IELTS Speaking Practice Live Lessons - Topic NOISE POLLUTION

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hey hello there good morning hi it's keith from the keith speaking academy delighted to see you here good morning very excited today because we've got the interesting topic today of noise pollution well this will be great we're going to be looking at different kinds of noise pollution the language to describe it to talk about your feelings pronunciation the whole everything the full monty as we say and also of course a few model answers of questions that you can ask me at the end of the class brilliant so looking forward to it i hope you're all well um let's say a few quick hellos to people here good morning who's coming first today matadi was in first great and supern alex una gloria nice to see you divas vinod selen jacinta kylie hello with four o's to you too sandy but lydia great danush and many many more and as well i can see guys from facebook coming in very very quickly we've got from india from nepal great from germany tanja welcome great celen from hong kong all over the world and i guess one thing that is true for everybody over the world is that we all suffer from noise pollution right it's not easy i mean for example right this morning my day began with lots of noise pollution and it's perfect examples for today's lesson so today right first thing in the morning very early some workers were ringing the bells the doorbells of all the neighbours that was noisy waking everybody up because they're doing some construction work downstairs and of course as soon as they press the doorbell and that rings every dog in every neighbor's house starts yelping and barking and those this it sounded like beethoven's fifth symphony right it was more like a complete cacophony of barking and sounds crazy and then the workers you can hear them now or i can downstairs drilling away they're going to be drilling for the next five hours gosh so all of that noise pollution has been happening here um and also we've got ambulance the sirens of ambulances going around obviously there's lots of um not covered cases but people being taken to hospital so there's lots of noise pollution which is wonderful right because it gives us great examples to talk about today great so listen as you're coming into the class make yourself comfy get your beverage of your choice um if you are watching on youtube then let me ask you please subscribe to the channel um and of course turn on that little notification button so you can find out about more videos as they come up i do the live classes every tuesday every thursday 10 o'clock spanish time and then normally saturday or sunday i release a recorded video um hey this week really exciting i'm doing my first grammar video it's all about different tenses some tenses um looking at how we use them in ielts speaking so look out for that on the weekend um and if you haven't joined us i can see quite a few people from facebook there is a facebook group called the keith's keith's what a difficult sound right keith's mastermind community for ielts speaking come and join us it's free lots of things going on there quite exciting and you can also of course come too look at this going the other way ticker speak the website www keith speaking academy go and check out what's happening there as well you can get why would you go there because you can get the pdf of the lesson notes from the live lessons on the website so go and check it out over there and just as i'm beginning um can i just say a very very big thank you to some people who are helping out with donations on the website to help sponsor the live lessons um and the youtube videos so big thank you to son toy din schwein and to osama who have helped out with that brilliant thank you very very very much so um i'm going to turn a few things off turn that off otherwise it's like you're watching cnn news latest updates let me just check in with you and see how you're all doing prince thinks it's his birthday every day he always writes that please pay no attention sorry prince but it's true let's see how you're all doing morning all we've got jigar from india i always wake up with experiencing alarm noise pollution well yes right that's one of the first areas of noise pollution is that alarm on your um clock or your alarm clock yes good what else have we got i wonder why it's called noise pollution not sound pollution noise pollution seems to be a redundancy well that's very very interesting right why is it called noise pollution not sound pollution i really don't know it's it's one of those collocations that we have noise pollution right um why would we say that we have air pollution water pollution we're polluting the water we're polluting the air we're polluting sound yeah that's a very good question and i don't have a very good answer never mind so let me just share with you as i started up there let me share with you um over here what i put down i'll just take away the noise pollution i began by saying about my morning so just to highlight this with for you right we talked about ringing the doorbells so the workers were ringing the doorbells dogs barking right so that's quite common in um built up areas or yelping um yeah dogs bark they yelp construction workers were drilling right and then we had this oh yeah the workers shouting i forgot to mention that the workers are always shouting it's like it's part of the uh it's part of their job to shout they must always shout i don't know why and they just shout all the way and it's noise pollution it is a cacophony of sounds what a beautiful word right a cacophony and put the stress on the co like cough it's the same sound right cough a cacophony of sounds is when you have different sounds that are loud and horrible right imagine all these dogs barking right different pitches different sounds that's a cacophony of sounds give um give five or ten children a musical instrument and ask them to play beethoven's fifth is a cacophony of sounds right for sure be an absolute mess i would imagine so those are some of the the words we started with let me um wind up as well to a noise because we talked about what is noise pollution right so um a noise is a sound especially one that is loud and disturbed so sometimes people are asking me if you know is music a noise well the idea of noise is that you don't really like it it's one that disturbs you annoys you you don't feel comfortable with it so if the music is maybe loud and aggressive and you like peace and quiet then it could be a noise yes for example people playing music on their mobile phone in public spaces where the quality is horrible it's that horrible tinny sound right that can be a noise right so i asked you all yesterday i asked you what um noise do you really not like there were over a hundred replies on the facebook group about different noises and ones that you don't like so i'm going to share with you some really good ideas let me share with you a few of them that came up so first of all we had noises from people right now lots of interesting sounds here i'll just kind of go into the corner metaphorically so shouting for example we i talked about construction workers shouting people talked about screaming they talked about sometimes their neighbors are screaming and shouting to each other well at each other or fighting um crying some people talked about babies crying poor little baby but really it can be a noise bad singing especially in the karaoke you know in the karaoke even in england we have karaoke i think all over the world i think originally it was really popular in asian countries but everybody's into karaoke there's nothing worse than bad singing right in a karaoke as i mentioned music on the loud speaker of a mobile right on the loud speaker so you know music if it's from a good stereo system and in a private place great but in public places no a lot of people talked about the sound people make when they eat right so i've picked up a few words for you here eating chewing is when you're chewing something like chewing gum it's horrible right especially when the mouths open slurping is this one and excuse me i don't normally do this that slurping horrible sound munching again is when you're munching some biscuits or something or chomping is more or less the same right so all of these sounds people make when they're eating my oh my they can be some of the worst right and also problems right especially with partners and family members snoring right snoring just to be clear snoring when you're asleep and they say a good cure for snoring is put a tennis ball in your t-shirt on your back so whenever you go on your back it you it hurts you and you you come over to your side and when you're on your side you tend not to snore people tend to snore when they're all right face up right like that and if you've got a tennis ball in your t-shirt you have to turn over interesting probably nonsense but interesting grinding your teeth i have this problem and i don't know i do it in the middle of the night when i sleep my teeth go and they they grind they rub together and they make a horrible sound um and apparently you can buy kind of a guard like a mouth guard like the boxers have in your mouth and it protects your teeth apparently so these are sounds that people may make and this may be noise pollution from people right let's see pakistani mom lifestyles in uae interesting welcome guys all of you you are very good at these acts especially at snoring because i snore i do not during class obviously but i do snore right good we've got others here honking vehicles so let's move on prince stop it seriously now then let's move on from people let's move on to animals from animals um noises from animals one or two were mentioned the rooster right in the morning okay if you want me to do an impersonation do you know that roosters speak different languages right it's interesting right when you learn a different language and you learn the sound that animal makes right so the the or the rooster in english goes cock-a-doodle-doo yeah cock-a-doodle-doo apparently in french they go or something like that in spanish what do they do an english cockadoodle do so it's funny right animals speak different languages mosquitoes buzzing around my ear right mosquitoes buzzing yeah that was one somebody put up a beautiful little gif or gif showing the um the mosquito when it gets to your ear all right and then what do you do you knock yourself out and get really angry at yourself and then with the mosquito and inevitably you try and kill it probably it's funny that isn't it when you see mosquitoes like in the morning in the bathroom you don't kill them you see them go oh mosquito i'm not going to kill it it's fine it's great see a mosquito in the middle of the night whoa you straight away no mercy right because you know it can keep you awake it's funny how we react hmm so animals i don't know if any other animals any other animals barking from dogs yes good haddy absolutely right yes this is good i mean the interesting thing about the rooster in nepal is in the past people used to wake up by hearing the sound of the because in ancient time there was no alarm clock of course there was no alarm clock of course some people wake up by the sun just rising yeah great so dogs barking as well let's add that on there as well dogs barking although we had it up upstairs up above before now from things right so what do we get from things alarm clocks and here there's a lot right um alarm clocks wake us up some of you mentioned some people hate thunder storms and lightning car horns or people honking their horn to honk the horn um there are different words but that's probably the most common so car horns the ambulance siren the siren is a an annoying sound there are other things right i think i've got drilling and low-flying airplanes of course low-flying aeroplanes people talked about that earlier on right so great all of these things for this so there's lots of ideas there you can talk about noise from people from animals or from things right around the city as well now then so talking about how you feel about it how do you feel about these sounds okay let me share one or two things here we might want to say i'm sensitive to certain sounds right i'm sensitive to right be careful make sure because you remember i am going to test you at the end of the lesson so make sure you're making a note and picking up the grammar of the words prepositions collocations because i will be testing you i'm sensitive to certain sounds i'm sensitive to dogs barking i'm sensitive to thunder i'm sensitive to the sound of drilling to the sound of drilling right so that's better than i really dislike i really dislike is okay but i'm sensitive to it's quite nice or if you want to be really strong right i can't stand the sound of that's really hated you cannot possibly survive i can't stand the sound of this or that right i can't stand the sound of dogs barking oh i can't stand the sound of crickets making a noise at night that's nice from pusa i can't stand the sound of crickets at night right i can't stand the sound of building construction that's good good now some useful adjectives right this sound is annoying well that's quite straightforward it's annoying let's do the pronunciation here these words all mean the same excuse me annoying so say this with me it means irritating you don't like it annoying annoying annoying annoying this sound is annoying irritating irritating hello where are you where are my notes come back thank you that's a bit strange isn't it what happened there that is a bit strange irritating aggravating notice with again the stresses on the first syllable aggravating the drilling is aggravating the mosquitoes buzzing is aggravating great maddening mad it's not actually it's written maddening but we say maddening mad and then you you drop the dun you can say mad ning it's it's maddening it's maddening mosquitoes buzzing around my ear is maddening construction work is maddening the rooster crowing is maddening that's the verb to crow the rooster crowing is maddening brilliant great so some nice adjectives you can use there all with a very similar meaning um and the same meaning the sound really great it grates great is like the sound you know when you put your nails on on a blackboard and go it's grating so any sound you you don't like you say this sound really great right you don't like it at all okay very very good lots of sounds there lots of things you can talk about i've got one more it hurts my ears and if it makes you mad we often use this expression it drives me up the wall drive the car yep drive the car up the wall why don't know but it drives me up the wall it drives me up the wall i'm gonna go wide but um it drives me up the wall or it drives me round the bend you can have either of those up the wall or around the bend but in both cases it means it makes me angry drives me crazy right same thing drives me crazy all of them really trying to say exactly the same thing drives me up the wall it drives me around the bend it gives me a headache right okay brilliant good now then coming back to you guys we talked about sounds feelings what about describing the sound right how would you describe different sounds so if you want to describe the drilling like downstairs downstairs by the workers how would you describe the drilling i really feel maddening when i do the listing test it drives me up the wall so some nice ideas here cynthia says sharp it's a sharp sound nazila says a high pitched sound um oh this is nice a throbbing sound especially for the drilling boom boom the throb is like the blood going through your veins and through your heart boom you can't see but the throbbing like a heartbeat that's nice um yes good what else sound like a concentrating is a zapping sound it could be a sapping sound zappings to me sounds like when you're changing the channel on the tv zapping grating noise that's nice right a grating noise of a drill very nice annoying excellent good it gets on my nerves let me add that that's really nice yes i forgot about that it gets on my nerves nothing to do with being nervous but it just it annoys me right it gets on my nerves lovely khan very nice romance says irritating yes loud yes whisper not really the whisper is when it's very quiet i think the drill is loud right it's the opposite makes me cringe that's nice it makes me cringe like that's a lovely one right let's add that to the list it makes me cringe lovely you don't like it at all it makes me cringe it also is a physical reaction so these are great right deafening that's nice deafening brilliant because it's almost making you deaf of course it's not making you deaf but it's a deafening sound so the drilling is a deafening sound i go off the deep end nothing i'm not sure what that is um it drives me nuts yes drives me nuts makes me it makes me cringe it drives me nuts i will add that because it's nice and colloquial it's also very very good yep an awful sound absolutely throbbing we've got the same again great oh an unbearable nada's got unbearable which i had on my list as well great an unbearable sound so these are lovely words right we can use to describe let me come back where are we here so it drives me on the ball it drives me nuts i've added great gets on my nerves gets on my nerves right make a note be careful with the prepositions it's not in under at no on my nerves cringe it's a lovely word can you say that cringe cringe that's a really nice word i like that it makes me cringe so the sound we can also say yep is loud piercing unbearable deafening a throbbing if it's for a drill you know that's specifically for a drill um but yeah some great words there piercing some nice words to describe different sounds especially the drill sound okay let's have a quick look anything else stefaning grating sorry let's add grating we had that didn't we before it's grating that's nice crushing maybe a high-pitched sound it can be not always but can be high pitched normally as an adjective right we'd have high pitched ed high pitched would be the adjective right high tempo not quite um okay clattering clattering sound so this one um cluttering is kind of banging when you're banging the table and banging books on the table it's a clattering sound possibly for a drill aggravating yeah absolutely screeching ah there's a nice one screeching so screeching is especially for the drill um for the nails down the board for a car going fast or the motorbike that kind of screeching screeching sound like the dentist's drill not only the construction worker but the dentist has a drill right and when he comes to you with the drill that screeching sound is horrific gives me a headache it makes me cringe most people don't like that at the dentist i wonder what we call a fear of dentists when you're afraid of um spiders it's called acrophobia if you're afraid of um i don't know there's always phobias right what's the fear of dentist dentist phobia dental folk i don't know i'm sure there must be a word for a fear of dentists i'm not sure right so aisha welcome nice to see you and to answer your question noise pollution that's what we're doing today aisha we're talking about different noises this how it how they make us feel um and how we describe these kind of noises from noise pollution okay yeah brilliant good so let's um move on i'm going to give you a little activity now why is it little it's not little it's just a way of speaking right if something's cute it's a little activity um i'm going to give you a little activity well i'm going to ask you to listen to some noises right and these are noises that you'll probably recognize but how well first of all tell me what the noises are hmm what's the best way to do this and avoiding thousands of comments um because we're gonna listen to six different sounds six different sounds so i want you to listen and then tell me which one you cannot stand right which one you hate the most and why okay so i will write this down now you'll have to guess i think you'll know what all the sounds are so here's the task right wait a minute right hang on i'm with you i'm with you i'm with you i'm with you okay let me just come back so here's the task the task is to move noise pollution thank you so the task is to listen and then to say which sound do you hate the most and why okay you're going to listen you're faint no you're going to listen to six noises which noise let's change it to noise which noise do you hate the most and why okay so that's the task the noises are quite loud so you may just want to adjust adjust your headphones or something i mean they're meant to be loud that's the idea right nam thank you very much yeah okay great so let me just get the sounds ready and then i'm gonna play them to you and i'm gonna take away the question i'm afraid because i need to just go to the website so remember you're going to listen to six noises all of them right and at the end which noise do you hate the most okay you can write things down if you want but at the end i'm going to ask you which noise do you hate the most and why okay excellent so bear with me a moment let's get this set up here we go we've got six different sounds right let's try this is a can i start that one again let me start that one again love it don't you love it come on right let's start again number one number two okay uh number three number four so number five [Laughter] okay number six number six broken everything absolutely broken everything wow okay so guys those were the six sounds so the question was right which noise do you hate the most and why give me a comment which noise do you hate the most and why and i think you've got all of them actually from your comments these are what you could hear but which do you hate the most and why great i'm going to share with you a zynab this is a bit big cyanub says from the plethora of sounds i detest the sound of the telephone ring the most and that's because it's aggravatingly repetitive love it aggravatingly repetitive that makes me cringe every time i hear it very nice cynab very nice great any others broken glasses from my mad wife yeah could be right number two phone ringing it's really on my nerves right it's re it really right not is but it really gets on my nerves right nice nice now phone ringing it really gets on my nerves brilliant can i just make this slightly bigger yes i think i can excellent what else have we got someone's got a lot of money you mean because of all the broken plates someone's got an angry wife tell me about it or angry husband hey not only the the wives number four now the four the screeching sound what was number four let me go back the saw number four was the saw s-a-w the saw is like i'm not sure if you know saw let me just um make it clear to you what a saw is right just in case some of you don't know a saw right can you see that no these these are the saws right so that that was the saw it was actually a circular saw that goes round and round and round that was number four and so sonam says the screeching sound almost bleeds my ears right almost bleeds my ears brilliant very very nice great what else did you not like and why so please tell me why okay gurley says all noises because they get on my nerves ng very nice i hate the cracking sound of dishes because it is annoying and it makes me cringe beautiful very nice great our masters the consequences after it is the noise true anything else this is nice right so phone ringing because it is high pitched and irritates me beautiful notice high pitched with a ed high pitched and it irritates me nice interestingly right nadyman says number four that's the saw because of its high-pitched sound beautiful number one actually had a sedative effect on me so he actually relaxed you right that's true for some people the train is very sedative relaxing calming that's why some people can sleep very well on the train right clapper says i can't stand now not on so let's be careful with the uh i can't stand something i can't stand the drilling sound it's very loud and distracting it's very loud and distracting not distracted because i am distracted by the sound but the sound is distracting right very nice great this is also very nice i'll share just one or two more with you so this one from zuckermore a ringing phone drives me round the bend beautiful since it suddenly can interrupt me while i'm doing something important like do my homework assignments right that's nice very very nice great so okay pot guard i can't stand the sound of drilling because it's very disrupting great it's disrupting excellent right i am disrupted the sound is disrupting very very nice lovely good what's next i'm not sure what's next noise pollution right noise pollution okay so here's a here's another question for you right a very quick question and give me your answer down below is noise pollution a problem right is it a problem i mean can't we just put earplugs in our ears why is it a problem what do you think is noise pollution a problem yes see yes yes is noise produce a problem okay and why so a lot of you are saying yes of course absolutely good and why ah okay great so straight in simra says yes it affects the health of a person it does affect our health how does it affect our health okay amra also says well it would be a problem if there is a noise around running around while i'm studying for ielts yes true yes yes it's a problem now okay so come on great you've got this one on about why it's a problem absolutely it increases stress level levels especially in urban areas right stress levels so even you're talking about you you have stress levels in the plural especially in urban areas right so if you're talking about traffic noise honking of horns drilling from construction it is it increases stress stress levels absolutely pan wit makes a good point sorry poor neat suddenly a large noise can create a problem to old aged people that's true old age people um it can create a problem it may surprise them it might cause them to lose their balance and fall over it could give them a heart attack right all sorts of things good so to kind of recap that nikita puts it very very nicely she says noise pollution around hospitals or around elderly or babies can be aggravating to their health i love that not only aggravating but aggravating to their health very common collocation very nice nikita lovely great anything else right yes okay this is another one it's a problem because it can affect on my sleeping hour let me just change that a bit so affect something right not on um and it affects my sleeping hours it can affect my sleeping hours it can affect my sleep i think maybe yeah sleeping hours is fine but i think we would say also it can affect my sleep um yes it can lead to sleep loss right absolutely that's another problem so some brilliant ideas let me share with you some of the ones i wrote down okay and then i'm going to move on in a moment so yes it can cause stress right somebody said um it can affect our stress levels in the plural is nice it can lead to sleep loss right it can lead to insomnia insomnia is the inability to sleep so if you can't sleep for days and days and days and days then you have insomnia it can also lead to hearing damage right um can damage your ears it can aggravate the health of elderly people or sick elderly or sick people right in particular so all of these right it's a problem right it can cause all of these stress um sleep loss insomnia all of these are big big problems for noise it can disrupt my work yeah good this is house flutter show with danny d what house lava show i'm really curious now what on earth is the house flower show with danny d i'd love to see that show but yes it disrupts my work remember work is not countable right you can't count work you can count jobs and you can count a piece of work but not work so it disrupts my work right that's nice house flower show with danny d right so yeah it disrupts let's put it then it disrupts um our work brilliant some nice answers so i'm going to move on to one more question right um and the next one is this one is there more noise pollution now compared to the past good question right is there more noise pollution now compared to the past hmm i wonder what do you think let me know some very good answers there let me bring this up let me add a few answers here we've got is there more noise pollution now yes due to the increased vehicles and industries good nowadays cars exhaust ah you're trying to okay good very good you're trying to do the um the s like keith's community right cars exhaust with things we don't normally do that we just have nowadays car exhausts are loud right we talk about the car door not the car's door the car door the car wheel so the car exhaust but speaking generally of course about all of them car exhausts are loud right yeah good good point pretty good very nice comment yes um okay we've got one here plan have absolutely increased vehicles and industries lead to moist to more noise emissions okay right arguably it depends so that's interesting maybe yes i'm in two minds about this arguably yes but on the other hand no supra says certainly overpopulation leads to noise pollution yep great now here's an interesting point from sarita due to the the pandemic noise pollution is less than earlier okay so pandemic you need the let's add that due to the pandemic because you're talking about a specific pandemic right noise pollution is less good that's good because noise pollution right is non-countable pollution you cannot count so it's less pollution earlier though is like you know earlier in the class earlier in the day i think what you mean here is before due to the pandemic noise pollution is less than before right there is less noise pollution than before right good now that's good because you're picking up on this word right compared that's a key word here is there more noise pollution now compared so if you can bring out the language of comparison in your answer you're showing off your control of the grammar right is less than is good because you're using comparing language there's a clue in the question right remember the examiner always has a reason for the question usually i think they're looking for something for testing your ability to speak but sometimes they're testing can you make comparisons can you talk in the past right again there's a clue here so you want to be be aware of these clues to the kind of grammar you may want to use you don't have to but you may want to right now okay nowadays noise pollution increased than before now you can't say increase than before you would hear be much better to say nowadays noise pollution has increased has increased or noise pollution is higher nowadays noise pollution is higher than before higher noise pollution is higher than before it could be higher because noise pollution there are levels right there are decibels there's actually an official scale the number of decibels that is acceptable for the noise or the sound so you can talk about higher noise pollution is higher than before richard makes a good point now a lot of construction there is more construction says because of the technology development yes and i think let's elaborate tell me more uh issue matt talks about technology as a nice expression ishmael the kind of technology that has set in right that has appeared very nice expression yes and i guess gopinath picks it up right you're putting it all together certainly due to industrialization so if you're talking about technology industrialization is much clearer about why there's more uh noise pollution right construction um transportation of goods the train the the the ship the buses um construction building buildings all of that industrialization the factories the noise you get from factories absolutely great very good i was just going to add here right um is there more noise pollution now compared to the past um yeah this is just an idea you don't have to do this but you might want to begin with your opinion um saying yes or no right i would say let's take lorraine's argument arguably oh come on arguably yes so you may want to start with your opinion say yes or no i would say arguably less in the past and then talk about the past right but now but nowadays and then talk about nowadays and use the comparison there is more noise pollution because uh there are higher levels of noise because okay so i'm trying to use some kind of comparison language here as well um when i talk about the past i'll use the past tense and of course today i'll use the present tense there is there are higher levels right so you could say something like i would say arguably yes in the past there wasn't so much construction but nowadays there is more noise pollution because there's been a huge increase in the construction of factories and houses for people to live in and this um grating drilling that goes on contributes to the high levels of noise pollution something like that so this might give you a bit of a structure right yes or no talk about the past talk about nowadays and just make some comparisons there and of course always explain your answer you need to go into depth into detail right this is a part three kind of question probably that you might get okay great i hope that makes sense excellent good so guys i'm going to come to model answers um in the the next bit um so each lesson i'd like to take on some model answers um and i think model answers can be useful not for you to memorize but for you to become aware of the kind of language we use in model answers now i'm going to spend a couple of minutes explaining something that might help you with model answers and with you practicing right i'm sure at home or with your speaking partner you have some kind of typical questions and you're asking and practicing your answer right now then one of the key mistakes students make is they look at the question they then try and write out a really beautiful answer and then they practice speaking and reading the answer and what happens well what happens is what happens is you end up sounding like a book you don't sound natural spoken english because books have beautiful answers perfect sentences structure full stops commas right but that is not how we speak so much better for you is not to write your perfect answer to look at the question and start speaking speak ah i think that possibly this and that with the hesitation with the uncertainty with the change with the wrong word it's fine start speaking if you want to speak record listen and write it out yes but start with speaking and let me kind of show this a bit more right so i want you to notice speech is not in perfect sentences never ever and in your ielts speaking it's not gonna be perfect sentences right it just won't be come over here in speech there is repetition we repeat the words right i know it's good to use synonyms that's good but repeating words is fine it's natural there are false starts false starts is where you begin to say something and then you change your mind and think oh no i'll say it a different way that's fine that's natural english i'm going to show you a quick example if you write your answers out in perfect sentences it will not sound natural it will sound like you are a book so don't write your answers out first speak your answer first then if you want record it and then write it out if you want speak first is the key thing okay let me show you an example of this right if let's see things have moved a bit but i think i can still move this down can i move this down things have moved a lot why have things moved so much okay oh it's quite small but i might be able to do it this is a bit small but so last week if you sorry on tuesday if you downloaded the pdf about nation and cultures there was a model answer the question was why do we have to preserve cultures right now look over here this is spoken let's hope this doesn't oh no no it changes everything so this is spoken oh come on and over here is written so basically on the left is what i said on the right is what i might write out if i was writing first so i said for example i think there are several aspects of our culture that are well worth preserving and traditional aspects right i repeat celebrations right i think you know customs around birthday celebrations wedding celebrations christmas celebrations lots of repetition that is natural english if i was going to write it out i might think oh aspects think of a synonym features oh celebrations i can't repeat it i need to make it perfect no you don't need to make it perfect you can have the repetition that's natural english at the bottom i did a false start right it's inevitable for me uh i think culture is fluid and forever changing if i was writing that i would take out the false start it's inevitable for me and i would just say i think change culture is fluid and forever changing but the false star is fine it's spoken english you can say something change your mind say something different okay so the message is you do not have to speak perfect sentences you should be speaking spoken english so when you're practicing begin with the speaking do not begin writing your answer okay does that make sense i hope so so okay brilliant good i think that makes sense um so model answers so guys questions um model answers i'm going to do a model answer write down a question about noise pollution that you would like me to answer ah good that was an eye-opener good great advice good it makes sense good good so you seem to be yes i think it makes sense to you okay excellent so guys questions ah oh this is a great question e hmm okay can the problem of noise pollution be solved if yes how what a good question i always have a drink don't i i think um it's a really good question and i think frankly speaking we can never completely get rid of noise pollution i think due to the development of technology and industrialization there's a growing amount of construction happening around us um so there's always going to be a certain level of noise pollution coming from the drilling the building the shouting of the workers even though we put in measures to reduce the amount of noise pollution so for example there may be rules and regulations about the time of day you can drill or what kind of machinery you use to drill inevitably there always will be noise pollution so i think it's a real challenge to solve this problem right great good that's question number one let's find another question i'm going over time a little bit but if you know me you know i always go a little bit over time just five more minutes or so your hair style is awesome sorry this is so funny your hair style seriously great thank you i don't think i have a hairstyle okay here's a nice one this is almost like a short and simple question if there were a part one question then this would probably be it which noise you don't like and why which noise don't you like come on dixa if we're gonna make a question let's do it properly which noise don't you like i know you're rushing i know you're typing quickly okay oh well there are so many noises that i find aggravating but one of the most maddening noises there is for me um is the sound of the dentist drill it's one of those noises that is so high pitched and piercing that it really grates right and it drives me around the bend not only that not only does it drive me around the bend it really scares me it's a sound that i i think maybe the dentist wants to attack me and kill me um so it's one of those noises i really hate okay nice let me find one more question right we've talked a bit about stopping noise pollution and reducing it um though you're all asking the same question ah okay here's one about causes rather than solutions from pranav what are the primary causes of noise pollution in in the cities now be careful because when you say the cities that means you're referring to specific cities but i guess you're not talking about the cities in your country or specific cities you're speaking generally right i do that when i say generally generally so let's take out the and let's just say in cities what are the primary causes of noise pollution in cities good i think nowadays there's a number of causes of noise pollution but probably one of the most significant ones is traffic as cities grow and there's an influx of people coming from the countryside to the city they bring their cars with them private car ownership is growing everybody wants their own car and so there's more traffic on the streets and that comes with the noise of the engine from the exhausts people honking their horns because there's more traffic jams people get exasperated and so you get this build up of noise pollution from traffic i think that's one of the primary causes but also as cities grow there's more and more construction right so you have the noise from the construction site be it from machinery be it from workers shouting be it from drills that are being used and making this aggravating and piercing sounds that you hear throughout the day so yeah i would say those two traffic and construction are two of the primary causes of noise pollution in cities right good so good range of questions actually you've talked about personal feelings about you've asked me about reducing it and what causes it which is great excellent nice questions lovely so guys um oh i almost forgot we've got time we've got five minutes to finish up with a quick kahoot it's always nice at the end to have a bit of fun and review the vocabulary as i said i'm always testing you so i know the videos can be enjoyable but i really really really encourage you to take notes to spot collocations to spot prepositions to spot the kind of synonyms that we're using and really be on your toes right be on the ball to really improve the level of your your language um and so the vocabulary review with kahoot at the end is a way to do that because i encourage you to really make a note as we're going through and then you can cheat in kahoot you can look at your notes and check the right answer why not right yes okay brilliant so let us get into the kahoot give me um a tick if you need to leave i totally understand i do realize i've gone on longer than an hour but if you can stay then that would be fantastic and join us in this kahoot if you're new today then kahoot just to explain is a it's a bit of a fun game that we play there are four questions and it's a test of all the vocabulary that we've looked at today okay so i'm just going to share the screen with you let me come over here not this one but current application google chrome there we go we're going into teach mode we're gonna play the classic right so what you need to do if you don't know already is to go to i t [Music] and um press the gain pin [Music] 370726 you need to put in your name and then [Music] you'll get in there people are going in already fantastic [Music] whoops bear with me a moment [Music] right okay we've got 150 people in that's quite a lot if you can't get in you can just use the comments section to write down your answer to the question okay let's get in let's get going let's get cooking great expression let's get cooking means you know let's start the game [Music] noise which of these sounds is not made by a person which of these sounds is not made by a person you've got 22 seconds [Music] wow well done look at that let me come back in the screen um 122 of you got right crowing is not made by a person right crowing is not made it's made by an animal the crowing of the the rooster or the will crow in the morning cock-a-doodle-doo the others are made by people snoring remember when we sleep slurping when we drink and screaming when you're angry with your partner for example well done nice very pleased about that what's next oh you're miko you're a star you're always in first place you were there last time as well hamdi nice up in second and asnm asm in third place ryan and manus coming up close let's move on to the next question at night some people their teeth at night some people um their teeth [Music] bite grind snore or chew wow fantastic 147 of you got it absolutely right it was grind your teeth when you rub them together when you don't know about it excellent well done let's see the positioning then oh you miko is holding top camel has come in second ryan's moved up to third manus and has name of change place so remember this is the people who get it right the fastest okay question number three which is the odd one out that means which one is different so which one has a different meaning 20 seconds to go five seconds fantastic oh you guys are doing really well today 153 of you got it right right soothing is positive it's nice it's calming relaxing brilliant the other three are the same annoying maddening aggravating remember irritating all of them great those three are the same well done oh i am impressed very happy today good where are we on the leaderboard you miko's still holding her own asanam has come up second kamal has moved into third place and johan sebastian bach has suddenly come back into fifth place right next question the last one someone who can't sleep night after night is suffering from choose two answers here choose two answers two of them are correct hey why are your comments disappearing [Music] great music [Music] remember to choose two two of them are correct [Music] 20 seconds left [Music] five seconds and i think you've all given your answer [Music] right excellent you got it so it's insomnia and sleep loss are the correct answers well done guys nice good let's find out the moment of truth has yomiko kept her place at the top here we go third place [Music] [Applause] bach gopinath came into second and first [Music] [Applause] well done at last yumiko you made it to the top of the box well done you right in there excellent very very well done that's brilliant good so listen well done all of you you did a really good job on um learning the new words and getting some good results there excellent so listen as i finish up for today i'd like to say a big thank you to all of you obviously for joining me what an interesting topic right i hope it can be useful for you um a reminder again if you're on youtube do subscribe again just turn on the notification button um so you can find out about new videos coming up um if you want to join us on the facebook group just look for keith's mastermind community and you'll find us there come and visit the website so at the end of the class today probably later this evening i need about four or five hours come to you'll find the lesson notes in the live lessons area and you can go and download them there let me just show you actually if you go to the website just to make sure if you're new to make sure you know where to go right so you can go to the top where it says free live lessons up there at the top whoops pop-ups don't you love them so go to the free live lessons and that's where you can get all of the the stuff download the notes if you want to leave a donation that's always a big big help for the live lessons um and here you can just download you can watch them again we add nation and culture and when you download you can have a close look at the model answers look at the language i'm using and how i'm speaking in the model answers okay fantastic guys that's it very very that's it that's the end um just a reminder as well i almost forgot some of you can't point properly i can't point it's switched around the online course on udemy if you're interested um it looks at part one part two part three um it's a great way to have a systematic way of studying for ielts speaking the link is all over the place it's on the website it's in the facebook it's here in youtube um you can find it and go and have a look great so listen thank you very very much for joining me um you all seem to have disappeared from the comments and i'm not sure why but never mind i hope you're still there i hope you're well and have a fantastic weekend coming ahead i look forward to seeing you next week okay take care everybody bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 31,215
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking test, ielts keith, topic noise ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, english speaking success, keith speaking academy, noise ielts, noise ielts speaking, noise ielts speaking part 1, noise pollution ielts speaking, ielts speaking noise pollution, noise pollution vocabulary, talk about an occasion when someone made noise that disturbs you
Id: Fc7q7rKowBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 54sec (4914 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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