later good i'm going to take one more what do you like to do overcoming boredom okay oh it's interesting about old and young people another common question right let's try this one this one is a clearly a part two situation excuse me part two question describe a situation where you felt bored when and why okay let's do this right okay nice thank you huda lovely question i'll just put it up here okay oh gosh so i would normally need a minute right i normally have a minute just give me a few seconds to get the idea okay so i remember once i was invited to a party and to be honest i didn't have a very good time and i got really bored you know i was bored to tears at the party and i'll explain why so this must have been about oh three years ago um i was living i had just moved to santander and i was had lived here for maybe a few weeks and so some neighbours invited us to their to a party not to their house but to a party um and it was quite challenging because i didn't know anybody at all there at the party and i certainly sensed there were a lot of cliques so there were lots of groups of people kind of in their tightly knit groups speaking together and they weren't very open and i found it very hard to break in and to connect with the people in those groups so i spoke to one or two people but after an hour or so you know i was probably a little bit bored out of my mind and so i kind of decided to leave early because it was just a bit frustrating and that was a time yes when i got very very bored i suspect that was less than two minutes it didn't feel like two minutes it was a bit shorter maybe i could elaborate more but some interesting ideas the party when you're bored is a typical one right um classroom lectures is another one that you can talk about um yeah other situations where you're bored hmm maybe at meetings at work there's another classic one um where you don't know people is another one yeah different ideas good okey cokey let's move on from that what's coming up next well we're coming towards the end we're going to finish up with a bit of a review right um because let me just switch we have looked at idioms we've looked at sample answers and we're going to finish up with a review and the review is on kahoot now some of you know kahoot some of you may not know kahoot um so i'm gonna bring it up it's just a very simple way for us to wrap up and to review the language we've looked at there are four questions and the multiple choice you choose a b c and d or d you have to choose one you have to go into so this is the website so you need two browsers open you need to look at me and also kahoot go to right or you can download the app as well and when you're there you need to log in choose a name choose a nickname but also you then need to put in the key which i'm going to give you so let's go on to the website you can see how this works right so it's we're going to go on here personalize learning we'll do the classic get ready to join so if you go to chooser name the game pin as you can see up here is two four nine six four eight three two four nine six four eight three you can go in choose a nickname and we will start the game in a few moments if you can't get in don't worry you can always give your answer in the comments in the video at the same time [Music] okay people are getting in great so it's kahoot dot i t and the game pin is two four nine six four eight three [Music] great got a lot of people in there and cool music going on i like this music too emmy yeah right okay we've got lots of people in let me just take this off i love the nicknames now let's start let's get going first question then on boredom i don't like this book it is really blank don't like this book it is really blank [Music] bored bores boring boredom 15 seconds left this is a nice easy question to begin right well done arda christina nice nagis satyam oh satyam be careful answer is boring oh dear 33 of you got bored no the book is really boring right the book is really boring okay the book is really boring remember board is how you feel um because of that book so the book is really boring 113 got it right well done let's move on here rapid bunny was actually named because you have to be quick to get up here on the leaderboard not only correct but quick so well done rapid bunny question number two i'm bored blank tears come on this is a piece of cake [Music] well done man well done black gold flecks nice whoa excellent the vast majority got it absolutely right two i'm bored to tears as i say great well done let's look oh the rapid bunnies disappeared there's a clever gator who's taken the place a number one and rapid panther is coming up in second place lovely question number three she was blank up to her back teeth she was blank up to her back teeth [Music] great music i think you'll all get this whoa fantastic yes she was fed up to her back teeth right she was fed up to be fed up to be fed up to your back teeth 130 correct well done guys let's see if the clever oh the clavigator's still up there at the top rapid panthers second it's all up for grabs as we look at the last question his monotonous voice really blank me his monotonous voice really blank me well done sir jan maria well done alex good excellent vast majority of you got it right right bores his monotonous voice really bores me it's the third person so it has to be with the s bores me nice let's move on let's see the leaderboard here's the podium joyful gazelle in third clever gator managed to get into second whoa it's the rapid panther was really rapid and managed to shoot up into first place well done rapid panther hey i love it great where are we i'm in the wrong place here i am brilliant well done so that's it we have seen a lot today we've had a good review there um just to recap we've seen the topic of boredom right we've looked at the basic vocabulary about bored boring boredom to boar right um we talked about what bores you whether it's waiting in line with a noun phrase or corrupt politicians with a noun we've talked about lock down boredom and how you tackle that kind of boredom we looked at idioms around you know fed up to your back teeth um bored out of your mind all of those we did a couple we did three today three sample answers brilliant and the review on kahoot so that's it we've come to the end of the day thank you very much for joining me um it's been a real pleasure i hope it hasn't bored you too much to death um remember if you want to go to the website um either later today possibly tomorrow it takes me some time to get all the notes ready and to put onto the website if not tonight then at the latest tomorrow go to the keith speaking academy um and you can download all of the notes right i'll show you just to make sure you know where to go website oh where have i gone come over here here we are if you go to the keith speaking academy and just click on the free live lessons at the top here yeah and that's where you can get the latest downloads you get ielts common speaking topics download the lessons below so you can either just download them directly um right onto your best on a computer or a laptop um and then you can just get them from your computer look last time we had these this was all about medicine so you can get the notes the links the vocabulary or everything that we've done in the class you can get here um and there's the whole list if you want to download others from other past classes you can and if you prefer just to read the lesson you can just get it on the website as well and you can watch or read and learn straight on the website we had one about books right talk fluently about books in fact we've done every topic under the sun i think there's lots of stuff here so again you can go on the website it's all there probably tonight or at the latest tomorrow and do remember if you want to join the facebook group and keith's mastermind community is there to keep you motivated to make sure you're not bored um keep you going keep you motivated right fantastic great thank you very much everybody for attending today i look forward to seeing you again soon look out on saturday for that video with dat or datio um it'll be recorded and released around midday on saturday uh just look out for the latest video band9 conversation i think you'll like it in the meantime take care all the best and good luck if you're doing the test soon cheerio now bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 40,405
Rating: 4.9274092 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking practice boredom, ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts preparation, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking topics, ielts band 9, ielts lesson, ielts online class, ielts teacher, ielts speaking boredom, being bored ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking test practice, ielts preparation at home, keith speaking academy, ielts keith, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking practice at home, Ielts speaking pratice boredom
Id: pRh6uvisaXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 50sec (5930 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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