FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic COMPUTERS, THE INTERNET AND A.I.

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hello and good morning hi very nice to see you how are you today welcome to today's class where we're talking about computers the internet and artificial intelligence aid I looking forward to it for those of you who might be watching this on the recording welcome as well great to see you here I hope you enjoy the class we'll be looking at this topic for about an hour or so and then finishing up with a little bit of the usual fluency Jim right good morning Parveen you are the first one in and sana great to see you again second in we've got Narges Ana Emily great to see you all mo tools you'll fear some very familiar names now Mansoor Susan and Elena Catherine as well really good to see you this morning it's a bit overcast today I look out the window gray sky gray clouds overcast I wasn't going to talk about the weather but I feel because it's a British thing right we have to speak about the weather if we don't speak about the weather something's not quite right it's a bit like having coffee in the morning you must have it don't have your coffee don't feel right don't speak about the weather just doesn't feel right right good morning Jerry filling Tom dinner orgy party tea Amy's here Vivian great good to see you pudding am good to see you as well excellent LS CR nice to see you so I like to talk about the weather I'm also going to talk about my drink my drink today is tea it's English tea which is stupid right it's just normal tea right but why do we call it English tea there's no tea in England all of our tea most of it comes from India or China maybe Sri Lanka but English tea why does it speak English no very very strange but it's a good wake up call and you're thinking why he got a princess on his teacup it's not my teacup that's why right quick Mort good mornings then Anna good morning Dennis coffee and balcony what a nice way to start the day we I do remember you indeed good morning nice to see you here who else Adam very good noon to you sir Aisha good morning as well and cigar yeah it's English tea but it's with milk I'm afraid I do like tea with milk it's an invention Oh UK oh I'm not sure if it is it's it's black tea that's right but it's with milk snow white I like snow white so computers the internet and AI artificial intelligence just before I begin I want to answer a quick question in fact I've had a lot of questions and I'm gonna answer some of those questions in my email that I send out once or twice a week I do send out an email if you're on the mailing list you'll get it if you're not on the mailing list go to the website il speaking sign up for the free book the avoiding common mistakes book then you get onto the mailing list but one question someone was asking me was what's the difference between your YouTube videos and the udemy course is it the same so the answer is well no it's completely different so the udemy course the videos there are 95% new right they're different they're not the same as the YouTube videos so they're it's different content 95% and also the YouTube videos are kind of like tips and ideas some topics that we look at but it doesn't go into so much depth really I mean I think the YouTube videos are great right of course I would say that because I want to blow my own trumpet but the course goes too much more depth and the cause is systemic so it takes you through the different parts and topics in a systematic way analyzing model answers developing vocabulary and language so it's a more systematic approach so that was just to make that clear right so now then Oh data mesh you enrolled in you - because fantastic I hoped I hope you enjoy it I hope it is useful right ELISA first class well done oh it's public holiday in Hong Kong excellent lucky you nice what a great way to spend your public holiday I am honored ELISA thank you great thank you for those comments that's great hello Nancy good ride keep studying Nancy I know ah I'm right in house comments now then hello from packing from Pakistan and Kazakhstan from as a base-10 fantastic nice to see an international audience let's get straight into this topic right Computers AI and the Internet now I'm going to share something with you because I noticed when I listen to students talking about technology I think they've learnt a lot of their of language from books and from reading and maybe they have a course book and their reading and their learning phrases and when they come to the test they sound a bit bookish like they're speaking like a book right for example students say with the development of technology we can find more and more data editor or what's the other one technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate nowadays and it's like listening to a textbook it's not really spoken English so let me sort this out solve this problem very very quickly for you okay let me take those two expressions and let's just sort them out right now okay so to try not to sound bookish right let me take that off for the moment with the development of technology so it's it's correct it's grammatically correct it's just not that spoken I would say as technology progresses or as technology moves forward we find blah blah blah blah blah blah right this is much more spoken English and it's also going to make you stand out from the crowd because 95% of the other students are gonna say with the development of technology and you're going to come in hopefully now and say you know as technology moves forward there are more job opportunities and you're gonna be different and also just more natural and the other one technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate I mean that's from IELTS writing right that's for your writing test but just sound more natural say something like technology's advancing faster than ever before it's that simple right faster than ever before or faster than ever before if you're from London but if you're from Manchester a technology is advancing faster than ever before very simple very nice and just sounds more natural and so that just goes back to this comment being bookish learn from videos I think one of the secrets to learning natural English is to learn from videos rather than a book and course books and I do notice a lot of students who study with videos maybe it's YouTube maybe it's udemy they can speak more natural English because they're listening to the sounds they're listening to spoke in English and learning spoken English rather than from a book right books are great I love books but to practice develop your speaking do more listening right and that is why normally with my students before class I show them a video and say look at this and we'll discuss it in the class and that's why I actually also put on Facebook if you're on Facebook today I put on Facebook a video about AI for you to listen to right somebody says they can't hear can you hear is the microphone working I hope it's working I'm assuming it's working for everybody just one person said they can't okay so manyy topic computers internet AI brilliant thanks to the development of technology yep that's also a good expression to use good excellent thanks guys that the sound is working just wanted to check brilliant now all this is good that's great good to note artificial intelligence is all the rage in this day and age I think it's now the talk of the town it's the talk of the town Emily very nice expression yes excellent very very good good independent business owner I'm learning English intuitively from your channel channel excellent nice to know we have independent business owners studying English as well excellent now questions not questions IELTS questions let me share with you some IELTS questions that are related to this topic so let me just share these first of all part one how often do you go online what do you use the internet for sometimes they ask how do you go online you know do you use a laptop or a mobile phone and there was a part two question last year describe a website you like but not at the moment great now I'm gonna focus today actually more on part three because part three is where it gets chunky it gets interesting we go into a bit more detail and it may be more challenging but these are the kind of questions that I would like to look at today how has technology changed the way we work will computers replace people in the future how will technology change the way we communicate in the future okay so let me just put that one up as well don't answer yet don't start giving me your answers yet I'm gonna do these one by one how will technology change the way we communicate in the future very good question nowadays right with the coronavirus and everything and thank you very much actually to somebody I've forgotten your name sorry who posted on the Facebook page yesterday about this topic and suggesting to talk about the Internet as well does the internet make our lives more or less interesting okay okay so I'm gonna start first of all actually before you start giving me your answers don't give me your answers yet ding you can't hear clearly so there is trouble with the sound right you guys can't hear I can see a few of you saying you can't hear and let me just check I'll just do a double check actually should be okay I'm gonna look before you give me your answers let me look at some vocabulary which is really important for this topic okay here we go I will just share the screen with you I'm gonna show you a few things loud and clear excellent thank you I do get a bit paranoid about that so useful vocabulary first of all maybe you like if you like the Internet you may say I'm a techie it's a curse sound techie I'm a techie right are you a techie I'm a little bit of a techie I'm a bit of a techie right notice how in English we often use these adverbs or adverb phrases I'm a bit of a techie it just makes it more natural or a computer buff so a computer buff a buff is somebody who is very passionate about something we use it mainly with computer film art I'm a computer buff I'm a film buff I'm an art buff I'm a tech buff ranganna thank you very much a technophile that's a nice one thank you very much for that Vee I'm Tecna file [Music] file means love right I'm a Francophile I love French I'm a see no file I love see no China I love China I spent many years there I'm very very fond of China I'm a technophile excellent I'm tech-savvy good I'm quite you see it comes more naturally to me to say I'm quite tech-savvy I'm quite tech-savvy excellent thank you madam very very good yes sathi I'm a little bit of a techie that's nice you see so these are all nice little expressions we can use to talk about that okay that data can't control my computer other words to look at artificial intelligence now I know what it is but I found it very hard to explain it so I went to the dictionary and it says the simulation of human intelligence in machines and then I thought about it and I found a simpler way to express it a protist to program a machine to think and act like people right if you saw the video about the AI robot on Facebook that's a I write that robot is a machine but it's been programmed to think and act like people and the interesting thing about AI is that it learns so it takes data data data it learns on its own so it can take data and learn that's artificial intelligence very very interesting now then oh there's another one I'm a technophobe let's just put that one in Oh folk which means you don't like it right it's a phobia then you don't like it I'm a technophobe okay excellent so artificial intelligence there's a very very interesting website and I'm gonna share these links with you as always I will share the links with you after the class you can go to the website and download the links but just let me share this one with you because I think it's got some really interesting ideas and to talk about if we're going to talk about AI which we will do shortly this is nine powerful examples of artificial intelligence and you probably know most of these but it's a nice reminder and it goes into a bit of detail right so very briefly it also gives you here the statistics so if you want to give examples and you can remember statistics that's useful so Siri is the classic one that uses AI and this is a voice recognition so to talk about voice recognition is a nice phrase it uses machine learning technology Tesla is the other one right so not only smart phones but mobile are cars then if you don't know Tesla then you hear it says you're not a car geek a car geek somebody who loves cars he talks about cogito talks about netflix because they use their artificial intelligence to suggest you videos like Amazon you've got a lexer that's right little Sophia you've got different ones exactly thanks Susan Amazon's Alexa is an example of of weak AI yes and the trouble with AI is that it suggests things that it thinks you want and of course you don't always want the same stuff and as it points out here the problem with Netflix is the small films the less popular ones get left behind even though they may be really really good excellent Pandora yeah great thank you Cena just for sharing that saves me having to do it great Ciara Pandora is an American one but it's basically Spotify and so it uses its AI and algorithms to suggest music to you nest from Google you may know blah blah blah anyway flying drones drones is another one where they are using AI as well exilim so that's just a useful little website to go and have a look at and the link is there from Cena I will also share it with you later and it's good for vocabulary right it can really help you with them vocabulary okay algorithms of course we're going to talk about algorithms there's the YouTube algorithm the Facebook algorithm and again to try and explain this basically the easiest explanation I found is it's a set of instructions to carry out a task so the YouTube algorithm is a set of instructions to identify videos they can suggest to you for example or they can rank top in Google so it's basically a set of instructions and did you know right I'm sure you know Wikipedia there's a simple Wikipedia look at this this is amazing I didn't know it's a simple English Wikipedia how cool is that so if you want to find out lots of interesting stuff but Wicker be Wikipedia is a bit complicated you can go here let me just show you the simple English Wikipedia what a great invention here we are this is it the simple English Wikipedia and this one is the algorithm right and in fact it says a recipe is a good example of an algorithm isn't that interesting right because you never I would never think of that but it does say a recipe is a good example whoops sorry I've lost it that's not the one is it out here I've lost it but listen you can go there wiki pedia simple English simple Wikipedia again the link will be up there it's great really really useful more things to look at the Internet of Things so these are digital devices that can act without human con hacked okay did you tall devices that can act without human contact that's again a kind of a simplified definition but it's basically the idea of you know if you have a computer chip in your fridge and it changes the temperature or you turn the lights on automatically in your house with these digital devices they each have a unique IP then you can use that to get things done in your house or anywhere I think in the future we're going to have these computers in the walls in buildings indoors doing everything for us so if you want to know more about the Internet of Things there's another great website weibo pedia which is another encyclopedia but about the web and the internet great resource to go and have a look excellent so there's some good comments here about a I can anyone tell me what the topic is it's artificial intelligence Internet and computers algorithms is the language of the machine yeah Rach if that's less that's right it is more or less it's very hard to explain but that's it yeah great anything else that people have got coming up at the moment no yeah this one is nice this one I like this Swati YouTube the YouTube algorithm algorithm as it combs the website for us so to comb the website is like combing your hair is to go through in detail and then give you information right homes the website for us that's great I like it so it's to go through in detail and then give us the information we need excellent the other words useful here is netiquette which is the it's the same as etiquette oh let me just take that off so you can see so etiquette is the way to be netiquette is the way to behave on the internet and I noticed a few people were talking about being a net Issus and netizen I am and medicine which is a citizen of the Internet as well okay fantastic good so that yep oh that's a good one the same thing as um thanks I go sift through to comb through to sift through all the same stuff brilliant so let me come back now then let's come now to that first question and gosh you get a prize if you can remember what that first question was so here's the question how has technology changed the way we work haha now you can write your answers tell me what you think how has technology changed the way we work this kind of question you may be thinking about the past the change and now right the past the change and now Emmy I'm going to show this because I'd like to remind everybody with development of technology remember at the start of the class we can change that and make it more natural as development as development as technology has progressed or as technology progresses the entire world has become one nation great it's a good answer though Emmy yes it's made our lifestyle easier than the past I go good technology permeates every aspect of modern life and then give us more details good right some very abstract ideas right I mean these are okay for example yes okay so you're using okay these are okay these are fine these are very general introductions go down into the nitty-gritty so give me some details how has it actually changed right abhilasha great more automation has come sorry I'm so thirsty excuse me right here we go right now we're getting into the nitty-gritty the detail how's it changed the work office work anywhere anytime anywhere right our okay technology simplifies our work as it progresses but give me the nitty gritty rumour give me the nitty-gritty what's really really what is the change right good rumor good student it simplifies our work as it progresses star student yep this is good good but give me some more detail today answer this is great technology is progressing in leaps and bounds a lovely expression in leaps and bounds very very very what a lot but give me more detail come on guys give me more detail right now we're getting now we're getting now we're cooking now we're cooking do you know that expression now we're cooking doesn't mean we're cooking it means now we're really getting on the right track now we're cooking it makes people lethargic as the majority of the work has been done by computers right interesting good [Music] right there's so many you're giving me so many general ideas I know it's changed but how has it changed so okay good doctor had said new features also helped me out such as features may be like AI and the ability for I don't know to help me out in my work future well computers help me out in my work having all the software that allows me to connect with customers around the world is very useful right here's another one a - technology could help us to delegate hard tasks so delegate hard tasks that's right with technology we can send an email to a colleague in London and delegate tasks and check on their work with the - and throw of email so delegation has become more commonplace right it facilitates delegation now that's good now we're getting into the detail right great let's see anything else right now here's an interesting one so I definitely know that the work of doctors for the work of doctors technology can never replace it just make it easier yeah I mean for example right technology has allowed us to do some micro surgery with robots so some micro surgery can be carried out with a robotic arm or some kind of robot I read I don't know if it's true maybe you can let me know that it's actually more precise than err then a human surgeon because sometimes the human surgeon may shake they may move but the robotic surgeon is precise and so that can facilitate surgery right so now these are getting into some nice examples here so remember in part 3 it's the examples and the specificness the detail that is gonna show off your language right okay let's have a look anything else come down [Music] okay ELISA says it can save people time hum Bing says it provides an easy access to shopping but that's not really the way we work okay but possibly if you're purchasing things for your work yes okay there here's a great example from Kimia in the past many architects had to draw their plan with their hand but it has changed now by using some software autocad 3d max is the kind of software great that's it that's nice param has another one I ponder in the past there are just offline modes of teaching but with the progress of technology more sophisticated work is changed into simple ones right ok so there's an example about teaching ok some good examples here what else right there's quite a lot of examples not about work but it does affect our life as well yep and here's another one right as an example robotic arms have replaced humans in factories yeah great telecommuting good brilliant let me share with you a couple of ideas as well which will give you some language as well and I'll feed in what you're saying let me take that one away so we're more connected the internet has facilitated blah-blah-blah-blah global business some people said the Internet has facilitated and purchasing or shopping and purchasing goods we need customer service can be more effective although at times it makes the automation makes it worse so customer service can be more effective because we have these message bots that can answer we can have tele salespeople on the phone or giving video conferences to give customer service but at times the automate the automation makes it worse automation is a nice word to make it automatic because you can't always communicate with a robot and an example about teachers so let me try and say this as an answer right how has technology changed the way we work I think as technology progresses we are becoming more connected particularly the Internet has facilitated global business we are now able to connect and build relationships with customers across the world in particular customer service can be much more effective we're able to reply to problems through emails and social media at the click of a button although at times the automation isn't always a boon it's not always a good thing for example right when you're calling the bank to get some information and you have to press number one if you want a press number two if you want something and it takes you through a series of annoying and frustrating voice messages so sometimes it makes it worse than it really it's not worth the time and finally I mean if we're talking about teachers right how technology has changed the way teachers work they are now able to use lots of software and use the Internet in the classroom to make their lessons more engaging and interesting and share information across the globe with students in one classroom right there you go so they're developing an answer now with that excuse me you may notice oh I've also added at the same time it is negatively impacted our physical and mental health but that's very very long I mean you will only have thirty Seconds to a minute to speak but my approach here is to take a general idea right we're more connected it's facilitated global business that's my general idea take an example and my example there was a bit about customer service how it can be more effective also I built a second example if the examiner allows me and talk about teachers okay and again if the examiner lets you speak you can also have a counter-argument right so we've said some good things but you could also say well at the same time you know it's negatively impact it impacted our physical and mental health because we've spend so much time in front of the computer so these building blocks if you like are really useful you probably will not have time to use all of them in every question but if you think about general ideas examples counter arguments that this kind of question it can be very very useful okay great let me come down let me come back to you guys to some of the messages we've got now focusing on work okay I'll just share a few of your messages that we've got here it says humans free from tedious and repetitive jobs tedious nice repetitive nice good what else have we got ranganna was developing the idea of the surgeons and then the doctors big has circumvented with Edie it has circumvented the need of for for human involvement in surgical procedures nice nice great today let's see banking what we got about banking is easier nowadays due to the progress in technology for example Google pay right absolutely good and here's a good point right the kind of counter-argument that is not good technology is not always good for humans as computer as computers are taking jobs off people the work which ten people used to do before is now done by just one piece of software right it's a very very good point right excellent good point yeah and there's reference here about study Jeremy yet because of the advancing technology we can work or study at home without going out and especially in this quarantine I think you said quarantine period yes yeah a merrier concept thean conception is brought up the idea again of automated but you can't see it in her answer but like for instance before we do manual before comma we do manual along procedures at work but now with the Albert technology everything is almost automated so the work is fast easier and more accurate right exactly good okay so we've talked about work let's talk about well yes here we go this question is a good one so it's still on the topic of work and now then I how do I find where am I where am I Here I am will computers relate replace people in the future will computers replace people in the future somebody mentioned doctors earlier that although the the robots can facilitate a surgery we still need doctors we need that human touch will computers replace people in the future here we go know many of the work Ramez good good point here cuz work right is non countable so much work requires humans many jobs require humans right ok great yes definitely maybe technology has generated the Generation X and Generation Y ok good yes Fran jelly says computers are already starting to replace people all interesting sagar some no because all the binary language produced by the human mind you'll have to explain more Bree says I think robots cannot replace humans because humans are more intelligent and don't rely on other devices well at the moment yes well humans are more intelligent not all of them some humans are not very intelligent especially those who get high places in government and that I'm just joking of course but a I rights look at some of the AI robots and how intelligent they are becoming interesting well here's a good point computers never replace people people can think that so can computers and the imagine and at the moment I don't think human computers can imagine I think probably not all jobs can be replaced by a machine and ride okay but let's have a think about about certain jobs right okay here's a very good example chair you some creative jobs are out of the touch of computers out of touch of not out of touch of out of the reach of because out of touch is when you're not contacting somebody but out of reach of computers even AI can't compose a poem right right okay let's have a look any other jobs where our computers replacing people right where it may never replace human in such areas art and health well in the art world maybe because of the the idea of creativity in health care because of the need to look after and have that human touch in order to show empathy and caring yes but there may be some menial jobs like cleaning in the hospital that could be done by a robot right cleaning potentially any other jobs right this is a very good point and I tend to agree with abdul wahid the yes they will moving towards technology solutions is becoming increasingly is becoming increasingly raising is is happening more and more is becoming more common yeah absolutely right technology solutions so our manufacturing it's done by robots the food factories where they make food packaged food 90% done by robots interestingly the checking the food is done by humans on this big conveyor belt where they check each bit of food normally done by humans but their packaging the production 90% automated nowadays any other jobs and well this is true Nicole yet the emotional method that human touch we talked about only exists in humans right well you know you've hit a very important point a lot of people will get unemployed and this is the downside of progress and technology and it's always happened right it goes back in history when they invented the television the telephone and the car people said no we don't want it because they'll lose their jobs those people who made bicycles or whatever is being replaced right they thought books would disappear and so they thought that the whole group of people would lose their jobs it never happened in that particular area but in many areas it does and this is what we're seeing today so people have to retrain and go into the new areas you know very very interesting point what else have we got yep Dinah's we've mentioned doctors as well that's good depends on the job okay so I'm gonna give you an example here something that I was reading about that I thought was very interesting hello come back here we go this one as technology has progressed we now have robots right so I was reading about chef BOTS right chef BOTS now you've heard of a bot probably a bot is like it's a software on a website that comes up and has a conversation with you so sometimes if you send a message like a facebook message and there's an automated reply saying thank you we've got your message we will get back to you that's a bot right it's a software so the chef bot is these machines in some restaurants that automatically make the food so you have the humans peeling the potatoes and the carrots but there they put it into the chef bot the chef bot fries it or boils it and then adds the salt and the sugar and adds the spice mixes it around and puts it on the plate and the chef bot is cooking the food amazing now it made me think what about the creativity what about getting the right amount of salt and sugar but I spoke to a couple of chefs who are friends of mine and they said do you know what ninety percent of the time the way we work in the kitchen its automated it's automatic I take the same amount of salt the same amount of sugar the same ingredients every single time there's often no magic it's just numbers and having the right amount and mixing it up I said could a robot do it they said probably yes and so these chef BOTS do exist that they're cooking the food for us mmm interesting right so in that area of the the cooking world yes interestingly it's the people have to peel the potatoes and the carrots very very strange right so we can talk about here the different kinds of jobs that robots can do so using AI so these chef BOTS you AI so we can see that tential for AI to replace many menial jobs so menial is routine mundane the very basic jobs if you like the boring jobs these are the ones that computers can do right mohamed yes i am reading the comments i'm trying to read some of the comments yes okay what else have we got now here you go on this topic robots can do waitresses jobs housekeeping like cleaning yep so they do in many many areas we do see that as AI moves forward nice one william very good many supermarkets reduce the number of staff staff in the singular right staff is again non countable so you can't have a plural but the number of staff that said humans still dominate the world as people need to care and love others right very good honey makes a good point because we've got computer errors that need human manipulation for it to be working again it's a very very good point yes okay great yeah talking about people going out of work jobs of postman are also in danger because of emails it's a very good point right very good point and this is interesting robots now adays can even replicate works of art and the point I guess is replicate so they can copy but can they create maybe they can maybe they can yeah so when it comes to technology I think we've got a lot of involvement of computers and technology controlling technology but when it comes to jobs outside of that maybe less so and I think personally that the question of one or the other is never really the truth I think with most jobs we will find computers and technology supplementing what we do taking or replacing some of the tasks but not the whole job I mean take teaching for example here we are on the computer using software to speak to each other if you took me away completely and had a bot a message but you could still learn in fact you can go on udemy and you can study with all the videos I'm not there you can still learn that there is something about the human touch the contact the feedback that makes it different when you're live I think I mean maybe you notice a difference between watching the recording and being here live there seems I think when but as well as a student I think there is a difference there so I think it's going to be a case of technology and humans working together harmoniously for the betterment of the world and society great well a good point here machines don't have feelings go and watch the AI robot on good morning Britain on the Facebook page go and have a look at that I'll put the link in the notes later it will make you think very carefully about it okay so and a great example hey I could replace people on work like accounting that needs position exactly that's it that's exactly it okay our last question then is about communication okay this question here how will technology change the way we communicate in the future and you can think about the coronavirus as well here right hmm have a think I'll have a drink oh thank you Mohammed that's very nice very kind right let's get straight in sasirekha long distance relationships will be facilitated yes can you please save the stream yes it's recorded and saved yes oh that's a nice expression technology is developing in the blink of an eye from the blink very quickly right okay what about communication right Mohammed visualized the human in front of us visualize visualizes when you try to imagine I think you mean to see basically you can see the human in front of us through this right this kind of video technology excuse me when you drink you burp I'm sorry its nature mmm not very good netiquette right do not burp in class technology has made it easier to communicate with everyone across the world why emails great leader nice we can communicate beyond geographical boundaries excellent like it like it and yes just like whatsapp we can sort with eight people at the same time through video conference yes Xaro you can have the hologram image I don't know if that exists yet do we already have hologram images where we can speak through Holograms I've seen in the films I'm not sure yet you know we can use a zoom or any video conference software instead of meeting directly and in this day and modern day and age where there's a need for social distancing because of the virus the corona virus more and more people are using video conferencing to communicate and this trend may continue in future that's the great thing about this question the part three question right how will something change in the future if you're not sure just say what the situation is now right and then say and I think this trend will continue it's a great trick but it's really good right because why is it good because you don't have to waste time thinking about the future if you don't know the answer you can just talk about now but then show that you can use the future tense and I think this trend will continue it's a great expression easy even if I say so myself yes good Anna communication will be completely different from the way we interact now okay yes let's have a look what else Oh Alina we could have avatars they will go to work go outside and go shopping we'll be at home around the time isn't there a science fiction film what was it called something like the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger where they have a hologram or an avatar they sit in a chair with these things on their head and then their avatar lives their life and they never got older right they stayed young that the hot that avatar stayed young oh and that of course I'm not thinking there's the film avatar obviously that's the same the same thing there's avatar but there was another film similar idea yes okay so this is a nice expression virtual communication good good collocation virtual communication will increase more in the future yes using communication programs communication programs will be more popular good all this is a bit out of the box thinking communication through telekinesis telekinesis telling is that telepathy right telepathy where you can transmit your idea did you get it you got the message might be possible it's not honey ginger no it's tea it's English tea English tea from the mountains of England right brilliant oh there's a very long there's a great long answer about phones but you won't be able to read it cuz you can only get the first bid technology is progressing faster than ever before star student and has tremendously changed the way we communicate now like earlier okay listen carefully we used to have landline phones but now and then we tend to use mobile phones which has increased mobility mobile phone mobility as far as I am concerned I think in the foreseeable future people will use technology to communicate in the form of blogs social networking and video conferencing more and more especially in the case of the pandemic very nice answer great lovely unfortunately too long people can't see it brilliant holograms maybe yes AI excess of ideas coming up here schooling great good point William and also HX AI translator will help communicate in other languages that's another really good point right to talk about communication and languages you have seen some of the apps to do that okay brilliant there's a lot more comments but I think I'm gonna move move away and move away so just to remind you that great expression now we bla bla bla bla bla and I think this trend will continue in the future so if you're not sure about the future question and you often get a future question that can be your simple get out of prison card your simple solution right excellent so guys I know this is hard to believe but it's already an hour it's 11 o'clock over here and the 11 o'clock is my second breakfast time I know especially in the lockdown I like to have two breakfasts I have one in the morning today was great because we got up really early about 7:00 7:30 and in Spain we are now allowed to take our children out for one hour once a day one parent one so we went out for a walk early in the morning breakfast was early so now it's kind of elevenses it's time for that extra little boost maybe a piece of fruit and another drink to keep me going so it's been a very very interesting class I think some lovely ideas and I mean I've tried to capture some of them it makes me so sad because I can't capture all of your ideas and put them on the worksheet I will try and get some of them the worksheet will go in on the website I'll put the link on the Facebook group if you haven't joined the Facebook group please do come and join us got lots of things happening there as well as you can of course get the recordings on Facebook and YouTube the notes will go on the website and you can access them and and that's it I was no I wasn't I'm not going to have time this week on Friday no Saturday the video coming out on YouTube is the fluency Jim video it's the latest part of the fluency Jim so you can watch that you can practice keep practicing with the fluency Jim it will really help your fluency and pronunciation and I guess the good news is I'm gonna make it into a kind of an audio course so you can practice lots of different question types with them fluency and intonation right good thank you very much for all of your ideas they are wonderful it's really nice to see to see them and I was so impressed at how quickly you pick up new language and phrases and to be honest that is the secret is as soon as you discover something you start using it really keep practicing brilliant so watch out for the the day I just seen this is the web link I'll send that watch out for the YouTube video on Saturday it will be that will be the fluency Jim the web link so to get the notes you mean to get the notes you need to go you need to go here here hang on I'll share this with you through screen share yes if you go sorry no no no no don't go there if you go to the web site by the way to sign up for the mailing list it once you sign up for the book you automatically get on the mailing list but if you go here live lessons that's the place to go and you can get the the lesson notes here right we've had environments we've had video games music books we've got loads here and they're great so you can just go in there download them and it automatically downloads and you can get your notes like the notes from environment they're all there and any links I give you are in those notes notes okay so that's where it all is I was doing the audio as well but I'm often running out of time so I don't always do the audio and I'm not sure if it's useful actually if it is let me know and I will try and do it more brilliant thank you my friends any other final questions no more questions I'm gonna have to leave but listen be lovely being with you thank you very much take care and share the link oh [Music] okay well just go here I forget right you may not have seen this before thank you very much it's time for tea time for fruit take care have a fantastic day and I'll see you next week if you've got any ideas for topics you would like to talk about or any questions you would like answering do let me know in the comments have a fantastic day alright take care bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 31,781
Rating: 4.9411764 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts Keith, ielts speaking success, ielts speaking topic 2020, ielts speaking vocabulary, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, computers ielts speaking, ielts speaking on computers, ielts speaking part 3 internet, ielts speaking internet topic, ielts speaking internet vocabulary, ielts speaking computers, internet ielts, internet ielts speaking, internet ielts vocabulary
Id: KSJvyje7rek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 33sec (3873 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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