IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic SCIENCE

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and today we're going to be looking at this great topic of science right so welcome to all of you if you're watching on youtube and you're watching the recording please do um subscribe to the channel turn on the notification buttons so that you can hear about all the new videos coming up fantastic great so um today we're gonna look at science right we're gonna be looking at not only popular science but different branches of science and the language you need to talk confidently about science we'll be looking at science in our everyday life things or branches of science that you like or are interested in and of course some model answers at the end and a bit of kahoot maybe if you're good great so a quick hello to people who are coming in now um hi to nancy rubina allison atn vlog shacoon anastasia um ashraf union great pewdiepie sam's and many many more it's great to be here again so just to let you know all again i'm now doing the live classes only on thursdays so i apologize it's just once a week but that's to give me more time to finish the course that i'm making which is the fluency for ielts speaking course it's a brand new course i'm halfway through hopefully it should be finished in about three weeks and it will be great i think to really help you improve fluency intonation and pronunciation based on the fluency gym so that's something to look forward to today well we're going to look forward to some interesting stuff can you tell me what does this this my percolator nicely toasted underneath and this or these should i say these are if you know they're called uh albicoricoke or something in spanish these are melakotom they they are basically dried fruit right what do these three things have in common electronic toothbrush you're right ludong anastasia dry fruit that's right apricots thank you swatty i couldn't find the word that's what they are absolutely right there are apricots electric toothbrush and the percolator did anybody get percolator what do they have in common speaking friends well the percolator so of course the answer is he's up here it's one of those switch screens you think it's here it's over here stop moving science right toothbrushes coffee percolators and dried fruit the processing of fruit all uses science now yesterday i asked a group of you on the facebook group how do you use science in your everyday life the response was overwhelming happy bye bye i mean you told me like all of these things right when you brush your teeth there's science when you put salt on your chips that's science when you're cooking when you're having a shower when you're cleaning the car and when you're writing and using the computer science is everywhere and it suddenly adorned on me that means i realize the following right the great words that we have to say it's everywhere so i'd just like to share a few of them with you right so we had people were saying um it's with us 24 7 right let me make that a bit bigger it's with us 24 7. and let me show up here it's with us 24 7. it's a great way to say it's everywhere all the time right it's everywhere all the time we can also say it's omnipresent omni if you look at the word carefully right and present so it's present everywhere it's omnipresent the next word i love right ubiquitous you be qui ubiquitous it's ubiquitous lovely word right every it's all it's all the same right and a nice expression like somebody gave me was we are surrounded we are surrounded by science whether it is in the kitchen or in the bathroom whether it's in the kitchen no whether it's in the kitchen or in the bathroom whether it's at home or at work whether it's a lovely expression to pick up there right great um and the last one was i was asking so where is science in your life and a lot of you said no no no no it's the opposite right it's the opposite it's it's where is science not in our lives so this expression is nice it's more a question of right when you hear a question and the focus is wrong or the focus is the opposite you can say it's more a question of where can we not find science right if you can see the difference so where can we find science it's more a question of where can we not find science and the not is stressed it's more a question of where can we not find science right like somebody says what what what food do you like well it's more a question of what food do i not like because i love everything okay excellent great let me take the science thing away it's clear i think we're going to be talking about science today fantastic great now um just as we move on i would just like to say a very quick thank you actually um because quite a few people have made donations um to help me support me doing more live lessons um and and youtube videos as well for all the work on youtube so a big big thank you to um nath i think it's pronounced nath anca florea dj avila i'm not sure if you're really a dj or if that's your initials but dj avila afritan and ray tan thank you thank you very very much all of you for that it's fantastic now just to let you know then um for those of you of you who would like to know more or find out more the website you can see it here hopefully i'm on the keith speaking academy if i can just focus in it's if you go to the website and you click on free live lessons here this is where you can download uh the the the what the lesson notes below but this is also where you can make a donation if you want to help you can just click on the different levels or leave your own sum and click on the donate now and you can pay through paypal or credit card but also this is where you can pick up the notes right so from last last week's class about news you can download the notes and watch the video great excellent wow we've got some great interesting languages here i'm not sure yeah thank you for those comments excellent good oh what was that that's the pop-up pop-ups keep popping up everywhere that's the thing about pop-ups they pop up right so i've got a question for you right today's question the first question to begin i'd like to ask you this question do you like science right do you let me put that up here do you like science let me know in the comments anna w you are welcome thank you very much for your comment do you like science hello deepak from india nia keep going it be patient let's see yes of course reit is very very clear no nimi says yes of course i like it right elner this is interesting mostly i like scientific articles right me too right so you can read about science nice ali says i'm keen on science great nazilla says yes hands down absolutely well interesting how can we hate science some people do some people hate science especially school children because they see it as a subject not as a life tool i like new technology technology says joyce right right yeah you see marianne case in hand i'm not fond of science you you i hate science right now got pink goes a bit deeper i'm a big fan fan of science it makes our life easier makes our life easier fantastic fantastic great right raj says oh yes as well travel food and fun thank you no not much but i think it's very essential in our daily life so i cannot hate also right i think it's it's very essential essential is one of those um extreme adjectives right essential means very important so you can't say very very important you're repeating the very so with these words like essential fantastic amazing we don't say very we say really right because it's already very important so essential is a an extreme adjective so we say really really essential really amazing really beautiful right much better nice good okay excellent i love the avatars now it's great we can see the avatars so i'm going to move on and have a look at some essential vocabulary as we're looking at this topic right so first of all let's just get very clear about science so science is the noun i think you know that scientific as somebody said is the adjective somebody talked about scientific articles we can talk about scientific discoveries right scientific breakthroughs all sorts of different things scientific discoveries or scientific breakthroughs that's to to find a new area or to discover something new right in science scientific breakthroughs discoveries scientific articles scientific journals or science journals you could say both of those great so that's the adjective and um a scientist is a noun but of course is the person a scientist stephen hawkins is a scientist hey do you guys know any famous scientists maybe scientists in your country or internationally do you know any famous scientists oh there's a nice one scientific research yeah in the singular ngangyang that's excellent let me just point that out scientific research in the singular that's a nice one let me add that to our list here in the singular any famous scientist einstein gusto i love the avatar you look like a baby einstein with all respect newton great british great british scientist myrik marikuri marikuri very good great edison we all learn about edison in school don't we isaac newton louis pasteur great the great one who helps our medicine wasn't he the one who discovered penicillin i think to help which was a big scientific breakthrough or a medical breakthrough yeah thanks rashi for the correct spelling is it's marie curie like this elon musk is elon musk a scientist i think he probably is yes i think by training and education he studied science he's an entrepreneur but absolutely and he he works a lot with scientists tesla great lots of them different scientists there okay nice um now collocations so it's always always really really good i think to learn collocations when you're studying um because collocations can i make it a bit bigger collocations are so important in using the language right it's okay knowing scientific but if you don't know any collocations you can't use it but once you know scientific research right elton musk carries out scientific research now you'll be a you're able to use the language so some very common collocations with science we talk about popular science right nowadays this has become popular because years ago science was a closed area right years ago people didn't know about science only the people at the top the scientists and the researchers studied science there was very little communication about science right years ago and most people didn't weren't interested but popular science also the name of a famous magazine took something that was difficult and complicated and made it simple and communicated to people that it's simple they said you know do you know how you get coffee do you know how the coffee percolator takes water up through the coffee and they explain to people in simple words how science works and it made science popular popular science and that's where we get it from um and it's brilliant because it makes it really interesting for us all night now right so making science popular educating the layman now this is an important word right the layman is the everyday man on the street i've got a fly science the layman is the everyday man on the street it's you and me it's the normal person so when we talk about educating the layman it means educating normal people we have this expression say it in layman's terms terms right means say it simply right say it in this fly is annoying me i love science but i hate flies say it in layman's terms means say it simply right right for example some people say i'd like to show you an electronic radioactive nuclear device that was invented through a scientific breakthrough say it in layman's terms i want to show you a phone layman's terms it's a phone right say it in layman's terms we talk about an exact science exact science means it's not a precise science because science is mathematical it's black and white remember it's black and white but many things are not black and white they're a bit more complicated and so we talk about a lot of things being or not being an exact science for example right parenting is not an exact science you know you can't with parenting you can't have rules that you follow like the law of gravity right give a baby um some milk and it will drink well no give a baby some milk and it'll throw it on the wall i mean no it's not an exact science okay so that's a nice expression by the way i'm just going to show you this website because i think it's incredibly useful especially i think for higher level students and for teachers amongst you it's the british corpora so this is where you find examples of words let me just show you here i'll share the link with you as well but if you look over here it's the english corpora right you can look up for any you can look up basically any word if you put in exact science look my fill is there and it gives you the frequency you go into exact science and it gives you lots of examples of exact science right if i get rid of me and these are taken from different sources so paternity was increasingly an exact science it was not an exact science plastic surgery is not a very exact science living is never an exact science that is so true living is not an exact science um data analysis is an art not an exact science that's interesting i thought data analysis was an exact science the prescription of glasses is an exact science right so you can use this with any kind of word you just go into the national corpus it's free to use you click on search and you put in the word you're looking for and you can get examples or collates all sorts of stuff right um i'm gonna try and share the link with you in the youtube channel because i think i can watch myself on youtube and share links with you i think but i'm not sure i think i'm live now i can hear myself on youtube let's see if this works ah i think it does right i think you can see the link that's it great okay brilliant so um exact science nice tool for you there hard science so we talk about hard science where it's strong scientific evidence to back something up um donald trump says there is no hard science behind global warming um at the moment there's no hard science behind the effectiveness or effect effectiveness of the coronavirus vaccine the coronavirus vaccine there's no hard science because they haven't done the trial and testing yet the science behind global warming is interesting the science behind making coffee is interesting right that's another really good collocation the science behind is interesting the science behind you could say global warming or is is interesting the science behind education is interesting the science behind vaccines is interesting right nice expression that you can use great source of collocations is ozdik here again it's another um it's another tool that i think i've shared with you in the past it's a great collocation dictionary let me bang that into the youtube area as well brilliant so where are you i'm just seeing where you all are grey area that's true grey area it's not rocket science that's great that's nice yeah so you're looking here at oxen at um some idioms around uh science as well actually which is good i'm going to have a look at those in a few moments let me just put you to the test more examples right painting is not an science number one write your comment down below tell me what you think the answer is the science behind architecture is incredible interesting yeah good the science behind streaming online video is fascinating says razzie yeah i totally agree painting is not is not an exact science well done perfect well done quite a few of you got that what about number two i'm not sure about the science ba-ba-ba covid19 number one by the way not hard because it needs to be a vowel and exact science i'm not sure about the science drama queen simon behind yes exactly very good yes i'm not sure about the science behind covid brilliant covered 19 very very nice excellent good so we've looked there at some of the kind of the basic vocabulary to start looking at science what i want to do now is get ideas because if you're asked about science if it comes up you need things to talk about and you need to know the different areas of science and maybe i think popular science is a really good thing to look at and we're going to look at some ideas here so let me begin different kinds of science right there is natural science we call it um and that includes the life science so the science of things around us whether it's animals habitats biology zoology marine biology right about life ecosystems and then there's a physical science physics the laws of gravity thermodynamics all different laws around how we i mean isaac newton's right laws of motion all of that around physics as well so physical science so natural science is split into life science and physical science and then of course we've also got the social sciences now the social sciences are not the same as the hard sciences social sciences are sometimes called soft sciences around for example psychology behavior the way people learn education you know areas in the humanities social sciences are slightly different but still a branch of science i've just noticed i'm unplugged which means my battery's going to disappear wait a moment science helps us plug in and not disappear in the middle of the class which is always good to stay to the end of the class now this is oh this is really funny el nino it's not funny it's a great great great comment can i just share this from elner it's nice mr keith o'hare i reckon watching your live lessons every tuesday and thursday is an exact science for me in order to get higher speaking higher skills in speaking english that's lovely el no thank you very very very much i'm not sure if it's an exact science i'm not sure um okay there are some wikipedia links here if you want to find out about the branches of science um as before let me let me share these with you i'm going to throw them into the into the thingamajig into the bag okay strange watching myself there okay so where am i yes wikipedia branches come back it goes through it's absolutely fascinating actually if you go into wikipedia you can see loads and loads of explanations of the branches of science i mean just look at this it's crazy right formal science natural science social science but then the list you can look at science includes logic mathematics statistics physics chemistry earth science astronomy biochemistry microbiology botany zoology whoa right loads of them loads of them by the way ology means the study of so microbiology study of micro small bio life small life zoology study of zoos animals in a zoo or how animals live in the zoo ecology echo study lodology study of echoes no not the study of echoes the study of life systems okay so that is a it's a very good reference wikipedia sometimes is really really good and can give us great references okay so that's great now what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you a picture and i'll just bring your comments back up i want you to guess the branch of science or the field of science there you go that's important right we talk about a branch of science or a field of science let me just make a note of that for you a branch of science or a field of a branch of science or a field of science so i'm going to show you um a picture i want you to write in the comments which branch of science do you think i am showing you and what can you see in the pictures right what can you see in the pictures are you ready let's do it the first one right got some interesting genetics biology genetics genetics microbiology zoology ecology interesting genetic science anthropology says ray-ban interesting with an n genetic zoology okay okay so great the overall answer was this one was biology right it's about biology but you're absolutely right to talk about genetics there's also genetics here um what else genetic science anybody else those are the two main ones fantastic okay so what we've got here is biology um the different things we've got are let me take this away um at the top is dna right it's a the what do they call that the string the dna string in the bottom left corner this was a sheep that was cloned back ooh was it 10 years ago in britain they took a sheep they did microgenetic analysis and they made another sheep exactly the same a clone right do you remember that the cloning of the sheep it was a big big thing in the news ages ago um and of course the other one the monkey to the man is darwin's theory of evolution right darwin's theory of evolution great somebody had evolution somebody on facebook here evolution and genetic science exactly that's what that one was so you've got darwin's theory of evolution interesting aspect of biology to look about how humans have evolved and changed right um so we can add how humans have evolved which is nice language right so notice we're looking at evolution and evolve as the verb how humans have evolved it's a nice sound can you say that how humans have evolved how humans have evolved darwin nice one to talk about dna strings like guitar strings we talk you can talk about dna strings and you can talk about clones right clones is the noun but it's also a verb to clone and dolly the sheep i don't know if this may be before your time i'm not sure how young or old you are but dolly the sheep was cloned in great britain and they made an exact perfect replica of the sheep right interesting so that's biology that was the first one there's another little reference here which again let me show you because it's quite interesting it's a university guide to 10 famous biological discoveries right interesting you can get them i'll put them in the chat box there's the link in the uh the chat box for you and if we want to have a quick look i can give you a whistle stop tour of top 10 biological discoveries over here have a look at these with me aristotle wow that's going back a long time glenn never heard of him sorry antoine microbiology i didn't know that was him there's karl linut modern taxonomy i don't know much about that there we go charles darwin the theory of evolution that's the big one that everybody knows or most people know whether you agree with it or not it's quite controversial sometimes charles darwin um modern genetics right gregor mendel if you're interested jumping jeans barbara mcclintock ah watson and crick watson and crick now then watson and crick structure of dna these were the guys who discovered the structure of dna the double helix right they call it the double helix do you remember genetics do you remember several years ago a chinese doctor doctor who or doctor her doctor her i think and he took the embryos of two babies genetically modified them and when they were born he told everybody what he'd done he'd basically cloned them somehow i don't think he cloned them i think he modified their genes if i remember correctly the father had hiv and they wanted to avoid the children getting hiv but it was a scandal because of the moral decisions he took to experiment with the embryos not just the children but the embryo of the baby um and because of the the immoral unethical scientific approach the scientific world attacked him and actually i think he went to prison for what he did because it was unethical science do you remember that doctor her that wasn't long ago and that was all about microgenetics microgenetics can we clone humans lou i don't know i think that's as close as we got but because of the ethical problems whether it's the right thing to do it was stopped so the ethics of science is really important nadia very good the ethics of science should we clone humans should we take a vaccine that hasn't been trialled and tested right it's a very very good question great so clones clone means replica thank you very much sonny a clone is a replica to make something the same again right okay great very interesting so that was the structure of dna jane goodall you may have heard of very very famous from the university of cambridge her work on um her on chimpanzees and different animals um amazing i'm surprised that she's here but she has become a very very big name right jane goodall so on the topic of biology there there's actually lots of things that you can talk about right okay great biology now then let me come back oh yes so i'm going to show you another so number two right the next one which field of science is this and you can tell me any other things that you see thank you very much that's right ah interesting interesting so we've got nutrition food science food industry i seem like a science prof i know rayban i know i just want to give you lots of ideas environmental science so let me share some of these i think these are really good nutrition is a science so they say right chemical science food science absolutely a very very important part um environmental science excellent industry is not really a science chemical chemistry i think just chemistry right as a kieran says chemistry uh marine life ah not marine life no food processing absolutely yeah and here's the one here's one food modification that's right food modification so you're absolutely right in the this one is actually just chemistry right chemistry um chemistry chemistry under different parts of chemistry hang on a minute so at the top you've got a nuclear flower pant flower sorry my god speak a nuclear power plant right at the top is a nuclear power plant nuclear power is it an exact science i don't know but it's an important part of science especially with renewable energies um despite it's been controversial because some people think it's dangerous you'll remember you may remember chernobyl chernobyl in russia um in japan japanese nuclear power station that exploded not so long ago so there has been controversy with nuclear power but certainly it's uh it's an important one so nuclear power um the one here on the bottom left is brewing beer it's it's a brewery making their own beer right and the one on the right in the bottom right corner um is food science and here they've created a meat from vegetable so they've made a plant-based i think it's called a plant-based beef so chemistry that's the big one right chemistry nuclear power if you can say it nuclear power you can talk about brewing beer right we talk about science and brewing beer um breweries and how you can do home brewing right you can use science to do home brewing where you brew beer or wine on your own at home right great food science for example plant-based beef there's also gm right which is genetically modified food and where we're changing so that's where we're changing food have you noticed in the supermarkets sometimes you get fruit i mean seriously fruit that is beautiful big red apples perfect tomatoes those are not natural those are genetically modified fruit natural fruit is deformed the wrong shape different shapes to have all the tomatoes the same perfect shape that's gm that's genetically modified food so much of our food is gm food we don't know it you may or may not know it but a lot of the food you eat is genetically modified so that's something we could talk about right food science if you're interested there's another link here from the popular science magazine about chemistry um it gives more information about chemistry it's quite an interesting one again i'll just put it i'll put it in the notes but i'll put it in the chat for you as well now so you can go there and have a look if you would like i've got too many screens oh some great comments coming up there brilliant food modification let me come in yeah good i'll just share a couple of these because they're great comments gm food formed by manipulating um jeans well yes and great right sm is right gm food has been developed one of the motivations um was to avoid starvation right for avoiding starvation in many many countries in the world exactly so emmy plant-based beef yeah it's it's not beef well there's two things one is there's plants that are used to make something that has a similar texture to beef but is not it's plant-based so you can have hamburgers made of vegetables with the same texture as beef but it's not beef and it doesn't really pretend to be beef right but emmy there are also let me just wind that up um there's also janet i'm not sure how they've done it they've taken the genes of beef or from the cow and created hamburgers from the same cells hamburgers meat from the same cells and i think it's the cloning of the meat cells to make more beef but it's not quite beef i don't really know to be honest maybe somebody here knows more about it than me not difficult great you forgot about science right there is so much science great and here's the big controversy lou is genetically modified food good for health i don't know it's um it's not an exact science there is no hard science behind the detriments or the benefits yet right so we're not sure jen ler says gm food has potential detriments and risks i think so but i don't know the science behind it right right interesting cashew fermentation in goa is called cashew funny so the fermentation they're making like they're brewing a special drink right i guess interesting brilliant meat science i'm not sure right okay brilliant so listen we've talked about chemistry i've got one more for you right one more oh just before i show you one more let me um give you a couple of sentences here because i think these are ah help and pressing all the wrong buttons yes so something you might want to say right is a branch of science i'm interested in is chemistry genetically modified food brewing beer or i've always been intrigued by intrigue is a nice word and it just means um fascinated interested fascinated in interested in right but noticed remember i always tell you this notice the grammar of the words you're learning intrigued by as soon as i say it means interested most students go oh i've always been intrigued in no intrigued by i've always been intrigued by food science by chemistry um by cloning right or a branch of science i'm interested in is a branch of science use it as a chunk right practice it and practice it so it becomes a chunk a branch of science a branch of science a branch of science a branch of science a branch of science i'm interested in is brewing beer i'd love to brew some beer homemade beer like the monks in the 13th century in belgium excellent good so i've got one more for you the last one can you tell me which branch of science this one is ready and if you know who these people are let me know you can see me drinking planetary science i'm actually into planetary science that's nice kieran you're you're you've hit the nail on the head physics you've hit the nail on the head well done so hail is good here astronomy absolutely astronomy astronomy astrology oh i don't think it's astrology not astrology astrology is different i think but let me check that hawking right stephen hawkings the guy at the top stephen hawkings was a british scientist um who had a disability but despite his disability he made great scientific breakthroughs um expanding our knowledge of space and black holes and things astronomy physics says mandy great space oh here's a good one cosmology so cosmology is what stephen hawkins was into right stephen hawkins was into cosmology which is a little bit more about the origin of life and space so how did the stars begin how was the universe created right the big bang theory that's cosmology whereas astronomy is looking more at space um the stars the planets not so much much the origin right great stephen hawkins does anybody know the other people astronomy physics [Music] quantum physics yeah quantum we can talk about quantum physics absolutely absolutely so the guy in the bottom left is a a physicist in the bottom left the taller guy with the black hair without glasses this is brian cox and brian cox is a british scientist contemporary he has a great podcast called the infinite monkey cage go and check it out but he is a physicist and a quantum physicist so great so stephen hawkins brian cox and the other chap isaac newton right physicist great so we've got all these guys physics stephen hawkins uh i haven't written it all in but let me write it here stephen hawkins um so he was a cosmologist cosmologists he made breakthroughs to help us understand the origin of space of the universe let's say right cosmologist he made breakthroughs to help us understand the origin of the universe he did a lot more i mean he wrote a very very famous book about black holes and understanding black holes he discusses the big bang theory that's one you should know the big bang theory now you're all probably thinking oh yes sheldon i watch that it's very very funny no the big bang theory is the real scientific theory behind the beginnings of the universe right but hey you can talk about physics and the tv program if you like why not that's science it's all science there are some more links here there's one there for a stephen uh hawkins brian cox was the other one the infinite monkey cage so brian cox is a physicist a british british physicists i'm going to spell it wrong aren't i physicist completely wrong thank you a british physicist and that podcast is quite challenging but let me share it with you in case any of you are into podcasts um if you want to podcast on science um there's a lot there some of them are quite difficult but some of them are great he does the podcast with a comedian so the other guy in the picture here is a famous comedian from britain and they kind of have fun with science and but it's quite difficult language but it's it's great i mean it's really interesting and worth having a look at uh isaac newton was the other guy right of course isaac newton you're probably familiar with i learned about newton at school and i just remember he created the laws of motion right the laws of motion all about gravity do you remember newton right he was sat under the tree and the apple fell and hit him on the head and he said bloody hell apples and then he realized gravity why did it fall because of gravity so his laws of motion are quite famous however they're no longer true right they've been debunked um ever since einstein's uh or what was it einstein's einstein's law of relativity that has superseded or taken over the laws of motion so we now believe in einstein and his law of relativity but it's all physics right it's all physics yeah the apple fell on the head of newton that's right mariam and marianne says i hate apples and you turn also ah laugh out loud great they all graduated from cambridge very very well spotted isaac newton brian cox brian cox was from manchester brian cox right went to the same school as me similar age as well but um graduated from cambridge and of course um stephen hawking was a cambridge graduate as well you'll notice i'm pushing the british scientists right apologies for that it's all a little bit british and janelle says newton's law the newton's laws newton's laws let me change that sorry not the even though they are his laws newton's laws are not true with the fluid in the toothpaste maybe that's true i don't know probably are not true with the fluid in the toothpaste brilliant okay so there guys there's lots of things you can talk about there right um we've looked at all different ones i'm gonna do a whistle stop tour i love that expression i'm using it a lot lately whistle stop tour is a very quick look at something a whistle stop tour is a quick look let's have a whistle stop tour of science and this is a whistle-stop tour store a whistle-stop tour of science it's a quick look um so other things just you know that you can talk about you can talk about astronomy um this has become very popular on the tv the first man about neil armstrong has anybody seen the first man by neil armstrong there's away is a new series on netflix i've been watching this recently and it's really good um with hillary swank and she's a brilliant actress she plays the um the the commander of the ship up in space i don't fully there's a lot of horrible stereotyping in this series about chinese russians and americans it's terrible and british it's terribly terribly stereotyped but if you like astronomy it's interesting on netflix the martian do you remember the martian with uh matt damon this is one of those great ridley scott films absolutely brilliant if you can see the martian all about a scientist a botanist i think going up to space interstellar talk about that mandy you're absolutely right and hitesh says interstellar fantastic film so referring to films and um different tv programs is a nice way of pop talking about popular science right first trip to the moon exactly by neil armstrong and yuri you're absolutely right karina yuri garin was the first man who has been in space absolutely yuri gagarin gagarin okay you can talk about botany geology the study of um the the land the earth the soil the great one and the most famous one is planet earth and again i'm sorry it's british but it's the bbc david attenborough um get a chance that the youtube channel is brilliant if you can buy the dvds and go and watch them i think you can get them on netflix but otherwise just go onto youtube and watch the channel there oh david attinbra is an absolute star it's really really nice so you can look at that you can talk about these things as well okay great david attenborough good i'm going to take a break from all of that science so much science and i've realized time is flying contrary to newton's law of motion time is actually flying let me see what you're saying in the comments box before i carry on rick and morty i don't know that one that's interesting come here want to go and check out goku congratulations gravity that's right with george clooney right was another popular space to film yeah astrophysics ashraf i'm not 100 sure but i assume it's to do with stars and space neil armstrong edward oh yes edwin aldrin i forgot the other guy's name me too [Music] michael collins there you go brilliant sheldon cooper yeah big bang theory yeah it's all about science dentistry here we go nice one to throw in here from pranji homie was an indian nuclear physicist known as father of the indian nuclear program right interesting brilliant good so guys there's lots of stuff there to be talking about right i need a drink i'm so thirsty what's the science behind water now um well a quick question then just a quick question if you can stick around for another 10-15 minutes i'm going to carry on a little bit longer if you can if you need to go i understand we're on the topic of science right so i have a quick question for you guys and and it's basically what kind of science are you interested in what kind of science are you interested in brilliant some great ideas in the chat box you guys have got loads of ideas sam most people in england are interested in science it's become very popular it really has right interesting so some ideas here namrata psychology great here's another science this is an interesting one criminology the study of criminals right and also animals not zoology but angel says i can't get you in there veterinary veterinary science oh the things are gone again come back oh would you believe it they've all gone i can't get the comments in neuroscience says uzma neuroscience social science biology oh now they're coming in okay computer science that's right says abu it's a kind of science engineering i guess it's a kind of yeah it is science is it engineering it's a kind of science or is it the application of science i'm not sure astronomy chemistry says maryam great okay kimio you have to drink eight glasses of water that is a science is it an exact science that's what i want to know mathematical science dentistry sounds like you're a dentist or you want to be one sabina you're like me you're interested in the science of language right which is linguistics linguistics the science of languages linguistics normally with an s just to add that in okay so i've got a few questions but i realize well we don't have so much time i think i'm going to move on to model answers right model answers where i'm going to take one or two questions you want to ask me about science oh my god what a high this is like climate change do you remember that that was a hard question this is a tough one right but if you want to ask me a question and i will choose one or two and we'll try and give you a model answer right model answer so write down your uh questions if you'd like in the comments box oh here's an interesting one let's see if i can copy this one right i've got one here and i'm going to try and just copy it onto my onto my what onto my sheet so this is from varun describe a scientific subject that you learned about in high school and explain how this subject helped you in your life holy moly let me see does that come up it does right okay just give me a moment to get this correct it's a bit of a strange question but great okay describe a scientific subject that you learned about in high school and explain how this subject helped you in your life sounds like a part two question do i get a minute can i have a minute please a minute give me a few seconds to think because i can think about subjects in school that's easy but how it's helped me in my life hmm right okay get the first idea okay go with the first idea right i'm gonna go with the first idea i'm gonna talk about that and that okay um so when i was at high school we studied uh physics it was a mandatory subject in fact we had to study all the different sciences physics chemistry and biology but i do remember physics classes specifically on the one hand because we had a fantastic teacher he was so creative and innovative and he would have us doing experiments in the classroom and we just found it it was a really great way to engage us and to get us interested in physics but not only that the kind of the different experiments and topics we studied in physics were kind of relevant to our lives whether it was talking about how you build bridges or how you build a building or whether it was about electronic circuits and how electricity works in the house and i was fascinated i was intrigued by electricity and how that worked now i as i left school i began learning to play the guitar and i played the electric guitar and i would often take apart my amplifier of my electric guitar to see how it worked and to see how i could change the sound and i kind of drew on my knowledge of basic physics from the school from the classes we had about how circuits worked how you could open and close circuits and i just found it really interesting to take apart my guitar or the amplifier and put it back together and see what the result was i guess it made me into a kind of mini scientist doing mini research projects but i found it fascinating and that's one way i guess it kind of helped in my future life with my music as well science and music two unlikely friends but there they were well that's a difficult subject isn't it because i can think about individual things but it's much harder to link them but that was it just to explain what happened to me there um in my one minute i i made i was about to make the classic mistake i was thinking of examples i was thinking chemistry food what about salt and cooking oh electricity and i started wasting my time going through different ideas it's a waste of time right and then i remembered pick the first one so i went straight back to the first one on the guitar physics and then focused on the structure so if it's a part two question you know be really careful it's so tempting to think and brainstorm ideas but your minute disappears right take the first one if it's relevant take the first one and then structure your talk i hope that makes sense okay great um let's see any other questions there's lots of comments i can't see any questions that's an interesting one maybe that's a good one to do actually yeah maybe this will come up let me do this one fascinating right and this is a classic leading question and i'll explain thank you very much for this one um let me explain what i mean by that a leading question is a question where you assume something is true right why are boys more interested in science than girls well it assumes that that's true but maybe it's not maybe it is but you can disagree with that right um okay so where did i go hey come back come back why are boys more interested in science than girls why are boys more interested in science than girls okay let me try and make myself a bit bigger so you can see me i'm not playing for time i know it looks like it um okay well to be honest i think it's a bit of a myth that boys are more interested in science than girls i think there are lots of girls who are really interested in science and a lot especially if they were given the chance they would study science and maybe become scientists but i think it's a very chauvinistic career and it's very difficult for women to break into this career um because it's a male-dominated career path by and large um so i'm not sure it's necessarily true i think there is a stereotype of boys being more interested in science because they're more practical and hands-on whereas women are more emotional but again i think we're guilty of stereotyping there and for example i know in my country the government has a big big push and a campaign to encourage girls to study science and to take up science subjects like chemistry biology and physics um and it's been met it's been met with a very very good attitude positive attitude by girls who are interested so i'm not sure i really agree with your question mr examiner or mrs examiner right okay so that's it so you know just remember you don't have to agree with the examiner and the question you can disagree you will not be judged on your ideas okay so long as you avoid politics and religion sensitive things it's fine and i think here you can disagree if the examiner agrees or disagrees doesn't really matter right what's important is your language and your ability to express it okay great i hope that made sense great brilliant time up time is up lots of questions time is up but there's always time for a bit of kahoot some great questions there guys sorry i can't answer all of them but i hope the two model answers will help you and remember you can download the notes and you'll be able to check and look at the model answers later on okay upload a video of me playing the electric guitar oh if i can find one yes oh that's nice i love that yes it's because men are from mars and women are from venus john gray fantastic book and it's kind of true maybe listen guys let's do a quick kahoot so i'd like to review some vocabulary with you and just do this via kahoot i think we will be able to do it so give me a second just one second to find out where my kahoot is and if you can stick around it's a bit of a long class but keep drinking water keep going and i'm sure you will be the science says you'll be absolutely fine you'll survive actually the science says an hour is far too long to study but who cares [Laughter] who cares okay here we go let me take you into this we're gonna do the kahoot over here we're going to do the teach one and then what happens i'm not sure we're going to do the classic option so kahoot is where we review the vocabulary if you're new here what you need to do is to go into it's there at the top put in your name and put in the pin two one two four four one six okay get into kahoot and then we will start and play the game [Music] hello [Music] right people are joining in give you a few seconds to get in there [Music] nakibula i'm not on italki anymore i'm actually not really doing any classes at the moment because i'm working on the course this month [Music] right people are signing in so man good luck with your exam tomorrow i hope it goes great a way of true living you've got a week to go i'm sure you'll be great stay positive okay we've got oh we've got quite a lot of people in let's move on um let me just turn down the music a little bit just a tad and let's start you can join you can keep joining and you can write in the comments section as well okay let's begin science first question the theory of relativity was a great blah blah blah discovery the theory of relativity was a great blah blah blah discovery so which word collocates with discovery a great blank discovery [Music] [Applause] wow scientific fantastic we've got there look at that 119 people got scientific that's the adjective right not science or sciential scientist scientist is the person science is the subject scientific is the right answer here okay well done nice on the scoreboard if i get out of the way yumiko again at up at the top how does she do it pewds and manners again in third place and ray-ban storming in fourth here's the next question guys parenting is not an blank science parenting is not an blank science notice it's an that gives you a big clue remember you can just write in the comment box if you can't get onto kahoot nice one judy caroline mirage good lovely jane born alice lovely 124 exact perfect right it's not an exact science that's the collocation of course anne you know it begins with a vowel great excellent let's move on where are we yumiko is still at the top and manus has moved into second gopinath is up there in third well done question number three can you say it or sorry can you say it more simply i mean put it in blank terms can you say it more simply i mean put it in blank terms to say something simply [Music] caught me eating the melakotom the apricot excuse me i was nibbling um well done layman's terms put it in layman's terms speak to me in layman's terms say it simply nice let's see who's at the top of the pops oh we have a new one manus has taken first place gopinath is coming second sd rocks have come in third brilliant here we go the last question which is the odd one out [Music] intrigued fascinated bored interested which is the odd one out so which one is [Music] [Music] different [Music] well done hungry birds to be in well done me here well done we shall well done and all of you 127 you've got it spot on absolutely bored right bored is not interested so intrigued by something fascinated by something an interested in something all mean the same thing excellent well done well who is the winner who do you think third place sid el sid who's sid second place kamadilon oh you moved up but first [Music] [Applause] [Music] sd rocks and he does rock or she rocks who knows there you go sd rocks excellent i'm going to celebrate with another apricot [Music] hmm do you remember at school when the teacher did something and tells you not to do it and then the teacher does something and you say but why teacher and the teacher says because i'm the teacher boom right because i'm the teacher i can have an apricot because i'm the teacher okay excellent guys we're at the end thank you very very much for joining me today let me just turn the music down um we've looked at science today i hope it has helped you give you ideas to talk about science that you're interested different aspects of science different fields and branches of science along with some interesting vocabulary and also go back later and look at those model answers and pick out some of the language so do remember you can go and have a look on the on the website to collect the the pdf right just go to here go to here go to the free live lessons page um and you can download the lesson notes they will be there in about five hours time um i don't do it straight away but i will get them up there later tonight if you want to make a donation please do so it's keith um keith what keith speaking keith speaking academy let me put it there for you to make it clear okay so you can go there get lots of information to help you prepare okay that's it thank you very much all of you for coming it's been great fun so next week remember it's next thursday we're going to be looking at a new topic next thursday i haven't decided which yet if you have any ideas do let me know in the comments box and uh that's it we look forward to seeing you next thursday in the meantime have a great day have a great weekend take care bye bye now
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 37,418
Rating: 4.9396229 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking test, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking, ielts keith, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking success, ielts science vocabulary, ielts science and technology, science ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking science and technology, ielts speaking science class, ielts speaking part 1 science, science ielts speaking, science class ielts speaking part 1, describe a science area
Id: lfDF0Qg_I_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 6sec (4926 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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