IELTS Speaking Practice: Topic of The ENVIRONMENT

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of the environment you may remember last week we looked at protecting animals animals that are in danger of extinction well this week we're going to be looking at the wider topic of the environment vocabulary idioms we've got an english meditation and visualization for you plus an extra tool to put in your toolbox all sounds good let's um get the ball rolling so to speak with a little bit of this [Music] [Music] hello good morning my name is keith um if you don't know me i run the keith speaking academy which is this website over here where you can find lots of tips ideas information about the ielts speaking test if you're preparing for ielts um you can also catch up with me on facebook and there's a facebook group if you want to join keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking where we're discussing everything around preparation for the exam for ielts fantastic great so listen i'm just going to check first of all if you can hear me after last week's fiasco if you remember last week i was talking for five minutes um before i realized nobody could hear me who's in the house today vinfo gen nice to see you um i iri irene from nigeria steve hello nice to see you nissa jahan maliha welcome to you too thank you very much hello kate um who here namaskar namaskar sayantana thank you very much hola good morning nice to see you or maybe it's the afternoon for you i don't know malach from oman hello nice to see you piano tutorial and music are here again always good to see you guys you guys from vietnam it seems right fantastic whoops i'm trying to get rid of these little things up here great so you can hear me that's good to know that was the most important thing so we've got sanj miattav from mongolia oh that's great danish from malaysia listen people from all over the world it's great to see you so today as i mentioned in the uh the initial bit there we're going to talk about this topic right i'm going to talk about protecting the environment to help you talk fluently about the environment we won't talk much about animals and extinct or animals in danger of becoming extinct because we did that last week and if you want you can check out last week's live class to see that we'll talk a bit about climate change but not only because we have already done a live lesson on climate change this is going to be very very wide about the environment right okay so let's um let's check out and see what exactly we're going to talk about in the environment um so i'm going to talk first of all about of course some basic vocabulary and some more advanced vocabulary for this topic we're going to move on talking about protecting the environment so what can you do and what can the governments do to protect the environment right i think there's two two approaches to that there's the individual effort effort and then there's the state or the government effort hey by the way do you notice my minimalist um minimalist sign posting um in order to protect the environment that's a symbolic message keep it simple minimalism there's a toolbox today i'm going to share a nice little tool that i have found with you to help you learn english um we'll also today do a little meditation and visualization some of you seem to enjoy that i know that studying and preparing for exams can be stressful and this right is just a nice easy way to learn english but also to to relax and enjoy and forget all of your worries in the world just for a moment we'll look at the role of government in more detail and i i guess not just government but states like international communities united nations the g20 the g7 the g8 the g9 g what how many g's are there there are so many organizations right um so we should be able to get this uh this cracked and of course we'll look at idioms we always have a good look at idioms we can use and we'll be reviewing with that um fun game kahoot so that's what we've got for you today okay excellent the environment so let me just check in and see if you've got any interesting things to add today okay we've got people saying hello basically from shenzhen great i've not been to shenzhen for a long time how's it going there right el ham says all weekdays i'm waiting for thursdays wow that's nice that's nice brilliant okay so listen just before we begin i got this um this message and i wanted to share with you um it was a really nice message from uh from well guys who actually live in qatar right it's a wife a husband and wife i notice um quite often that families are studying together and families are maybe watching the videos together do you remember last week um we had a mother and her children who were drawing and they drew again and i oh i forgot to share it with you but they blew they drew this beautiful picture of the visualization last week on the beach when they were in the bubble really nice keep doing it guys it's great so this was a short message it says hi keith me and my wife were able to score seven for ielts speaking in a very short period of time after following your lessons smiley face smiley face thank you very much for your amazing teaching i'm from sri lanka and we live in qatar right take care wish you good luck thumbs up stay safe that was an emoji full message but that was very nice thank you very much very pleased that families are learning together and um sharing the fun as well as sharing the challenges share the fun together it can be nice and it can be fun excellent so um we're beginning with a bit of vocabulary let's jump straight in let's find out what's happening over here ielts speaking environment right so i guess it it struck me that probably the most important word here is echo or eco right we can say it both ways some people say ecosystem some people say echo system eco system right eco eco just means environment basically so it's the environment system right the ecosystem or the ecosystem choose one keith the ecosystem is just the system of the environment right we've got the word ecology so when you see ology right eatology just means to study or lodgy probably so lodgy is to study so study the environment biology study life geogeology study the earth um astrology study the stars right so whenever you see that logi or ology it's all about studying great we've got the adjective ecological so notice the stress right ecology say this with me ecology ecological nice so see the stress changes for the adjective ecological um eco-friendly eco-friendly means that it protects the environment or is friendly towards the environment i'm just going gonna have to turn off i've realized my facebook is on i can hear this bing bing right eco-friendly so those are some key words to know right um global warming of course we've talked about this in the past global warming you may also talk about climate change another key word has to be pollution right notice it's not po it's per pollution and this is really interesting in english right that wherever the stress falls the other syllables are unstressed and so they're shorter so instead of saying pollution pollution right and this is why we almost swallow these syllables because we're unstressing them it's a pollution good to work on your pronunciation as well right okay um other things i mean related here of course we're going to talk about waste right now waste is all the bad stuff things that we throw away the things that we no longer need it becomes waste waste tends to have a negative connotation there are lots of other words of course we've got rubbish which is a uk word garbage which is much more a us word waste rubbish garbage debris it's a nice word um what else have we got for rubbish waste debris garbage trash trash is another one of those another of those american words lovely there's probably more yeah great karuna says trash litter and shaw says litter that's nice and i think litter is much more a uk word it's funny right because a litter is also um it's the newly born babies of a dog or a cat that's the litter so a cat has a litter it's the new baby kittens that they've had but it also means rubbish what a shame for the cats right but litter is also rubbish landfill fingering talks about a landfill that's a nice word so the landfill these places that you see where people just dump all of their rubbish they put all of the rubbish they no longer need and they dump it and it becomes like a mountain and it's filling the land hence it's a landfill right landfill so all of these are nouns right waste rubbish garbage debris litter all of these right are uncountable nouns let's just make that clear uncountable nouns a landfill of course is is countable i'll just put a c there okay maybe if i put ah that might make it clearer yes good what else have we got trash dirt dirt is kind of rubbish but it's particularly dirt is the soil um that's sam that says that it's very much the soil yeah good what's the meaning of eco-friendly says emmy eco-friendly it's pr it helps the environment basically junk there's the other word junk a lot of junk yeah gosh because we do talk about junk food who said that a azami great yes thank you very much ler this is a nice one refu refuse let's put this one up here i'll put it down here all of these uncountable nouns lovely waste yeah good dumping yeah dumping we're gonna come to exactly we'll talk about that in a minute um people dump rubbish everywhere they dump rubbish in the sea don't they in the sea on the streets in the landfills great that reminds me of the pattern of three when we're speaking in conversations and when we're talking in english we often use the pattern of three you say three things together right so people dump rubbish in the sea on the streets in the landfills it's terrible right one two three um for breakfast this morning i had an omelet i had an omelet some toast and beans it was great the kind of the pattern of three is quite common so people dump rubbish in the sea on the streets in the landfills it's terrible right it really is um and part of the problem is that that waste is not biodegradable there's a great word right so biodegradable is things that will disappear on their own so if i take an apple and throw an apple into the field in the countryside it's biodegradable it will just disappear over time not like harry potter not like straight away but over time it will just disappear um because it it will degrade it will disseminate into the soil it's biodegradable the problem is most waste is non-biodegrade degradable and that doesn't disappear like plastic and that's the problem right because it stays there double such as plastic or plastics plastic can be both countable and uncountable we can talk about plastics or plastic so most waste is most waste is non-biodegradable what a great word but can you say it [Music] non-biodegradable have a go try this gradable degradable biodegradable non-biodegradable most waste is non-biodegradable wow stars fantastic well done good okay um and i was going to mention as well the three r's a few of you have mentioned this actually you've mentioned uh recycling so nowadays it's not only about recycling right there's a lot of heightened awareness about not just recycling but reducing the plastic you use i mean if you think it's okay i can use plastic all the time because i'm recycling well yes and no it would be better to use less plastic in the first place so to reduce the amount of plastics would be better and then to reuse so reuse is different from recycle right because recycle means that you change it you take a plastic bottle it goes into the recycling factory they break it down they change it and they build it into a new thing right they're recycling so they're changing the form and the use reuse is you take the same bottle and you use it as a flower pot or you take your plastic bottle and you use it to make a game or a decoration so you're using it for something different so it's a slightly different meaning but all three and i think in the you know the environmental campaigns nowadays you can see the three r's uh recycle reduce reuse right a bit like being at school the three r's reading writing arithmetic okay good let's see let me check in with you guys what you're adding in here whoa this is nice felix let me share what felix says felix says biodegradable waste is a product that can be broken down lovely felix broken down that's that's the nice natural english broken down naturally by water oxygen the sun's rays radiation or microorganisms organic organic forms of matter are broken down into simpler units wow brilliant good well done so it sounds very um it sounds scientific but you've expressed it in a very natural way so that was nice thank you felix good brilliant karuna says plastic bottles plat not platic karuna you're typing too fast you're you're recycling you're reusing the plastic the word plastic bottles can be reused absolutely right now sristi is obviously um eco-friendly an eco-friendly person and environmentally aware i often segregate lovely word right to segregate to separate i often segregate my garbage as biodegradable a non-biodegradable waste before dumping it great great great stristy thank you let me take that word and add it to our list we should segregate i was hoping that the automatic autocorrect would help me out are rubbish and that means to to separate okay to segregate to separate we should segregate our rubbish into biodegradables and non-biodegradables or into plastic and paper or what into food waste and plastic waste for example in our house what do we do in our house i'll tell you what we do in our house in our house we have a big garbage not a garbage bin don't call it that come on keith too much netflix too much american influence we have a rubbish bin in the in the kitchen and that's where we put all the food waste and then we have ironically a plastic bag where we put the plastic or the plastic waste and then we have a box a cardboard box ironically the cardboard box where we put all the paper waste now it makes sense right plastic bag for plastic waste because then when you just put the plastic in the big plastic container on the street you just throw the whole thing same with the cardboard in the box boom it just goes into the big container in the street which is not made of paper it would blow away it's made of plastic but we have different colors yellow for plastic blue for paper and card green for glass that's one as well and then all the others the gray ones are just for normal rubbish mainly food okay good there we are so what comes up after the three r's i'm going to mention this so we've talked about waste and rubbish recycling um now the other big thing about the environment is greenhouse gases and i'm not going to go into this too much because we have done a class on climate change recently but just to mention briefly greenhouse gases are the gases which we emit into the earth um they get trapped by the clouds and the atmosphere and therefore the heat gets trapped and we're just getting hotter and hotter and my understanding i'm by no means an expert but my understanding is there are two kinds of gases which are causing the problem one is methane ch4 and i'm just showing off ch4 you don't need to say it's ch4 in the in the ielts test um it might sign it might sound a bit pretentious carbon dioxide co2 everybody says right um and these are two of the big big gases that cause the problem carbon dioxide emissions down here you can see right carbon dioxide emissions so we get carbon dioxide emissions from cars aeroplanes or factories electricity generation all sorts of places methane well where do we get methane emissions from where do we get methane emissions from yeah i'm sure you guys know let me check oh yes there are others as well here we go christy sister you're in again how did you get in again okay we can put you in again cows emit methane they do cows right when they fart you get lots of methane um helium yep wherever you're right as well i'm familiar with me i didn't know methane but i knew ch4 says yo-yo so sonanna says yes methane emissions from cows absolutely natalie says also waste generates methane that's true some waste generates methane that's harmful to our lives but adip says methane comes from cow dung now that's very nice right because cow dung is the poo from the cow now there are words that you can use like poo but the problem is they can be quite strong cow dung is a great word because it's a neutral word it's not offensive you can say that in the ielts speaking exam absolutely fine and it's it's accurate as well great from farming yes we get methane from farming as how uh huian says brilliant nice good good good wow shani this is very uh it's absolutely perfect you're right right methane co2 along with that slice along with together with along with nitrous oxide and colorfluorocarbon lead to global warming holy moly that's the full monty you don't need to know all that right it's nice and you can show off but don't worry if you don't need you don't know that you don't need to memorize all of that you can just say methane carbon dioxide and that's enough really listen let me show you this share you share this with you let me share this website with you um if you want to know more about greenhouse gases and learn a bit of useful vocabulary go over here right it's the epa it's an overview of greenhouse gases and what i like about this site right is that you can choose carbon dioxide for example right or you can go look at methane or nitrous oxide as you mentioned and for each one it just tells you a bit about it it tells you where it comes from right transportation look most of it 35 from transportation 31 from electricity and you can come down here and read about it you can learn some nice language here this is probably more for for writing but even so great electricity is a significant source of energy right and is used to power homes that's great to power homes business and industry and so on industry for 16 right so you can find out a bit about it methane let's find out then where it comes from agriculture right domestic livestock that's the cattle it's the cows the sheep the goats the swine swine is the pigs right look at that i've got this nifty software that tells me swine wine swine swine great pigs basically um sheep and goats produce ch4 as part of their normal digestive processes so when they burp and fart you get methane also energy and industry as it says up here natural gas and petroleum systems so yeah obviously natural gas when we're using that that's the second largest source of ch4 emissions in the united states so for our homes basically for the the gas to make hot water showers all of that unfortunately you're producing a lot of methane and also from the landfills as waste is decomposes it's exactly what you just mentioned as well so you can find out more it's a nice little website um epa i hope if the moderators can share that in the chat um you can find out more about it it can be quite it's useful i think to look at these websites um i know they're they're totally natural english so sometimes it's quite difficult but if you have a dictionary or you can check the meaning of words or just to get one or two phrases can be useful and also knowledge right information i didn't know everything about methane and you can learn it's great great la i agree it's a fantastic website yes um daria says is there any difference between manure and dung and i always regret clicking on questions i don't know the answer to to be honest i i don't know manure and dunk i mean dung right um is the poo or the waste it's the waste from the animal usually the cow um so you have the dung it's the raw waste manure i think is more when you're using the dung to grow plants or to help the soil i'm not sure if manure has an extra component or is processed in some way but when i think of dung i think of the cow and the right when i think of manure i think of stuff we put on the soil to help flowers grow so maybe it's the use which is slightly different in meaning i'm sure somebody can find out on google cow excretion you can say that uh cytiza where are you come back cow excretion yes you can say that yeah to excrete excrement excrement or excretion maybe excrement excretion yeah to excrete is we can use that yes omar says great website to broaden our horizons indeed and i think when you're learning english it's always nice to broaden your horizons right can really help okay excellent thank you omar omir excuse me i'm pronouncing that with an irish ox accent omar why okay we've talked about methane emissions carbon dioxide emissions now the whole carbon thing leads to this hugely important word carbon footprints carbon footprints um this is basically how much carbon you are responsible for emitting or putting out there when you go walking on the beach right you go walking on the beach not on your feet on your hands on your feet you your footprint leaves a mark on the beach right so the carbon footprint is where you're leaving a mark on the environment because you're producing carbon so when you have a shower you leave the lights on you leave the water running you're using electricity that's causing damage to the planet that is your carbon footprint it's the damage you're causing basically right um to the planet mostly through your use of carbon i mean that's why it's called a carbon footprint right so it's the damage you cause by using carbon you cause to the to the planet right let's see if you don't know this expression you must learn it it's such an important one and such a useful one right um carbon gases sorry carbon footprint and if you want to get a clear idea of what it means have a look at put it in google right and you get so you can get the footprint idea this is nice right it shows you the footprint but it shows how your use of electricity the car buying things have been transported gas for your shower all of that is causing your carbon footprint so you need to reduce your carbon footprint need to reduce their carbon footprint now there's a lot of talk about being carbon neutral so a lot of companies have said it's very hard for us to stop using electricity right but we can do things which will benefit the environment so we're going to cause some harm with carbon but we'll do things to benefit so we get this balance and you become neutral what they call carbon neutral okay there's also targets so a lot of governments have set targets to have zero carbon footprints um is another expression zero carbon footprints so to have no damage on the environment or that the damage is reduced and so you're carbon neutral so these are very important expressions that have been used a lot nowadays okay yes good let's see okay great then artely says the name of the software to help you find out the meaning of the word oh on the website i can't remember arsely i'm really sorry i will try and find out and let you know okay um if you want to find out more about carbon footprints right the net zero carbon footprint here's another website and i'm going to ask the guys if you can share this if the moderators could share this one i'll show you very briefly it's from the guardian the guardian is a british newspaper um they had an article here about bp british petroleum sets the net zero carbon target so net zero carbon target right which is interesting right bp is a gas company they produce gas responsible for a huge amount of damage to the planet sorry bp but you are um and so of course the ceos come out to set an ambitious target to shrink the oil firm's carbon footprint look at the language ambitious target great language to shrink the carbon footprint to net zero nice language right cutting greenhouse gas emissions you see it's just really nice language you can pick up and use a lot of people said yeah this is just a pr campaign it's just british petroleum trying to look good when actually are they really going to do anything well yes a lot of criticism actually about this plan because there was no strategy they just said we're going to do it but they didn't say how so bp we're watching we are watching you we want to know how you're going to do it of course we do because then if you can do it then other companies can do it as well so anyway that's from the guardian now then guys i have a question for you it's a very very general question i'd like to get your answers about this question how we damage the environment let me make it into a question how do we damage the environment okay there are lots of things that we do i'm thinking of people generally and companies take a second or two tell me in the comments below how do we damage the environment and i'm gonna have a jingle and a a jingle and a drink [Music] [Music] oh dear i've always wanted to be a dj right let's have a look ali sadek yes it is an amazing feeling it's lovely it's great so what do we do um leonel this is a nice comment thank you very much leonel ismail by polluting the environment with deforestation great just let me help you because you've written so quickly you've made one or two mistakes but not that important you've got the idea great by polluting the environment with deforestation deforestation brilliant lionel that is the cutting down of trees right bennu renssori renu says releasing industrial waste into the rivers very good um says collect plastic collecting plastic and burning it yep great ma fuja by using fossil fuels yeah great so fossil fuels are gas carbon um good gas carbon come on um carbon's the main one right these are the fuels that are disappearing very very quickly gas and carbon i think are the main ones um deforestation we've got by the car yes anything else ss gaming by water pollution right throwing stuff into the sea uh says we cut down trees emit smoke and dust great good agnes by littering yes yep ardor says we damage the environment causing pollutions by throwing our rubbish away yeah i think you want to emphasize that it's throwing your rubbish away throw away yeah nice great narmine says by using non-eco-friendly vehicles nice exactly yes especially those well most petrol driven cars and diesel driven cars especially although now with the age of tesla we've got lots of electric cars but you see even electric driven cars they're still damaging the environment right okay less but they're still driven you still charge the battery with the electricity and electricity is still damaging so it's not perfect but yes it's better right says exactly watching live videos yes all of the time that you're using electricity we're damaging the environment absolutely whoops i better turn off traffic jams also yes in fact just as powerless as driving a car yes kyrona says by throwing debris everywhere yes debris not the british let me just help you there karuna that's great by throwing debris everywhere yeah great anything else i think you've got lots of main things they're brilliant good let's um let me share or add the things that i had written up here and i think we'll find these are the same as yours okay deforestation great which is cutting down if you want to say it with a phrasal verb cutting down trees poaching i know i said don't talk about animals and then you go and talk about animals come on so poaching we talked about last week yeah killing endangered animals illegally illegal dumping so putting waste into a landfill into the sea you talked about that putting or throwing away um light air and noise pollution right air pollution you've talked about the traffic jams the dust but also the light pollution and the noise pollution you get is also damaging the environment noise pollution i mean i mean when you're in a city and all the cars are beeping um in fact even not just in the city but in the suburbs or the sound of the train going through the countryside that noise pollution also damages the wildlife and the habitats maybe not significantly but apparently it does have an impact as well cars airplanes so basically most transportation except the bicycle you could argue to build a bicycle you need to damage the environment but so most transportation and this overuse of non reuben non-renewable resources say that quickly so the fossil fuels also known as aka also known as right if you've seen that in english and you don't know what it means that's what it means um also known as fossil fuels so overuse i'll make that just clear for you when you see aka so the non-renewable resources right the oil that's it oil gas and coal which are fossil fuels which you shared with me but you can also say this word oh it's a difficult word though try it with me try this newable renewable non-renewable non-renewable resources yeah exactly right so there we over use non-renewable resources things like gas oil carbon all of those fossil fuels right that damages the environment as well if you're interested in different kinds of sustainable energy there's another website again if the moderators can share if you want to learn about sustainable energy [Music] which are alternative kinds of resources because the non-renewable of course we cannot renew them they're going to disappear so what do we do when there's no oil and gas left on the planet what do we use well we can have something called clean energy and apparently a clean energy revolution is taking place you can see from this picture right these are solar panels so the different energy resources we've got are solar wind water geothermal bio energy and nuclear and all of these are being labeled as clean energy well okay cleaner let's say i'm not sure about nuclear but yes cleaner so if you want to find out about it you can look you've got solar wind water um and if you want to learn more about these resources especially the vocabulary go and have a look at some great pictures and you can find out wave title the great thing about this website right is they've taken the keywords whoa and they've given you links they've linked them up so you can find out more about them but you you are in danger of getting lost going down a a rabbit hole but hydra power why even take wave and tidal energy so you can go on and on or you can just go back excuse me learn about geothermal now this is a new one a lot of people don't know about geothermal energy which is heat energy from the earth you can learn more here okay i think it's quite a simple website it's not too much text um they've got nice you know infographics it's visual as well so i quite like it and i actually learned quite a lot about energy resources um from it anyway you can have a look at that right it's the i mean it's also it's a government website it's american but thinking of it as a english learning tool i think it can be quite valuable quite useful so it's good to find these websites on the internet and to make use of them in your learning right excellent good let me see so we've talked about that other factors i'll just add in a few more right growing urbanization so we're talking about how we damage the planet urbanization is a nice word that means moving into the city so cities growing bigger basically sea pollution is another important one use of pesticides right the use of pesticides which is kind of a medicine we put on the plants let's say crops rather than plants excuse me so we use pesticides can you say that pesticides pesticides we use pesticides on crops but so the pesticides help protect the crops so we've got more food the downside is the food gets damaged and so some people think it can be very harmful to your health if you're eating food fruit for example from the supermarket because the pesticides are still on the fruit right and they go into your body but worse than that is the pesticides on the plants i'm too small let me come bigger the pesticide on the plants when it rains that goes down into the soil and all of this medicine chemicals goes into the soil and destroys the life in the soils destroys the worms the insects and then you've got your rabbits coming and eating the pesticides and so it damages the animals as well so the use of pesticides can be a big problem bees now if you've not learnt about bees this will blow your mind the destruction of the whole race of bees partly because of pesticides but we're destroying the bee population and without bees there is almost no pollination we can't grow more flowers bees are hugely important and yet we're destroying them that we could do a whole live lesson on bees but we won't uh desertification so we talked about deforestation d forest like negative forest not the forest desertification sorry is not a it's not a suffix desertification is basically making the land into a desert so destroying the greenness the grass the life in the land and it becomes a desert so that's basically making land dry and like a desert so it becomes inarable is the word or infertile um i'm not sure is it arable non-arable arable not fertile so you can't you can't grow things on desert mostly so desertification is a problem digital garbage um i just read about the other day so by oh it's garbage digital garbage um i'm not sure if i've got this right but i think it's things like when you throw away your old computer you throw away your old phone you throw away batteries i think fashion industry right this whole thing about buying new clothes every month or every summer you're buying and consuming more and more clothes and of course making clothes damages the environment so the fashion industry is coming under attack for damaging the environment well for promoting consumerism [Music] and damaging the environment because fashion depends on being new right they want to sell you something new every week if possible so the fashion industry is is coming under attack it's a nice expression coming under attack for promoting uh consumerism damaging the environment okay gosh lots and lots of things right of how we're damaging the environment good grief i didn't know i didn't realize we were doing so much damage we are right okay um let me switch for a moment let me come over here we've talked about we've talked about vocabulary and we've talked about how we damage the environment right let's move over to my minimalist signpost what about protecting the environment well good question how can we protect the environment um okay on that question let me switch to the website on the website um so every tuesday right i share with you a web page from the website about the live lesson and there's a task you can go in and have a look sometimes i put some vocabulary and then a task so if you go to the ielts speaking website hang on keith speaking academy right um so it's a keith if you go there excuse me on tuesday actually you can't oh okay so i send out the link by the facebook group and also on the youtube community and the facebook page um so let me put it like this if you go to the facebook page right let's imagine we went to the facebook page which looks a bit like this at keith speaking academy wow it's slow today and here you'll see me streaming live okay um you'll see my shorts you'll see here so i always publish a little post right on youtube and facebook about the class coming up and then there's a link and you can go there and it takes you to the website and there you can find out about the task excuse me so i'm just going to show you this thank you very much for sharing this guys so this was a speaking lesson about the environment let me make it a bit smaller and so i i looked about here about how we can protect the environment so i'm just going to go through some of the expressions i used here right we can use phrases like the following i am careful to do something which means i take care to do it i'm careful to recycle rubbish and waste at home right i'm careful to also we can say i strive not to strive just means to try i strive not to use disposable plastic such as coffee cups in starbucks another word for try is endeavour i endeavor to turn off the lights in my home i try or i endeavor i endeavor to turn off the lights in my home or i make an effort to i make an effort to turn taps off when possible to save water i make an effort to save water right so we had all of these expressions and then i asked you what do you do to try to protect the environment i'm gonna have a quick look we've got quite a few comments i replied to a few but not all of them let's have a quick look at one or two rapha says i became a firm believer in now that is really nice i am a firm believer in that's really nice english the importance of protecting the environment my way to do that is by trying to reduce the pollution coming from my side so i strive not to hey i'm gonna give let's give an applause every time you get that right i strive not to use any disposable plastic when i make an effort to use public transportation rather than using my car i endeavor to teach my kids how to care about the environment as well fantastic great let's have a look i'm going to have a quick look down anne says well obviously the environment brings us enormous benefits such as such as oxygen food water and hobbies can you imagine living on earth with oxygen food or water oh i think you mean without right without oxygen not to mention very nice english not to mention living in the greenery neighborhood really improves our physical and mental well-being without doubt protecting and even loving our environment is our priority it's great english and i'm not sure you answered the question the question was how do we protect it you said obviously we need to protect it but you haven't said how not to worry let me just have a quick look down fabio says well quite honestly i'm careful to look after i'm careful with the environment or i'm careful to look after the environment and i often try to protect it by recycling plastic into other products in addition to this i always separate food from household waste nice paying attention to put it in the correct recycling bin that's nice language recycling bins on top of that very natural connector love it i do the same for every kind of rubbish i might find out in my home by the way i reckon everyone should be environmentally friendly yes since it's a key factor to get a sustainable world lovely very very nice english really like it very nice probably excellent guys there are a lot more um i'm gonna skip over for the moment because there's a lot of stuff here but the comments were fantastic um i haven't replied to all of them but i have read them and i'm very very impressed so keep practicing fantastic so just to recap here's some of the language we could use i'm careful too i strive not to i endeavor to i make an effort to yeah um people like sahar said i endeavor to reduce emissions and footprints and plastic usage right footprint i would only use with carbon right i would say here i would say sahar that i endeavor to reduce emissions and my carbon footprint and plastic usage right nice very very nice uh piano tutorial i love that name plant more trees turn off lights when you're not using them use less plastic recycle plastic great all good things fee says we can protect our environment by not leaving the taps running unnecessarily using the alternative energy such as solar and wind energy if possible yes and last but not least very nice we should raise the awareness of people that's lovely very very nice i'm just going to make a very small change for you free fee if that's right not leaving the taps running unnecessarily but that's nice very very nice right uh milorad says factories that produce electric cars should receive more financial support excellent nice that's something that the government can do right so as well as talking about people we can talk about what governments will do um excellent elena says i make an effort to use electric energy carefully very nice um because i says i endeavor to follow keith how is that going to save the planet oh yes because i'm raising awareness across the world about saving the planet thank you very much for that i strive not to use plastic bags when i go shopping yes yes exactly use the fabric bags yes great what else have we got ah i'm cautious sorry this one this one as well daddy i reckon zero waste live is too much for me but i strive to reduce my carbon footprint as much as possible excellent i i actually agree with you say tesla i'm cautious while subscribing to email letters that causes digital pollution nice nice very good and narsha talking about the fashion industry um i strive to reduce buying new clothes excellent very very good let me just put the you in your answer so it's all about you buying right excellent krisha says i endeavor to use paper straws for drinking juices nice good paper straws well instead of plastic right even better don't use any straw at all right stop using straws the mcdonald's here in my city have stopped straws all together they just don't use them which works right okay excellent um a bit of extra language so you can say because we've talked about some people have said i use paper straws i try not to buy so many clothes i do this sometimes right because it's impossible to be the perfect eco-friendly citizen but we can do things sometimes for example i pick up discarded rubbish so rubbish on the street on the floor sometimes people just throw it and you maybe you pick it up put it in the bin i pick up discarded rubbish sometimes some other expressions you can use from time to time i buy fewer clothes from time to time once in a while i take the bus instead of my car once in a while every now and then um i have a shower instead of a bath every now and then at times i what do i reuse plastic bottles as flower pots at times but these are because it's you know it's something we can't do all the time these are nice expressions for sometimes instead of just saying sometimes sometimes sometimes from time to time say these with me from time to time once in a while every now and then right remember the and becomes un now when then now when then every now and then apples and bananas [Music] for those of you who watch my short videos apples and bananas you'll understand at times at times great okay nice excellent good what else is coming up oh yes oh that now i pick these up right i like to do my bit i picked these up from some of your comments so we talk about i use paper straws at times i like to do my bit to do my bit is to play my part meaning to contribute right i like to do my bit to help society i like to do my bit to help ielts students i help i i like to do my bit to save the planet so it's to to contribute to do something so this is a really nice colloquial expression right you can use at the end of an answer right so how can you save the planet how can you protect the environment well i strive not to buy too many clothes you know and i really try hard to recycle things to segregate the rubbish at home and to put the different things into the different recycling bins um i think it's really important you know i like to do my bit to save the planet excellent another really nice expression was we should steer clear of which means to avoid so we should steer clear steer clear it's the same ear like ear right nose ear heads and needles twos and toes knees and toes heads and shoulders knees and toes do you remember that wow that's taking me back when my daughter was six years old we used to practice that heads and shoulders knees and toes knees and toes and eyes and ears and ears so coming back here stir clear we should steer clear of plastic cups uh disposable items spending too much on clothes and fashion things like that right it's great to avoid we should steer clear of [Music] and we should be wary of is another one so be wary where as in where are you so pronounced like where plus e be wary you should be wary of something is to be cautious or be careful of something um you should be wary of buying too many clothes right be cautious be careful you should be wary of well eating too much junk food and using too much plastic you should be wary of always using plastic shopping bags yeah try and use fabric bags when you go to the supermarket be wary of too much packaging on the fruit and vegetables okay these were great these were from different students on the website some nice vocabulary there really really nice great and you well we've talked about you we've had a few answers already um brilliant yes wow this is good it's a complicated one felicity but it's good we should steer clear of anything that prevents us from being wary of the environment it's a double a double whammy yes twin says we should be wary of always using plastic bags perfect is wary a gerund a manu yes so wary of doing it's not wary it's of that takes the girand right wary of doing of having of buying yes nothing to do with the environment which we should steer clear of bribes in government sectors yes agreed we should be wary of kovid this is great i love it because you're taking the language and using it in new contexts and it's perfect it's exactly the way to learn english okay larger takes us back in a nice circle thank you nadja we should be wary of plastic bags absolutely agree fantastic okay um good let me what am i gonna do i'm gonna have another drink and decide what's coming next let me just check what's coming next nice um what's coming next i know what's coming next this is coming next if you're ready for this [Music] great always nice to have a bit of music the toolbox right if you remember right we've been talking about protecting the environment um the toolbox is where i give you a tool something that i have actually used as a teacher or a learner and i kind of tend to share with students i think it can be a useful tool to help you improve your english today the tool is this one actually it's the it's a great tool to explore idioms by letter word or topic and if the moderators guys if you could share the link or if you want to just write it down it's literally and i will just show you very briefly what it does over here if you go to the website excuse me it looks like this and you've got basically idioms this is the introduction it gives you cool idioms just every kind of day it adds new idioms it's got top 10 common idioms it also has lots of other things so we can do by letter right you can choose if you want for example you're thinking about i don't know dogs are there any idioms about dogs it's got advertising because it's free of course uh idioms beginning with d dog's life there you go um but all idioms with a d dab hand i don't know why that's there dutch uncle does exactly what it says on the tin drain the swamp so you can search by letter you can search by topic so if you want for example idioms to do with a business for example you can click on business and you'll find idioms have no business mind your own business we are out of business and it gives you the meaning and an example and i think this what is what makes it good right is the examples really really help you understand when and how you should use them keep the wolf from the door high roller slow day great so these are all to do with business right it's a very very simple tool um it's the website just has a list it has a complete list of idioms but it it presents them in a very accessible way um you know cool idioms idiom of the day or you can have the whole list 148 pages of idioms i mean there's a lot here so that's it that's the tool for today i guess my only comment about the idioms is don't learn too many right idioms are useful they're a key part of english speaking idiomatic expressions it's really great bit by bit to pick up a few so maybe you pick up you know one or two each day or five or six each week um the key thing is to try to use them because it's not about learning thousands of idioms but just learning a few that you can use confidently and use well in every live lesson we look at some idioms but i don't look at too many but the key really is to start practicing them the challenge and the fun thing is you will often use them incorrectly because idioms because they're metaphorical they have a different meaning you can't always change them as much as a normal verb or noun or adjective but that's the fun part about idioms it's just practicing practice lots and lots okay right so that's it that's the tool for today the let me move on what's coming next oh speaking meditation and visualization okay so it's time to relax it's time to take a moment to relax because you've been working so hard you've been studying so hard it can be quite stressful and especially for those of you who have the exam ielts speaking coming up soon you're probably feeling quite nervous a bit stressed a bit overwhelmed that's fine but take a moment to relax take a moment to forget and i'm going to take you on a kind of meditation it's really a visualization and what you're going to do is you're going to close your eyes if you trust me you're in a moment not yet in a moment i'll ask you to close your eyes i will talk to you i'll put on a bit of soft music i'll talk to you and i'll tell you to do things in your head imagine something and i'll take you on a little journey and i want you to just follow me just listen and just listen and do what i say in your head right it's very very simple and just listen to the the english and enjoy the words don't worry if you don't understand a word we're going to look at all the vocabulary kind of words about the environment but this is not about trying to learn it's about letting it happen just let the moment be relax chill out let your hair down put your feet up and just enjoy the moment okay if you've not done this with me before it might be a bit strange but trust me it's really easy right the key is to relax okay so i'll just put i'm going to put some pictures up um if you want to open your eyes you can this is better if you close your eyes right um i think that is better but it's up to you okay right so let me begin i'm going to put up a picture give me a moment toolbox hello come back right right okay so close your eyes relax your body relax your shoulders relax your eyelids and your mouth feel your arms relaxed and gentle and now imagine you're on the beach so in your mind just go onto the beach and you're walking on the sand barefoot the sand is nice and warm what can you hear maybe you can hear the sea rolling up onto the beach maybe you can hear children playing but you keep walking slowly across the sand the sun is out but that's okay you have a hat you have some sunglasses so you're protected from the sun you feel warm but comfortable as you're walking across the sand you suddenly see some pieces of plastic on the beach you can see some plastic bottles waste garbage junk [Music] non-biodegradable garbage that people have thrown away on the beach how do you feel about that what do you say to yourself [Music] maybe you say if only people were careful to tidy up if only people would endeavor not to throw rubbish away if only we could strive to tidy up this mess what should we do and then as you walk across the sand you see a container a big container and you decide to start collecting the rubbish as you're collecting you breathe slowly you can feel the wind on your skin you're still very relaxed and starting to feel satisfied and happy suddenly the children who are playing nearby come and help and suddenly lots of people start to help you tidy up the beach to collect the garbage and put it in the recycling bins and now how do you feel well you've done a great job you have done your bit for the environment for today this the beach now is looking really tidy speak and span so clean as good as new that's great and now i'm gonna count to three and when i come to three you're gonna open your eyes and come back to the lesson one two and three there you go welcome back hey back from the beach i hope you relaxed a bit i hope you enjoyed doing your bit for the environment what a great contribution some of you are sleeping and see and one or two of you are confused what's happening it's a simple meditation just to relax us right okay fantastic good well done and the music is still going right so guys having gone from that where was the beach it could have been dubai somebody says steinerly fell asleep breathe in breathe out yes i hope it relaxes you um it's a great way actually just to relax because when you relax it's easier for you to hear the words and to really let the words just be and come into you okay i'm going to move on what's after the toolbox and what's after the meditation because we've done that right we did the idiom toolbox we've done the meditation and visualization the next thing and i think the last thing is i'm going to skip over this because we've talked a bit about the government um and i'm just aware of time as well let's have a quick look at some idioms on the topic of the environment okay um okay moving on idioms before we do kahoot we'll have a look at some idioms i'm out of sync how did that happen come over there we go the first one to get out of hand so when we say something has got out of hand it means it's to be out of control basically so to be out of control to get out of hand because when it's in your hand you control it if it's out of your hand you don't control it we could say damage to the environment is getting out of hand if we don't do something soon we will lose our planet okay another nice expression is to be in dire straits those of you who are a little bit older and like guitar music may know the band dire straits um but it comes from the expression to be in dire straits means to be in trouble the planet is in dire straits in fact we are in dire straits because we are damaging the planet so much to be in trouble there's also the expression to be in deep water right you're in deep water i remember my teachers at school would always say that not always to me but to the really naughty boys in class like if somebody never did the homework the teacher would say right now you are in deep water or you're in trouble with a capital t [Laughter] but you're in deep water but we can use that in many contexts the government is in deep water because they're not implementing the right policies to protect the environment we are in deep water because the environment is getting more damaged the globe is heating up um etc etc the tip of the iceberg again you probably have this expression in your own language the iceberg is a big chunk of ice just the top so it's the beginning of the problem right normally it's used about a problem it's that um what the fact that uh something let me see oh just can't think of an example it's the tip of the iceberg there's there's a lot worse to come when okay when covid began in china thought wow this is terrible for the people of wuhan but it was the tip of the iceberg because then it spread and it spread and it spread around the world it was just the tip of the iceberg the beginning of the situation normally a problem not always but normally right okay let's see any other idioms those are the ones i come up with i wonder if you guys have any idioms we will be in dire straits if we didn't protect our sea yes if we don't protect our sea right as a as a first conditional we will be in dire straits if we don't protect our sea nice good helen can we say dire state no always in the plural in dire straits uh let's see anything else well here's a nice one the losing of bees is just the tip of the iceberg yes if we lose the bees that's just the start of the problem because then we're going to lose our crops and our food yes nice nice example your stream is lagging oh sorry about that my stream is lagging i'm not sure why sorry guys let me check connections okay fat mean can we say to be in deep yes we can yes but not in the exam that's a word i would not use in the exam yeah this is a nice one we will be in deep water if we don't stop cutting trees yeah very good very good i would even add i would add the um the preposition i think it's even better if we say if we don't stop cutting down trees we will be in deep water if we don't stop cutting down trees brilliant anything else okay here's another one from yoshra this is a nice one some countries nowadays have managed to weather the storm of covid yeah so whether the storm is good to whether the storm is to survive the difficult patch let me just write this down so five difficult difficult times um and they're no longer in deep water good two idioms all at once two kill two birds with one stone and here's another one uh yoshiri you're so funny that's great great good so we've got it the tip to weather the storm is to survive difficult times i do hope that our governments have weathered the storm with covid indeed okay yo yo this is a nice one i hope india will be out of deep water soon yes we are in deep water because of coronavirus yes great good examples guys very very good okay so i'm going to move on we've looked at idioms um the last thing we're going to look at today is the review and the review is the kahoot if you're new here kahoot is a very simple game that we're going to play so keep watching me but if you have a mobile phone or another device go to let me show you where that is if you go to you can also download the app on the phone actually they do have an app and we will play the game we've got four questions i know i'm doing that four questions um you just put the answer in kahoot or in the chat and we'll play together okay right let me get the uh oops sorry pressing the wrong one don't want to press that i want to press this one and get kahoot up right two ticks bear with me that's strange okay logging in nearly there [Music] so if you're in kahoot you notice you need to put your name and a pin number right and i'm going to help you with that in a moment we're going to play so let me share the screen with you now we're here [Music] we're going to play the classic one it is slow isn't it it's loading very slow no wonder it's lagging so you can join at or there is the kahoot app and the pin is coming one moment gosh it's incredibly slow it's almost like the builders downstairs have cut off the internet what have they done they were making such a noise earlier fortunately they've stopped banging i think they're renovating the house underneath me the flat underneath me it's not loading is it oh dear oh dear oh dear oh there we go now we're in so the pin is seven three nine three five seven three and maybe uh if the moderators could share that that would be fantastic so seven three nine three five seven three keith fan club great nice to see you here so just make up a name put your own name if you like and put in the pin and you can join mihokos as i wonder whether boris is in the house today i wonder and i wonder if his english has got any better great thanks for sharing guys seven three nine three five seven three what is going here we're doing we're gonna play kahoot so you'll get four questions it's multiple choice so you just choose a b c or d you actually choose a color and then we'll uh we'll review some vocabulary from today right we've got about 200 people i think that's probably great let's start off the environment first question which is the odd word out so which word is different right which word is different waste garbage reuse or rubbish which is the odd one out you've got 30 seconds well you've got 10 seconds now well done 92 of you got it right it's reuse reuse of course waste garbage and rubbish all mean the same there are all kinds of junk or trash but reuse is the different one meaning to use something again excellent next right the leader is vietnam interesting the whole country is leading pablo escobar dear we better not upset him he's in second place and mikalina is in third let's go to the next question we need to reduce our carbon blank we need to reduce our carbon blank right good well done sam and raghav well done trong well done you should all have you should all get this i think well fantastic the vast majority got footprint it's your carbon footprint think of the footprint in the sand the mark you leave behind you the mark you leave on the world footprint great reduce your carbon footprint well done let's see how we're doing oh good i'm happy that pablo escobar is first you don't want to upset the great mafia chief mikalina is second keith fan club has come up into third place come on vietnam keep going next question i am blank to use electricity water at home oh there's a typo i am blank to use electricity at home it should be whoops i am blank to use electricity at home right okay fantastic you most of you got that right absolutely careful i'm sorry but it's it's a bad example and i've just realized um it would be much better to say i am careful to use less electricity at home i think i was making it too quickly not a great example but the point is i am careful to do something was the right answer so well done all of you let's see how we're doing pablo is still up there hey where's the keith fan club come on and mikkalina is in second all of his coming in third let's see we're on the last question i think at the moment our planet is in blank straits at the moment our planet is in blank straits oh there's another typo come on keith well done cl helen well done july julie well done nestle nice the answer was dire 132 of you got it right absolutely at the moment our sorry typo not out our planet is in dire straits well done excellent so listen we've reviewed some nice vocabulary but let's find out who is at the top third early well done two hi oh no number one thank goodness pablo escobar is number one well done sir oh great so there you have it that's it that's kahoot that's how we finish up the class today um brilliant so we've been looking at the environment today right we've been talking all about um well all sorts of stuff that was the review we've been talking about looking after the environment taking care of the environment how we damage it different vocabulary that we need to use um and how we can use maybe some idioms as well the toolbox with the the may help you as well with more idioms don't learn too many just learn a few but try and use them correctly great okay um that brings us to the end today on to let you know on saturday um on youtube and guys if you are on youtube please do remember to subscribe um turn on the notifications so that you can find out about saturday's video on saturday i'll be doing a video which is a pronunciation challenge or a pronunciation test i'll be finding out how good your pronunciation is there are 10 questions you'll have to answer it'll be fun it'll be interesting it's really going to push up your pronunciation level if you use it and practice with it but come and join me on saturday for the pronunciation challenge on youtube that's youtube's video it's a recorded video goes out about midday on saturday brilliant to let you know if you want more information about the ielts speaking test and ways to prepare go and check out the website keith speaking academy if you're interested in doing a course with me and following a course to help you prepare there's the ielts speaking success course there are links on the website if you go to the website you'll see it there and you can study with me to get really ready for ielts speaking okay in the meantime i will look forward to seeing you in the next video somewhere sometime thank you so much for joining me goodbyes to all of you um it's a pleasure as always being here take care and i'll see you next time all the best now bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 60,390
Rating: 4.9558101 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking pactice, ielts speaking practice, ielts speaking practice at home, ielts speaking practice for beginners, ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking vocabulary, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts topic environment, ielts speaking environment, ielts speaking environment topic, ielts speaking environment vocabulary, ielts speaking environmental protection, keith ielts
Id: pyQDyb9h_Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 47sec (6107 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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