FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - WORK-LIFE BALANCE

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right hello I'm back again let's try again hello it's Keith and here we are today with a live lesson we've just had a technical hitch the sound wasn't working so my big question now is is the sound working are we connected if you're watching this on recording please be patient it will take a minute or two to come through before we check right hi guys just give me a quick thumbs up if this is working can you hear me yeah I think you can okay rise right good morning all of you hi really really sorry about that I don't know what happened thank you for the thumbs up um technology reared its ugly head sometimes and things don't work nevermind we're here today so big hello to all of you hi Amy nice to see you again you you Gwang Remmy Samira Nariman all of you guys Mary Rose wonderland 94 a great handle as is hoppin mg brilliant Tina LuAnn win again great you're all back in the house welcome back in come in have a seat have herself have yourself a drink have yourself a drink yes get yourself a drink have yourself a drink and welcome so what are we doing today today we're going to be looking at this and this right brilliant the balance between you can see this right Hinda because in Spanish Mia hinder so this is my schedule I'm so old-fashioned right I'm a bit of a fuddy-duddy I still write like to use pen and paper when I'm writing down my work schedule and of course the balance with what's this what's this entertainment and study almost work and this is my like way it's not my life it's a guitar I like playing the guitar I like listening to the guitar I like listening to music so yeah where is my bond site Junaid my bond size is in front of the window getting a bit of light right you know that bond size need plenty of light so that's where it is and so today we're looking at this one over here work-life balance work life balance now that's a bit of a strange expression right work-life balance like okay work and life but isn't work a part of life right it's not like work is over here and my life is over here it's a bit strange and if you enjoy your work then you enjoy your life I mean work is a part of life right your work is inside your life but I think I think that life here is family life and everything that's not work so relaxing hobbies spending time with the family things like that and I was looking for a definition and I found this definition right work-life balance is the amount of time you spend doing your job compared with the amount of time you spend with your family and doing things you enjoy which is good but it's funny because it assumes you don't enjoy your work right I work over here and I enjoy my life over here hmm now that may be true right but you know certainly sometimes work can be great fun sometimes Mehul I've seen your message I've got no idea what the PDF method is sorry it's just to stop you writing it so when it comes to work-life balance what do we do in our out-of-work activities kind of things people do well for me right this here's my clue what do I do when I'm not working yeah I go around hitting people with with my spoon spoon feed people know nice sure thank you very much very dapper today right Lyn Lyn and Kyla and you're there Juve cooking right cooking is one of my big passions so when I'm not working you might you may find me in the kitchen cooking I love to cook in fact I've been reading this book write this book is fantastic if you haven't read it yet right it's Michael Pollan right and it's called in defense of food and eaters manifesto and the secret to eating food is all here right it's actually written here it's so simple but have a look at this right eat food not too much mostly plants eat food not too much mostly plants that is so simple and brilliant right so I'm fond of cooking and I'm fond of food yes my favorite cuisine yeah my favorite cuisine is well do you know what I love cooking Spanish food I do a pretty good paella paella I do a pretty good dia espaƱola they're badass it's potato omelet basically I love Chinese food yep I like to try my hand at Chinese cuisine I can do de sensee air I can do shi horochowski dare as well right some eggs and tomatoes all fried up with a bit of rice lovely so here we are cooking that's my other big thing oh and this one what's my other hobby or is this Bob's your uncle seashells exactly ns this is seashells she hid down thank you well not collecting Santa's but as Gabriela says it's going to the beach right I love walking on the beach in fact spending time with the family walking along the beach we're lucky because we live in a coastal city and the beach is like five minutes away in the car or you can walk in 20 minutes so as a family we try to get out at the weekends or the evenings in summer time because in summer what that I don't know why I'm doing that in summer outside it's summer the sun is shining and even at six o'clock at night you can go for a stroll along the beach nice lovely it's great so that's all part of the work-life balance right exactly I don't collect shells but my daughter and wife actually my wife is the worst what kind of quiet cause she's next door but every time we head to the beach she picks up the shells and in the bathroom now like there's like hundreds of shells you can't even you know have a shower there's too many shells there I don't know what to do what how do you tell your wife to stop collecting shells because I've tried saying stop collecting shells and it doesn't work I don't know any advice please that would be really really nice ah somebody says Nishant try Indian cuisine dish and I could also make a chicken Madras yes so I do like that as well I don't do much painting this painting is actually it's done by my daughter she's the artist right yeah you're right Emily walking on the beach is awesome I am life come on give me some advice my granny liked it to put them somewhere else who says Catherine yeah not in the shower that's very very true right send a message through her phone woah just let her be Kyler I think you're right just let her be right wives can't listen to their husbands ah I'm good to see some of you have the same problem it's harmful for the environment says Aishwarya maybe it is yes laddle that's very philosophical that's great just love the shells as well I like it that's great so guys today work-life balance we're going to talk a lot about this now just as we're beginning can I just let you all know um I think most of you know this that if you're new you may not know this I had a website but I've moved the website right so if you see links and stuff to I out speaking success it is no more I've moved house I've moved house to the Keith speaking Academy and I'll just show you where it is so that you know if you go here we go I'll show you here this is not it by the way but if you put in IELTS speaking success right in your computer what happens now is that it moves automatically to the Keith speaking Academy and this is basically the new home where all that all of the stuff will be so this is going to be much the same right very similar to the last site but at the moment there is not so much stuff here you know we've still got the live lesson so after the class you can go here and you can still download the latest live lessons it's gonna take me time to get all of this up again right it took me months to do so it is gonna take me quite a bit of time to get it up again but slowly bit by bit I will get it up and hopefully a lot of the stuff not all of it but a lot of this stuff will still be here okay so that's it it's called the Keith speaking Academy and that's my new home for all of our speaking stuff otherwise YouTube is still the same udemy course still the same and I'm still here of course doing the live classes okay excellent so let's have a look at today have a look at today I mean today's lesson we're going to look at so work-life balance I would like to do a poll with you right I'm gonna ask you some questions right because I did ask you some questions on the Facebook group but I'd like all of you I'd like all of you to answer two questions to find out a little bit about your own feelings okay about work-life balance poll yes thank you it's a home for all of us now that's very nice thank you very much that's great you're laughing in the aisles yes I do Shack so do I create the website independently I also do website design I try I just taught myself Saba had we do live classes every Tuesday and Thursday okay here's the poll right here's the poll so let me show you I've got two questions and you can participate I'd like you to answer as well right it's about work/life balance bum bum bum right okay so the question the first question for you is I'm gonna ask you who is responsible for your work-life balance okay who is responsible is it you is it your boss is it your partner right husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend or is it your company I mean your company as in your business your work your employer okay if you go you can actually participate here if you go to mentee calm WWMT calm and put in the code two three four five nine three go and answer and then we can share your answers together so go to WWNT comm put in the code two three four five nine three mm-hmm okay if you go there and then people are in people are starting to put their answers in nice and we can see the answers coming up some of you saying you some of you say in your part low right like the shells in the bathroom interesting right Wow a lot of people say you right you and your own way of managing your times is lemon answer now look say oak answer right now right Allah OMA the employer because they make the rules concerning break time and leave so the employer right the company sometimes makes the rules right when you can enter and leave this true Sarah my parents I didn't have that option did I some people are saying your partner not really well a frat it's difficult to know right what happens within families and the relationship but the agreements people have it's only me right could you repeat the code two three four five nine three interesting so listen the vast majority of you are saying you which is interesting and I probably agree actually I think the company can set the time the company sets the rules your boss gives you pressure or your family give you pressure but ultimately ultimately the decisions right are taken by you you decide whether to take your work home you decide whether to spend more time on your work or less time outside of working hours there's something about managing your boss that you decide to say yes or no to your boss yes I understand it's difficult especially when you're jr. in a company and it depends a bit on your position so it's not black and white but some interesting answers I've got a second question for you which is the most important for you okay this is question number two good health doing a good job at work or free time hey I'm at a faith great very pleased about that that's really really good congratulations Afra don't blame your partner that's right so after a very good point right it's really really important not to blame people right you may think others have responsibility but don't go around blaming others yes so good health is coming up in first place coming up in second place closely behind he's doing doing a good job at work and surprisingly trailing in third place it's free time free time with only nine good health storming ahead with 84 86 87 it's a close race but good health is gonna come first it looks like good health right it looks like most of you are saying good health although interestingly a lot of you have seemed to take pride in your work doing a good job right and I think that's interesting because doing a good job does give you a sense of pride it can make you feel satisfied and make you feel happy you know so that idea that we don't enjoy our work well actually if we do a good job we can enjoy our work right and so it's also it's important it is difficult I think it's not always easy to talk about work life as two separate things I think sometimes they overlap right there's a bit of an overlap between work and life right but health is important if you don't have your health well you can't help anybody can you can't help your job your work your employees employers your family yeah health is wealth says Patel great good health very interesting right interesting results thank you very much for that from your your poll answers excellent very very nice so we've talked about a little bit about work-life balance I'd like to know right how do you achieve a work/life balance how do you do that now some of you have answered previously but let me um let me put this question up and then ask you if you don't mind to give me your answers on this one right this is the question I'll put this up here how do you that's you yes achieve interesting achieve a work-life balance right put it in the comments below let me know how do you achieve a work-life balance let's have a look at some ideas rest properly good brilliant some very good ideas coming up let me um let me share some of these with you you've got some great ideas I'll move me across so I guess one of the one of the things that most of you talk about time management right absolutely important it's setting priorities that's really important right deciding what's the most important take breaks absolutely and that can be a break during the day or it can be a break at the weekend or longer holidays right now castle-type has some nice I think this is a time management strategy be careful boat by carefully planning the entire day and see that we stick to our timelines lovely language right now stab lovely excuse me stick to our timelines very nice language yes great so a lot of you talk about prioritize tasks prioritizing brilliant what else have we got so Adrienne talks about doing sound habits which means good habits lovely Adrienne I like that sound habits good habits right that's a sound habit lovely language that help improve your health right because the healthier you are that's a key part of the the Balan right the life balance brilliant let's see what else have you got anything else to do well this is good AFR sleep and time management so managing sleep apparently there have been studies showing that one of the biggest influences on productivity is sleep and if we don't sleep enough and regular times it can really have a negative impact on our health and our mental health as well right brilliant so a lot of very very good ideas here so if a year says I mainly work in the morning Llewelyn I make a planner right good time management or a surgeon says very good time distribution and Nishant is his interesting stay happy now that sounds it may sound a bit kind of frivolous but actually it's really important because if you talk about healthy body healthy mind keeping your mental health staying happy is really important right very very good some excellent ideas they're really nice so I've just summarized some of the ideas as well that you shared yesterday this was on the on the Facebook group right let's share a few of these and some nice language here right draw a line draw a line between work and home I like to draw a line between work and home ok let me do a bit of intonation and pronunciation with you ok when we speaking English I think I've talked about chunks before right a chunk is a piece of language and if you can speak in chunks they can really help your fluency so what I mean right let's for it let's take I I'll show you okay here's a chunk and here's a chunk okay so instead of saying I like to draw a line between work and home which is if we go chunking I like to draw a line between work and home can you see that first chunk I like to draw a line second term between work and home work and home so notice we're contracting and to end work and home we're contracting to tutor I'd like to repeat with me I like to draw a line between work and home great and now notice the intonation doo dee doo dee dee dee dee I like to draw a line between work and home try the whole sentence I like to draw a line between work and home hey not bad not bad especially you over there very well done so chunking right so as we go through some interesting vocabulary think about your chunking as well have good time management skills right so here again we might say I need to have and I would put that as my chunk and then this is my next chunk right I need to have good time management skills try that I need to have good time management skills super well done great somebody on the the the Facebook group talked about mind management so we've got time management and then mind management right which is taking care of your mental health very important very good point actually really really good point we've got have outlets for your stress right so we often say to relieve your stress but have outlets for your stress in an outlet is a way out it's a bit like that the river comes down and then it goes out into the sea it's an out leads have outlets for your stress and again try this for chunking right we could say it's good to have now let's think about the chunking it's good to have outlets for your stress I might chunk here there's no hard and fast rule about chunking right just decide which works best for you I might say it's good to have outlets for your stress right notice the two the two becomes two it's good to have it's good to have outlets for your stress for four not four but fir for your stress try with me it's good to have outlets for your stress hey very nice very nice good some people talked about delegating yes you do need to delegate absolutely what's the difference between delegate and outsource though right those two are different delegate and outsource if I delegate my work and I outsource my work hmm nice good comments sad ah Sarah as in is it British or American well I'm British so it's probably British but I think all of these are both delegate allocate it's okay allocate is more like a task yet so delegate is more like allocate good or assign very good somebody's got their a sign a sign a task Helen the meaning of delegates okay sorry so to delegate is to give your job or a piece of work to somebody else let's make that clear whoops thank you also correct it's my typing seriously so to delegate is to give a piece of work to someone else right if you've got too much work or certain jobs you can give to somebody else right critique oh you're right so outsource is to hire somebody so delegate is give a piece of work to someone else in your team so to allocate or to assign but to outsource right is to hire somebody else to do it to em to employ or hire someone else to do it okay let me get rid of me so delegate your work imagine I'm I don't know you imagine I'm making a video recording and I need to edit it I might delegate the editing to somebody in my team or I allocate the job or assign the job however if I outsource the editing then I actually pay somebody else I employ them to do it so delegating is free outsourcing cost you money right Francisco very very well expressed right let's put that up there so delegate is to assign a job to a colleague or a subordinate while to outsource is to seek service from a third party outside of the company and to pay for them excellent very very nice Francisco good so that's it there's two different things there okie-dokie we had a few other things people talked about leaving matters of work at the office yeah leave matters of work at the office absolutely I mean that's great i I jokingly said to somebody it's very hard for me because I work at home so I I have a little office in my home and I work there but it's very hard if I go to the kitchen a toilet or to the to the living room to not go back in the office and to pick up things or do work there because we only have one computer so the computer where I work is the computer where I watch Netflix oh that's a big problem right so I'll just watch Netflix and then oh I'll just check that email oh look I'll just do that all my schedule just let me and even in the middle do you know what even in the middle of a Netflix film I'm there with my book just checking my schedule it's terrible so working at home well lucky Ephraim maybe lucky maybe not oh and give me the art you give me your idea for balancing between work and home don't take your work home with you very difficult in today's working climate well this is very very true IELTS grind absolutely in today's working environment where so many people are working from home it's really hard to do right in fact I was listening to the radio this morning right in the morning I listen to radio for BBC Radio 4 and there was a survey or a poll done across Britain and they discovered now that 80 percent of the people in Britain are not getting dressed right because a huge percentage are working at home and those people at work home at home in the morning don't get dressed they have a zoom shirt and they call it a zoom shirt like this right the zoom shirt sits on the chair and then they get up in the morning with this shorts no socks no trousers just a t-shirt and then when there's a work meeting or a zoo meeting and they look like this and then below there's nothing maybe their underpants or maybe their shorts right zoom sure how many of you are smiling now thinking yes the zoom shirt so it is very difficult in these days to separate both zoom that's great and it's true eighty percent of British people don't get dressed anymore right knee shan't there's the million doll question are you dressed that is my secret [Laughter] great zoom suit lovely okay let's come back so flexi time is the other one right so flexi time flexi time is that idea where you okay how shall I explain this you can start work right between let's say 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. and you can finish between let's say 5 no 4 & 6 p.m. 54 no 5 for help that's flexi time okay so basically if you start at 8 o'clock then you start early you finish early you finish at 4 o'clock if you want you can come in at 9 o'clock and finish at 5 or you can come in at 10 finish at 6 flexible because maybe you need to run your children to school so you can do that in the morning and then start later or maybe you want to finish maybe you want to finish work early to go shopping so you come in early and finish early you can do that as well right ok volume up yes is that better I've just realized the volume was a bit low is the volume any better now please turn the volume up still still still is it's still really low yes okay now great excellent good dear oh dear we're having a volume day today are we okay too loud it's not only cooking right mmm far better now sorry about that good so before I move on to give you some more ideas it's time for a riddle we have to do a riddle right so let's take this away let's take this away take this away take this no not that it's the wrong one oh come on there we go there we go right guys let's do a quick riddle a change in pace for those of you who are new the riddle is a little puzzle or a little quiz excuse me a little quiz for you to test your intelligence and to see if I can beat you I think I've only well I've never beaten you because somebody always knows the answer okay aha great here's the riddle now you need to know an important word for the riddle and that word is soil and I think the best way for me to show you this is to use our good old friend at Google right so soil this word s oh I L sawl right that's a key word Google are great aren't they so soil is our key word okay now then here so soil is the ground here's the riddle okay listen carefully how much soil is there in a hole three meters deep six meters long and four meters wide right and I think I can actually share this with you I'll write it down how much soil is there in a hole 3 meters deep 6 meters long and 4 meters wide soil uncountable noun good point it is uncountable yes it's uncountable so we've got Zack 72 Emily 1 whoo no it's uncountable you're all very good at this on you oh you're all very good at this you are very good at this Estella has not only given the answer but the explanation nothing there is no soil because it's empty if there were soil it wouldn't be a hole well done brilliant so that was nice well done all of you got the right answer where's my um where's my sound effects gone well done guys well done that was far too easy that's it right next time you're in big trouble because next time I'm gonna make it really really hard there's the riddle so from riddles let's move on to share some ideas I got some ideas right from Time magazine I don't know if any of you read Time magazine but it has some interesting articles about lifestyle and things right and here with some of the things that Time magazine said and I'll share the link with you in the notes okay to achieve a work-life balance right that same question Time magazine said prioritize which some of you said do the important not the urgent so a lot of people spend time putting out fires that's a really nice expression right putting out fires putting out fires means handling problems handling urgent problems right it doesn't mean you're putting out a fire literally it just means you are handling an urgent problem so we spend a lot of time putting out fires and so we do the urgent things rather than the oops rather than the important things if you've read if you've read Stephen Covey's seven Habits of Highly Effective People do the important things not the urgent things it also says to be clear on your values so to know exactly what you value if you value family be clear about that and then choose your family if you value doing a good job be clear about that and decide to do a good job if your value is you know free time and enjoying life be clear and then decide to do things that align with your values so do things that align with that's nice your values things that are lined with your values which means you know to be in line with literally in the same line with your values interesting right manage your boss which is about you know managing your boss's expectations of what you do what you won't do use the Pareto principle now if you've most of you I'm sure some of you know this I'm just checking yeah so Ezio you love the Pareto principle the 80/20 rule I've written 2080 8020 which means well I'm just seeing if anybody's told me what it means basically it means 80% of the good work you do or sorry 80% of the good results comes from 20% of your work so 20% of your work is effective with good results the other 80% of your work gives you little results and it's a waste of time so focus on the 20% that is really really beneficial and gives good results and kind of push away the other 80% so maybe the 80% is sitting in meetings sending emails chatting on Facebook all the things that don't really have an impact whereas the 20% might be you know what would it be for me 20% might be creating a course or giving a class and it's really focusing in on that 20% yes it's put very very well well Sophia 80% of your productivity comes from 20% of your time right exactly as our Salette says spend so spend 20% of your time to achieve 80% of the work it's so so simple and obvious but it's really hard many people don't realize it and even when you do to actually do it is important another book I love books of course this one right the one thing Gary Keller this was a life changer for me absolutely brilliant it talks a bit about the Pareto principle but also about prioritizing focusing if you want it's by Gary Keller with Jay papasan the one think brilliant book very good productivity book and finally do what only you can do so especially I think in the management level to focus on doing things that you're good at and only you can do if anybody can edit the video delegate it if anybody can do this delegate it give it to other people you should do just what is special for you what only you can do now that's a bit idealistic in the real workplace it's hard to do that it's a bit idealistic but it's a good idea I think great brilliant check it out guys if you're interested in the book do check it out it's well worth reading ever can I make a list of my favorite books I probably can yes I probably can I will see but that might be the 80% of my work it might be not the very effective work okay brilliant good so let's move on I'm gonna move on I've got another question for you right this question let me get out of your way why does some people have a poor work-life balance mmm why does some people have a poor work-life balance guys what do you think yeah Tushar very good yes it's good right okay some good ideas coming in I've still got that I should take that off whoops um right we've got some ideas lazy right there lazy lack of clarity they have a lack of clarity I'm planning I don't think that's a word shadow Lee it's a really interesting word right it's a really interesting word but I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist it's not a real word that nice lack of planning is much better right lack of planning why do people have a port were life balance less interesting work maybe they work extra hours absolutely so Ziva oh this is a good one from Rajesh accepting all the tasks right accepting all the tasks there's an expression I don't know if you know this it's not an expression let me just share this one with you get the right size there is um oh come on seriously there is a monkey on your back this is more of a management expression but the monkey on your back is where if you delegate a task to remember delegate so to give somebody on your team a task right or you give them a problem to solve and then they give the problem back to you so you've got a problem and you say go and solve that and they say oh I can't do that because of this problem and they're giving you the problem and you have to solve their problem before you can delegate that is the monkey on your back so as soon as you delegate that person throws back the monkey the problem on you and so you're left working on the problem it's the monkey on your back and some people have a poor work-life balance because they're they are always they always have a monkey on their back it's they're not able to delegate right so that can be they can't delegate effectively whoops let's bring you down they can't delegate effectively okay so the monkey on your back is not an idiom it's just more of a management expression really okay this one absolutely from our Selleck procrastination yes Sharon poor time management absolutely yeah ng this is very nice because work expectations are too high very true right the company or the boss expect too much and that person doesn't speak up lovely speak up they don't speak up they don't say no it's too much they say yes okay and they stay there until 10 o'clock at night angel I like that they try to dry the ocean with the bucket yes lovely I love it that's a really nice image here's another one in this day and age some people spend too much time on social media yeah absolutely let me add an O for you there there we go ma'am mohan let me add a little Oh too much time on social media right good again add wait yet got lack of concentration okay some interesting ideas so all of those very very good ideas why they have a poor work-life balance right so we've talked about procrastination I'll just add a few words here they Pro Kress D date right so you've got that's the verb it's always good to learn the different verb forms procrastination is a noun it's good as you're probably remembering the vocabulary lesson we talked about juggling so when you learn a word learn different forms and just make simple phrases right so we might say well they tend to procrastinate right they tend to procrastinate or they have a habit of procrastinating procrastinating also the verb right but what I'm doing let me bring this up what I'm doing is I'm practicing different forms procrastinate procrastinating and the last one they are guilty that's would be nice they are guilty of procrastination not guilty like in a court of law not legally but it's just a problem right again focus on your intonation say these with me they tend to prick Cresta Nate really stress that Preston ate right listen to the intonation they tend to procrastinate that's better they have a habit of procrastinating good can you hear my chunks right they have a habit of procrastinating very good and notice that goes up they have a habit of procrastinating brilliant you've got the krasin a ting really well that's the stressed vowel right they're guilty of procrastination or it changes right they're guilty and of course we're going to contract because we're speaking they're guilty of procrastination try again they're guilty of procrastination exilim nice intonation nice rhythm it's so simple to do right get a new word just practice the different forms and it really builds up your fluency it's a great thing to do excellent still got ideas coming in somebody quite rightly has noticed it's 11 o'clock brilliant which means it's almost time to finish but not before we have a little Kahoot it's always good to have a Kahoot at the end of the class and this for those of you who are new is just a simple way for us to review some vocabulary but actually I'm gonna review some grammar with you ah in this code excellence and good ideas guys very good ideas all right Kahoot let's let me find it first as the Challenge can I find it oh I had some more ideas okay actually before the Kahoot let me just finish with these ideas with you cuz i forgot to share them i just noticed it's hard to strike a balance notice to strike a balance right we can say reach it's hard to reach a balance or achieve a balance but strike is quite a nice one it's hard it's hard to strike a balance deadlines have to be met okay to meet deadlines so interesting collocations right excessive stress at the workplace maybe they're bad at managing their time procrastinate we talked about they clock up lots of overtime right to clock up is with overtime is to work lots of overtime right they clock up lots of overtime they clock up lots of overtime they work lots of overtime to clock up is a nice little phrasal verb mainly used here with overtime okay could I give a full sample answer Nora yes I could actually I think okay what was the question why do some people have a poor work/life balance I think some people have a poor work-life balance because they tend to procrastinate quite a lot and I guess the root cause is that they don't have clarity on time management for example there's a really interesting theory called the Pareto principle which says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your activities or your work and many people don't realize that so they waste time doing useless activities that are not beneficial for them or the company so overall I think procrastination and really bad time management skills are two key reasons why poor some people I some people have poor work-life balance a sample answer right excellent sorry time is ticking bass past it is Kahoot time so let me find my co that was what I was doing I was looking for the Kahoot link here's the Kahoot link Kahoot my friends is a quiz it's a very simple quiz where I can check how much attention you have been playing yeah nice what is that Kahoot it's this it's here so here is the game we're going to play it together and we're just gonna it's all about I'll do for teaching it's all about classic what do we want to do on the classic game right okay so turn the volume down so guys I want you to join I'll come in here I'd like you to join a WWI T and put in the pin v 206 3 2 9 time is ticking by yes lovely expression nice we got people in we've got tanto and Eric's of Indiana's brilliant lots of people joining how many people 79 great I'll just let a few more of you join if you cannot join for any reason you can just type in your answers in the message box that's okay it's multiple choice so you have choice of a B C or D but there are actually different colors great Wow we've got a lot of people today 138 no there's no translation ever it's just the brand name is the name of the company clock's ticking okay let's jump in let's start with the first question work-life balance okay it's a grammar question you've got 30 seconds whoops we should avoid bum bum bum overtime so grammar question we should avoid to do doing do or did seconds left you gotta be quick whoa well done look at that we've got a hundred and two people got it right its to do a it's doing we should avoid doing overtime exactly when you learn grammar right sometimes you learn avoid doing right you learn the form I find it's better for me to learn an example right I should avoid doing overtime and fix the example in my head because I find it easier to remember an example rather than the rule because the rule is abstract the example is specific and the example actually gives you the rule so I try and remember examples like I should avoid doing overtime try and fix that example and then you'll always know how to use avoid yeah I should always I should avoid doing 102 good 36 of you got that mistake right it's it's with the gerund excellent next question oh I think we have a leaderboard Hey Anisha is at the top so Anisha was the quickest person to get the answer and copy the polymer has the second let's move on question number 2 it's hard to balance here we go it's hard to struck stroke strike strike here we go ten seconds left a few of you have said orange strike I can see you Tina has also strike wonder says strike Wow that's much much better that's what I like to see well done 129 have you got the right answer it's hard to strike a balance right to get a balance to strike a balance very good well done nice leadership board oh I missed it sorry next question I'm lucky because at work we have flexy our flexi day flexi time flexi minute yeah I know typing speed matters sorry I've gone too fast I realize never mind two one buying oh well done well done most of you got that absolutely we talked about flexi time remember when you can start between two hours and you can finish between two hours well done now them what happened to our little leadership board I should be able should be able to where's he gone ah Oh copy the polymer has gone up into first place hi any second and my rules coming up third close behind right we've got one more question are you ready for the last question okay I'm gonna disappear here we go I refuse my work home oh it's another grammar question to take taking took or take refuse bring it on it says shackin bring it on right interesting answers three two oh now that's good but this was a bit more challenging right good but still challenging 37 said taking avoid taking but refuse to take right I refuse to take my work home again fix the example in your head imagine you saying to your boss I refuse I refuse to take my work home fix it in your head and then you've got the rule well done now then the moment of truth who is the winner the podium third place Evelynn second hire and well done first it's Goffe copy the polymer nice well done great absolutely hilarious I love it everybody loves a bit of code so listen guys that's it we've been all the way through we've been looking at work-life balance and how we can attain it how we can strike the balance and all the different kind of tips and ideas as well as some nice language so the the notes from today after two or three hours I will put on the website just let me remind you again where that is so if you want to go and get the notes later today it's at the Wyss now at the Keith speaking Academy calm and if you go to the free live lessons later today you will be able to download the lesson notes and they're free of course and they are coming it just takes me a bit of time to get it done excellent listen thank you very much everybody it is that it's a PDF version thank you very much for joining me it's been great fun it's been great listening to your ideas suggestions and advice for how to handle the seashells in the shower thank you and I will look forward to seeing you on Thursday Thursday we're going to be talking about sport mmm come and join us then take care everybody all the best now bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 34,139
Rating: 4.9302325 out of 5
Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test, ielts work-life test, work-life balance vocabulary, work-life balance ielts, work-life balance ielts speaking, work life balance english, ielts speaking work topic
Id: h9d0zFEfYWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 24sec (4224 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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