15 Phrasal verbs to impress your IELTS examiner

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today i've got 15 phrasal verbs that will impress your ielts examiner and if you're thinking whoa great keith uh what are phrasal verbs then you really need to watch this [Music] hello again this is keith from the keith speaking academy here to help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on ielts speaking now today i'm going to show you what phrasal verbs are how exciting they can be and also why they are important in ielts speaking and actually in any natural conversation in english right also i will share with you 15 of my favorite phrasal verbs ones that i think if you use well let me put it like this i think your examiner will go ooh interesting tick let's hope so before we begin let me say a word about learning phrasal verbs right how to learn them as with most things in english like idioms phrasal verbs you need to study them you need to repeat them but you also need to practice using them in conversations right in different kinds of conversations and for me one of the best places to do that is cambly and cambly are sponsoring today's video thank you so much cambly for this great opportunity um let me tell you why i like cambly i mean just have a look right cambly you can find native english speaker tutors which is great you've got this english immersion from anywhere in the world and what i like about cambly is that not only do you get to choose your tutor and they've got obviously ielts tutors who are specialized in ielts as well not only do you have this flexible scheduling you choose the time but you've also got specialized curriculum so you can follow some of the courses they have for example ielts speaking mock test you can also have this interactive classroom that the teacher can really engage you with and this is great right lesson review your lesson is recorded so you can go back and practice again and again absolutely brilliant so you can do a lot more with cambly they've got different kinds of plans maybe you want for a month three months or 12 months and here's the thing cambly are offering all of my students and by the way if you're watching this that's you you are my student right cambly are offering a whopping 40 discount whooping what great word that just means very very big a whopping 40 discount on their 12 month plan right i mean that's huge fantastic so all you need to do is use the promo code keith dash yt imagine yt for youtube keith dash yt and you'll get 40 off that 12 12-month plan and if you're still not sure you can also get a free 50-minute lesson right on cambodia just use the link below to get a free 15-minute lesson to to try it out and see if it suits you brilliant let's get into phrasal verbs okay so first of all what are phrasal verbs now if you've heard of phrasal verbs before you may have a love-hate relationship with them some people love them some people hate them i love them of course i do right so a phrasal verb basically is a verb plus a preposition right prepositions like in on under out to away prepositions often indicate place or direction right so if we say walk out it's showing you walk out of the room walk in walk away right sit down sit up speak up louder speak up right increase the volume so very often you can see the meaning from the words right the verb and the preposition a quick note if you're a more advanced student or a teacher you may also hear of the the idea a phrasal verb is a verb plus an adverb particle now the adverb particle is the same right it's in on under out away etc but sometimes we call it an adverb particle because it's how you do the verb right you walk out is how you walk it doesn't matter too much at this moment let's keep it simple right it's a verb plus a preposition that's the basic package right okay if you're a teacher right a quick tip for teachers you shouldn't tell students everything you know about a language point you should tell students what they need to know now right keep it simple tell them just enough to understand great keep on doing a great job teachers now phrasal verbs are challenging no phrasal verbs are fun because they are often idiomatic that means the meaning of the phrasal verb is different from the individual words right before when we said speak up it's a little bit idiomatic right speak up is not speaking up it's just to speak more loudly speak up speak down is much more idiomatic right speak down is not hello hello hello no speak down is to talk to somebody like they are less intelligent a bit stupid immature like a child right that's when you speak down to somebody so it has this idiomatic meaning lots of phrasal verbs have idiomatic meanings which is great the possibilities are really fun and exciting now you might be thinking okay keith does that mean i can only use phrasal verbs in speaking not at all you can use phrasal verbs in writing as well some of them okay so how do i know whether i use them in writing or in speaking simple answer is you look at the context if you've heard a phrasal verb by listening to it then you know it can be spoken if you've learned a phrasal verb by reading it you know it can be written as simple as that keep it simple right let's begin with my first batch of phrasal verbs a batch okay a batch is a group right but it sounds like i'm a factory manufacturing phrasal verbs let's look at my first batch of phrasal verbs to impress your ielts examiner now often in ielts speaking we have to talk about work or study right now a nice little phrasal verb here is to knuckle down to knuckle down hard to pronounce i know no fun to pronounce knuckle curl it's the dark l knuckle to knuckle down and your knuckles are these right here so when you knuckle down is when you put your knuckles on the table like you're really ready to work and it means to start focusing on your work or your study right for example i work as a teacher and we've got exams coming soon so we all need to knuckle down or i study law and i have my exams soon so i really need to knuckle down right to focus studying or working lovely number two very often in ielts speaking part one you have a question about can you cook can you run can you drive can you paint right here a nice phrasal verb is to get round to or to get around to we can say round or around which means to do something you have intended to do but you've been too busy to do it but to finally do it right so for example if somebody asks somebody the examiner asks can you cook well i would love to learn how to cook but i just haven't got round to it i've been too busy i haven't got round to it great bit like my wife says you know have you cleaned the bathroom yet and i say no i've been busy making a youtube video i haven't got round to it yet next hobbies right we often talk about free time or hobbies in ielts and spending time maybe watching movies reading books scrolling on your phone so here a nice phrasal verb is to while away and i would link while away while away and this means to spend time in a relaxed way right and it's separable it's a while away the afternoon or to while the morning away spending time doing something for example i love to while away the afternoon watching movies what about you how do you while away the afternoon that's interesting great next one also talking about hobbies now if you want to talk about improving a skill that you had but you haven't practiced for quite a long time to brush up on here this is a phrasal verb that has two prepositions or adverb particles um to brush up on something so listen to the linking brush upon brush upon brush upon something nice an example i love playing the guitar it's true actually i love playing the guitar but i need to brush up on it because i haven't played for some time very nice right is there anything you need to brush up on cool that's it let's move on now some more about phrasal verbs so phrasal verbs are complicated oh no phrasal verbs are really interesting because of the word order we've got two kinds of phrasal verbs right separable a bit like my new great earphones right my beats earphones they are separable great magnet right or they're separable um or you have inseparable which are close together right a bit like a husband and wife or a boyfriend or girlfriend they cannot be separated so first of all separable phrasal verbs you've got your verb preposition if you have an object then you can put it in between the verb and the preposition for example if we take to look up meaning to find the meaning of a word in a dictionary i look a word up i can separate look and up i look the word up you could also put the thing at the end i look up a word right however if you use it instead of a word you must put it in the middle i look it up yeah not i look up it no no doesn't work i look it up right now what about inseparable phrasal verbs like you and your cat may be or you and your dog inseparable then here the verb and the preposition they must stay together for example take after meaning to resemble or look like one of your parents i take after my father right i cannot say i take my father after no you cannot separate them right i take after my father or i take after him right the object always goes at the end now you may be thinking okay keith good so how do i know which phrasal verbs are separable and which are inseparable well this is where english is really fun right because there are no rules to help you right you have to learn them by heart which means it's quite dangerous to learn lists of 20 30 50 phrasal verbs it's really important you learn them in context but also a few at a time right i'm giving you 15 today that's a lot i mean i would learn maybe five at a time because you need to learn each one by heart is it separable or inseparable and you can find out from the dictionary examples right that will show you if it's separable or inseparable great right next batch do you know in ielts speaking part three you often get a question that is how will something change in the future right you heard that kind of question it's very common right how will shopping change in the future or news or um the economy whatever right here are four really nice phrasal verbs you can use in that context the first one is to bank on to bank on which means to expect and hope something will happen it's a bit like if you imagine money investing money in something and you hope to get a result right um like the bank is where you've got your money so you're banking on something for example i'm banking on the covid situation getting better next year or many governments are banking on the economy improving in the future right they hope it will get better nice number two to be in four to be in four this one phrasal verb has two prepositions or particles to be in for means you are about to have or experience something this is nice because it's so simple right to be in for for example you may be asked how do you think shopping will change in the future well i think we are in for a few surprises in the future right we're expecting a few surprises or we're about to get a few surprises or many real shops are in for a hard time next year as most people will choose to shop online nice the next one is to pan out which means to result or develop in a certain way and this is great to talk about the future right you could say i think things will get better but we will have to see how things pan out right so how things will develop in the future we'll have to see how things pan out or pan out linking another example i think our goal of getting everyone vaccinated this year isn't going to pan out nice next one to run up against another one with two prepositions to run up against meaning to face problems or difficult situations right so how is something going to change in the future maybe you say i think we're going to run up against a lot of problems in this area listen to the connection run up against run up against right or i think we're going to run up against more crime in the future we're going to run up against more blah blah blah in the future very flexible very nice i think that will impress your examiner let's move on oh sorry i gotta stop laughing i just i don't know why i just start laughing sometimes um now next phrasal verbs are tricky no actually phrasal verbs are so exciting because they give you the chance to show off your control of pronunciation you may have noticed many phrasal verbs end in a consonant sound and the preposition begins with a vowel sound so you can link right instead of sit up sit up right instead of speak up speak cup cup speak up tup sit up right which is great so it's an opportunity to show off your pronunciation particularly notice these examples where we look in the present tense right i like to look up new words can you hear that look up i like to look up new words if we're using the third person he or she he looks up words all the time looks up sup looks up he looks up words all the time my wife is studying spanish and she looks up words all the time can you hear it sup what's up um and in the past tense very very common right last week she looked up a lot of words looked tough tough looked up she looked up a lot of words right so many many phrasal verbs give you this wonderful opportunity to show off your control of the the linking present tense with he and she and the past tense how cool is that great let's move on right next phrasal verbs it's very common right in ielts speaking that the examiner asks you what do you think of blah blah blah right and a really clever trick and i'm sorry but this is a trick right is you can say you can use the phrasal verb to mull over to mull over something is to think carefully about something right it's separable so you could say well i've been mulling over this a lot recently and i think or i've been mulling this over a lot recently and i think right little trick another nice phrasal verb is to figure out to figure out and often we put the route figure route to figure out something means to find the solution to something right so what do you think of blah blah blah well it's complicated and it's not easy to figure out a solution right and then you carry on giving your solution okay to figure out um next one again ielts speaking part three very common to ask or to be asked do you agree that the government should do this right there's always a government question do you agree that the government should right now a couple of nice phrasal verbs here and easy to remember are get on with get on with something which means to start or continue doing something right so for example the government talks about reducing the crime rate but they just need to get on with it right they need to start doing it right don't just talk about it get on with it nice the other phrasal verb for this kind of question is to buckle down which means to start working hard you know so the examiner asked do you think the government should blah blah blah blah blah well i think it's time that the government buckled down and found a solution okay simple phrases but quite effective phrasal verbs moving on ielts speaking part two sometimes you're asked to describe a thing right maybe a movie or a book um or a dinner or a restaurant or a hotel right a lovely phrasal verb here is to stumble upon stumble upon can you say that stumble upon to stumble upon something is to find it by chance right now so you might say i'd like to tell you about a great book that i stumbled upon recently right meaning that i found recently but what a great verb i'd like to tell you about a great restaurant that i stumbled upon last week right a great anything great hotel restaurant movie stumbleupon is for things right not people but for things if you want to talk about people we have a really nice phrasal verb so to to meet someone by chance right is to bump into bump into can you say that bump into great to meet by chance so if you're asked describe a time when you did blah blah blah blah blah right you could say well recently i bumped into an old friend and he right very simple right notice the pronunciation the past tense bumped into tintu bumped into last week i bumped into an old friend and he right lovely the last one is to describe something that happens in a certain way and the verb is to turn out different ways to use it but the one of the most common ones is it turned out well right means it finished or ended up well it turned out well so if you're talking about an event or an activity you could say well we had a difficult time but in the end everything turned out fine right or in the end everything turned out well again notice that pronunciation turned out d turn in the past doubt turned out turned out fine turned out well lovely that's it those are 15 phrasal verbs that i think will impress your ielts examiner so remember phrasal verbs are really important right both for spoken english and written english they can make you sound much more natural it's really important i think to build up a base of some basic phrasal verbs but to get your il7 or 8 right you need to use less common idiomatic vocabulary including many many phrasal verbs right a word of warning though really practice these as much as you can they have to sound natural if it doesn't it can have a negative effect so only use the ones that you can confidently use naturally how do you build up that confidence keep practicing go and check out cambly our sponsors for today right remember they're offering a whopping 40 discount on the 12 month plan and if you want to check them out you can do 15 minutes free lesson and try see how it goes for you do remember they've also got some courses if you have a look here you can see they've got courses on different parts of english you can look at courses on also on professional development if you're interested in that expressing yourself talking about different topics that often come up in ielts and they even have ielts specific courses that can use you can use and practice with your tutor great go and check it out all the links are below that's it thank you so much for joining me do remember to subscribe to youtube turn on the notification button and leave me a comment telling me which one of these phrasal verbs you're going to try and learn and use next down below that's it for today thank you so much for watching can't wait to see you next time take care my friends bye [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 349,463
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts keith, phrasal verbs, ielts speaking tips, english phrasal verbs, ielts phrasal verbs, ielts speaking phrasal verbs, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking vocabulary band 9, ielts speaking vocabulary words, phrasal verbs for ielts speaking, phrasal verbs for ielts band 9, important phrasal verbs for ielts, ielts phrasal verbs and idioms, importamt phrasal verbs for ielts, Ielts phrasal verbs exercises
Id: bwsrXgaYNkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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