IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of HISTORY

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well hello there my friends how are you yes i was saying it's the window welcome to english speaking success today's live lesson and today we're looking at the topic of history lovely we're going to be looking at different language vocabulary historical people historical places events all sorts of stuff and a few idioms to boot as well i'm really looking forward to it um let's get this show on the road [Music] let's start with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello my friends and welcome nice to see you here today it's a lovely day today it's a little bit overcast but the temperature has dropped and it's nice and cool it's almost as though there's a hint of autumn in the air in fact there were lots of as i was walking down the street this morning did you know most mornings i like to go out for a little walk go for a stroll along the main promenade and already the leaves are falling down we've got these crisp brown leaves crunching under our feet under my feet um so yeah autumn's already in the air september so it's a change of uh season uh a change of feeling so yeah i'm looking forward to autumn i think this is going to be a great autumn what about you guys how are you all doing let's say hello let's see how you are who we got we got ram mandip kawa nice to see you sultana thank you very much christine from thailand hello um nisa says autumn is her favorite weather great radika nice to see you emmy as well muhammad alfahad nice to see you great james way from here [Music] i can't read all of that while i'm on the road on the go too slow at reading loading 2 nice to see you as well uh jet cell balleria from the philippines lovely to see you here and chitra hi to you too it's lovely to be here we've got people from all around the world coming together for some of you it may not be autumn for some of you you may have different seasons i remember when i lived in malaysia i i lost track of the seasons i didn't know if it was winter or summer because it was always 30 plus degrees and we had basically the dry season and the wet season but it rained so much i didn't know when it was the dry season but a lovely place all the same great so today as i mentioned listen we're going to look at history now history um for a lot of people is is a difficult topic because history is something you think about when you were at school right it's a subject you studied at school and in ielts ielts speaking we often get topics that were school subjects like art science climate change um recycling history things that you you kind of think i should know a lot about this but i don't know much about it because you've not studied it for donkeys years so it can be quite tricky so today i'm going to try and give you some ideas some language that we can talk about and some resources that you can go away and do a bit of research come on guys if you don't know much about a topic go and do some research if possible in english so you get not only the idea but the language also in english right um when i put out this post i got quite a lot of um a lot of messages from people from egypt saying you must mention the pyramids fundamental in history of course they are but i couldn't find any good pictures of pyramids so we've ended up with this nice little sign up here um as a nod to our egyptian friends hello all of you out there lovely to see you of course you know many countries were at the hub of civilization from iran iraq the persian gulf the africa china i mean all of these countries right have very very strong powerful histories that people are proud of so i think you know i am going to be slightly influenced by british history and you will see that today but every country's history hugely important so there's me talking let me show you a little bit let me just show you the plan for today right i'll talk you through this what we're going to do we're going to look at history so what i'd like to do first of all is look at some vocabulary that can help you on the topic we'll then have a look at some events right historical events now this is interesting because when we look at history what do we mean do we mean like the dinosaurs do we mean um the roman empire do we mean um you know the second world war or do we mean the beginning of facebook i mean when does history begin and when does it end you know you could say these are historic or historical events right i mean they're more recent but at what point does history become history we're going to answer that question today we i say we it's not a one-man show you're going to help me we're going to look at people of influence like this young man historic people of influence and how they have influenced us that'll be interesting and then we're going to move on and look at some idioms for example if i say he is history what does that mean i wonder if you know that and i wonder if you know any more kind of history or historical idioms his history um and we'll then do a review kahoot is back will we we will be having a kahoot game to play together so all of that is today's topic of history nice brilliant some of you got some good answers there um and uh keith what is history again i'm going to tell you what history is very very shortly um but let's dive right in let's go straight into some vocabulary okay oh by the way and i should say this in case you don't know please check out this it's the keith speaking academy it's my website i was amazed so many people on youtube said oh we love your youtube videos and i messaged them and said have you seen the website they said what website i didn't know you had a website i do have a website it's there please speaking academy go and check it out if you're into facebook it's not everybody's cup of tea but if you are into facebook you can follow me at keith speaking academy you can also join the facebook group the keith mastermind community for ielts speaking where we share ideas answers to questions motivation people giving their results and sharing their tips to help you get forward get forward move forward with your study and also people looking for speaking partners where they can practice as well it's all out there it's all happening and if you're on facebook if you're on facebook not facebook if you're on youtube do remember subscribe you can do that now bing if you want maybe you don't want to and if you want to turn on notifications you can find out about my upcoming videos which i do have some coming up i've got a nice one on saturday saturday's video is all about ielts speaking part two i promise you there's going to be some really interesting insights into the use of grammar in part two techniques to succeed in part two you don't wanna miss that it's a really good one right great so where was i i was talking about vocabulary great word history is written by the victors yeah history is written by the victors do you know who said that i wonder if you can guess who said history is written by the victors the victors is the winner by the winners because a lot of history i'll give you a clue a lot of history is about war about fighting um so history is written by the people who win the war there's a clue for you some of you now typing into google the clever ones who said that zion says columbus not quite anybody else any other ideas hitler power of me it's a good idea but not quite alexander alexander the great you mean not quite not quite napoleon close you're getting very very close ah somebody says question churchill and more confident krishna says if i can get you in here churchill it was it was churchill that was um winston churchill who said history is written by the victors winston churchill was the british prime minister um at the time of the at the time of the at the time of world war ii or the second world war so people say he was one of the best prime ministers that britain had possibly he was a funny man not not funny haha he was funny as in a strange man but you need to be a bit strange to be genius you need to be quite different and many geniuses are kind of not very nice people and i suspect winston was not the nicest of people but hey who am i to make comments so listen talking about history um as i said earlier some of you may not know much about history because you studied history at school and since school you haven't really um touched on history now when you're talking about it you may want to say i like history if if somebody maybe an ielts examiner or the man on the bus asks you so do you know do you like history well yes i like history i'm into history you can say notice what we normally do here is we we link we say i'm in to min to can you say that mintu i'm in to and even more instead of saying two we say te i minta i minta i'm into history say that i'm into history good i'm into history or i'm not into history not into history i'm not into history let's try it fast i'm not into history yeah if you like history right i'm into history i'm a history buff a buff is like a fan we use it like i'm a film buff i'm a history buff um i'm a food no i'm an art buff different ones we can use it you can't use it with everything but history yes i'm a history buff means i like it just to make that clear for [Music] everybody however it may be the case that you don't really like it so you can say i don't really like history and emphasize the really i don't really like history yeah when you're learning language don't just read the words aloud listen get an audio and listen to the sounds listen to the intonation i don't really like history and try repeating it i don't really like history yeah that's nice i can hear you out there out there in india getting it right good um so you can say that i don't really like history or you can say i'm not overly interested in history i'm not overly interested in history try that i'm not overly interested in history that's it it's nice so what you've got in effect there are some really nice adverbs and adverbs just make your language a bit richer and emphasize things i'm not overly overly means too much right i'm not too interested in i'm not overly interested in history which might be the case to be honest when i was a kid i wasn't a fan of history i found it confusing i found it dull it wasn't until i left university and started traveling that i became interested in history because for me history and geography are so tightly intertwined that it makes no sense to study them separately but when i suddenly visited a country and learned about the geography and the history like when i came to spain i thought it was fascinating and i became i became much more into history i wouldn't say i'm a history buff you know i'm not a huge fan but i do enjoy history that's the thing for me right good let me check in with you guys this is a nice expression lindel says yeah history is not my cup of tea fair enough fair enough param says the same i'm not overly interested into oh right not into but in right interested in so let me highlight that over here as well because that is important we say i'm interested in something oh come on highlighter let me put that up there yep i'm not overly interested in history so i can say it's not my cup of tea perfect param perfect um simin good question can we say i'm overly fond of history no no because how can you be too much fond of something if you like something and you're fond of it it can never be too much at least not in english so i think what you want to say here is i'm really fond of history i'm very fond because it's never too much unless unless you're addicted i think the only case is if you're addicted like you spend every day reading books and you're ignoring your family because you're reading history books all the time possibly but it's very unusual um i would say here yeah i'm really fond i'm just going to change your post this i mean um i'm really fond of history yeah that's what i would say in that case nice question though yes uh yozra i am a history buff thank you very much i am a history buff yeah good question well spotted nice one obviously it was a deliberate test by me just to keep you on your toes well spotted i am a history buff right duong says history in vietnam is all about war to be honest well do you know what as we will see history around the world is 90 war how how sad is that i'm a history lover this is nice janaka that's nice we take the in and we just change it for ah yeah i'm a history lover that's nice or as eti says i'm keen on history great good so some nice expressions there oh madam zayan again i'm sorry madam muhammad history is not my thing nice let's put that one in because i like that one that's one we've not used a lot history is not my thing yeah it's not my thing it's not really my thing thumbs up nice one so let's move on and here is some useful vocabulary to talk confidently on the ielts speaking topic of history confidence that's what it's all about it really is um so let's begin with these two words because they get so confused historic and historical can you say them with me because the stress is on the oh historic historical so they are very similar and sometimes they can be used at the same time but there is a difference so historic means something is important and famous so it's important and famous in the past not necessarily in history right but just in the past um it's important and famous for for example um last week stephen king released a new book it and i think it's going to be a historic book i think it's going to be a historic book right i think it's going to be important and famous it's not about history it wasn't released years ago it was released last week it's about it's a horror book but i think it's going to be historic meaning it's going to be important and famous however historical means it's related to a period in history so there's another writer um stephen queen stephen queen who's a historian he writes about history and he published a book last week and it's about the first world war that is a historical book because that book is about a period in history the first world war it's a historical book i don't think it's going to be important i don't think it's going to be famous so it's not going to be historic in my opinion but it is historical can you see the difference um well okay let's check if you can really see the difference let's have a look at a question okay i'm going to ask you here to choose the correct word so whoops there are two sentences with the pictures so number one when charlotte worthington won the bmx olympic gold [Music] come on it was a historic or historical moment and number two if you look at the map we can use this historic or historical map to help us explore the city write down in the chat box number one which one and number two which one and let's check if you've got this nailed if you can ace this okay so number one okay great number one historic yeah also lucky girl says historic good who else kerry milk says historic right so when charlotte worthington won the olympic gold it was a historic i'm having trouble with my highlighter today the gremlins are here it was a historic moment right it wasn't historical it was historic because going back historic means important and famous at least for us british people but also because it's the first time in the olympics anybody has done a backwards somersault with a twist which is what she's doing there so it was historic it was not historical it wasn't in history i mean it was literally last month so number two has anybody got number two duh keith what do you think well if yeah number two historical well interesting uh says historical so some of you yeah it's not crystal clear for everybody some interesting ideas uh we've also got rachel says historical so actually yes number two if i just take you off rachel we can use this historical not historic because remember historic means famous and important now i don't know if this map is famous and important it might be but definitely if you look at it right it's a very old map right it's related to a period in history it's historical i mean it looks like that's from 200 years ago it's actually a map of paris maybe two or three hundred years ago maybe much longer but it's historical it's related to history okay so that's the difference but as i say you know that map if it's a famous map then yes it's also historic so it can be both historic and historical can be but look at the difference in meaning excellent got it got it excellent well done guys you're there you've got it now um more words we're gonna move on and carry on but as we do that i just need a little um a little something to keep me going so i don't get too dry um why do i need a jingle when i'm here live um other words history historian historian is the person remember i said stephen queen was a historian i made it up it's not true stephen king stephen queen historically adverb right ebby it's water not ginger tea today but good guess [Music] wow rakib that's impressive you're going to watch all my live lessons in 20 days good for you it sounds like a challenge that sounds great so ciao i mean yes can we say it's historic and historical yes if it's true right so make sure you understand the difference in meaning but it can be true absolutely yes right okay so four main stages of history so this comes to i guess i'm thinking of ielts speaking as well because some people say you know history i mean is the examiner asking me is the examiner asking me about the dinosaurs is he asking about the middle ages i mean or is he talking about world war ii i mean when exactly is history and what should i talk about the short answer is anything before today is history so you could talk about anything in the past you could but but that said my advice is there are that there's a period of history that you probably don't want to talk about and that's the dinosaurs right because i think if we're talking about history historical events we don't really know much about any events with the dinosaurs there was that famous time when the tyrannosaurus rex um at this pineapple for the first time ever i don't know who knows what the events were people well you've got neanderthal man harry who was walking through and he killed a mammoth famous people we don't really know right so what we call pre-history it's probably not a good idea to talk about it pre-history okay is one of the four main stages of history so before 300 sorry 3000 bc um it's called in english we call it pre-history and that's like neanderthal man the dinosaurs the mammoths and we don't have any written history because there was no writing all we have is archaeology and this is a very useful word right archaeology is the study of history by looking at the soil and the ground and they excavate the soil they dig up and they go down and they discover bones um fossils and archaeologists can tell us about prehistory so archaeology nice word can you say it with me archaeology any ology is basically the study of biology the study of life archaeology the study of archaea the study of the ground and the soil i don't know exactly i should check but archaeology archaeology key like open the door key archaeology so archaeology we use archaeology to look at pre-history so you're probably not going to talk about prehistory you could talk about ancient history so this is the second if you like if you like what does that mean keith if you like it just means if you like if you agree that doesn't mean if you agree it's just something we say in english ancient history 3000 bc to 500 a.d and because this is when really the writing began so in 3000 bc more or less the first attempts at writing or making symbols to express something written down was around 3000 bc and onwards and so we have some documentation of history and we call this in english ancient history right 3000 b c to 500 bc i mean if you're not sure go to this website this is amazing you know wikipedia right did you know there is something called simple wikipedia and it's the same as wikipedia but in simple english oh hallelujah simple english wikipedia what a great idea so i had a look at this one right which was talking all about um history ancient history just bear with me and let me show you guys moderators if you could share the link that would be fantastic and you can have a look as well if you like later but this is it fingers crossed simple english wikipedia um now this is going to be too small for you to read i guess but just to give you an idea um it talks about archaeology with what we what i said right which is where we're looking at things that were made or used in the past to learn about that time and then it talks about the chrono chronology talks about pre-history older ancient histories from 3000 bc coming through to there you go the famous one the egyptians making the great pyramid of giza you've then got the indus valley civilization you've got the shang dynasty in china so that civilization 600 bc um you've got in the middle east the hittite people so this is the old ancient civilization coming right up to basically well king david you've also got through to 100 bc all sorts of people you've got siddhartha somebody mentioned them the buddha was born here alexander the great you talked about earlier 331 bc um and then rome the roman empire basically and also the first time chinese rule vietnam look at that and to the end of the roman empire so here is all kind of ancient history this is actually quite a nice little timeline if you just want to pick out some simple events that happened in ancient history then here they are and of course if you want detail you just click it's wikipedia but the beauty of it is it's in simple english it's super simple i love simple wikipedia what a nice idea i mean wikipedia in itself is a brilliant idea but simple english wikipedia come on doesn't get any better so that's it ancient history coming back that was the second one right ancient history obviously lots you can talk about about events and people um now moving on from 500 a.d so bc before christ and then the year zero and then adano domini is after christ you've got the middle ages basically what we again in britain and english we call the middle ages don't get it confused with middle aged because i am middle-aged right if you're around 40 or 50 you're middle-aged it doesn't mean i'm from the middle ages oh i've had students say that before keith are you from the middle ages no you mean i'm middle-aged yes okay yes i i assure you i am not from the middle ages like outlander or something so that's 500 a.d to 1500 a.d post-classic so we call this post-classical history you could talk about that or you could talk about modern history a modern history basically it's kind of the 1600s you know from the discovery of america and i know that's earlier right but kind of that area 1600 going around to the the great industrial revolution thinking about europe and britain and onwards the post of the the age of reason the enlightenment in europe where we all became born again and enlightened and then we became stupid again up until today that's modern history so you can talk about that there's lots of stuff you can talk about if you're preparing historic events go and find a timeline like the wikipedia choose one you're interested in read about it and study it and that's it good four stages of history this is a bit of a history lesson it's not meant to be a history lesson i am not a historian i am not an expert but it's useful to us to see what we understand by different stages of history [Laughter] right fabio hello where is your historical mug my historic or historical mug my famous mug i don't know i haven't got a historical mug saitama oh stephen queen nice one brilliant good mikhail thank you very much for that some people are asking after after christ it should be ac no it's actually anno domini which is the latin um so before christ why do we have english and latin it is interesting though but mikhail you're absolutely right it just says if you are from the middle ages you could surely help us learning history come back in time with me oh very very good like it good emmy says iraq has many historical places in babylon absolutely and you can talk about that as well okay good oh that's why well yes that's true that's true i'm sorry reading your comments keith how old are you 54 i became i turned not became i turned 54 this year okay i'm gonna move on um amazing timeline okay we're gonna have a bit of fun now because i'd like to first of all show you another timeline tool and i was looking for a good timeline tool i want to share this one with you again moderators if you could share the link of this one amazing timelines in history i'll just show you very briefly and i just love this i think it's so useful as a tool not only for ielts but just for learning about history it's such an easy to use tool i'll try and show you how it works and then you can go explore it on your own so basically right um you've got the timeline at the bottom down here and you click on something it's got you can't really see but it's got four five areas it's got government at the top it's got literature and arts science and then travel and exploration so rock art painting and it tells you about it here but then if you move across right and you can move to the next thing i'm going to zoom in a bit contract the timeline and you've got the time at the bottom can you see that you've got the years at the bottom right and if i go to the next thing i can click up here and it takes me to the first date on the maya calendar i can click onto the next one the next event talks about king minis found memphis as the capital of egypt there you go a nod to egypt and it gives you information about it but you can also just go through the timeline you can move across and find other things here's one about moses and for each little thing it gives you some information if i want to contract again i can then move the timeline across and look and then discover in religion see data and it gives me information about it if i want to look at something around government and politics alexander the great up here conquers the empire that stretches from greece to western india what an amazing influential man right um here we go there's one here about science the chinese system of imperial examinations instituted wow so the history of chinese examinations has a long history and it gives you the date and the category science and technology and i just found this fascinating you can just pick out times in history you can condense this even more and you can bring it up to more modern history so here you go construction of the trans-siberian railroad this is more modern and if you want to expand it you can but you can go and have a look at all of this in your own time but what an interesting timeline to pick out things in history so that's it it's and i think the uh the guys will share it with you right wd brilliant nice very very nice so let me come back to here so here sorry yeah you can see it there world history timeline now another interesting um thing about history is about what came first and i'm going to share this with you and this is from the arts and culture google website google has some amazing websites around arts culture science and technology and this is a game and if if the moderators share the post you can play this with me at the same time i'm going to play it now uh you can give me your answers or you can play with you um and it's basically what came first you know the old adage the old saying what came first the chicken or the egg [Music] the chicken oh no oh the egg oh no we don't know but they've created this game and it's a test it talks it looks at historical or historic events and you have to guess which came first which is the oldest it's an interesting test of your history but not only is it a test you can learn a lot because it gives you the answer and the information and just dedicating 10 minutes of your time to playing this game will teach you so much and you'll probably learn one or two examples you can talk about in ielts speaking okay let me show you we'll play it a little bit so ask me what came first for example is that it's a famous church obviously and that's one of van gogh's paintings right so if we launch the experiment i'm just going to share with you now this might be a bit small for you i'll try and make it a bit bigger what came first oh and there's a time limit oh my gosh you have to go quickly so the griffith observatory or the sleeping gypsy i think that observatory looks quite modern so i'm gonna go with the uh henry rousseau i think he's older yay got it right so i get 29 points the faster you answer the more points you get oh so continue visual art prosperine or that's rossetti right or theodore burr this invention well rossetti that's going back two or three hundred years that invention doesn't look that old i'm going to go for rossetti i think that's older oh dear oh dear now what it does is it tells me the answer and it tells me why so it gives you more information more information about it so the boar arctus is a combination of an arch and a multiple king post trust design right okay so and you can continue zz top i love them i am a sharp dressed man william wyler film best years of our lives that was definitely earlier yeah 1946 so that's modern history right continue betty white again modern history or the tower bridge oh come on oh the year of owner tower bridge must be older but maybe it's a trick oh no tower bridge yes look at all these points i'm getting if you're playing on your own difficult game it is a difficult game enunciation leonardo da vinci or the osaka castle osaka castle must be what 1600's da vinci i'm going with the osaka castle oh no da vinci 1472 of course oh dear not very clever so listen i'm not going to play anymore but just to give you an idea you guys yeah you're better than me lindell says da vinci leonardo [Laughter] absolutely right i'm going to do one more i just love this game i'm going to play one more the great zeke field that looks like 1950s or rolling stones they're really old aren't they the year of first activity 1960s c field 60 to 66 65 i'm gonna go for seafield yes 36 well done get in there what was that the great ziegfield 1936 american musical directed by robert zedd robert z didn't know that but i remember the rolling stones right good guys that's it i could sit here all day but i fear you would get a bit bored watching me play you can go and play on your own it's a fun game go and check it out right okay it's time for another badass what is getting there get in there is what we say in english when you win something you say get in there it means you win like or you if you're watching um your favorite football team play and they score a goal you go yes get in there great what an addictive game it is fernando you are once you're on there i was on there for like half an hour under the other day and i'm not a computer person i don't spend much time on phones and stuff but it is quite addictive yes brilliant good let me move on briskly moving on historical events okay historical events now in ielts speaking they often often they have in the past nice pun they have in the past asked about historical events and if you look at history um as i think dong said earlier most of history is war not funny i know but it's a bit sad but most of his the most famous historical events historical events are wars or assassinations which means to murder somebody to murder a famous person let's put that in case you don't know to murder i.e kill famous person or a person you you may remember the assassination of oh come on no um jfk robert kennedy you may remember the assassination of comedy kennedy lots of famous politicians are assassinated revolutions now gosh the russian revolution the french revolution around the world there have been revolutions which are similar to wars but not exactly so it's interesting i mean again arts and culture google i google unbelievable just amazing what they do right um but if you go to the arts and culture site and again the link is there if you want to have a look if you don't believe me right history is all about war just look at this historic events so they say historic meaning famous right but these are also historical but just have a look world war one cold war vietnam war pacific war russian revolution franco-prussian war um hiroshima apollo program oh that's nice the first one without killing watergate scandal russian civil war uh the suez crisis okay fair enough the second boa war it's just the crimean war it's just war after war invasions right the united states invasion of panama um it goes on and on so you've got crisis war revolution to be honest to be honest it's enough to make you want to stay in bed the whole day it really is history revolutions um you've got different crisis or crises um yeah basically historical events not much fun but let's look at the language let's look on the bright side let's look about the language we can use so if we're talking about historical event maybe you're talking about a war or an assassination you can say it took place in and the time right in 1892. for example it took place in and then the time um or it goes back a long time so i'd like to tell you about the russian revolution it goes back a long time it began in or it happened in it happened in now i don't know the date of the russian revolution so i'm going to use a trick i'm going to say it happened at the start of the century at the start of the let's just say the start of the century it happened at the start of the century or it happened at the turn of the century so the turn of the century is ah great we've got it actually from anna anna says 1917. brilliant anna should know that's good 1917 but if you don't know and you want to talk about it and you forget the date remember ielts is not a history test it's an english test so if you forget the date it doesn't matter oh it goes back a long time it happened in the last century at the start of the last century it happened at the turn of the 20th century right or it dates back to it dates back to 1917. and again the time it dates back to but again you could say it dates back to the last century you could do exactly the same if you don't know the date don't worry there's lots of things you can say it dates back to the last century in fact it's really good if you forget the date why because if you know the date well maybe you're a history buff but the examiner might think well you've just memorized this you've memorized a historic date and an event and you've memorized everything including the date right now obviously if you're russian talking about the russian revolution you probably know the date but if i'm i don't know let's imagine i'm from colombia and i want to talk about the russian revolution it began in 1917 i might think oh hang on you've just memorized that it might be much better to say i don't remember the exact date but it was about a hundred years ago or it was in the last century i don't remember the exact date but it was at the turn of the last century let's say now that's good that's really good because it's showing off really nice english almost better than knowing the date i don't remember the exact date stress on exact i don't remember the exact date but it was at the turn of the last century more or less that's great you can show off some really nice language so don't worry if you forget the date it's a good thing if you forget the date because it gives you a chance to use some nice language here right excellent success what is the turn of the century the turn of the century is when the new century begins so for example 1999 when it changes to 2000 it turns to 2000 right it's the same with birthdays so this year i turned 54 right [Music] so when i turn 54 sorry you can't see it let me take it up when i turn 54 i go from 53 to 54. so the turn of the century the turn of the last century thank goodness for spell corrector because i'm so bad at typing at the turn of the last century was to go from 1999 to 2000. now that's the exact turn of the century but when we say the turn of the century it's kind of not one year but five or ten years so you could say you know um 1917 was the turn of the last century or the century before you could say 1905 was the turn of the century it's not one exact year it's more or less the beginning of the century there you go that's an easier explanation the turn of the century is the beginning of the century [Laughter] great teaching lovely success reasons i like your handle nice i like that we can go on and we can say uh so i don't remember the exact date but it was at the turn of the last century what happened was and then you explain what happened right now this is a nice discourse marker because what you're doing is you're telling the examiner what's coming next you're giving a signpost you're kind of saying i'm going to tell you what happened next it makes it so much easier for the examiner to follow you to follow your coherence it's a cohesive device what happened what happened was um russia and then you explain about the russian revolution i don't know enough about it so i'm not going to try but you can use this expression what happened was so you can begin with the time when it happened what happened was and then maybe how you feel about it maybe so what happened was yeah but what okay right pradip you said what happened was in the 20th century but what happened was what you want to do here is to explain what happened right so that that's followed by an explanation so so not quite that um you could say here for example what happened was [Music] you could for example i'm just throwing an example right what happened was germany invaded france or what happened was napoleon um invaded russia or what whatever it was you then give the explanation of what happened right it's just an example right focus on the english of course good hypothesizing now at the end if you're talking especially in a part two answer you're saying what happened when it happened right what happened what happened was at the end you may want to hypothesize um because you may say well this and this and this happened but imagine if history was different if germany hadn't invaded france or if um napoleon hadn't done this or if napoleon had done this today so if this had happened today we would or wouldn't if he had succeeded he would have changed the course of history so you're using here it's a third conditional right we call it a third conditional and the third conditional is imagining how things in history might have been different this didn't happen but imagine if it did happen what would be different if it had happened he would have changed the course of history so you could use that to talk about famous people for example there's a famous person in english history called guy fawkes i actually made a youtube video about guy fawkes if you check out my youtube video about historical events it's about guy force guy fawkes and he tried to blow up the houses of parliament right but he failed now many people in history fail and here's your opportunity to show off complex grammar um guy fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliament this dates back or maybe 400 years ago i can't remember the exact date but i think it was at the turn of the 16th century and he what happened was he didn't like the government so he made a plot to take some gunpowder even today we call it the gun powder plot put it and he put the gunpowder under the houses of parliament because he wanted to blow up the parliament the government but he failed if he had succeeded he would have changed the course of history british history would have taken a different direction we would have had a different government and today things would be very different wow look at that i mean you're just throwing in some great complex grammar imagining hypothesizing about a change in history right imagine if things were different it's the third conditional you can use it in many different ways but basically it's had it's the past it's had he had the past of half plus the past participle and then would and then again have changed with have would have and the past participle that is it hypothesizing imagining interesting okay now good let's have a look i'm sure you've got some examples here yeah good if she had respected her relationship with us would have changed yes good if this hadn't happened today we wouldn't watch v for vendetta good good notice if you're talking about the past the event if this hadn't happened if the consequences in the past it would have done if the consequence is in the present then it's conditional would watch wouldn't watch so this is perfect great if covid hadn't happened today we wouldn't deal with a lot of difficulties good good wonderful combination it is yes if keith hadn't posted live lessons we wouldn't learn as much consequence in the present perfect nice example english language is making keith a historic man ma'am or man okay pradeep yes and no it's a good question we must always use would have third conditional yes and no in the second part if the consequence is in the past yes would have but if the consequence is in the present just would it's mixed conditionals we can mix up conditionals if einstein had not been born we would be still we would still be in the dark ages yeah nice we would still be i would change the position there of your still right in the adverb um and for some reason we talk about the period of time in the plural remember we said the middle ages the dark ages if einstein had not been born we would still be in the middle ages yeah brilliant good lots more examples there guys keep practicing really really good nice i'm going to move on picks oh okay time for a little quiz for you guess the historic event some of these events are also historical i think most of them are historical but they're historic because they're famous so i'm going to show you a picture of four no six six six historic events can you guess the event now this will test this will test us this will see who are the history buffs and who are not overly interested in history okay that's the task guess the historic event you can write down in the chat number one number two and here we are let me show you the the historic events are you ready i'll give you a minute then i can have some water there we go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so the question is what are these historic events [Music] okay brilliant i like that music sunset and beaches [Music] so let me share some ideas with you some of your answers and let's um let's have a look i'll just share some of your answers first if i can can i or maybe i can't i won't let me why won't it let me come on it's interesting it's not let me let me try here nope i'm gonna have to take the picture off let me take the picture off so number four first on the moon okay we've got uh gauguin says martin luther king speech was number two um what else have we got apollo prefect okay number two world war two number three napoleon hmm i wonder if i can do this let me try this historical event let me take this up into the corner ah there you go can do that so that we know what we're talking about apollo moon reach number four what else have we got number three french revolution six usa yeah but what come on number six ibrahim lincoln what is he the man shooting somebody martin luther kings i have a dream speech tandy match tandy match do you mean march gandhi from india number one alexander number four armstrong okay dandy marsh do you mean march number three napoleon okay number four neil armstrong's first steps on the moon right the only one that's not quite there is number one so let me how can i show you this so you can see the pictures as well ah i'm stumped i wonder how i can show you so you can see the pictures as well i know let me do this technology is amazing isn't it right bear with me be patient my friends i think we can do it like this i think i've got a solution i'm a solution okay here we go i can take that off because i've got it here so guess the historic event number one nobody got number one it was signing of the magna carta now if you're not british you're probably thinking what on earth is the magna carta the magna carta was signed i can't remember the exact date but it was around the 11th century i think it was 1066 actually and the magna carta was where the king at the time and i can't remember exactly who the king was was it king john i think so he signed basically the first constitution in great britain so the magna carta was like a constitution the the foundation of the law for present-day britain number two martin luther king speech i am a i have a i am a dream i have a dream i have a dream number three was indeed the french revolution you could just about make out the flag that's a nice phrasal verb to make out is to just be able to see it's not clear but you can just see you can just make out the french flag but that's a classic picture right with the flag and the not the peasants but the people fighting and the soldiers on the other side number four landing on the moon um neil armstrong number five gandhi you're right it was gandhi's salt march march as in walking it was a walk but when we talk about soldiers soldiers don't walk soldiers march so in english we call this the salt march because they were walking like soldiers with determination to um to steal the salt he wasn't stealing they were taking the salt to tell the british to go back home it was about time number six the it was abraham lincoln it was indeed it was the assassination of abraham lincoln do you remember assassination to murder to kill assassinate the assassination of abraham lincoln all of these are historic events okay good enough of that historic events i'm going to move on i'm going to have a spend a little bit of time next um looking at well historical people not historic but historical people talking about influential people in history so who has been influential in history who do you think is an influential historical person maybe abraham lincoln maybe gandhi maybe neil armstrong possibly right i before you answer or as you answer i'm going to show you a quick video of what the people on my facebook group said i asked everybody in the facebook group you know who has been an influential historical person um by the way do remember if you haven't joined the facebook group go to facebook check it out it's keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking you can join um and come and participate in these discussions so let me show you what you said and a few of my comments about it at the same time it was very interesting to see and i'll just take a couple of minutes and show you what you said about influential historical figures have a look so let's have a quick look at some of the historical figures that have had a strong influence on you people that have had a strong sway on you right we've got first of all steve jobs right of course very influential uh complete genius the guy from apple raman new jan i'm gonna confess my ignorance i'm not sure who that is sorry slimbo says winston churchill but not for his inspiring speeches but for his sheer determination what a nice collocation sheer determination lovely language he must be one of the most famous britons of the 20th century yes indeed i agree actually yes are you trying to be like churchill or just admire him well remember we're talking about people who have a strong influence it doesn't mean that you like them or you admire them right just that they were influential so you could talk about a lot of different kinds of people so sheer determination i also said incredible determination very nice great who else william shakespeare well the poet that every british schoolboy hates but a lot of british adults love we come to love him once we can start understanding him it's very difficult english president ho chi minh right patriotic leader of vietnam wholeheartedly dedicated himself to the country another lovely collocation wholeheartedly dedicated himself to the country nice hong ann great we've got um this is a tricky question okay i don't have anyone in mind only my mum now your mum okay florence nightingale yes historical figure i don't think you can say your mum is a historical figure um unless i mean historical figure does mean somebody in history who really has some kind of fame or is well known or stands out um you know otherwise i could say my grandad was a historical figure but he wasn't really so i think be careful of using your family i think you need to go much wider um now sarah says surprisingly i can't think of anybody still i study economics i could name adam smith and john maynard kilms keynes yeah the invisible hand right all of that great nice good um who else it's an absolute million dollar question but who is your answer right but i'm not sure who the answer is there sorry can't get it i must say siddhartha guatama the founder of buddhism right yeah absolutely i firmly believe another good collocation i firmly believe that not only me but many people have been motivated um to overcome challenges in life absolutely who else have we got mustafa kemal ataturk he's the founder of modern turkish republic interesting great um cara caltonborn and ola grimsby due to their vast knowledge related to manual therapy i didn't know that interesting napoleon bonaparte interesting sofia very interesting mother teresa if well i think she can be counted as historical yes absolutely without a shadow of doubt the iconic eiffel tower oh melendres be careful here it's a good answer but you're talking there about places we're talking about people let's see who else we've got um our history is full of celebrities maria teresia cassia france joseph um and adolf hitler for the other side how they influenced me great and then you're going to talk about that by developing the school system okay nice good sonja well marie curie another one omar bin al-khattab his life story is very inspiring right obama and ho chi minh again excellent so some interesting ideas to give us to talk about famous historical people remember we are talking about um people who've had an influence and so people who are probably well known or famous to some extent rather than your family members unless they are famous too great thanks for those ideas guys yeah very very nice very interesting a wide range of different things um different things excuse me different people and obviously people are tending to choose people from their own country's history which makes total sense right so excellent good and i see you've got lots of different people here that you've been messaging talking about influential people then um let's look at the language because it's really useful to look at how we can describe influential people right somebody who has influence um so clearly you can say he was very influential a tricky word so make sure you get the pronunciation right influential it's a shul with that dark l if you like influential influence so your tongue touches the top influential influential nice he was very influential or we can say he had a lot of sway a lot of sway to sway is to move it's a bit like the boat when the boat sways in the water and it goes from side to side then it's swaying so somebody who has a lot of sway is they can move people right this is more informal in formal but absolutely fine for ielts speaking absolutely he had a lot of sway or he pulled a lot of weight against somebody who pulls weight they they're able to have influence he pulls a lot he carries a lot of weight pulls he pulled a lot of weight he pulls well in the past yes he carried a lot of weight again slightly more informal he has a lot of authority again i'm going to go ahead because it's historical he had a lot of authority he had a lot of authority or authority authority is how do you explain authority um it's your control and command over people or a field or a subject stephen queen the famous historian he has a lot of authority in the world of history right he's uh he's well known and he has a lot of command he he's a master in that area stephen queen everybody's going on google who is stephen queen he left his mark on society that's nice so he left his mark was his his footprint or his handprint or his impression or his thinking he left his mark on society i mean so he had an impact basically whoops [Music] he had an impact so all influential people you're gonna be saying you know they had they left their mark they left their mark on society he left his mark on society mother teresa left her mark on society making the world a better place good so those are different expressions you can use to talk about influential people right um now what's next i'm just going to take where are we yes i'm going to take a break am i gonna take a break no i'm not gonna take a break i'm gonna move on to the next one um let me show you here because i got i lost track of here we've been talking about history today and we've been looking at vocabulary and we've talked about historical events modern history as well as ancient history we've talked about people of influence or influential people right so let me move on and talk about some idioms when we're discussing history um idioms okay let me move in and move over here some things we might say are this will go down in history to go down in history just means to become famous to become famous you can say that about an event or a person um so this this whole gosh this whole pandemic will go down in history and it will go down in history as one of the biggest pandemics in the world in history it will go down in history as one of the biggest pandemics ever um and you could do about a person as well a famous person um this person let's take somebody i don't know this is hard thinking on the spot famous person alive today somebody earlier talked about how movie stars and politicians are influential so maybe um i don't know maybe i'm just taking an example donald trump will go down in history as one of the most divisive presidents in the usa for example right so he will go down in history as something so often we use this about present day people or present day effects talking about in the future it will be historic one of the for example right something like that so to go down in history as the key thing i want you to notice is as he will go down in history go down in history as so that's of quite a common idiom you can use similarly with the same meaning this will make history this pandemic will make history it will become a famous historic event this will make history um you know for example i don't know if somebody when somebody breaks the world record for example in the olympics and you say this this will make history it's never happened before it will make history it will become famous so that's the same meaning now he is history slightly different his history means he's finished now this has slightly different connotations but for example or let's take for example if um if somebody is a famous politician and they lose their power and they will never come back into politics let's imagine they did they i don't know they were corrupt they stole money and they have and their career is destroyed you say that person is history it means they're finished their career is finished their opportunities are finished um his history he's finished it can also mean that person's going to die if somebody says to you your history it means i'm going to kill you it obviously it's a bit of a joke right oh his history means he's you know he's going to be killed he's going to be killed but it's more of a light-hearted joke when it's used like that but generally his history means he's finished right um if messi broke his leg people would say oh it's history that's it end of his career is finished is finished so often it's the end of their career i'm struggling to get good examples today aren't i i don't know what it is i'm kind of blocked right good um what else have we got in idioms we've got also if i could put the clock back i would if i could put the clot back it's basically we're going back to the conditionals right but it is seen as a bit of a set phrase or an idiom because you're not literally putting the clock back to put the clock back is to take the time to go backwards in the old fashioned clocks before digital clocks you would wind it you would put it back to go backwards in time but we're not saying literally but we're saying you know if i could go back in time i would do things differently if i could put the clock back i would do something differently so usually you use this when you make a mistake and you regret something and you say you know if i could put the clock back i would have learnt chinese when i was six years old it would have been so much easier but of course i didn't know that when i was six but if i could put the clock back i would have learned chinese much earlier i was 30 when i started learning chinese it is slightly more difficult only slightly more difficult to learn a language as you get older the other one is what else many moons ago many moons ago means a long time ago because of course the moon right is a cycle the lunar cycle of what 30 days 31 days 28 days i don't know so that cycle of time if you say many moons ago then many months ago many cycles of the moon ago just means a long time ago a long time again a long time ago yeah so if you're talking about a historic event well many moons ago um what happened was yeah or any event right talking about your childhood yeah i remember when um once i broke my arm and this was many moons ago right i can't remember exactly when it happened but many moons ago i fell out of a tree and i broke my arm so these are idioms guys let me check in with you do you have any other idioms around history pooja says if i could put the clock back i would have gone to canada earlier great very very good example many moons ago i was in london lovely very very good shoe tower says i would have learned english when i was young good very very good nice many moons ago i was a young girl yes good yes um that's interesting lindell many moons ago i had this dream of being a teacher too right nice lean says many moons ago i lived in japan i visited japan many moons ago and i really enjoyed it i was in tokyo it was great can we say many sun no no it's moons i don't know why but it's only moons nadja also says if i could put the clock back i would have studied french earlier great there was another one up here van an says the vietnam national football team made history when they became the only team to come to the last world cup qualifying stage great nice very nice example like it very very good okay anything else that's good yeah yazra you've got an extra one here and the rest is history means that you know the rest of the story so no need to carry on telling it yes that's right and the rest is history good that's nice krishna also says history repeats itself yeah good that's a nice idiom as well and it's so true frisker says how do you choose the comments well the comments are selected by the software i have they come from facebook or youtube they only show me some of the comments and i just pick at random um i tend to pick comments that are following or practicing the language i tend to pick comments that are good english but i also like mistakes so actually i do pick mistakes as well so we can learn from mistakes but just random really great i know i sometimes repeat people but i think because they're they're posting so much and good comments as well lucky pexy if i could put the clock back i would change many things yes fantastic great very very nice okay good so those are idioms around history good what's next can i remember what's next i can't so if i can't remember i check on my little slide it's review time which means it's time for a bit of kahoot we're going to play a kahoot game let's see if you've been paying attention in today's class um have you really been following what i say we're going to play kahoot if you don't know kahoot well it's a fun game you get four questions you have to choose an answer basically it comes up on the screen and you choose an answer and let's see if you get it right you need to go to um and whoops i'm just i'm just logging in so stay with me on your screen you'll need either to open another browser window or use a nip use another device maybe a ipad or a phone and go to there's also an app if you want to download it and we're going to play the game i'm going to give you the pin because when you get there you see you will see that you need to put in your name and the pin and that's coming up right now let me share it with you it's a bit slow loading today i would say it's very slow so let me get rid of all the other windows i can hear the neighbor's dog that dog has been barking for the last two hours non-stop poor thing poor me i have to listen to it so the pin is 507 2 3 5 four five oh seven two three five four five oh seven two three five four there's the pin maybe the moderators you could put the pin in the chats as well um go in sign up put your name in and we will play in about a minute's time in the meantime you can enjoy the music right how we doing guys [Music] how many have we got in i can't see because i've got to take this cahoot off you make a bit smaller 174 okay fantastic great you're still all joining i'll just give you a few more seconds 507-2354 thanks for sharing that marcella yosra that's a good question about the um ielts test maybe come back i think in our next live lesson we'll be doing a question and answer so save that question for the question and answer part right when we reach 100 let's begin we've reached 100 let's begin excellent let's start first question then guys i'll read it out and then you choose as fast as you can choose the answer history and if you haven't got inside just put the answer in the chat last week's game against manchester city was a blank match historic historical history historically last week's game against manchester city was a blank match you've got 30 seconds well you've got five seconds now oh right this was a tricky one but well done the answer's historic because of course historic means famous and important it's not historical because it's last week so last week doesn't really refer to a period of history right it was only last week it was a historic match which means you know it will become famous um and important historic well done most of you got it right nice hey lenny nice to see you here let's move on question number two harry was at the top there shu was in second and jennifer and jessica third and fourth excellent question number two he if he blank succeeded he would have changed history has had have nothing if he blank succeeded he would have changed history and there's a picture of guy fawkes do you remember he wanted to blow up the houses of parliament but he failed well done thirada shilpa well done riham well done whoa look at that outstanding everybody had if he had succeeded he would have changed history absolutely brilliant i'm so pleased you got that vast majority got it right how we doing on the leaderboard harry is still up there pooh is coming second jennifer now in third place okay excellent question number three many people listen to gandhi he had a lot of blank swing swerve sway sword many people listened to gandhi he had a lot of blank charmy well done yours are well done raghav well done pooh well done is that pooh in second place well done emmy and manny nice oh again absolutely outstanding 122 of you got it right sway he had a lot of sway meaning influence right he was very influential i love it well done next question and i think it's the last one oh we're still up there harry 1208 um is still in first pooh is in second and huang li has jumped into third place um valentin is the highest climber here we go then last question this goes back a long time it happened many blank ago planets moons suns stars this goes back a long time it happened many blank ago come on guys i'm expecting great things from you charmy well done krishna well done yazra well done issa well done oh fantastic i am very very impressed 157 of you got it right moons it happened many moons ago of course meaning a long time ago nice well done good idiomatic expressions um i'm very pleased actually everybody's been paying attention that is nice let's move on and find out who is the big winner pooh you are in third place bronze medal on the podium huang li is in second and first i think i know harry 1208 well done sir that is absolutely fantastic this will go down in history as being one of the best quizzes some of the best results it will go down in history guys you're making history i think that's one of the best cahoots we've had i mean referring to your um success rate and correct answers i'm very impressed well done very very nice indeed lovely so now um next we're almost at the end um in the facebook group the other day i shared a picture of something called the library and i wanted to tell you what the library is i'm going to show you now it's my latest project it's something i've been working on and it's very very simple but i want to share it with you you may be interested you may not be interested i don't know but let me share it with you the library is this basically i notice a lot of students practice and learn vocabulary by taking a book reading the words and learning vocabulary and that's fine sometimes they read aloud but very often the pronunciation is not right because english writing has nothing to do with the pronunciation it's so different so i always strongly recommend students to have an audio to listen to the words so when you're repeating them you're getting the correct pronunciation now i'm sure you know that the with the live lessons i take the notes right so i've got all my notes like the notes we've had today right so these notes in the live lessons over here i take that i put it into a pdf and i put it onto the website the website which is the keith speaking academy by the way just to make sure you know i do have the website so you can go to the keyspeaking academy and you can download the notes but you've still got the same problem is that you're looking and you're reading aloud so you're not getting the pronunciation right so the website obviously is great you can go to the free live lessons section and there you can download the lesson notes you can click for the pdf or you can just you can sorry you can click to study the lesson or you can download the pdf here and of course when you download it you get it and you can see it so how do we solve the pronunciation problem well with this so the library is what i've decided to do is to put together the audio files a pronunciation file of the live notes so i take the live lesson notes and i make it into a pronunciation file normally about 15 minutes it's like a mini podcast you can listen to the pronunciation file and that will help you when you're learning vocabulary to have the correct pronunciation you can also find the pdfs there as well as do you remember recently i've been doing visualizations where we relax and learn english i've put all the visualizations in the library and the library is here now you can join the library you can get the the pronunciation files i put in an ebook as a bonus and the visualizations so that you can practice english as well i just explained here why to join it and what you get basically at the moment there are 10 pronunciation files from the most popular live lessons at the moment there are six visualizations and i think the best ebook i've done it's called succeed in ielts speaking that's a bit of a bonus now the library i've created um what i've decided to do to as a way for you to help me is there is a very small fee so it is paid for but it's very very cheap um and it's just if you also want to help support the work that i'm doing joining the library would be a great way to do it right um so in there you've got the ebook you've got the pronunciation files you can access you can check them out you can preview one if you want to check if it's right for you and it's three dollars so basically i'm just putting a very small fee of three dollars to join the library it helps me out an awful lot to help continue doing what i'm doing and i think it will be a great resource to give you more pronunciation help and support and to learn lots more english generally speaking but also for ielts speaking so that's it it's the library i'll ask the moderators to share the link i will put it on the facebook group and on the website you'll find links to it as well um so you can follow me on facebook you can join the facebook group if you just search for keith's mastermind community and you can find it there and you can join and if you know if you want to join the library please do it would be great to see you in there what i'm gonna do is continue adding more stuff so if actually if you get in now i mean three dollars it's pretty cheap if you get in now you pay that price for ever it's a one-time payment for life but you'll get all the stuff that comes in the future and my guess is as i add more stuff the price might go up in the future but you could get it much cheaper now just for three dollars if it's right for you if it's useful for you so go and check it out that's it from me guys um it's been fantastic being here with you all today thank you so much for joining me on the live lesson um i've really enjoyed it i hope the vocabulary around history will help you um to talk about well historic not historical events historical events historical people historic everything and all of that um take care and i will see you next time round do remember on saturday i've got a recorded video about ielts speaking part two it's called succeeding in ielts speaking part two it's a really exciting video because it looks not only at tips but also the language and the approach in particular i talk about a really powerful storytelling technique that you can practice and possibly use in ielts speaking part two so that's it go and check it out on saturday um i think that's it from me thank you very much for joining i will see you very very soon take care my friends bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 66,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, practise session, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking practise, ielts speaking lessons, live lessons for ielts speaking, ielts speaking practice live lessons, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, free ielts speaking lessons, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking history part 3, ielts speaking history vocabulary, ielts speaking history topic, ielts speaking history part 2, ielts speaking history part 1
Id: 7HF8CF9jNyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 58sec (6658 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 09 2021
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