IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of ART

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[Music] hello [Music] and welcome today thursday the 25th very excited to be here today how are you today [Music] i'm on top of the world [Music] i'm really looking forward to today's topic so listen today we're going to be talking all about the topic of art and we're going to be looking at paintings pictures and sculpture photography helping you build up the language and the confidence so you can talk fluently on this subject in the ielts speaking test excellent good are you ready to go ready to rock and roll i hope so let's do it [Music] hello my friends how are you nice to see you here today i decided to look a bit artistic because we're going to be talking about art the language and the confidence to do so i say confidence because i think a lot of people a lot of students seem very nervous and afraid of this topic there are some topics like art science technology i think some students maybe feel nervous that they don't have much experience about it or they're not an expert in that field you know i mean you know 19th century paintings looking at rembrandt velasquez and i don't know much about art it's not important but i want to look at your fear and today look at well different things let me tell you what we're going to do today first of all right we're going to look at art that's the topic i want to begin in a moment actually looking at the ielts mindset right hey bit shaded bit light ielts mindset about that fear and blowing away your fear so that's what we're going to look at right of course we'll be looking at some great vocabulary to help you we've got two guests today very very happy to have both you mikko and mandy if you're a member of my facebook group you may know these two already you may even have had classes with them but they'll be joining us in about 25 minutes we'll be visiting an art exhibition woo virtual online also of course we'll be looking at some idioms and we'll be finishing up with that great fun game kahoot whoa which will be really nice but let's kick off um ielts mindset but let's kick off first with you guys just let me say a quick hello to you here who's here yo yo sami hello welcome back agnes hello there nice to see you mario kando from the kingdom of saudi arabia great nice to see you here zynab from nigeria few minutes to your speaking test and you're watching this fantastic list of best of luck zynab break a leg do a fantastic job i'm sure it'll go great um sad nalimbu good morning from england how's the weather there today is it all right help me good morning nice to see you and dexter from qatar brilliant so we've got lots of people in the room from around the world very nice to see right that's lovely so i'm gonna kick off looking at ielts mindset right the first thing i want to look at let me share with you them my thoughts on this i think a lot of people have fear on this topic right especially art because they think or they believe maybe certain things and i think these beliefs are not correct right i think they're wrong now maybe you believe that you need to be an art expert right in order to talk about art i need to be an art expert well no let's cross that out absolutely not it is not necessary to be an art expert it's a misbelief it's a myth maybe you think well i need to speak like an artist right you know speak like an artist i don't know if sometimes you've been to an art gallery right and you've listened to an artist or maybe a guide talk about a painting right and they go oh look at this piece of art right isn't it wonderful this right shows you the faint subdued lies the subtle colours of yellow and a crisscross a multi-coloured myriad um representing the the struggle of humanity against the limitations and restrictions and oppression of colors against the darkness of the human side of civilization and you're like what what now i can't speak like that i'll be great painting but i don't think that's true i mean that's from my daughter in primary school right now so do you need to speak like an artist or a guide in an art gallery no absolutely not you do not need to speak like that it's not true do you maybe you need or you believe you need to give some examples of art right well actually i think that is absolutely true yes and you're right you do need some examples of art you know on these specialist subjects it's good to have one or two examples of a piece of art or a work of art that you like or you can talk about right but or you do not need to be an expert you don't need to speak like an artist right so i want you to take that fear right to take that fear and bye bye blow it away and by the end of this lesson i hope to help you feel much more confident and for that fear to disappear oh i'm a poet as well for the fear to disappear okay let's jump in and have a quick look at some language here aloha you are my motivational speaker aloha thank you very much good nice that you're uh motivated niche japan says your daughter's painting is gorgeous i'm going to put that up so my daughter can see your comment she'll be very happy to see that later great dear vishwa someone says the cue card is only one minute no it's two minutes it's two minutes now so i'm going to make this really simple right i'm going to make this simple because what we're going to do today is focus on nouns and adjectives nouns and adjectives and with that we're going to create some nice language to talk about art right let me take a couple of examples adjectives like warm happy inspired right now the nouns oh i wonder do you know the nouns for these adjectives i wonder if you can tell me the nouns right for these adjectives let me see in the comments box vishwa you're welcome mafi your exam is on saturday good luck matthew hafida from algeria welcome so any nouns let's see you guys inspiration right shriya great inspiration is the noun over here so let me add that one in inspiration brilliant um dorsa oh you had oh well a fifa you've got all of them let's put our fifa in warmth happiness inspiration great warmth happiness and inspiration okay i'm going to come back to these in a moment thank you fifa that's lovely brilliant now i'll come back when we talk about art right i think there are probably three things we can talk about right you could talk about the painting right so when it comes to the painting you may say for example for number one um it's a painting it's a painting of a right it's a painting of a house for example right um or there are there are some tables there is uh there are some tables there is a house right there are some stars in the sky you can describe the painting and that's quite simple you can use simple language or complex language you can also talk about not the painting but the feeling and your feelings right so maybe right for feelings you could say quite simply um it makes me feel it makes me feel happy it makes me feel over the moon it makes me feel sad it makes me feel warm for example right there's an example it makes me feel warm for example makes me feel happy whoops help there we go there are some tables let's just fill this in with examples examples are always easier a right for example um it makes me feel warm or it gives me a feeling of and then put the noun so warm is the adjective or it gives me a feeling of the noun remember warmth right warmth it gives me a feeling of warmth warmth so we're going to put i'll just make it clear that you can use that it makes me feel with the adjective it makes me feel warm it makes me feel happy it makes me feel inspired to remember we had different words up here it makes me feel content or it makes me feel confused maybe right or you know it gives me a feeling of confusion it gives me a feeling of inspiration you can talk about your feeling you could possibly talk about the artist but this is difficult because you may not know the name of the artist or any famous artists um and you don't have to there are different ways of doing this right let me give you two examples of this right number three talking about the artist um if we take a painting let me take oh i wonder if i can show you this painting i wonder if you know this one some of you will know this if i show you this on the website i haven't got the picture but it's here now some of you may know this right um this is a painting by pablo picasso it's called the guernica right um and i'm not sure when it was painted right i don't remember but i can find out you can go on the internet of course and find out these things when was the guernica painted 1937 right okay so i could give my answer right possibly i could go in and i could say um i like one painting called whoops it's called guernica and it's by picasso and it was painted in 1937 right okay that whoops let's go down that's one possible answer but notice even me as a native speaker i had to go on the internet to find the information right um i didn't know much about it let's look at a different answer right something like this i like one painting and so we're talking about this one right we're talking about this particular painting if you can see it it's quite amazing actually it's got some chopped up bodies basically so i like one painting um that has chopped up bodies i'm not sure who it's by or i'm not sure who it was painted by let's say it was paired by painted by nor when but it gives me a feeling of sadness right just let me take that up for you let me change the color here this should be black okay so we've got two different answers right which one do you think we'll get the highest score which one will get you a higher score in ielts speaking not the first one the second one right the second one is better the second one is better because the range of language the vocabulary the range of grammar is much wider than the first one and also because ielts speaking right remember ielts speaking is not a test of knowledge about art right the examiner is not checking guernica 1937 oh yes good no they're listening to the range of vocabulary and language and just look at the second answer right you've got i like one painting that has well chopped up bodies so you're describing the picture i'm not sure who you're giving then an indirect question i'm not sure who it was painted by you're showing nor neither nor um it gives me a feeling of and some nice nouns here so the language is just is just much better the first answer is okay right that's fine and if you love art and you know about the painter and you know the names in english great but if not it doesn't matter right if you don't know that information it doesn't matter remember the fear remember the fear just bye-bye no fear right you could just talk about the painting the feeling different languages even say i'm not sure who it was painted by i don't remember when i don't even know what it is about but it gives me a feeling of sadness and that's it dead dead easy i think so that's my advice right don't worry too much don't sweat the small stuff as we say right good one moment okay now in a few minutes we're going to bring in our guests but first of all before we do that let me just switch for a moment so i've talked about ielts mindset right um we've talked here a little bit about vocabulary i want to talk a bit more some basic vocabulary um and what we're going to talk about with art just before i do let me um have a look how you're doing nice this is brilliant brilliant guys you're really good i need to make it bigger right okay some nice ideas right ezra says it gives me a feeling of complexity of life and clashing of ideas wow very very nice just notice right it gives me a feeling yep it gives me a feeling very nice good brilliant any others great now some basic essential vocabulary ielts vocabulary art so just to be clear right when we talk about art art can include just about anything right we do talk about the performing arts dance music film theater drama all of these are performing arts um so when you watch a guitarist on stage or a pianist that's art right you watch ballet or even hip hop dance yo that's art as well film is art so you'll notice actually if you've prepared some language to talk about your favorite film or your favorite book or a play you've seen this is also art you can be using this language as well yeah we then talk more about visual arts so if your question is about an art exhibition then really we're looking at the visual arts what we call visual art and visual arts include painting like my daughter's painting you can see i'm a proud dad right [Laughter] plugging my daughter's work drawing so without color sculpture right and if you're not sure what sculpture is google is going to show you let's have a look these are different kinds of sculpture right so made of different materials maybe marble stone brass metal different kinds of culture okay um we've also got photography right so again if you've prepared language to talk about photographs photography that could be in an art exhibition and graffiti if you're familiar with graffiti if you're not then um let me show you a bit of graffiti sometimes it's called street painting right different kinds of graffiti there's lots of famous graffiti artists in different countries who decorate the public spaces some people hate it some people love it either way it really is recognized as an art right easy graffiti art cool graffiti art so there are different kinds of graffiti wow look at these i mean man those are so cool right so that also is a kind of art graffiti okay um just to note right when we come and talk about art art is uncountable but if you want to make it countable you must say a work of art or a piece of art a work of art a piece of art notice the pronunciation that of becomes of of and i would link a work of art a work of art it's not fur it's a work of art a piece of art a piece of art right same again can you say that a piece of art a work of art it's a great work of art nice the person of course is an artist and we've got artistic which is an adjective um so normally we talk about people being artistic you know you could say my hello my daughter is artistic right she's good at painting i'm quite artistic right i enjoy drawing and painting we have another adjective which is arty but arty is used a bit negatively you know when you say somebody's arty it doesn't mean that you respect them and like their work it means that you think they're that they're not scientific enough right they should be more organized systematic and scientific but they're all arty right so it's a negative kind of word but the same meaning arty great emma says keith is absolutely artistic really mp is an artist brilliant brilliant good for you nice a question from the life and dimension love your name what is a piece of art so a piece of art is is one picture right it could be one picture one painting one sculpture right so as i showed you over on the the website right this one over here is a piece of art that is a piece of art and there are many pieces of art yep excellent good brilliant the this is a nice expression i'm not an artistically inclined person nice that's a higher level really nice to be artistically inclined let's add that to our list i think that's really nice i am not at all oh you can't see it sorry v i'm going to take you off but thank you for that whoops i am not at all artists equally inclined yeah lovely i'm not at all artistically inclined nice good so this is very basic vocabulary there's more to come but i'm going to cut things up i'm going to chop things up move things around we're going to talk more about vocabulary but first of all i'd like now to bring in our very very lovely and welcome guests yumiko and mandy give me a moment because i just need to connect them on to connect with them on skype and we're going to be having a conversation right we're going to be talking about art we're going to ask each other different questions about art like you might get in ielts and just pick out some of the interesting language that might be useful for you okay so bear with me um let me go and find them i wonder if they're there oh they were in and they left bear with me my friends ah hello hi guys hello kitty hello can you hear me okay yes i can hear you fantastic now you're not on the screen yet you're just audio but i'm going to drag you in one by one drag's probably not the right word but let's um so hopefully ah now i need to get you all in together okay wait bear with me [Music] you're coming in one by one why are you coming in one by one okay let me try this this way aha and this way now that's strange can you see us how strange is that very strange give me a moment i can see the three of us i can see the three of us and it's very very strange though what's on the screen hello everybody i'm not sure that these people can hear us i think they can hear us yes there's some comments nice to meet you hey hello you go well listen hello given today's an artistic date let's leave it like that it's kind of an artistic collage of where we are is that okay i'm gonna put up your names right so you please take your time hang on a minute yes oh that's right amanda's there can you see yourselves mandy and yumiko on the youtube unfortunately yes again unfortunately right brilliant good we're in and um from the comments i can see it sounds like people can see you as well should i go a little bit more to here great we've got a few hellos ebenezer says hi narema says hi catherine and their names are going too fast oh yeah it's really quick too quick to read never mind so um let's let's kick off i mean as i said we're going to just um kind of talk in a very conversational way maybe ask a few different questions any of us can ask the question any of us can answer um and as we're talking um i'll try and pick out some language but do also yourselves suggest any interesting language you think students might like and yumiko someone is asking if you can shift to the right i think you're right is that it says you're awesome yeah because you're not because you're center move the other way the other direction this way yes that's better yeah both girls are so cute in smile oh thank you researcher i have not yet been called the girls thank you hello everybody this is a nice class with nice teachers oh lovely they're all going no the opposite direction to your left point because your left is there right the other way ravi says now for helping me i guess before we begin would each of you just like to say a few words about who you are where you're from what will tell us a little bit about you maybe your miko do you want to kick off yeah yes i'm very happy happy to introduce myself however they originally i was from japan but at the moment i have been living in australia for about almost eight years actually and then now i'm running um a business with mandy um to teach in english to provide english lessons mainly for speaking and writing ah my camera is not there here i'm sorry um yes so also we it's not september august i think we um asked the kids to possibly if we could you know hold the group lesson for anybody and then we've started and has passed ha and you have a website up and running you do classes um i'll just put i think i've got the website up here there you go it's it's my english dot life right yeah um so if you want to find out more about these guys you can brilliant thank you yamiko mandy tell us about you um i'm mandy i live in florida in the united states so that's why i look tired because it's 5 30 in the morning um yeah yumiko i i um started tutoring online and yumiko asked me if if i wanted to work with her and i was it's it's been fun ever since so i'm excited that she asked me and i said yeah fantastic now i've just noticed how you pronounce her name so i'm probably pronouncing it wrong so it's you miko so sorry for us today how how did you call me i didn't really i used to i said yeah and i say you miko you miko what did i say i think i said it with a different script yeah you know we went to we only speak speaking japanese actually we we don't uh care about the stress point on the street and i think you know i'm living in australia and many australian foster tends to call me you miko in a bit long except me yes my parents i think called just me yumiko very you know no information that really straight pointing sound yumiko are you an art fan uh should i answer the question i don't think that's why i asked yeah i'm not good at that any kind of thinking but something uh artistics or possibly collecting or creating something new even though my my daughter loves that and it was amazing like for her to concentrate on the just you know for one thing to finish in a while or two hours and oh really i couldn't do that when i was young you know six or seven years so yeah like you know i asked question but well parsley you know yeah i i don't know how to say that but about myself i think i can't say it i have to admit i'm not good at that not skilled and mandy do you like art yeah i was watching your um live feed before you let us come in and you talked about the different kinds of art and i was thinking well gosh i used to be a photographer so yeah i do like art um so i have an appreciation of art but uh do i am i an art aficionado in no way um but like but like yumiko said i do have one of my three children is really interested in art so i've learned to appreciate it again in a new light um you know from a children a child's perspective so yeah but she's not a traditional art it is clay and sculpting and mixed media all kinds of different things any kind of what i would consider trash has become art in our house [Laughter] like putting the old toilet papers and plastic bottles into a nice bridge right yes yes i think she made a um a flamingo mixed with an ostrich recently so fantastic sounds very familiar it's interesting you said some interesting things there both of you um and i'm if you don't mind me taking just a second i'm going to put this up on the uh on the blackboard the blackboard for the student speak for a moment um yumiko talked about i like i like crafting something new or making or inventing something new crafting is a nice word right so to craft something or to to make something or invent i think you said as well um and i liked the expression you said i have to admit i'm not an artist i have to admit i'm not a big fan it's a nice expression to use as well i have to admit i am not a mandy said i have an appreciation of art so to appreciate art is to well i guess to like it in a way and to really enjoy looking at it um or maybe doing it and this word an art aficionado which is it's a spanish word but it's one of those words we've stolen into english and if if i'm right and i tell me if i'm wrong you guys but i think it kind of means an amateur right not a professional but an amateur um and then finally mixed media that mandy was talking about mixed media for when you mix different mediums in art so maybe typically you have paint and paper but if you have clay and paint and paper all together you can have mixed media different sources of art nice more questions any questions let me have a look um i am curious um because i know a lot of people when they talk about art exhibition some people say that i've i've never been to an art exhibition um you're miko have you ever been to an art exhibition i think so but i think when i was a junior high school student or something but i can't talk about that story but actually that story was not mainly about the museum art gallery like mainly family story so in that case i think i already you know before talking i understand probably that story will be going a bit wrong way and if that part two i'm not sure how much they think they could mind it but usually in part 2 they don't stop before two minutes so probably i try to just keep keep talking and talking but you're in australia have you have you been to an art exhibition recently in australia do they have any ah not don't think so about museum you know due to coffee 19 and i think that we are not still i think we are not allowed to enter there unfortunately right right so we have to wait mandy what about you have you been to anyone i um used to live in maryland which is next to washington dc and they have a large amount of museums and you know they're all free and open to the public so it's a tourist attraction so yeah i have been to the natural history museum and the museum of i think it's it has art in it somewhere but that was as a child on a field trip so it's too long ago for me to remember but besides that i have been um used some vr goggles to visit something virtually um if anyone has tried that before i think i uh could look and then um like yumiko and i both said we both have daughters um one of my daughter's school had an art exhibition in a shopping mall where each school picked a few students and my daughter was chosen and so i got to go through and see art so it's not an art gallery like you would think uh traditionally where there's famous artists but these are you know kids who were chosen in their own school just different kinds of topics so yeah that that was my experience with an art museum in a mall it's interesting right because i think when people ask about art exhibitions often we think about museums and i guess what do you think i mean would you talk about a museum in ielts if they ask about an art exhibition i guess i guess you could right i mean you could see it from an artist's perspective yeah i think that's that's one thing that you could look at um but not everyone has the ability to go to an art museum i know um there's a town that we visit uh in north carolina and they have or actually visited new york city before they have street art where it's um some kind of sculptures and you know every few blocks that you walk there's another piece by another artist and then they have a large area that's lots of different globes it's kind of interactive art where you can be around it and touch it like an art museum where you know you're not supposed to touch anything and you need to stay back this is more interactive you can walk around it touch it look at it um and it's kind of up to you to figure out what the interpretation is and what's going on so i kind of like that that's nice i was reading the other day about a a fairly new um art exhibition in tokyo actually which is a digital it's a new digital art exhibition and the whole art is digital um and it's quite interactive so that you can actually touch the painting and as you touch the painting it leaves a digital trace so you can create and kind of crack the painting as you're there um and it's a hundred percent digital it's absolutely fascinating um i'll i'll later i'll share the link there's a youtube video about it they do a report about it it's really interesting again nice nice to talk about yeah and some of your um students are saying that they've never been to an art museum or exhibition but i think now since we're you know kind of all either stuck or encouraged to stay home i've noticed that these art galleries and places that used to be public are encouraging people to come and view them virtually um as well so that could be another way absolutely i i was um later i'm gonna share one actually i went on a couple of virtual tours last night of two different museums and uh they were art galleries within a museum and you can if you can get on the internet you can access virtual exhibitions and then you've got your example right because all you need is one example to be able to talk about um so yeah i think that's really a good point yeah i'm just looking at the top the comments somebody talked about the fringe festival mel says does the fringe festival count absolutely i think there's lots of art there in brisbane there's a bauhaus exhibition brisbane australia also interesting so some good ideas again i'll just i'll just share them on the screen with everybody we've got so you could talk about museums if the focus is on art i think um interactive art there's a lot of museums that do have interactive art as well art festivals is another thing where you you may experience art maybe they have an exhibition once a year and you go to the festival the vr goggles is uh what mandy was talking about you can wear these virtual reality goggles and visit a gallery virtually and those are quite fun as well actually um you can even visit them without the vr goggles as i will show you later i love the idea of the school art exhibition because even if you've never been to an art gallery if you do have children i guarantee in most primary schools even if it's not an exhibition they put the kids paintings on the wall and you can talk about it as though it's an exhibition absolutely valid i think that's really good and street art as mandy said having different pieces of art in the street you could talk about you've got the painters on the street who do your caricature or do your profile paintings you could you know embellish and adapt a little bit to to be able to talk about art i think very interesting very interesting um is there any kind of art i mean yumiko any kind of art that you you like any style of art that you prefer um there's some picture of photo i will help you to keep but always usually scenic view safety rather than very abstract strong passionate ones because i'd like to pick something to make me a bit more calm so one of them is uh i think you know not not so you know pricing on the um sunset just before sunset and sunshine be reflecting on the you know lavender any field i'm not sure which country it is but you know these things or um green plain size one meter you know 70 cents or something like that in the bedroom so i don't know why but yeah i tend to put the the more natural thing right i think fascinating interesting and mandy what about you um as far as art that i it always seems to change for me what is what i'm interested in i like you know some photographers art i've always liked ansel adams who's very you know very iconic black and white photographs of um i think he does mostly trees mostly trees nature scenery but recently i've really enjoyed um reading and seeing um the artist banksy i think he's a graffiti artist so yeah i think you guys talked about graffiti a little bit as well and i was reading about his latest piece that sold for quite a bit of money um to benefit um the frontline workers or to you know to honor the frontline workers during the pandemic so yeah it's very very a large i like a large variety of art fantastic nice graffiti as well do you have much graffiti in florida um it depends on what area you go to yeah more of a downtown area i live in a historic area so they're very particular about the streets being clean and the art being on purpose not illegal yeah well that that's a really big debate in the uk i mean i think when banksy started his paintings that it became much more accepted as um legal art spaces but in many places it's seen as illegal and a stigma really a negative thing because it you take a public place and cover it in a painting maybe people don't want to see that so there's there's still a lot of debate about it yeah where i lived before had we were very close to baltimore city and there are a lot of murals on old buildings that are on purpose but there is a lot of graffiti there is actually a place called graffiti warehouse where people just continually paint over um you know the latest graffiti lots of graffiti on overpasses and and all different kinds of uh you know people expressing themselves on trains everywhere i like that people expressing themselves on trains yeah very nice um i did so i just picked out some interesting things there you yumiko you talked about scenic views if you like the scenic view because it makes you feel calm it makes me feel calm which is nice i should make this a bit bigger um and i thought it's interesting that mandy said that instead of saying i like because we often say i like this i like that she said i've always liked something something something i've always liked this so i've always liked that which is nice it's a nice alternative to i like um assuming it's not just now but for a long time you have liked it it's an interesting tense to use as well i've always liked scenic views for example very very nice guys as you're watching this i mean the guys the the students if you have any questions about it please do put them in the comments i i don't get to see all the comments i just get a selection um through this software but if you've got any questions put them up there and we will try and answer them um so we've talked about art art exhibition um while we're waiting for another question a quick question another kind of big debate in the uk is art in education because a lot of schools now have taken art out of the curriculum it's not seen as important um what's your take what do you think about that yeah i understand kind of many parents attend to choose the more you know science chemistry or physics or mathematics you know to enroll possibly better university or further education but you know at school if we couldn't have enough opportunity to love us we really cared about that honestly and then not not sure the uh you know the wild trend to be happened from now on but at least in japan um already the um japanese educational scheme probably has already declared this to some extent the amount of the class time for us so honestly i uh you know wish they won't you know radius the time for us anymore remember i kind of like i love music you know in primary school junior high school and then high school i wanted to choose uh fourth art and music but unfortunately i had to choose either and that was you know i don't want to say my age but you know more than 20 years ago so already it happened so a bit worried about the current situation you know it was that's more small school yeah or primary school yes secondary school okay interesting and mandy what about you um yeah this is interesting to me i'm one of my um of course you know i have children and not everyone has children but i used to be a teacher um in kindergarten and you know i we would use art all the time so i feel like at that age and even older it's hard to separate those kinds of things i think it's un necessary to separate art from science and art from math i think it's better to marry those two things together my oldest my my daughter just had a a math project and her i really appreciated what her teacher did is she had them do um she had them i'm gonna show you how little math i know she had them plot a line um on a grid i think she's an algebra and but instead of just plotting the line they had to add some angry birds from the game angry birds to it and i will tell you she spent the majority of the time not doing the mathematical equation but creating the scene uh the art scene behind it and i have not seen her so excited about math until her teacher paired it with art and so i think that's important to speak to the different kinds of learners that are out there um and like i said they don't have to be separated you know science doesn't have to just be experiments there can be an artistic component of it as well and that's just my personal opinion though right but unfortunately yeah when um budgets get cut art is usually one of the first things to go yes yeah very very true in many countries in the world i think it's true yes um some interesting metaphors there i think there were metaphors um the first one was about accidental you said it's better to marry art and science right to marry to put together really nice it's better to marry art and science the other one was maybe less metaphoric to pair them so to pair art with math to put them together or to connect them so i think both of these really mean to connect and i totally agree to connect i i would go a step further i actually think all subjects should be connected i think it's probably a mistake to separate all of the subjects we teach um great some questions come up um so i can answer madonna is asking is graffiti are graffiti she said is graffiti so we'll say are graffiti and murals the same um and in my opinion i would say no i would say a mural is um typically something that has been commissioned or you know someone has been paid to create a mural or they have chosen to do a mural in an area that has been designated for it graffiti typically is um you know on the fly it's done usually in secret so that you're not caught and um and then they're typically like we talked about illegal so but you can i think commission an artist to do a graffiti mural you know um and then does it still is it still called graffiti technically yeah [Laughter] yeah great uh brilliant can i just um put that up because some people may not know know the difference a a piece of graffiti or graffiti and a mural so interesting a wall painting so graffiti is a wall painting done on the fly right not literally flying mandy and her metaphors again idiomatic language really good on the fly is kind of without planning basically i think um and a mural is a wall painting but commissioned so commissioned is where somebody pays you to do that i think that's a good a good definition yeah nice yumiko would you like to choose a question there's a lot of questions there for you uh kind of a founder i'm sorry some of them unfortunately are very hard to understand when spoken english probably i try to speak english bit more slowly and clearly sorry good any questions you'd like to answer i think someone asked if yumiko what kind of art you liked or did you like abstract art yeah [Music] you know in my mind unfortunately i don't have the you know journal of that you know i was struck or just scenic or you know any picture to illustrate the person unfortunately i don't have the good specific vocabulary about that so that is why it's a bit hard for me to say i love this one you know as i mentioned yeah somebody asked sorry go ahead i'm just wondering if yumiko is the kind of person like me when you see it you like it and that's what you you know you like it it doesn't have to be a specific genre so yeah it's a great point and i i don't think it matters it it doesn't matter if you don't know the words like surreal or abstract or modern you can just say you can describe what's in the picture you say well it's a picture of a samurai knight killing another person stereotyping there the japanese ancient because somebody talked about ancient japanese art um and then you're feeling yeah describe your feeling whether you how it makes you feel ancient japanese art what about that do you like the ancient japanese art um i remember you know just after migrating to australia um some local australian kind of present me any notes or clothes not kind of anything with ancient japanese picture but actually and i was reluctant to wear so a gentle style of my clothes or not the present was um kind of making me very happy so still i keep it in my room but um personally actually i don't put the deep picture at my whole honestly and also it's really hard for i think that the current japanese to draw yeah so also i never tried to uh draw this picture to the home or at home anywhere on the street right right interesting yes it's a very distinct style i guess brilliant um great listen we're gonna we're coming we we're gonna wind up in a minute or two any final thoughts or ideas on this topic or tips or ideas for students from from either of you i really liked i i didn't catch their name but one of your students said that they i think they're from india and they wanted to know if um like tapestry or fabric what could be considered art you know how when you kind of weave or yeah textiles what they're saying textile art is famous in their in their place or their area their hometown and i saw before i came in before we came in someone said that their husband is a cake decorator and that is also an artist you know there are so many different types of art and that's my i guess my biggest tip is you don't have to think on this huge enormous scale about art you can think about it you know do you see it in magazines do you see it on billboards you probably see it in all kinds of graphics every day um so everything that you see visually has an artist behind it it's just different kinds of art yeah totally agree totally agree especially the textile art i think that is a recognized form of art as well it is definitely but you can always explain your perception that you see something as art and that's fine yeah great any last words you miko thanks for having us any advice for for our students um you know that this is you know language test if you take it so that is why we don't need to be you know expert or question now about us but probably important thing is how we can or how much we can express how we feel about the arts or walks or we went there and what kind of place that was and you know with who and you know when and why you know these things so i think we can't train ourselves in our daily life sometimes we don't need to you know focus on just on the other museum and if you can find some arts you know in your home or school probably you can get some some more many ideas probably around us yeah fantastic that's great brilliant well listen guys thank you very much for joining us today really interesting some great language great tips and i hope for a lot of people that's kind of opened up opened up their minds on the the number of different things they can talk about you know it doesn't have to be classic 18th century art it can be anything great thank you very much um i'm gonna i'll show you out of the room and then with the rest of the guys we're going to carry on we're going to do a bit more studying and have a bit more yeah enjoy thank you for having us not at all thank you very much both of you take care both of you goodbye bye everybody hi great now guys just let me uh i'm just gonna hang up on the room cheers thank you very much thanks bye cheers thank you great so that was yumiko and mandy um you can find out more about them at my english life they're also very active in the facebook group that i have going um so go and check them out a lot going on some really nice advice there if you're interested in the facebook group come and join us it's a keys mastermind community for ielts speaking brilliant let me just close up thank you very much for your questions as well as you've been watching them some really good questions some interesting things as well nice let's turn this off and through my artistic jar or cup i'm just gonna have a drink brilliant so we've seen our guests there you meet him you yumiko or yumiko and mandy we're gonna move on our next activity actually is as some of you said that you haven't visited an art exhibition there are a lot of art exhibitions online i'm going to show you one right now and uh i will share the link later in the notes um but we're going to go in together and i want you to imagine that we are talking together about the art we see and in the comments just write down what you think and what you see as we go around the exhibition and then at the end you can take these examples and you can use them as your examples in the ielts test right you can say oh yes i went with a friend i went with my friend keith to this virtual exhibition and we saw blah blah blah blah blah right okay good so let me um get us in gear brilliant we're gonna go and go and visit this uh this tour so give me a moment the tour is quite quick it'll just last about five to ten minutes but i think you will like it so you're gonna lose me or maybe i could be um kind of in the side screen over here i can be down here you can have a little me in the corner okay so we're going to go in this is a a live exhibition is a virtual tour let's go in let's go in through the front door and into the reception area okay now this you can see as we walk in um there's different pieces of art on the wall this is where we've just come in it's this is the reception area actually in a moment we'll go to different areas but just have a look at these pictures on the wall right they're kind of black and white if i can go in a bit closer and over here you've got australia right what do you think of these pictures look at that whip here we've got a swan and over here different animals pristila says hi i came back so what are you feeling shakun says seems like modern art right right sergey says those drawings drawings look impressive with an s yeah and drawings is a good word right because they are kind of black and white they are mostly black and white that's a good word i think i see a koala on a tree it's so cute nice very very good amazing says it's very detailed yeah absolutely beautiful portraits now that's a really good point manginder i'm not sure if these are all portraits because well as we will look at in a moment right a portrait is the face so a portrait is just the face of somebody so some of these are portraits but not all of them but i'm going to come back to that later very very interesting christina says they are abstract paintings they are quite abstract yes um such lovely art nice remember art is uncountable right so we have to say such lovely art very nice yeah 304 such a lovely baby you have very nice so let's go back out a bit um let's go and have a look around this um this area let's go into the back room over here whoa now then we've got a bit of color here what do you think of these paintings and let me just move around the room a bit what do you think of this room look at that you've got hand prints on the ceiling wow what do you think of these these are a little bit different aren't they but very interesting we can go a little bit closer to these two what do you think of these got interesting style great bad says beautiful work of art nice this is interesting i think these pieces recompile the traditional life of australia you might be right romney there seems to be an australian um theme in quite a lot of them salim says i can see much geometric art inside of them yeah again remember art because it's uncountable you have to put it in the singular here very nice bruce says it looks like again art it's got to be uncountable unless you say peace it looks like it looks like art with hidden meanings absolutely you ensuring says the animals in painting look so adorable brilliant they are doodles well i think the doodles are kind of drawings i think possibly you could call you could possibly call these doodles excuse me this could possibly be a doodle it's kind of a doodle by hand like a drawing so we've got what else have we got they are the others are black and white drawings i think they are a bit odd yeah a bit strange or a bit odd but i must say they are very detailed yes brilliant so black and white drawings and detailed but nice very very nice let's move around as we're going through we're going to go through to this other room sid says uh it says is that all animals are connected by heart maybe nice very nice oh we're back out in the main entrance again i wonder if we can just nip upstairs very quickly let's go upstairs have a look what's happening up here whoa what about these they're all a similar style right what's up in this room ah we have a video room hello what's on the video shall we watch the video let's just see what's happening over here [Music] this is very calming isn't it [Music] [Music] wow so it's a very relaxing piece of music and some great imagery so even this kind of film is a kind of art showing nature marrying sound and visuals together pairing the sound of the sea together with the colorful landscape [Music] and imaginative animals flying in the air [Music] before we all fall asleep i'm gonna bring us back out of the room i'm afraid that we will fall asleep [Music] let's run away and we're going to come out how do we get out i want to leave thank you very much miss receptionist we'll come back and see you soon thank you very much that's it guys i'm gonna close this and bring us back to here whoa wasn't that relaxing so now you have visited an art exhibition right you can talk about that in your ielts and take some of the lovely language that came up i will put the link in the video so when the when the youtube video finishes it's recorded on youtube you can go back and get the link to the tour there's lots of them if you look for virtual art exhibition in google you can find a few but that was nice good okay i hope that helped you [Laughter] yeah don't disturb me i'm sleeping great very smoothing nice environment very very nice good okay so um let me move on and just touch a couple of words that came up right um because these words were used and i just like to clarify a couple of things okay let me look at these words where are you come over here so portraits and self-portraits right so a portrait is a picture of your face self-portrait is where you painted your own face a landscape is what yumiko was talking about is a scenic view so a view of um the mountains the rivers the trees uh the fields that's a landscape right or if it's a view of the sea and boats on the sea it's called a sea scape right landscape seascape and then you've got a still life painting so another very common form of painting still life is the painting of for example fruit so things that don't move bottles um plates uh anything that is fixed and doesn't move is a still life painting right so given that can you tell me what are these pieces of art write down in the comment what kind so not the artist not the name but what kind of art is it landscape portrait etc etc just put down the numbers and let me know and while you're doing that a couple of questions came up um from a facebook user we had what's the difference between sculpt and sculpture very good question sculpt is the verb i like to sculpt is a verb sculpture is the noun is the thing a sculpture i look like an artist today i try my best you are very artistic i am artistically inclined i think a little bit right i'm going to come in with an answer somebody has got all of them here nitin if you'll join us it looks like you don't want to join us oh it's not letting me join okay number one landscape great raria brilliant landscape number three oh come on no it's not having it it's not working it doesn't want to work okay number four still life absolutely good number two is not a poor trait number two anybody yes sria number two is a seascape if you look closely it's a ship on the sea that's a seascape number one landscape number three portrait yep and number four is still still life right we call it still life not still art but as rtm said still life okay fantastic very very good right so that's it portraits landsat landscape ski landscape seascape still life painting different kinds of paintings good excellent um that's nice let's move on what's coming up next i think i know what's coming up next coming up next is this one we've visited the art exhibition after that we're going to move on to idioms hooray everybody likes idioms we're going to take a couple of minutes to share some idioms with you if you have any then do share them in the comments um now these are idioms that we use to talk about art so i'm only including idioms that help you talk about art right and not idioms that use art words but which we can talk about art so here we have some examples can i make this a bit bigger that looks a bit small to me yeah okay the first one is not quite right let me take that one off i'm gonna use these i'll put that one down here so first of all i was bowled over by this piece of art right remember we talked about piece of art to make it countable piece of art bold over means impressed wow wow really impressed i was bowled over by that video in the virtual art exhibition right so that just means impressed very impressed let's say really impressed really impressed i was bowled over or it took my breath away doesn't literally take your breath away but it took my breath away also means very impressive i was impressed or it was impressive okay so notice that we say impressed hang on oh no help come back yeah impressed to talk about how you feel the feeling that you have but the impressive is the active impact it was impressive the painting was impressive i felt impressed there was a lot of buzz about this painting a lot of buzz is literally but buzz means excitement here there was a lot of buzz or excitement excitement or we sometimes say hype there's a lot of excitement and hype a lot of buzz about this painting for example the mona lisa everybody says you must go to see the mona lisa it's so famous it's so beautiful it's really nice but it left me cold like no effect not interesting at all it left me not warm but cold right which means i felt uninterested that's what's confused me i felt uninterested right nice um it wasn't much to write home about i love that expression if something's just very normal we can just say well it's nothing to write home about right i mean you know everybody talks about this painting being really famous really important but i felt it was nothing to write home about nothing that special right and here's another nice expression right i can't put my finger on it the last one i didn't like that painting i don't know why i can't put my finger on it it means i can't explain why basically because i can't explain why i can't put my finger on it or i really liked that painting i don't know why i just can't put my finger on it right i can't identify the reason i don't know why i can't put my finger on it nice idiomatic expression because you're not literally putting your finger on it you just you can't say why great that's a nice comment thank you i'm bowled over by the way of your life session and the way of explaining the pictures great thank you very much i'm bowled over by your practicing brilliant this is a nice uh expression it's jaw dropping yeah which is really nice which is also means impressive again you're not literally dropping your jaw your jaw is this is the bottom part of your mouth so jaw dropping is literally but if it's impressive it's jaw-dropping that's nice brilliant danielle this is an interesting one danielle that painting was extra it was as exciting as watching paint dry let me write that one down we do say that yeah but paint without a but absolutely can i just paste and copy that yeah nice which means very boring right very very boring so i'll put that one at the end as exciting as watching paint dry thanks danielle daniel that painting was as exciting as it's quite difficult to say try saying it with me as exciting as as exciting as a break it into chunks that painting was as exciting as watching paint dry okay brilliant it blew my mind there's another one nice one thank you empower english it blew my mind absolutely which again is uh it's really really good so lots of idioms and expressions there to talk about feelings right um nice i actually made oh i just remembered i made a video actually a while back about feelings and how to express feelings um you can go and find it i'll leave the link later and you can go and watch that one as well okay very very nice um so good idioms we've done idioms let's um move on from idioms bear with me come over here what's after idioms i think after idioms it's not kahoot no no no no i've missed something out what's missing something's missing let's find out what's missing i think i know what's missing this is missing [Music] okay my friends it's time sample answer time i'm gonna take just one or two questions um on the topic of art and i'll give you my answer um and then you can go back and listen again and pick out any useful language of course this information as well i will put later on the website and you can go back and analyze and study the language brilliant kevin bukerchie great so give you a minute i'll have a drink from my artistic jar let's have a look questions do you think preserving art is important do you think the government should support artists do you like still life and landscapes what is minotaur art no idea never heard of it which form of art do you prefer that's a nice question yes uh which form of art do you prefer and why let's try that one from fran francesca francesca francesca it looks italian if i'm not mistaken um great thank you for that question let me put it up what form of art which form of art yeah it's okay great thanks francesca uh let's put it over here i'll just change my image size what form of art do you prefer and why um [Music] i have to think well it's a very interesting question and i haven't thought much about it to be honest um but if i look at some of the paintings in my house um i think i i'm probably a fan of impressionism and you know i mean that's a style of painting that's not very realistic but it's just it has really nice smooth colors and vivid colors and you know those kind of paintings just make me feel really relaxed and calm and that's the kind of atmosphere i like to have in my bedroom or in the uh in the lounge where i have those paintings right there you go so without too much detail i mean i do like sir uh impressionism but you don't need to talk about too much uh detail i'm not speaking like an artist should government spend money on art and or education in education what will be the future of art what do you think about digital art well that's really interesting because okay let's do this one because it's a very very big field opening up i mean it's always been here but it's becoming more and more popularized great whoops great neil thank you very much that's a very artistic avatar by the way very nice what do you think about digital art i'm guessing this might be a part three question actually so i'll go into a bit more detail okay um it's interesting you should add that can i start again it's interesting you should ask that because just the other day i was listening to a podcast about digital art um there was a painting sold for something like 40 million dollars and it was digital art and there's a lot of controversy around it because some people think that digital art is worthless in a way because you can just copy it and take copies and put them on your phone and put them on your computer but when you think about it i think it's the same with any kind of art you can have copies on your wall of some of the most famous pieces of art and uh actually in contrast to that the person on the podcast explained that digital art is far safer and you can keep the authenticity of the art more secure than for a normal piece of art so i think digital art has a very bright future i think as our world moves online and technology plays a bigger role in our everyday lives well it'll be the same with art i think a lot of our art will become digital i think it's very engaging for children and that's a positive thing to get them interested in art so yes i think we will see more and more digital art cropping up all over the place in the future that's it part three question very very nice and very interesting topic right it is true i mean i've heard a lot about digital art and the pros and the cons there's no denying it is really beautiful when you look at some of the art if you're into that stuff it's really nice okay excellent very very nice questions thank you very much for those because of the time i'm going to move swiftly onto kahoot to do a quick review of some of the language that we've seen today and i hope you know that throughout today you're picking up a lot more language and building up more and more confidence as we go along um you know we at the start i talked about the fear the fear that you have to be an art expert or speak like an artist it's not true right you can just describe the painting describe your feelings talk about things that experiences you've had today you've experienced an art exhibition go and look at some more go and look at some digital art have the experience and just talk about that take your fear right take your fear and bye blow it away get your confidence to speak more and more on these topics on that note let's do kahoot kahoot is a way for us to review some of the language we've seen today to make sure that you are staying awake especially after that lovely video we watched where you could have you could have been forgiven for falling asleep i hope you didn't it's the trouble right sometimes when you relax and and meditate you just fall asleep but the idea is to relax and stay alert we're going to do this game where we have four questions you have a b c and d you have to choose the right answer based on the language that we've looked at today and to do it you need to go to kahoot which is over here right go to and we're gonna start playing this game let me share the website with you so you can see it's a little bit slow but we should be okay let me close this we're gonna play the classic oh okay so go to or download the app put in the pin this one six three oh oh you get some nice music there um and choose a name you have a nickname that you can use and we will start the game okay so it's kahoot k-a-h-o-o-t dot i-t and the pin 6-30083 don't worry if you can't find it or you can't get in you can still play the game by putting your answer in the comments [Music] thank you for your comment and also my mindset knowledge wisdom from cambodia thank you for your comment you're the prairie kitten how nice danny's in a lot of you are in how many have we got in i'm not sure can i make this a bit bigger 114. i'll just give you a few seconds if any more of you want to join [Music] okie dokie mecca you're in good heena is the knowing hair great love from india akshaya love back to you from spain okay let's get in there let's we've got no time to waste we're gonna go start playing straight away the first question about art i have bacon cakes down to a fine blank oh no that's the idiom i took off the list oh dear this will be a test review for you then i have baking cakes down to a fine blank oh dear that's the idiom i took off the list so you might not know this well done jack well done shaku anna well well done all of you i guess given the choices it was fairly clear if you have something down to a fine art it means that you have mastered it you can do it perfectly right i have baking cakes down to a fine art means i'm really good at baking cakes and i can do it perfectly well done 76 of you well done indeed so awesome tiger at the top whoever you are nice question number two this is a blank look at the picture oh you have to look at the picture uh this is a a what you need to look at the picture and uh it's made of marble it's a woman lying down made of stone i think stone or marble what is it well done guys brilliant 107 it's a sculpture yes it's not a self-portrait um that would be a painting but this one is just a sculpture nice maybe that was so easy well done all of you question well oh there's been a big change swift camel appropriately named has quickly come up into first place and there is also a speedy yeti coming into third place let's move on next question this picture is a what is it if you can see the picture what is it laffy are you watching my english lesson whilst you're at work don't get into trouble well done mad deep well done jack and daddy excellent wow these are some of the best results we've ever had it is a portrait right it's the face and the shoulders the head and shoulders like the shampoo that is a portrait so the excited horse has gone from second to first place well done all the other speedy ones you better speed up if you want to get in first place here we go last question this exhibition isn't much to blank home about meaning it's not interesting this exhibition isn't much to blank home about [Music] well done lorena well done godzilla nice well done oh now this one was a bit more challenging it is it isn't much to write home about yeah i can see why you say tell but this is an idiomatic expression so it's a bit of a metaphor actually it isn't much to write home about means it's not very interesting right well done excellent some nice results let's see who's on top of the podium legend squid speedy not speedy enough [Music] oh excited horse well done you got up there to the top and you move there and you stay there well done whoever it is congratulations for staying awake and learning lots of vocabulary here on today's session so that brings us to the end of today i hope today that you've learned a lot of new language i hope you've broadened your vision of what you can talk about right you can talk about any kind of art it could be your children's paintings an exhibition at their school it could be street art and graffiti it could be a virtual reality tour that you took today with us it could be so many things and you don't need very technical language you can just talk about your feelings um you can use some idioms you can describe what's in the painting um and remember right when we talked about the guernica at the beginning often the best answers are when you say well i don't know who the painter is nor when it was painted and i don't know what it represents but it gives me a feeling of warmth and excitement right that's the really nice kind of answer so blow your fear away get your confidence and go out there and really nail the ielts speaking test whatever topic comes up great thank you for joining me do go and check out the website just to let you know it's um keith speaking academy you can go and get all of the notes from today's lesson on the website either later tonight or if not tomorrow sometimes it takes me time to do it so at le at the latest tomorrow you can go and collect the notes um from the website and see lots of other resources there that can help you with your ielts speaking if you're on youtube of course you are please remember to subscribe turn on notifications to find out about other videos coming your way um i have a video coming out on saturday which is all about some amazing phrasal verbs that will impress your examiner so look out for that on saturday in the meantime stay artistic stay safe look after yourselves and um be confident if you've got the test i know some of you said they've got the test um best of luck i hope it goes really really well all right that's it for today thank you take care and i will see you next time all the best now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 68,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts preparation, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking part 1 questions and answers, ielts vocabulary, ielts speaking topics, ielts preparation at home, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test 2021, ielts speaking art topic, ielts speaking art part 3, ielts speaking art gallery, ielts speaking art exhibition, art ielts speaking part 1, art ielts speaking, art ielts vocabulary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 41sec (6281 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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