IELTS Speaking Practice Session with Jay!

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hey everybody it's jay here from e2 language how are you i hope you're going well i haven't seen you in quite a long time i've been busy doing other stuff what we're going to do in this lesson is we're going to do like an ielts speaking mock test and i'm going to be your examiner so i'll be asking you specific questions we're going to do speaking part one which is pretty much just small talk okay i'm going to ask you some relatively straightforward simple questions and you'll give me a nice reply for each of them that's easy speaking part two is after that that's where you have to prepare on a certain topic for one minute and then speak for up to two minutes on that topic trying not to go round and round in circles trying to trying to speak coherently in a nice structured way exercising grammatical range grammatical accuracy focusing on your pronunciation and your fluency as well then we're going to get stuck into speaking part three which is where we get a little bit more philosophical that is the questions will be a little bit more abstract and as such they will require you to exercise a bit more of your let's say you're nuanced vocabulary some of that less frequent less common vocabulary you have to think quite deeply when you're answering those questions in order to maximize your score cool anyway i'll give you some tips and pointers as we go through but this will be great practice for you okay so let's start with speaking part one let's talk about sport did you play sport when you were young feel free by the way to pause the video if you require further time 10 seconds is probably a bit short but you should be speaking for at least 10 seconds on each of these please do not give one or two word answers here try to exercise your vocabulary and grammar right from the outset do you play sport now what sports are most popular in your country how important is sport for young people okay how did you go doing that now i'm going to attempt these myself so let me answer my own questions here so let's talk about sport did you play sport when you were young when i was young i used to play a lot of different sports the primary sport i played was cricket growing up i used to be an opening batsman and i used to also open the bowling as well but i grew up in the countryside so there weren't many sports to choose from okay first of all i just lied completely i did not open the batting or bowling or whatever i said i did play cricket again it doesn't matter one of the key things here is don't let the truth get in the way of a good answer a good ielts answer that is just say whatever comes into your mind okay just let it be unfiltered and spontaneous because you're not scored on the content per se you're scored on the vocabulary the grammar and the structure okay let's do number two let's see what sort of porkies i can come up with do you play sport now up until very recently i played sport but due to coronavirus i had to stop playing sport the sport i did play was actually touch football cool that'll do that was about 10 seconds that's good enough next one what sports are most popular in your country well i live in a city called melbourne australia and we have our own brand of football called aussie rules or afl so we play that in winter and in summer the most popular sport is cricket cool nice and coherent pretty straightforward i just named the two most popular sports here with a little bit of a story about the city that i live in last question how important is sport for young people i think sport for young people is essential in fact i think sports should be made mandatory in all primary schools and secondary schools because it teaches people how to be fit and how to maintain good healthy exercise habits something like that nice exercise habits there's good use of collocations there good straightforward sentence structure cool let's have a look at speaking part two okay speaking part two this is where it starts to get a lot more tricky a lot trickier so if you need help with your ielts by the way check out you can sign up for free and get loads of free stuff including some free live classes free material free methodology lessons etc and if you really want some help with ielts you can go across to that website and upgrade your account to an express or an express plus package which will include a mock test loads of material lots of stuff that is not on youtube for example you can upgrade further for tutorials writing feedback speaking mock tests the whole lot okay so this is it so on test day what's going to happen is the examiner will hand you a piece of paper the piece of paper will have something like this on it a topic it might say something like describe a time when the weather prevented you from doing something you should say what your plan was what whether you were hoping for what happened and explain how you felt when you had to change your plans you'll have one minute to prepare to speak for up to two minutes this is going to be pretty tricky what you might want to do is make sure you have a long introduction you can really elaborate on each of those dot points and again don't let the truth get in the way of a good ielts answer the other thing you can do is feel free to split this into two stories or even three stories you might want to tell a story that happened in the past and one that happens more recently for example let's see how you go i'll give you one minute to prep and then two minutes to speak how did you go doing that that's pretty tough isn't it especially if you're just telling the one story because to tell the one story and to maintain speech for two minutes requires you to elaborate in in really interesting ways one of the things that you will need to try to avoid when you're telling this story or speaking for two minutes is going round and round in circles telling saying the same thing again and again i wonder if that's something that you did all right i'm going to do the same thing when i did the one minute preparation time i noted down sort of three stories okay you are not penalized for telling three stories although the topic cue card says to um say something about a an event or a thing one thing if you do in fact talk about two or three things that is completely fine the cue card there is just to guide you again there's nothing in the criteria in the scoring that marks you against that however you do need to actually speak on topic all right let me tell my story for two minutes see how i go okay let me bring this up okay so i'm going to tell you about a few different times where weather has actually prevented me from doing something that i was planning on doing so firstly the first story that comes to mind is from a place called jogjakarta in java in indonesia where i lived when i was about 22 years old and this particular place is prone to very wild weather it has a dry season and a wet season and in the wet season when it rains it rains like you've never seen rain before i believe it's a type of tropical rain and it would happen at a particular time each day and so what would happen is i would be riding my scooter to university for example and it would begin to rain and i would have to stop and basically hide in a shop with other people who are doing the same thing because it would just begin to pour so i was on my way to university of course i was hoping for weather that would be clear and nice and sunny so i could ride to university and not get wet but that's what happened and of course when that happened you would sort of get used to it so it wasn't disappointing or it wasn't a shock it was just something you became accustomed to a second event that happened that is similar is when i was at a festival and it was actually just too hot to do anything so although there were bands playing and there were events happening etc i believe the temperature reached something like 43 degrees this is in a part of central australia and as such you were rendered completely useless because it was simply too hot you would have to stay in the single spot just to keep cool enough so that you didn't overheat or let's see nothing would happen to you medically so that was another type of event like this oh my god was that all right that was all right i suppose not great cool so what did we learn there well i learned that sometimes you say stupid things in ielts speaking part two but that's just the nature of the beast um if you do say something that's a little bit silly what did i say i said people overheat do people overheat they're not like car radiators are they anyway that's going to happen so what else well i basically switched from one story to the next i tell i told quite an elaborate story about the rain in jog jakarta then i switched to another event entirely because quite simply i was out of ideas about that single event in jakarta and the rain so i switched to another event where it was too hot so i moved basically from one topic to the next still within the topic of weather but i talked about rain and then i talked about heat okay now you can do that or you can think about splitting your story into past present future tell a story about a weather event in the past one that's more recent one that's possibly in the future think about breaking your stories up like that that's helpful okay and it enables you to [Music] elaborate and to use language that is particular for that topic right i think i said some good sorts of phrases and collocations etc and i wasn't well hopefully i wasn't waffling too much cool all right let's move on to speaking part three all right again if you need help particularly with ielts speaking part 2 or you want to do a speaking mock test check out okay speaking part 3. here we go it's going to get a little little bit philosophical now so let's talk about the weather in what way do people discuss the weather in your country you don't need to speak for 30 seconds by the way this is a a good indication of how long you should speak for on these particular questions but if you hit 20 seconds or so i think that is also fine what type of weather do people prefer in your country a weather forecast accurate in your country are there any dangerous weather events in your country okay now let me answer my own questions and i'll give you a bit of an example of how i would do this so in what ways do people discuss weather in your country i would answer it like this i would say in australia talking about the weather is a very common form of small talk so it's very common that when you bump into somebody in a shop for example and you don't know the person particularly well the way that you would break the ice is to say something like wow it's really rainy today or jeez the weather's nice today or something like that some people don't really like talking about the weather in fact i know of a particular company where they've banned the use of talking about the weather in their company that's actually true by the way but anyway that was just an interesting little bit that i'd put on the end there but i did get to exercise some vocabulary around small talk i've forgotten what i said but hopefully that was okay next question what type of weather do people prefer in your country so let me just sort of think through this aloud what would i talk about here like immediately i think okay people dislike winter here what i would also say is australia is a very big country so the weather patterns are completely different in the north to the south to the east the west et cetera so i might start with that and then i'd talk about people basically liking summer spring and autumn disliking winter so my answer would be something like this i would say well it's hard to generalize to the entire country of australia because it's such a large country but certainly where i live people dislike winter winters are very long and cold and sort of grim and after too much grey sky people really crave sunshine so i would say that people particularly like summer it's a very active time of year but also spring and autumn are beautiful too cool all right i'm going to talk through number three weather forecasts accurate in your country cool so i'll do the same thing i'm going to not generalize bring it closer to my my city i'm going to talk about whether fluctuations changing whether it's very difficult to predict something like that so let's see what pops out i would say again australia is a very big country so you can't really generalize for the whole of the country i certainly know in the north of australia the weather is far more predictable it really does follow a sort of wet season dry season type of pattern in the south of australia where i live the weather is very unpredictable a lot of the weather comes in from different wind directions for example so it might be sunny one day and rainy the next and often the forecasts are simply wrong that'll do whatever next one are there any dangerous weather events in your country okay so first thing that comes to mind in australia of course is bushfires um so i'd talk about that then the next sort of idea that pops into my mind is something about climate change and maybe i could make a sort of statement about hope that hopefully weather patterns will become uh what's the word um less less crazy oh let's see what sort of language i can come up with here so i'd say something like while we're lucky in australia we don't really have hurricanes or floods so much one of the things that we need to be really careful of in australia is bushfires and that certainly happens in my state in victoria in australia and i think with climate change happening i think these weather events are going to become more frequent so hopefully hopefully we can do something to make them less frequent ta-da the end cool so that would give you a bit of an example of how ielts speaking is done so you start with part one with those small talk questions we need to sort of elaborate talk for about sort of probably 10 to 15 seconds you know get some good language out don't just answer with one or two words part two you had an experience of how difficult it can be to be honest to be to speak for up to two minutes on a single topic without just going round and round in circles and as i mentioned i recommend splitting it into several stories past present future or several different topics based within the main topic so if it's weather you might talk about heat rain whatever something like that okay that will help you out then finally in part three we looked at some more abstract questions that really make you think and make you respond with with far more sophisticated language use where you really do need to exercise more complex sentence structures better vocabulary etc and all the while we're thinking about fluency so we're not hesitating too much we're not saying arm and are too much we're thinking about vocabulary we think about vocabulary in two ways we're thinking about it in terms of precision that is we're using the right word at the right time we're also thinking about vocabulary in terms of range that is we're not just repeating the same word again and again i think before i said the word common and common twice you know common frequent infrequent you want to mix up your synonyms grammatical accuracy means that my verb tenses my prepositions my plural nouns are all accurate but also grammatical range in that my sentence structures vary if i can okay i don't want to just answer in short simple sentences i want to create a range of different sentence types these should come naturally to you it's the grammar that follows the meaning or the idea so it's idea first and then we're putting it into language to put it out there right by the way i should mention at this point if you require help on any of your fundamental skills that is vocab pronunciation by the way pronunciation's the other one pronunciation or grammar check out you can sign up for some free courses there to help you with grammar vocab and pronunciation which are the three pillars the three ingredients of language and certainly all languages and particularly no not particularly english as well cool that's all from me nice to see you again i hope that was some semblance of fun i hope you're staying safe remember to check out for your ielts test see you soon
Channel: E2 IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, free ielts, ielts class, ielts listening, ielts speaking, ielts reading, ielts writing, e2language, ielts academic, ielts general, E2, e2, E2Language, E2 IELTS, e2 ielts, FREE IELTS, E2 Replay, Recorded Class, IELTS Replay, IELTS Listening, IELTS Speaking, IELTS Reading, IELTS Writing, IELTS E2, ielts e2, IELTS FREE, English, ielts tips, IELTS Class, e2 class, Speaking Mock Test, IELTS Mock Test, Practice Session, IELTS practice session, e2 jay, E2 Jay, free mock
Id: 5Fvd5g8pQTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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