IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of TRANSPORT

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[Music] well there you go welcome to him um you can add that to one of the things i've always wanted to be right i wanted to be a chef i wanted to be an actor i'd like to be a rock star i'd love to be the drummer right because the drummer is the one like a good student the drama is always there on time regular turning up but full of surprises every now and again fantastic great [Music] so listen i thought i'd have a bit of music just to wake you up and to welcome welcome you to today's live lesson it's thursday the 25th of february very happy to be here and today very excited because as always we've got an interesting topic we're going to be talking about transport today different modes of transport how you get around town and how you can talk about transport and travel generally speaking as we go along so lots of interesting exciting stuff to look at brilliant let's start off let's begin with a little intro for you [Music] [Music] you can see i've been experimenting again i've been making little videos doing little bits and pieces i always like to do a bit of experimentation welcome welcome again today we're on the topic of transport which is going to be really really interesting right so what are we going to look at today let me come over here we're going to be looking at transport um we're going to talk about what we're going to talk about come down vocabulary as always have a little bit of language and vocabulary we'll be looking at collocations and phrasal verbs um also we've got a guest today right fiona now fiona is a teacher she's an ielts professional as well um and hey that's funny i can look right between hello um fiona will be joining us um shortly at about half past nine we're going to be chatting about today's topic of transport and if you have any other questions around ielts i'm sure she can help you we'll be looking at useful phrases things like i travel back and forth what does that mean i travel back and forth well you'll find out this morning and also some idioms you know things like my wife is a backseat driver what does that mean because back seat how do you drive from the back seat it's all very clever and i'll show you today of course we'll be doing some sample answers and we'll be finishing up with our favorite game of kahoot to help us review and revise lots of the stuff that is going on there fantastic all sounds really really interesting so let me see um what is happening up here come back in who's in the house let me have a look tarek hello nice to see you as well um ashraf good to see you here mano manu hello nina says i have a great sense of humor thank you very much nina hanen from iraq nice to see you um gangster hood got 8.5 in speaking hey gangster hood i hope you didn't have a gun and uh just kind of threaten the examiner give me an 8.5 or else well done brilliant um surijana from nepal hello nice to see you and here's we've got also karuna from nepal brilliant chelsea from the philippines um carolina carolina from spain hola buenos dias great good to see you all here lots of people from different parts of the world nice okay so we're going to begin we're going to begin where are we going to begin we're going to begin with that essential vocabulary bit right as i mentioned earlier topic is transport vocabulary let's begin with vocabulary that looks like a good place to start look i've been experimenting again i've now got my notes look at that great i can go and put myself into that little hole in the corner and you can see the notes more clearly um essential vocabulary fantastic um so we're going to begin with the essential vocabulary so what am i going to say about this public transport okay there's um i asked my facebook group the other day about public transport actually your favorite form of transport um whether it's public or private but i noticed some people do get a bit confused about what is transport so i don't think walking is transport right um because i think that's just walking get going somewhere or jogging not really transport i think you need a special vehicle to take you there so public transport as defined by wikipedia says it's open to the general public right now that's a good collocation the general public with the very good collocation right um you know the general public like to take buses or the general public take trains but i prefer to go by car for example so the general public means everybody right the public it's open to the general public it's usually with a schedule so it usually has a time a fixed time you can go not always like a taxi doesn't have a fixed schedule but usually regular routes you go to a certain place and and you pay now not always you don't always pay i do know that sometimes some buses are free but you don't always pay so typically you know we're talking about buses trains mono rails i remember in kuala lumpur you've got the monorail that goes above the city the tramways even in manchester now we've got well we've had a tram for many years light rail um subways which in in london or in england we call the underground but that's only in england i think uh taxis and in many countries um people were telling me they're different names you have tuk-tuks rickshaws um they're all sorts of weird and wonderful names that came up um and i'm sure you'll tell me some of the others yes the tube as well ashraf you're absolutely right in london also we call this the tube right the the subway or the underground is the tube but that's in only in london i think cable cars possibly right you may have cable cars which take you up ferry you up to the top of the mountain or to wherever you're going um mr perfect talks about the cab yep attacks another word for a taxi as a cab yes hey yes vinita thank you very much 500 views only eight eight likes whoops don't worry people are warming up right um savita says they have the monorail from aviva malta centosa in singapore that's true uber yeah uber has become a naughty word or a bad word in some countries the taxi drivers are not happy with it at all right great all sorts of things there in japan it's also the underground ah that's interesting or the metro there's the other name right the metro very good i've forgotten about that one quite a lot of countries they call it the metro especially france if i remember collect correctly lumetro brilliant train train lines yes bikes as well there's another one to add bikes and bicycles so bikes could be motorbike or it could be a normal push bike right bikes if they're public transport yes that's if they're they're rented bikes right or free bikes but normally rented bikes because that moves me on to private transport oh by the way public transport you can also say public transportation or public transit right these are not easy words so try them with me first of all transport now this is interesting right and i'll tell you why because on saturday i'm releasing a video all about pronunciation everything you need to know about pronunciation and this word comes up in the video right transport transport can you hear the difference between transport transport can you hear that number one transport number two transport what's the difference hmm what's the difference difference is number one right transport is the noun public transport number two transport is the verb i transport the goods to the warehouse i transport the goods to this to the market different so pronunciation is really important right so here we're talking about public transport can you say that with me public transport transport public transport great i'm going to underline the stress and notice this one public transportation petition expectation spectation transportation can you hear it public transportation good and the last one is this one public transit spot on public transit yeah nice yeah the so the stress changes really important um lots of things you're mentioning here um you've got yeah intonation stress word stress verb now all of that is coming up in saturday's recorded video around midday saturday it's everything you need to know about pronunciation it sounds like an advert everything you need to know about pronunciation for ielts speaking it's true it's a long video but i think you'll enjoy it now um elsie gonna bring in elsie she's got a nice question mr o'hare how about public transportation in the coastal area ferry is one of them absolutely very very good thank you elsie for reminding me and i should know that because i live in the coastal area right so ferries hello not ferris ferries yeah ships boats all of those ferries in particular we have a ferry here from spain up to england and ireland private transport moving on we can have car bicycle scooter boats if you've got your own boat right if it's your own of course different from the public boat horse right possibly roller skates possibly i'm not sure about that some people said roller skates and skateboard i guess it's a whoops skateboard i guess it's a kind of transport it's a kind of vehicle right yeah possibly jeepneys in the philippines let's share a few of these these are quite interesting i'll just put them a bit lower um so nina says jeepneys in the philippines and i saw a picture of those thank you very much yes emmy you've missed lots of classes don't worry you're here today a cruise well good question cruz is not the transportation right cruz is the holiday or the movement it's not the form of transport right it's like i go on a cruise i go on a holiday so it's not the transport it's more the activity yeah to go on a cruise like tom cruise to go on a cruise that's more the activity yes so what is coastal area coastal area is next to the sea it's the land next to the sea interesting question a few of you asked about that private jet exactly avatar come on seriously seaman seaman custo i love that avatar private jet yes chopper which is like a helicopter yes fadima yes i do save this live you can go and watch it again on youtube or facebook um train okay great pony moped that's a nice one moped is a kind of motorbike yep so let me add here scooter moped um basically a motorbike all of those nice good there are plenty more right plenty more we can talk about so i'm going to move on and we're going to have a look at listening and identifying the means of transport we're going to do this quick activity take about 10 minutes before we bring in our guest today um okay so here listen i want you to listen and identify the means of transport wow okay so you can probably guess some of them right but look at the numbers number one she got into her blah blah blah number two i took a blah blah blah three she caught the blah blah blah so there's a clue there right she caught the there's a clue it's not a it's the the blah blah blah took off there's a big clue she was lucky enough to travel by hmm so here you're also going to learn the grammar and how to use them but i want you to to listen right let's listen to the first sound and then in the comments below you can write down what you think the answer is so here is number one are you ready i'm not ready [Music] number one right that was number one interesting ideas anybody okay number two that was number two see what you've got interesting interesting number three okay that that sounds like um chinese with a taiwanese accent there's a clue right that was number three see well you get some interesting ideas here i'm gonna go over the answers later number four right interesting any ideas for number four yep got a few coming in and number five [Music] that's quite tricky but you may be able to get it right so i'm going to go through the answers let's have a quick look at what you've said here right i'll share a few number one right um where was number one who got down number one i'm gonna go right back quite a few of you said as in uh interestingly oh where where are you why can't i find you oh dear hang on no you're not letting me work are you wait a minute i'm gonna try and share your messages but it's not letting me oh dear it's not at leading me can't share your comments that is such a shame um i'll just read out a few so number one lokmai was right salman reggie was right um you talked about number one was the car she got into her car right exactly number two she took a number two this one was it was the boat or the ship right that was number two the boat or the ship um so quite a few of you got that well done number three she caught the it sounds like the train a few of you said train but quite a few of you got the right one she caught the subway number four was the bing bong it's the plane the plane took off and number five funnily enough was the helicopter it sounds a bit like a plane and many of you said plane but it was the helicopter although a few of you daisy got helicopter well done uh ingrid got helicopter as well as did a mandula well done you've got all of those so um so just notice the grammar as well right with carr she got into her car we say to get into a car or into a taxi but we say i got on the bus or the train or the plane it's a bit strange and it's a bit confusing but for some reason car and taxi is into and bus train and plane are on to get on right you can say to take a taxi to take a bus to take a boat to take a ship so take can be used with all of those or to catch right to take or to catch um let me do the other way around let me put it in bold so she caught the subway notice the pronunciation court court so catch court she caught the subway or the underground or the metro or the tube um so what do planes do planes take off let me show you so you can see me the plane takes off and then the plane doesn't take down no don't take down the plane please the plane lands because it comes to the land right so the plane took off and later landed so we talk about the plane taking off and the plane landing so important words and to travel by we can also say to travel by bus to travel by helicopter i like to travel by train or by plane so you can use buy i travel by train i travel by taxi i travel by car i travel by uh plane all of those i think just about all of them you can use travel buy so useful collocations right [Music] excellent good brilliant now then what's next how do i do that clever right now then we're going to move on because this morning um i'm going to jump around a bit i am going to look at some language and collocations and stuff but first i'm going to bring on our guest today and this is your opportunity our opportunity to listen to another accent because she has a bit of a welsh accent right um now then i don't know if you're familiar with the welsh accent our guest today is fiona um slightly welsh accent because originally she's from wales and she'll tell you more about that wales is next to england right you've got i don't know if you remember the whoops if you remember the map of england you've got england scotland to the north and then you've got over here you've got over here wales and then you've got island is a separate island um so and you've got northern ireland of course so fiona we're going to introduce fiona i'm i'm going to need two seconds just two seconds to call her and bring her in brilliant good so just bear with me this could go belly up you never know but hopefully fingers crossed it will work out okay let's see [Music] now then hello there hi keith hi fiona how are you doing okay how are you i'm very well thank you you're looking very good today and all neat and tidy so listen i'm going to bring you in to the um into the room are you ready i'm i'm ready yes fantastic great um are you watching on youtube as well by the way yes i am you'll be you can see some of the comments that are coming up great um let's see there is fiona and let's put us together right i think we've got us in there together great good um just give me two ticks let me take this off it becomes all very technical right good so fiona welcome nice to see you thank you very much for joining us today it's really good to see you here um i know we just chatted the other day to work out the technical side of things um so we're gonna in a moment kind of have a conversation around transport moving and looking at different language but i think it'd be really good for you maybe to introduce yourself a little bit so people know more about you thanks kate thanks for having me on um uh i was listening to what you were saying about my welsh accent and just i've got a really strong welsh accent so um yes just let me know if i'm going too fast oh my welsh accent is uh obscuring the meaning yeah so i i'm an ielts teacher and academic skills tutor and um yeah i teach students online prepare students for ielts like you do yeah right fantastic um and do you teach all the skills or just some skills um all of them yeah i kind of focus on writing i know it's the least popular part of ielts so i yeah i do a lot of writing practice yeah right fantastic and you mentioned you're originally from wales which part of wales uh south wales that's it's camaraderie it's quite close to cardiff the capital city yeah and where do you live now i'm in colchester uh it's quite near to london just outside london right okay fantastic good so maybe we can talk a bit about colchester i mean i i'm gonna kick off with with a question for you um so where you live i mean how do you get around colchester well to be honest colchester is quite congested it's it's quite a small town but they've it's they've built it up and the infrastructure wasn't really there for a growing population so i just tend to walk everywhere it just tends to be faster than than driving it's much faster on foot right now great that's interesting i mean you said it's congested what do you mean when you say it's congested well you know what it's like at rush hour um everybody has to get into work by nine o'clock so there's just bumper to bumper cars hardly moving um and the thing that really worries me about it is is the pollution really um it's just right outside my house and it's the cars are kind of idling with their engines on all the time and recently there's been so much in the news about how bad that is for air quality um it's a bit of a nightmare to be honest right fantastic i'm gonna share very briefly with the students here some of the things that you've said i'm just going to switch out of our our two-way thing so just to point out for everybody here congested when fiona said it's congested um so meaning there are many cars in the rush hour the rush hour is the the time when people go to work or leave work so congested is similar to traffic jams or bumper to bumper is also what fiona said it's a really nice expression right the cars are bumper to bumper the bumper is the edge of the car the very front or the very back of the car and also you talked about infrastructure fiona i mean you did mention the infrastructure of the city what does that mean infrastructure it's just it still has the really small roads that it was built with so it hasn't kind of developed or put anything in place to cope with just a higher level of traffic really right so the infrastructure is kind of it's the it's the road it's the streets it's the buildings and everything fantastic great um i'm just going to put that up as well for people infrastructure the roads the build not the buildings the buildings maybe even bridges and stuff like that brilliant good what's it like where you are say that again sorry what's it like where you are what's it like where i am i think you know i live in santander right which is in the north of spain um i think they've got a really good public transportation system and i actually i get around on foot as well because it's such a small city it's just really easy to to move around on foot but they've got a great um bus system um very nice buses and bus lanes and bicycle lanes so there's a rent-a-bike system and there are bicycle lanes set out on many streets so it's quite safe for cycling unlike i think london i tried to cycle in london i it terrified me it was so dangerous it's a nightmare it's a nightmare exactly nice expression it's a nightmare a nightmare is a really bad thing right i've seen in spain that they've made kind of car free centers in some cities i don't know if you've experienced that at all where they've banned cars from going into the center yeah so we have an area that is a pedestrian only area and so cars are not allowed in it's a very small area but it's just to limit the congestion basically yeah yes um yeah nice i'm just gonna throw these in for the the guys it's a nightmare i just put in there a nightmare is a terrible dream literally but metaphorically just means it's a terrible thing right you can use that for any situation you know i had an ielts test when badly it was a nightmare and the pedestrian area is the walk only area pedestrian comes from foot and walking so being on foot a pedestrian is a person who walks everywhere so that's that idea nice um what else have we got traveling so we've talked a bit about traveling in the city what about um things like trains and planes do you often travel by plane or train i get the train to wales believe it or not it's about a seven hour journey um it's just so much easier than going by car again the roads are terrible um they're quite dangerous there's they're fast busy roads with a lot of trucks and i just don't feel very comfortable driving for seven hours um by myself um so i just get on the train it's quite pleasant now yeah especially since covered and they've just made it much easier and far fewer people are traveling um it's it's a really pleasant journey compared to the hassle of driving rides the hassle of driving that's a nice expression the hassle of driving what does hassle mean there the stress i guess the stress and constantly worrying that you're going to crash or yeah all of that kind of thing that i hate i don't know do you like driving i love driving do you oh yeah love it absolutely i can spend hours in a car i once i drove across texas right literally it's it's like a 12-hour drive across the state of texas i loved it absolutely loved it but i i like kind of open country driving much more than in a city driving yeah yeah that would terrify me driving across america i can't imagine doing that i was much younger at the time but it was great it was great fun really good and not on my own i was with somebody else so it was it was good yeah um nice so i'm just going to share up again so i thought it was interesting that you said i get the train to wales because we often say take um but you can say get to the train and actually fiona then said i get on the train um so there are different ways you can say it right you can say to take travel buy or get on the train and then the hassle of doing something is a nice expression that the stress or the trouble of driving the hassle of driving and things like that somebody just says you're still young mr keith thank you very much this is very kind of you great so yes um driving is interesting have you ever had any kind of delays or have you ever missed a plane or a train i have missed a plane yes though it was a disaster i turned up at the airport and they said the plane was eight o'clock and they'd sent me a letter to say that the time had changed and i just arrived thinking i was there in plenty of time and they just wouldn't let me on and they said the plane was leaving and i was really annoyed and uh i complained and got my money back in the end but it was a nightmare completely ruined the whole holiday you know in the uk you get that one week of sun um you know and that was the the whole week was a disaster i couldn't get to the location so yeah nightmare what a nightmare indeed but luckily they gave the money back they did after a long fight yes they said it wasn't their fault and uh right i have to argue that it was right interesting there i'm just going to bring up again some really interesting language so i missed the plane um when you don't catch the plane if it goes without you we talked about a a nightmare it was a disaster as well again metaphorical because a disaster normally is like something catastrophic um like a natural disaster but here a bit metaphorical and in plenty of time i thought was nice fiona said i arrive in plenty of time which is kind of with with time to spare it's to have lots of time um and the other expression i thought was nice he said i got my money back in the end so this happened and that happened and then in the end i got my money back in in the final situation very nice lovely expressions great um what else delays you've missed a plane any have you ever had to have a delay like where you you're stuck in a train station or an airport all the time keith all the time how about you again you can compare the uk and and spain so i don't know if it's better in spain but um so i typically catch the plane from bilbao to manchester there's a plane that goes um regularly and yeah i would say by and large that there's normally a delay of 30 minutes so i think it's because that it goes across the bay of biscay and the bay of biscay is notorious for bad weather and strong winds um so there is quite often a delay but it's only a short delay like 30 minutes or so um so you you know i'll end up probably i end up sitting in the coffee bar in the in the airport just waiting for 30 minutes or so so it's not a big hassle um it's fine i think the worst i mean i've had disasters where a plane has been delayed and i've been wanting to catch a connecting flight like when i've gone from asia to europe and you missed the connecting flight because the first one was delayed that's a real pain in the uh in the ass so to speak yeah yeah so yes so the delays can be um difficult at times i've got a question now and this is a very strange question but you know it's an ielts question ielts is notorious for strange questions but um what do you think about transport in the future how do you envisage the future of transportation i just think it'll be electric so my son is completely obsessed with tesla and electric vehicles so i i get a lot of information from him about how everything's changing and even this morning on the news there was something about the government has um you know put a limit on when we can keep producing uh petrol cars and the car industry is very annoyed about that um i just think everything's going in that direction so um people will keep driving actually there was an ielts text i did it on my podcast the other day and it was about um driverless cars but but they predicted that it would be more that people wouldn't own a car that they would just hire the type of car they wanted for each journey so um if i was going to wales i would just hire a tesla that would be nice for a week and you know i wouldn't actually own it so yeah i think there'll just be a lot more flexibility and people going electric i guess and i i was listening to the radio as well on the same topic and they were asking the question whether we would have driving licenses in the future or would they become redundant because if you've got driverless cars do you need a license exactly and apparently young people aren't driving um a manual cars i think that they they've got no interest in driving cars with a gearbox now they're just learning to drive automatic cars and i mean when you think about tesla it can drive you know it is automatic in some senses so um yeah will people need a license will they even need to drive yeah who knows maybe not maybe you don't need to drive your skill disappeared and do you trust it i mean would you trust a driverless car i think i trust it more than i trust myself [Laughter] i mean the technology is so built in you know it can avoid collisions it can predict collisions it can see what you can't see it's got kind of infrared capabilities can see around corners things like things that humans just can't do i i i do i kind of trust it more than i trust myself do you um i think at the the early stages of development i think it's still risky and i would i wouldn't trust it [Music] but i think once it becomes mainstream then yes i think i would trust it because i would like you know like you trust that the plane is is on automatic pilot most of the time and yes we trust that because it's become mainstream um yeah so i think in that case yes yeah i've just seen so many people's lives have been saved by by tesla well according to their promotion of course um they would say that yeah of course yeah but interesting very very interesting um i'm just going to break off again just to bring up some of the language that was really useful i think transport in the future so we talk about electric vehicles right or actually it's quite it's different and driverless cars so electric vehicles is without um without gas or petrol i think fiona correct me if i'm wrong but i think that's right um driverless cars is without a driver like tesla is the most famous one with our friend elon musk um we can talk about hiring a car or renting a car fiona said hi we can hire a car or rent a car the kind of expression everything's going in that direction everything is going in that direction so everything is following that idea with global warming everything's going in that direction there was expression to become redundant so if something becomes redundant then you basically don't need it anymore um so if licenses become redundant we don't need licenses maybe it's true who knows um fiona talked about manual cars he's just that's the one with the gear stick um if you're a driver you probably know what i'm talking about if you don't don't worry and what's the opposite of manual automatic right automatic cars and then i just saw a message from red one who said pain in the ass what's that pain in the ass is a big problem your ass is your bum but we say a pain in the ass is a big problem and when something becomes mainstream is a great expression when it becomes basically becomes popular or in in popular in everyday usage so i'll just put that up as well great some very very nice expressions um lovely i just look there's a comment from pc official keith plus fiona keone's virtual coffee that's nice uh mila says pretty nice conversation both of you great notorious four oh yeah that's right i forgot what i said notorious kuyan says it's notorious for something means it's famous for in a bad way right normally in a bad way um any other comments worth bringing up here there's probably lots here tesla what does tesla mean ah for lackey great question um it's tesla it's it's the the brand name if you like of the company run by elon musk and they're all about developing electric cars and space travel now there's a nice question fiona fancy space travel never no way you would not get me in a space rockets no way why not oh no god it's just be terrifying i can't i'm terrified of driving let alone getting in there no i just wouldn't trust that at all but imagine the view once you get up into outer space the view will be stunning oh no it's not worth it ah i don't know what do your viewers think let's ask them guys would you like to go into space put up your hands all right me if you would like to go into outer space we'll have to wait a minute oh facebook user says redundant means layoff with compensation yes that's right redundant has different meanings so to become redundant means you lose your job but you get compensation um but it can also mean in a more looser way that you don't need it anymore yes why not shankun says why not i can't share your comment again unfortunately um yes avec kimonji some must be a french viewer i'm guessing says yes amila says absolutely satou says exactly says i don't want so you and fiona are on the same page uh kiriakou says no i have a fear of flying yeah a fear of flying so a rocket will be even worse right because i think the the vibrations of the rocket is quite strong right i think and i was listening to elon musk the other day and i think he says that even the the passengers the tourists who go into space have to have some kind of astronaut training so not full training but they need to be trained on what to expect and how to cope with it interesting it's an interesting it's a ielts question isn't it again about is is it worth spending all this money on space travel when everything's going wrong here on earth shouldn't we be investing that money um you know here first before exploring other planets that's that's a really interesting question i think it it is a good question yeah and i've always thought no we should we should focus on this planet sort out this planet first before space definitely but i have heard arguments that you know spacex exploration allows us to understand our planet better so there are things we can discover in space that help us understand the science and history of our planet that help us solve the problems um but it must be one of the most expensive investments a government makes to go to space absolutely i mean billions and billions i think oh that could just solve all of the world's problems couldn't it yeah so you might find one useful thing by going to space but if you use that money on earth wow what a difference it would make to so many people's lives yeah make a huge difference yeah yeah nice kenwood yelin says yes i would love to have a space adventure great brilliant i'm going to throw up one last expression for everybody out there that was a nice one we had just at the end it would make all the difference i think you said it would make all the difference um which is similar to it would be worth it or it would it would have a big impact it might be better it would make all the difference nice expression very natural english i think nice good so lots of interesting language some interesting questions and uh very interesting conversation actually i'd like to carry on but we are going to kind of run out of time um i'm just going to have a quick ask to everybody out there do you have any specific questions you would like to ask fiona given her expertise um anything you would like to ask her while she's still with us let's have a look the trouble is that the the comments come in like a few minutes later that's okay let's have a look i'm tired of this planet i want to experience another planet after dying david that's very very deep i'm tired of it i want to experience another planet after dying yeah anjali says yes so the humans can damage other planets too very good point very good point ilmar says i had my test yesterday i used lots of phrases you taught great good luck i hope it goes well let's see any other questions coming up oh emmy's got a question but i think emmy because you may have missed the introduction fiona where are you from yeah i'm from wales from wales yeah [Music] fiona is a nice person yes thank you sarah oh his question i guess is a is it an advantage if cars are banned in the city center i i think it is i think they've done quite a lot of research on that and they it's kind of rejuvenated city centers hasn't it when they ban cars they thought it would take away all the traffic but it didn't i mean all the footfall going to people shopping and stuff but it didn't it brought more people into the shops and in in colchester we've got a high street it's a lovely high street there's got huge buses going through it and cars and when they closed it off one day it was like a different place and people were just relaxed and wandering around and happy to spend the money in the shops it was just a completely different experience absolutely that's the key i think shopping is an experience it's not about shopping it's the experience of walking around the streets the relaxed atmosphere i think it's much more beneficial if there's not big buses and pollution i mean obviously there's there's less noise pollution less air pollution but also you get a better quality shopping experience so to speak um yeah i mean you could sit out in the cafes and stuff and you can hear each other speak and you don't have to worry about crossing the road and what a difference i i think it would make yeah absolutely is that i'm just i think that's sourab is my student so i'm going to say hi it might not be yeah it might be if it is great there's a question here from my ori how can i reach out for writing improvements um myura i think there's just so much stuff online for writing improvements i mean i've got quite a lot on my website if you want to go there as a place to start i've got like a list of resources there and um you know things like collocation websites and lots of different sites related to um helping you with writing so that might be a first place to go um great i'm going to put up your um website up here it's so just double confirm this with me it's um ielts right yes so etc stands for exam training courses um yes but but there's a lot of resources on the page there's resources for listening for for reading um so if you go there i've just got loads of stuff to get you started yeah great so if you can see that guys it's um it's ielts um a few people are asking how they can get in touch with you could you share her site channel that's it um if you look for this picture i'll just put it up there that's the the logo from the site you'll recognize it you will see fiona all over social media i've never seen anybody quite as active on social media whether it's instagram um youtube podcasts you're all over the place twitter you're everywhere i am i do love it but um everybody loves your show so uh you've concentrated everything in one place i like what you've done here's a question i don't know if this is a personal question fiona but it's from davood he says are you vaccinated against kovid i haven't had the vaccination no um i've just gone 50 so i've got to wait in line um we're going down by ages i think it's reached uh 60 at the moment so i've still got to wait i think till may i think i don't know how about you well we're slower over here spain is much much much slower than the uk i'm in the same situation i've turned 50 so i'm still waiting they're still doing the the 80 year olds in spain um and obviously the frontline workers are still being vaccinated um i think by summer possibly um but for example my brother and sister and sister-in-law who are late 50s uh are going today to get vaccinated and they live in manchester in the uk oh that's good so they're um it's going really fast in the uk the vaccinations it is they've got a lot of making up to do though i think they've made such a mess of covert so this they're investing a lot of money into trying to put it right i think um absolutely hopefully it all works out right a final comment um and this is i guess for a lot of people faring just says dears i'm i love that dears i'm gonna i think take the main test on saturday wish me luck oh good luck yeah good luck firing jess and actually everybody who's taking the test this weekend um good luck to all of you you know i hope it goes really really well um fantastic oh here's a here's a question sorry last one then there's always a last one is there a language called welsh all different what did you just say i do speak welsh and it's a completely different language from english yes i did not understand anything yeah it's beautiful language it is a lovely language it's very complex and um i think there's about ten percent of the population speak it there's three million people in wales and so not many people speak it um but it is a really beautiful ancient language yeah it's spoken in schools it's every all subjects are taught through welsh um but it's not a dialect of english lots of people say it's just a dialect it's a completely it's like french or german or arabic yeah fantastic well listen great fiona we're gonna finish up here for today but thank you very much for joining us um really really useful and very very interesting oh thanks for inviting me and just want to say good luck to all of your students i know how much they get from your lessons keith i watch them and and they're amazing so i'm sure with with you behind them they'll they'll do very well in their tests well and also with you behind them now um if they you know want to get in touch with you um they can they can go to your website i know you've got lots of fantastic resources there i mean one of the reasons i wanted you to come on the show is because i love the work you do i think the the professionalism and the quality is fantastic so guys do go and check out the website i know fiona runs a course there an academy if you're interested you know especially with help around writing and other skills that might be a good place to go so do go and check it out great lovely thank you very much fiona thank you work out how to um say goodbye here we've got to hang up our call right got it great take care speak to you soon okay bye bye bye guys bye great so that was hello come back where am i i'm back yes okay great that was um fiona thank you very very much fiona for joining us lovely i hope um you enjoyed the conversation and that you picked out some interesting vocabulary um that's really really interesting and much appreciated so i will just remind you the vocabulary that we're doing by the way we've still got half an hour so that normally these classes last about an hour and a half so i will be carrying on but just to let you know all of this language um i put into a pdf and then i share that on my website for free obviously so after well a few hours later um this afternoon or this evening um you'll be able to go to my website it's the as well um and you can go and download all of the notes that we've got here so you just go into the free live lessons area and you can download the latest notes and all the previous um lessons that we we've done here as well they're all there for download so just to let you know you can get those on the website brilliant um let me just come back and i do recommend you go and visit um fiona's website i think it's it's well worth doing look out for that sign it's ielts lots of great stuff there okay brilliant what's next next up we're going to do um i'm just going to check actually if you've got any questions coming up dawson says it was useful thank you great brilliant stay with us we're not leaving yet stay with us um so guys i'm going to carry on we've got another half an hour let me um carry on and bring in over here bring this over here so i'm going to have a look a little bit at collocations right because we mentioned lots of language there collocations on the topic of transport some other things you may want to use right to get stuck in the traffic is when you cannot move because the cars are bumper to bumper remember so you get stuck in the traffic um because there is a traffic jam which is the next one a traffic jam literally too many cars not moving a travel itinerary is another interesting collocation travel itinerary the itinerary is really the route the travel itinerary or the route let me just put that up there so when you go for example if you imagine you're going on a trip right and on your trip you're going from london to paris to australia to canada and then back to london that is your itinerary it's the route london paris australia canada london that is your route or your itinerary so it's very good when you're planning a trip obviously to have a travel itinerary we talk about travel abroad um obviously travelling you've got domestic travel and to travel abroad that's the verb but you can also have domestic travel but here travel is a noun rather than a verb right domestic travel whereas here it's to it's a verb great now travel back and forth which i mentioned at the very beginning so to travel back and forth means to go between two places right if that makes sense to go between two places continually let's say or many times so when do you travel back and forth you will travel back and forth if you live in manchester and you catch the train to london every day and then you catch the train home to manchester every day then you're traveling back and forth back and forth it's like up and down up and down to and from to and from back and forth you're traveling back and forth means you're making the trip there and coming back lots of times um so a lot of people who commute right your commute is the trip from your work from your home to your work if you commute then you travel back and forth i travel back and forth to work every day i travel back and forth to london every day right so notice it's to travel back and forth to somewhere a lot or maybe every day i travel back and forth nice the final collocation is to travel light to travel light is when you you go on a trip and you don't take very much right you don't take very much maybe you just take a very light bag or just a very small bag you travel light um the opposite is not anything the opposite is you just take a lot of things right sometimes when we go on a family trip i see my daughter with five bags and it looks like she's going for a month and we're like taking a two-day trip she doesn't travel light she has to take her school books she has to take her some of her toys she takes all the clothes she takes the kitchen sink all of these things and that's just taking too much the opposite like me is i just have a little bag i travel light so that's also good collocations to travel light brilliant let me flash through to idioms i want to take us on to idioms next right um idioms about transport and we can share some of those that you have um and yeah and then we'll go through and have a look at these oh good questions here as you're going can we use travel back and forth in writing task two or just in speaking ah um you can use in writing yeah it's not really an idiom so idioms tend to be spoken right it's the nature of idiomatic language that tends to be spoken spoken this is not an idiom it's just it's just an expression so i would say yes you can use that in writing i used to travel back and forth when i was working yes yes good that is correct absolutely correct good can we say to travel dark i've never heard that never heard it travel dark i wonder what you mean by that to travel dark no and it doesn't seem to come up as a regular collocation don't know that one uh yo yo keith travels back and forth to spain and england yes yes i do i travel back and forth to england or to spain and england exactly yes could you brief about weather while traveling yes but probably not in today's lesson i think we'll do another one on that at a different time okay somebody's picked out in the nick of time yes so let's have a look at these um i'll start at the top my my wife is a backseat driver what is a backseat driver okay let's imagine the situation right here i am driving right passenger seat is maybe a friend the back seat is my daughter and my wife and i'm driving and then my i'm kind of deciding which way do i go do i go right or left and then my wife leans over and goes turn left turn left now there there no be careful watch out the lights on red stop look out for the car and i'm like who's driving me or you me but that kind of person who's giving advice when you're driving when you're driving right is a backseat driver so somebody who's always telling you what to do when you're driving only when you're driving right um so we say that person is a backseat driver also then this is more general right is in the driver's seat at last i'm in the driver's seat in the driver's seat means to be in control but not just driving it can be for any situation maybe you're in a meeting and your boss wants you to present and to chair the meeting and your boss says right you're in the driver's seat go ahead right you're in control go ahead you're in the driver's seat driver's seat the s's kind of connect together like one sound the driver's seat you're in the driver's seat okay it means to be in control the next one in the nick of time right on time or is in is in time not on well on time is exactly the right time in time is just before the right time um in the nick of time means just in time right like seconds before so if your train is at eight o'clock and you arrive at 7 59 you are in the nick of time so nice expression and it's one of those that has a a linking right nick of nikkov in the nick of time try it with me nikov nick of time in the nick of time i arrived in the nick of time nice that's it so that's just in time the other one we can say is we made it to the airport on time on time which means just on the right time by the skin of our teeth teeth skin teeth don't have skin idiomatic right by the skin of our teeth means in the nick of time right when something is very very very close we made it to the airport on time by the skin of our teeth it means you just managed to do it um i did it often it's about meeting a deadline very often so you have to give your essay to your teacher um on wednesday morning at nine o'clock and you rush to give it to the teacher at 8 55 wednesday morning and you go oh i did it by the skin of my teeth by the skin of my teeth right i just managed to do it i just managed to meet the deadline great good question what is just mean here just in time just managed um just just as uh oh how do i explain just just in time means not a long way in time but very close in time again so if the train leaves at nine o'clock and i get there at 8 30 i'm in time right i have 30 minutes but if that time difference is very very small i get there instead of nine o'clock i get at 8 59 i'm just in time right the difference is very very small just is like almost says celine yeah similar similar yes it's muted hello what's muted right i think we're good almost similar to almost yes good so there those are different idioms we've got about transport do you guys know any idioms about transport or travel idioms tend to be speaking it's a good question but you're asking about idioms are they for speaking or writing they tend to be for speaking not so much for writing some of them can be but by and large i would only use them in speaking yeah shah says i joined this session in the nick of time david says just on or just in well they're two different meanings right so to be clear just on time or just in time the answer is them both so david your question is it just on time or just in time is correct so just on time means you are at the correct time at the correct time eight o'clock eight o'clock in time means before the correct time so if the class starts at eight o'clock and you're here before eight o'clock you are in time if the class starts at eight o'clock and you are here exactly at eight o'clock you are on time that's the difference yeah any other i have itchy ah yes i have itchy feets itchy feet itchy feet yeah that's a good one i have itchy feet in the singular sana itchy feet means that you like traveling when you say somebody has itchy feet because remember feet is the plural already the plural means that i love traveling so a lot of young people get itchy feet because they want to travel in this time of coronavirus a lot of people are getting itchy feet right they want to travel they want to go on holiday they want to visit the world but they can't so frustrating another one to hit the road it's already six o'clock and time we hit the road to hit the road doesn't mean hit the road it means to start your journey or to leave to leave or start a journey well not a jury um yeah so imagine you're you know you're visiting a friend's house you're visiting to say hello and then you say listen six o'clock it's time to hit the road it's time to leave it can be yeah any situation like that or if you're starting a long trip you know let's hit the road at six o'clock let's start the journey or the trip at six o'clock hit the open road good peak hour yes we hit the road right on time yeah good angelia's got a nice one here um the train leaves at seven so i have to get up at the crack of dawn to get to the station on time yeah at the crack of dawn is very very early it's with an a though not an o yeah i have to get up at the crack of dawn of dawn wait a minute i'll just add this i have to get up at the crack of dawn which means very very early anjali thank you very much for that let me wind this up equals very early i get up at the crack of dawn every day actually that's not true i get up about seven o'clock for me the crack of dawn is like five o'clock that's when it's really early brilliant good so guys we've done um we've looked at a lot actually we've looked at idioms lots of different language i'm gonna move us on to do our next activity the next thing i'd like to do with you and the next thing i want to do is this one it's that time of the day [Music] do [Music] hey it's that time of the day it's the model answer time or sample answers if you like so this is where i'm going to ask you to ask me a question um about transport right that's the idea a question about transport that you would like me to answer and i will try and answer on the spot here and now so take a mac take a minute or a few seconds type down a question about transport and i will try and give you an answer great nice wow punith where to find phrasal verbs in my website go to the live lessons and you'll see that in the top menu the live lessons has all the language notes from all the classes that's where you'll find them they're a part of the lesson right right right okay i'm going to try this one this is from dr vinita who asks dr venita says what type of transport is very popular in your country it's a nice question that could be like um a part one question right let me uh try and get this up on the screen lovely what type of transport is very popular in your country and i'm just going to change the font great right thank you very much dr venita physiotherapy juan noon lovely great um okay i've got no time to think right you're straight in the test okay um it's a good question i think in in my country i mean talking about england probably the trains are one of the most popular kinds of transport lots of people like to take the train the intercity rail system [Music] it's relatively cheap um although unfortunately the the the trains are notorious for being late and i think that lack of punctuality is a real downside for catching the train but despite that it still is a very popular way of getting around the country right good so part one answer quite short and neat talked about punctual getting around the country um being on time um yeah all sorts of stuff remember i will transcribe these notes and they all go into the notes the pdf at the end great let's take another question yeah this is a nice one it's one that we talked a little bit about but we can i think it's a good one to do so andrea harrison this one is a great question how would you think the future of transport will be in the decade to come so let me also put this one up here how do you think the future of transport how i'm going to change that because i think it's better what do you think the future of transport will be in the next decade to come thank you andrea narissan that's a great question it's a future question so it's probably a part three question so i can go on and talk a bit maybe for half a minute or more so um let me see what do you think well talking about the future of transport in the in the next decade i think the number one thing that's going to change is the emergence of driverless cars without a doubt um i think all the pressure on countries around the world to tackle global change is going to lead to an increase in the in the number of electric cars and also driverless cars for example tesla one of the biggest and richest um modern technology organizations in the world are developing driverless cars at the moment and they seem to be doing a very good job of it i think it's going to be super convenient for people so i think that's probably the most important in addition to that um i reckon the space travel is going to be the future of tourism so rather than people traveling to other countries i think a certain number of people will be traveling into space not many in the next decade but certainly in the next 50 years a lot more right okay now that's that's interesting because i was starting to think about 50 years in the future but your question was the next decade so on retrospect space travel might not be the best example but certainly driverless cars electric cars um i don't know if planes airplanes electric aeroplanes let's talk about that right that we might have electric airplanes because we have to there's this urgency to tackle global warming and climate change and clearly the transportation industry um are are guilty if you like i mean they cause a lot of the problem um i know not helped by the oil and gas industry but anyway let's move on um great good i'm going to move on because that is two model answers which is great it gives us time to move on to our final activity thank you very much for suggesting the question stop thank you for suggesting the questions i'm going to move on to kahoot it's time to have a look at kahoot which is our next and final activity this is where we're going to review some of the language that we've looked at today to see if you were really awake and find out who's been sleeping or napping have you been mapping i hope not have you been paying attention so i'll show you what we're doing kahoot right is a great online game it's a multiple choice where you choose a b c or d you can do it on your mobile phone and basically we're going to play the game together i'll show you the questions and you have to answer um where you'll need to go is here it's and that's if you go there that's you need two windows open you need to go to kahoot and then you can sign in to play i will give you the game pin where you can play okay let me take you here you can see it so it's kahoot when you go in um let's do personalized do a nickname choose a nickname that you would like to use go to or you can download the app and then you put in your pin number so you have a name and the pin number is 115.80 so that's it the game pin number 1158095 and you just have to add a nickname and then you can you can get in [Music] don't worry if you can't get in you can still participate you can just put your answer in the comments section at the as normal [Music] talking about hyperloops that's another elon musk dream isn't it the hyperloops which will replace possibly the underground and the metro system pierre you use kahoot great do you like it you're a speedy goat nice right we've got lots of people in adrian harrison is the dilia diligent dragon cool okay let's start let's get going straight away let me just turn this off and let's begin the first question [Music] transport i like to travel blank plane i like to travel blank plane [Music] you've got 30 seconds [Music] christina is an aquatic puffin you daughter well done aida nice good david's good no be careful david be careful chris be careful right interesting so it was by to travel by plane right um not to and not with and not on right you can say to get on the plane right we talk about getting on the plane get on but travel by always travel by yeah okay so well done most of you got that and the knowing panda is right at the top knowing panda hero condor second dr sable third next question i hate getting blank in traffic i hate getting blank in traffic and the picture should help you you can see the cars bumper to bumper there's a traffic jam what do you think the answer is also well done again vishal nice well done rebecca good answer ted mon well done look at that very good much much better yes 149 got stuck to get stuck in traffic i hate getting stuck in traffic well done brilliant so knowing panda is still up there but be careful there's a lively hen just below you question number three how do you get blank your city how do you get lanc your city so me and fiona asked each other this question how do you get blank your city celine you're right you are brilliant students hi havana well done sachin well done stella nice again fantastic answers how do you get around your city yeah so you know do you take the bus do you take the taxi how do you get around your city how do you get through 28 people said through how did you get through your city i mean grammatically it's correct you can say how do you get through your city um but it's just very strange and it has the idea that you start here and get to the end of the city which is not really the meaning the meaning is how do you move around the city how do you get around so we wouldn't say through right we'd say get around your city that will be the common question let's check out the scores knowing panda is top a blue mercat has a streak with three correct answers in a row interesting why are you telling me this hero conda and happy dragon are up there good let's move on i think it's the last question four or four we arrived in the blank of time and caught the train we arrived in the blank of time and caught the train i think most of you will get this i'm feeling confident you you will get this right well done jerome and sonal danya shakun oh impressive nick exactly we arrived in the nick of time i see a few of you fell for my trick which is tick which sounds similar but it's not tick it's nick we arrived in the nick of time well done most of you got that nice let's check out the winners then third place knowing hair happy dragon second first that panda isn't it yes it's the knowing panda well done [Applause] the knowing panda brilliant so that's nice a good way to review i hope you got the right answers if you want you can repeat that on your phone and you can check it again it's a good way to really consolidate right to really get the deeper learning of those expressions you've learned so that brings us to the end today we are finishing up listen um for those of you on youtube please do remember to subscribe turn on the notification button and you will find out as soon as i release any new videos this saturday uh about midday we'll have the video all about pronunciation and it really gives a lot of information about pronunciation for ielts and how to improve it's a long video but it's going to be well worth your time i promise you so check out on saturday um if you want to get a speaking partner motivation um practice your english come and join us on facebook right we have a facebook group it's keith's mastermind community just focused on ielts speaking um quite a lot of activity there there's lots of things you can share your well some people share the questions they've had we're sharing questions and answers language lots of learning i think it's a nice a very nice group and one i strongly recommend you come and join do remember to come and check out the website keith speaking academy um and you can download the lessons um there from today give me about two hours right maybe a bit more two or three hours to collect everything upload it make the pdf put it on the website it takes a bit of time but in about three hours or even tomorrow you can come and collect that just to remind you where it is right on the website keyspeaking academy just go to the free live lessons which is up there um and you'll be able to download them go all the way down and you can download the notes there or you can just watch the lesson if you're on a mobile phone you may just prefer to go in and click on the lesson last week we did shopping right and you can get all the information to talk fluency fluently about shopping it's all here there's a lot as well i think it's really really interesting with essential vocabulary speaking questions speaking topic preferred idioms and so on and so on great that's it what else do i need to tell you i think the last thing is just to check in with your comments some of you are doing the test that's right you're doing the test this weekend best of luck fingers crossed break a leg i hope it goes really really well it's as always it's been really fun and i've enjoyed being with you today remember keep turning up every day keep practicing every day as much as you can it really is difficult ielts i mean the the preparation is hard um but it doesn't have to be like really really hard you know i try to make it as much fun and easier as possible but you always need it's language learning you always need to practice and practice as much as you can and that's the idea of the live lessons to give you a chance every week to come and practice okay great thank you very much for for coming today do take care and i will see you next week same time same place take care my friends bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 73,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts, ielts speaking, free ielts speaking practice, keith speaking academy, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking topics, ielts preparation, ielts speaking success idioms, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking transportation, ielts speaking transportation part 3, ielts speaking transportation part 1, transport ielts speaking, transport ielts speaking part 1, transport ielts speaking part 2, transport ielts speaking part 3
Id: Bc5rKcict04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 14sec (5834 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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