IELTS Speaking Practice - Topic of The OLYMPICS

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[Music] right hello there good morning nice to see you it's thursday it's the fifth of august lovely to be here with you today we've got um a very exciting show we've got a night a tooth a what a tooth a nail biting show it's all about the olympics right this is going to be very interesting we're going to look at language idioms vocabulary that you need to talk not only about the olympics but a wider range of different sport activities as well so looking forward to that to begin let's get stuck in with a little bit of this [Music] hello my friends it's great to be here and lovely to see you um welcome to today's show or lesson or video it's um going live on youtube and facebook and of course the video is recorded so that you can watch it later again if you want if you haven't had enough of me so listen good to see you let's see who's in the house we've got kate paspina hello kate johnny beck katarina anuart um hello farida good morning to you um shari full hello there and who else jax jacob nice to see you wave of the hand lovely uh tan huang from vietnam great to see you here harry's there hello harry morning janet jam probably pronounced it wrong forgive me um but lovely people from all over the world excellent nice um today right we're talking about this topic which is the olympics now the olympics um is an interesting topic because i think we're not going to learn just about the olympics but there's a lot of overlap right can't see that overlap with other topics especially in ielts speaking so if you get for example a part two question about describe a sporting event you've been to or a game you've played or a game you've watched games can also be sports talking about health fitness going to the gym exercise hobbies could be a sport the whole topic of sport is huge and then the olympics today will cover lots of that interesting stuff i've just noticed i've left my facebook on can you hear the bing keeps going bing let me turn that off straight away excellent um so let me just check in because sometimes people bring me bing me great verb people being me when something's going wrong technically that i'm not aware of but i think we're all very good aos says hello i'm very apprehensive because i don't know much about olympics the olympics and that's really good because if you don't know much this will be a really good lesson because sometimes in ielts speaking we have to talk about topics we don't like or we don't know much about not everybody is a sports fan but you need to know the language at least enough to communicate your ideas right so that's what we're going to do today talking about the olympics good if you're new here welcome have a seat get yourself a cup of tea or coffee and get ready for this lesson um to let you know my name is keith if you don't know um i have a website called the keith speaking academy go and check it out lots of useful resources and also at the end of today's lesson you can download the um the pdf of the lesson notes from the website yeah also i'm on facebook so if you want to go to the facebook page keith speaking academy or join our facebook group if you want a bit of motivation to get you the olympic gold ielts um come and join us in the keith keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking you can see us on there great um now playing games here by the way if you're on youtube do remember of course subscribe um so that you can find out or if you press that notification button you can find out about upcoming videos i do videos every um every what every saturday there's a recorded video every thursday there's a live video um and if you go to my shorts channel it's a relatively new channel then you can also get every tuesday um have i got a picture about shorts i think i have there you go it's called english speaking success shorts new video every tuesday these are just one minute videos to help you learn english and get better with your english right um excellent i'm just going to show you very very briefly um the website because to let you know what's on there in case you are wondering what's keith's website all about um if you're going to have a look at the website basically on the home page you can go and study with me you can find out about my online courses if you go there and they'll tell you all about this one ielts speaking success get a band 7 in particular you can find out about that course here um on the website there's lots of information about the ielts speaking test so if you want to find out about the evaluation the topics part one two or three it's all there free live lessons oh by the way go and download this book as well um are you making these common mistakes in ielts speaking it's well worth getting free live lessons that's where you are now right the free live lessons basically you can go there and you can get the latest live lesson you can watch it you can read it study it or download the notes you can download the audio file at the moment as well if you just want to listen on the go and then you can go and get all of the old previous lessons on all of your favorite topics check out the blog as well the blog has some good stuff all around some of the latest videos topics complex sentences was very popular last week a lot of feedback about that which was great excellent so that's the website go and check it out talking about feedback thanks um moderators for your work and for sharing that that's great just to let people know the the website address talking about feedback i got an email i wanted to share with you this was um last week from fernando who said the following he said hello keith i hope you're really well i hope you've rested your your during your well-deserved time off um i had a few days off the other week while you were enjoying your holiday my ielts exam date finally came i wish i had bumped into you earlier um in because or at least with enough time for taking one of your courses regrettably it wasn't possible but i saw many of your videos and lessons as i could manage they were invaluable i think the most important thing for me was when you said you had to be confident with your own knowledge and accept your level that is so important be confident with your own knowledge and accept your level that was my beacon of hope says fernando and i like your k-i-s-s keep it simple stupid these few words are not enough to express my humble thanks but i don't want to steal your time either fernando you said you might be at the next lesson if you're here this is you thank you very very much for sharing that it's a huge motivation for me to see students being successful in their in their test but of course for you hopefully that opens new doors helps you um get closer to your life dreams and life goals so thanks for sharing fernando that's great okay so what's gonna happen today today this is gonna happen i'm just gonna go very briefly through what we're going to do with the olympics um so that you know i'm going to begin looking at some vocabulary i was trying to get five rings but i just ended up with balls five balls different colors never mind not quite the olympic rings but not to worry um we're going to look at the role of the olympics i mean why does it exist why do we spend so much money on the olympics um we'll be diving into my toolbox another tool to help you learn english and of course we can't visit the olympics without talking about the para olympics the paralympics um which takes place two weeks takes place after the olympics for two weeks um and this is for disabled athletes or athletes with impairments to help them showcase their skill and their talent from different countries so we'll be talking about that it's a side of the olympics that is often not exposed as much as it should be i think um visualization i'm back with a visualization for you it's a way to relax and absorb all of today's language in a very natural way what else idioms of course we're going to pick out some useful idioms to talk about the olympics and finish on kahoot the review because i like kahoot and i think a lot of you like kahoot whoa [Laughter] balls everywhere very pertinent for today's topic on the olympics okay so that's where we're beginning let me just see if you're all doing okay i think you're all doing okay excellent good good luck use becks yeah you expect fans doing well right i see that china on top of the um the medal table um gb shout out to team gb great britain i think we're fourth remarkable very good year for us this year anyway we'll talk more about that in a few moments let's kick off with vocabulary right vocabulary where is my vocabulary i think it's over here okay so when talking about the olympics one of the most common verbs is to compete right to compete notice the pronunciation first the com the com this bit if i can get it becomes come come it's not com it's come it's the reduced schwa sound and the stress falls on pete that's why it has the schwa that come to compete to compete to compete i love to compete try i love to compete yeah notice the tu tu com come i love to compete it's almost like you're falling over i love to compete great that's a useful word do you know the word family of the verb to compete so by word family i mean the noun the verb the adjective the adverb the family of words related to compete do you know well let's find out i've got a little test for you um try and fill in the gaps below right with the word family with the noun the verb the adjective and another noun there are different nouns there were a lot of from italy the verb in this adjective n is the noun right try and fill it in write down below in the comments or over there wherever the comments are and let's see what you've got brilliant right interesting pani says india has competed japan has competed against japan yes i'll come to that in a moment that's a really good point so we've got we've got a few ideas let's just share a few people have said competition i'm assuming that's the adjective khan liu also says competition k just clarifying word family is the noun verb adjective great roro says competition competitive not competitive uh pradeep says competitor nice or as harvinder says competitors if it's the plural there is the noun that tuan says competitiveness but which one do we need here ruya says competition compete competitive competitor you're almost there almost bobber fond yes dominico says i get a lot of pleasure from competing very good excellent nice nice sentence what else have we got anybody got the whole sentence has anybody actually bothered to write out the whole sentence ah the silverfish great let's see what you've got the silverfish says there were a lot of competitors from italy competing in this competitive competition hurry well done nice there's the answer right there were a lot of competitors so the noun competitors from italy competing in this competitive competition right fantastic brilliant well done silverfish i think a few others got it right as well but that's excellent well done all of you for that nice nice so just to clarify we've got compete is the verb competitor is the person right so you are the competitor in the olympics well not yet but maybe not yet competition by the way if you are an olympian watching this learning english welcome maybe you are competition now notice this stress changes right competition say that with me competition an olympic competition i'm going to compete in a competition i'm going to compete in a competition right great um competition can be countable as i said right a competition so let's just make that clear um i am competing in a competition right i'm competing in a competition it's countable however let me just make this a little bit clearer [Music] it can also be uncountable there is a lot of competition um there's a lot of competition in the in different markets i mean competition like business competition right um or in the field of cloud computing there's a lot of competition for example microsoft google alphabet um amazon all of those right there's a lot of competition that's uncountable i'm trying to think of a better example an easier example there's a lot of competition in the field of i mean let's let's put okay in i can say in gymnastics i'm just wondering i don't want you to confuse the countable though because you could say there are a lot of competitions in gymnastics but there's a lot of competition that means there's there's a lot of desire to win right that's my that might make it easier desire to win that's the the meaning of competition right in that case right competition countable is like a race or a um a race or a contest so it has a different a different meaning there okay great [Music] just got an idea there's a lot of competition to take people to the moon tesla right mr musk um virgin atlantic jeff bezos and amazon they're all trying to take people to the moon there's a lot of competition desire to be the first and to be the best right okay and then competitive stress again on the competitive right um so you can be a competitive competitor it's a nice alliteration right i'm a competitive competitor try i'm a competitive competitor yeah nice very nice that's it now something just to make clear that somebody pointed out earlier um they said india has competed japan in the olympics or limbics india has competed well there are two things it means either in japan india has competed in japan in the olympics right competed in the olympics or india has competed against japan and many countries in the olympics right so you compete in a competition but you compete against other people or other teams countries okay great so that's the word compete it's um it's a hugely important word right good let's see mean cat china is so competitive in this year's olympics fantastic very very good yes in this year's olympics this year and every year i think roro says i'm a competitive competitor great ashras of ashraf as well competitive competitor it is a tongue twister yeah marinas says competitive competitor it's a really good tongue twister to practice right right now brady let's get this right then so now that we know it's against we've seen india has competed against japan then here we know it's brazil has competed against mexico in the olympics semi-final football match excellent that's it thank you brady that's a great chance to show everybody how we use it correctly nice rashika is showing us workforce is a competitive domain yes so with competitive good is not only sport it can be business work study everything good competed with japan fiona says um more common is to compete against japan that compete you can say competing with japan yes you can say that that's right but i think more common is against because the idea of competing is you know you're against is one against another when you say compete with it sounds more like working together with um so it is used it is correct but i think more common and to give that stronger feeling is against right car wall thank you very much that's lovely to see thank you very much right excellent good jax says just one final example india has competed against germany and hockey and reworked the history yes great great i'm not sure what you mean by reworked the history um i i think what we would say i i think this is what you mean right we normally talk about rewriting history so we've rewritten history or we've changed history because maybe germany were always stronger but now india have competed against them and rewritten history maybe that's what you mean i think anyway great thank you for sharing let's move on because there's lots of vocabulary we're going to talk about the the rounds right because of course um you everyone's talked about the final and the semi-final so the final is the obviously the last game um the semi-final is just before that before the semi-final you often have the heats um or qualifying rounds i mean these these really are the same right the heats or the qualifying rounds for example in the the men's 100 meters there were about 30 competitors competitors now you can't have 30 competitors running against each other so they had three or four heats with eight in each heat and then from the heats you got the final um so you don't always have a semi-final but those are the heats i guess because it's to warm up and you're getting hot maybe that's why they call them the heats when we're looking at records we if you're the fastest in the world the fastest or the best maybe it's the fastest the highest the longest sorry in the olympics right then it's the olympic and olympic record of course you've got a world record this is the fastest and the best in the world of course so not always the same and you can have a pb personal best which is the the fastest time for you personally um she got her p b in the 100 meters normally we say personal best but i know a lot of athletes and a lot of athletes talk about pb oh i got my pb when i did 100 meters so if the context is clear you can say pb if the context is not clear you would say personal best personal best right so records good good good good i was just going to show you this website um if you want to find out more about records that people have you know what are the world records what are the olympic records i stumbled across this website i stumbled across that's a great expression i stumbled across [Music] which means i found by chance right i came across it's the same thing i came across um oh fun and games i stumbled across this website i found it by chance that means to stumble literally is to fall it's like you're walking and you fall i stumbled across this website um and i wanted to share it with you because i thought it was quite interesting i found a lot of interesting websites actually um and maybe if guys if the moderators could share this one this is the um the olympic games records one right and if you go there it's it's the website um and basically you can go in if you look at women's outdoors you can see the hundred meters um let me take this out a bit can i bring it across yes and this was elaine elaine thompson did you see the elaine thompson did you see elaine thompson winning the 100 meters for women wow out of this world so she got the new olympic record um by about a meter you can find when all the latest ones are for different events they're down here for men for example you probably remember usain bolt's right back in 2008 that has still not been broken the 200 meters in 2008 has still not been broken usain bolt fastest man in the world so you can just find out all different um events like for the high jump right we've got charles austin 1996. seriously nobody has jumped higher than charles austin since 1996. absolutely amazing so quite an interesting website i just thought i would share that with you quite interesting you find some nice stuff up there if you're into that kind of trivia um you know interesting trivia all about the olympics excellent good um let's see how you're doing nevo says i stumbled across your video on youtube lovely great very very nice hola melisa great stumbled across katarina can i share your comment this is nice i'm looking forward to your 100 to your 1 million subscribers in this competitive market it's a world record hooray almost there and a big thank you everybody for subscribing it's absolutely mind-blowing what's happening it's grown so fast i think yes within the next few days i'll probably hit a million it's not a world record obviously there's lots of people with a million but thank you very much to all of you great okay so just coming back in very briefly a few more words we talk about to qualify and this is a really important verb as well right when you're competing then you qualify for something right so she qualified for the final notice the four four becomes fi she qualified for the final can you say that listen she qualified for the final yes she was in the heat and she qualified for the final yeah um france qualified for the final in hockey for example that's not true but just an example now if you say disqualified it's well it means that you're kicked out to be disqualified is you're basically you're kicked out for breaking the rules [Music] um nowadays it never used to be like this but nowadays if you have a false start do you know a false start a false start is where everybody in the athletics in the running everybody's ready to go and they say ready set go but if they say ready set and somebody goes too soon it's a false start and now if you have a false start you're disqualified one of our british athletes got disqualified i think it was in the hundred meters or the 200 meters um because he had a false start so unlucky i mean it's not unlucky right you're a professional you shouldn't have false starts but um it's cruel right they get they get disqualified for a false start you can get disqualified for cheating uh you know in boxing i saw somebody get disqualified um all sorts of reasons but then you're not allowed to compete you're you're kicked out for breaking the rules a false start is the example right ah okay kicked out so because of this anastasia a group of bad boys are quali disqualified for smoking behind so disqualified right is only in a competition kicked out from a competition and that's a brilliant example anastasia because it shows everybody it's only used in certain contexts here you're talking about the school right so you're not you can't say you're disqualified from school um you can be kicked out of school yes but disqualified is only for competitions brilliant thank you for that example that's lovely great let's see any other examples so another one here for exams if you teach during the exam you will be disqualified yes in so much as the exams are competitive yeah exams are competitive they are like competitions so you can use disqualified for exams um yes yes that can be used for exams as well okay but because it's like a competition great i've got a lot of indian fans today i notice india qualified for the final in the cricket match beautiful prepositions four in lovely very very nice brad scan good question disqualified and unqualified are not the same right disqualified is you're kicked out of the competition kicked out from or off kicked out from or of a competition unqualified means you do not have the qualification right that's a really good point equals not having the qualification so this is more about in work right so in order to qualify as a doctor you have to study for six years you have to get your your degree your certificate and then you're qualified but you may get a doctor who hasn't done that but they tell everybody i'm a doctor i can treat you but they're unqualified right they don't have the certificate to do it right i mean somebody they may say you know they may say to somebody can you help me let me think of an example hmm i'm thinking of something i'm unqualified for i'm unqualified to i'm on i mean i speak french but i'm unqualified to speak french to speak french to speak french of course i can speak french i'm unqualified to teach french so if somebody says i need a really good french teacher keith can you teach me i go no no i'm unqualified right i don't have the qualification to teach you french i can teach you english i mean you don't have to be qualified of course but in things like medicine doctors yes right good point sebastian hola hola right brilliant that's a nice example and could you come and teach for me because i was struggling to get a good example right but ann says i'm unqualified to fly an aircraft that is a really nice example great thank you brilliant i am thinking on my feet excellent yes i i'm unqualified to work in the industry similar idea very very nice excellent okay medals of course we can't have the olympics without medals so we talk about winning a medal to win a medal to win a gold medal or a bronze medal or a silver model medal gold silver bronze just to make that clear in case you don't know the colors so the best is the gold medal then it's the silver medal and if you're in third place you get the bronze medal um you would then become a medalist right we talked about word families so the noun is a medal the noun as a person is a medalist she's an olympic medalist so usain bolt is an olympic medalist right um you can also say she is an olympian so somebody who has an olympic medal medal is an olympian as well she's an olympian we talk about the podium now if you've played kahoot with me in cahoots we have the podium and on the podium basically can i show you the podium it's where you have bronze bronze goes here silver goes here and gold goes up here right so it's that kind of box that people sit on that's the podium and i can just show you just to make it really really clear because my good old friend google has pictures right you can see this is the podium so gold silver bronze and we say in english to make it to the podium so if you're in the final and you get either first second or third then you can make it to the podium so you often hear do you know after the race and they interview the winners and they often say the person in bronze place often says oh i'm just i'm just so happy to make it to the podium right so even though they didn't get the gold medal they're just so happy to get bronze i'm happy to make it to the podium to make it to the podium to make it to somewhere means to arrive i made it to class i arrived at class i made it to the airport on time to arrive right to make it to the podium and finally the medal ceremony where they give you the gold medal the silver medal or the bronze medal and even the bronze medal is great because you still made it to the podium right that's it lots of stuff all about medals and qualifying right okay excellent let me switch just for a moment what's coming next i just need to have some bad abs coffee muffin no muffin no wi-fi okay good where are we what's coming up next ah so we've talked a lot about vocabulary we've talked about competing we've talked about um brain drain we've talked about competing we've talked about um qualifying the heats the rounds the final or being disqualified um we've talked all about the medals and getting onto the podium i think what's important in the olympics of course is the different sports what are the different kinds of sports right well let me ask you a question then first of all to begin let me ask you guys what is your favorite sport i mean olympic sport [Music] because the olympics right you've now got lots of very interesting sports um since in vacations london rio london beijing beijing london rio i think all of those have had new sports come in to the olympics but the other day right i discovered bmx and skateboarding are olympic sports what i had no idea about that there's lots of new olympic sports is getting very interesting so my question for you to begin is what is your favorite olympic sport let's have a look let's find out okay dr says football great hockey lovely archery nice swimming running race right okay i'm gonna help a little bit because we wouldn't say running race although i understand jesse running um we would tend to say or one of these i'm just gonna change your answer just bear with me a minute so i think running races we would oh i didn't save it oh yes it has we would just say running right running as the sport or athletics if you want to be be wider track races we can talk about um there are different kinds of running races there's sprints there's middle distance there's long distance right so we can talk about running and it's one of the big ones right we've got sprints you've got middle distance and long distance so middle distance is your kind of your 800 1500 maybe 3 000 and that's more of a long distance long distance is definitely your 5 000 10 000 and the marathon of course [Music] so those are more long distance great just to clarify thank you jesse lovely cricket you see i wasn't aware cricket was a an olympic sport we've got fiona says ice skating swimming the long jump yeah long jump is a nice one right um bad men badminton badminton badminton badminton let me uh write that up here mordori badminton [Music] badminton yeah good one okay kwara has got badminton lots of people teresa loves badminton cycling wow did you see i was watching denmark against italy the other day on the pursuit the cycling pursuit the team cycling pursuit where they go round and round and right at the last minute italy snatched the gold medal out of the hands of denmark it was nail-biting it was a real nail-biting final love it nail-biting final well done italy right for winning that they did really well in the cycling football lots of people like football wow johnny beck there you go i was very qualified boxer when i was younger i'm a regional medalist and i have a bronze medal hooray you made it to the podium johnny beck pleasure to have you here fantastic great swimming great volleyball right that's another popular one the hammer throw says marcus i was watching the hammer the other day um i can't remember who won i think it was poland right who won wasn't it it was poland against finland they were the two big ones i think poland won but correct me if i'm wrong yes and the marathon sure really likes the raritan brilliant now ellen you're like me my favorite sport in olympics is skateboarding since i discovered skateboarding i've become a huge fan and i was so chuffed i was chuffed chuffed is a british term meaning happy right i was so chuffed um because the british girl 13 year old got the bronze medal 13 year old i mean i didn't even know 13 year olds could compete in the olympic games and the silver medal was a 12 year old what's going on well done japan right who got the gold um but yeah clearly skateboarding is a very is a young people sport very very interesting right lots of different sports there that we've talked about uh excellent very exciting nail biting i i heard that all the time when you listen to the commentary i watch the bbc commentary they're always like oh another nail-biting final it kept coming up again and again so it's a good it's a good expression right let's talk about sports um athletics uh is is a really important one because athletics actually is not just running i think that was my mistake athletics is not just running it's running and throwing and jumping right so athletics will include not only the races but also the long jump the high jump the discus the hammer so all of those basically running jumping um throwing going too fast those are all kind of athletics and that's the noun again word families the person is an athlete notice the stress right athletics [Music] i love athletics it's a tricky one because it's and you stress the le athletics try i love athletics or linking i love athletics athletics you're like what athletics i love athletics it's just a voice to sound it's a you can feel the sound here and is not voiced i love athletics athlete the stress for the person changes to athlete i'm an athlete she's a competitive athlete try that she's a competitive athlete good adjective athletic she's very athletic she's very athletic so she's very um well sporty really i guess athletic is somebody who's sporty doesn't it's nothing to do with competition so your you know your children can be athletic um some children are very lethargic and maybe quite lazy other children are very athletic and sporty right so it means you like you like doing sport great now olympic sports again i'm just going to share this website with you if you're unsure about the olympic sports or you want to find out more you can go to this website it's the hello surprise surprise and you can find out everything you need to know about the olympics right about the olympic games the athletes is the people about the sports the news and i was interested about the summer because obviously we have winter olympics here you've got the youth olympic games and you've got paralympic games they've got different sports but just take a look at the variety the variety of sports we've got right basketball archery you've mentioned a lot of these artistic swimming oh man this i was watching the other day artistic swimming was unbelievable the russians right i saw the when there were there was a couple and they were doing spiders and it was absolutely amazing artistic swimming or sorry they were synchronized swimmers artistic swimming synchronized swimming i think it's the same thing i'm by no means an expert don't worry you don't have to be an expert either athletics badminton with that lovely spelling um boxing hockey judo so you can find out here about all the different sports shooting right skateboarding look at that sport climbing i didn't know climbing was an olympic sport either didn't know that if you want to find out about the um olympic winter games if you're interested you can find out the sports there um obviously most of it focused around snow and ice and interestingly the paralympic games so this is the games for the disabled people or people with impairments some kind of impairment um ah i've not been here before they haven't put the games up maybe it's a different website yes same website okay there's lots of information here we're gonna look at the paralympics shortly um but it's absolutely amazing really really interesting if you don't know much about it stick with us and you're about to find out more about it um athletics so we've talked about athletics so i've got a little quiz for you a little few questions or a quiz if you like um we've there are lots of different kinds of sports and you've told me that you're fond of football hockey archery skateboarding what about the categories so if we put for example racing running jumping throwing that's athletics right what are the categories i'm gonna show you a question and i'd like you to tell me what are the six category names of the events below right so you've got something and something and that's for the discus the hundred meters high jump long jump etc etc so these are just examples there's a lot more but what is the category something and something for example artistic pommel horse beam etc etc what's the category for that sport or event we say sport or events right take a look write down your answer and uh i'm gonna have a drink i'll give you a little bit of time to do this and let's have some olympic [Music] sorry not that loud keith your question which sport do i like most i'm i love the middle distance running 800 1500 because when i was a youth i used to run the 800 and i used to run the 1500 they were my best sports i was a big fan i loved uh i loved athletics and running [Music] right let's i'll just share some of your answers as you're going not necessarily correct but let's see [Music] interesting take care see you soon interesting [Music] i see any others number three [Music] yuko you're on the ball competition interesting number six ah right okay sorry about that with my ears he says well that's interesting equestrian you're thinking of the horse oh it's a different kind of horse video is lagging ah sorry number four martial arts ah right okay interesting so some of these are very very good um let me knock that off so the first one right discus 100 meters high jump long jump all of that we would call track and field right track and field so i mean you'll write some of you in that they're sports but as a category we call it track and field so that includes all of the racing all of the running the discus the hammer right and let me just let's do um i'm just going to show you these because you may not know all of these these may be cognates for some of you but not for everybody not everybody will know them interesting that is interesting i'm looking let me show you because i'm showing i'm looking on the website i want to get the picture of the athletics discus throw um it's this one here you can see oh it's going to take me to don't want to go to watch the whole video the image suddenly why do i get fish why do i get fish [Music] discus throat that's what i'm talking about okay it's this is the discus going back to ancient greece in athens where they used to throw the discus so you've got the discus throw you've got the hammer throw look at that in scotland they've got the hammer throw fantastic that's throwing the hammer um you've also got something called the shot put i think it's a shot put throw shotput so they actually throw this heavy ball so all of those are throwing right so all of these racing so these are field events the high jump the long jump the hammer the discus these are field events and the the sprint if you remember the sprint middle distance long distance these are track events track and field number two you were right gymnastics a few of you had gymnastics you've got artistic gymnastics floor gymnastics they call it as well the pommel horse it's not a horse the pommel horse is this right the pommel horse ever so proud because britain won the male pommel horse competition we did very very well so that's the pommel horse and then you've got the beam in gymnastics there's lots of kinds of beams but the beam that they walk across right that's the beam in gymnastics so you've got all of these were are artistic or floor sorry they're all gymnastics right artistic floor gymnastics gymnastics covers the whole range of different kind of activities there number three water sports or somebody said aquatic sports water or aquatic aqua water aquatic sports so that included um whoops that included swimming canoeing diving all of those okay taekwondo taekwondo wrestling judo so generally these are actually called fighting sports now somebody mentioned martial arts yes and no because martial arts includes i don't see boxing it's not a martial art um tae kwandu yes judo yes karate yes martial arts but wrestling it's not a martial art these are fighting sports right martial arts would include so judo karate taekwondo jiu-jitsu all of those right those would be martial arts okay number five and six so right i think you had this some of you talked about team sports or group sports so these we would call team sports football volleyball right there's teams hockey this was the other one that a lot of people like [Music] and the others in contrast the individual sports individual sports [Music] uh you're shooting archery where you compete as an individual there's a lot of individual sports right but um contrasting to team sports and individual sports we could use these right okay there are other names that can be used here i'll just summarize these here yes you can use other words so we've got for example and just to share karan talks about beach sports so yes i mean volleyball beach volleyball surfing um these would be you could talk about beach sports um any other sports team sports individual sports horse riding could be another category a quest we call it equestrian sports um so i can add maybe these as well equestrian equestrian sports whoops it's with an e right equestrian sports so this is with a horse so again within horse riding there are different kinds of um events right i think there's the horse there's the jumping there's oh i can't remember the names but there are different events right with horses horse riding so equestrian we call that equestrian sports yeah okay excellent there's probably more there's probably more yes good calm wall good question can we discuss olympic related questions yes because i realize we've done a lot about vocabulary so let's move on i want to move on to a question about the olympics right because we've discussed vocabulary in detail but let's move on and talk about the role of the olympic games right what is the role of the olympic games is it a waste of money a lot of people say you know the money spent by countries on building the infrastructure building the stadiums the the roads the buildings the hotels the training camps that money could be spent on hospitals education infrastructure for the city i think this happened in uh in brazil right there was a lot of controversy about why they were spending so much money on the olympic games is it a waste of money or is there a bigger purpose behind the olympic games let me know what do you think the olympic games right naja says i don't think it's a waste of money okay oh well done congratulations you got 8.5 well done okay pradip says it's promoting the tourism sector good that's true the nog and yes there are air sports you're right uh zero says it stimulates the economy that's good ashraf says it cost an automatical oh i think you mean astronomical i think you mean astronomical it costs an astronomical amount of money yes true guaran says it's a big business it is a big business um oh yes you've got it there astronomical krishna very good point right it is to bring out the fresh talent to the world right that's very very good hyen says boost the spirit for healthy lifestyles there's a lot of interesting research about how the olympics can motivate people to do sport surprisingly it motivates people less than we think [Music] in fact some in some countries it has the opposite effect people actually end up watching the olympics and not doing sport and then after they forget and don't do sport at all so there's a lot of controversy about that right that i think that's an interesting expression um because i realized i keep using it there's a lot of controversy about it which means controversy just means um debate discussion let's call it heated debate it's actually very very if it's controversial then there's a lot of heated debate or discussion there's a lot of controversy controversy nice word yes um companies are sponsoring it yep that's true so it's there's business and companies sponsoring it it brings us relaxation yes it certainly does watching it does yep why do we need a lot of money very true it does cost an astronomical amount yes attack tourists around the world it does attract tourists except this year because if you look at the stadium there's nobody in there so unfortunately because of covid right it hasn't really worked this year um dally says in my opinion the olympics is not a waste of finances okay veal talks about long-term benefits you can promote tourists tourism right i think you say tourism is the sector promote tourism and investors so people do invest yes uh gopinat has a good point hosting the country the sorry the hosting country lovely collocation hosting country is the center of attraction of the world absolutely fantastic very very true okay um some very good ideas let me just build up a few phrases for you right um so the olympics i talk about they the olympics right they because it's the olympic games it's a plural um you could use it what role does olympic games play well it helps they help you can it you can use it or they i'm gonna say they they help build international unity friendship understanding empathy right these are nice words so the olympic games can help build unity friendship understanding we can say foster it's a nice word to foster is to create provide a good environment for something so they help foster friendship right between countries that's one of the ideas um bringing people of different cultures together it helps foster understanding across countries so we can talk about that we can use bridge they help bridge what do you bridge you bridge a divide you bridge a gap and you bridge differences these are all great collocations right so the olympics can help bridge bridges connect the political divide between countries so some countries are politically divided they disagree with each other but when it's the olympics they come together with mutual mutual respect and com competition so the olympics can can not always but can bridge the political divide it can bridge the gap between different cultures right what we learn about japan just watching the olympics we we learn an awful lot i mean the opening ceremony i don't know what you thought but i thought it was very interesting to see how the japanese interpreted what's happening now the olympics um i was very interesting right to bridge the gap between different cultures bridge the differences between people that's what sport does right when you're on the field it brings people together so we've got some nice verbs right you can build things you can foster you can bridge you can say all of these with the olympic games they're nice yes great rahul says they help build courage and equality nice lovely great also we can go on and we can say they inspire it some people talk about inspiration they inspire young people to be the best they can so be the best excel is to do very very well right to excel is to do very well to excel in their field and as you said to practice more sport [Music] so maybe you know you watch the uh the young teenagers on the skateboard and if you're a teenager that can inspire you to say well me too i can do that and i'm going to practice more sport absolutely however however there is the other side right of the argument the money spent on infrastructure so we're talking about the stadiums the roads hotels right could be better spent on [Music] schools hospitals etc etc could be better spent could be better spent that's a nice expression i think could be better spent could be put to better use that money could be put to better use we could build um some schools or some hospitals for example okay yes very good excellent good right listen i'm going to move on i've noticed the time gosh i'm going to move on just to show you one thing here um if you want to watch some great programs about the olympics this i discovered this um tv channel it's on the olympic website but guys it's live um and it's not only coverage of the olympics but they've got documentaries they've got films they've got the the behind the scenes at the olympics what's the the mission what do they try to do and it has some absolutely fantastic stuff here um documentaries about different sports and the origin behind the sport it's really interesting i mean we're not going to watch it now but just to let you know about that it's the live and you can basically go in there and you can watch all sorts of stuff all sorts of interesting documentaries um about basically about the games about the olympic games all sorts of stuff go and check it out right now i'm going to shift gear and show you something different i'm going to show you this one over here come back the toolbox excellent thank you very much the toolbox um here i'm going to share with you very quickly a tool that can help you with your learning right now this is called boccaroo so i encourage a lot of students to record their voice right and to listen back so for example you can take some of the expressions today you can record them and have them as a record and just listen back and it helps you absorb the language to really get the language deeper if you're practicing ielts answers record yourself listen back listen to your fluency listen for mistakes right it's really useful of course you can use a phone for that but if you're on your computer this website is really really simple right and it's a really really easy way oh sorry really easy way of doing it it's called you may know this um if you don't i'm just going to share it with you very very briefly it's super simple and this is why i like it because it's incredibly simple basically you go there you all you do is you connect your microphone press the button and it starts recording and it starts saying what you've got and you can record up to about one minute 30 seconds i think you can pause and then you can resume and carry on or you can just stop let's see if my mic i'm not sure if my microphone's connected the button and it starts recording and it starts saying what you've got and you can record up to about one minute 30 seconds i think you can then you can resume and carry on or you can and that's it great and you can also save it and share it you have to then you can get the link if you want to send that to your teacher or send it to some friends say listen to what i've recorded you can download it if you want to keep a copy so i download that into my computer or you can just delete it i'm going to delete it permanently this audio absolutely fantastic i just think it's so useful um to keep your own recordings to send them to your friends or teachers um it's really practical it's so clean it's like google it's super clean and simple um you know i do recommend it it's called vocaroo v o c a r o o go and check it out really simple but i think really useful lovely from that let me move on oh now i'm looking at time i'm going to mention briefly the paralympics because i think we can't visit the olympics without mentioning the paralympics the paralympics did you know was officially founded in 1989 in germany um actually it goes back to the second world war at the end of the second world war one of the it was one of the british um military guys i think a lieutenant who wanted to set up an opportunity for the soldiers coming back with disabilities maybe they've lost an arm or they've lost a leg or they've got a sight impairment to give them an opportunity to do sports together and to compete and to promote you know sport amongst people with disabilities and so this the paralympics was set up officially it began in 1989 but it had been going for many years the para olympics if you've not heard of this basically i think their goal my understanding is to raise awareness of people with disabilities so we talk about people with disabilities right so people maybe who have lost an arm lost a leg maybe they cannot see as well or maybe they're partially deaf impairments is some kind of disability if you like um so a sight impairment means you cannot see so well uh a walking impairment you cannot walk so well maybe there's a problem with the leg so these are both i think very very important words to know not just for the paralympics but in life generally right um and they offer they say they offer disabled people the chance to compete is the other one remember that we talked about compete the chance to compete but also the paralympics want to challenge the boundaries set by society and of course the boundaries set by society are that many years ago if you've lost a leg i'm sorry you can't compete just watch the olympics and obviously that's not good enough and so the paralympics said well no let's challenge that let's create the opportunity for disabled people to compete so this is what the paralympics stood did um it's for people with underlying health conditions so again disabilities underlying health conditions this is what they identify as how people can compete you need to have some kind of visual impairment or impaired muscle power or amputee which means you've lost a hand or you've lost a leg or some restricted movements of joints the joint is like the the elbow joint the wrist joint the finger joint this is your joint right it's the it's where the bone moves so all of these are the underlying health conditions that have um basically helped grow sorry that are necessary or in order to qualify in the paralympics you need to have one of these conditions okay if you want to learn more about the paralympics go and check out um it's really interesting seriously i just think it's i mean it doesn't get as much attention but when the olympics finish the paralympics follow straight away so in the next two weeks you're going to see the paralympics in tokyo and it's full of obviously like the olympics it's full of inspiration it's full of interest it's really amazing some of the sports that they've created and the opportunities that they've created go and check it out international paralympic committee i think it's well worth having a look at okay for me right now i said right visualization so i'm going to move on and do a visualization with you because we've been looking at all sorts of stuff right we've been looking at vocabulary a lot we've talked about the role of the olympics and whether it's a waste of money or what are the benefits of the olympics toolbox was vocaroo and i wanted to mention the paralympics to raise your awareness about that for disabled people visualization so the last week or two i've missed visualizations but i want to bring one back a visualization basically is uh is where i'm going to talk to you i'm going to ask you to close your eyes strange close your eyes and just relax and all you have to do is listen to me and just let the words flow over your body if i tell you to look at something you look in your mind right don't open your eyes just look in your mind if i tell you or ask you a question what are you feeling just think about the question we're going to look at all the vocabulary for the olympics right in the visualization this is the point it helps you relax but it helps you also absorb the vocabulary in a very open relaxed way right this is not for everybody but some people really enjoy it i think it can it can help you relax because because ielts preparation is really stressful right it can be a lot of stress i see so many people saying oh i'm fed up i'm finished with ielts i give up it's too much i'm just i'm forgetting all the words i can't remember things i'm learning i know it's really really difficult this i hope can help for the next five minutes right a chance just to relax for five minutes i suggest you sit because if you lie down you'll fall asleep but just sit if you can sit up straight i mean don't slouch right if possible just sit up sit up straight but relaxed right just get in the mood and i'm gonna talk you through and just listen and follow me it's all you have to do right easy peasy so that was clever are you ready you're ready i think you're ready okay brilliant guys let's begin okay [Laughter] let's do it so today you're going to travel to the olympics and it's going to be very exciting but to begin i'd like to begin with a little warm-up so first of all close your eyes and just relax your shoulders your arms your legs and your feet breathe slowly in and slowly out and as you breathe in and out just notice your breath don't try to change it or speed it up just let it happen as you let the breathing happen you can count one as you breathe in and two as you breathe out and just relax into your breathing next keep your eyes closed and in your mind i'm taking you to the olympic stadium we're going indoors to watch the gymnastics as you walk through the entrance what can you hear you walk over to your seat there are not too many people in the stadium and you sit down and relax you're thrilled to bits to be here watching this gymnastics competition there are different activities going on there's a woman doing artistic gymnastics there's a man on the pommel horse another on the rings the atmosphere is electric and you can hear cheering with every jump it seems to be a competitive sport as you watch feel your breath going in and out but now suddenly something strange is happening and as you look around you find yourself in the middle of the floor suddenly it's you you are competing you are a competitor you've been through the heats and the qualifying rounds and now you are in the final of the floor gymnastics how does that feel it's time to get ready you're stretching your body you're breathing deeply you're preparing to perform adrenaline is pumping through your body but listen you've got this you can do this you're going to make it to the podium you're going to become an olympic medalist all you need is to believe in yourself so you breathe deeply you're mentally prepared and just before you begin that's strange your coach is calling you over and he's whispering in your ear it's time to come back come back to class when i count three come back to class one two and three open your eyes and welcome back welcome back indeed how did that feel so who knows maybe you will become the olympic gymnastic champion in the future i hope that can help you relax some of you are probably a bit anxious about suddenly you have to perform but it's just about relaxing and listening to all of the language the vocabulary all of the words go back and listen again sometimes in fact all of the time the more relaxed you are the better you learn it's as simple as that so i hope the visualizations can help you with that great fiona says that was too good cal bana says really therapeutic right very wonderful it's amazing great good glad that you like it i want to sleep don't go to sleep not just yet not just yet yeah quite a few of you want to sleep anchor i was about to win gold and you called me back hahaha very good sorry to sorry to disturb your gold medal sorry to stop you going to the podium never mind you can go to the podium in kahoot later on excellent so i'm gonna switch um because we've been looking there at the visualization you've been listening feeling relaxing i'm gonna move on and have a little look at idioms just before we finish with kahoot so idioms there are different idioms we can use with sport and with the olympics i've picked out one or two please feel free to share any others that you have um but i have these i picked out the first one is to be the underdog and this is great right the underdog why do we say underdog and not under cat or under fish i don't know underdog what does that mean it means basically it's the team or the person that is not expected to win so in a competition you've always got the favorite right so the person you expect to win is the favorite right um the favorite it doesn't mean favorite it's a different american spelling it's the british spelling the favorite is the person who is expected to win right nothing to be nothing it's a different meaning from my favorite food right not the one i like most but the person you expect to win is called the favorite the opposite is the underdog for example some people say elaine thompson was the underdog but in the end she actually won the hundred meters breaking the world record right so nobody expected elaine thompson to win um they all thought her jamaican colleague was going to win but so she was the underdog but in the end she won and surprised everybody so the under underdog is the person not expected to win really good expression notice it's not the under cat it's the underdog great blue blow the competition away um you probably know the expression because i've taught it before to blow it blows me away right it blows me away means it's very impressive but this is a different meaning right this is a different meaning she blew the competition away means that she was much better than the rest elaine temp elaine thompson blew the competition away she destroyed the competition it's like you know if you imagine you're you're you're running a race and here's you and here's the competition and you're running and you're and you blow the competition away you just destroy the competition oh that's me yes but you're running and you destroy the competition you blew or you blow the competition away it's a really common expression when you're listening if you're listening to the olympics in english i know you're probably not um but you will hear that expression a lot she blew the competition away right she was much better than the rest and she probably won to give it your best shot is to do your best again this is this is used not only in sport but in other fields so if you're doing a piece of work or a project at work you can say i'm going to give it my best shot if you're going to take the ielts test you say i'm going to give it my best shot in in the in the olympics a lot of athletes will say right i'm in the i'm in the fight note i'm in the heat i'm the underdog but i'm gonna give it my best shot okay a curveball to throw a curveball um so normally if you think of a ball if you think of a ball that's not a ball but that'll do right when you throw a ball balls go straight right of course they do they go straight like that anything you throw goes straight but if you throw something and it goes in a curve that's unusual that makes you go what that's a bit strange so when you throw a curveball it's basically surprising somebody with a situation or maybe a problem right so i went to this meeting the other day i had my prep my presentation prepared um i was going to use uh i was actually going to use a powerpoint when i arrived the host said i'm sorry the projector's broken that threw me a curveball it like formed like oh that's a surprise what do i do now it was a surprising situation so i just had to speak without the powerpoint so to throw a curveball is to surprise someone uh with a situation or a problem for example again british athletes i'm choosing all the british athletes sorry when dina asher smith didn't qualify for the final that was a big surprise because everybody thought she was the world champion that surely she's going to qualify when she didn't qualify for the final that really threw us a curveball right it really surprised us that's the curveball another one neck and neck to be neck and neck again you'll see this in the olympics in the in the track events the sprint especially the sprints the 100 meter the 200 meters the athletes are often neck and neck so they're equal right they're in a race they're going together neck and neck they're absolutely together for example they were neck and neck right up until the finishing line and then it was a photo finish they take a photo to see because it was so close right they were neck and neck right up until the finishing line neck and neck great guys that's it those are my idioms let me just check in with you you are blowing the competition away great right hannah this is great he was expected to be to be the underdog but he threw a curveball when he broke the 100 meters record yes let me just add to b in fact we'll leave that when breaking he was expected to be the underdog but he threw a curveball when breaking the hundred meters record lovely that is a really nice example i like it thanks for that great joe says my best friend or boyfriend best friend or boyfriend cheated on me that really threw us a curveball yes now here because it's you you can change that you can change the the us the we the me you can change it to me that really threw me a curveball right and what did you do what did you do saddam this is lovely my friends think i am an underdog in learning english but i will give it my best shot i will give my best shot yes brilliant just notice underdog because it's uh you an an underdog i'm an underdog you learn english but i will give my best shot lovely we can also say i will give it my best shot but that's fine brilliant i enjoy the throw me right i enjoy what you would say here is i enjoy people throwing me a curveball i enjoy people throwing me a curveball i enjoy people surprising me right excellent nice roro really good listen brilliant some nice um idioms and some nice practice there i'm gonna move on next to our last activity for today and i'm sorry i've kept you so long it's gone on a bit long today but we're going to do a review and we're going to do that with kahoot and if you've not used kahoot before you're going to need to go with me to this place let me just switch camera right we're gonna review some of the vocabulary today i'm gonna test you and you give it your best shot and we'll see how we do go to this website you need two browsers stay with me but on your browser or if you've got a phone you can download the app there's a kahoot app or just go to we're going to play a game it's really simple it's really fun just give me a moment to set it up mr keith you really threw me a curveball did i good it's good to surprise you women no this is good people often think women are the underdog in business in life it's true yeah and then they often win good for them so here we are we've got the olympics let me just find out both players were neck and neck but one of them threw us a curveball lovely nice the key so you need to go to put in your name and then you're going to need the pin right now the pin is just loading up at the moment yeah the pin is on its way one moment there's your pin six eight nine one two two zero six eight nine one two two zero got a bit of music put in your name and we'll just let you get in if you can't get in don't worry you can just put your answer in the comments in the chat box and i will still see some of them i don't see all of your comments because there are too many so i'm sorry i can't answer everybody but i just do try and pick out one or two maria says greece is on fire nice idiomatically of course claudia says i will do my best shot in kahoot lovely very good so six eight nine one two two oh daniel turnip oh i'm i'm very happy about that you now love english great that makes me very happy brilliant let's turn this off let's just make it a bit smaller okay yes let's see who's in there okay let's start giving the time let's go straight in and start the olympics gymnastics is a very blank sport gymnastics is a very blank sport compete competitor competition or competitive you've got 30 seconds remember you can always put your answer in the chat box so karen just go into the chat box you can write your answer wow fantastic 168 got that right it was competitive remember the pronunciation gymnastics is a very competitive sport well done i'm impressed be careful 39 people said compete but that's the verb right you need the adjective good let's see who is up there heaven was at the top nice hubapa second let's move on to question number two that was the fastest he has ever run it's a blank best person personal people personify the fastest he's ever run it's a blank best harry you're heaven hey well done you're up there well done arda lena well done david well done oh that's even better 151 people got personal best a pb personal best absolutely the others exist but not in this collocation so that's your collocation a personal best well done let's see who's up there heaven which i think is harry i've just been told is at the top alms without any vowels and then kevin is number three okay let's move on question number three he was blank for taking drugs during the competition unqualified disqualified anti-qualified non-qualified he was blank for taking drugs during the competition i know controversial example i know well done ibuki well done levson void well done oh we're getting better and better 176 people got disqualified well done 42 fell into the fell into the trap of unqualified which of course exists but it means you don't have the qualification to do something right i'm not qualified to fly an airplane i'm learning fast disqualified means kicked out of a competition let's see heaven number one and nothing has really changed except the running hippo has joined us love it last question guys she won the race even though she was the blank undercat under mouse under elephant underdog a nice picture of david and goliath there david of course was the uh uh uh ten ten ten what happened wow you're getting even better step by step 190 people got the underdog perfect i know we've just studied it but even so well done absolutely brilliant so let's find out did you make it to the podium here we go number three with the bronze medal goes to ohms the silver medal goes to kevin and the gold goes to heaven well done harry well done heaven number one gold medal on the podium you're a medalist you're an olympian well done my friend congrats very very very nice excellent that's it well listen we've been through a lot today right we've covered a lot of vocabulary expressions idioms visualizations you can always go back and listen to some of this stuff again do remember you can check me out on facebook facebook page go and check out the website if you don't if you haven't done already the keith speaking academy um you can find out lots of materials and resources the the notes from today um so you can go and download those and get those as well if you've liked the live lesson and if you want to study more with me um you can go and check out the ielts speaking success um it's on uh well it's in different places it's in udemy or it's in teachable on my website you can go and find it if you go into my website you can get it straight away just by clicking over here let me show you if you go into the keith speaking academy let me take those off [Music] for example go straight into the study with me and click there and you would go straight to the course you can find out all about it um there's information what you get who it's for the whole curriculum you can see for some new questions here for the latest questions that are appearing so there's lots of stuff there you can go and check it out if you're interested if it's right for you at the moment go and check it out if it's not absolutely fine there's lots of stuff on the website you can find as well so go and check it out that's me i'll speaking success get a band 7 plus um to let you know on saturday i've got a recorded video and saturday's video is an interesting one it's common mistakes people make in ielts speaking so i'm going to show you not only grammar mistakes but also communication mistakes that lots of students make in their ielts speaking test you need to avoid these mistakes i'm going to show you what they are how to avoid them on saturday so check it out on my youtube channel um so make sure in fact that you do subscribe and turn on notifications which is here somewhere notifications where are you there we are i've got so many things popping up on my screen that's on saturday another piece of news is next week i'm going on holiday and you're like what again no last week i just had a couple of days off next week i'm taking the whole week off so i will not be around next week i'm disappearing up into the mountains so there's no live lesson next week okay just to let you know let me put that up where it's very very clear um let me just show you okay no live lesson next week because i am on holiday i'm on holiday but the week after yes the week after we will have a live lesson again as normal okay so that's it listen thank you very much for joining me today um it has been a pleasure it's been fun i hope you've learnt a lot about the olympics wow you've been here for two hours if you've been here all the time and you're still here then listen well done hats off to you absolutely fantastic i hope your country does well in the olympics check out the paralympics it's really worth watching have a great day thanks for all your messages guys and i will see you very soon take care now bye bye [Music] right drink time [Music] cheerio
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 72,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, ielts practice, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking topics, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking sports, ielts olympics, ielts speaking sports and games, ielts speaking sport topic, ielts speaking sports vocabulary, ielts speaking sporting event, water sport ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking vocabulary - talking about sports and hobbies
Id: DSrudiw2XME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 59sec (6779 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 05 2021
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