FREE IELTS Speaking practice online: Topic - SKILLS

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aha hello there good morning and welcome welcome back me welcome back you it's keith from keith speaking academy and welcome and today we're going to be looking at the interesting topic of skills right developing skills as in up here so we'll be looking at skills i mean maybe that skills in your everyday life like for hobbies or at home right cooking looking after the baby singing playing a guitar maybe or maybe professional skills right like programming a computer we'll be looking at all sorts of different skills and the language you need to talk confidently about skills especially for ielts speaking right a quick hello it's been um it's been a while right for you who follow me regularly i i was away last week um i took a week off to relax and just take a bit of time away from the computer most of the time um we didn't actually travel very far we stayed in spain in this province of cantabria up in the north of spain because it's got some lovely beaches so we actually just stayed here we went camping which was great fun we saw the stars at night and we saw the beach we went on the beach um it was extremely warm but it was lovely it was nice so quick hello to you all of you hello uh angel unique style interesting uh an anchal ajay pal filling hello glad you're back as well abby lasher amrit elisa good morning nice to see you here yasmine and boshra and prachi madifina so many of you here hello all of you welcome back sings kitchen are you cooking a brunch maybe is it time for brunch maybe you could cook something up for us singh's kitchen my holiday was great cosmic ss thank you very much it was really nice to relax um to go walking on the beach and to have some fun with the tent we went camping we had two tents and we were the classic family who've not used the tent for years and we forgot how to put it up where the sticks go in and it kept falling down and then collapsed on us and all the other campers right who are professionals right and they're going what are they doing they've got no idea and all you know we just had the tents these other people they had the camper van the chairs the table the barbecue and we had sandwiches we're not professional but it was great fun anyway great hi paul thank you very much nice to see you here good morning clara dania shiblo as well savara good morning nice to see you and the guys from facebook just to remind you um if you haven't joined the facebook group yet it's um it's called keith ielts mastermind community um do go and have a look at it come and join us um and we're doing lots of stuff i mean a big hat off if i had a hat i would take my hat off to all of the students in the group it's the most amazing group i've ever been in um the participation is fantastic um people are sharing ideas vocabulary you're very proactive and people are even even now sharing videos and audios of them speaking to share what they're learning and get feedback it's really cool guys i'm so so proud of you i think it's absolutely amazing so do come and join us facebook guys i can't see your name because of my software i can't see your name so i'm afraid i just get facebook unknown like a hundred unknowns but i know who you are right michelle welcome new here but nice to see you here brilliant to see you here good morning kirat as i was saying very nice holidays it was a lot of fun thank you lorraine welcome back so it's good to see all of you here as well um ah best wishes for your wife also i'm a uh m and uk lee thank you very much that is amazing that you remembered that today fourth of august is my wife's birthday um so later we'll be giving her the presents and the um the cards and maybe a cake if she's lucky if she behaves herself do you know what i bought do you know what present i bought for my wife let me show you a bag a bag i'm whispering so she doesn't hear or hear the chain she might think it's a chain to tie her up no it's a bag it's one of those it's a nice bag it's um victorious i don't know it's but she loves bags right now i don't know about you your husbands and wives and boyfriends and girlfriends but my wife is the hardest person to buy presents for very very very difficult and after almost 20 years of marriage we've we've got an agreement that actually um we go and buy the presents together so she actually knows she's got this she chose this right she knows because in the early years right i would try and surprise her with this present and it was like i've already got that i don't need that and it was so difficult to get something that in the end we agreed we'll go together we'll buy it and then i wrap it up right and give it to her when she opens it goes oh how did you know we have this little game right where we kind of pretend to know what we get getting each other or giving each other so that's it that's her birthday thank you very much well done for remembering yeah happy birthday right let's have a look how are we doing um alexi i love your uh comment here i failed on my speaking test uh congratulations to me that's great attitude listen you haven't failed right you are just where you are now and you need to go up a bit um so that's why we're here to help you um so we can give you a real congratulations in the future right okay it's her birthday today yes that's right it is juliana so big happy birthday thank you very much rimba and ellie well everybody else congratulations thank you estella's in mexico buenos dias bueno si buenos dias no it must be early morning in mexico must be very early right thank you unique style as well brilliant so let's move on um thank you for all of the worth birthday wishes that's great for my wife so today we're going to look at skills right um and skills um well skills let's see we can be talking about skills for your hobbies right maybe you play football you've got some football skill maybe you play the guitar you've got a lot of skill on the guitar and maybe you've got you know different kinds of skills at work professional skills right maybe you can design a website or program a computer or you're very good with people right good people skills let's begin right looking at a bit of um detail about some vocabulary for skills it's always nice to begin with a bit of vocabulary okay so here first of all it's an important skill so skill can be countable okay it can be countable if we say it's an important skill get rid of that and that's an activity that needs training right any kind of activity where you need to train to practice like riding a bike right you need to practice and it's a skill so notice uh lots of skills use the gerund right so we say riding a bike is an important skill using a computer is an important skill active listening right ing is an important skill all of these are important skills great um now you've got some other ideas you've come up with cooking skills brilliant okay some good questions cooking skills is is good that's great um somebody else put another one crafting skills yeah crafting skills is good okay um seven rc can't we say strategy rather than saying skill no strategy is different from a skill right a skill is an activity that needs training a strategy is very very different that is the the plan or the approach you have to solve a problem or the approach in order to do something right so my strategy for building my business is in the first few months i do this in the next year i do that so it's more like a plan a strategy a skill is the ability right it's an important skill an activity that needs training okay um i like to learn new skills so notice it's countable right we can count i have a lot of skills okay so that is quite clear right but notice right it can also be uncountable the skill of a teacher is being able to listen now here it's uncountable it's the ability to do something well um it's similar to expertise ability proficiency these are all nice synonyms so for example messi has a lot of skill right it's not plural he has a lot of skills that's a different thing messi has a lot of skill he's just uncountable when it comes to football right so here we're using it as an uncountable noun okay good great let's see we've got some other skills brilliant we've got driving skills from sajan dancing skills right or dancing skill very very good um kawara speaking english fluently is a skill in itself that's nice a skill in itself that's a lovely expression um [Music] what you were typing so fast that you got a spelling mistake not to worry but it's a lovely expression right i really like that speaking english is a skill in itself right it's a really nice expression catherine talks about nursing skills and of course you'll have different levels of skills what we call sub skills so the nursing skills people coming in the nursing skills right may involve sub skills like patient care lifting of a a patient taking blood samples from a patient possibly different skills the skill of self-defense that's right great so you've got all of these different skills and of course we've got communication skills speaking skills what often we call soft skills right brilliant so let me jump in actually straight in to actually i'm going to go straight into soft skills no i'm not i'm going to into collocations ah collocations i have good something skills right so i have good communication skills i have good cooking skills i have good management skills so all of these you can say i have good swimming skills so here we'd put it as a plural if it was i had good swimming skills we would probably put it in the plural communication skills yeah brilliant and that's one of the most common ones okay um we can also say i'm skilled at cooking i'm adept at cooking it's the same thing i'm a dab hand at cooking it's the same thing really okay now then let's just go through this together um because i think this is easy to read but not easy to say right so when we say i am of course normally we say i'm i'm skilled that right we would normally collect connect i'm skilled at cooking and the at becomes uh i'm skilled i'm skilled at can you repeat that with me i'm skilled at i'm skilled i'm skilled at cooking you see the tea we don't tur we just i'm skilled at cooking i'm skilled at swimming say again i'm skilled at swimming nice actually i'm not skilled at swimming i'm a terrible swimmer i'm adapt at i'm adept sorry adept i'm adept at say with me i'm adept at that's a hard one right i'm adept at cooking i'm adept at painting i'm adept at speaking english nice very good and the last one let's try this one i'm a dab hand that i'm a dab hand at i'm a dab hand at it makes it easier if you stress the dab i'm a dab hand at cooking i'm a dab hand at painting i'm a dab hand at presenting lovely nice very nice great so work on the pronunciation really important some other nice expressions here um i need to hone my bubba bubba skills right so we can say this for any to to hone my skills means to perfect right to perfect um to improve let's say to improve and perfect so to hone my skills i need to hone my cooking skills i need to hone my english speaking skills hohn is a lovely long vowel right hone watch the mouth honey [Music] i need to hone my cooking skills it's a beautiful sound i need to hone my computer skills okay so it's like to perfect to improve or to master right could also say to master your skills lovely good let me come back let's see how you're doing there's a couple of questions i noticed um synonym of skill right good um expertise ability well if skill it depends right um if it's the uncountable then expertise ability proficiency um ability maybe right sheena says i'm a professional chef i learned cooking ages ago great good amila capability is a nice yep he's a nice um synonym navina has learned how to move his ears like a monkey that's a skill in itself that's a skill in itself great juva i want to learn technical skills right good great um so juliana has an interesting question is talent and skills the same well no because talent is a an ability you are born with right it's a natural ability you are born with if you're talented at singing it's something you have from birth i know you can't sing at birth and then you burst into song right it's a singing baby no but um the talent is from nature skill is from nurture skill is something you develop right it's something you develop with training so you can be a skillful football player but maybe not talented um often they they happen at the same time right somebody who's talented they're good at the sport but they are slightly different says can singing begins to be a skill yes absolutely it can be a skill that you can develop skin singing right like speaking as well uh good english speaking skills yes right and we have these skills right persuasive skills um we also have mental skills like solving math problems brilliant good right very good question here from domenico i have cooking skills or cooking skill right so if you talk about cooking skills you're making it countable right and it's about your ability to do something right um so your cooking skills include i can boil i can bake i can roast um i can steam fish right these are all the skills that i can count right it's the different abilities but your cooking skill is your proficiency your expertise it's the uncountable right i have you know my cooking skill is better than uh he's better than i was gonna say my wife's no no surely not my my wife's cooking skill is better than mine right that's her proficiency and ability so a small difference there yeah right gusty nice question what does skill sets mean so we talk about a skill set um is a set of skills right so my cooking skill set includes baking boiling steaming frying roasting it's the skill set it's a group right a group of skills excellent good yes hell no very good watching you attentively is also a skill in itself or a skill itself is also good yes good imran i want to hone my english speaking expertise nice good um quality not the same as skill no skill is ability quality is is how good something is the quality of the material right the quality of the microphone the quality of the um i don't know the quality of my coffee is it good coffee or not it's not about expertise or capability it's definitely different right now as we look at vocabulary um just very quickly i want to share with you again the austic because i mentioned earlier collocations right collocations are so important and i think it's really really useful to use the right tools to help you with collocations so let me share with you this tool over here which i've shown you before and i will show you again oh it's the oz dick unfortunate but interesting name okay if you go to right um let's get rid of that man over there try that again there we go if we go into ozdick right and we look up skill then it's this is an amazing tool right it gives you collocations right so words that you can use with skill a considerable skill he's a con he is a negotiator of considerable skill right interesting extraordinary great skill he's a football player of great skill we can talk about good skills poor skills basic skills essential skills right all of these are adjectives really useful um managerial skills now that would be useful right in to talk about i have some good managerial skills or good negotiating skills it's a great source you can also hear talk about a skill range a range of skills uh a set of skills as somebody mentioned earlier she had to develop a whole new set of skills right or we've got verbs to have to possess to lack a skill to pick up a skill right to learn to develop a choir i mean this is like a treasure chest of information so everything you know look there's home right to hone improve sharpen your skills i love that that's really really nice sharpen your skills so i think this is a really useful tool to help you see some collocations don't feel you have to learn them all right this is a reference tool it's like a dictionary you don't learn everything in the dictionary but just to help you maybe check if your thinking is correct right is it have a skill or get a skill let's check use ostic it's a really nice tool um to check your collocations right with any word so that's all well and good i have a question then for you okay a very very simple question um and i like to ask questions because it gives me time to drink my coffee no i like to ask questions because i want interaction i want to see how you're doing so here's my question for you right what skills do you have hmm what skills do you have let's have a look what you say don't worry you're a bit late don't worry settle down get ready eating skill who has an eating skill come on right so truviet has programming skills ananda has an eating skill seriously um because zafar has cooking skills cooking skills i have that's very poetic sounds like shakespeare goszafa i have cooking skills cooking skills i have that's very shakespearean wow very nice anisha has crafting and drawing skills sandeep now you probably work in i.t i'm guessing because troubleshooting skills are very important skills for people in i.t right estella has nursing skills lovely good sonita has drawing skills fantastic uh prab um i will get back to you yes one or two it's the problems with the pdf are probably your browser try a different browser that's normally the problem but i'll get back to you mohit has painting skills yeah catherine has persuasion skills really who do you persuade catherine do you persuade your family or your boss or your co-workers or subordinates manukai has cooking and stitching that's interesting right interesting skills el no i think ozdig is one of the best yep wow we've got a great teacher here zinab i'm skilled at teaching science well done we need you in the world because we need more and more science teachers who can teach well right as well victor victor's like i have a profound expertise in procrastination i think we all do yes domi i bet you are skilled at something i really when you ask other people and i'm sure you'll find out you are skilled at something mary brilliant i'm a dab hand at cooking well done it's the daily tasks that i'm super just to do i love cooking let me get rid of me what do you love cooking italian dishes like spaghetti bolognese and seafood pasta great mary very very nice so you've all got lots of different skills and nice ways of expressing it right right you don't have to use skill you can say i'm a keen swimmer brilliant you can also say playing chess well right really nice so you can express it in different ways brilliant some very nice ideas there guys good good zynab i'm adept at cooking adept is one word sorry just to make that clear for everybody i know you're typing but just to make sure everybody's clear i'm adept it's one word it's an adjective right excellent yeah so like yellow has written here i'm adept at cooking and singing yeah very nice very very good so you've all got different kinds of skills i love the ones who are like i'm into sleeping skills some of you have got sleeping skills and some of you talking about sport as well which is excellent okay i'm going to mention very briefly something that is well i i have been very very fortunate in that i have worked in education in many many countries um and worked with education departments in different countries and one of the big big focuses now for young people and schools is something we call 21st century skills now you may have heard of this before or maybe not i don't know 21st century skills are actually the soft skills right so here's the thing when i went to school we didn't really focus on soft skills right we focused on knowledge actually rather than skills knowledge we learn things we memorize things we uh repeat things and that's how we learned um and the businesses and the companies around the world now are saying listen these kids coming out of school they don't have the skills we need right they don't need knowledge right they need first of all to know how to find knowledge you don't need it all up here but you need to know how to find knowledge and they need soft skills they need problem solving creativity um teamwork negotiating interpersonal skills they need these skills to deal with people that's the most important right and in fact companies are saying they don't need to learn how to do to program a computer to design a website we can teach them that we can teach them knowledge but they're lacking they're lacking in soft skills and it's really important right 21st century skills and this is something you can talk about in your ielts test as well right mention soft skills so this is things like community problem solving somebody talked about troubleshooting same thing problem solving it's also about teamwork right the one of those other ones um help me out here guys what else soft skills motivating people yeah that's a key skill right as a manager gosh if you can't motivate people motivating others leadership is another soft skill in a way it is leadership good nice analytical skills um social skills yeah you can talk about social skills socializing we often call them interpersonal skills right so to be able to interact with people i'm negotiating skills so all of these are the soft skills presentation skills yeah good listener listening skills do you remember we talked about active listening active listening is it's a really good skill active listening is where you listen but you you don't think about your answer it's really hard to do because when people are speaking you're thinking about your answer excuse me you're thinking what am i going to reply what advice should i give which opinion shall i give and it's a continual thinking thinking active listening is where you stop thinking right you just listen and you listen and you really focus we talk about listening with your head with your heart um and listen with your whole body really and then when the person finishes you go and then you can start thinking about a reply if necessary but it's a really difficult skill to do man active listening with ears and eyes puned thank you very very much it's true right active listening with ears and eyes because your eyes you can see the emotion the feeling if somebody's happy or if somebody's angry you can pick up on that not just from your ears but from your eyes and from your heart so it is really really difficult but very very important especially in um well in management in teaching and being with people right brilliant angel being a sweet talker i think being a sweet talker is like being with your your girlfriend or boyfriend is more more about that you're a sweet talker i guess i mean you can use it in business as well you're a sweet talker you can persuade me with your like sales people right sometimes are sweet talkers brilliant so we've got soft skills as opposed to hard skills um so the soft skills is more about how you do things right hard skills more about what you can do like using a computer designing a website product knowledge so sometimes hard skills are like knowledge in a way so that's quite interesting listen guys there's a really interesting website i was looking at when i was preparing this class and i'll just share it with you i think i put it here yeah this one this website let me just share it with you is quite interesting it's all about the most important skills for your resume so if you are ever looking for a job right this is an interesting website and it's full of interesting language that you can use to talk about skills right look at this if i can get it the right size 99 key skills for a resume the best list of examples for all jobs so these are the key skills you should put on your resume or your cv to look good right hey how cool is that so basically this it will give you examples of the 99 best skills to put on a resume so what have you got here it's interesting it shows you how to do it as well so instead of just listing like here just listing you know leadership blah blah blah no it says what you should do is put them over here like this get rid of me keith put them down and then put how good you are dot dot dot agile and scrum business process improvement vendor management keynote ms office stuff like that it's interesting stuff oh now then wait come back okay um you've got top skills and it's so they talk here now are these are these soft or hard these are soft right creativity pers interpersonal communication critical thinking that's the other one problem solving public speaking blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah listen i'm not going to go through them but it's a very interesting website um just go it's zetty right z-e-t-y go to zetty and this website actually shows you how to write how to write a a cv it will actually help you write a cv a resume it's very interesting right enough zeti i'll put the link in the notes for today's class but just check out it's one of their blog posts 99 skills what skills to put on a resume okey cokey if you're looking for a job it's great and if you're not looking for a job but you just want to talk about skills it's also great good ellen everybody's gone strange languages sorry not strange unusual languages we've got some russian is that malay i'm not sure right riddle the girlie yeah absolutely right it's time for the riddle if you're new to the class welcome i always do a riddle just for a few minutes to change activity where can i get today's class notes that's a good question so today's class notes let me just tell you before we do it you get the class notes um on the website right this is a cool if you're into google chrome right there's a cool thing called mix it and mix it is absolutely brilliant it gives you a different browser sorry a different picture every time you enter it so the it's the new website um the old one had to close down because of well because of the british council and because of me um and that it we we're still in discussion um but everything now sits on here and i am gonna update this um as the as time goes past okay um yeah i'm tr there's so much stuff that needs uploading it takes quite a bit of time so i am doing it gradually as soon as i can but if you go to the home page go to free live lessons and there you can then click on free live lessons and you get here the notes so the lesson notes for the class of the video are here just download them and that's where they are super super let's move on let's have a look at today's riddle right i'm going to put it up here for you and this is a tough one right this is so difficult i guarantee you will not get this i have looked high and low far and wide to get the most difficult the most difficult challenge ever here we go eight-letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word take another letter away and it still makes a word keep on doing that until you have one letter left and it's still a word what is the word not envelope not empty no how stab you're a star well done but shh don't tell anybody yet so easy to deal is a year so it's an eight-letter word right let me think about it oh maggie oh eight-letter word ah come on without searching the internet if you've googled it it doesn't count some of you have googled it because you're spelling it wrong oh serendipity that's interesting any clue look at the comments because quite a few people have got it not activity eight not eight advocate no it doesn't work i don't think it works alphabet no uh well done you got it right and you didn't google it well done you everyone just googled i know that's the trouble right nowadays so what i'll do next time i'll make up one that's not on google right so you've got the answer right it's starting it's starting and why the word is starting because if you take away the t staring take away the a string take away the r sting take away the t sing take away the g sin take away the s in take away the n i whoa how cool is that hey how cool are you guys for getting it so many of you got it without using google wow how'd you do that so that's it nice right amazing gg mimi says it's amazing it's amazing okey dokey so i am going to move on i've got another question for you actually um my next question is the following right this is a quick question because we've talked about soft skills i talked a bit about school right about things that you do at school so i want to know um what skills did you learn as a child what skills did you learn as a child let's see skills as a child okay let's add a few so as a child sunita says swimming teji says reading okay of course the reading and writing we call them in england the three r's right reading writing arithmetic why is it the three r's i don't know well the r reading writing arithmetic the three r's listening to elders that's a nice one listening to remember you must listen to people listening to elders write also many schools you learn football skills you learn okay independent is the adjective so you must either say to be independent right or independence if it's the noun right so sao san thank you very much to be independent many schools i guess you learned this yeah yeah public speaking um yep as nikhil says speaking riding a bicycle that's a common skill right that we we often use power you're obviously a millennial how to use a computer i'm obviously an older person i did not use or learn how to use a computer this is interesting right managing emotion skills which is absolutely right managing your emotions is a very powerful skill that you may learn at school but you may learn from your parents right yep i learned to do that maths okay wow somebody here leadership skills you learn as a child wow brilliant well done um swimming is quite a common one that's right quite good crying and convincing as a baby we learn to do that right we do learn that skill absolutely it's all a kind of communication skill brilliant very good and i guess yeah nowadays a lot of people learn typing excellent good now sheena learned how to make an omelette i can just about read that nice one here yes from tom big uh walking when you're a baby right you l you learn the skill of walking so all of these different skills fantastic okay good now let's move on from the past right when we're talking in the past remember i learned it's how to we're going to be using the past tense i learned how to walk write swim write all of those you're going to be using the past tense let's switch because very often in ielts you switch into different tenses now the question here is what skills will young people need in the future now i'm actually going to do um a poll with you and we've used this before but i'm going to use it again what skills will people need in the future it's a good question right what skills will young people need in the future now you can answer in the comments but i'm also going to do a little poll with you and i'm going to get you to participate with me this is using a special app so let me set this up and then you can come in right um so here we go so let me explain how this works okay um basically here's the question basically no wait a minute [Laughter] i need to present it ah here we go right what skills will young people need in the future so what you need to do guys is to go to that's and put in the code 575623 okay go to that website or there's an app if you like um and put in the code 575623 and then put in your answer right i've given you a choice of four here teamwork problem solving creativity or leadership let's find out what you think is the most um important skill young people will need in the future oh interesting teamwork started strong now creativity is getting strong problem solving is coming up quickly and it's growing faster and faster problem solving's coming up second creativity is leading the race burning ahead poor leadership is falling way way behind keep putting your answers in and if you can't get in you can participate through the comment box yeah and there of course there are lots of other abilities all problem solving is just overtaken and it's drawing problem solving hello what's that that's strange right you're still coming in problem solving is getting higher than creativity right good i'll stop you there problem solving seems to be right the highest one very very interesting right let's move on to the next question 157 people on there brilliant well done okay right bear with me a moment because we're now going to move on to the second question and i'll just need a moment so the next question is a is an open question for the second question you can actually type in your answer right what is the most important skill you will need in the future this time again at type in your answer and let's see what you say we may get some new ideas managerial skills interesting computer skills interesting coding right yeah coding that's a good one creativity and innovation we've still got lots of problem solving coding skills are coming in knowledge there's a wide range of skills i need to master the most important is conversation skill that's true using technology right look leadership's come back decision making skills those are really important communications coming up a lot right kind of being able to communicate interpersonal skills very very nice patience yeah patience is a virtue patience is a skill speaking english hooray critical thinking skills socializing logical thinking i guess with technology growing that's really important digital marketing absolutely is is very very important because we're selling things online more and more right coding is coming up again attitude i wonder if attitude is a skill maybe it is actually maybe it is um psychological skills with a p but very good technological skills general knowledge controlling yourself brilliant some great skills here really interesting crp skills for nursing right in your field thinking out of the box nice expression that's really good soft skills persuasive skills i'm trying to guess what job the different people are doing secure environment is that a skill not sure being bold to take actions yeah bravery could be a skill presentation skills especially if you're working in education or management yep brilliant communication skills many people nowadays are addicted to phones and they really rarely interact with others it seems that they communicate with others less than in the past well certainly face-to-face communication is less than the past that has changed uh radically um absolutely cheating wow interesting so listen there's loads but i'm gonna i'm just gonna wind up because that is really really interesting all the different things that have come up there very very nice excellent good so most important skills lots of ideas there um that's really nice skills for the future i think skills for the future it depends what job you want you want to do but clearly the soft skills as you've seen there problem solving creativity innovation specific hard skills like coding right absolutely people will need to know how to code online marketing i think digital marketing was another hard skill right brilliant i'm just going to share a few comments to finish up here because there's some interesting um not here but here i hope teamwork is more important in this competitive world that's nice gabriela talks about new alternatives with the use of energy yeah i'm not sure what the skill is there but what would the skill be there gabriella creativity creativity will be crucial right good it's loom yeah i don't know what that was sorry um good good any others problem solving here we've got sweaty youngsters need to develop agility and adaptability to different roles and environments in the future that is so so true right because young people are nowadays more and more changing job so much more quickly than in the past i mean in in my day back in the day to have a job for three four five years was quite normal in fact to have a job for 20 years in the same company was quite standard nowadays being in the same company for like two years whoa it's a long time people will change quite quickly change skill set skill set change environment and that adaptability yes i agree is so important also because as technology progresses it's changing day by day our ability to change into the new environment and to make the most of technology um in our daily lives in our professional lives is a really high value skill that i think we will need to develop more and more so i i totally agree with that i think that's a very very good point adaptability is nice and on on the same in the same vein in the same way creativity because every now and then things are changing as dawn says things are changing so we need to be creative on how we use things around us right keeping pace with the change keeping abreast of the changes excellent good the real world is full of problems oh these skills yep and i was going to say what zoe said the real world is full of problems it's interesting because in school it seems like everything has an answer right everything's black and white it's correct or incorrect but actually real world nobody knows the answer there is no correct and incorrect unless you're doing mathematics or or even in engineering right you can make estimates but you you're never 100 sure um and so making students think that everything's black and white is maybe not a good idea maybe we should encourage students to solve problems where there is actually no correct answer so we get used to the uncertainty and we learn to be comfortable with uncertainty right it's a very important skill brilliant very very nice um guys i'm going to wind up in a couple of minutes but before we do i'm just going to do a couple of things one is wish people luck some people oh here's this is interesting right i've done their test felicita felicita i was overconfident on my speaking test it was like an interaction i enjoyed it hooray you're after my heart that's it i think when you enjoy your test that's really good it helps your attitude if you haven't seen my video on youtube from sunday all about handling nerves and how to kind of cope with nerves and nervousness in the test one of my tips is to try and enjoy the test i think that helps so for those of you who are doing the test like raheela best of luck write breathe enjoy smile best of luck to all of you who are going to be doing the test in the next few days or this coming week what's the noise in the background it's my wife making breakfast listen we're going to finish with kahoot unless there's any questions any other questions yeah like this video guys if you're on youtube please do like this video let me do this if you're on youtube please subscribe and also please do turn on the notification button it's great on all the youtube videos i say you must tell people to like i'm like they know if how to like no but you have to tell them okay great before you leave let's do some kahoot and kahoot is a nice way to review some vocabulary right whoa nda228 seriously seriously you've got a nine in the speaking section if you did fantastic it's not thanks to me it's thanks to you because you must have studied and prepared very very hard for that okay great well well done to you so kahoot if you're new here kahoot is a very simple game uh that we're going to play together to review some vocabulary okay emmy go back to the comments you'll find that answer at the start of the video okay bear with me let's do kahoot so kahoot is i'm going to give you a few a few lessons a few questions hey go come back let me just get the link let's do it let's kahoot everybody kahoot is a very simple game right and we're just going to do this to review vocabulary that we've been looking at around skills i want to play teach let me pull you in so you can see what i'm doing so this is kahoot we're going to play the classic game ready to join so what you'll need to do right is turn down the volume that's what i need to do so to join kahoot you need to go to or with the coot kahoot app if you're on your phone and put in 180993 and add your name put in your name we can see gabby dorina nix they're all joining in i'll give you a minute to to log in and then we'll go straight into the questions if for any reason you cannot log in um then you can put your answer in the comment box as well sabra abby i do have instagram it's called keith speaking academy on instagram [Music] mahmoud well done for you that's great 6.5 is very very good mohammed ibrahim thank you very much for your comment i appreciate that brilliant okay we've got about 100 people in that's great so let's um let's get ready to start okay i'm gonna have to move things around i'm gonna start i know you're all still coming in so we're gonna start skills so this is what it's all about i'm a dab mmm at cooking what's the right answer is it leg arm hand or head you've got 22 seconds left come on guys quick as you can 10 seconds the comment boxes are coming good except for the blue rizz minsha good well done abby lasher well done whoa 93 got it right it's hand well done i'm a dab hand at cooking do you remember which means i am skilled at or i'm pretty good at actually i'm very good at so if you're skilled at cooking i'm a dab hand at cooking right 23 said leg [Music] okay let's move forward next ah there's a scoreboard so this is who got the answer the quickest sidju you're at the top of the pops well done next question guys here we go i'm skilled football what's the preposition 30 seconds think about it don't think too much try and remember what i've said in the class so the link is www.carhoot k a h o o t dot i t 110 got it right it's ads right i'm skilled at it's the same as good at skilled at well done brilliant nice let's see where we are scoreboard yana has gone straight up to the top followed closely by gang gopi lana and anisha right the third and final question here we go what's the answer i need to blank my problem solving skills home home hope or hole 10 seconds left five four giwa well done karuna well done whoa 122 not everybody but most people got it well done 122 to hone your skills nice let's find out who's won today third place guppy well done second place lorraine nice one first jana whoa nice jana came first well done yana honing your skills you're skilled at english nice one well done that's it guys listen there's the end of kahoot we're there at the end of the class for today um so today we've been talking all about skills hard skills soft skills skills we learn as a child and skills for the future right all of those soft skills that we've mentioned we've also looked at some different phrases and useful expressions to hone your skills to be a dab hand at cooking that's me even if i say so myself i do enjoy cooking thank you very much all of you for joining me today i really do appreciate it it's great to see you here um and on tuesday no today is tuesday on thursday um we're going to be looking at what are we going to be looking at as always i've totally forgotten what we're going to do on tuesday but i'm sure somebody in here can probably remember what it is it's food on thursday we're going to be looking at food right so we'll be talking all about how to talk about food great thank you very much guys lovely to see you here please do remember subscribe turn on notifications like the video if you like it this afternoon after about three hours later you can go to the website uh keith speaking academy and you can download the notes from today i hope it can help you study and get ready for ielts speaking all right take care my friends lovely to see you and good luck to all of you who are taking the test in the next few days okay i'll see you on thursday take care now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 32,594
Rating: 4.940701 out of 5
Keywords: ielts Keith, ielts speaking topics 2020, free ielts speaking practice, free ielts speaking practice online, ielts speaking common topics, ielts speaking topics, ielts speaking test, ielts speaking skills topics, ielts speaking skills pdf, ielts speaking skills practice, skills ielts speaking topic, ielts speaking communication, communication ielts speaking part 2
Id: qVp7S_yp3AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 34sec (4054 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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