IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of HEALTH

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[Music] hello hi good morning this is keith from the keith speaking academy today we're going to be looking at the exciting topic i say exciting the interesting topic of health we'll be looking at food exercise keeping healthy medicine a wide range of topics all the language vocabulary and idioms you need to speak confidently about this very interesting topic for the moment now let's begin with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello good morning it is wonderful to see you thank you very much for joining me i hope you are in good health because that is what we're talking about today good health and how we stay healthy i'll be interested to find out what you do to stay healthy um before we begin just a very quick shout out um a big thank you to samantha who sent me a message the other day about her study um samantha said hi keith it may be long overdue although i've already sent a message on facebook i would like you to know that i got a 7.5 on my speaking thank you so much for your course keep safe hugs sam g that was wonderful sam thank you very much and to all of you who send me messages about your study about your problems and your successes all of that is fantastic because it's all part of the beautiful cycle of learning and studying i'm preparing for ielts great thank you very much um so some of you if you are new by the way my name is keith right i have the youtube channel but also i run a website called keith speaking academy where you can find out more about my work that i do there if you want to check it out you can go and have a look um basically on the website there's information about the ielts test about the topics different parts of the test tips and ideas to help you information about my courses there's a blog of resources resources here there's vocabulary guides pronunciation guides study plans and i guess one of the big areas is the free live lessons which i do on thursdays and you can download the pdfs from the past live lessons over here on the website so that's all there just to let you know right good nice also some of you may be watching on facebook i do have a facebook page keith speaking academy and if you want to join the group we've got keith's mastermind community come and join other like-minded students um studying for ielts we're sharing ideas tips um language and motivation if you can share motivation can you not really we motivate each other let me say um excellent remember if you are on youtube do remember to subscribe and turn on the notifications that way you can find out about upcoming videos and a final note um if you want to study more with me i do have an online course it's called ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus you can find the link on the website i just showed you um also moderators here will be able to share the links with you to the course ielts speaking success lovely now um a very quick look at hellos let's see how you're doing who's in the house akila babu hello abina elizabeth hi safa nadja i'm very well thank you tashnim has lots of surprise faces jordan nice to see you wahab good to see you here as well tyranna kumari great edsell nice to see you hong kong lovely good to see you here aruki as well with your manga avatar very very nice um lovely so what was i going to say yes i was going to say um a couple of things the live lessons in the coming months i'm going to be doing um two live lessons a month normally i do four i do each week in the coming months because of a lot of work commitments and family commitments i've made a choice and i've decided to do two live lessons a month but also two recorded lessons a month so you still get me each week i'll have a live lesson one week recording lesson the next week live lesson one week recorded lesson for next week so you still get something of me every week as well as the youtube shorts right those one-minute lessons every tuesday if you haven't checked that out go and check it out it's the um english speaking success shorts it's a different channel but it's connected to my channel it's me and it's learning english in one minute really short um little um samples to help you with your english learning so that's it the other thing to let you know i'm very excited about i talked about work commitments is i am creating a new course and this course is going to be an interactive course it's probably going to be called ielts speaking interactive it's for ielts students who want to study and prepare for ielts but in a much more interactive way having access to me week by week to help them study that's going to be running in november and december i will tell you more very very shortly um let me tell you about today what we're going to do today because we've talked i said we're going to talk about health so in today's class health is the topic okay and vocabulary we're going to look at some essential useful vocabulary to talk about this topic it's a very wide topic right but we will touch on different aspects we'll talk a bit about health and fitness i will not be doing sit-ups like this although i do practice we'll be talking about health and disease a little bit of course um we will look at some idioms i mean idioms like this one i feel a bit out of sorts today wow what does that mean i feel a bit out of sorts interesting right an interesting idiom but we'll be looking at that today some idioms and today yes kahoot is back we will be finishing with a review and another game of kahoot to have an enjoyable end to the lesson today so all of that is coming along today on the topic of health great let me see what people are saying just to just to tune in with you all um nanjida says so excited about the upcoming course looking forward to it me too me too um baslam talks about the flashy short videos i don't know if they're flashy they're quick they're very short i mean they're a minute great we've also got and i cannot pronounce your name i'm so sorry i can't read arabic script i'm lucky to find your channel i learned a lot great nice good um anybody else greetings from norway i don't think we have a lot of people from norway so it's really nice to see you here thank you right the best course in the world lovely layla thank you so much for teaching us thank you very much for joining us later that's very very nice and i appreciate the comments from everybody so listen let's kick off right we've talked about well we're going to talk about health so i'm going to well first of all health is a very wide topic right and it overlaps right overlaps with many other common topics in ielts speaking including are not limited to keeping fit physical exercise sport mental health all of these sub topics may come up in ielts disease and sickness medicine health care right you can see especially the kind of the the part three kind of topics when in part three you go deeper into the subject things like mental health may come up um health care may come up systems of healthcare these are more your part three topics food probably part one but nutrition again could be a part three topic sleep is so important for your help for your help for your health i do remember sleep was a topic apart one topic quite a while back i don't think it is now but it used to be so all of these are common topics in english but also in ielts and i'm not going to cover all of these today because we've already covered a lot of these in other live lessons right and if you can't remember let me refresh your memory we've done live lessons on keeping fit we've done a live lesson on the coronavirus when it started out last year we've done lessons about work life balance we've had a live lesson about sport and spot the dog also food and cooking and we talked about nutrition as well in that live lesson and we had a live lesson about medicine not long ago so you can see there are lots of live lessons um for you to go and have a look at and if you're not sure right if you go to the website and go not to the website go to the youtube channel english speaking success if you go to the home page i'm on the computer here but if you go to the home page there are playlists right and you can see if you go down the playlist about ielts speaking topics live lessons now you've got some of them here and you can move across but what a lot of people don't know is if you actually click on the title live lessons if you click there it actually takes you to the full list so you can look for the topics you want to study maybe you want to go back and look at keeping fit there you go there's one about keeping fit or other ones related to there's medicine you see they're all here all the topics we've done believe me there are lots of them so you can access all of those on the youtube channel lovely i'm drinking my tea while it's still warm otherwise it is gonna go cold so um i was saying moving on from that so yes all of these different topics let's kick in let's kick in with vocabulary right ah our friend from norway says i need english to study in norway good so health let's begin health obviously is the noun it's a tricky word right can you say with me health and get try you don't have to but try instead of health get the health the third actually you just relax your mouth don't be tense no don't bite your tongue ah no just let your tongue kind of come between your teeth and very relaxed health health healthy healthy food healthily healthily i eat healthfully yep that's the adverb the way we do things okay very simple words to start now of course when you meet somebody you're going to ask how are you another common question how are you doing how are you doing how uh yeah how were you interesting right how are you how are you doing english people don't say how are you doing you have to listen to the contractions right how were you doing how are you doing how are you doing can't even recognize it how you doing i'm good how are you now how are you doing possible follow-up questions of course maybe how's your health especially to close friends and family um you know when i go back to england and see my family i'll say how are you doing and how's your health especially my dad because my dad as he gets older he has more and more ailments ailments sicknesses or illness i think it happens as you get older as i notice these ailments come and go so it's always nice to ask how's your health how's your health that's a follow-up question right it doesn't mean the same as how are you no you'd say how are you good thanks yeah and how's your health how do you answer that question well you might say i'm in good health thanks i'm in good health thanks repeat with me and really focus on the pronunciation i'm in good health i'm in good health nice i'm perfectly healthy and perfectly perfectly and perfectly healthy it's perfect but the t sound kind of drops when we say perfectly rather than perfectly no perfectly i'm perfectly healthy if you're lucky or i'm or she's let's say she's she's enjoying good health to enjoy isn't that nice because of course if you have good health or you are in good health you enjoy life so we often say i'm enjoying good health thank you she's enjoying good health or if you are not so lucky i'm in poor health or he's in poor health how's your uncle well he's in poor health he's not so good but luckily i'm perfectly healthy i'm all right jack right good excellent um we've got how are you guys doing i'm in nice health prandi says i'm in nice health right i'm quite perfectly healthy yes good he's in poor health yes i'm as fit as a fiddle says david david you're almost there and it's really good that you've shared that with us because i can just share this with everybody i'm as fit as a fiddle i'm as fit as a fiddle right good niraj says i'm enjoying good rain in sydney good for you good for you nice yazara says i'm alive and kicking nice expression i'm alive and kicking which is idiomatic because of course you're alive but it just means i'm well or she looks like death warmed up which means she is not well right she is not well that's a there's a nice idiomatic expressions i'm going to add them here because i think they're nice to put in he looks like death warmed up right i'm in good health i'm alive and kicking um or the other one what we had i'm as fit as a fiddle nice some good expressions i'm fantastic great good nice for here good excellent so some nice expressions there talking about how you feel how how your health is okay if you are feeling very fit and healthy other expressions we said as fit as a fiddle there's a that's an alliteration an alliteration is where the same sound is repeated i'm as fit as a fiddle that's an alliteration another alliteration is i'm fighting fit i'm fighting fit fighting fit i'm fighting fit or i'm in top form i'm in top form actually the purr is not plosive it's top form so not top form but top form can you see the shape top form i'm in top form or i'm in great shape stress on the great i'm in great shape i'm in great shape i'm in excellent shape by stressing the the adjective here you really make it sound more natural and you get the nice intonation i'm in great shape i've never felt better i've never felt better again here's stress on that the adverb i never felt better i've never sorry i've i've never felt better meaning all of these i feel very fit and healthy nice expressions for you to practice there talking about your health okay now common collocations looking at health collocations if you don't know collocations just means words normally two or three words that go together think of them like best friends the words that we normally put together right in good health right go together um um another example for example in pretty health no pretty health no that's not a collocation pretty no good yes in good health those words are collocations others we've got mental health we talk about your health of your mind we talk about physical health the health of your body so we need to look after our mental health it's a big topic nowadays right it's one that a lot of celebrities even the royal family ambassadors for mental health and looking after our mental health i'm thinking of prince harry in particular but other celebrities around the world all the celebrities they're not celebrities but the sports people right if you look at the olympic games at least in britain there were a couple of athletes who dropped out of the olympic games and they said due to stress and their mental health wimbledon and in in tennis i think one of the athletes in tennis dropped out and they just said it's it's affecting my mental health so people are not only looking after their physical health they're looking after their mental health which we should and it's become a very common collocation and narrative something that we talk about a lot which is good healthy lifestyle so healthy right remember the adjective healthy healthy lifestyle um so you can have a healthy lifestyle or lead a healthy lifestyle nice collocation so actually the collocation here is also the verb that goes with it healthy diet to eat a healthy diet to have a healthy diet i wonder if you have a healthy diet fit and healthy is another one fit and healthy notice it's fit and right it's not fit and healthy it's fit and healthy and fit and healthy fit and healthy i'm fit and healthy how's your health keith oh i'm fit and healthy thanks for asking how's your health good pleased to hear it and if you're not in good form sorry to hear that yes so we've got collocations here good um so a question for you related to all of this i would like to know how do you stay fit and healthy to be fit and healthy or to stay fit and healthy or to keep fit and healthy how do you stay fit and healthy let me know write down a comment below and let's see and whilst you're doing that let's have a bit of this seriously you stay fit by hitting someone [Music] okay nice how do you stay fit and healthy by listening to music zawor says i try eat let me help you here's our because this is really useful for everybody having that is really good i try to i try to eat healthy products say with me i try to eat healthy products nice mean says working out like going to the gym doing exercise tongue this was interesting i stay fit by hitting someone i suppose you're a boxer or a martial arts person right i suppose i hope so i hope you don't just walk down the street go hello mr jones my neighbor poor mr jones he's never in good health because he lives next door to tung okay wake up early and go to bed you go to bed early wow do you go to the casino really early in the morning i don't think you do i think what you actually do is that you go to bed early right go to bed early i know it was a typo forgive me great uh what else do we do ella says keep moving the secret is to keep moving absolutely uh rad rajalakshmi says by taming by maintaining good health nice keeping maintaining i eat a vegetarian diet right again this is this is such a common mistake uh rajakshmi the ah ah diet i eat a vegetarian diet but very nice excellent ahanaf says to do exercise um similarly aleandro says by doing cardio cardio is exercise for your heart cardio means heart basically so maybe running or some kind of cardiovascular exercise min also working out going to the gym um any others neha says meditation join the club me too i love a bit of meditation i don't do it every day i know i should but oh i just haven't prioritized come on keith pull it pull yourself together get meditating every day very good for you um abshad says doing exercise typo don't worry and eating eating healthy food nice excellent uh niger says we can have a balanced diet to be fit and healthy heat i try to do everything possible i wonder what you mean do you mean like to do lots of activity or to do your to-do list and it makes you feel good i'm interested i don't know right excellent what else do we have healthy diet tran says i eat a healthy diet hazel says doing medication and doing a workout doing medication i wonder what you mean doing medication and doing ah workout medication right is medicine so if you're taking medicine well okay yes this is interesting because in the west in britain we think of medicine after you're sick so after you're sick we take medicine but if you want to prevent being sick then yes you can take medicine i know for example chinese medicine a lot of food is seen as medicine so lots of foods i know because my wife tells me this medicine this food is good for this it's good for that and it will help prevent this and that so a lot of food and medicine right food and medicine are often the same thing there's a big overlap so i think maybe taking medicine or taking food maybe you mean supplements right taking supplements because supplements again is is nutrition um that's interesting i'm going to write a couple of these down um hazel let me take you off for the moment but thank you for that let me just kind of summarize a few of the things that you've said there if i can get the right color so we've said well working out eating healthy come on auto correct you failed me autocorrect healthy diet um now taking medicine yeah i'm gonna put that in taking medicine oh come on taking medicine um taking supplements the autocorrect only works if you get the first letter right and if you get something close to a word my typing's terrible taking medicine taking supplements um eating a vegetarian diet nowadays a lot of people talk about eating a plant based diet or maybe a vegan diet so vegetarian you don't eat meat plant-based you only eat plants including of course nuts fruit vegetables a vegan diet you tend if i'm correct in remembering you tend not to eat um anything produced by an animal so you cannot eat drink milk eggs things like that cheese butter anything that comes from an animal right that's a vegan diet so different diets um great other things people did what were you saying doing exercise yoga okay doing yoga slow down doing meditation if i slow down i type much better slowing down that's how you stay fit and healthy keeping active somebody said uh kesh says i do my morning walks daily kesh just like me that's exactly what i do i do my morning walks right i like that because to do is is a nice collocation let's add that in i do my you can say i do a or to make it personal it's a kind of personification i do my morning walks daily that's nice that sounds very natural love it another one rangana this is very nice i make it a point which means i make sure to hit the gym on a daily basis let me add that as well i make make it a point which means to to make sure it's a good expression right i make it a point to go to the gym or to hit the gym [Music] hits the gym is a very common trendy collocation i don't think you can hit anything else you can't hit the shop you can't hit the school the idea of hitting the gym is because you're doing exercise right you're you're boxing you're hitting you're hitting out you're hitting the gym it's a nice um i don't know what the word is more than a collocation it's like a nuance there to hit the gym on a daily basis yeah very nice so listen to some lovely comments i love the comments with natural english and i love the comments with mistakes because both of those help all of us get better and better so keep all of your comments coming really really good nice okay um okay what's coming next hey let me just check okay i'm gonna move on i'm gonna double check because i can move through here talked about health that's our topic we've talked a bit about vocabulary i'm going to move on to talk about health and fitness things like hitting the gym in this next part of the lesson we're going to do a listening activity i say we yes all of us even me i want you to listen to this text if you like and tell me how many collocations about health and fitness you can hear right now then i've just realized i need to line up this audio i'm hoping this will work bear with me just one tick just one tick things are a bit slow i think i need to close my browsers i've got too many things open where are you okay hopefully hopefully this will work oh i'm not sure it will oh dear right okay i'm gonna try hopefully this will work so we're going to do a listening i want you to listen to this passage okay it's a very short passage and see how many collocations about health and fitness you can pick out right you can identify or hear so just count and in the chat box just write down how many it write down a number collocations about health and fitness now fingers crossed that this will work oh i've got a horrible feeling it's the wrong formatting it's the wrong formatting what can i do with this what can i do right there's only one thing i can do is we're going to do it slightly different way so we're going to listen to the passage and instead of that question i want you to answer this question okay so we'll listen not again we'll just listen all the teachers watching me are going oh i know the feeling i know the feeling you set something up there's a technical problem you have to change everything ah my heart goes out to you not to worry this is the backup exercise right listen and fill in the gaps below so you've got six things here you've got a missing word something here something here something here you may even be able to guess them but i want you to listen and find the missing words that's it okey cokey you can write your answers in the chat box let's do it let's um get in there and let's watch let's listen health and fitness lately i've not done any physical activity and i feel totally out of shape i used to be fighting fit i was a regular down the gym working out three times a week like clockwork but nowadays you know i've got out of the habit i know it's important to look after your physical health as that also affects your mental health right the thing is i just can't muster up the energy to do any exercise i guess i'm in a bit of a rut maybe i should join a club or something to get back into shape i was thinking about a walking club actually going hiking with a group of people seems like a good idea it might motivate me to keep going i can meet some new friends and i will get lots of fresh air to boot it sounds like a plan right great so let's see how you did did you pick up um those missing words i'm sure you got plenty of them there let's have a look um we'll start with kind of number one-ish number one what did people say i have to go all the way back says out of shape abdo also says out okay out of shape um you're absolutely right right out of shape means that you are not in shape it means you're not doing any activity if you're not doing any sport no activity then you're out of shape i guess the idea is that you're traditionally right the the traditional idea that your body has a certain shape maybe for men it's like a triangle you should be broad and with a slim stomach and that if you suddenly become round like a doughnut then you're out of shape you're not the perfect triangle but you're a fat doughnut which happens as you get older so you're out of shape maybe that's where it comes from be fighting uh maddie says fit nice excellent uh says fit so yeah to be fighting fit come on that was a piece of cake because i told you that expression just a minute ago but that's great be fighting fit i'm fighting fit meaning i'm very healthy right or i'm very i'm in good shape good number three work we've got tong says work out anybody else get number three shima says work out okay great any others for number three that looks pretty good to me yeah so to work out is basically it's a very common phrasal verb is to do exercise right oh dear help help to work out so let's just put the the meanings out of shape is not fit to be fighting fit in great shape uh to work out equals to do exercise physical exercise of course right um number four fever says mental health sag keep says mental as well um who else have we got mess i'm not sure what that was oh i know must you're thinking of number five yeah number four mental absolutely well done burke so let's put that one in mental health we've talked about physical and mental health number five ah i realized what's happening mess must not quite master not quite aha sabha master to muster up the energy well done so to muster up is to build up the energy so normally it's used with energy muster up the energy to build up the energy um this happens to me sometimes in the morning when i get out of bed and we're at the breakfast table right and normally i make a point of going for my daily walk just before breakfast but some mornings if i've not slept very well and that happens recently because of these little mosquitoes that go and keep you awake all night if i've slept badly i'm at the breakfast table and i say oh i just can't muster up the energy to go for my walk i can't muster up the energy to go for my walk that sometimes happens and then i go back to bed because sleep is important uh where are we muster up the energy number six to get what was number six anybody let's have a look number six janine back lovely tu yen back yes oil oil ma back yes number six was back well done great sages got back as well yeah okay to get back into shape so to return into shape so you were in shape and then out of shape and then you get back into shape okay very very nice well done let me just add the uh the underlines to remind you okay excellent well done everybody some really really good answers you were able to pick out and fill the gaps there now i'm just going to take a moment to go through the text we're going to listen again but before we do let's have a look at some of the interesting language there okay let me just take this up so this is what i said lately i've not done any physical activity right physical activity collocation and i feel totally out of shape so all i want you to do is to repeat the collocations with me physical activity out of shape good notice the of is out of shape i used to be fighting fit good used to right not anymore used to i was right noticed this in the past i was a regular so a regular means somebody who regularly goes to the gym and it's a nice expression i was a regular right it's also a collocation i was a regular i was a regular at my local pub means or i am a regular at the local pub i'm a regular at this restaurant i go there on a regular basis maybe every week i'm a regular at this restaurant go down the gym working out again repeat with me working out three times a week like clockwork another nice expression like clockwork means on a regular basis i go down to the gym like clockwork normally we say how often and then like clockwork right so normally we would say i go to the gym twice a week like clockwork it's like a clock you're doing it at this the same rhythm same pace um i study english every day like clockwork so the verb plus the how often plus like clockwork right i go shopping once a week like clockwork i go for a stroll in the morning every morning like clockwork what do you do like clockwork right why down the gym ah good questions here why down the gym and if it is up from my flat well exactly okay so if your flat is on the first floor and the gym's up on the second floor you say i go up to the gym i go up to the gym i go down the gym because i go out of my house and down the street so it could be up or down only use down if it's either below you or down the street down the street doesn't mean the streets like that it just means down over there down the street it's just a colloquial way of speaking right nadja says i'm a regular in the kitchen yeah yeah that's really good use you can use that in that way it's really good i'm a regular in the kitchen means you're there a lot that's nice nigel very very nice um what else mohsen says going hiking like clockwork right okay niraj says i watch keith's lesson every thursday like clockwork perfect that's great well done excellent tri says i do work out three times a week like clockwork that's very nice if you say do work out you would say ah just put in the ah i've noticed this ah is escaping and evading everybody today it's like the a wants to disappear i do ah come back i do a workout three times a week like clockwork superb try chai lovely very very nice um so just coming back working out three times a week like clockwork but nowadays i've got out of the habit again another collocation to get out of the habit that's nice say with me get out of the habit i've got out of the habit i used to meditate a lot but i've got out of the habit i used to walk every day like clockwork but i've got out of the habit itchy nose lovely nice i know it's important to look after your physical health physical health as that also affects your mental health right the thing is that's a lovely filler right if you want to say the most important thing or this is important you say the thing is and everybody goes oh something important is coming the thing is i just can't muster up the energy to do any exercise muster up the energy so muster up very often not always but very often it's muster up the energy right that's your phrase say with me muster up the energy i can't muster up the energy nice good i'm in a bit of a rut so in a rut is in a bad situation right in a bad situation very often when you're bored with your job you say i'm in a rut if you're stuck in a relationship you don't like i'm in a rut i'm in a bit of a rut um if you're fed up with your studies i'm in a bit of a rut a lot of il students get fed up they lose motivation they say that's it i'm done enough with ielts because you're in a rut you're in a you're in a hole right it's basically it's a hole and you just can't escape and you feel bad and fed up mentally depressed you're in a rut so that's the expression don't be in a rut stay happy stay with me we'll get you out of the rut um i'm in a bit of a rut maybe i should join a club or something to get back into shape say with me get back into shape get back into shape get back into shape nice i was thinking about a walking club going hiking it's also another kind of collocation with a group of people seems like a good idea it might motivate me to keep going to keep going to continue right i can meet some friends and i'll get a lot of fresh air to boot to boot at the end of a sentence means in addition in a dition it's colloquial right you don't write it it's spoken english but blah blah so with this to boot it's when you've got um you've got this and this and this to boot it's always at the end right um i when i bought i don't know when i bought something i'm trying to think of an example when i bought me a free um child seat a free cover for the seat and a radio to boot in addition right [Music] yeah i went down to the shops i got some pears some apples oh and a melon to boot and a melon to boot i'm thinking to boot sometimes it's when it's in addition and it's a bonus an unexpected bonus to the other things right so when you're studying english right in the live lessons you study english you learn writing but you also learn english to boot you learn to speak but you also grow your vocabulary to boot so it's kind of in addition but it's an almost unexpected thing right i hope that makes sense let's see if i can get some examples and we'll just double check okay and then so that was it it was to boot and then it sounds like a plan it's a very natural expression it sounds like a good idea it sounds like a plan right great okay let me just see yeah boot is not booty that's not what we're talking about this is a good expression i'm in a bit of a rut with my online school that's a great expression hoa i enjoy your videos well so you need how often right i enjoy your videos every day like clockwork so you must have the verb how often and then like clockwork okay nice very good thanks for sharing okay any others with boots it's a difficult one even i found it difficult john hello john welcome back nice to see you i'm a regular in the park doing calisthenics calisthenics is it calisthenics or calisthenics i'm not sure calisthenics twice a week like clockwork great okay so let me come back to boot as well yes most sentences early bird helps to be healthy to boot yes yes so almost early bird early bird gets a worm early bird [Music] gets so early bird gets lots of um guess what more done and it helps to be healthy it helps you be healthy this is great because this is helping me as well mos mo sen really really good early bird so that's you getting up early gets lots more done right and it helps you be healthy to boot that's very very good so you the person does a and you get this as a surprise edition the early bird gets lots more done it's true and it helps you be healthy to boot that's it that's really helping us that's great yeah i think this one is good as well other when i'm going out i always carry my sunglasses and sun cream and a bag for shopping to boot yeah i always without the have i always carry that's that's fine that's more or less there it's it's always it's a and b as a kind of surprise edition you're almost there yes this is perfect sabbah i'm watching keith's lessons and enriching my vocabulary to boot yes i'm doing this and the added bonus is this so let me just tidy up your sentence sabbah it's really good i'm just going to add something which will help everybody right because it's i'm watching keith's lesson and enriching if you've got ing and ing you want the two ings it sounds like a two chinese brothers if you're watching keith's lesson and enriching my vocabulary to boot great okay let me move us across so in a bit in addition uh an added bonus so think of it as an added bonus right brilliant okay so we've looked at the text here i just want you to listen to it again because by listening to it again you'll be able to pick out and really practice your listening now we've looked at vocabulary let's practice your listening to really hear all of that language one more time we'll listen and enjoy health and fitness lately i've not done any physical activity and i feel totally out of shape i used to be fighting fit i was a regular down the gym working out three times a week like clockwork but nowadays you know i've got out of the habit i know it's important to look after your physical health as that also affects your mental health right the thing is i just can't muster up the energy to do any exercise i guess i'm in a bit of a rut maybe i should join a club or something to get back into shape i was thinking about a walking club actually going hiking with a group of people seems like a good idea it might motivate me to keep going i can meet some new friends and i will get lots of fresh air to boot it sounds like a plan i love that expression it sounds like a plan it's a good idea it sounds like a plan excellent nice um so just to consolidate there are some very good examples here and this will really help consolidate our learning doing exercises helps us to be fit um and work effectively i'll just add the and because usually we put something and to boot exactly so doing exercise helps you with this and the added bonus work effectively to boot lovely thank you very much sushma i visit the library every sunday like clockwork great it seems like today not only ah but the these little small words are so difficult well they're not difficult they just seem to be running away from our sentences visit the library yeah brilliant this is a really good one layla doing sports can improve physical health and enhance our emotional well-being to boot right not in you're not in the boot to boot and i would just add hour because you're speaking quite generally i think but that's a great example doing sports it improves this and enhances our well-being lovely language to boot very very nice yes deepika hello i'm learning vocabulary from you and pronunciation to boot we are there we are there my friends lovely lovely oh today in poland it's the day of the teacher thank you very much thank you anna i didn't know it was the day of the teacher teacher's day right great thank you very much okay excellent so let us have a look what's next what's next is the break cup of tea have a cup of tea great jingle so um i just want to take a moment to tell you about the course the new course right um so this is something i've been thinking about i have a course i have two courses online at the moment i have this one the ielts speaking get a band 7 plus and i have one called fluency for ielts speaking and the this one in particular is focused on preparing it's a full course to prepare for ielts i've been taking feedback from students about what's good what's not good the problems of studying online and following the course um and i decided to kind of improve the course to change it a little bit but to make it better and offer a different kind of course so what i decided to do is to kind of create a course slightly different but called ielts speaking interactive um and it's going to be an eight-week course basically it's an eight-week course where you study with me so you can actually ask me questions week by week we go through different activities together there's a very clear system to follow i think i wanted to improve the system so that you're not left on your own so that's exciting i'm excited about that in the last two weeks of october then what i'm going to do is do some special workshop videos okay so in october i'll be doing three videos on youtube they will be only on youtube but they'll be for free and they'll be around the new course what we'll have is monday the 18th there'll be a workshop thursday the 21st another workshop a monday the 25th another workshop they're all free you can get them on youtube but they will tell you more about the course but also why i'm doing it they'll give you lots of really interesting information about mistakes students make and what to do about it how to study um with some very clear examples and then the actual course is going to run in november and december it's an eight-week course okay so i'm really excited about doing that and getting it going you haven't heard about it much yet don't worry i will contact you i will you will hear about it through youtube through the facebook group there'll be messages um if you're on my emailing list you'll get it through the email if you're not on the emailing list how do you get on my emailing list it's very very simple go to my website right if you go to the website um keith speaking academy that's this one and go to the home page on the home page on the right you can see this right are you making these common mistakes and if you sign up for the book basically if you put your name and your email here you can download the book but then you get onto my mailing list right by doing that um so basically it says at the same time i will add you to my mailing list so if you get on my mailing list through the website you can find out more about the course because i will be emailing you more information about it what is the cost of the course that's great manu i haven't decided yet um i haven't decided i will let you know when we get there okay good that's just to let you know what's coming up anything else nothing else at the moment in which case let me move on to our next activity what's next you may have questions i'll wait a moment see if any questions come up it's also the break mohammed new cause it sounds like a plan love it such natural english what a good student well done that's great hi man i'm a beginner in ielts how can i follow your courses please and how to start well you can follow the courses i have are on the website the ielts speaking success and the fluency course they're both on the website you can get those now and access them the new course i will tell you about over the next two weeks okay good is it intensive course yes raymond very intensive you have stuff to do every day for eight weeks you need to put in probably a an hour or two hours a day it's quite intensive but that is the secret of the success okay so let's move on um health and fitness we've talked about health and disease we're going to look at this a little bit not in too much detail because we've done a lesson about medicine but um the reason i wanted to look at this is because articles about health sometimes in ielts speaking they ask you about health and they ask you about articles you've read about health and i know students have said to me i haven't read any article about health well let's solve that problem very simply here are three good websites you can look at the first website is a it has quite a good reputation as a research-backed health website the second one family doctor is more like advice about simple sickness and health to help you like a family doctor would help you the last one is a news website so it's a bit more um trendy fashionable click bait you know how what are the benefits of red wine things that will get people's attention so it's slightly less serious to be honest but it's still useful i think when you're reading it's good to see lots of different kinds of websites when it comes to health you want something with good reputation something that's easy to understand and also something that is topical and trendy so it's good to see all of them i'm just going to show you very briefly these websites okay just to give you a flavor and if the moderators if you could share the links in the chat that would just help people i think to to get an idea to get an idea to go and check as well let me switch us so the first one here the health line i've come here quite a lot i like this website but you can see the kind of articles right what parents need to know about covid for elect five to 11 year olds this is another big topic right covered for young vaccines for young people avoid your daily aspirin regime well that's all about opioids and painkillers which are huge in the united states i think um scream therapy the mental health benefits of horror movies that could be interesting this is an american-based one right what's going on with abortion in texas um let's go back i mean you could have a look just to give you an idea right the kind of article you may find watching frightening films can give you much more than a good scare they can also help relieve stress and anxiety so straight away right you can see some nice collocations relieve stress relieve anxiety and then it goes through allowing yourself to be triggered in a safe environment can actually be a process of therapy building resilience another collocation i'm not going to read it horror movies can help us face our fears really maybe they can feeling fear in a safe space can be a big relief right possibly notice that when um when you're reading long articles do what i do first you read the subtitles just to give you an idea right just read the subtitles then what i do is i go back and i read the first sentence in each paragraph monster done monsters under bed zombies rising from the grain and chainsaw wielding maniacs aren't exactly the first things that come to mind when one is trying to conjure soothing images and then i'll go and read the first sentence here and then i would go and read the first sentence here so when you're reading long articles i wouldn't read everything word by word i would just first get the main idea and then go back and if you want to pick out vocabulary it can be interesting anyway that's just a quick look that's the the health line so you could pick an article there that may be of interest for you um you may want to go to the doctor the family doctor has some different kinds of topics it talks about prevention and well-being and if you look here the kind of topics that we've talked about today and that we are talking about um you'll see emotional well-being can i move that across right emotional well-being exercise and fitness gosh you can read about teen suicide lgbtq mental health issues food and nutrition fasting right sex and birth control so there are some very practical articles for families and you know rather than being research based it's just practical health for families so an article here you may read and that may be useful for you to talk about one of the articles you read about health or if you want something that's kind of trendy and fashionable go to a news website any of the news websites they'll have a health section and you'll get all the click bait stuff for sure [Music] right foods that interact with drugs six surprising signs you may have anxiety eleven tips for quicker weight loss you can see right this is all more trendy fashionable stuff um that you may want to go for but again butter or margarine come on but that's just to give you a flavor um i'm not here to go through but if you want to practice your reading if you want to get some interesting articles those might be three useful links for you to give you a wide range of reading and vocabulary okay now i'm just going to spend a moment to have a look at phrasal verbs because i did realize when i looked at this topic that actually verbs connected with health and i hadn't really thought about that before but then i realized wow there are loads of them so i just picked out four of the main common ones a phrasal verb right if you don't know is a verb plus an adverbial particle basically sometimes it's a preposition so things like look out um give over pass under pass away right pass away means to die pass away look up means to find a word in a dictionary to give up means to stop doing something because you've lost motivation so these are phrasal verbs right verb plus up down in on under blah blah blah so my question for you here is a quick test a quick challenge for you what are the verbs here i've given you the adverb or the preposition down right off off and over have a look and tell me what you think the verb is write down if you can write one give for example two and in the chat box write down the verbs and we'll have a look phrasal verbs i don't feel well i think i'm blah blah blah down with a cold i've had this cough [Laughter] cough for five days now and i just can't blah blah it off take this medicine it should help blunt off your cold i'm feeling much better now i think i have um over my sickness right guys let's put on some jazz and take a minute to see what your answers are [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay so listen i'm telling you what the wrong answers are that's not helping you lots of answers there some good ideas you're getting a feeling but not quite right um okay we have got somebody who's got it right mika great number one i think i'm so it's going to be coming right coming whoops coming i think i'm coming down we get the right tense i'm coming down with a cold to come down with a sickness is to begin having a sickness so just as you're beginning with a cold maybe you've got a runny nose or a sore throat or a cough and you're beginning then you say i'm coming down your body's coming down with a cold mika great um well done well i had number two let me see oh no mika you're i think you're the only one who's got it right because number two is also you're right right it's to shake i've had this cough for five days i just can't shake it off i can't shake it off now a few people actually have said fight and i'm just thinking about that right so sarah has said fight i can't fight it off i just can't shake it off i can't fight it off okay i'm gonna say that could be that could be right and you'll see why in a moment because number three was fight it should help fight off your cold take this medicine it should help fight off you your cold you could say take this medicine it will help you shake off your cold but the medicine helps you fight off your cold it should hey it should help shake off your cold okay i'm gonna do it could be either both of those work right for each one take this medicine it should help shake off your cold it could also be that so shake off or fight off is the idea of get rid of right to fight off push off get rid of um but the most common ones here fight off shake off number four yes some of you did get this jazoo got yeah uh two says get over emmy right get over to heal yeah exactly we've got that get get get get okay good i'll take that off so number four i'm feeling much better i think i have got of course in the past got over my sickness so to get over is to recover or to heal as you said gotten yes tin you're right in american english we would say gotten in british english we would say i have got so the past participle in british english is got i know in american english it's cotton so both of those are fine right you could say i've got or i've gotten over my sickness nice phrasal verbs so the phrasal verbs are come down with an illness right which means to begin to to have it to shake off is to get rid of an illness get rid of it to fight off is the same really to [Music] to fight off to shake off yeah to try to get rid of to try to get rid of it and to get over is to recover from it what am i coming down with something i hope not no i'm sure i'm not okay great phrasal verbs no what comes after phrasal verbs i know this bum [Music] okay come up we've done health and disease right we've talked about that we talked about phrasal verbs we're going to have a look next at some idioms okay idioms with phrasal verbs idioms about health okay so let me switch over um bring us back over here the following so the following mean to feel unwell okay so we've got these i feel as sick as a dog whoops which means to feel unwell i'm feeling under the weather here's another one and i feel a bit out of sorts that was the one that i had if you remember in the um the picture right to feel out of sorts is to feel unwell right it doesn't mean you feel really really sick but just a little bit sick right to feel unwell this one is a little sick this one is very sick and under the weather is just medium sick if you can have medium sick uh what does the dog do yeah sick as a dog why i mean dogs are not sick why is it that when you're sick we say as sick as a dog i mean dogs are very healthy by and large right why a dog i don't know good question a lot of people are asking why the dog i don't know emmy says i really fell a little under the weather today yes emmy you didn't fall be careful with your spelling it's to feel right i feel a little bit under the weather i'm very sorry to hear that i hope you um get over it soon pietro this is nice i'm healthy like a fish in poland we say healthy like a fish and in england we say as fit as a fiddle a fiddle is a violin right we'd play the violin as fit as a fiddle it's interesting right very interesting is it okay to use sick as a dog oh yes absolutely you can use idioms colloquial language informal language sure yes i'm a bit doggy today i don't know that it's been raining cats and dogs okay interesting can we also say i feel blue no well feel blue is i feel sad so feeling blue is your mental health feeling under the weather is your physical health right good question hannia nice semplon says i'm feeling a bit out of sorts i'm sorry to hear that great practice sanitize your hands yes i should in syria we say i'm healthy like a horse isn't it interesting very interesting can we use come over instead of get over no or norway fit as a fish fish right fit animals how to spell fiddle violin ah do you remember we had that earlier that's the one to spell fit it's fiddle fiddle fit as a fiddle okay nice um let's come back to those idioms we've got these are all about okay yes these are all about being um unwell now what about being well and recovering well um if let me just take this if you watched my shorts and i don't know if you have subscribed or not but if you go and have a look at my short channel that's this one over here it's english speaking success shorts this week we had a short all about health idioms right i'm going to show it to you if i can i'm not sure the sound will work very very well but let's try it might work so if you go come over here bear with me you always get adverts right that's the trouble why do we always get adverts bear with me i've just realized it's not the best idea to show you on the computer but i'm just going to show you this very quickly because this came up in the shorts have a quick look at this one amigos hello my friends this is keith with three idioms all about feeling well especially after you've been sick so number one is to feel as right as rain well i was sick last night but today i feel as right as rain number two to be back on your feet or back on my feet i was off last work i was off last work i was off work last week with a cold but now i'm back on my feet number three to be on the mend um yeah i was ill last week i had the flu it was terrible but now i'm on the mend lovely i hope you are in the pink of health in the pink of health there's another one right okay come back keith great that's it that's on the um on youtube english speaking success shorts go and check them out you can find out more one minute videos there to help you but those are about um idioms about the feeling well feeling well after a sickness so the first one was to feel as right as rain i was sick last night but now i feel as right as rain there we go the second one to be back on my feed or your feet so i was off work last week with a cold but now i'm back on my feet now two nails you'll need one now and the third one to be on the mend was i had the flu last week but i'm on the mend this week i'm on the mend so all of these mean to be feeling well again getting over a sickness right or recovering from a sickness get over recover from excellent good and another expression which is similar i've added at the end is to do with a clean bill of health so a clean bill of health is something normally the doctor gives you which is a confirmation to say yes you are fit and healthy fit and healthy the doctor gave me a clean bill of health right great and finally just what the doctor ordered um this is not really about health it's that is just what i needed so if you're on holiday and you're enjoying it you say oh this holiday is just what the doctor ordered or if you're very very thirsty and your friend gives you a cup of tea and it's really nice oh that's just what the doctor ordered right it's idiomatic of course the doctor didn't give me the tea but something that is something that you really need or that's just what the doctor ordered right lovely idioms you can use of course you can use in ielts speaking there you go so let me just check in with you see how you're all doing yes kahoot is just what the doctor ordered yes it is kahoot is coming up right now prescription exactly that's what the doctor gives you it does but it's idiomatic so it's just something that you need right okay good i'm going to move on just noticing the time because we're going to move into our final activity which is after idioms we're going to move on to um review with kahoot we missed it last week but it's back again this week kahoot is a fun game we're going to play together to review some of the language to see if you're um awake or not so bear with me if you're new then kahoot is a game that we play together you stay here but you'll need to go on a new tab or a new device to it's another website if you go to then you can put in your name and a number and then we play the game together okay right bear with me uma i love that expression cambly is just what the doctor ordered it is just what you need that is lovely great nice sometimes i think tuan is right watching netflix is just what the doctor ordered saba this is nice almost i was a bit under the dumps you're confusing too so down in the dumps right it's either under the weather or down in the dumps but seeing my friend after a long time is what the doctor ordered right this is what we said earlier about physical and mental so under the weather is physical down in the dumps is mental is you're sad but seeing my friend was just what the doctor ordered great i'm just setting up kahoot um the pin that you'll need great russia has the same idiom it's interesting right in different languages you have very different idioms similar idioms and some will be exactly the same absolutely varied what is kahoot so kahoot is this it's a game go to and then put in your name and put in this pin okay the game pin is six two five eight two one one we're going to play the game together and we're gonna review the vocabulary from today so in if you put in a different tab on your computer or your phone or a different device maybe put in your name people are joining now we can see yeah put in your name and the game pin is six two five eight two one one moderators if you could just share that with people that would be brilliant taranjot says eight hours of sleep just what the doctor ordered yes absolutely sofia i'm late can we save this live yes sofia all of the lives are saved on the youtube channel english speaking success says this class with keith is just what the doctor ordered hey lovely how can i improve my fluency you need to practice practice speaking if you can with a speaking partner you can follow my fluency course that will help as well advertisements salma says drinking coffee is what the doctor ordered yeah sometimes it is okay brilliant so let's take this off dude if you can't join don't worry you can put your answer in the chat box but we're going to start the game otherwise we'll be here till christmas first question you have to choose a b c or d i work out a lot i'm in great strength shape fitness healthy choose one as your answer strength shape fitness or the green box healthy you've got 30 seconds i work out a lot i'm in great blank look at that 130 people got shape i'm in great shape perfect well done everybody very very very good nice let's see who's on the leaderboard so de cruz the cruz becomes first is first accuratee is second fighting is third duong is me and bond james bond we've been expecting you mr bond um okay question number two i feel terrible i think i am something down with a cold getting shaking coming fighting come on guys this one will be easy peasy lemon squeezy i feel terrible i think i'm something down with a cold dorsa well done oh guys be careful [Music] that's interesting i noticed a lot of people saying getting getting down no you can get over when you recover but it's coming down i'm coming down with a cold when you're beginning i'm coming down with a cold i think the confusion maybe i'm getting a cold ah yes you can say i'm getting a cold yes but i'm getting down no coming down with a cold yeah be careful with that one okay but 126 got it right well done let's see fighting has moved up into the pole position duong is me is second akriti has fallen down to third and james bond has gone off on his next mission okay question number three i feel a bit blank of sorts today maybe i have a cold off in down out and where's my picture gone i feel a bit blank of sorts maybe i have a cold off in down or out do you remember well done cordali well done well done everybody very very good it's to feel out of sorts that's the answer nice to feel out of sorts almost like you're out of your body you're not in a normal situation great so duong has moved up into first place fighting down to second cass is in third and dj piscos and felix let's move on to the last question after taking that medicine i already feel i'm on the blank better good mend or whether i already feel i'm on the plank fat well done doors are well done well done as well yeah look at that mend i'm on the mend means i'm getting over it i'm feeling better on the mend to mend of course means to repair or to fix so it's like your body is getting fixed um great so i'm on the mend quite a few people said uh weather no under the weather better no i feel better of course you can say i feel better but i feel no i feel i am on the mend right notice the grammar i feel i am on the mend nice let's have a look at the podium who is in third place dj peacekosh moved up to third well done cass and in first place dwong is me well done again i think that's the second time you've been up there well done nice right let me come back well done brilliant that's nice so we've been through gosh a lot of stuff today we've been talking about health today right we've been talking about well vocabulary to help you talk about this topic we have looked at health and fitness talking about how healthy you are how you stay fit we've talked about health and disease and particular some websites where you can read an article about health and then talk about it um we've talked about idioms about feeling well and feeling unwell and also those phrasal verbs that we've looked at and we've done an amazing review because you are all such star students well done all of you nice so shout out to vietnam tango shout out to vietnam there you go nice that was fast but listen um thank you so much for joining me today it's an honour and a pleasure to be with you and teach you as i said in the future i will be with you once a week i'm going to do a live lesson one week and then a recorded lesson the next week so the live lesson will be on the thursday recorded lesson on the um friday on the saturday but for the end of october i there are no more live lessons in october we'll carry on in november the next two weeks in october we've got lots of workshops right and it looks a bit like this so this saturday we've got a recorded video um which will go out it's ten useful phrases for ielts part one which is very useful for everybody on monday we've got the first workshop it's about ielts mistakes students mistakes that ielts students make thursday i'll do another workshop all of this is on youtube right on youtube only on youtube english speaking success that's the channel [Music] okay um so we've got a workshop on monday which is a video and uh you'll be able to learn about mistakes thursday there'll be another video it's a second workshop i'm going to be explaining my speaking success system so how you can be successful with your speaking and with ielts speaking in particular and then on [Music] on the monday after monday the 18th there is another workshop which will be a live one um and i'll be talking about the course i'll be telling you about ielts speaking interactive explain how it works what it is taking any questions so that will be kind of up on a live session on monday the 18th so put these dates in your diary come and join me it's all free it's on youtube english speaking success i look forward to seeing you there you'll see a lot of me in the next two weeks great what time well good question the time is not yet decided saturday because these are recorded um and monday and thursday these are recorded videos so just go to the channel and you'll find them on that day right saturday monday thursday they're recorded so it's not live but you can watch them at any time on those days okay good any other questions coming up great they are recorded nicer yes so they're recorded saturday monday and thursday are recorded the last one on the 18th no not the 18th that's not right is it monday the 20th excuse me thank you you've got the the right date i've got the wrong date it's monday the 25th monday the 25th that's the live one and the time will be announced how long will the lesson be probably about 25 minutes like the normal youtube videos yes great listen thank you very much so live lessons well okay the live lesson there will be a live lesson on the monday the 25th but the thursdays will now be in november the next one will be in november because there's so much going on keith what about your premium course fabio this will be the premium course this will be it any other questions before we go uh the course will not be no the course will not be shared on youtube these workshops yes but the actual course is on my website yes it's different from youtube happy thursday take care listen great nice useful topic i use with my students great i love to see teachers using this with their students as well that's nice great thank you very very much all of you for joining you amira thank you you are also the best lovely to see you thanks for joining me i hope you enjoyed this um lesson all about health remember you can get the notes from this lesson on my website in about three or four hours just go to the key speaking academy and you'll be able to pick up the pdf of the notes from the free live lessons right all you have to do is to go just go there go to the free live lessons tag and you'll be able to pick up the pdf in fact all of the pdfs from all the past lessons they're all there you've got it okay so that will be updated in about three or four hours lovely take care my friends have a great day and i will see you soon all the best bye bye now [Music] [Music] take care
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 85,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking lesson, ielts speaking health topics, ielts speaking health vocabulary, ielts speaking health part 3, ielts speaking health part 2, ielts speaking health part 1, ielts speaking healthy diet, ielts speaking healthy eating, ielts speaking lessons, ielts speaking lessons pdf
Id: ZYIARvkx870
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 47sec (6407 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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