IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of KEEPING FIT

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[Music] ah hello welcome good morning and it's nice to see you here it's keith from the keith speaking academy of course and i'm looking forward to another exciting class here this morning [Music] so today we're going to be looking at the interesting topic of keeping fit sport exercise meditation gyms healthy eating all the things we need to talk about keeping fit as well as lots of vocabulary idioms a listening task which will be interesting and of course a nice review with our favorite game kahoot all of that to look forward to lovely as we do that let's begin with a little bit of a little bit of [Music] [Music] this [Music] excellent nice to see you here welcome all of you um delighted to be here who's in the house today we've got oh gen lee says i've got the speaking exam tomorrow good luck my friend good luck i hope it goes well break a leg um we've got rustam from india hello we've got lorca penis sharma hello as well um what else have we got irini from irene from nigeria nice to see you and who else we've got veducola good morning surav from india claudia from italy nice to see you again brilliant people coming in from all around the world so as i mentioned today it's all about keeping fit right doing some exercise really important i think especially in the time of covid um that we keep our bodies strong our immune systems powerful and also our sanity because if we don't do any exercise we do end up stuck at home becoming a couch potato i mean i've put on weight right in the last year um and i've struggled at times i've really struggled to keep doing exercise especially if there's a lockdown um but you know we've all managed i did ask a few people yesterday what they do and it seems that yoga is very popular meditation has become quite popular with people to do exercise um a lot of people seem to join a gym but then in the last year because a lot of gyms have closed have tried to do exercise at home interesting lots of stuff right so listen let's um let's kick off and tell and let me tell you what we're going to be doing exactly today right so here we've got this topic all about keeping fit um so what we're going to do today we're going to talk about obviously keeping fit the vocabulary and the words we need to do that moving green lines the whole idea of movement is a theme through today's lesson keep moving right um how do you keep fit i'm really interested to find out how you guys keep fit and we're going to talk about that later we'll be talking about no we won't we'll be listening so you can develop your listening skills as well as your speaking skills so they do go right hand in hand um talking about a listening all about uh um the gym basically and sport activities so that would be nice we'll be doing some work on idioms as well um i've been asking this question i feel right as blank today i wonder what that idiom is i feel right as something as you may know a lot of you may know i put um on the internet i put a page on my website before the class so you can go and do an exercise right um and in fact i'm going to show that to you very very briefly let me show you that on the website just so you know um if i can find it come on keith can you find it and to get you kind of in the mood but also to get you aware right that you can always go um to this place so if i just load up bear with me this is the keith speaking academy right um oh it's very very slow today and on here we've got a lesson on keeping fit so on the key speaking academy and i think the moderators can share this page with you i do this every tuesday now before the lesson so there's always a task for you to do um and this was one i had all about idioms right so you can go in there and people have gone in and given some really interesting answers a lot of them are correct some of them are close some of them are not quite there but very very close so do remember every tuesday look out for that i put the link in the community tab in youtube and i put it in the facebook group and facebook page so you can go and find that so we're going to talk more about idioms very very shortly and discuss them and also we're going to finish off as always with a review and kahoot as we all well as i always like to do right so great let me just check in with you guys how are you all doing hoangan says have a good day to keith from vietnam thank you very much malai from the philippines nice to see you here yorka tells me her name is jacob johnny great um karuna from nepal great i've got a lot of people coming from nepal that's great elvis from ghana love that name one of my favorite names nice um we've got from india myanmar lots of different people and azad from iran me rinmoy says your videos are amazing thank you you are amazing for coming here and watching me live this is great tifta says hi coach coach i like it i feel like ted lasso the coach thanks a lot for helping me improve my listening as well as speaking skills at the same time well as i said they are like brother and sister they are like picture and calligraphy they kind of like they go together right speaking and listening um today actually the listening will be very similar to an ielts listening but you'll find out shortly all about that right good so guys let's go straight in um the first thing we're going to look at is hang on let me just go back and my little list is vocabulary right gonna look at some vocabulary so i can do that by switching screen and ramping right up here ielts speaking vocabulary keeping fit so let's begin about keeping fit or getting fit so actually we do say to get fit to be fit and then to keep fit but it's a progression right because you begin by getting fit that's the process of change and then you arrive and you are fit right i'm fit i'm fit as a fiddle and then a bit like you know your car you have to give maintenance you have to look after the body you have to look after yourself and that maintenance is to keep fit stage three so stage one is the change stage two is arriving stage three is the the maintenance get fit first then you are fit and then you keep fit or we can say stay fit right another very common collocation is to get into shape so you do exercise to get into shape um again the idea i guess that the shape you want to go from being round and fat to being straight and slim more rectangular rather than round right get into a nice shape um but notice it's to get into shape there's no ah there's no the no it's getting to shape right feel the the rhythm of it say it with me get into shape i need to get into shape can you feel the d d d d d i need to get into shape great and then we can say i am in shape or often we say i'm in good shape i'm in great shape you know if you really are fit and healthy i am in good shape and then of course you need to maintain that by continually practicing your sport or exercise so you can stay in shape right so just notice we say get into shape but then you are in good shape or in shape and you stay in shape so there's a slight difference in the preposition right now of course a very very common phrasal verb we have here is to work out right now to work out is to do exercise basically we often think about working out in the gym so when you do exercises in the gym but even if you go for a jog you're working out you go for a swim you're working out so basically to do exercise is to work out it's also a noun right a workout so we've got the verb to work out as two words but when it becomes a noun it's one word right a workout to do a workout i need to do a workout i do my daily workout in the morning it's true actually you know most mornings i'll just come round most mornings i get up i have a glass of water get breakfast ready for my daughter we kind of sit together have breakfast um if the truth be known my wife is still sleeping at that point um but then after my daughter's gone off to school i go for a walk and i do my daily workout i do my daily workout i do my daily workout um which is basically walking around the city um i walk down to the promenade where you've got the bay the sea and you can see the sea if there's a sunrise it's beautiful um if it's raining well it's still beautiful but a little different um and it rains quite a bit here but that's it that's my daily workout so it's nice to have a daily workout a lot of people talk about taking up a sport which is to begin a sport if you take up a hobby then you begin a new hobby take up a sport is to start doing a new sport right um so a lot of people during lockdown took up yoga because there's a lot of yoga classes on youtube and they can teach you how to do yoga it's easy it's convenient you don't need much equipment maybe a yoga mat would be helpful but that's it really it's easy peasy so a lot of people took up yoga so we say to take up a sport to take up an activity and the other thing i'm going to mention is the gym because a lot of people also decided to join a gym or join the gym now the and ah you know you can say both um join a gym is kind of generally speaking it could be any gym when i talk about oh i joined the gym then i'm referring to a particular gym i've joined the gym the one next to my house i've joined the gym it's a specific gym but you can say both right join a gym or join the gym right some interesting vocabulary let's see what you guys are up to who've we got ck002 says i'm in good shape good for you sir great and we've got no says i keep training to oh no come back where did you go i keep training to get fit to get fit great and slim hmm good um mustaf yes says i would like to be in good shape great lilly says i'm absolutely digging in to stay fit digging in i guess is trying very hard and persistent right digging in to stay fit very nice really good for you and profuse says i'm working out daily to get into shape lovely language lovely very very nice hanish the class has just started yes you're just in time to get into shape let's get your english into shape hello who else have we got guess from ethiopia hi you've just joined us welcome great any other phrases so work out a mile that says workout is action word workout is a noun no it's not work out as as you've written it is one word is a noun right work out as two words is an action word or a verb as we call it yes an action word so what you need to do here and i'll just help you is separate them right that has to be work out to work out as two words it's a phrasal verb that's the action word yes nice romina says i'm not into sport but i guess it has a plentitude of benefits now okay not bad ruiner i'm gonna change something right because i've noticed i'm gonna talk about this later i've noticed quite a few people um when they're giving answers in ielts try and use very complicated words sometimes it works sometimes it sounds a bit strange and for me plentitude is very much a written word and doesn't really sound right right um to be honest it's it's hard to know why but i think there are some words like that that just sound much more much more formal and written and i would really say something here like you know it's um i mean i'm i can't read your thingy my thing's in the way come away come away right wait a minute come back look at that it's blocked up my oh no there we go i'm not into sport but i guess it has a lot of benefits a lot of benefits i just think it sounds much more natural right right i'm struggling here oh what's happening now he's never done this before oh dear right i'm not sure what's happened here something strange has happened let me just change mode [Music] uh okay i'm back i did i disappear i think i disappeared i think there's a lacking connection anyway i'm back here again so let's come back to that vocabulary so what's happened here okay bear with me how strange how strange i wonder why it's done that okay bear with me i'll get this i will sort this out get my blackboard up and running get my blackboard into shape right okay good we're back in back in action so let's carry on let's look at some more vocabulary um here so do exercise when we go talking about fitness and keeping fit we there are different kinds of exercise right you can do aerobic exercise aerobic which as the name suggests air aerobic is to do with getting lots of air and oxygen going through your body so things like running jogging swimming fast walking these are all aerobic exercise right so for example running swimming uh fast walking maybe and also i mean when you're playing football any kind of exercise like that they're all going to be aerobic aerobic exercise similarly cardio right to do a cardio workout is the same as to do aerobic exercise i'm not an ex i'm not an expert right i'm not a fitness trainer but i do know that cardio comes from cardiovascular to do with the heart and it's about getting oxygen into your system and so that that gets you breathing and that's called aerobic um the opposite is anaerobic and things like strength training so lifting weights pushing weights push-ups pull-ups this is strength training is not aerobic right that's that's very different so for example lifting weights sometimes we call that to do some some weight lifting [Music] or lifting weights to lift weights i'll put it in this infinitive to lift weights to do some weight lifting strength training is anaerobic so an aerobic it's not about getting the oxygen through your body it's about building your muscles and then you've got the reasons or the benefits if you like um it can boost your fitness so doing aerobic exercise can boost your fitness it can burn calories which helps you sometimes lose weight and it can tone strength training can tone your muscles so i think the first two are benefits of aerobic exercise boost your fitness burn calories strength training one of the benefits is to tone your muscles so to make your muscles not your muscles not to make them big but to make them firmer harder stronger right that's what we say to start to tone your muscles right good let's get some of your comments in you've got lots of things i just noticed here um how long have you been teaching english a long time my friend a long long time i started when i was 24. i'm now 53 i've not always taught but a long time producer says cardio workouts are helping me to burn more calories brilliant very very good rationing says i do regularly aerobic exercise which help increase oxygen exchange in the body yes i would say i regularly do right i would just change the word order not i do regularly but i regularly do aerobic exercise right that's nice great what else have we got we've got gamma kiss i to work out exercise to get to shape in the morning right very very close so i do work out exercise i do let me just change that workout exercise to get into shape right remember the into but very nice good try i do work out exercise to get into shape every morning good for you i wonder what you do we've got mustafa talks about riding a bicycle that's aerobic right cycling as well is aerobic absolutely circuit training that's nice that's good i think circuit training is also aerobic i'm going to add that on here because it tends to be not about weight but about repetitions right brilliant um we've got a facebook user says i'm a fan of aerobic exercise as it burns my extra fat yes it burns my fat very very good let me just change your it burns you've got the s in the wrong place i guess because you're writing so fast right good badminton is another one great really good for um aerobic exercise brilliant what else have we got nice this is interesting because this is about eating food and we're going to talk about shortly keeping 16 intermittent fasting every day maintains my body in good shape i wonder what you mean by 16 so intermittent fasting i think is when you fast every i don't know like you take a day when you fast and you have three days when you eat and then a day when you fast i'm not sure about the 16 interesting maybe it's a special method of um fasting tell us more about it okay i'm going to share with you now and i see that paula paula has just shared with you um this link um which is down here is from the health line and it just tells us about aerobic and anaerobic um if my website comes back ah it does great this is from the guardian um and the moderators have just shared maybe they can share again the link if you want if you want a much deeper reading experience go away this is a much longer article it's got a lot more information how to stay fit forever 25 tips to keep moving right now it comes down here there's a bit of a background i'll just pick out one or two it says work out why don't just work out that's a nice play on words right because work out why means understand why right to work out means to understand or to try to understand so understand why don't just work out the second workout means to do exercise and he talks about that you need to have a goal to understand why you're doing exercise otherwise you won't carry on doing it so goals are really important and very specific goals as well it says the only way we are going to prioritize time to exercise is if it's going to deliver some kind of benefit that is truly compelling truly valuable in our daily life there are more tips about getting off to a slow start most people do too much too soon so when you start exercising go slowly you don't have to love it i'm not sure i agree i've found if i do exercise i don't like i stop doing it but be kind to yourself of course don't rely on willpower agree find a purpose similar thing right make it a habit anyway it goes on and on it's an interesting um article if you want to do some intense reading it's really good reading practice and there's some nice language around habits goals exercise and getting into shape right fantastic good so let me come back a moment um aerobic and anaerobic oh that was the guardian that was the sorry i'm showing you the different article that's about tips to keep healthy and fit i was talking about aerobic and anaerobic let me come back to this one this is the health line article that explains i don't want the newsletter thank you very much it explains what is aerobic and anaerobic dear idea i accidentally pressed the uh the advertisement i am having a great day today love it so what are aerobic and anaerobic so aerobic means needs oxygen so air as in air needing oxygen aerobic exercise uses a steady supply of oxygen during exercise while burning both fat and carbohydrates for energy commonly called cardio as well cardiovascular as i mentioned to do with the heart however weight lifting and similar strength training activities are examples of anaerobic exercise and this is a short burst of intense movement while only burning carbohydrates for energy so it doesn't burn fat it does not require oxygen which is a bit silly to be honest because when you breathe you need oxygen so i don't know why they say it doesn't require oxygen of course it requires some oxygen you have to breathe so it talks about aerobic examples right running as we mentioned running jogging walking cycling swimming dancing these are all aerobic including team sports so your tennis your soccer your basketball they're all good aerobic exercises so anyway the links are in the um are in the chat rooms you can go later and check out this article again for a basic understanding of fitness but also some really nice vocabulary right it's really really good and in fact you might actually learn something right how long should your workout be well that i know this they recommend 30 minutes right the government recommends 30 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise a day five days a week so 30 minutes five days a week to have any impact kind of burn some of the fat and build up some strength they also recommend muscle strengthening muscle strength muscle strengthening activities i can't speak muscle strengthening activities at least twice a week so that's it you can go and check out that article and i'm gonna check out my water right good so let's move on let's come back um aerobic i was actually it reminded me i was thinking uh when i used to live in um china and the reason i remember this is because aerobic and anaerobic exercises weightlifting right um i used to do some very very simple strength exercises i don't know if you know the basic the um well there's right push-ups right when you go and you push up there's the pull-up when you go like that and that's the pull-up because you're literally pulling yourself up push up on the floor and then there's the sit up so that's a sitting down sit-ups i've never done sitting down sit-ups but those are sit-ups right all kinds of exercises and i you can do a whole a fitness program in your chair and i remember it reminds me when i was in china i used to fly a lot with air china um and in these long distance flights from china to england there would be a moment in the flight or at the end of the flight where the hostesses would come and do some exercise with all the passengers and i'd never seen this in on a british flight or any other flight only on the air china flights and it was great because of course you're sat in your seat for a long time and then the air hostesses would stand up and walk you through some simple exercises so you'd have to twist and twist and then they do arm and you're in a small c so you have to be careful you don't hit people but reaching up and up and then stretching over and then they used to do a really funny one with the shoulder where they would move the shoulder up like that so not reaching up with your arm but just the shoulder right the shoulder goes up and down and then you'd have your neck rotation exercises and you do a whole workout in your little seat on the plane with the air hostesses as kind of fitness trainers talking and walking you through the exercise it's great brilliant air china thoroughly recommend them especially for the long haul flights nice so let's come back where are we next um i'm going to carry on we've talked a bit about different kinds of exercise um let me share with you there's a few more words coming up just before i ask a question so we talk about yes to do exercise it's very common in spoken english to say to do some exercise right i like to do exercise yes but better i like to do some exercise it's much more natural actually um i like to do some exercise i like to do a bit of exercise i like to do some sport so if you want to speak slightly more naturally that's nice i like to do some exercise in the morning or i like to do thank you autocorrector a bit of exercise in the morning and interestingly in ielts speaking it's often these little changes that make you a higher level it's not always the complicated words that make you a higher level it's being able to use this natural english so not only well i do exercise i do a bit of exercise right i like to do a bit of exercise in the morning or some exercise these little natural phrases are really important right so i suggest when you're practicing try using phrases like that we talk about gaining weight to gain weight is to put on weight right to put on weight i.e to get fatter and then to lose weight so we talked about burning calories and that's one way to lose weight or to burn fat i noticed the other day quite a few people were talking about belly fat the fat on your stomach a lot of us have picked up belly fat especially in your middle age my middle age so to lose weight to burn calories or to burn fat is a way to lose weight sorry it doesn't mean the same it's just connected so great so again when you're saying a phrase here instead of saying i need to lose weight it might be more natural to say i need to lose a bit of weight i need to lose some weight i need to lose a bit of weight if it is a bit maybe it's a lot i need to lose a lot of weight i don't know everybody is different right um great what else have we got i'm just going to share some of your comments coming up i know you've got some great practice here right saitama thank you for clarifying that i exercise so exercise is a verb i do some exercise exercise is a noun spot on exactly that looker i have belly fat [Laughter] don't we all facebook user i like to a bit of exercise i like to do yeah i like to do a bit of exercise in the morning let me add that on for you i know it's just because you're typing so fast right i like to do a bit of exercise in the morning um lass this is nice i like to do some exercise to lose weight fantastic very nice um we've got gaurav i like to do sunburn almost because burn is the verb you can just take out the do a garage you can just take it out and say i like to whoops i like to burn some calories let's do some sorry get the words right even i made a mistake i like to burn some calories that's nice very good nat i like i need to lose a bit of weight can you see how much more natural that sounds that's great snatch really nice i need to lose a bit of weight very good here yosra's got a nice um alternative to lose weight or shred some pounds yeah to shred to get rid of right very nice let me add that to my list as well that's nice to shred some pounds pounds of course it depends on your metric system it may be pounds or kilos i guess in the states i think in the states they still use pounds in the uk we're now much more into kilos we used to use pounds i need to shred i need to shed a bit of fat also good yes that's very very good very nice hazel how can i lose my big belly well my friend you need to start doing exercise 30 minutes every day some aerobic exercise yes excellent right nazarene's got a nice expression i need to get rid of my spare tire spare tire is like in the car it's the extra wheel or the extra tire excuse me and of course around our bellies the belly fat around our stomach is often called that spare tire because it makes you fat it looks like an extra tire i need to get rid of my spare tire nice i'm going to add that to get rid of my spare now i'm gonna do the british spelling i know the american spelling is t-i-r-e but the british spelling would just be t-y-r-e yes brilliant very very nice uh good i like to work out in the morning i'm bound to lose a bit of weight omar very interesting i'm bound to lose a bit of weight which means you're certain you're going to right very nice um this is a really good question as a noun exercise is uncountable yes as a noun it can be both countable and uncountable so if we say i like to do exercise it's uncountable but of course you can talk about exercises particularly when you're talking about school work i need to do a lot of exercises english exercises mathematics exercises but also in the gym there are different exercises you can do right pull-ups pull-ups sit-ups push-ups are different kinds of exercises so it can be countable but it's also uncountable when i say to do some exercise yeah great question samantha thank you for that nice excellent the last thing i'm going to mention is food um because we've talked about exercise about health but of course also as as we mentioned to lose your belly fat you need to do aerobic exercise but also eat less maybe or eat more healthily so the common collocation to eat a balanced diet excuse me with a deep eat a balanced diet cut down on junk food so junk food is fast food it's the same thing [Music] cut down on is to eat less of it cut down on it's a very nice and useful phrasal verb cut down on something is to reduce or have less of it so you can cut down on smoking right is to reduce it basically cut down on fast food to reduce how much you eat yeah so you can use it in different contexts but it's a really nice phrasal verb to cut down on something excellent good now then we've talked about lots of vocabulary for doing aerobic anaerobic uh we've talked a bit about um losing weight and food and health and diet so a quick question then for you guys is the following question i'm very interested to know how do you keep fit how do you keep fit take a moment leave me a comment below and let me know how you keep fit i'm going to play a bit of music while you write down your comment and i'm going to change the font [Music] there we go [Music] nice music harry thank you very much ines says eat healthy food and do a bit of exercise lovely blue moon i play cricket to keep myself fit lovely very very nice myself just one word i do yoga lattes every morning now i've never no i've never heard that one but i'm guessing it's yoga and pilates mixed up right yoga latest great here says normally i would hit the gym right i'm going to write a few of these down because i love that expression i hit the gym meaning i go to the gym right let me just uh change i know you can't see it but you will in a moment hit the gym great rust damn i do a bit of walking ah that is fantastic right so natural i do have bits of walking sounds brilliant in order to keep fit brilliant ranch now aerobic exercise could be helpful for keeping fit right for keeping fit just notice um it's very easy to remember this for keeping fit how do i know it's keeping and not keep whenever a verb follows a preposition then it's always ing for keeping right so whenever you have for keeping for going for doing for having i n e and whenever you follow a preposition right then it's always i think 9 or 99 always it's going to be ing with the verb right brilliant ma says first and foremost cut on calves cut on carbs i'm going to change that because i think you mean cut down on carbs right cut down on carbs yep that will help well if you cut down on the simple carbs because there's complex carbs and simple carbs complex carbs are very good for you from vegetables and things like that but cut down on carbs yep oh jazzy says i practice yoga yeah great that's another one because we talk about i do yoga or i practice yoga i do some exercise in my bed what you don't even get out of bed to do your exercise s h i n e shine i do brisk walk daily for 20 minutes right i'm gonna add that because i do risk walking because you've got do as a verb the walk becomes a noun i do something i do nice collocation though shine very very nice what else have we got hussain says do martial arts great chat says i go running every evening to stay fit great working working oh dear is that staying fit i'm not sure i'm a fan of yoga and it helps me to keep fit to keep in fit to keep fit right just be careful keep in shape but keep fit you don't need the in there nice facebook user brilliant ali says i run down up the stairs in the condo ali i think you mean i run up the stairs what do you mean i run down and up ah down and up i think that's what you mean i run down and up this is very strange right because in english we have binomials like black and white we never say white and black i don't know why we say black and white up and down we never say down and up we always say up and down you know how's business well up and down and i run up and down the stairs down and up the meaning is the same and everybody will understand you but the binomial what we would normally say is actually up and down i don't i don't know why it's just that that collocation i run up and down the stairs but ali that's great wow i mean 30 floors you must be as fit as a fiddle that is amazing really good very very nice great so lots of different ways um i'm going to move on from that we're gonna move on to what's next keith what's next let me check over here vocabulary what comes after vocabulary i'll tell you in a minute how do you keep fit we've talked about how you keep fit lots of people are doing exercises yoga stretching martial arts jogging running up and down the staircase or the stairs i'm going to move on now to do a listening activity with you right uh you're gonna do a listening and this time it's not a video it's just a listening to me with a few pictures but i've got some questions for you before you listen so let me show you the questions right they're over here here's the listening task and what i want you to do is to decide as you listen whether the following are true or false so you're going to listen to me it's me talking about keeping fit in my life and here are the questions the first one i like to keep fit true or false i played notice in the past i played sport at school true or false i swam a lot at school maybe i love going to the gym in the present so that means now as a habit i enjoy walking because it suits older people i'm not old what was i thinking at number six i never work from home well you probably know the answer to that right so those are the questions um i want you to think about them if you've got time you can make a note or you've got great memories i know lots of you have got great memories you can remember lots of these we're gonna do the listening you'll listen to me speaking for about two minutes um i'll put the questions up as well so that you can kind of write down your answers as you're listening i've got a few guesses already some people say number one is false some people say number one is true [Music] um some people say number two is true some people say number six is false interesting so you got some answers coming in already right interesting listen let me show you the actual um the listening show you yes show you the listening are you ready can't hear you yes i think you're ready steve says both are not given or not given that's one of the complicated ones right in in ielts listening true false or not given right are you ready let me let me find my video it takes a second to download and then we can start come on my friend it's coming bear with me [Music] who is this teacher it's me it's keith ramnik right come on apple give me my file back stop putting it [Music] i've never been fanatical about doing sports but i do like to stay in shape obviously at school i did a few team sports you know football and cricket mainly for most of my life i've done some kind of aerobic activity when i was younger i went jogging and hiking a lot and i loved it then when i started working full-time i got into swimming and i would swim two or three times a week i found it to be a great way to relax and you know to get rid of a lot of work related stress interestingly at several points in my life i have joined a gym to try and keep fit but you know i was never completely at ease in a gym i used to do both aerobic exercise on the treadmill and lift some weights as well as the usual push-ups pull-ups and sit-ups the thing is it's hard not to compare yourself to others right and it's all about physique well lately i've got into walking again walking around parks at a brisk pace it's a great activity not too strenuous for someone like me who's getting on a bit it's also a fantastic way to combat the sedentary lifestyle that i've adopted since i started working online from home finally of course i try to eat a healthy diet and i have cut down quite a lot on fast food and i eat lots more vegetables than i used to so this is how i have tried to keep fit that's how i've tried to keep fit right nice great okay lots of answers coming through there very very very good let me have a quick look i like to keep fit right well i think most of you yes have put true for that um let me see if i can pick out a true ravinder says yes it was true for number one um number two i played sport at school false says just you think that's false that's interesting um mina thinks that number two is true and number one is true i played school at sport what about swimming a lot at school she thinks that's true swimming a lot at true at school crazy girl also thinks it's true now then you're gonna all of you be listening again in a moment to check these right i'm not sure these are correct i swam a lot of school um what about number four happy says it's false i love going to the gym sam pat says it's true i love going to the gym well we're going to listen again and check number five i enjoy walking because it suits older people am deep says that's false sam bad says it's true you're like opposite each other right great and who else have we got smiling gem great name love it number five you said it's true i enjoy work walking you also think that um i love going to the gym is true i love going to the gym do i love going to the gym guys you're gonna have to listen again to check diana says that number five is true right but actually says it's false everybody disagrees that's what i love don't worry we're gonna listen again and i'll give you the answers in a moment what about number six uh irina for number six says it's false i never work from home right ally says number six is true i never work from home well i'll give you a clue on that one i'm at home now and i'm working so i never work from home can that be true not quite lots of other balvinder says that number two is true i played school sport at school um number three is true i swam a lot at school well i'm not sure about that right so it's interesting a lot of different answers i'm not going to give you the answer right now i'm going to ask you to listen again and as i'm talking the answers will come up and you can check and then when we finish i'll just go through the whole script and explain why it's true or or false and what the correct answer is okay so very very interesting what you've said there let me show you one more time but this time you can follow the script and you can see the answers right let's have a look here we go [Music] i've never been fanatical about doing sports but i do like to stay in shape obviously at school i did a few team sports you know football and cricket mainly for most of my life i've done some kind of aerobic activity when i was younger i went jogging and hiking a lot and i loved it then when i started working full-time i got into swimming and i would swim two or three times a week i found it to be a great way to relax and you know to get rid of a lot of work related stress interestingly at several points in my life i have joined a gym to try and keep fit but you know i was never completely at ease in a gym i i used to do both aerobic exercise on the treadmill and lift some weights as well as the usual push-ups pull-ups and sit-ups the thing is it's hard not to compare yourself to others right and it's all about physique well lately i've got into walking again walking around parks at a brisk pace it's a great activity not too strenuous for someone like me who's getting on a bit it's also a fantastic way to combat the sedentary lifestyle that i've adopted since i started working online from home finally of course i try to eat a healthy diet and i have cut down quite a lot on fast food and i eat lots more vegetables than i used to so this is how i have tried to keep fit nice so there you go there your answers guys um let me just explain why um i try to keep i like to keep fit yeah that's i said so at the start i enjoy staying in shape um i played sport at school was true i swam a lot at school was false because i swam a lot at work excuse me sorry um when i started working i began swimming a lot so that's false i love going to the gym false right i said i have joined a gym but i've never been at ease which means i'm not comfortable in the gym because everybody's comparing their body with each other so i love going to the gym is false i don't love it i don't mind it it's okay but i don't love it i enjoy walking because it suits older people yes it's true right i said uh it suits me because i'm getting on to get on is to get older so that was true i never worked from home it was false because i said that now i always work from home right so that was it well done to some of you got all of those absolutely right um some of others of you mixed up different answers different questions different different things so good let me just go briefly through the script and pick out some interesting collocations for you let me just go through um i've never been fanatical about this is a a nice expression right to be a fan of you you know the expression to be a fan of right fanatical is similar to fan in fact it's the same route but it's even stronger right fanatical is to love something obsessively so i've never been fanatical about doing sports but i do like to stay in shape right so it means that i like staying in shape and sports are okay but i'm not mad and crazy about sports okay we talk about to do i did a few team sports so team sports is a nice collocation i'm just going to highlight the collocations for you football cricket a team sports aerobic activity right most of my life um i've done jogging hiking we talked about aerobic exercise or aerobic activity then when i started working full time it's another common collocation i got into swimming to get into something means to start a hobby or start something that you like right some people say i i have got into or i got into healthy eating i got into the keto diet i got into playing badminton um i got into getting up early in the morning so it's to start a kind of hobby or activity that you like i'll just put that in start an activity you like i've got into eating ice cream it's true right during the confinement and the lockdown i've got into eating chocolate and ice cream that's why my belly fat is getting bigger i need to get rid of my spare tire um what else have we got to get rid of obviously is a good collocation work related stress great collocation so stress because of work right nice so we talked about joining the gym we explained that earlier we say to join a gym to try and keep fit keep fit again we've seen to be at ease means to be comfortable great to be comfortable in a gym uh aerobic exercise again uh on the treadmill you probably know is that as you saw in the picture right is the the machine that you can walk on lift weights and then you've got here the typical exercises right push-ups pull-ups and sit-ups which i've demonstrated from the comfort of my chair for you it's all about physique it's all about your body your physical body right and do you notice here uh to get into again i have got into so i've started walking again it's a good thing at a brisk pace is a lovely collocation so we can talk about brisk walking i like to walk briskly or i like walking at a brisk pace nice not too strenuous so strenuous is physically demanding physically demanding or physically difficult right so for example rock climbing is strenuous weight lifting is strenuous it's physically difficult walking it's not not very strenuous right difficult word to say can you say strenuous strenuous strenuous it's not too strenuous yeah nice good getting on right now we talked about getting into means to start an activity you like getting on is to get older i'm getting on means i'm getting older it's true in fact all of us are getting on i'm afraid that's life um another collocation sedentary lifestyle is great and to combat to fight against the sedentary lifestyle sedentary just means too relaxed too lazy um since i've started working online from home so yeah working online from home working from home is another colic oops is another collocation eat a healthy diet i think you know that a healthy diet eat a healthy diet or a balanced diet and then cut down on we talked about to reduce notice how i make it very natural i cut down quite a lot on fast food that kind of complex sentence really is what makes you stand out because it sounds so natural right i've cut down quite a lot on fast food so this is how i've tried to keep fit great that's it lots of wonderful collocations for you remember all of these notes you can get on my website right just to remind you at the end of the class later later on today you will be able to go to the website i'll just remind you again where it is um it's called and if you go to the free live lessons tag it's up in the navigation in the top menu here free live lessons and there you can download you can study the lesson or you can download the notes from the last lesson you can watch it again um and so later today in about three or four hours you'll be able to get the notes from today's lesson and if you want the notes from all the last weeks well you can just click to get the pdf and to study from all of the past lessons that we've had most of them there's a few pdfs i'm still updating i'm ever so slow i do apologize but i am still doing that in the process of so that's it keith speaking academy now then great what's next what's next let me take that off key speaking academy let me find out what's next because we've done the listening right we've been through some of the vocabulary i'd like to move on next to idioms and these are the ones that i put on the website for you on tuesday quite a few of you have been there and had a look at the idioms and tried them some of them quite close but let's have a look now at some idioms and we can do this one together right where are my idioms come here my friends where are they here they are okay right let me show you idioms to talk about keeping fit i'm just going to make it a bit bigger it looks a bit small right now there are lots of idioms but have a quick look at these and you can fill in the numbers right there's only six i'll just read them through and see if you can get the answer i'm totally out of blank i need to get rid of my spare blank he has been going to the gym every day lately and now he is blank fit she works out a lot and is as blank as a fiddle i was a bit off blank yesterday but i feel writer's blank today right so have a look tell me in the notes what you think it is right i'm going to put your answers right up straight away so we've got number one i'm totally out of shape very good well done sir totally out of shape so to be out of shape as you know means to be unfit not very healthy great number two number two number two number two hardeep has got tire get rid of my spare tire very nice well done [Music] number three fatty's kitchen interesting now he is keeping fit he has been going to the gym every day lately and now he is keeping fit that's good but that's more of a collocation it's not really an idiomatic expression so i'm looking for more of an idiom anybody else nung also says keeping anything else any other ideas for number three oh dear nobody anybody else number three number three number three um on he is on fit no not on mr says absolutely fit well again that's an adverb but it's not an idiom yeah diana the same okay but that's not an idiom so let me help you he is the idiom here is he is fighting fit he's fighting fit right doesn't mean fighting it's idiomatic he is very fit so he does mean totally absolutely completely very but fighting fit i'm fighting fit let's go yep nice number four we've got um what we've got for number four over here fit he is as fit as a fiddle well done yeah i think i almost said it right i said it by mistake he has as blank as a fiddle he's as fit as a fiddle i was a bit off shape yesterday not off shape but good try nice try what about number five then anybody number five has anybody got number five can't see anybody which balvinder says shape as well not shape shape shape uh yosura says i was a bit off mood not really not really ah here we go mahisha says yeah color i was a bit off color yesterday right so off color means not feeling well or feeling unwell whoops i'm off color i was not feeling well feeling a little sick a little ill i was a bit off color i was off color right let me just add up here right just make it clear that what the meaning is number six i feel as writers yes rain we've got it there a lot of you said rain as well excellent nice as right as rain meaning feeling very well right so i'm going to copy that bit here and take out the knot because it's feeling really well feeling very well today right as rain great well done and all of the others who got your answers in there very very nice so there you've got six simple idioms we can use to talk about keeping fit i passed the test with a great color [Laughter] you mean you pass the test with flying colors not with great color borax says i feel right as rain good josh great question is color okay yes it is that's the american spelling i use the british spelling because i'm british the important thing in ielts is don't mix them right choose one and stick with it don't mix your american spelling and british spelling right when it comes to vocabulary and idioms you can mix accent vocabulary from different countries speaking is fine but writing you need to be much more careful right great thanks paola paula for putting that up that's great we've got a picture of hell from khan wall that's a good uh expression picture of health yeah is to to be very healthy yep you're the picture of health i'm the picture or i am the picture of health today i feel very well very healthy fit as a fiddle right but not fidel but fiddle fiddle is a violin like paganini fit as a fiddle that's what it means i don't know why i guess because to play the violin you have to be very fit i don't know uh jonathan very good under the weather it's kind of the same as off color right yes exactly yes yeah i feel under the weather is a nice one so that's don't not don't don't feel well that is feel great great anything else garida says i must get rid of my of color i know what you mean but we don't say that no you can't use it as get rid off it's just i feel off color or i am off color but you wouldn't say get rid of it it's a good idea though right excellent now okay good question from i am marvel i am marvel come on i'm thor hello keith i want to ask a bit can we nice ask a bit very nice love it very natural can we change the article in an idiom usually no usually no for example turn over the new leaf no no no no turn over and you leave no no no so do not change the article right um the only thing you can sometimes change in idioms is the pronoun right of my your her he um so i'm trying to think of an example but um i don't know i can't think of an example but if there's a pronoun like my right and it's it's my cup of tea there you go it's your cup of tea it's not his cup of tea you can change the pronoun but do not change the article no normally we don't change things in idioms what a great question yes wow good feeling great healthy as a horse maybe i'm not sure if that's commonly used hazel can i share hazel says i'm not fighting fit because i like chubby good for you good for you absolutely nothing wrong with a little bit of chubby right good excellent so you're putting in a few other idioms but i'm just going to stay about keeping fit idioms for keeping fit but let me let me move on guys from idioms right we've talked about idioms and let me have a little sipper [Music] right okay so we've looked at idioms i'm gonna move on next ah yes now we're gonna do kahoot we're gonna have a look at um the review with kahoot but before i begin kahoot i wanted to answer a few questions because i got a few questions from people um if i can bring up my questions yes so quite a few people were asking me about my online course you know i've got this course called ielts speaking success get a band 7. so i just wanted to explain and show you a bit more about the course because some people said is it the same as youtube um and the answer is no it's different from youtube right first of all 95 of the videos are different videos so it's not the same videos but secondly youtube is a hodgepodge is a is a mix of different things there's a video on vocabulary there's a video on grammar you may find a video on tips it's all mixed up right they're very kind of short tips and you have to find your way around the course this one is very systematic it goes through part one part two part three it's a systematic study of the language you need to raise your level up to a band seven or above as well as lots of work on strategy tips and technique so it's very different from youtube right the other question was do you give one-to-one classes in the course no i don't okay the course this one is self-access which means that you have the freedom to study anytime you want it's basically recorded videos with some pdfs there are some audios and you study at your own pace when you're ready any time there is no one-to-one class to be honest i think the course is affordable i think it's very affordable price to have one-to-one classes would be a lot more expensive right so this course does not have one-to-one i think it's a great idea if you're following the course to have practice with a speaking partner or also to get a teacher on cambly or italki who you can practice with or a speaking partner right in the facebook group as well that can be fine i think that's a great idea um another question common question is how long do i get access right you get lifetime access so once you pay you're in you get the course forever and what's more whenever i update the course you automatically get the updates you don't need to pay again or to go through now you pay one time for the rest of your life and all the updates are always there right another question was how long does it take um well how long does it take somebody's coughing um how long does it take somebody told me that they watched the whole course in five days so they must have sat down in front of a computer and watched all the videos one after another like very i don't know for hours every day um that's possible right if if your focus is just getting a few tips or to review a few ideas you could do it in five days most people actually take you know four to eight weeks i think most people will study one to two months to study the course a little bit each day um to practice and to review it takes time to absorb all the language right some people have studied the course for six months one student told me they went through the course several times over six months to review and reinforce the vocabulary right depends on you one more question was can you guarantee me a band seven simple answer no no i can't to be honest and if somebody tells you they guarantee you a band seven please walk away right run away because no teacher can guarantee that right because it depends on you it depends on your level your environment your learning ability we the teachers can create the environment and the tools to help you but we you are responsible for getting the band seven right we cannot guarantee that i can guarantee you will improve you will make progress if you follow the course i can guarantee it's fun and interesting and will engage you and you will make a lot of progress and you will improve your level right so that's a few questions about the course i thought it might help actually to give you a little sneak preview i'm going to take you into the course just to show you for a couple of minutes what it looks like in case you're wondering shall i do the course or not this might help you decide and another thing i've got a gift for you a little present i've made a pdf and an audio file of my favorite 20 idioms 20 of my favorite idioms it's a it's like an ebook pdf um i've also got a recording of me saying them all so you can practice them if you buy the course today in the next 24 hours i will give you the pdf and the audio file for free right for those of you who are who have already bought the course i will send it to you as well it's just a way for me to say thank you for buying the course so that's a little incentive but first of all let me just show you a little bit inside the course right show you briefly what kind of things you can do there right this is the course so it's on udemy but i've also now put it on my website are using something called teachable so you'll notice in the url it's based on teachable teachable is the platform so i'm going to show you the teachable course it's exactly the same as udemy it's exactly the same course right let me show you very briefly this might help you just understand a bit better what is in this course right a little look inside behind the scenes the course you come into the main area it gives you the welcome here it shows you how much of the course you've done and it shows you the author that's me the curriculum of the course is here just to show you briefly there's a welcome which will show you actually how to use the course and a bit about how ielts is evaluated for the speaking then we look at part one strategies about triggers which you can find out about in the course how to answer common questions in part one strategies and some learning tips about how to activate vocabulary throughout this course we then look at part one model answers for some of the very common topics that we're getting in ielts um speaking it moves on then to part two strategies and also we've then got part two and three um looking at different topics typically showing you ideas part two model answer analysis of answer and then part three some questions you may get in that area okay so just to give you an idea for example let's look at the one in truth and you'll notice here you can then follow you can pick any um topic or any lesson you want to follow at any time you don't have to follow this order you then watch the the video and if i just turn this on here you can see the video will start and it's me of course okay ready for the lesson excellent in this lesson so here it goes through the lesson um you've got a pdf below here which shows you vocabulary i'll just turn the volume down so it will you know talk about what you want to what you can talk about here in this question go through some particular language here um some idioms and then model answers and language analysis you'll notice it focuses on fluency grammar collocations um more vocabulary the whole range that you need for for speaking okay and then you just watch me throughout the video al gore indeed so there's some background talk about different parts of the question as i mentioned and then the vocabulary basically i'm explaining that to you nervous or afraid it's okay speak up so when telling the truth you know i decide to speak up or speak out great and then of course the the pdfs you can download at the bottom here and then once you've completed that you can then move on to the next part but of course you can go back right just because you've completed it means you can go back because you get lifetime access to this you can go back you can go to the one on risk if you like you can go and study the the one on i don't know on another one on work which is another popular topic and watch the video and do the studying here as well so you can actually go at any different point you can come right up and watch anything at the beginning how to answer the common questions right answering common questions and with the video or go back to the previous lecture so you can jump about basically you can go anywhere anytime in the course study on your own um and you know lifetime access means you can go in at any time and study and if and when i update with new videos you automatically get access to those great that's it great i hope that helps a little bit for you to kind of understand how the course works um and about it that's that's the background so i've asked the the moderators to share with you the link in the youtube chat and the facebook chats um so if you click on that if you buy the course today that's you know the ielts speaking success get a band 7 if you buy the course in the next 24 hours i will give you the pdf of my 20 favorite idioms it's this one here my favorite 20 favorite idioms and it's also with an audio that you can download so you can listen to me pronouncing it giving you examples and you can practice that it's an extra gift so you've got 24 hours to buy that and there you go that's it i hope that helps thanks paola she's just put it out there as well brilliant could this course there you go alexandra good question could this course help me to improve my performance um i would say yes it can help you improve both your language and your performance because of the strategies and tips i achieved 6.5 so possibly again i cannot guarantee you'll get a 7 or a 7.5 but it will improve your performance i'm sure yes great yosera says your course is top-notch that's very kind thank you yo learn lots from it that's brilliant thank you very much hey who says i just take the test this morning well done well done i hope it went well brilliant good okay great if you've got any more questions do contact me you can always send me an email um oh here we go good question chad ether can we download the course or need to access you online you need to access through online right you are not able to download the videos um mainly to do with copyright issues i think but you you have to access them online yeah so you need a good internet connection it's a good question somebody in facebook says keith's course is absolutely great thank you very much brilliant sultan your speaking is very clear how can i pay well you can pay by you need a credit card it must be an international credit card um or paypal both of those are accepted ways to pay yeah uh i'm mohamed i'd like to ask one question why you don't have private interactive courses very good question at the moment because of time i don't have time to do that but it's a great question and it's something i'm thinking about in the future as i mentioned i think it would be a different price and a different kind of course but it would be much more interactive i used to do this about a year or two years ago um but then i just got caught up with making the courses and it's just too busy at the moment but maybe in the future muhammad i think it's a great suggestion hanish can i share this course with my friends well it's like anything that you buy you cannot share the course you can give your friends your sign in and your password if you want but you otherwise you can't give it to them because you can only access it through your account right you have to log in for that right i bought the lesson before it's very good no this is the same it's exactly the same i know the format looks different because the udemy and teachable the format's a bit different but it's exactly the same course it's exactly the same right poonam says you're extremely energetic and on that note poonam thank you very much i'm going to move on because we're going to finish on kahoot right we've got our kahoot to finish up which is we're going to review the vocabulary from today if you're new kahoot is a game believe it or not we play games it's an online game where we're going to review vocabulary from today you can play with us you'll need either on your app there's a kahoot app or a different browser tab to go to keep watching me but then also look at obviously keep watching me and you'll see the game i'm just going to set it up it takes a couple of seconds and i'm going to give you a pin number and then you put in your name and the pin number and we can start playing together this is interactive right it's going to be happening right here right now in front of you and let's see who has been napping and asleep during the class and who has been awake who has been paying attention taking notes okay so let me share this with you the website so get ready to join you can go to or the kahoot app they do have an app right and the game pin as you can see is five three one one eight one five that's five three one one eight 1 5. so some of you are already moving in that's great great moderators if you could put in the game pin in the chat that would be great as well i think that might help people so it's five three one one eight one five and we should have some music yes we do great don't worry if you can't get in because you can just give your answer in the chat as well thanks jahan for and uh for adding that that's great uh so you can put your answers in the chat room in the chat box or join us on kahoot we've got 145 people already great i'll just give you a few seconds if you want to join thanks gal rav for sharing that great dvs is looking for a speaking partner to practice for anybody great nice to see nat hong finally join yay great okay let's begin let's start i'll just take off the kahoot sign and we're going to begin first question keeping fit i'm trying hard to get into blank come on easy i'm trying hard to get into blank you've got 15 seconds left well done angel well done dennis well done freddie and the answer is excellent shape of course to get into shape yes we had a few people saying fit um no so we remember we would say to get fit but to get into shape excellent well done everybody that was really good impressive so in the leaderboard what we got we have you can't see can you i've got to make it a bit smaller we've got siash who is up at the top and diarrhea is second in there let's go on to the next question which is not aerobic exercise this is a test of your general knowledge but we've talked about this which is not aerobic exercise aerobic air oxygen needing oxygen well done timmish shine nice helen well done the answer is weight lifting if you remember weightlifting is anaerobic right another word for aerobic is cardio exercise weightlifting is strength training it's different nice where are we on the board has taken the lead burke is second and tiring monday is very tired in third place question number three which is the odd one out which means which is different pull-ups sit-ups stand-ups push-ups which one is the odd one out tricky well done helen and dennis well done surya balvinda nice well done whoa most people got that stand-ups exactly right stand-ups because if you if you remember right pull-ups is to pull up push-up when you push and sit-ups when you sit up stand up there's no exercise called a stand-up i don't i'm pretty sure that doesn't exist so the others are all exercises let's move on boo-boo is still holding strong burke still in second and solo bolo has come up in third place i think it's the last question today i'm much better i feel as right as blank i feel as right as blank now then this should be a piece of cake for you oh ankita rajmanda well done hanish anna well done that was outstanding very well done the vast majority i feel as right as rain right nothing to do with the other weather i feel as right as rain meaning i'm feeling really good i'm feeling very well i feel as right as rain i don't know why but that's it let's find out who the winners are volia came in third burke second i wonder is it boo boo it's boo boo well done nice [Music] [Applause] that's great boo boo well done i love the name and i love the fact you came first well done indeed and well done all of you i think you've got lots of those questions absolutely right spot on perfect top-notch outstanding very very good well done all of you so guys that brings us today to the to the end of the lesson thank you so much for spending this time with me um please do remember if you're on youtube subscribe turn on the notification button to find out about upcoming videos got one coming up on saturday which is all about the verb get and how we use it very interesting so look out for that do remember if you're thinking about the course go and check it out with the link that they've given you um and if it's right for you go for it if it's not right don't worry um you can still follow me on youtube and the live lessons but do remember that if you sign up today in the next 24 hours you'll get my free pdf 20 of my favorite idioms plus the audio so you can listen and practice just an extra gift for you that's it remember later go and check out the website and you can download the notes from today it has been as always a pleasure being with you today thank you so much and um i do look forward to seeing you next time take care stay safe and i'll see you soon cheerio now bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 72,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts tips, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, ielts tips and tricks, ielts speaking 2021, ielts tips how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips for listening test, ielts tips listening, ielts tips for speaking, ielts tips 2021, ielts speaking online classes, ielts speaking online practice, ielts speaking online tutor, ielts speaking online free, ielts speaking health and fitness, keeping fit ielts speaking, keeping fit ielts vocabulary
Id: q2gsw8fBS9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 35sec (6215 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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