IELTS Speaking Practice - Live Lessons on the topic of RECYCLING

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um if you're new here then please do come in grab yourself a seat and uh get ready to learn lots all about this really really interesting topic of recycling we're going to be looking at the questions particularly around part one to how to answer part one questions some of the vocabulary and language that you may need on the topic of recycling for ielts speaking but also for whatever situation you may want to be practicing your english in okay it's a great topic so nice to see you all if you're here on youtube then please do press the subscribe button and that notification so that you can find out when my new videos are uploaded i normally upload a video on the weekend saturday or sunday and then of course there's the live class today every thursday great nice to see you all here just to remind you the topic today up here is i'll get it right one day re-cycling we're going to be looking at that and i'm in the perfect room for recycling because it's my daughter's bedroom and children especially teenagers or even younger kids recycling and reusing things is a great great activity so we'll have lots of examples but first of all who's in the house who's here let's have a look uh terry terry lye hello and we've got uh nev's chicks nice to see you from the philippines good to see you again as well samira you've got a problem with the reading section samira read lots more but today we're going to focus on speaking shamsa hello mohit hello nice to see you here dearly hello thank you for your flowers i love sunflowers very nice great great sophia is back in the house welcome back i'm glad to hear things are getting better in your country and you can connect with us merida nice to see you who else is here muhammad rana mahmood nice to see you hello vu rose all excited to see you me too excited to be here so recycling welcome to the topic everybody nice to see you all here i'm gonna show you to begin three objects and i want you to type in the comments box what do you think the three words are right each object represents a word and i want you to think and then type in the word that it represents okay right first object okay first object is my little book right but if you look carefully at my little book here okay look carefully at the paper right here is my little book that's object number one what word is that object number two there are three words so don't type yet wait till you get all three words here we've got a little jar right but inside we've got some garlic right and object number three is this one okay so each object represents a word what are the three words let's see some of you have said paper that's one word right we've got three words here from dylan whoever's got me three words can come on dylan paper plastic organic not bad i need three words paper jar full of garlic and banana well lee that's true but that's what they are i want to know what do they represent riza thank you mary says paper recycling glass and organic not bad not bad ah right a few of you have got there anu john reduce reuse recycle well done well done a few of you have got this actually shacoon also had reduce reuse and recycle right exactly anybody else i think a few of you got it yo your recycler so and yo-yo's got the right order so just to explain exactly why this is the case so recycle paper right this book uses recycled paper paper that's been used again and made into something new yeah this is it used to have some kind of chinese food in it and then when the food finished delicious we then put the garlic the bulbs of garlic in here to keep them fresh right so we're reusing the glass jar reduce because i went to my local supermarket and i picked up these bananas and what's missing the plastic bag right normally when you go to the shops you get a plastic bag for the bananas oh look at that you get a plastic bag for everything and then there's packaging and wrapping and then you put it all in another other plastic bag it's just a overdose of plastic right death by plastic literally but here oh sticky the bananas right there's no plastic i just picked them up like that so i was reducing the use of plastic nice environmentally friendly right so well done those of you have got that exactly and that's a key thing right recycle reuse and reduce because when we're talking about recycling i think in the world of protecting the environment it's not just about recycling it's about reusing things right and reducing our use especially of plastic right reusing here's another example right there you go that used to be vanilla ice cream used to be but we reused the plastic container plastic container and we've now got dried fruit inside it's actually here have one have a look right it's actually it's raisins dried fruit nice so we're reusing the plastic container don't eat with your mouthful don't speak with your mouth full to re use it there you go brilliant thank you very much yo yo and everybody else who got that spot on brilliant now a lot of other words came up there you talked about plastic organic right i'm going to look at some of the basic vocabulary we need to know to talk about recycling so let's go in there let's have a look at um my text useful vocabulary i'm just going to take recycling off in a moment so first of all recycle we can recycle plastic there's lots of things we can recycle but one of the key ones is plastic right we can also of course recycle paper and glass we can reduce our use of plastic especially plastic bags and we can reuse items right so recycle reduce notice reduce although it's spelled with a d right it has a j sound let me come and join you here we are it has a j sound so it's a bit like orange juice orange juice reduce right it's the same sound reduce our plastic reuse reuse items great now notice the use here of the preposition we can recycle plastic into other products right you can recycle plastic into bags into clothes into all sorts of things right so be careful with that we use into recycle something into something else other key words here i think obviously things like waste rubbish so waste is anything you're not using again right when you've finished eating you've got the leftover food that's waste anything that you throw away is waste in the uk we say rubbish so gb great britain uk not the same but for linguistic purposes rubbish trash in the u.s right so if you hear trash or garbage that's american english but that's fine you can use american english or british english canadian english it's all good and fine and it doesn't matter too much if you mix them up right in writing especially academic writing you need to choose one style british english or american english and stick to it right don't change but when you're speaking it doesn't matter you know even i do that right i i sometimes say garbage because the influence of american english and american culture pop culture is so strong it it starts mixing up so it's perfectly fine to mix british words and british english and american english what else debris say that with me right debris yeah right notice the letter s is silent debris debris is just rubbish or waste all of these can be used if you've got lots of um rubbish and you you can put it in a bin right first of all so in england we have rubbish bins um i'll put that as uk just to be a diverse rubbish bin garbage garbage what garbage can i think they were saying in the us that's where you put the rubbish if there's lots of rubbish then you're going to put it in a landfill now that's not next to your home that's normally a mountain or a place that the government normally the government organizes to put all the rubbish right a landfill it's just a big place where you put rubbish um sometimes it's called uh dumping ground a landfill dumping ground in england again we call it a rubbish tip i remember get out of the way keith go take that up rubbish tip i remember growing up right my dad we had so much rubbish i can't remember why we had so much rubbish but every week or two my dad would put all the rubbish in the car drive down to the rubbish tip and i would go with him and it would be great fun because we'd have to take out these crates and these cardboard boxes and you have to smash them up into smaller pieces to throw them in the rubbish tip and as a little kid i used to love jumping up and down and breaking everything and then throwing it into the into the fire or the crushing area that was the rubbish tip that was an exciting afternoon out when i was growing up and we've got biodegradable now there's an important word right biodegradable what does biodegradable mean anybody out there know let's see why rubbish ship yo yo why a rubbish ship because because to because because yes organic um huang organic not exactly not exactly organic similar but not exactly okay green card is for biodegradable yes different countries have different colors right for your uh stuff anything organic yes this is better which decomposes right anything which decomposes getting closer oh here we are we're getting closer and closer e mana anything that can decay naturally brilliant so to decompose right or decay means to fall into little pieces naturally great tin tim it can dissolve with time yes able to be decomposed yes brilliant all of those so biodegradable it can um d come right it's interesting right decompose if you look at it carefully so compose is to make up d is the opposite right to break down so to break down decompose naturally naturally can decompose i've got to get out of the way i'm in the way can decompose naturally exactly that's biodegradable um yeah this is nice it can decompose on its own and is eco-friendly yes yeah exactly brilliant something which can be degraded that's good as well mccool nice something which can be degraded camiya expresses it beautifully the rubbish biologically degrades and decomposes on its own beautiful cameo excellent like it so that's great that's biodegradable so it can decompose naturally what things are biodegradable well let's go and have a look what kind of things are biodegradable what kind of things are biodegradable well come with me let's go and have a look right we're going to have a look over here biodegradable then as we've said capable of being decomposed by bacteria if you can can you see that yes just about what kind of things are biodegradable well let's find an example there's always google's always got the answer what an example what is an example of biodegradable okay so it says right over here substances that are non-toxic to the environment comprising of only natural materials for instance fruits hey my bananas are biodegradable look at that these are biodegradable throw these on the ground no problem because they will decompose on their own there is a problem because somebody's going to slip on them and break the leg but i can say well i'm sorry about your leg but at least i'm protecting the environment fruits vegetables um flowers right now this is interesting animals obviously water paper so paper is biodegradable that's interesting i was i was doing a bit of research about paper and newspapers because somebody asked me is a newspaper biodegradable and the first answer then was yes because paper is biodegradable right think about it paper comes from trees it's natural the the problem is of course paper has some other additives sorry the wood from the tree has other things added additives that make it into paper so it's not purely natural and then of course you've got things like ink so on a newspaper you have ink on a magazine you have plastic covering it so throwing a newspaper or a magazine away on the ground is is not good because it's not really biodegradable although apparently paper pure paper whatever that is is biodegradable interesting right there were a couple of other things there um other words they here we go they transform into similar simpler units and then we use them as fertilizers manure compost by yogas and more now yesterday a couple of people were writing in the facebook page um facebook group about um things that they recycle and the word fertilizer came up and compost because when you take right fertilizer and compost when you take your bananas i'm getting a lot of mileage out of my bananas i'm glad you came thank you for coming to class when um i finish with these i can peel them and take the peel and put that on the ground and it becomes a kind of a compost like all the peel apple peel banana peel leftover food put it on the ground where my plants are and it helps them because it's a kind of compost so there were two interesting words there which i'm going to add to my list here compost and fertilizer now apparently compost apparently right helps the soil which is where you have you grow things fertilizer helps the plants or the plants so they're slightly different but just a little bit right great and there's a couple of other words here which i thought were important separate and notice are looking at the grammar the prepositions separate food from from household waste that's a nice collocation actually household waste i separate food from household waste the household waste might be newspapers rubbish i don't know plastic bottles other things right or you can say segregate it's a bit more formal but it's a nice word you can still use it when you're speaking i segregate food from household waste or you can be very colloquial and use keep which is a nice colloquial word i keep degradable items separate from non-degradable right so we talked about biodegradable which apparently is very similar to degradable it just it decomposes but if it's not like plastic then that's non-degradable things okay so that is a nice bit of language as well i keep degradable items separate from non-degradable items right and notice how we use the pausing here right repeat this with me because i think this will help you with your fluency right so instead of saying i keep degradable items separate from non-degradable things which is quite hard even for me right we use pause i keep degradable items pause separate from non-degradable things okay so there's a pause in the middle repeat with me i keep degradable items separate from non-degradable things nice so the first thing is we're using pause to help us right the second thing is we use word stress stress on the word to help get the meaning because we've got two opposites here degradable non-degradable so those are the key words we stress so listen and repeat notice the stress on degradable and non-degradable i keep degradable items you hear that gradeable degradable make it a little bit longer a little bit higher pitched i keep degradable items separate from non-degradable items none right higher pitch longer non-degradable items okay so i'm doing this with you because i think it is so so so important because sometimes we get lost in typing and writing and learning the word and not practicing enough and it's one thing to write it it's another thing to speak it so really try and get some practice in with these words thinking about pause thinking about stress on the word okay great well done good let me check in with you see how you're doing look at this can you imagine emmy can you imagine going to school right when you were a younger child saying sorry teacher i'm late i overslept can you tell me what you're talking about your teacher would say go home and go back to bed young miss emmy emman great but i will tell you what it is we're talking about recycling emmy go and get yourself a coffee oh and everybody's answered right everyone's been much more polite than i am right okay a couple of quick questions from from yoyo the difference between degrade and degradable degrade is a verb to degrade degradable is an adjective right strong coffee absolutely check out she needs to wake up you need to blow those cobwebs away emmy and get on form get into shape nice let's carry on with a bit more vocabulary before we move on to something more interesting well not more interesting different so what do you do with rubbish what do you do with rubbish well you throw it away there's many ways we can say throw away right and just to be clear what i mean throw away is here's the rubbish throw away right get rid of it maybe you put it in a certain container maybe you put it in a bin i don't know right everyone's going for coffee well right so am i great let's come back um throw away throw out okay get rid of as well now slightly more informal um toss away toss out so to toss is to throw but it's more colloquial more informal but of course ielts speaking is informal so it's great dispose of is a little bit more formal in fact i'm going to write that but it's absolutely fine slightly more formal slightly um donate donate is not to throw away well okay it can be yes donate is to i was thinking of when you throw out clothes maybe you want to excuse me maybe you want to donate the clothes so donate is more really if i'm being correct about this is more uh giveaway excuse me okay um now really important here notice right this notice the the linking throw way right you've actually got three sounds throw away try it try this way throw away throw away the same with the next one wow throw out throw out yeah next similar the next one get rid of dove dove read riddov get rid of get rid of the bananas toss away so a soy toss away toss away the apples right last one also all of these you notice all of them are linking right really important to to be aware of this this linking even the last one uh dispose of dispose of disposal i'm going to dispose of my food waste right excellent now just to finish up some collocations here um these are well worth knowing if we're going to talk about recycling um recycling program so the government often has a recycling program i'm sure in your country you have a recycling program um when you take when some i don't know how it works in your country but in england the rubbish men the rubbish men we don't call them dustbin men dustbin men the dustbin men come to collect the rubbish and they take it to the factory or the center we call it a recycling center right so they'll take the plastic rubbish and put that in the recycling center some countries call it a recycling factory recycling bins are the dust spins or the garbage cans that you have outside your house or maybe inside your house in in spain we have them outside on the street there's green yellow and blue blue is for paper yellow is for plastic and green is for glass oh i'm a star citizen great recycling bins or recycling containers right it's the same it's the same thing just to make that clear recycling containers but we can also say recyclable which is something that can be recycled so recyclable items might include [Music] plastic cardboard etc etc right lots of things and that brings me on to my first big question for you let's see oh nice yes ismael recycling plant yes let's add that in there's a recycling plant that's absolutely right now this is interesting so sarub says in india there is a machine where we put a where we put plastic water bottles and we get a coupon as a gesture ah that's like a motivation for you to recycle nice nice natalia yeah rubbish skips so the skip i don't know where you live natalia but in england and the uk the rubbish skip are these big containers that you can rent if you're moving house or doing renovation at home and you've got lots of rubbish you can rent a rubbish skip and put all the rubbish in the skip and then that is taken to the rubbish to the well to the to the landfill or the the dump the dumping ground right rubbish skips yes let me show you what that looks like at least at least in england right just so all pictures are worth a thousand words aren't they i'll show you what these are in the uk if you can see that yeah so these are these big normally metal containers and you just fill them full of if you're doing gardening or renovation you know building a house things like that brilliant nice good so it's time for my question to you right um and the question basically is do you recycle and why right do you recycle and why natalia let's get rid of you for a moment throw you away do you recycle and why and i'm going to join emmy in my coffee as you answer recyclable why is it pronounced ankle it just is recyclable that's how we pronounce it which city me i live in santander i live in spain actually although i'm from manchester but i live in santander right you all have different dustbins great okay let's put in a few things a few comments that you've got here um lp oh what a lovely cat nice one lp in phil's i assume that means philippines right we bring plastic to the grocery store and then we get a discount from our purchase right so it's that incentive right or a motivation to do it right nice how about junk shop that has a different meaning for me um i feel not about recycling it's just about a shop that sells second-hand stuff so do you recycle anybody emelina good day how are you right hello no literally that's the name hello nikki do you recycle yes to help save our mother earth great valentina says i do recycle i like that valentina that's lovely english right not just yes i recycle yes i do recycle right emphasis nice i can almost hear you saying it yes i do recycle as i really believe it's very important protect to protect our environment great now fatima i don't really know how to recycle it's not your problem actually it's normally the government's problem if they don't have a good system or way of communicating to people how to do it right says yes to conserve the environment very nice you can protect the environment or conserve the environment says yes we recycle and i do this to protect the environment remember the just to be clear when we talk about the environment because you're talking about the earth uh we we say the it's the environment right it's um it's it's the use of the article for that particular word right the we do this to protect the environment yes i'm used to recycling all trash excellent well done nice great pals says uh yes recycle is essential to have a sustainable environment to live in sustainable environment very nice nice collocation right now here you you need a noun at the beginning so i'm going to change recycle we would normally use the noun with the ing right recycling as a noun recycling is essential noun verb object yeah great same here mohammed i recycle my bottle to save the environment let's put this down because this is a key one right i recycle to save the environment that seems to be a common mistake and probably because in your language you don't use the in this context right probably so i recycle to save the environment we can put protect we've had there somebody said conserve um yeah nice great thank you very much mohammed great danica says almost the opposite uh yes i do it prevents us from abusing the environment abusing nice nice la h2m says in my country libya no we don't why i don't have any idea he well because probably there's no strong system for it i suppose right oh this is nice devil's channel devil's channel yes i do for the sake of nature right now we have a serious problem with seventh continent yes so i'm gonna put that in i do for the sake of right which means for for the sake of nature let me just move that down that's a really nice expression to use devil's channel thank you nice avatar i do for the sake of nature that's nice very very good any other people any else it's enviro here's a nice one yeah jovi it's environmentally friendly because it's environmentally friendly it sounds like a government slogo recycle because it's environmentally friendly yes but it's good it's great so yes because it's environmentally friendly i can't see my letters the trouble with having so many windows thank you bill gates because it's environmentally friendly nice can you see that just about yes some some good expressions there i guess i recycle and why any others just to add one more yeah okay let's add this one in because this one is almost there yes i do the reason behind this is it prevents pollution right remember the s and the remaining waste acts as compost right it prevents pollution and compost i would use that as the as the noun kopila yeah it prevents pollution and the remaining acts as compost lovely i'm going to put this down here as well because that is also nice prevent pollution act as compost both of those are nice collocations phrases call them what you will i'm just gonna disappear for a moment yes i do the reason behind this is it prevents pollution and the remaining waste acts as compass compost great very very nice i'm just going to get rid of that for a moment and i'm going to come back so you recycle a lot of you there do recycle and with you know different reasons um what else have i got i had i'm just going to add these in to save trees there we go we can recycle to save trees we can protect the environment conserve natural resources protect wildlife right also endangered species because plastic what happens to plastic if you're in the facebook group and you did the spicy challenge about watching the video it tells you what happens to plastic right it gets it well there's different places it goes but one place it goes if you throw it in the street it can go down into the sewage which goes into the river which goes into the sea which is full of plastic and you have these huge garbage patches massive the size of cities in the sea and of course animals eat it um and some animals eat the plastic they think they're full they stop eating food and they starve to death and it's tragic but lots of animals in the sea die because of plastic so we have endangered species right so you've got another reason to recycle to protect wildlife and endangered species some nice ideas there right so ah here's my tips for part one because a lot of these questions right are typically part one questions let me come back in the picture um things you know short questions in part one asking about you right do you recycle so part one's always about you right you'll notice that so make sure that you talk about about you right um try not to talk about your uncle thomas or the rest of the people in your country talk about you it's personal but my tip for part one is if you think about it right um people say a lot of students ask how long should i speak and the normal answer is well three sentences maybe four sentences but that depends how quickly you speak right if you're a band eight or possibly a band seven point five three sentences could be very fast right so you know i could say well i recycle because it's good for the environment i do separate paper and pens um i do separate paper and food and i think everybody should that was like five seconds now that's a bit short so the higher up your level i think don't think so much about sentences think about time right think about time and mathematically it works out about 20 seconds per question in part one so i think it's a really good practice even if you're banned five or six or seven or eight is to time yourself right and i do this with students and it sometimes shocks them and they go oh my god is that 20 seconds and it's like really hard because sometimes they it's not long enough and sometimes it's too short so look all you do i'm sure on your phone you've got one of these right so on your phone get your timer excuse me and just put the timer on for 20 seconds and practice speaking for 20 seconds to get a feel of what it's like right now you'll find at the higher levels this gets harder so let me show you right i'll see if i can speak i'll put the timer on i'll answer the first question do you recycle do you recycle um yes i do i we've got at home we've got different bins where we put plastic in one paper in another and then i take them downstairs and i put them in the recycling containers on the street and those are taken away to the dumping ground by the the government right you see what happens is i thought it was that was so long i was like oh my god i've got to keep i can keep on going um maybe i was speaking quite fast but having that timer is a really good practice to get used to the feeling of 20 seconds right let me try another one what do you recycle so what do you recycle in our house we recycle paper obviously and cardboard we do recycle well we don't recycle glass well we do we put glass into the containers but i would say actually we r we reuse a lot of glass jars in our home especially for different kinds of so what happens as well is that this will stop you going into too much detail so if you are a person who rambles a lot right a person who goes here here here here here and you start giving so much detail like i wanted to talk about my garlic in the jars and stuff and reusing and and there's not enough time so that 20 second limit also stops you from going around and round and round and round the houses right it helps you focus short answer develop a little bit so guys try it out right later not now after the class try it out get your timer 20 seconds get these three questions very simple but for any topic i think it's a nice a nice approach it's a very good strategy great good let me check in with you guys let's see how you're doing great somebody recycles the cups of starbucks pt it's stylish and fashionable to use at home yeah that i think pt is it recycling or is it reusing hmm i think it's reusing but that's great the important thing is is to to talk right can a rambler get band seven well yes but you have to control your rambling right you have to control your rambling one of the great ramblers who is fantastic is luke right teacher luke from luke's podcast um he loves to ramble and he knows he rambles and when we did the test together which you can see on youtube he did ramble a bit but so long as you control the rambling a little bit yes you'll be fine hey this is lovely mama nice expressions to tell you the truth i would say that i do recycle daily because it helps to keep them keep the environment well done and span lovely tidy clean speak and span and i am a stickler in keeping my environment neat right i love it a stickler means you're very serious about it and really strong about it yeah nice good jose jose matthew what are you doing right 20 second tip that's it sarah sarah exam on saturday best of luck i hope it goes well for you right rambling z rambling is when you go around the houses is when you talk and talk and talk with no focus yes tim we are we are gonna do we're gonna do kahoot but not just yet stick with me i'm gonna move on to another topic um yes and this one okay this comes up it's a good question um and to get into a bit more specifics right is this one so another question for you guys what should we recycle let me bring that down a bit what should we recycle right think about your degradables biodegradables um think about your containers but think about the objects and the items what should we recycle yes yeah great what should we recycle okay bottles good plastics good nella i'm curious why have you got a question mark at the end of your name are you not sure about your name or is that really your name that's interesting right plastic now notice we can say plastic but can we say bottle there's a problem there because bottles right are countable so make sure that you say bottles but that's a great example right bottles like boxes are countable right boxes as well boxes um great things are uncountable metal excellent non-biodegradable now we can use non-di biodegradables as a countable noun it's a non-biodegradable so you can do it as a countable noun non-biodegradables like plastic great alia says uh paper plastic glass donate clothes like it good right emmy i'm going to come to your question in a moment is a good question great paper plastic glass clothes great um very quick question from emmy what's the difference between recycling and reusing so reusing is where you don't change the state of something right take my jar of garlic right i haven't changed the jar it's still the same jar but the use is different recycling i would change the state i would heat it or melt it or break it into smaller pieces and then make something different so i'm changing the state of the object that's the difference great what should we recycle so i've said well right when it comes to recycling we can recycle plastic glass paper oh cardboard was the other one somebody said boxes and i was thinking of cardboard and do you know what cardboard is look let me show you let me show you this great from being in my daughter's bedroom now my daughter has made this she's reused some cardboard and if you look closely you can probably guess can you guess what this was let me see can anybody guess it's it's a serial box light no light it's a cereal box um cereal in the morning right so i don't know if this was weetabix or shredded wheat it was some it wasn't cat food cute it was it was our food our cereal right it was cereal this one nada where are you kelloggs that'll do kellogg's exactly kellogg's or cereal box so she took the cereal box she cut it up um and she used the same box to make a game right so that is her reusing um the cardboard it's it's not paper it's card cardboard that's cereal boxes are made of cardboard that's basically what i was saying rambling i know you can uh we can recycle blah blah blah we can also say right common recyclables are because remember recyclables can also be a countable noun right common recyclables are plastic glass cardboard boxes food leftovers leftovers is the leftover food right but as a noun let's say the remaining food the uneaten food because you were too full and you couldn't finish it so common recyclables are leftovers batteries used oil right as well when you've finished the oil from your cooking or from the where else from machinery i'm not sure about that but used oil so when it comes to recycling we could recycle blah blah blah blah or common recyclables are nice word right common recycles are plastic and glass and certainly in my house we do recycle plastic and glass and cardboard we segregate the cardboard paper into a different container from the food and the the other one the glass well it's so complicating recycling isn't it here we go there it is by putting it into separate containers or bins we call it yes great and coming up of what you you were talking about emmy the difference there um when it comes to reusing we can make good use of so here if you want to talk about reusing we can make good use of old clothes selling secondhand clothes online is all the rage now i don't know if that's in your country but there's now lots of apps on the phone where you can take a photo of your clothes you upload it you then put it out there and people can buy it and then you send it to them and it's uh it's great we've got wallapop over here or vin vinted and these online places to sell second-hand clothes so that's reusing if you like we can make good use of make good use of that's a nice expression we can make good use of old clothes instead of throwing them away or tossing them out or getting rid of them you can sell them online it's all the rage right all their age it's all the rage is very very fashionable at least in europe very fashionable now great i wonder if you have that in your countries yes brilliant good old clothes we can also we can make good use of notes and magazines these can be used for craft work projects or activities with kids there you go yes we can also do refurbishing yes that's right as well brilliant some nice examples there good excellent so now where are we where are we i'm looking at next i'm looking i've got one eye on the time and one eye on the next activity i'm gonna go and go straight into the the model answers bit because i think it would be nice to do a few model answers with you i also need some water um i'll go through well let me do this let me put myself here right model answers i would like to ask you to ask me a question on this topic right and i will try and answer the question and then later we'll share these notes with you and you can go back and analyze them yes brilliant right good question um okay those are questions that's a different question but question about recycling well okay i see what you're saying what's the difference between recycling recycling so this is a grammar or a linguistic question rather than ielts question um so recycle and recycling well they're both okay to recycle is the usual verb i recycle paper i recycle glass recycling is the noun right i like recycling i think recycling is good that's the basic difference one is a verb one is a is a noun right um yes that's what i'm going to leave it there before gets into more complicated things old cars they should go to the metal press and not just rot at the dump that's nice anastasia nice okay good let's take a this question is a good future question will you recycle in the future it's a good question isn't it will you recycle in the future i'm just going to take that i'm going to try and put it up here great thank you saurabh okay um will i recycle in the future to be honest i think i'm going to recycle more and more in the future on the one hand the the systems that the government has are being refined and polished and getting better and better which makes it easier for me to recycle but also i think there's a dire need for people generally to recycle more to save the environment so i want to do my bit to help conserve the environment and i think recycling is going to play a key role in doing that so i will undoubtedly recycle more in the future nice great lovely question thank you very very much oh right this is a nice question and i think this one is a very common kind of question how will you raise awareness about recycling in your town it's a lovely question hmm it sounds like i'm going to be the uh activist or the politician so mr o'hare how will you raise awareness about recycling in your town what's your policy going to be well it's a good question i'm glad you asked um hang on a minute why doesn't it move come on there we go there we go right good question i do feel like i'm a politician vote for keith how will you raise awareness about recycling in your town okay well i think it's really important for young people and old people alike to learn more about recycling and how important it can be so i think one of the key things i would do is i would first of all do a social media campaign maybe with some memes and videos showing people how to recycle that's probably the most important thing but then also showing them the the impact the positive impact of recycling and i think that's a really good way to do it because lots of people nowadays get their main information through social media so it's a channel where i can we can i or we can reach them and have a bigger impact so yes i think that would be my key focus if i had uh an awareness campaign on the topic of recycling vote for me right great good raising awareness an awareness campaign yes so i did i was quite logical there wasn't i i rambled a little bit but i think i said what i would do the social media campaign a bit of detail right videos and memes and then the reason why because it's a channel where people get their main information that was quite logical for me i'm not always that logical i'm very proud of myself well dumb keith pat on the back great let's take one more question um wow this is a part three question this is a really tough one and i'm gonna regret choosing this but let's try it because i think it's such a good question how can a nation be developed by recycling wow how can a nation be developed by recycling okay oops something's happened it's not letting me take things up let's try that right thank you matthieul right it's a very good question thank you very much for the question no don't say thank you very much um okay i'll begin again i think this is a an interesting question and on the one hand i'm not sure that a nation can be developed by recycling but there are clear benefits to recycling so i think on the one hand you can raise the awareness and the the kind of the educational level of the general public through through government campaigns to understand how to recycle and the importance of recycling so that's one clear benefit i guess on the other hand if we are recycling plastics and glass and other items non-biodegradable items then although yes we're protecting the environment we're probably going to have a positive impact on industry as well initially it may have a negative impact on the economy and industry because it might be more expensive but in the long term it's surely going to make the stronger make the economy stronger because we will have sustainable resources that we can use to develop the economy so i guess in the long term yes it will help a country develop their own economy as well as the the general education level of the of the general public oh that's a very difficult question because i've never thought about that before i mean i've thought about education yes and to be honest i actually think it does it's it's a negative thing it's incredibly costly for companies to to start um recycling stuff and to not use plastic and most companies don't like in the supermarkets right there's so much packaging and plastic because it's actually cheaper and for them to do that because without it customers are not going to buy it's also habit right people are trained and have this habit and expectation that things are in plastic it's cleaner and if it's not in plastic you think it's not so clean so there's that mentality or mindset of the customer that is key i think this is a hugely complex question but a very very good one this is the kind of question right if i were a student i would go on the internet i would do some research and i would look at the different arguments for it and i would be taking notes of the vocabulary the collocations that i could use and i would practice and practice with my speaking partner discussing the idea because it's a tough one right but what a great question nice great so i'm gonna leave model answers there before i get myself into more trouble no not at all some great questions thank you very much all those questions are nice and ones that i think you know you can be practicing yourselves with the 22nd tip if it's a part one question a lot of these are also part three questions where you'll speak longer do the same on your timer put 40 seconds if it's part three try the 40 seconds and that'll really push you right like at the gym nice so it's kahoot time yes it is yes it is i love these questions great questions i'd love to do them but it is kahoot time kahoot if you don't know you may be new here i don't know if you are new then please do check out my website by the way um it's the keith speaking academy and i am updating lots of stuff there um so to give you more resources so you can look at all of these topics we're doing in the live class you can download the notes you'll be able to look at them and read them on the website directly and it's great i'll show you before we do the kahoot let me just show you on the website to make sure you know where to go about three or four hours after the lesson today go to the keith speaking academy the free live lessons up there right you can go there and that's where you can get the what the download the lesson notes from past topics right we've done ambition we've done business money photography and what i'm doing of course is not only downloading but i'm doing click so you can get the vocabulary directly on your mobile phone because i know so many people are on mobile phones so if you want to get the information directly there you can you can go and look at different things essential vocabulary and you've got it all there very very very easy so it's a nice little lesson for you to practice and i'm doing more and more of these um with the help of some great people um some of the students who are helping me out so thank you very much you guys as well excellent now kahoot i need a minute to set up kahoot is an online gaming platform we're going to do a bit of a game and it's a way for us to practice vocabulary through the game and to see how much you have remembered or how much you've paid attention in today's class i assume that you do pay attention but this is really keeping you on your toes that's a nice expression keep you on your toes means to keep you awake and paying attention right um so it's it's a nice way of doing it so we've got four questions you'll need to go into the website let me take this one off where is it take that one off um and then you can go there and do it so i'm gonna just share the screen with you now so we're gonna play kahoot this is where you need to go we're going on the classic game of course so get ready to join right go to [Music] and put in your name and the game pin one two five eight seven four six one two five eight seven four six why am i so small that's a bit [Music] i strange know maybe i'll just disappear great you're all coming in really fast that's nice we've got mel we've got susan hampton soy brilliant i'll just give you a few seconds to all jump in don't worry if you can't find it you can also put your comments in the comment section below that's absolutely fine beaker it's my pleasure thank you for the comment and the same gourkash thank you very much it's very encouraging motivating thank you so much for those comments that's great [Music] excellent so i think most of you a lot of you are in so let's go into the game i think you can kill you can kill you can still keep joining [Music] okie dokie start let's start recycle we should separate food blank other waste were you paying attention we should separate food blank other waste [Music] let's go you've got 15 seconds left [Music] well done alexa ayush well done nebs well done [Music] wow that's pretty good yeah we've got 80 people there who said from exactly well done we should separate food from other waste right nice well done next let's see oh scoreboard right top of the pops hung tran well done tonksy you're there again second and gautam as well third what how do you guys always pop up near the top but let's see question number two which is the odd one out so which one is different right which is the odd one out is which one is different throw out get rid of gather or dispose well done caviar rocky well done yeah oh that's fantastic that's a really good response rate hundred over a hundred people got gather because together is to collect all the others mean throw out throw away get rid of to throw dispose of great well done nice excellent let's see how the scoreboard is doing oh new people coming in sepha well done van is number two and tonski's still holding on by the skin of her teeth or his teeth i don't know question number three multi-select that means there are two possible answers we have three different blank bins there are two possible answers here [Music] two answers [Music] right by and large pretty good so recycling bins or recycle bins right good remember recyclable recyclable is um things that you are able to recycle like plastic food glass right that's recyclable recycled is something that has already been recycled but here we talk about recycling bins or recycle bins yep nice well done let's move on let's see is sephir still there van has moved up and jarrah into second and ooh is in third place oh interesting i think we're on the next question is it the fourth question i lost count in all the excitement yes clint eastwood used to say i've lost count in all of the excitement so what is it number three it's number four which of the following is biodegradable ha this'll test you which of the following is biodegradable [Music] interesting right [Music] [Music] right it was an apple now i understand a lot of you have said a newspaper as well but i will go back to my conversation about the magazine in the newspaper that they have ink and some plastic in the paper which means it's not a hundred percent biodegradable um the paper is biodegradable but a newspaper not quite although you can argue with me you and i'd be very happy to have the argument um just don't argue with the ielts examiner um it's an apple clearly that's the one that is most uh biodegradable is the apple good that was a little bit of a test of your knowledge on on recycling so let's see where do we stand who's on the podium number three tonksy well done second first [Music] van well done hurry nice one [Applause] still going van lovely like it well done my friend that's great so that means it doesn't mean anything it means that you've done very well in remembering and paying attention and keeping on your toes throughout the whole class nice so um as we come now towards the end of the class um i just had i a question and i was going to answer this question at the start of the class but i'm going to answer it now because somebody a few students have been asking the same question so i thought i will explain it here it was what was the difference between the two courses that i have right i have two courses there's the ielts speaking one which is the first course and then there's this new course called fluency for ielts speaking and a lot of students have said well which one should i do uh what's the difference so very simply right help this one over here ielts speaking success get a band seven is a complete course that gives you it's based on model answers and it's based on topics so it covers lots of the different topics for part one part two and part three and it gives you model answers and so you're learning the idioms the vocabulary the grammar the different ways of answering questions it's a complete course to prepare you for the ielts speaking test right that's the main thing now this course fluency for ielts speaking focuses particularly on fluency so if you have trouble with fluency and hesitation and getting your words out speaking at a good pace this is the course for you what it focuses on is it helps you to automate to make automatic a lot of the grammar as you're speaking there's a strong focus on phrasing which we practice today right we're giving a short phrase a pause a short phrase and there's a strong emphasis on intonation so you're improving your pronunciation you're automating a lot of the grammar so you're not thinking about it which is the problem with fluency is people are thinking is it he he go he goes he went he went and that's slowing you down so it's automating that grammar um and that's what we do in the fluency test it's a really intensive gym workout you know you're sat with me with this video and i'm telling you to repeat repeat repeat again and i'm modeling different answers for you until you get them really really well the idea is not to memorize the answer but to build your fluency and it's i think quite a powerful course um i try to make it as fun as well so it's you know interesting to do and that's that's the new one so if your focus is fluency then that as well can be you can do both of course um i i like to multitask so i like to do two courses at the same time but you may want to focus on one and if you're focusing on one this might be the one the ielts speaking success because that's the complete course and then maybe after that you could top up and try the fluency course if if that's a problem for you so i hope that helps because so many people were asking i thought i better try and explain the difference between them great that's it listen guys it's been great fun today i hope this is useful um i will get the notes ready and again there are people helping with me with the notes thank you so much for your help guys getting the notes ready um they'll be on the website in about three or four hours more or less um if you don't find it come back tomorrow they'll definitely be there and thank you so much if anybody is doing the ielts test in the coming days best of luck take care relax enjoy the test um and i'm sure you'll have a great great time uh and that's it just look out for the video at the weekend the video at the weekend is me doing a mock test with a student and you can see how they do what score they get why they get it and how they can improve okay great thank you so much everybody take care now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 61,579
Rating: 4.9514699 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking part 1, keith speaking academy, keith ielts speaking academy, recycle ielts speaking part 1, recycle ielts speaking, recycle ielts part 1, recycling ielts speaking, ielts speaking recycling
Id: RLkG8Ude7Ho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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