IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic MOBILE PHONES

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um so i run the website called the keith speaking academy as you can probably see up here it's on the other side um and also the youtube channel english speaking success which is maybe where you're watching right now if you are watching on youtube then do please subscribe to the channel turn on that notification button so you can find out about new videos that i make every sunday and also of course the live classes that come up um well every thursday at the moment um some of you may be on facebook watching now so if you are great welcome everybody from facebook um if you haven't joined the facebook group yet and you're looking for some motivation ideas language a community of people really motivated to improve come and join us um keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking it is focused on ielts speaking that's the skill that we're looking at right that's my job is to try and make or help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on ielts speaking right that's why i'm here let me turn that off for the moment okay if you're interested in the website of course you can go there and check out well you can see the the live lessons recordings the pdfs for download there are some tips i'm adding more and more stuff as we go along so you can go and check that out as well um i am just very briefly gonna show you the website so you can realize uh just where to get the stuff it's the it's keith right um you can find out information about the test up here the format how it's evaluated different parts of the test fluency gym if you want some practice for your fluency more tips i'm adding on this kind of blog section you can donate money if you want to help me dedicate more time to the um well to the live classes and to the youtube videos the free live lessons is where you need to go if you want to download the lesson notes also you can make a donation here if you like you just choose your level or you can decide how much you want to give that's absolutely fine and then but you know for free you can get here the these is the this is the last class we had a storming class about science last time you can download the notes here for free um i'm also adding a new feature which is as well as downloading you can access the lesson on the website so when we did our lesson on books if you're on your phone maybe you don't want to download it in which case you can just come up here and you can watch or read or follow the lesson um here right if you want to find out idiomatic expressions there they are all about reading so that's it that is the uh the website so let me move back to me okay excellent good so a big welcome to everybody here right let's see who's in the house from bulgaria hello hello hope i've pronounced that close to correct danny yeller from indonesia hi selena nice to see you great har deep uh nakul pal from the uae brilliant nice to see you guys and uh olabisi hello neha how are you i'm good thank you very very well very um sprightly today um let me get rid of that ticker it looks like the breaking news coming across the bottom so listen guys today most important thing right is we're looking at which finger that finger mobile phones right that's the topic today we're going to be looking at something like this right mobile phones what do you use them for we'll talk about mobile applications or apps as we call them we'll talk a little bit about texting and basically lots of language vocabulary maybe a bit of grammar and some model answers where i at the end of the class i ask you to ask me any question about mobile phones and i will try and give you a kind of an answer you're thinking right why keith have you got such a fuddy-duddy old-fashioned kind of cover to your phone not very trendy right but the reason is this is quite big right for the hand and uh when i first bought it well about a few months later i was getting out of the car i had the phone in one hand the car keys in the other a bag in the other and which one did i drop the phone on the floor shattered the screen and i thought oh bloody hell shattered the screen how much is that going to cost me to repair so and it you know it it's not cheap um getting your phone screen repaired in spain at least so after that incident i bought this old-fashioned thing and it's cut and it's great because i have dropped my phone since but it's protected nice so that's it mobile phones as we're beginning um by the way can i just say a huge thank you to those of you who have made a donation to help me with my work really really appreciate it so a big heartfelt thanks to mary grace do maybe it's chinchan i'm not sure um and wawa pine guys thank you very much it's a huge help do do appreciate it great so let's see how you guys are doing just gonna say hello nice phone keith yeah it's a lovely phone i've had it for quite a while right i've had it for about oh i bought it in england before coming to spain so it must be four or five years now right so said sevda from azerbaijan welcome nice to see you here yesterday was your test sambal great i hope it went well for you sambao and if anybody is having the test uh this weekend you know best of luck to you hello soccer from indonesia soccer as in football no different spelling jintu i'm very well thank you i'm good so um let's begin right we're going to start up today just looking at a bit of essential vocabulary right so let me take here essential vocabulary on the topic of mobile phones it's essential right i think to be continually building your vocabulary every topic we do in the live class you know you should be making notes but also activate it start speaking it out start using it that's the key so when you see the words try and make some phrases right that are applicable to you or relevant to you and your life and always remember the collocations right so when we talk about collocations we talk about the words that usually go together right so for example mobile phone to turn on a mobile phone right oops turn on the sound turn on the sound not to open the sound no turn on the sound um turn on the phone the opposite turn off the phone right so these are the kind of collocations you want to be looking at and learning great okay now um looking at vocabulary here i came across this this blog post dictionary blog by cambridge the language of mobile phones right which i thought that's quite interesting the language of mobile phones and i'll share this with you i will throw this into the uh the youtube um thingamajig if i can get into my own youtube live class i can't why can't i get into my own youtube live class that is very very strange indeed there i am i can watch myself this is quite a strange experience for me keith is now streaming keith is streaming very slowly very strange right let me throw this into oh they've got too many things on my screen you guys can check that out if you're on youtube um some language from cambridge about mobile phones what i realized is that actually when we come to talk about mobile phones we are no longer talking about making a phone call um picking up the phone hanging up it it doesn't really apply because we rarely use phones for phoning or calling people we actually use them for all sorts of other things right lots of other things um so i just picked out a few words here smartphone right there are different things we can call it a smartphone is the one with the screen on right so like that and it's got all the apps you can find different apps i'll show you my apps maybe later but like my dad for example has an old nokia where you press the buttons it's not a smartphone mobile phone yes cell phone more popular in america but all of these are fine we can say things like battery the battery is low so you need to charge up your phone right so the battery is low or my phone is low on battery low on battery notice there is a linking there right low one low one my phone is low on battery try and say that my phone is low on battery brilliant but you can say battery or battery sometimes we say battery a lot of people say tree as in tree outside in the park battery good way to remember right battery the battery is low or even my battery is low but that might be confused as in your own physical body battery because you need to recharge your batteries but i need to charge up my phone or i need to recharge my phone you can also say right i need to recharge my phone i need to charge up or charge my phone great now then to begin today great my phone is get dead somebody's put that in let's add a few of these yeah my phone or the battery is dead the battery is dead that happens right when you run out of battery i have run out of battery great let me just change these and put it into run out of that's one of those chunks you should really practice remember i talked about activating language so start speaking out run out of run out of just imagine it's one word one sound run out of i've run out of i've run out of food i've run out of drink i've run out of battery i've run out of patience lots of nice expressions or my phone or battery is dead doesn't need a funeral but that's what we say right good some nice expressions good luck tomorrow yes good ctn thank you very much run out of battery is the same as a dead battery the battery's dead basically my phone my phone battery is dead let me share this with because this is a really nice example right shima thank you very much for this one shima says my phone's battery is dead now this apostrophe s we use mostly with people right so my brother's battery is dead but with things right we don't usually use it right so we talk about my phone battery is dead my car window is broken right not cars window it sounds strange because the car's a thing my car window my phone battery is dead right shima thank you very much that's great we can share that with everybody nice excellent so i have a question for you guys here we go here's the first question of the day what do you use your mobile phone for right what and just give me one thing i know you do lots of stuff but give me just one or two maybe things that you use your phone your mobile phone let me make that clear although very few people use a landline right we talk about yes landline just realized i should have shared that with you um landline cell phone i don't have a landline very few people do right actually the landline is the fixed telephone in your house at home or in the office right in the office as well it can be at home or in the office landline just to make that clear so let me skip back to the question what do you use your mobile phone for write down in the comments let me know i'm gonna come back up here i'm also gonna have a drink let's see what you use it for all right interesting okay so i'm going to take the question away you've all seen the question we've got from aisha says using social media dara you're like my wife taking selfies she takes so many selfies it's amazing right for checking time obviously obviously um yeah checking i mean we would say checking the time tauhan great for checking the time right what time is it sonja how clever for online classes right for calling very few people do but yeah surf the internet so just to help you with your grammar all of you if you use surf help yourself by saying to surf so you're never confused right to surf the internet if it's for for calling so as arteom says for calling people or to call people right to surf the internet so by adding the four or the two you're making a better collocation you're helping yourself with the grammar it's just nicer right what else have we got what else right right keep in touch with family or friends good that's absolutely fine um very very good so you just to repeat you could add to keep in touch with family or friends photography right if it's a noun we would normally say we would normally put in for photography right we would use the notice it's not for it's photography that's interesting for photography oh english is so strange for photography it sounds like you've got a stutter for photography right thank you anaswara brilliant good what else savita for reading right vines interesting handle for conversation right for conversation lovely chechi for browsing the internet brilliant good this is nice from ishmael for passing on important information right passing on so i'm going to add a couple of these here um for passing on information because that in a way is like sharing right sharing information sharing stuff let me just write this down and then i'll share it with you i will pass it on once i get the font right it looks a bit strange okay let me um let me what let me get rid of ishmael in a nice way let me come back to the this one so for passing on information um so we're going to take emphasize the fur right for calling friends somebody said for photography i love that photography or for taking photo selfies somebody who talks about selfies selfie mad i'm selfie mad i'm selfie mad selfie mate it sounds like a name hello i'm selfie mad pleased to meet you what's your name selfie mad it just means that i love taking photo photos right i'm football mad right i love football i'm selfie mad um great so for photography so a bit of pronunciation practice with me repeat with me for passing on information good but feel the rhythm for passing on information for passing on information that's better for calling friends for photography for taking selfies right good okay or absolutely fine we can say to do blah blah blah blah blah to do what to what did we have what did we have to call to chat somebody had to chat great phone calls geo navigation purposes ah right to navigate to navigate my way this is a nice way of saying it to navigate my way around right to navigate is quite a formal word you're navigating a ship or an airplane but we can use it almost metaphorically in your car right you use like me you turn on you turn on this great great tool which you probably can't see but right google maps right you go into google maps and you this is where i live by the way that's me the blue dot um it's great right now this is to navigate your way around to navigate your way around town or to navigate my way around a city or somewhere right so that's nice to navigate through the city that's great that's what um fong tran tan says not to navigate through the city for watching your videos great so i'll put that as a two it's both are fine right to watch i won't put my videos to watch excuse me it's the ginger honey lemon tea to watch videos to watch videos i use it for applying to various jobs all over the world sumant that's great i use it to apply for jobs i'll just put that in yes why not to listen to podcasts that's another one right another big one got called podcasts right excellent so we can say four or two which of course is tur so just do the pronunciation here with me right um sorry i wasn't sharing the screen right so just say this with me to chat i use it to chat to navigate my way around that's tricky right to navigate my way around my way around to watch videos i use it to apply for jobs great notice the ta and the fur i use it to apply for jobs apply for jobs emphasize that apply and jobs listen i use it to apply for jobs nice to listen to podcasts to listen to podcasts get that nice rhythm going and you can be dancing and speaking fluent english in no time excellent nice very very good let's just see there's probably lots more coming up i've missed listening to ebooks audio books right i use my phone to communicate my family every day with my family communicate with my family great facebook user yeah great for entertainment yeah adnan talks about edutainment it's a nice word right so this is something we it's a combination of education and entertainment um so when maybe my live lessons are entertainment maybe i don't know it's education but if it's fun you can call it edutainment yeah great for texting or that's the other one of course that i'm going to talk a bit about later for texting um if you're in the facebook group you may have seen the uh the article i sent you about texting benefits of texting we're going to talk about that a little bit later okay excellent some nice answers here nina uses her mobile phone to learn english what a good idea it's a great idea great i'm just going to share a couple more things that i got here with you here we go i use it to download trending apps okay so remember this word download to download apps trending is a nice word right popular fashionable trending apps i use it for texting we've talked about i tend to use it so this is a nice expression to say i tend to um rather than saying i use it for texting which means really you do it every day maybe it's true but if it's more sometimes or often and you want to show off your english i tend to use it i tend to use it just to get online right just to get online it's again it's very natural english um i use it to get online that's okay but a native english speaker might say i tend to use it to just get online to just do this the just is kind of saying it's not really important right um well i just i just drink no i just do what i just work out every day right it's like it's not that important but maybe it is but you're making it sound less important so you know i tend to use it just to get online and surf on the web very natural this as well right some nice expressions here it's really handy for video conferences handy to be handy similar to hand means convenient practical it's really handy for video conferences it's handy it's easy to use if you like or to do it's really handy for video conferences uh or if you want to step up even higher level right convenient down here handy for up here up here top level band 9 level it comes in handy for it comes in handy for what a lovely expression that is it comes in handy for accessing facebook and other social networks so notice the four becomes f again follow with me if you can it comes in handy for accessing facebook hooray well done nice right um or you could say it's the best way to play games if that's the case it's the best way to apply for jobs somebody said right or it's the best way to pass on information so it's another way of expressing so we're kind of taking our language up a bit taking up to a higher level using these expressions the main thing as i mentioned at the start of the class is for you to start activating this language make little phrases that are true for you so don't only repeat me and my examples change them so they're true for you so when you go into the ielts speaking test you're already confident talking about you and your experience right lovely lovely let me just check how you're doing yeah lots of things there for studying for my own purpose is great i join my online classes to chat with friends brilliant great expressions so let's move on now then we're going to talk a little bit about mobile phone applications right i wonder which mobile apps do you use the most for me for me what i'm going to tell you later i'd like to hear from you first which mobile apps do you which is your favorite mobile app right let's see what we've got el ham says i have spotty i have spotify great i stream music lovely right ashraf youtube sam d alias charlie chaplin facebook this is interesting right we've got chala says for online shopping me too i have the amazon app but this one look felicita my phone is my companion isn't that interesting the emotional role that our telephones are playing in our lives instagram says ace right youtube quite a lot of you youtube for me it's youtube for me it's youtube great love that poo damn thank you very much nice whatsapp yeah nia i use whatsapp to get to stay in touch with my family much better than facebook right facebook is just too crowded um whatsapp we have a special closed group a family group with just i think seven or eight or nine of us um and we just it's extended family as well and we just post photos and stay in touch because we don't all live in the same city so whatsapp hana uses ted love ted nice any others interesting ones obviously youtube instagram telegram yep is another one nice kneelish also has a banking application me too i do online banking dictionaries right online dictionary fantastic so lots of different things right i've got to show you mine it's it's like showing your the inside of your wardrobe it's a very very private place um i've got here spanish spanish radio stations and french radio stations which is great i have my speaking avatar to make funny avatars i put on the facebook group sometimes google translate up here i always use to translate the guardian newspaper to do a bit of reading the others kind of come together with um they come together with the the phone i've got the weather app it's always good in the morning i mean i know you can like look at that 17 degrees in santander and my daughter says dad just look out the window and i'm like oh is it raining today what's the temperature dad just look out the window put your hand out right wake up look up dad great it's nice to have daughters to remind us of the you know the important things in life right so apps brilliant we've got different kinds of apps right we may be looking at games language learning somebody mentioned dictionaries productivity do i have any i don't think i have productivity apps i've got a productivity app on my computer and it it's called pomodoro and it it's a clock so that every 25 minutes it rings so i have to stop working stretch my legs and have a relax have a relax have a break stocks and trading if you're into that news i've got the guardian health and fitness i don't have any health and fitness apps um i just go walking music streaming yeah i've got amazon audio books i don't have an app dictionaries weather photo editing right that's becoming more popular personal finance i do also with the the local bank app so there's different kinds of apps you may be you may be looking at okay excellent good if you're just joined us if you're late um go and stand in the corner no to let you know we're talking about mobile phones up there we're talking about mobile phones applications and texting and all of these topics right i'm going to share with you just now a quick student question because a student wrote to me and said keith can you answer this question for me tell me places where you cannot use a cell phone right now i'm guessing obviously this probably comes from a recent or a past question um so i just brainstormed right with this student and said these are some things i'm thinking of maybe interesting right so places where you cannot use a cell phone if we're talking about not making a noise or being a nuisance do you know that word nuisance um a nuisance is uh a pain uh a bother everybody's like what what a pain a bother um something bad something uh bad being a nuisance it's a pain right for example what is a nuisance um when i park my car i have to walk 200 meters to get a ticket to pay for a ticket and then i have to walk back to the car 200 meters it's a nuisance if they had more parking meters i wouldn't have to walk so far it's a bit of a nuisance so if we're talking about not making a noise or being a nuisance examples i thought would be temples uh a church or similar places of worship right you're not allowed to take your phone because if it's ringing or you're speaking you're interrupting the mass or the service some hospital waiting areas right hospital waiting areas a nice collocation um similar places of worship sorry that's another nice collocation for you the quiet zones of trains right i don't know in your country whether you have this but in england whenever i go back to england you get the choice when you buy your ticket you can have a regular carriage or you can have a carriage with a quiet zone and in the quiet zone you're not allowed to talk be on your phone um if there's a group of you you shouldn't go there because it's meant to be a very quiet place i think the idea is to let people study or work on the train so no mobile phones right quiet zones of trains and of course libraries you can't talk in a library right certainly can't use your mobile phone so if we're talking about being quiet and not being a nuisance to other people i thought these were some ideas however if it's more about not being allowed to take photos because we've just said right we use phones to take photos quite a lot of museums especially with um original paintings or paintings for sale so maybe art galleries they don't allow it right you're not allowed to take photos let's say art galleries especially where they're selling stuff where they're selling pieces of art temples as well a lot of temples especially the buddhist temples you're not allowed to take a photo i guess there's a belief i don't know exactly what the belief is maybe somebody can tell me but i think it's something to do with offending the buddha or the statue or the god right something like that of course airport security check you cannot uh speak on your phone but what they're also worried about is that you're taking photos of the security area right obviously you should not be doing that similarly passing through customs control and i'm thinking at the airport yeah you're not allowed to take photos and some government buildings prohibit or forbid it forbid or prohibit phones right forbid or prohibit nice words which means it's not allowed not allowed yep so they forbid or prohibit phones and finally kind of generally speaking um when taking an exam of course otherwise boy ian what's the answer to number two all right brilliant thanks can you imagine school exams so when taking an exam in many schools right in my daughter's school they are not allowed to take phones at least to have the phone in their hand and turned on in many meetings right or at least we have to turn the phone to silent right in a lot of meetings people will say turn your phone to silent especially if i'm talking right nice collocation to turn the phone to silent to turn the phone to silent right so you're not turning it off you're just turning off the sound brilliant all of those some ideas right about that topic of um places where you can't use a mobile phone great let me catch up with you oh yeah a few added ones here brilliant let's bring these in claudia says it's prohibited to use the telephone when taking off and landing planes yes yes great that's interesting i didn't know that have any petrol pumps and gas pumps really i didn't know that again some of these may be different in different countries right of course i don't know how to pronounce russian sorry i have to learn cyrillic script i really don't know in theaters and cinemas of course you're not allowed to use them there that's right good uh where else inside the plane petrol pumps i didn't know that yes on the aircraft when do you use forbid or prohibit really you can use them the same that they're really used the same i forbid you i prohibit you yeah they use the same in conferences yeah well that's true when you go to a conference you're listening to a speaker a presenter or a lecturer then you should turn your phone off right or turn off your phone that's worth just making a point isn't it right to turn your phone off or to turn off to turn off your phone right most not most a lot of phrasal verbs you can put the object in between the verb and the preposition or the particle right you can turn your phone off is absolutely fine you can do that or with most phrasal verbs you can put it at the end there are some when you cannot right but generally speaking you can do either what's important though is that if you use um a pronoun like it right you must put it to turn to trun to turn to earn to turn it off right you must put it in between turn and off yeah you cannot say to turn off it no no no right so that is this one is the smiley face right um oh come on give me a smiley face there we go you cannot say to turn off it no that's definitely not good okay to turn it off good just a little phrasal verb note i think it's probably useful to know there you go brilliant great um emmy thank you very much with the big e and i'm just going to mention because this also i realized um this happened when we're talking about technology and mobile phones are a part of technology we often cannot find the correct word right so i need to charge up my phone where's the um where's the oh what do you call it the thingy the um right sometimes you don't know the word right because i need to plug it into the oh what's it called the oh yeah the socket right the charger or the socket but the important thing is vague language is what you say when you don't know the word and this is great for ielts speaking because if you don't know the word you can still say that this you can say when you don't know the name excuse me autocorrector go away you can say it's a thingy right so when you want to charge your phone right and i was going to charge my phone but i couldn't find the thingy or the thingamajig you know you need a kind of a thingamajig a thingamajig great word finger thing imaging or a thingy or you can even say hang on let me bring this up a whatchamacallit which is really what do you call it that we make it into a word whatchamacallit i'm looking for the uh what you call it and that's fine right you can say that if you can find a way of describing it as well that's useful right so i need my phone battery is dead i need the thingamajig the watch i'ma call it to charge it up again you know the the cord that plugs into the wall yeah the watchman call it or the what's its name the what's its name which again means what is its name the what's its name it's very very simple language and it's um it's called vague language up here vague language and it's when you don't know exactly the name but you can use this to get around it right so it could be useful right thingy just say them with me thingy thingamajig whatchamacallit what's its name fantastic very nice very very nice indeed good okay um what's next next is a question right yes i'm going to go on to talk about texting because we haven't talked about texting yet we haven't talked about texting um so here's a question for you guys what are the benefits of testing hmm what are the benefits of testing right down below let me know let's have a look benefits of testing texting through a throne improves your language grammar oh that's interesting some people kind of argue against that some people say it makes our grammar even worse because we don't use the correct kind of language but that's yes maybe maybe it improves grammar khaled off no do not swear in ielts speaking do not no um right we've got what else it is sounding like an alien language yes shakun i know the the watcher watchmaker the what's my jig socializing benefits so you can socialize by texting right for express sentiments right niha great opportunity just for me to remind everybody expressing right for for expressing sentiments remember great texting can be good for expressing sentiments especially with the emojis right when you put the different emojis up there it can be useful but actually i find it quite hard i find it easier to speak out emotions but i know some people like to take their time choose the correct word my darling wife i would like you to know today i'm very happy and you know maybe you want to take time yes mercy no not yet i haven't yet thank you for your question this is good massa to save time right yes benefits of testing um to save time or it saves time to save time to convey short messages great short message so you're talking generally right you're not talking about one message of any so convey short messages uh elam says it's not time draining right not time draining or time consuming yep good uh what else have we got it's quick okay it's quick good anything else amrit says texting makes communication faster and easy well maybe yes yes maybe it does one root talks about the word can be recorded that's true onerous so texting although texting is is with letters in many applications we have the choice of recording a text right right great anything else okay ava this is nice good one here um to ease the communication i'm just going to add ease to just to make it clear because ease is a great word right ease is the verb most people know easy not everybody knows the verb to ease right to make easy to ease the communication between two people have amp two people not two persons oh you were almost there almost there thank you very much for sharing that with us that's great anything else right clara you've hit the nail on the head here this is a nice answer as well texting doesn't oblige someone to answer your text promptly right away calling a person directly unlike calling a person directly which might disturb and waste his time that's right so texting is less intrusive right yep texting is less intrusive i'm going to start adding these up on the list up here let me just add these up give me a second one there you go done so that's great texting is less in truth less intrusive it's easier and quicker somebody says it's convenient do you remember that expression we had for convenient it's handy right it's handy right the one about expressing emotions remember this it comes in handy for expressing expressing emotions right you could say that yeah great sorry clara if that's your baby absolutely gorgeous if it is great um let me get out the way or let me make this a bit hang on a bit smaller yeah it comes in handy for expressing emotions what else did we have it eases eases is a nice word eases the communication between people great what else did we have it saves time so yeah it's um it's not it's not time consuming or time draining i think somebody said time training i use that a lot less time draining you can say that absolutely time consuming definitely i think is a little bit more common right yeah for sharing it's it's good it's great for sharing important messages so it's great for another nice collocation right it's great for sharing important information brilliant it's great for sharing important information great so we've got lots of things here lots of things to talk about about that the benefits of texting of course there are some downsides of texting a lot of teachers are worried about students writing that they don't write and that they don't spell properly right possibly because in texting we use all sorts of strange spelling right for example instead of saying great or janet excuse me so expect we say [Music] we say this right instead of saying great we type gr8 great yeah so the the trouble is teachers are worried that it's um it's not conducive to spelling and it's bad for people's english in england right this is the english teachers with the english students very very worried but we're looking here at the benefits right the good things about it benefits of texting excellent lots of nice expressions there very very good anything else coming up to save time to multi-task to convey a brief message yeah also i mean in the article i shared with you if you're on facebook um it did talk about for example in certain jobs like doctors doctors communicating with patients through text message um it can save time it has it's useful sometimes because it's less you're less exposed when you send a text you're almost hiding behind the text if you've got a video conference or face to face you can feel unsafe or exposed with a text you're less exposed maybe or you can feel safer communicating with people right okay excellent good now guys i'm going to move on um i'm going to share with you a handful of idioms before we go into the model answers okay so here's a handful hand full right three or four maybe five idioms around this kind of topic um so first of all i've got drop me a line so to drop me a line is to get in touch we often use it with to send an email to make a phone call to send a test text text message write any of those drop me a line literally drop a rope or a line it comes from the time well to drop me a line no i don't think it does come from that no forget that forget that drop me a line on whatsapp when you know right so just drop me a line which is so it just means get in touch excellent the next one you can keep me posted by sending me a message on facebook keep me posted is again is to keep me up to date keep me up to date just keep me posted right so you're doing your test on saturday i'd really like to know the result keep me posted just let me know keep me up to date keep me posted by sending me an email or sending me a message on facebook right just keep me posted let me know keep me up to date the great thing about texting is that it allows you to get straight to the point you don't need to beat about the bush here you've got two expressions with the same meaning really well all the sorry the opposite meaning to get straight to the point is to go directly to the problem or the issue to beat about the bush is the opposite is to talk about this and that and this and that and to go round in circles before you get to the point so it's the opposite right to get straight to the point right which means be direct basically beat about the bush is to ramble right is to be be indirect it's the opposite great expressions beat about the bush the bush is like a small tree in case you don't know it's a very very small tree and if you're running around the bush you're going round in circles so don't beat about the bush um and imagine right imagine during the day that you have called your friend baby baby and your friend's not there so you leave a message hey yeah yeah it's keith call me back when you get a chance cheers and then your friend calls you but you weren't available and you get a message from ian hello keith call me back i'm returning your call so you text him and then ian text you and you call and you're like you can't get in touch you're trying to get in touch but with that situation it's called phone tag to play phone tag tag is the game at school where you run after somebody and you touch them and go tag you're it and then they have to run around and touch somebody say tag now you're it right it's phone tag at last we can speak we've been playing phone tag all day right brilliant those just are a handful of idioms for you okay excellent let me just check if you guys know any other idioms around phones or something similar let's have a look benefits of texting brilliant yep good good great gotta stroll all the way down beat about the bush beat around the bush yes beat about the bush yes good point beat about the bush beat around the bush yeah both of those are good so let me just update that good haha ping me up yeah ping me good keep in touch dm me asap yeah buzz me okay i'll just share a few of these these uh this is kind of common language that we use right with um phones dm me asap direct message me yeah buzz me call me sarib good expression but not really related to technology right keep me informed that's great yeah rincey good luck tomorrow uh to hit the bull's eye to go straight to it ahmed it's almost that um let me share this with this one with you it's not quite that you're almost there to hit the bull's eye and i put that as one word to hit the bull's eye is to hmm is to get it right i think it's a hyphen i'm not 100 sure right to hit the bull's eye so the bull's eye if you guys know it this is a great expression so let's just let me take a moment just to help explain it okay i can show it here um over here the bullseye right it's one word right the bullseye this is the bull's-eye it's the center of the target so if you hit the bull's-eye then you get the right answer you get it right you get something right so where are you to hit the bullseye to get it right yeah we have another expression to hit the nail on the head right the nail is what you use to hang up the picture and you take so you put the nail you take the hammer and when you hit the nail on the head you get it right you get it just right um actually i just realized this has got nothing to do with mobile phones but never mind sorry to hit the bullseye equals to get it right which is the same as to hit the nail on the head okay sorry i didn't want to get lost in lots of idioms um just those are relevant to mobile phones right idioms great guys let's move on time is short i'm going to move on to model answers and this is the time where i ask you to ask me um a model no i ask you to ask me a question about mobile phones maybe it's a question you'd like to hear a model answer for maybe it's a question you think oh this might come up in the exam i don't know let's ask keith so ask me any question i'll take maybe one or two we're going a bit over time but i think that's okay and then we can look at the answer okay good let me come back mortal answer so questions it's so important to keep hydrated right right here we go oh yes this is a nice one that's come up quite early but i think this is nice it's a good question let's take this one i'm going to put it over here great thank you for that okay let me just have a quick look there are some great questions right i love your avatar that's great benito so let's oh sorry let me share this with you sorry up here will books be replaced by mobile phones in the future i'm just going to make myself a little bit bigger over here right um i've not even thought about this oh my god um come on wake up will books be replaced by mobile fines in the future um to be honest i think that's highly unlikely um and the reason is i think um a lot of people like to access both kinds of things um so friggs well for example right i enjoy reading paper books but at the same time i also like to read digital books on the kindle app on my mobile phone so i don't think it's a question of either or i think actually it's uh it's gonna be both but maybe we use one more than the other and it's most likely that we're gonna use mobile phones much more than we use the old-fashioned fuddy-duddy paperback books i think they'll go out of fashion but i don't think they'll disappear hmm right i wasn't sure whether i was answering a kind of part three or a part one question as i spoke but never mind this is a great one i'm gonna take this one as well um which app do you use most in mobile phone that's a great question and i think that's more of a part one question right i would say i would say which app do you use do you used do you use right which app do you use most in your mobile phone great okay great thank you hitesh for that that's great um i'll take this as a part one question so shorter answer um which app do you use most in your mobile phone um that's a great question i've got so many apps it's hard to choose um but if i had to choose one i would opt for google maps to be honest because when i need to navigate my way around a new city or even my own city here i always use google apps right i think i've lost the habit of asking people the way i just much prefer to use google maps it's quicker it's faster it's more accurate so that's probably the app i use most on my mobile phone right brilliant let me just have a check last one oh any others there's a lot of interesting questions here right zilla let's try this one this is quite interesting when was the last time you got a piece of good news through your mobile phone wow that's an interesting question okay great thank you nazilla lovely when was the last time you get gat with my american accent get when's the last time you get you get you got when was the last time you got come on keith pull your socks up when was the last time you got a piece of good news through your mobile phone great that's probably a i don't know part two part three question um right piece of good news right well okay um it was about a week ago and one of my students sent me a text message through whatsapp to let me know the result of their exam so they had been preparing for this english exam you may have heard of it called ielts and and um you know she had been preparing for maybe three months she had worked very hard for this test um and then i got the message i was actually i remember i was at work at the time i was in front of my computer when my phone pinged and i looked at the message and it said that she got the result that she needed she was over the moon and i was elated that she managed to get the results she needed and uh yeah it was a great piece of news for her and i felt very happy for her so what i did is i immediately texted back um to say congratulations and to you know ask her to stay in touch with me and just uh if there's anything more she needed then i'd be happy to help her so i think that was the last time i got a good a piece of good news through my mobile phone right that my friends is that great that's a very good question right nice excellent some great questions others i mean i won't do any more questions but how long do i spend on a mobile phone not very long to be honest i to be honest right i don't like spending time on my mobile phone um it makes me a bit dizzy gives me a bit of a headache i much prefer computer or tv um so i don't use my phone that much to be honest right great thanks nozilla for your question some excellent questions there i won't do any more because we are out of time but it does leave us just five minutes to wind up with a quick kahoot um a quick review of vocabulary let's take five minutes and jump in to do a very very quick kahoot which will be a nice way to finish the class if you don't know kahoot it's basically um it's a game that we're going to play together you need to get online because you're going to interact with me um and i'll i'll show you where but we'll play it together you just need to answer some questions there are four questions and we'll see how much you've remembered from today so the website is kahoot we're gonna play the classic game okay so loading the pin so you need to go to and put in the pin 1840978 [Music] great quite a few of you are joining brilliant you have to put in your name as well alibeth thank you very much as well i'm glad you like kahoot [Music] as we're waiting uh [Music] turn it down a bit um kazan some synonyms of to be honest uh yeah um to be honest honestly speaking frankly frankly honestly speaking i'll share these with you later frankly honestly speaking um to be honest [Music] straight up is another one straight up great i'll share more of that i'll show you later uh karshan and everybody those synonyms but good question so how many people have we got we've got quite a lot if you can't get into kahoot don't worry um you can put your answer in the comments box brilliant lots of people so let's start let's get the first question going phones right here we go it comes in um for video calls it comes in blank for video calls and the meaning is it is useful it is useful it comes in just make it clearer it comes in blank for video calls 10 seconds left yes you're against the clock three two one [Music] oh fantastic look at that well done everybody it comes in handy 103 people got it right quite a few of you went for hand sounds right but it's not it's handy right it comes in handy brilliant expression try and start using that one right excellent well done guys so [Laughter] you miko how do you do that like for the last three or four classes you've always started at the top do you have a special account with a code morale is second jill is third right brilliant let's move on to question number two oh sorry what kind of app is this what kind of app is this so here you have to put the shapes in the correct order to make the work the kind of app right this is difficult it's different from other questions so you have to put the color in the right order and then you can mate make a kind of app [Music] and i've just seen the problem i've just seen the problem is the random order hasn't worked oh look at that the answer's already there the answer's there why it should give you oh i'm so annoyed with kahoot you can see the answer right [Music] let's enjoy the music [Music] uh right okay listen i apologize for that i'm not sure what's happened the answers here like music streaming that's the app what it should do is it should put these in a different order at the start but it didn't do it oh dear not so sure about that sorry about that let's move on scoreboard yumiko is still there but gaurab has moved up an august d has also moved up to third place great question number three nowadays we have a shorter and shorter attention blank nowadays we have shorter and shorter attention blank [Music] what do you think speaks spams spans what do you think [Music] all right nice one sweaty nice one patel well done yeah of course it's a spans a short attention span i realized i don't think we covered this in today's class but attention spans on mobile phones are very very uh short i think these days right okay where are we oh khao rab has moved up jana has come in second place and august d is up in third we're going to move to the last question get to the point don't beat about the blank now this one we did look at today get to the point don't beat about the [Music] blank [Music] uh [Music] way don't beat about the bush exactly don't beat about the bush that's it or don't beat around the bush both of those are great well done all of you that's really good let's have a look at the final scores the podium oh augustine third yana so who is first [Music] [Applause] [Music] gaurav well done my friend well done wow excellent top of the box nice [Applause] [Music] lovely well done that's brilliant so listen guys we're coming to the end here um thank you very very much for watching i hope you've learned lots of language bit of pronunciation um and well idioms collocations these are really important things the key is to activate right activate your language start using it alibeth i hope i can meet you too that would be great ines congratulations very pleased for you that's a seven in speaking well done that's great so listen if um could you save the live right so you've a good question um could you save the life please yes so this is what happens right the live lesson is saved on youtube it's also in um it's also in what in the facebook group but if you go here to the and i'll just pass that along the bottom as well go to the free live lessons page right and that is where you can download the lessons and there's the link here you've got the link to all of the youtube videos the last one was on science and you can also go there and you can download you can download the different things there okay they're all in there loads of them hundreds of them my there's enough to study at least for a week okay so that's it um if you are watching on youtube at the moment then please do remember to subscribe turn on notifications so that you know about the videos coming out on sunday i've got a live video not a live video excuse me on sunday a recorded video and it's how to practice speaking at home alone so if you can't find a teacher you can't find a speaking partner you're on your own you can still practice speaking i'll be giving you 15 tips and techniques to practice speaking alone so look out for that on youtube on sunday okay that's it for today thank you very much everybody for joining me it's been a great pleasure i hope you've learned a lot um i'll be here same time next week thursday um at 10 o'clock spain time i'm looking at topics i've got a topic but if there's anything a particular topic you're interested in do let me know in the chat box below and just let me know any topics you would like to look at in future but at the moment i'm thinking about photography and photos but i've got plenty of time if you've got other ideas let me know excellent that's it for today let's turn off that ticker tape take care everybody all the best now bye-bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 43,336
Rating: 4.9647264 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test samples band 9, keith speaking academy, ielts speaking success, ielts mobile phone, ielts speaking mobile phone, mobile phone ielts, mobile phone ielts speaking part 1, mobile phone ielts speaking, ielts speaking topic on mobile phone, ielts keith
Id: yvX6jzxVSkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 52sec (4852 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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