IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of MEDICINE

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and good morning to you [Music] it's time for a bit of keith speaking academy are you ready to go [Music] i hope so listen today we're going to be talking about the exciting topic of medicine i'm going to turn that off we're going to talk about medicine about the language the collocations um vocabulary idioms even talking about kobit lots of different stuff really good that's today are you ready we're going to go in to the lesson with a little bit of a little bit of what a little bit of this first of all [Music] [Music] hey fantastic hello good morning how are you nice to see you this is keith from the keith speaking academy um if you don't know that they have a website they did i say they i have a website um the where you can get lots of materials and my goal really is to help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on the ielts speaking test hurry that's the goal anyway just as i begin today i'd just like to share with you a shout out from an email from a student this was shaminda shaminda sohal sent me a lovely email quick shout out to you thank you very much his email was titled go from band six to seven with this advice sounds interesting hello sir hope you be you're going very hope you be going good with the help of your videos and udemy course i achieved a seven in speaking which was my desired score thank you so much sir wish you happy healthy and wealthy life happy healthy and wealthy all of that sounds very good especially the healthy bit because today we're on the topic of medicine right health and medicine let me share with you what we're going to look at today on this topic of medicine which i think is really interesting we're going to be having a look at hello doctor dr o'hare no i'm not a doctor vocabulary around the topic of medicine we'll be talking of course about the infamous covid we'll be discussing a little bit about that and maybe something about those vaccines have you had your vaccine yet not me we'll also be looking at alternative medicine right so you've got your traditional medicine um sorry your what let's what do we call it western medicine modern medicine and then alternative medicines often involving things like this kind of plants or herbs or trees we'll talk more about that and then some idioms now why do you think we've got um today a violin i mean what has this picture got to do with medicine can you think of an idiom to do with this related to medicine i don't know we'll be looking at some sample answers as always of course and we'll be finishing with uh finishing up with kahoot um unfortunately today we well i say unfortunately we don't have a guest today um i'll be doing a guest in the near future probably once a month or once every two or three weeks so that's something to look forward to but right now let's um spin all that out of action and let's get back to medicine because that's where we are today so starting with medicine actually let's start with you guys let me see how you're doing first in the house sarah is my l welcome sarah hello jihan is in here as well good morning we've got uh from uh i'm imagining from vietnam great um they've been ready hello how are you i'm good thank you um hi torres hello nice to see you um suits how nice to see you siva celine is here um python great from russia great name is that your real name python i wonder lovely we've also got um well vipin says let's rock yeah the music was rocking wasn't it absolutely dolphin is here hi dolphin is that your real name some interesting names asmin from turkey nice to see you brilliant good to see you guys all of you so the topic today we're going to begin as i said the topic is medicine good how that happens isn't it now um medicine hmm these right you can probably see are some pills now these are magic pills because if you take one of these right within five minutes you can speak english fluently amazing right i took one yesterday and look i'm fluent in english absolutely brilliant magic pills now if you know me you'll know i don't believe in magic pills there is no magic pill unfortunately it would be nice right it would be nice you could have a magic pill for vietnamese for punjab or for chinese and just the next minute you're fluent but they don't exist unfortunately learning another language a second language takes time takes patience takes good study technique takes motivation um to keep turning up day after day and to keep practicing and keep learning for a lifetime right i mean i know you can study for ielts in two or three months and you try to get your score but to really develop a deep understanding of english and a good speaking ability it takes a long time there are no magic pills but don't worry because that's why we are here every thursday 10 o'clock spain time live lessons practicing practicing practicing every week i think i've been here for over a year doing this my english is great of course no but joking aside listen i'm talking about magic pills right i just want to say something because this has been brought to my attention quite a few students mentioned this and i think it's really really important and i just want to highlight this um let me show you something you may have seen these something like this if you're on facebook you have probably seen things like this no not things like that wait a moment not things like that at all you've probably seen things like this come over here these right are what we call scams so john williams right typically with a very british name says get your ielts certificate we update and modify poorly perform scores sounds good can control and change your scores great um provide leak questions certificates with verification from the british council this is absolute nonsense it's rubbish it's a scam it's false please do not follow this there are lots of these on the internet right you can see others like this one landry ebello whatsapp buy a genuine ielts certificate it's rubbish it's nonsense it's a scam do not follow these right here's another one do you have difficulties of course you think oh yes i do um don't have time to practice today is your lucky day no today is not your lucky day because this is where you lose lots and lots of money these people will take your money and leave you with nothing and a piece of paper that is not certified so please please if you see this kind of scam um ignore it i mean these people are terrible because they're they're preying on or using vulnerable people who are nervous who want something so much um there is no certificate right you have to do the test um you you have to learn english there is no magic pill it's anything in life right you need time and persistence and patience so please be careful with these scams if they have a british name they say they work for the british council or ielts right it's not true they say get it for free it's not true it's not certified they cannot change the score it's all all false rubbish right that is my rant finished i just want to make that clear because i don't want to see you get cheated okay right good good yeah lots of comments you've made there yes absolutely very very true so excellent where are we then what am i doing what am i talking about i'm talking about my ah yes i'm talking about medicine i'm looking for my notes my notes are over here um so medicine we're going to begin where are we going to begin as i mentioned earlier medicine i'm going to turn first to this doctor i wonder if there's any doctors in the house are any of you doctors or nurses um let me know in the comments if you're a doctor or a nurse i know a lot of students who are nurses let me know in the comments um because right in ielts this topic of medicine is an interesting one and it reminds me of this um i'll put it up here let me put in here we go essential vocabulary it reminds me of this sentence right which is i'm not an expert but i think because medicine is a very technical topic right it's like science it's a very technical topic and technology right they're difficult topics and if you're not an expert sometimes you think oh my this is so hard what can i say and i love this expression right whenever you're speaking about medicine and the examiner asks you you know what do you think about covid oh well i'm not an expert but i think blah blah blah blah blah it's a nice little expression which i think is very useful in this kind of context right you know what do you what what is the most important scientific advancement in this century you know i'm not an expert but i think artificial intelligence is because blah blah blah so that's nice let's talk about vocabulary right um when we're talking about medicine first of all there are i i'm going to start with sicknesses or illnesses so when you're not feeling well inside your body let's first look inside your body and then outside your body so inside your body we can talk about i have or i've got a sickness or an illness or an ailment there's a funny word right ailment an ailment an ailment is just a sickness so this is where inside your body you're not feeling good maybe you have some examples are a cold so we can say i've got in british english i've got i think american english i have right i have or i've got a cold i've got the flu so a cold is when you have a runny nose right you're sniffing so you've got a runny nose um you're sniffing sniffing not trying to smell but just because you've got a runny nose or you are coughing coughing right so maybe you're sniffing and coughing what an interesting word coughing coughing this one it's spelt why is it spelt like that that's mind-blowing that's crazy but it's pronounced cough like coffee coffee coughing coughing coffee [Music] at the back of your throat coughing so uh you have a cold i've got a cold i've got a runny nose i'm sniffling i'm coughing right and maybe you've got the flu the flu is similar but it's generally more serious right the flu it's short for influenza but it's generally a bit more serious probably with the flu you have a fever right that's the big difference so a fever is where you're extremely hot you're sweating um or you have a high temperature you would say a high temperature another strange word temperature um it's written temper rapture but we pronounce it temperature temperature if you imagine rich lots of money rich richer richer preacher with a per picture tem temperature temperature temperature that's easy right stress on the first syllable temperature temperature if you haven't seen my pronunciation video which came out two weeks ago go and check it out lots of work and ideas for pronunciation so you have a temperature a high temperature you have a fever maybe you're sweating as well right that's very very common if you have a a fever you're sweating the beads of sweat pouring down your face um you may have a bug right i've got a bug is basically it's a bacteria that's as all the um bacteria i think now i'm not an expert i'm by no means an expert let me sorry let me add that i love these expressions i'm by no means which means not at all i am by no means an expert but if you are if you're a doctor and you're saying keith please have bug is not a bacteria come on wake up i think it is but please do correct me and i'll check in on your comments in a moment um i may be completely wrong but a bug i think is a bacteria in your body that attacks your body your cells we've then got a virus which is contagious um so contagious meaning you know it can pass from one person to another of course right covid is a virus um it passes from one person to another it's contagious contagious yeah again the con becomes can and the te is the stress conte contain just just so it's contagious contagious covid is contagious collocation is highly contagious right instead of it's very contagious it's highly contagious yeah nice good language so it's it's contagious or maybe it's highly contagious and then we've got an infection uh an infection again is where your body is attacked by some kind of bacteria and uh well typically an infection means it's getting worse right i'm not i'm by no means an expert but i think if you have an infection you need special medicine i think typically antibiotics i think i think i'm by no means an expert so we can say i've got a cold right or i've caught a cold um i've caught a bug i've caught a virus i've got an infection i've caught an infection you know both of these are okay i've got or i've caught right let me just check in with a few things that you guys are saying up here we've got mary says corona is highly contagious brilliant good julie from vietnam oh you're welcome emmy says contagious is a film it is and a very good film quite scary as well right we've got a few doctors in the house mary a doctor so please do correct me if i make mistakes yes um abdullah says infectious which is great so that's the adjective so i'm gonna add that and i'll show you this in a moment it is infectious that's really big good because as you learn words learn the word family right the family so the noun the verb the adjective the adverb try and learn the word family really really good um right here we go so dr asthma we're talking here about a bug it's not a bacteria it's an insect ah right yes doctor asthma that's true but bug right does have two meanings in english a bug is an insect but a bug is also inside your body um it's a kind of infection or a bacteria in the body again i'm by no means an expert but yeah ashraf has said it's about it isn't a bug and insect yes it is but it has two meanings it does have two meanings yeah diana says a bug is a virus right okay good so it's contagious right uh ariane talks about tummy ache and stomach flu very nice so tummy ache the tummy is your belly your stomach right tummy ache so that's nice tummy is a word we tend to use with children right or children say oh my tummy hurts right as an adult when you're growing up we would say now i would say my stomach hurts right but tummy ache it's okay but it's more of a children's word yes brilliant um grace lopez adat first time to join hello and welcome nice to see you here everyone's confused about a bug yes go and look it up now this is interesting right tanja says what's the meaning of a serious health conditions so it's a very very good question a health condition means a health problem so if we say you know oh i have a health condition it could be anything but it means that person has a you know a health problem maybe diabetes maybe cancer maybe alzheimer's disease right any kind of problem that is a recognized diagnosed problem you can say a health condition so a serious health condition is probably something like maybe cancer or something you know diabetes um it could be it's something fairly serious why do we say that it's it's a bit of a euphemism because people when we're talking about ourselves or our friends and family often we don't want to reveal the details of the sickness right if you've got a family member who's very sick you don't probably want everybody to know the details oh what's the problem what have they got well no they have a health condition okay good so it's a way to explain they have a health problem but without giving the detail it's very very common in spoken english yeah tanja very very good well done nice health condition excellent so let me just go back and show you that i put in the infection right an infectious so you've got the adjective as well there right brilliant um good question from mobina can you tell the difference between illness and disease again i'm not an expert but language wise in english we use them much the same an illness and a disease like a sickness is is very very similar it's something inside i think a disease is a bit more an infection where you have some kind of infection and disease tends to be long term a disease not always if caught a disease you can have a cure for it but sometimes you know sickness like the cold the flu tend to be short-term but if you've got a disease like alzheimer's then it tends to be long-term sometimes chronic right we talk about a chronic disease which means there is no cure right so i i'll put here also a disease tends to be long term but not always for example oh well yeah i'm not sure about examples but a chronic disease you know there is no cure you're going to have it for life basically it's going to carry on forever so many cancers are chronic diseases right you just have them for for life okay so it's a good question because we've talked about sickness illness ailment disease things in the body right but what about outside the body well this is where we look at injuries right so an injury is outside the body that's the basic difference i'm by no means an expert but that's my understanding so other problems you can have you have maybe a broken bone right your bone your maybe your arm or your wrist or your bone in your finger when it's broken broken bone a cut if you're at home and if you you know if you like well if you're like me you like um cooking in the kitchen you like to dabble in the kitchen you've got your knife and you're chopping your carrots and then you chop your finger ah dear i remember the first time i did that with my uncle my uncle said what's the problem is there not enough meat in the dish chopping my finger he thought i want to put my finger in the dish um very funny uncle thank you but i cut my finger so if you cut your finger a cut or a graze if it's a slight cut we can say a graze a burn if you're cooking again and you burn your hand in the flame you can have a burn or maybe a sprained ankle or a twisted ankle if you're walking and you fall let me show you what a twisted ankle is i think i've got one up here i think you can see here right you can see where the ankle is moved and it doesn't break but it twists and it's very painful and you need a bandage on it right so that is your twisted ankle now then um what about so those are all the problems what's the cure how do you cure these well if you're like me and you've got you're living at home with your family you probably have one of these something like this right most houses have some kind of a medicine box um it may be like you can have a first aid kit a first aid kit has the basics of bandage scissors cream maybe some pills most people have a box like this it's a medicine box and some people have a medicine cabinet they have a whole cupboard full of medicine but typically you'll get things like painkillers ubuprofeno right or paracetamol so it's a simple painkiller that's what those are all right my magic fluency pills no those are painkillers um you'll probably have one of these probably whoops can you see that what's that that is a thermometer [Music] and what's that for a thermometer is to take your temperature to make sure well to see if you have a high temperature maybe you have a fever and a flu what else have you got bandages like this to bandage and put around a cut or a burn like in our house you might have some chinese medicine right so it's not just pills but we also have things like this and you're thinking keith what on earth do i do with these i don't know go and ask my wife what do you do do you eat them do you boil them i'm not sure i tend to stay away from chinese medicine but some of it is very good but i don't i don't know it doesn't always work i think it's psychological i think because i don't fully believe in it then it doesn't always work on me but that said i have you know in my married life taken a lot of chinese medicine good so medicine why am i talking about that because whoops hello the cure what's the cure they're a band from the 1980s yes they are there they are but the cure is how you get rid of your problem right so medicine is the answer one of the answers excuse me medicine is the noun the medication is another word they are the same right so this is medicine or medication medication is slightly more formal most people say medicine when they're speaking but medicine has a second meaning medicine can be the field of study right i study medicine at university but medication is only the thing that you take right so there's a slight difference uh where do we buy it we buy medicine in a chemist that's very british i think i'll put that as gb very british a pharmacy possibly in g but i think that's more u.s and a drugstore as well drugs is an interesting word because at least in england we don't use this word much we talk more about medicine i need some medicine um in england when we talk about drugs it has a negative connotation people immediately think of bad drugs uh and taking too many drugs heroin morphine um crack or ecstasy all of these bad drugs that often younger people would take cocaine right so when we say drug it often has a negative connotation in england um i i am not 100 sure in the u.s i think it's used more widely in the u.s and probably more neutrally so in england we say medicine we buy it as a chemist but you can talk about a pharmacy talk about a drugstore and the kinds of medicine well we've talked about pills right so these are pills four pills syrups i've got a syrup over here a syrup if i show this if you've got children in the house you'll have lots of syrups um you know this is like it's like a it's a it's like a liquid often you have a cough syrup if you have a cough remember cough you can have a syrup which can sort you out you can have antibiotics especially if you have an infection to tackle infections to tackle i mean to err to kill to tackle infections what was keith just doing a tiger impression um or vaccines right we also have vaccines which are those to to tackle viruses to tackle or to treat let's say to treat give you some more language to treat viruses to tackle or to treat similar meaning talking about vaccines vaccines give us give us immunity or they build our immunity which is our immune system right you have a strong or a weak immune system um that's how you protect yourself immune the stress is on the immune system immunity again stress is on that same here immunity that's the noun immune is the adjective right to destroy to describe the system immune system okay um and finally i'll just finish up with a bit more language the doctor prescribes some medicine so prescribe that's what the doctor does you know when you go into the um the doctors and they write down well the doctor does a diagnosis they look at your symptoms they do a diagnosis they then prescribe or write down prescribe some medicine that you then go and buy at the chemist or the pharmacy um so we can say more language for you the doctor diag knows me the doctor let's begin the doctor looked at my symptoms so the symptoms not the simpsons the symptoms are the visible problems so uh sweating uh a fever might be a symptom of a symptom of coronavirus losing your taste is a symptom of coronavirus so the doctor looked at my symptoms diagnosed me or diagnosed the problem and then prescribed some medicine so you've got some interesting words there very medical medicine medical words medicine medical um and you can say the doctor she put me on a course of antibiotics he or she obviously she put me on a course of antibiotics so we often talk about a course of antibiotics and in english we say to take medicine which is confusing for my wife because she always says eat medicine and i say we don't eat medicine it's not like food but you see for because my wife's chinese for her a lot of the medicine she thinks of as food it is like a kind of food they are very similar in some ways um but in english we don't say eat medicine um that sounds like you're going to the mcdonald's fast food and i'm going to order a medicine can i like a hamburger medicine please no we would say to take medicine interesting right we see medicine and food as being very very different things and sometimes they are sometimes they're not we're going to talk about that shortly need to take some medicine let me come back to you let me see what you're saying i've been ignoring you sorry for so long ointments there's another one yep so let's share a few other words we've got from tatiana it says ointments an ointment is like a cream that you can rub on your hand great uh capsules yes capsules are similar well they're like pills but they're not the same a capsule is like a plastic pill right that contains the the medicine injection good lenny says injection which is the syringe it's a bit like i think i've got one kind of no that's that's for the syrup not an injection anyway injection um let me show you just to make it clear to everybody here we go i've got it on google good old google these are injections right excellent injection you can have an injection we'll all be having injections soon mobina again you've got some good questions movie you know very good questions well done any difference between cure and remedy they mean the same essentially they both a cure or a remedy a cure is slightly more um technical like medical language so the doctors will talk about a cure for cancer when they're doing research to find a cure for diabetes a remedy is a bit more colloquial spoken english you know um if you've got a headache i've got a good remedy you can have a paracetamol or you can drink some some tomato with a raw egg and a bit of vodka it's really good for a headache that's a nice remedy so it's more kind of spoken english i think but you can use both in ielts for sure yeah remedy or a cure good question uh great i buy ingrid says i buy my medicine in a pharmacy yep in spain we have uh pharmacies we call them pharamathias it's easier to remember pharmacy um yeah this is a good point this year a drug is a narcotic is narcotic or a narcotic yep good point we talk about drug abuse exactly that's where you use drugs too much and maybe for the wrong thing so even painkillers right i keep showing you this but this is even this one ibuprofen you can a lot of people are addicted to it and it is drug abuse right they take them every day you become very addictive and that's the problem i think sometimes with some drugs i'm by no means an expert is that you can become addicted to them yeah brilliant what else have we got all of those good uh is medicine a countable noun it's uncountable right i need to take some medicine i have a lot of medicine which medicine are you taking this is a good medicine i think we use both we use both uncountable to talk about medicine in general and countable a good medicine and this is a reliable medicine so when it's the kind of the meaning of medication then medicine can be countable but it's also uncountable right good eye drops yes ashraf dr keith i'm not a doctor please prescribe some medicine for acne great yeah acne it can be a real problem right sometimes laxie says i took some home remedies to get rid of stomach pain yeah home remedies very common yeah painkillers are addictive so shakun painkillers can be addictive samanda can we use idioms oh my god yes of course you can yes for sure i mean don't use too many um but idiomatic expressions absolutely and later we're gonna use we're not gonna use you're gonna use i'm gonna show you or we're gonna brainstorm some idioms for this topic together yes great great herbal medicine that's the other one alternative medicine as emmy says so alternative medicines yes um i'm going to talk about alternative medicines in a moment but first before we do that this keep hydrated as my students keep telling me which is so so true right i've got a bit of a a quiz for you um right i'm going to have a look at covid first of all we're going to discuss covid a little bit um i'm going to show you some pictures about covid and i want you to try and identify some words connected with the picture so what is the picture so if you see a face mask for example i want you to write in the comments the word and a short sentence right so if i show you a face mask then just write down face mask like this then just make a very short sentence like i hate wearing a face mask which is true i do i hate it but we have to right so i'm going to show you some pictures um there are six six six pictures um connected with kovid write down the things that you see right are you ready let me move us to the pictures space here they are right here they are go ahead i'll give you a minute right i'm looking at what you're writing as we go we've got face masks social distancing nice vaccine some people have said what else have we got one meter vaccination injection social distancing he's getting an injection says hao chung as zaider says keep social distancing bib says face mask no mask no service bubble good point learn with rakib bubble medicine we've got from judy i don't like to eat pills says herein right let me share some of these as there are these are coming up where am i where are you okay let's share a few of these um we've got ahmed can i show you here i can't show you i'll have to wait a minute okay let me take that off and let me share some of the things that you've said if i can it's not letting me it's not letting me why not okay so linear says log down i think that was the second picture nice achmed so social distance right we've got social distance and social distancing so the the kind of the noun is social distancing is important um but we say you need to keep a social distance yeah uh josie says face mask great uh i satu i will talk about um traditional medicine very soon soon soon social distancing that's it that's would be the the correct one um we've got pandemic is a nice word um what else have we got diana says what do you say nowadays we cannot go anywhere without wearing face masks good saurabh great love your avatar lockdown has worsened the economy of the country very good very good heap isolation um we've got what else have we got we've got madden says vaccine your dog is still celebrating christmas i notice um tanima says my glasses fog when i wear a mask yeah my glasses also get fog get yeah they fog what do we say my glasses get fogged up get misted up it's funny because i never say that in english i keep saying it in spanish to everybody my glasses fog i think that's right we can say my glasses fog or my glasses get foggy or misty kind of yes um what else have we got locked down move venus says we stayed at home during lockdown rice good rice says we should maintain distance to avoid infection very good excellent um we can talk about as kovinder says keep distance keep a distance yeah normally we would say keep ah keep a distance right keep a distance keep a good distance what else have we got has anybody else got the others pills tyron talks about pills we need to take vitamins to boost our immunity excellent very nice good we've got sanitizer which is kind of the liquid normally to disinfect you yeah excuse me for this question no problem at all this question how many types of the virus in the recent times oh i think there are hundreds right i mean there's one there's a handful of the famous ones like covid but even kovid has different strains and different variants um but then other viruses and likewise when we had bird flu there were lots of different strains or variants i think i think hundreds i mean let's ask the doctors but i'm not sure but i think a lot good question quarantine yeah it goes on brilliant excellent thank you sarah excellent let me then share with you then i'll just share you the key points that i put down see if you've got the same i got face mask lockdown vaccine medicine or pills these are capsules actually those are capsules um social distancing and immunity brilliant nice good so let me just jot down a couple of um things that you've said there that i think are interesting um oh let me share with you of course it can boost immunity was a nice expression well what's it come on um this medicine can boost your immunity yeah we need to keep um we need to keep two meters distant distance between people social distancing so distancing this is the noun we would normally say social distancing is really important great um let's change that to vaccine because vaccine was the other word right this vaccine can boost your immunity or your immune system social distancing um face mask we had what else did we have pills i don't like taking pills excuse me especially capsules it feels like i'm eating plastic when i take those capsules right okay good so a few different phrases there related to covid whoops whoops brilliant um let me come back let me come back here we are talking oh we have been talking a bit about covid um i'm gonna carry on talking about covid i'm gonna add a few more sentences and then um ask you some questions so let me just come in back here lockdown right we talked about lockdown when you're not allowed to leave we can also say confinement confinement notice the con becomes can because we stress the fine so can fine meant confinement quarantine quarantine another strange word very similar lock down and quarantine quarantine again is a more technical word and that is typically when somebody is infected and they need to be isolated lock down is more about staying at home and where you choose to stay at home or you choose to be in confinement quarantine is really when somebody else the government or the hospital puts you in a special place self-isolation is when you choose to be isolated from others there's something called herd immunity now if you've listened to the news about or documentaries about covid you may have heard about herd immunity the idea of herd immunity is that the herd is the population we talk about a herd of cows or a herd of um a herd of sheep yes a herd of sheep a herd of cows a herd of cattle a group so we're taking that word normally for animals using it for people so when we talk about the population being immune then we have heard immunity so the idea was originally when we were faced with covid um some governments including the british government said let's just let everybody get infected because the more people that are infected um they will develop immunity well they'll either die or they'll become immune great and therefore the population will quickly become completely immune i never understood that and i still don't really understand it maybe somebody can explain it to me but it sounds crazy the idea of herd immunity but i remember that was discussed quite a lot in at least in britain the idea of the population being immune social distancing we've talked about face mask and the pandemic oh yeah guys let me share this website with you i i just found this website um the other day and i think it's amazing it's esol courses and i think it's run by the british council i think but i'm not sure i should be careful i need to check that but this is really interesting right and let me just share with you this this page about vocabulary for this topic and i'll you'll see why i like it i think it's great so here vocabulary to talk about coronavirus i like it because it gives you um keywords right and phrases and you've got the word you've got the definition so coronavirus a type of virus that can cause respiratory infections but then you've got the pronunciation coronavirus great you've then got i mean just have a look um infection infection a disease caused by a virus or bacteria bacteria symptoms symptoms changes to bodily functions underlying condition we talked about conditions earlier right health condition underlying condition life-threatening life-threatening cough cough we talked about contagious contagious so to get all the pronunciation look at this everything pandemic pandemic lockdown curfew wow i mean look at that that is just absolutely it goes on and on absolutely amazing i think that is a real find i will put the link in the in the notes later but you can see the actual website is this one is e s o l courses dot com and i think it's well worth exploring i mean i mean you can just as i said you can just look listen and repeat right look listen to the word and repeat it really helpful to help you build up some vocabulary yeah it's great if you go to the website you can see here keep changing esl courses i think they have it's the home of free english lessons online yeah i think it's british council lots of free stuff grammar vocabulary songs writing reading so it's not about exams but for your english go and check it out i've been there a few times it's great lovely good um bum bum yeah great hello sir how are you alan i'm very good thank you sars and he talks about sars yeah spain virus yeah do you remember the spain virus that was about 100 years ago i think wasn't it good excellent my cough so i'm going to look at some questions um a question for you guys right here's my first question for you let me move from covid to this question how has kovid changed the way you live have a think maybe write down maybe a couple of sentences how has covid changed the way you live yep i'm gonna give you a few seconds because i need to get some more water bear with me um i'm back i'm back right how has kovid changed the way you live let me see let me jump in and find some comments that we've got from people huang i have to suspend my study in my university and start learning online my intended part-time job must be cancelled generally it's catastrophic whoa beautiful very very good answer i like it brilliant um so neither says development online business yes development so development of online businesses and shopping yeah development of online businesses and shopping nice great uh zamir says we start taking precautions when we come home washing hannity washing hands and sanitizing ourselves very good very good yeah just be careful it's a very very simple things that cause mistakes not coming to home but come home go home come home yeah without the two it's often the simple things right which are difficult jihan says changing our whole routine like less physical activities browsing social media more nice browsing social media like it less productive and we become more depressed with the long days we spend at home we spent at home in the past yeah jihan very very well good english but yes very difficult times right for all of us yes mustafa says well it's hard to say that but kovid had really ruined our lives yeah in many many ways i agree mustafite it's changed a lot of things especially separation of family older people grandparents that's been really difficult right black gold says i don't visit places of fun like i used to covid has greatly affected my job very nice very nice i'm just going to add a d for you there use 2. although you don't pronounce the d we write it right i used to covid has greatly affected my job yes i wonder for in a good way or a bad way probably bad because most people a lot of people have lost their job right with covid um ashok says kovid ashok where are you covid teaches us to live isolated from others and spend life in very basic conditions yeah yep nice good sachin says oh asmin sorry says studying at home studying at home sachin says well to be honest i like it well to be honest kovid has tremendously changes changed right the way of living like health condition behaviors yeah good tremendously changed i'm going to correct that for you sachin has tremendously changed nice good very very good thank you yeah villa says we miss our relatives absolutely justinia i spend more time at home yeah absolutely those are all big big effects on us right okay another question for you another question [Music] um yes okay we've talked we've talked about covid quite a bit actually right let me bring on to another question and actually i'll change from covid right to the next topic which i mentioned earlier which is alternative medicine let's talk a bit about alternative medicine right um and what do we mean by alternative medicine there are different ways of looking at it i mean some of the things that we commonly think of as alternative medicines are herbal medicine so kind of using plants to cure or provide remedies acupuncture which is where we use using some special needles to touch the pressure points in the body and i don't know a a great deal about it i've had acupuncture and i i think it's touching pressure points where the chi or the energy flows through your body and it's blocked and the acupuncture releases it um ayurveda now i should know more about this um i don't know much about this i i think it's very popular in india and i know a lot of you are based in england india possibly also in bangladesh and pakistan this kind of natural remedies maybe you can help me out guys tell me more about ayurveda what what is it exactly tell me more hold me up as i'll go on homeopathy so homeopathy um is basically you give you dilute i think right i'm by no means an extra expert you dilute the bacteria in water and you take it so you build up your immune system um something about the water having a memory and it kind of absorbs the the bacteria and then it's almost like a vaccine and you take the pill and it makes you immune i think let's double check right and guys you can tell me as well if that's accurate if you know about homeopathy the body cures itself right remedies for allergies hmm developed in germany 200 years ago lets the body cure or heal itself all right so it uses tiny amounts using tiny amounts of natural medicines okay natural medicine what is that what do we mean by natural medicine come on i'm trying to find out as i go because it's a good job i'm not a medical teacher right like plants and minerals medicine eeg plants and minerals minerals okay chiropractic medicine is another one um and i've actually had this as well um it's to do i i think it's to do i know what it is it's whether you it's not a massage but where the the cairo practitioner will manipulate your body the bones and the muscles to make them align and that's as much as i know aligning bones muscles through manipulation right so again this is not a medical class i'm not sure if this is a hundred percent accurate but as a language class it's giving you enough to talk about it right let's check in anybody can give any advice india is the homeland of aruvada yes tell me what it is medicine from plants says susan okay here we go let's have a look at tariq tarik says a natural system of medicine originated in india more than 3 000 years ago the term ayurveda is derived from the sanskrit words life science and knowledge brilliant brilliant ashraf says it's popular in south india it's home based medicine okay yeah right okay we've got others moving on so what am i gonna is it plant-based plant-based i don't know i'm going to call it an ancient home-based medicine and i'll keep my eyes open if you guys can help me um here we go ricardo says chinese medicine is another one can be complementary to the traditional one let's add chinese medicine because that is not only acupuncture it's the the use of plants and natural herbs right using plants and herbs to cure ourselves um my experience of chinese medicine is either to have those funny things i showed you earlier those funny balls right remember so these i mean these are essentially plants and herbs but they're put into a pill but you can also get the original plants gosh i remember in china right this was years ago but we went to the the local chinese medicine shop and uh they have this big big cupboard and lots of little drawers and they pull out the herbs and the plants they mix them together they weigh them they put them in a bag say right go home boil that in water and then drink it um three times a day and it's oh it's like oh it's it's disgusting i mean to be honest the smell and the taste it's so um bitter and such a strong pungent taste um oh it's horrible i mean i'm sure it's really good for you but you know i wouldn't order it in a coffee bar my experience of chinese medicine great so we've got different alternative medicines so my question to you is what is your opinion about alternative medicines what is your opinion you what's your opinion about alternatives what's your opinion about alternative medicines let's have a look what you say let's share some of what you've said up here clara says more and more people are patronizing alternative medicine nice i like that patronizing right visiting or using although most of its curative effects are due to psychological well interesting maybe maybe yes bimbo can we say folk remedy yes a folk remedy um yes see how do i pronounce that sisia where are you from cicia alternative medicines and homeopathy are really popular in my country and i think sometimes it works like a placebo so exactly what clara was saying right it's psychological if you believe it works it works i kind of agree because i know that when i don't believe it works it doesn't work for me and there's lots of experiments about placebos right which is a medicine that has nothing in it and you take it and the doctor says this will cure you and there's nothing in it it's just sugar and it cures you because you believe it cures you a lot of people think that's how homeopathy works hmm okay great what else have we got yeah deeksha these are my mother usually gives me hot water steam when i suffered from a cold yeah hot water steam does work suffered from not cold because cold just means you are cold but ah cold right ah cold is the the thingy um right zamir gives some a bit of clarification ayurveda is a traditional indian system of medicine it aims to preserve health and wellness by keeping the mind body and spirit imbalance and preventing disease rather than treating it that's very nice thank you very much for that samia you know some people say also things like yoga is a kind of alternative medicine because again it treats the body the spirit and the mind this holistic approach rather than a piecemeal approach they look at the whole body and how it interacts and i think that's how chinese medicine works as well and it's very much about prevention yeah rather than treating afterwards interesting says that scientists learn by observing animals behavior in the wild while the later looking for herbs that help cure their symptoms nice very nice language very nice good hina gives a bit more detail that aravida is a study that deals with the air acid and cough balance in the body interesting right right good and basically so it is herbal medicine so she es says it's a branch of medicine in which we treat people with herbal medicine okay good that's good to know i didn't know that what else have we got anything else to add if not i will move on isil says herbal medicine has less side effects that's a really good word right the side effects of medicine of course medicine the main effect is to cure you but very often there are side effects that are negative effects right and herbal medicine clearly yes because it's natural has less side effects yeah totally agree brilliant thank you for all of those um let's move on from alternative medicine what's next the violin indeed idioms right idioms um i wonder if anybody knew or knows why i've got a picture of a violin in my idioms well let me see you're going to find out in a moment why why why why why why why why why why why why because and if we turn to the idioms you'll find out i'm going to share some idioms please do put some in the uh in the comments and uh you can add to the list i've got here right so idioms let's feel let's feel let's start with when you feel bad right feeling ill you can say i feel under the weather what why do we have under the weather what does that mean of course i'm under the weather everybody is under the weather but idiomatically under the weather means i feel ill i don't feel good i feel maybe cold i have a cold i feel sick maybe i have an upset tummy upset stomach or i have a headache any of those so something that's not not too serious but you don't feel good right i feel under the weather or keep it really simple i feel off how simple is that right i feel off it just means i don't feel well i don't feel well yeah great so easy to remember i feel off i don't feel well notice in english we don't say i feel not well no i don't feel well of course you feel but we say i don't feel well great so i feel under the weather it's the same the doctor so if you you go to the doctor and then you want to recover right let's call this recovering re carb help let's call this recovering the doctor gave me a clean bill of health that means the doctor said you are fit and healthy right you're fit and healthy um the doctor gave me a clean bill of health a bill is like a policy statement um for the government right a bill in the government but here it just means idiomatically that they said you are healthy right great um i'm gonna add one thank you min you've got a nice one here that you've talked about to feel of color let me add that one as well that's a good one mint to feel off color i feel a bit off color um the same meaning because if you've got a good color then you're probably very healthy otherwise yeah a clean bill of health yes okay um the doctor gave me a clean bill of health i feel as fit as a fiddle and that is the expression because the fiddle is the violin right do you remember um i showed you up here i forget where i am now i'm here the violin a violin we call a fiddle also um so as fit as a fiddle is as fit as a violin why i don't know i mean a violin's fit and healthy maybe but we say to be as fit as a fiddle to be very very healthy right to be healthy i must fit as a fiddle i feel fighting fit is the same thing yeah it it can be about the being in shape physically but it's a little bit more about health right i feel fighting fit i'm so fit i'm ready to fight the world and face the world i'm feeling fighting fit nice expression or you can say with recovering i'm on the mend okay to be on the mend to mend literally is to fix or repair to be on the mend notice on the mend means you know you're repairing your body like but here we we don't say i repair my body we say i feel i i am i am on the mend to be on the mend or to be back on my feet of course because if you're sick traditionally when you were sick you would be in bed right asleep and when you get back on your feet you stand up then you're healthy again so idiomatically we just say yeah i'm back on my feet right even though i'm sitting down i can say yeah i'm back on my feet meaning i'm healthy right back on my feet notice the pronunciation right back on we put as one sound back on my feet i'm back on my feet can you say that back on my feet i'm back on my feet i'm on the mend mon i'm on the mend i'm on the mend yeah exactly nice good um and one more i've got is he is the picture of health the picture of health to be the picture of health just means you look very healthy he looks very healthy it's not just being healthy but they look like a picture perfect right they look here's the picture of health and do notice it's the it's not a it's the it must be the uh my sister is the picture of health right great yeah good right good point yes back on my feet is also earning money that's right um drove back on my feet can be when your business has gone bad or you've lost your job and then you get your job back you get your money back you're back on your feet very very good point yes um similarly to be up and about to be back on my feet yeah i'm up and about similar idea that you're healthy and working again yes javita has got a couple of things these are collocations maybe oh no a bitter pill to swallow yes a bitter bill to swallow is about pills and we would say that is it's something difficult for you to accept right it's difficult to accept um i don't know so if somebody says to me listen keith you know you've been learning chinese for 10 years but actually your chinese is not very good well that's a bitter pill to swallow right that's difficult to accept you you don't want to accept it right under the knife yeah is having surgery the one i like most there is a splitting headache it's a collocation i have a splitting headache i like that splitting is to split in two it's like your head is breaking up is splitting up i have a splitting headache is nice thank you jovita for those nice so they are also idiomatic indeed splitting headache yeah as pale as a ghost yeah that's right kk you're right as pale as a ghost we don't use that so much um but no yes you can you look as pale as a ghost meaning you don't look well right as pale as a ghost whoops that's pale as a ghost fantastic great listen there's lots more coming in i will go and have a look at some of them that you're you're mentioning um but i'm gonna move us on right from these idioms i'm gonna move us on to our next activity and what's our next activity moving on from that we're gonna do this bear with me [Music] oh come back what did i do how did that happen start again [Music] so [Music] sample answers or model answers so i'm going to maybe have a look at one or two here i'd like you to ask me a question about medicine maybe covid or health medicine i'll pick out one or two we'll do a model answer it's gonna look like this sample answers okay let's have a look oh don't ask me um i'm not a doctor right okay right i'm gonna jump in with the first one which is a nice question from the hasn't it do you think health is important and why that could be a part one question or a part three question possibly okay thank you very much now i'll take that off okay do you think health is important absolutely to be honest i think health is probably one of the most important things in our life i mean sure things like family friends and money and wealth and job security are all pretty important but if you don't have your health then you can't make the most of any of those other things so i think it's essential that we look after our health and that we try to stay fighting fit um you know and that if ever we do feel under the weather then tonight to take some kind of uh medicine to try and sort yourself out so that you will be um as fit as a fiddle and then enjoy life a lot more good that was more of a part three i think that's a bit of a longer answer but i was throwing in lots of expressions idiomatic expressions there maybe a little bit too many but just for practice right so great question thank you more questions yeah do you have faith on covid vaccines oh that's a really good question i don't think you would get that in ielts though oh you're all asking the same question i personally i am gonna take the vaccine um i'm not sure do i have faith in vaccines i think it's hard to say right i mean you we've we're between a rock and a hard place it's like we have no choice if we don't take the vaccine we either carry on living in confinement for a long time and risk getting covered covered and then risk death or risk long covered which can have a long-term adverse effect on you or we trust in the scientists and take the vaccine me personally i'm gonna trust i'm gonna take the vaccine i don't think you'll be asked that in ielts though let's see another question um okay this one might come up yep from z k h n your whole name is a acronym interesting i wonder what it stands for let's do this one so this is a very possible question i i do think let me just change this out so thank you very much zkhn uh this one did you used have you used i would say to have you used alternative medicine very possible question let's say that's a part three question right um hmm hang on a minute okay that's an interesting question um the short answer is yes i have i'm a real advocate of using a holistic approach to to staying healthy preventing disease as well as treating disease so of course if you fall sick i do sometimes take medicine whether it's pills or antibiotics but i have also used different kinds of alternative medicine i've been treated by a cairo practitioner who did manipulation of my bones to help me when i had back problems i've also had acupuncture um and that was interesting because it's quite strange having needles put into your body on different pressure points and then waiting for the the impact and of course you don't feel a direct impact i think with as with a lot of alternative medicines it takes a long time for the body to regain balance and so you don't have an immediate impact but long term yes it can help so yes i i for me it's not a choice of one or the other i use a lot of different kinds of medicine yeah good great great question different kinds of medicine yeah really interesting now then what are we going to move on to we we're coming towards the end we're going to finish then right we've done sample answers i'm going to do just those two today i think that's great thank you for those but let's move on and finish with our last activity which is called kahoot a lot of you know this some of you may not kahoot is a game that we play online four questions it's multiple choice a b c or d and we're going to review some of the language and vocabulary we have seen today so let's see which of you have been awake who has been snoozing or asleep so just let me find this what you will need to do is in a moment go to the website and in a moment if you start getting that ready you can also download the app if you if you've got a mobile phone you can do this on your mobile phone um and we'll start together so what you do is go to and put in just a moment um put in your you need to choose a name and a and the game pin so what's the game pin this is the game pin hang on okay so you go to the game pin today for today's game is 911.5976 so that's nine one one five nine seven six so go to kahoot that's k a h o o t dot i t choose a a name it's a nickname you can choose and you put in the game pin nine one one five nine seven six that's 911 5976 and you can join in the game it gives us about we'll play it quite quickly it takes about five minutes to get through so i'll just let a few more of you join don't worry if you can't get in you can give your answers in the comments box as well that's absolutely fine right selena's in rock star wolf is in leo my pleasure thank you for your comment clara is a dazzled sphinx [Music] how strange is that zamiya says keith tomorrow is my ielts speaking test and your videos are helping me a lot i truly appreciate you wow thank you very much samia and best of luck listen break a leg tomorrow and i mean when i say break a leg i mean good luck tomorrow i hope it goes well [Music] cheyenne how can i learn english without patience it's very difficult you need to learn patience okay guys let's get in let's start i've got lots of you in already medicine this is it which of these is an injury which of these is an injury and you may remember we said an injury is outside your body not inside the body a nice easy one to start yeah good answers there ranny good well done 114 of you got a sprained ankle which is like a twisted ankle that is an injury and the others are illnesses brilliant well done let's check out who is the quickest to get the right answer it was wonder llama wonder llama smartbobcat and herodia are in second and third question number two the doctor blank me some medicine the doctor blank me some medicine what's the correct word here [Music] thanks for your comment man saw that's great well done sat in there that's good farrox be careful black gold flecks well done the answer was the first one most yeah 136 of you got that right prescribe some medicine the doctor will prescribe some medicine right not wrote you can say they wrote a prescription right but to prescribe the medicine brilliant well done next leaderboard wonder llama is still at the top but we've got a small bobcat has moved into second and super lima is the highest climber great question number three he feels a little blank the weather meaning sick he feels a little blank the weather come on this is so easy keith he feels a little blank the weather well done fever and ariane nice hina good and navi well done yeah that's the easiest one of all 145 of you got he feels a little under the weather excellent meaning feeling a little sick nice one guys well done well wonder yama or llama is still at the top in fact nothing much has changed except the panda is climbing up it's the last question number four after taking the medicine i am on the blank meaning feeling better after taking the medicine i am on the blank taking the medicine i'm on the on the what let's see if you were paying attention be careful some of you this was a difficult one i noticed quite a lot of people said recover no i am on the mend to feel better you can say i am recovering right as a verb but you cannot say on the recover no no no no i am on the mend that's the idiomatic expression right i'm feeling better i'm on the mend it's the moment of truth it's the medicine podium joyful panther smart bobcat i've got a feeling just a feeling yes it's the wonder llama well done well done fantastic very very nice well done wonder llama good i'll try and drain out move out the music that was kahoot let me bring me back in over here well done great so guys today we've done a lot today right we've looked at different bits of vocabulary what else have we done we've done all sorts of stuff let me just show you what we've done today we've done whoa all these bubbles we've had lots of bubbles we've talked about medicine pills capsules syrups we've talked about the vocabulary for that and collocations we've talked quite a bit about covid right and the different vocabulary and that website essel courses esol courses go and check it out to get all the vocabulary about covid and we've discussed um the vaccines we have look looked at alternative medicines as well homeopathy we've talked about chiropractic medicines acupuncture right we've looked at some idioms i hope you feel as fit as a fiddle nowadays and we've finished up with a a couple of sample answers and also we've had a look at the kahoot as well that's it great i think it's interesting right um the question somebody asked earlier about i'm i'm not patient how can i learn english if i'm not patient well there is no magic pill right you you do have to be patient take time learn patience right as well as learning english learn patience i think um for me as well learning english i like the holistic approach you know like we talked about medicines can be a holistic approach to the body learning a language i think you need a holistic approach so not just focusing on bits of vocabulary but also looking at the context of the vocabulary where does it appear looking at the grammar looking at the pronunciation looking at your your reading and your writing holistically so you can use listening to help your speaking you can read to help your vocabulary this very holistic approach i think is really good and that's why i'm a big fan also of online courses because online courses instead of picking out bits and pieces from instagram and facebook and your book and and all over you get everything in one place right it's a holistic approach you have everything you need in one place so i like online courses and if you didn't know i also have an online course surprise surprise ielts speaking get a band 7 plus and this i think is a really good approach to give you everything in one place to look at part one part two part three it does look at a little bit of grammar looks at vocabulary lots of listening practice a lot of work on pronunciation and also model answers to help you prepare for the ielts test so just to let you know about that um you can find out more by going to my website which is this one it's the keith speaking academy dot on the website you will see lots of buttons to find out about my online course um so go and check that out also in about three or four hours um i will upload today's notes so if you've seen over here write the uh the notes that we've got no stop stop stop stop [Laughter] technology has gone mad the notes from today right the notes from today i will put onto the website um and you can i'll show you i'll show you very briefly bear with me if this were uh it's not going to work now we're not going to work are you no oh dear oh no here we are here we are it's the key speaking academy so if you want to find out about the course you can press these buttons up here my online courses or press the study with me but if you go to the free live lessons which is what you've been having today here this is the place to go to download all of the lesson notes so the last class was about advice you can download it here or you can just click and read the lesson here and you've got all of those from the previous lessons here so go to the website the free live lessons and you will be able to download today's notes not now but in about three or four hours but go and have a look at the website there's lots of interesting stuff that can really help you for your ielts speaking i think excellent good guys that's it stay fit and healthy i want you fit as a fiddle fighting fit for your ielts test for those of you taking it in the next few days fingers crossed best of luck break a leg not physically idiomatically break a leg means good luck um and i look forward to hearing from you in the meantime take care my friends and stay safe cheerio now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 61,222
Rating: 4.9379578 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice online, free ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking medicine, health ielts speaking, health ielts vocabulary, health ielts questions, health ielts speaking questions, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking test samples band 9
Id: XdevoRoD8so
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 58sec (6298 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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