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[Music] ah hello there you are i was looking all over for you and i found you good morning welcome to today's live lesson um this is keith from english speaking success today we're going to be talking all about business people we'll be looking at the language the vocabulary to describe business people entrepreneurs leaders lots of language idioms and ideas so you can talk confidently at this interesting topic excellent great let's begin with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello there good morning and it's nice to be with you on this beautiful sunny day as we head into autumn there's a real feeling that autumn is in the air which makes me very very happy great to see you um today as i mentioned this is the topic we're going to be talking about business people with a special focus on entrepreneurs with some nice stereotypical pictures of entrepreneurs smartly dressed lots of them are not but an entrepreneur of course is a person who sets up their own business they like to work for themselves so we'll be talking a lot about that today in fact let me just um very briefly talk you through what we're going to do today and also a reminder that if you are i know that a lot of you are on youtube please do subscribe um and turn on notifications okay so you can find out about more videos coming up this way shortly and uh a reminder because some of you know me some of you you may be here for the first time so my name is keith um i actually run the website called the keith speaking academy which is this one over here um and if you want to check it out there are lots of resources there about i can't get it on there are lots of resources all about preparing for ielts speaking also if you're interested you can follow me on facebook you can join the facebook group it's the keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking and you can find out about us there and what we're doing fantastic good i'm just going to try and unlock this because it's not letting me do it never mind not to worry let's move on and let me go through and just say a quick hello who's here belen mambo it's my first meeting but i follow all your videos great nice to see you here the douchey you are my biggest fan thank you very very much great we've got uh islam tv from uzbekistan great cool spool chai as well how can i help you out and we've got heisha from edinburgh nice lovely a beautiful place place i am did my master's degree with edinburgh i was going to say in edinburgh it wasn't because it was a online degree i was in malaysia at the time but it was with the university of edinburgh beautiful city very very nice we've also got um chatura hello good morning nice to see you here emily is here ahmed bangladesh nice to see you great lovely so what we're going to do today i'm going to take you through very briefly what the plan is we're going to talk about business people okay i'll just get out the way um so first of all we'll look i think at vocabulary business people vocabulary about describing business people talking about them we are going to discuss whoa my mouse is all over the place today what's up with my mouse it's one of these um bluetooth mice mice and it's not working as well as a wire wired one we're going to talk about setting up a business what are the steps to set up a business of course our focus is on the language but listen if you're interested in being an entrepreneur might be useful um we'll talk about entrepreneurs there's a very famous one here excuse my um spelling there we're going to talk about questions for leaders because all entrepreneurs at the end of the day are leaders and some interesting information about questions and toolbox is here again and toolbox is where i dig into my box of tools for language learners to help you learn english to share some ideas with you there we are going to look at idioms for this topic for example i mean do you know this to go back to the drawing board what does that mean nothing to do with drawing or painting by the way got a new painting up today lovely again my daughter at work and we're going to finish off with a quick review as always dipping into kahoot to have a bit of fun and review the language we've seen so stay awake right i'm not going to keep you on your toes i do not want you to nod off or doze off in this class because i will be testing you at the end so stay alert my friends as we talk about business people okay lovely um so i'll kick off straight away let's begin talking a little bit about vocabulary okay um now when we talk about ielts speaking vocabulary business is a very very wide topic we have discussed business in the past so i wanted to narrow it down to talk about business people now it's interesting right i said business people at first i was going to call this business men businessman um but then i thought well hang on that's a very traditional an old-fashioned fuddy-duddy view of the world thinking you know only people who do business on men it's not true right lots of women do business so we do have the word business women it's interesting because we say businessman as one word but business woman has two words there are places where it appears as one word but it seems to be most popular to have two separate words right um what's i think what's interesting is notice the difference or similarity in pronunciation right of the plural businessman businessman and the singular businessman it's the same businessman and businessman it's the same although one is plural and the other obviously is is a singular noun um it's the same pronunciation because the man is with the schwa sound businessman can you say businessman and businessman it's the same it's clearer in with women right because it's business woman or business women this is such a common mistake right people mispronouncing woman in the singular woman and we win in the plural right singular business woman repeat with me the plural business women you smile twice business women smile twice when you see business women or talk about business women because it's great now nowadays of course the very very popular word is entrepreneur which we have stolen from the french but we use in english a lot on with a english pronunciation entrepreneur so an entrepreneur is a person who sets up their own business basically their own business business not business business so that's an entrepreneur it's a noun of course there's lots of other words becoming very fashionable now so solopreneur is also becoming quite fashionable as you can probably imagine a solopreneur is an entrepreneur that just has one person working in the company and that's the solopreneur um so where just one person is running their own business it's a solopreneur an entrepreneur may have five ten twenty thousands of people working for them solopreneur is the only person so he works it's an entrepreneur working alone let's say true entrepreneur working alone there are other words that are becoming fashionable maybe you guys know more than me you probably do but um solopreneur youpreneur is another one that's you know i've seen i'm not sure how mainstream it is a youpreneur is an entrepreneur actually a solopreneur who uses their name as the brand a bit like keith speaking academy right the youpreneur the name is the brand so it's the you you are the brand you are the product that's a youpreneur this is not very mainstream it's not very common um i wouldn't use it in ielts unless you explain what it is so if the word is mainstream like very popular like entrepreneur that's great if the word is not so common like youpreneur just be careful you may need to explain it to the examiner right if they say well describe a famous entrepreneur okay i'd like to describe um somebody who actually is a youpreneur and that apparently is somebody who uses their name as the brand and the person i want to talk about is mr blah blah blah blah mr blah blah blah right so you may want to explain it but i would tend to stick to mainstream words popular words like entrepreneur right good i'm just checking in with you if you've got any other words right we've got great let's just share a few of these ceo says chief executive um officer great uh sole proprietor you could say yes is a is more of a legal term yeah but that's absolutely right business lady you could have yes businesswoman i think maybe that's more british businesswoman maybe right um olga you want to be a solopreneur good luck ogre i'll go it's a great idea go for it you really should do it any others just checking in right okay i can't see any at the moment that's that's absolutely fine that's great so ceo is another one let's just write that in so it's clear chief executive officer there are there are other things like coo chief operating officer cfo chief financial officer but the the one at the top of the hierarchy is the chief executive officer we can talk about a business tycoon is normally a business leader with a lot of money and a lot of influence right so it's normally a rich businessman a rich and influential influential business person i'm going to say because it might be a woman there are lots of female business tycoons out there um so ceo it's a bit like you know if you take jeff bezos right he founded amazon he was the entrepreneur who created amazon he was the ceo of amazon but interestingly now he has stepped down and he is no longer the ceo because he's too busy flying rockets to the moon so he has hired somebody to be the ceo for his company interesting business tycoons maybe richard branson right it's a business tycoon um you've got elon musk i guess is a business tycoon so a rich and influential person in their industry let's say whatever their industry is so tycoon not to be confused with a typhoon which is a big wind or just an executive you could talk about there are lots of executives right an executive is not necessarily an entrepreneur they're just a business person high up in the organization right other ideas thank you tang bill gates is a business tycoon absolutely he is yes warren buffett also he is we can talk about md managing director yes so underneath the chief executive officer let's put managing director because that's another one again not on they're not the owner of the business but they are an important business person managing director managing excuse me okay nicholas thanks for your comment nicholas says i've never been on the live lesson with matt this man and it's so enjoyable hooray great i'm glad that you like it um so other tycoons we've got who else we had jack ma right carlos talked about jack ma another famous chinese tycoon um not to be confused with typhoon yes thank you emmy which is a very strong wind right uh mandeep says is business tycoon formal or informal formal it's more formal yeah business tycoon uh you can use that in writing in speaking in both of those yes is donald trump a tycoon oh yes absolutely yes he's set up his own business he's an entrepreneur he's extremely uh rich and influential yes elon musk is a prime example i love that rakhima john that's beautiful right nice english not a big example but a prime example what good english very very nice so elon musk is a prime example of a business tycoon lovely great um any others great we've got a few here we can talk about a business magnet yeah maybe we could add that one as well a business magnet same as a tycoon right basically lots of money business magnet great founder business founder or co-founder yeah a founder a co-founder steve jobs was the founder of um apple i think or was he a co-founder i think he was the founder right great co-founder means that there are two or three people who set up the business together okay excellent um also we have ceo you're absolutely right yes ceo is a chief operating officer i won't go through all of them thank goodness for spell checker chief operating oh come on is it my english or my typing hopefully it's my typing chief operating officer absolutely thank you that's great so these are all different people right that we can talk about let's talk a little bit about describing entrepreneurs because we've got different um different kinds of business people let's focus on entrepreneur and how we describe them now it's interesting because when we describe people you're giving your opinion right if you say elon musk is a tycoon well that's true it's a fact but if you say elon musk is an introvert that's probably more your opinion so you're more likely to say in my opinion elon musk is an introvert or in my opinion elon musk is a great leader other ways of saying in my opinion which are really nice to show off your language if you're doing ielts speaking as far as i'm concerned so you've got as far as is as far as as far as can you say that as far as think of one sound as far as as far as as far as i'm concerned okay so you can see the stress and the intonation listen as far as i'm concerned brilliant repeat with me and get the stress on i'm repeat with me as far as i'm concerned nice as far as i'm concerned elon musk is a innovative leader right or we can say the way i see it which is you know the way i see the world in my opinion the way i see it elon musk is a great leader the way i see it or the way i see it you can link the way i yai the way i the way i sounds like a song the way i the way i the way i see it the way i see it repeat with me the way i see it no not the singing bit don't go into your ielts exam going hello mr examiner the way i see it elon musk no you're not being graded on singing the way i see it nice the way i see it jack ma is a great leader okay excellent so entrepreneurs what do they need to be right um in my opinion entrepreneurs need to be for example passionate um persistent creative right so notice these are adjectives to have passion the adjective is passionate passionate say with me passionate if somebody um persists and continues and carries on they are persistent again say with me persistent great that's the adjective and of course creative another adjective so we we're putting all this together right in my opinion entrepreneurs need to be or you know the way i see it entrepreneurs need to be creative what do you think entrepreneurs need to be okay maybe give me a short sentence or a phrase what do you think and you can use different expressions here and different adjectives but make sure we're using an adjective right entrepreneurs do not work nine to five true um okay we've got some ideas they need to be determined um so if you're not using an adjective make it clear that it's a noun they need to be a risk taker right they need to be ethical okay great so you can have adjectives but if you've got a noun put the make sure it's clear great what else have we got right the way i see it entrepreneurs need to be rich that's interesting the way i see let me just help you out here you're here again that's okay the way i see it and we're talking generally right you're talking about all the entrepreneurs so it must be entrepreneurs with that's plural right so the way i see it it's you must have the it that it is this thing we're talking about so tam chong the way i see it entrepreneurs need to be rich okay i totally disagree but that's fine that's great it's a good example um v gas it says entrepreneurs need to be a leader positive thinker a positive thinker yep very good great a burning driving passion to captivate their goal right now that is is good but it's not to be it's to have right so you're talking about entrepreneurs need to have a burning passion to captivate no not to captivate you don't captivate a goal you captivate an audience right but not a goal what do you do with goals with goals you reach the goal right um my sam it's a lovely example right so in my opinion entrepreneurs need to have a burning passion to reach their goal right that's much better nice thank you for sharing that's lovely great uh cherry says modest kind hard-working born to rule born to lead born to create lots of different things they're all yes um yes they're all there permissive i wonder why they need to be permissive that's interesting but why not yes resilient says rohan they need to be resilient good pablo's got a nice one as far as i'm concerned entrepreneurs need to be responsible that's lovely pablo great let's get some full answers suncam says in my opinion entrepreneurs need to be punctual interesting why not yes rangana says in my opinion entrepreneurs need to be strategical thinkers love it strategical thinkers very very nice yeah and albino says i feel good lovely i feel an entrepreneur needs to be persuasive yet if they're going to sell you things they need to be persuasive and i don't mean just selling products i mean maybe selling the idea as well right lovely fantastic i'm going to share with you a website and it's it's 50 words to describe entrepreneurs and i'm going to share it with you for a couple of reasons one is to give you some ideas but the other reason is to be clear about adjectives that when we say entrepreneurs need to be we are talking about adjectives or nouns but you need to get the right word let me share with you this website it's quite nice it's from uh hey where is it from sweet it's a startup website it's about it's a website about startups suite startups and i've got the uh the moderators guys if you could share the link with everybody in youtube and facebook that would be great it's called sweet starter startups and we'll put the link in the the chat box you can also get it later um so what we've got here 50 positive words to describe entrepreneurs um so we've got for example passionate right we talked about now notice perseverance is a noun right persistence in doing something it's a noun this article is very good but it mixes adjectives and nouns and plural nouns so just be very careful that when you're using the adjective it's perseverance it's passionate persevering excuse me persevering having values empathetic to be successful you need to understand your feelings and those of others skilled again hard work should be hard working creativity should be creative humility is good um being humble selfless good vision okay have a vision so it's a very interesting article you get lots of words here that you can use to describe entrepreneurs um competitive fearless brave and you've talked about some of these just be careful be aware the difference between the noun and the adjective but you can go and have a look at that got some nice vocabulary and some nice explanations there right sweet startups will share the link in the chat box and it'll also be on the notes so just to remind you right at the end of the class i take all my notes put them into a little a nice little pdf upload them on the website and you can go into the website and get them right so it's good for you to take notes but don't worry if you haven't got all the notes because later you can go to the keith speaking academy which is you can just go onto the free live lessons tab up here which is what you're doing now and you can go and download the notes here music hello it's keith um so you can download the notes from the website the keith speaking academy you've got all the notes from all the past live lessons lots of materials and resources for you okay just click on the live lessons great do that bob's your uncle now then where were we we were looking at describing entrepreneurs right so let me come back in excellent some nice ideas from you let's move on with i'm just gonna add something here i just remembered um entrepreneurs in my opinion entrepreneurs need to be a visionary or to have a vision so vision is a nice word to use to have a vision it doesn't mean that they can see right that's to have vision this is to have a vision a vision is different from vision if i have vision then i can see just made that clear to have vision but to have a vision right is i have a not only a goal and a mission but i have a view of the world i want to make real there you go that's some nice leadership talk a view of the world i want to make real if you ask any i don't know big big entrepreneur then like i don't know like um elon musk for example or jack ma they will not only tell you their goal but they'll probably have an idea of how they want the world to be a world where everybody can move in an electric car i don't know or whatever it may be where people can buy things seamlessly on the internet so that's a vision vision the other expression is to lead from the front and i think a few of you said they need to be a good leader to lead from the front is obvious right you need to be in the leading position you need to be in front and other people follow you but we do talk about to lead from behind and to lead from the front so a bad leader will lead from behind which basically is telling everybody yes go that way you go that way i'll go this way you go that way so many politicians we talk about there you know they lead from behind basically they're telling you where to go but they're not setting the example right they're not setting the example that's it not setting the example whereas to lead from the front is to set a good example and lead basically you know lead and to be you know follow me follow me to lead from the front it's a nice little expression or if you want to talk about bad leaders maybe some politicians naming no names bad leader will lead from behind that's the wrong emphasis right okey-kokey excellent some nice comments coming in about this topic okay we've talked about that describing people let's move on and let me find what we're going to do next i'll come back to my original plan here right business people what was next do you remember setting up a business we're going to talk about setting up a business now setting up is a phrasal verb meaning to start or to begin something usually a business or a company or a project so setting up a business let's talk about setting up a business how to set up a business i'm not going to teach you how to set up a business but we are going to talk about it um so set up right let's begin with that to set up is to start or begin right but not not example not a class you can't excuse me you can't set up a class it's normally a business a project or a company so it's normally in a business context let's set up let's set up a startup okay so there's the next one a startup is just a new business a new business it's become a very fashionable world word right business a new business or company it's a very popular word i think oh in the last 10 20 years to talk about tech startups um because technology companies well that's they're controlling the world aren't they i mean basically between facebook amazon um apple microsoft they're basically controlling the whole world so these technology companies have become very popular and we when they began this idea of the slightly mad entrepreneur in his garage at home beginning a business because it was so fresh and new i think the word startup became very popular so to begin a startup we're beginning a startup we're going to set up a startup it just sounds fresh exciting young and new if you say i'm going to set up a company oh all right yeah good i know i'm going to set up a startup oh really fantastic great what are you going to do well i'm setting up a startup that's going to focus on blah blah blah and everybody gets excited but if you go no i'm setting up a company really okay yeah should we go down the pub nobody's very excited about it so startup is the buzzword it's the fashionable word to set up a startup to found a business right is to begin or to establish let's say establish a business or to begin to launch somebody who was it somebody had launched i just saw that rohan said to launch a business as opposed to me saying it's a laugh of business the autocorrect why does it think i want to say left to launch a business is also a good expression yes brilliant yeah kdi we're going to set up a startup from scratch that's a lovely expression so to set up a business or to start a business from scratch is a great expression and it means from nothing right from the very very beginning so let me just put that just with nothing and from nothing well from nothing the idea is right is that you don't you you're not given lots and lots of money it's not that you're from a rich family but you have your own money and you start with nothing or from nothing so to start from scratch to start from the very very beginning the other expression which is very similar is to start a business from square one which is basically from from the beginning so for example you know if if i buy a business from somebody and i take it over and i change it then i'm buying a business but it's not from scratch it's not from square one because the business already exists and i'm just buying it and changing it however if i set up my own business with my own money and from the very very beginning then i start a business from square one right sometimes somebody will buy a business and they think well we can change it but you know what let's just forget the business and let's start from square one let's just throw this away and start from square one start from the beginning right so these are all nice expressions we can use to talk about business great mohamed maxwell let's start a business and a new company absolutely we are going to do that in a moment we are great nothing ventured nothing gained right which is a nice expression yes meaning um if you don't try you cannot succeed so have a go basically somebody says you know have a go set up your business nothing ventured nothing gained if you don't try you won't succeed lovely nice expression um to set up a firm says a beamer yep a firm or a company or a business is nice uh from square one from the drawing board not exactly no not exactly that i think these are two different expressions i'm going to come back to the drawing board vue a little bit later to create a business yes what else have we got to establish a business yeah all those are good um but again i've set up with my classmates now you need to be clear what you're saying here i have set up i'm assuming you mean that you have set up a business with your classmates so you have to set up something right set up a business set up a project maybe so maybe it's a business but maybe it's a project maybe it's an english speaking or an english practicing project but you must say i have set up something with my classmates right fantastic great nice thank you for that okay anything else there's lots of other expressions but we're going to move on um i'm going to ask you this question right how to set up a business and i'm going to order your ideas so i want you to write down what are the things we do to set up a business like number one number two number three number four and so on right think about the steps that you would take to set up a business so you want to hello go away you want to set up a startup um what's the first thing you do it's the first thing to go and look for investment to get a loan from the bank is the first thing to employ somebody create your team is the first thing to make your product what's the first thing you should do when you set up a business and then what's the second and the third write your comments in the chat box and i'm going to put them in some kind of order on the on the list and then we'll discuss there's no perfect correct answer right there are suggestions and if you go and look at websites about how to set up a business they will suggest one two three four another website will say well it's two four three one but more or less you'll get the idea of what the order is um but there's no correct answer but what's interesting for us is the language that will come up as we talk about how to set up a business so and also if you're going to set up a business hey you may get an idea or an inspiration a flash of inspiration to help you set up your brand new startup so i'll give you a couple of seconds just to start writing some ideas in the chat box which gives me a moment to to do this my mouse i love that jingle but it's a bit old i do need a new jingle right okay we're gonna put some ideas out here right i'm going to go with fatima who says detect needs detect needs and i think she means customer needs or the market needs maybe what does the market need detect customer needs i'm not sure about detect detect customer needs um possibly i would probably especially in spoken english i would probably go for the phrasal verb find out find out customer needs detect maybe but find out i'm going to put that first okay um what else have we got clara says i guess we offered starter planning so i'm gonna put that okay make a plan i'll put that as number two yamla says get a creative and groundbreaking idea okay that has to be before the plan right um in fact you're probably putting that first right get a i'm going to say ground breaking idea i love that a groundbreaking idea that's nice i like that so we've got get a groundbreaking idea detect or find out let me keep this simple find out customer or market needs somebody said do market research which is a similar thing and i'm gonna put this here as well do market research right which we can also have then we've got make a plan um let's see what else comes after that somebody says finance needed in fact a lot of people say finding investment right let's put this down as there find investment now would we find investment siemens says yes even because of good networking for finding investment yeah so network and find investment good i like that so that's from you can network you can get a loan from a bank or from family get an investor nowadays we talk about angel investors right get an angel investor why we talk about an angel investor because they're saving your life maybe so you can find investment from networking get a loan that's money you borrow from the bank or get a an investor an angel investor maybe brilliant good what else have we got learn the market location make the plan inspiration okay let's just share a few of these ideas and i think these match first of all i would choose the area i could perform to be successful yeah so that's kind of combination of one and two right this is doing the market research having the idea develop our business model now that's interesting yeah that's probably in the plan right make a plan create a business model actually you don't need to decide but sorry you don't need to create but you do need to decide a business model the business model focuses mainly on how to make money so in your plan you've got an idea you've got the market you've analyzed the market you've seen a an opportunity and when you make a plan you need to be clear about how you're going to make money are you and there's lots of business models right you can have a online model where you make money online retail model so you'll sell to the customer wholesale model so it's b2b you'll sell to other businesses or if you're online will you have a subscription model where you pay every month right there are different business models so business models we can maybe just make a note at the bottom about business models because that's quite interesting i think right is it b to b which is kind of wholesale which is selling to companies right or b to c business to company which is the retail idea so selling directly oh come on autocorrect selling directly to the customer you know is it an online selling is it a monthly subscription model so there are lots of different business models about how you make money the business model is not only about making money but a significant part is how you make money so you can talk about b to b b to c monthly subscription etc etc good so let's come back to our ideas um business model market research money there you go crystal clear very very simple el esterio says listen money sort out the money the finance great other things now steve says number six adopt the project research the market so i think yeah research the market i think comes much earlier i think that's probably when you get the idea the other thing i think is that often these are not linear things right i think when we're organizing when you're setting up a business we sometimes think it's linear which means it's a b c d e it doesn't really work like that often it's a bit circular right you start with your idea you do your research you then come and change your idea you then make a plan you do some research you then change the plan and it goes around in a circular way so often setting up a business is circular rather than linear linear being a line interesting right so adopt the project now it depends what you mean by adopt do you mean to begin begin the project start working maybe that's what you mean i'm not sure um so start or we often call it open shop right so open shop just means to to start working you know let's open shop not necessarily a shop maybe it's any kind of business but we say let's open shop let's start working there may be other things we need well yeah this is a very good point gain some knowledge about what you're going to set up so i guess that connects with the research the market research timothy says to set up a business we need to come up with an outstanding idea so we've got groundbreaking outstanding absolutely yes florence says go to the bank to get alone yeah now here's one we've missed out mohsen says idea yep plan yep money yep employees so maybe let's put this in as number five employees are just going to help you with um higher employees what i wanted to say was the spelling employees look at the spelling hire employees um create a team unless you're a solopreneur if it's just you that's fine but maybe you want to hire employees create a team um the other one you may want and i'm going to add this one is um find a place right so you need either a real office or you can work from home or an online space but you need a place from where you do your business right some kind of place maybe a location maybe a platform if it's online but you need some kind of a place where you run your business which means that number seven will be open shop down here let me run this down da da da da can fit them all on the same place anything else i think we we're about there aren't we to invest the says well people need to reach the potential customers so yeah you of course so you need to be doing marketing and selling right at some point i guess after you've opened shop that's when you're doing marketing do marketing uh do some advertising maybe that's your marketing maybe not do some advertising and sell your products or service yeah great there's lots of extra stuff here people have talked about feasibility study right which is testing will your plan work or not are you in the right location or not capital which is money right that's a good word let's i forgot about that word capital let's add that find investment or capital right which is money excellent those are all really useful words to know right there's lots of things weigh up the benefits and the risks yeah do a risk analysis absolutely there's lots of extra things looking for the team yeah brilliant broaden my knowledge about marketing yeah maybe you need to learn about marketing as well as doing the marketing especially if you're a youpreneur or a solo printer right so this is it guys you can now go and set up your own business it looks like we've got get a groundbreaking idea find out the customer needs do some market research i like that when you're speaking we often use things like some or a bit of right instead of saying well i need entrepreneurs need to do market research much more natural english entrepreneurs need to do some market research the sum is so so nice so use that then you make a plan choose your business model and then look for hopefully find your investment capital money maybe you'll get a bank loan maybe you'll get an investor you can then hire employees or create your team probably find a place maybe get a place before you hire the employees right otherwise your employees turn up to work on the first day i'm sorry we don't have an office you can work in the street oh okay good job i bought my coat so employees find a place first maybe employees then open shop do some marketing do some marketing or some advertising and sell your product and then become a business tycoon easy peasy absolutely simple why do they say being an entrepreneur is so difficult did you know i don't know the percentage but i think a huge percent of entrepreneurs don't make it they set up a business and then they close we read about the successful stories right but behind every success there are thousands of entrepreneurs who don't make it it's very very difficult so um the important thing is the language you've got all the language we need here to talk about setting up a business right good um what comes up after setting up a business what's next on our little plan of class plan entrepreneurs well we talked a bit about entrepreneurs right um but let's talk about yeah wait a minute yeah we're going to talk about entrepreneurs but before we talk about entrepreneurs i'm going to take a glass of water and a little break because i want to share something with you okay the library i don't know if you know the library but on my website there is something called the library and let me show you what it is just in case you you haven't been there i've seen lots of people have signed up to it and it's great but let me show you if you go to the keith speaking academy if you remember that place if you go to the free live lessons which you probably will to get your pdf there's a little notice here about joining the library hello it's keith from the keith speaking academy i guess you're here to download the pdf anyway in addition the library right is a source of pronunciation files visualizations and ebooks basically it's extra material to help you learn english so i've done pronunciation files of the notes so the pdf of the live lesson it has like a 15 minute pronunciation file to help you pronounce all the words and practice the chunks and collocations and the idioms so you can use them more effectively if you click on the join now you'll just see it tells you more about the library you get pronunciation files visualizations and an ebook visualizations is a kind of meditation where you can relax and learn english at the same time i've just put in a new visualization the other day but here are the pronunciation files at the moment i'm adding new ones as well and the visualizations and it's basically it's three dollars it's 363 if you're in europe but it's three dollars to join and i just wanted to share it with you that i'm increasing putting in some new materials some more pronunciation files and so the price is going up a little bit i mean three dollars it's not very much right but it's just going up a little bit tomorrow so if you want to join i suggest you join today because it's cheaper tomorrow it'll be more expensive but once you join it's a one time payment and you get lifetime access including any updates so even though i put in new materials next week or next month you always get all the new stuff once you've paid one time forever so my suggestion was just to say go in go if you're interested if it can help you pronunciation files visualizations it's fun it's useful i think go enjoy do it before tomorrow because it will go up tomorrow as i add more things that's the first thing the other thing was to tell you about a new project now if you're in the facebook group you'll have noticed i was asking people about the project i'm setting up a new course it's a new eight-week course that will be starting soon i'm still creating it but what i've decided to do is in addition to my existing course ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus which is a self-access course right i wanted to set up a course with guided learning so in this course i will be going with you week by week through the course so each week we will be in touch with each other there'll be live lessons there'll be a private community and forum where you can contact me and ask me questions week by week and we look at the materials together over the eight weeks you do all the work of course you have to study but i guide you and this is a big big difference it's different from the course at the moment because the course at the moment you sign up you study in your own time at your own pace that's great very very convenient but some people like a guide guided learning they like a study plan they want to know what they're going to do every day or every week so this course is about that it's about me and you together going through the course over eight weeks it's a premium course so this is i'm developing at the moment um based on your ideas and feedback thank you so much all of you for that um and i hope it can happen in november and december for the first time that's the plan um i say a premium course because basically i want to offer learning for everyone right so i've got i think i want everybody to have access to high quality materials so i've got the website with lots of ideas and resources you've got the youtube videos which there are i don't know over a hundred videos you can access for free the live lessons you can access for free here right every thursday at the moment i've got the facebook group which is free the library which is very very cheap i think three dollars which is materials for people to help study the self-access course which i also think is relatively cheap to give you lots of information to study this course is going to be more expensive it's going to be a premium course because i will be with you throughout the course so some people were asking how much does it cost i don't know but it's premium so it will be a bit more expensive but because it's a whole new experience and i think it will be very valuable for a lot of students so the idea for me is to offer opportunities for everybody at different levels okay right that's me talking and talking and talking um that was it the course the new project let's see um there may be a question sir please provide online material go to the website keith speaking academy it's all there lots of it can someone put the link for the library yes um moderators could you throw that in that would be great i haven't a paypal account for paying for the courses either paypal or an international credit card so a visa or a mastercard at the moment those are the only way i can take payment sir can you say a language that you know basil uh yes french spanish chinese and a little bit of english okay let's get back to the lesson yes let's get back to the lesson totally agree let's do it so entrepreneurs let's move on i've got a quick question for you about entrepreneurs and that is the following which entrepreneur entrepreneur it's a difficult word right entrepreneur do you look up to so to look up to and you should know this if you watch my video last week on saturday about phrasal verbs we talked about look up to which entrepreneur do you look up to do you admire and why for example well i look up to steve jobs in some respects because i thought he was a creative genius although that said the way he treated people wasn't great but he was an amazing entrepreneur for example what about you guys i'd love to hear about which entrepreneurs you like give me uh give me a message i do know jungman yes how i look up to my mum's cooking school that's great english but is your mum an entrepreneur or maybe she is maybe she runs her own business right her own restaurant i don't know maybe cass talks about elon musk uh jeff bezos right guys tell me why cheryl sheryl sandberg yeah facebook c o o i think if i remember rightly i look up to you mr key thank you very much very kind um any others i look up to my dad okay remember we're focusing on entrepreneurs me and again maybe your dad as well uh great next level english thank you very much so jeff bezos ricardo of on the top of my head i picked this one ricardo i know you're talking about your father and i'm guessing he's an entrepreneur but it's not on the top of my head it's off the top of my head right not on but off the top of my head if you do that action off off the top of my head that'll help you remember off the top of my head you could do that in the ielts speaking test well off the top of my head i would say i look up to my father why other business people right i look up to elon musk because i'm interested in astronomy great good uh says i look up to mark zuckerberg he transferred the social life into the virtual world right he transferred our social life into the virtual world yes good good nice yes muhammad he is an entrepreneur yes jack ma good tell me more um i look up to ah right ifan allen khan chairman of the saman foundation great good tell me more i look up to bang civic from high labels brilliant good tell me more razzie i look up i look up bill gates you don't look up bill gates look up is to find him in the dictionary so be careful right that's a very good point and this will help everybody grassy because the difference between look up and look up 2 is very important i look up bill gates in the dictionary but i look up to bill gates with an s because he is a great philanthropist and funds many scientific projects yes he is you're right great um who else yozora look up to tony robbins i'm recently becoming more and more interested with self-development books and their positive impact on people's lives very interesting yeah tony robbins is one of the leaders of the self-development world right yes so self-development books we would call them self-development nice y'alls are good my mum was a businesswoman and i really look up to her fantastic great ashes steve jobs as well good um sen long talks about jack ma who is a chinese business magnate investor and philanthropist if you can say that i would be impressed philanthropist that's probably the two of the most three of the most difficult sounds in english right uh wait phil how do we do that let's split it up phil philan philan that's easy filan thro philanthropist it's like you're doing a gym in your mouth philanthropist can you say that philanthropist say it slowly philanthropist nice great it's such a valuable word because so many entrepreneurs are philanthropists like bill gates jack ma um loads of them he's the co-founder of course of the alibaba group that's absolutely right great lovely nice any more yeah we've got ratan tata because he always gives back to the community lovely very nice um sumi says i look up to my mother who runs her own homemade food delivery business lovely homemade food delivery business brilliant good luck to her nice bill gates because he is helping people uh sorry keith elon muk elon muk who's elon musk is that elon musk's brother uh i'm making fun sorry take me back take me back let me put it in for to help you elon musk is my idol i know i think he's great i always look up to his big imagination lovely thank you paula so much that's great okay i'm going to move on right we're talking about looking up to entrepreneurs what about what we can learn from great entrepreneurs now if you want to learn more about entrepreneurs and learn from them well what can we learn from them we can learn how to be creative we can learn how to help people and maybe give money like a philanthropist we can learn how to run a team we can learn how to build a business maybe sometimes we can learn how not to run a team maybe in steve jobs case we can learn a lot from great entrepreneurs i'm going to share this website with you and again um if uh sarah and paula if you could share these in the in the the groups the facebook group and the youtube chat box i'm just going to show you this because i thought this was a really interesting website right um talking about entrepreneurs it's it's a really nice blog let me say it's called blogger passion it's all about how to start a blog and i was just impressed with the blog and the content but it's talking about 20 most famous entrepreneurs and what to learn from them i like this saying here from reed hoffman an entrepreneur is someone who jumps off a cliff and builds a plane on the way down that is so so cool i like that so it talks about entrepreneurs and then here we go we've got different entrepreneurs who you could uh find information about maybe steve jobs we've talked about steve jobs let's have a look at steve jobs and it has a picture it tells you who he is he was the chairman and co-founder ah so he was the co-founder of apple quote your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life that's a quote his idea if there's only one lesson you can learn from steve jobs it is put a dent in the universe interesting and it goes on to tell you about who is steve jobs right we've got words like chairman ceo over here co-founder other words right useful words to know majority stakeholder there you go another useful expression here's the famous quote your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life it's great i mean you can read this in your own time what can we learn from steve jobs puts a dent in the universe which basically what it says here is leave your own mark so impact the lives of other people put a dent in the universe it's interesting right if you go through this blog you'll find the same for different people uh radish you'll find information about him about who he is what he said and what you can learn he said find the right mentor very good advice you've got uh vijay shikashama right who's one of the uh is the pay tm system the payment system and gives him a quote and he said what can you learn look for the opportunities and gives you more information elon musk there you go we've talked about him today what can we learn from elon musk take risks down here take risks he's famous for taking risks it's a really nice website i would go and check it out lots of information this page in particular about oh he's got a little top button to do it famous entrepreneurs and what we can learn from them i recommend it not only because it's a beautiful website but because of the language you can learn to talk about entrepreneurs right so blogger passion bloggers passion guys if you can share the links that would be great you can also find this when we go back to my notes when i make the pdf of my notes here i'll put this on my website you can go and download it go and check out these um these links some really nice resources for you to check out great any comments anne says we can get their experiences from their journey to success what difficulties they had met and how they overcome overcame them yeah fantastic nice i'm just going to make a small change but over come over cane then lovely and very very nice lovely english as well very good good tam says we can learn from their perseverance in order to stay motivated on top of that we can know how to have a good sense of leadership and acumen well there's some nice english there's some very nice english love it well done okay thank you very much for all of that guys some really good comments right so what what's next we've talked about entrepreneurs after entrepreneurs questions for leaders now i'm just looking at the time okay i'm going to go through this quite quickly and then go into the toolbox questions for leaders i was just um doing some research on leadership and found some very interesting sites talking about the kinds of questions leaders should ask their staff because the idea of the entrepreneur like steve jobs and elon musk is being the creative visionary leading everybody saying follow me follow me do this do that and often we think they don't ask questions right but in fact some of the best leaders and entrepreneurs are the ones who ask great questions somebody said and it may be tony robbins maybe he said if you want good answers ask a good question and it's very hard to ask a good question so finding the right question right great questions give great answers so i discovered a nice website and it's interesting it talked about great questions four questions that leaders should ask their employees now if you are a leader or an employee you can share your ideas if you're an employee you can share what you think your boss should be asking you what do you think your leader should be asking you right great questions that leaders should be asking up sarah great you've just shared the link i'm just going to share these ideas here right great questions should be asking their employees how can i help you what a great question because they say the definition of good leadership and management is getting things done through people you want people to do things for you how can i help you great question right instead of do that do this how can i help you so you can help me better number two is what do you think again we often have the idea that the leader has the idea and tells people but what a great question right we've got this problem what do you think and get the ideas from the employees nice what do you think another great question what have you learned today because the employees on the front line often learn the most important information they often know what the customer's thinking they often know what's happening in the market that the leader cannot see what have you learned today and similarly maybe how can we better serve our customers because the employees often have so much knowledge and experience that the leader may not see because the leader is like you know big picture and the staff will see a lot of details so those are four very very interesting questions right um yeah i mean in a similar vein says this could you share me your brilliant idea for this project i love that the fact that you say brilliant as well is really nice great question um mobina what is your main goal in your job in your gob in your job i laugh because gob is a slang word in britain for mouth the gob is the mouth but i know you mean job right that's fine absolutely fine good question very good question um other questions i saw a couple of before yeah what's your opinion right what do you think nice question other ones good good speed is there any room for improvement always pushing people right to do better paula says how you spend your day i want to ask this because they're they are the efficient ones on earth oh but that's a question for the leader right i think yes okay good so i think these are interesting questions that leaders can ask if you want to find out more there's a great article on the forbes magazine again the guys have just sent the link to you they'll share it with you you can have a look but forbes is a great business magazine there's an article here four questions every leader should ask their team and it goes into a lot more detail and some really nice language this could really help your reading and also help your vocabulary if you can get past the pop-ups there are so many pop-ups on websites why i know because that's their business model i know so you can go and check that out i'm gonna move on swiftly to another quick activity um and this one actually is oh it's this one [Music] toolbox so two boxes where i'm just gonna share with you a tool to help you learn english it's actually a tool that i found on the internet of course it's actually a website a lot of students have been asking me about listening skills how can i improve my listening skills what should i be listening to it is hard to find good listening material apart from films podcasts tv series youtube i mean all of that the kind of the authentic listening material is good but actually good study listening material is not always easy to find until now there are different places you can go but i liked this website right and this website is called listen a minute if i can bring it up uh it's gone off i'll make it smaller so this is called um english listening lesson on listen listen a minute dot com right and basically they have lesson this is one on art so what you get in the lesson or not is you can do a quiz and then you get to do you check your answers by listening you can then so you can listen to the article you can listen to what they've got listen a minute dot com listen so you can listen and then you can read so you can also connect the sound in the words but then there are activities there's a gap fill so you can listen and then fill in the gaps you can look at advertisements you can then listen and do a correct the spelling i'm a great art no so lover right so this is really engaging your brain to change the spellings lover correct the spelling or there are words in the wrong order and you have to put them in the right order there are activities for teachers if you are a teacher you can take these and do them you can do a writing activity as well they've got homework things extra things you can do it's just such a nice i like the fact that it's you've got audio reading and engagement those are the key things right you can also get the pdf or the word you can do the quiz let's go to the the main page listen a minute and you can see all the different stuff on there lots of different topics why is it so slow come on my friend why is it so slow listener let's try again look at this right alphabetically look at the topics i mean there's absolutely everything and anything that you may want to be listening to here dancing cameras energy fishing flowers so if you want to you know you can find a topic you're interested in you can go in and you can just listen you can read and then you can engage with that activity now what's not great i think this is my internet connection i don't think it's a problem with the site it's probably internet connection but listen it's called listen it's called listen it's called listen a minute um and you can go and check it out listen minute dot com lots of great listening activities on different topics etc etc nice okay let me move on we're going to move on to our last um almost our last activity almost but not quite and what's the almost the last activity it's not questions for leaders it was um this one oh would you believe it it's not the toolbox because we've done the toolbox it's idioms like let's come back to the drawing board so somebody asked me early about the drawing board let's come back to that and discuss it okay so i'm going to talk about idioms to talk about business people let me start and feel free guys as we're doing this feel free to share your ideas as well come up with an idea so we talked about entrepreneurs need to have groundbreaking ideas come up with right is to create an idea come up with very it's a phrasal verb but it's very very simple to build a company from the ground up and we use this um especially about creating a company establishing a company from the ground up normally it's used about making a building right when you build a building you start on the ground and you go up that's the literal meaning but when we talk idiomatically it just means to create a building a building create a company from nothing and make it bigger right to build a company from the ground up so to create a company from from the beginning let's see and make it bigger to build a company from the ground up classic example mark zuckerberg built facebook from the ground up right he started in his university dorm locked himself in his room for a month and he created facebook so he built that company from the ground up another nice expression because business people not only but in particular they get experience under your belt so if you say i have experience under my belt your belt is to keep your trousers up right to have experience under your belt means just you have experience in your life doesn't really mean anything it just means i have a lot of experience in my life well of course it's in your life it has to be in your life so just to say i have a lot of experience you can say yes i've got experience i i have experience under my belt or if you do this you can get experience under your belt a lot of people when they leave university right whoops when you leave university you're looking for a job you may be offered a job that you're not really interested in right and you think well this job doesn't pay well it's not really what i want to do but it might be a good idea to do it for six months to get experience under your belt if you can get experience under your belt it's going to be easier to get the next job right so get some experience under your belt get some experience it's just under your belt is a nice idiomatic expression there right have get some experience under your belt it's always with experience next we've got to see the bigger picture of course which is we talk about the importance of the leader to have a vision to see the bigger picture is to to be able to see the bigger picture is to see the bigger strategy right and the impact of your actions on this bigger strategy so it's really to understand the big strategy of something not focus on on the details the entrepreneur shouldn't focus too much on the details they have to understand the big strategy they need to see the bigger picture or to look at the bigger picture to see or to look at we can say both there okay so it's a nice uh expression um for example um bill gates is very good at seeing the bigger picture that's a simple example and finally to go back to the drawing board okay so to go back to the drawing board is when you begin a project you try to do something and it doesn't work and then you go back to begin again right so it's to try and then to begin again from the beginning to go back to the drawing board the idea is from i think from the architect and the designer who when they begin something they come to the drawing board and they make their drawings like leonardo da vinci who was making his drawings he would have a drawing board and especially when an inventor tries something it doesn't work go back to the drawing board it's idiomatic because of course you don't need to draw you don't need a drawing board it just means you go back start thinking again and begin again to build something to try something and begin again normally to to build something normally around so we're talking about a company or a project a product maybe maybe an idea company yeah to go back to the drawing board right i'm sure there are lots of other idioms um that will come to mind let me just check in with you hey what's happened oh no no no no come back let me just check in nigel if we lose our business we can go back to the drawing board and start start afresh so start newly start start again start afresh i'll say not quite newly starter fresh i think is a better expression start afresh start again or start afresh nice please scroll up back to basics right good hey i'm very happy i've just got 6.5 overall hooray well done well done to you that's great okay so um those are some idioms that you can look at and you can use to talk about business well especially business people and entrepreneurs right okey-kokey what's coming up we're going to finish up the last activity i'm just going to make sure that you're all awake because i realize this has been quite a long class although some of you are coming in and going out that's fine we're going to do a quick review on kahoot kahoot is a game where we play it's like a multiple choice you have to choose one two three or four and choose the correct answer to test if you have been paying attention now i just hope that my internet connection is good enough to do this it should be now to play kahoot you need to go to this website so stay with me here but if you can on a different browser tab or a mobile phone go into kahoot and that's where you can play the game i will give you a pin number so you're going to have to put in your name and put in the pin number and i keep doing that because i've got the other monitor over here i'm just checking the uh how to play the game so kahoot go in there and uh we can start playing at the moment don't worry if you can't get into kahoot you can just put your answer in the comment chat box and uh we can do it that way it's absolutely fine okay good let me just get the pin and we will begin okay here's the pin one five nine three eight seven five so put in your name and then the pin one five nine three eight seven five moderators power and abs up sarah if you could put the pin in the chat that would be great are some nice idioms i've just seen people sharing to go belly up yep can't see the wood for the trees nice good expressions back to square one good i'll make a note of these hey yasra says keith your teaching methodology is the best thing since sliced bread that's a great great expression okay sip of water and we'll get going right i think it's about time we've got lots of people in so let's start business people i'll read you the question as well i blank my business back in 2002 find fund found founded i blank my business back in 2002. fun found founded put in your answer you've got 30 seconds there's a problem with the sound oh dear okay i think i've sorted out the sound i hope so um wow look at that oh dear 68 of you went for found now the problem is right back in 2002 is in the past so the verb is to found and the past is founded i found it my business i think what you're confusing is the verb find in the past is found but the verb here is not to find a business is to found my business so founded right was the answer well done to the 64. but that clearly is a tricky question well you miko you're up at the top well done you uh dwong is second and need a band seven don't we all is in third place great let's move on a rich and influential business person is a typhoon tycoon typhoid tyson here we go susie well done wow that's much better look at that 123 got tycoon a few people were going for the typhoon maybe that's the guys over in hong kong where you get typhoons a lot of the time i'm just joking so tycoon right that's another name for a rich and influential business person nice one let's check it out oh duong has moved up into first place knocking yumeki down into second need band seven his third sunny bunny is in fourth excellent question number three to be a successful entrepreneur you must be committed commit commitment committee so remember you want an adjective to be a successful entrepreneur you must be what well done yazara finos in well done margot santa well done espresso 13 nice well done all of you committed so committed means dedicated um willing to work hard and to stick at it so you must be committed that's the adjective right not commit because that's the verb commitment is the noun and a committee is a group of people wonderful let's see how we're doing on the leaderboard how exciting whoa dwong is still up there need a band seven has crept into second place and clara out of the blue is now in third yomiko where have you gone you've dropped off the board and mac minecraft in mac minecraft love the name it's gone up 46 places okay guys last question here we go i've had this business for five years i've got some experience under my hat trousers belt shoes yeah i've got some experience under my under my what dwang well done eunice well done mali well done jaspinder nice i am elisa be careful right 143 people that's brilliant well done i'm very pleased you've got experience under your belt very well done it can be confusing right why is it not hat no it's not it's belt experience under my belt remember that one very good to talk about business right well the moment of truth who is on the podium third place clara well done second need a band seven don't we all and i'm guessing our friend from vietnam yes dwang from vietnam i'm guessing just by the name well done well done [Applause] great up there on the podium nice very very very nice oh excellent lovely so listen um that brings us towards well to the end i mean we've seen a lot today right we've had a lot of things going on what we've done today just to recap so you remember is we've been looking at the world of business people um we've talked about setting up a business how to set up a business and the language around that and the kind of the order of things so you know how to talk about that we've talked about entrepreneurs describing them um what we can learn from them lots of language and useful links you can go later to the website get download the pdf and get all the links and uh build your language to talk about entrepreneurs if you are a leader you can learn some interesting questions remember if you want a great answer ask a great question brilliant if it was tony robbins thank you uh listen a minute was the tool today check out listen a minute to improve your listening skills on a wide range of topics remember ielts band 7 can have a news vocabulary on a wide range of topics that's the key right check it out we've also got some useful idioms today idioms are quite difficult to use but if you start using them listening to them practicing them you will get better and better and then of course it's always fun and games with kahoot to see which people have been nodding off or who arrived late and who was not um paying attention but that's it i'm going to finish up today if uh you're interested in facebook then you can follow me on the facebook page it's at keith speaking academy if you want to come and join the group please do it's a keith mastermind community for ielts there's a lot going on there um if you're on youtube then please do what subscribe thank you um and come and join me turn on those notifications and find out about new videos coming up in the near future um if you haven't joined the library yet do it today go and join the library and um you can do that on the website give me about three or four hours to update the website with the new pdf for today's lesson and then you can go and download it um it's the keith no it's not it's keith speaking right that's the website um just go to the free live lessons in about three or four hours and then you will be able to get the latest link so you can either watch it again or you can study or you can just download right it's all there hello auto play how annoying you're here and uh join the library come and join just click on here if it's useful for you if you want to practice more and more it's all in the library go and check it out as always it has been lovely being here today with you thank you very much for joining me i really do appreciate it um and i look forward to seeing you next time and in the meantime keep studying if you're taking your exam soon good luck break a leg i hope that if you need a band seven you get a band seven right take care my friends and i will speak to you very very soon all the best bye-bye [Music] sorry that was very loud [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 59,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking business, ielts topic business, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking tips and tricks, ielts speaking lesson, ielts speaking business topics, ielts speaking business person you admire, ielts speaking business vocabulary, ielts speaking business questions, ielts speaking business part 1, ielts speaking business part 3, ielts speaking business part 2
Id: Y5GOBlk-8hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 33sec (6633 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.