Overnight Canoe Adventure

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and feels good man hey there guys you're doing a little long waited some portage in some paddling it's gonna be a good day Ralph pretty early so if I tie your day to enjoy these Monte's not used to this anymore it's been too long oh wait never mind like riding a bike [Music] maybe less it's decent amount we're gonna spend the whole day mournful Lake to Lake fish beach one for the most part some of this more than others and see what we catch I brought out a medicine steak for dinner tonight it's frozen in my bag it'd be a hot one so it'll be thawed by the time dinner comes around it's like fishing right now [Music] but anyways hopefully I can catch some fish to go with it so I think Monty needs a swim they were a little short here okay we got to start there right [Music] it just looks like good fishing habitat I was a little that's a good cast you never know he looks good though who kills the other decent-size not gonna fish for blue gills right now though I'm not carrying him across like seven legs maybe we get in the middle if I was staying here I would definitely fish for some Monty once when he's standing up in the bow is a fight no understood [Music] [Applause] it's time for you to swim boy you swimmin so something pretty cool just happened the first time that's ever happened I passed a couple people or a group of three people in canoes and they knew who I was I don't know if it was me what was that guy I think it was him but yeah they said they were they liked the channel that's pretty cool I've never had that happen before I was wondering if that would ever happen I mean I suppose it does but yeah that was the first that's kind of funny little unexpected but that's pretty fun [Music] you're special you're special they had a dog in their boat as well so Monty is not the only canoe dog that's right Monty is there's many others but he a the guy in the canoe had mentioned that he knew where I was and he mentioned this down on the comments but he didn't say where he was and I really appreciate that because that's how you gotta you gotta keep your little secrets like I say this is a beautiful spot and you know you discover it on your own awesome enjoy it keep it secret keep it safe don't don't scream at the top of the mountain where you're at what do what he do it Monty what you do it huh come on once thank you buddy this way my G doesn't care about the lily pads I probably doesn't like them as much but that's why I'm staying close to him does he get too tangled he's a trooper I like the noise [Music] you stinky dog a lot of all the times I've been here I've never caught a fish on this lake why is that I think it's because I don't ever spend time on the site I always use it as a hub we'll try a few casts I'm not gonna spend crazy amounts of time but I've never caught a fish here I don't think I might have Monty have you ever caught a fish here I don't know I don't think Monty has ever caught a fish period it's gonna be a hot bright day beautiful day what just a maybe maybe it'd be more fun to just never catch a fish here and just you know this say that this lake has defeated me admit defeat all right so what we're gonna do is here is a little equation and it's gonna tell us everything we need to know about this lake here okay so first we need to okay the wind time okay let's see what happens here I was a good cast right here right near a nice tree yeah with the the wind and the time and I've taken five casts I can say for a fact that I don't think there's any lake in this fish nope there's no lake in this fish [Music] we got a move on hey Monty do you smell like poop do you smell like poop yeah you smell like poop you smell like poop Monty yeah you you with the long nose and small eyes smell like poo that's a beautiful beautiful breeze there's no clouds in the sky wow it's gonna be a beautiful one we're gonna get ourselves all sweaty and warm we're gonna find a nice spot to swim it's gonna be great it's gonna be so good [Music] [Music] don't you groan at me what's your grunt at it's unnecessary mister so for anyone that's noticed that Monty is all clean-cut brush freshly brushed you know he's got a nice shape but and everything I did that all my funk nope I didn't Oh funk did it that was her donkey me on the head for trying to take credit she did it all she spent a couple hours on him made him look pretty handsome you look handsome I didn't do anything but he still stinks we were gonna give him a bath and then I was planning on doing this and I was just like you know he's gonna be swimming he's gonna be real stinky so why don't we wait till I get home and then maybe we can get some evil slo-mo in the shower oh yeah oh yeah that's right Monty do those ships go ahead good stinky boy you've earned it you've got many more swimming to do much more swimmin to do I'm so good with English so many so many goods with English so many goods so I'm pretty excited I've got plans to do a fun trip closer to fall further north than I've ever been I'm excited I hope I hope everything works out I hope it goes according to plan I hope I can afford it all that stuff all those things that go into play when you're doing a trip or planning a trip which is why I don't ever I don't like to talk about them too much until I'm actually doing it you know 100% for sure because then you get bummed out if you can but all goes according to plan I will for now same way now yeah nine-time on the way I'm gonna say this I sure am excited and Jake like I said before he's he wants to do something to this fall so we're gonna have some fun a couple nice long trips do some bushcraft in mmm so this heat dies down we're gonna get crazy maybe maybe [Music] some like healing about being out you know just with no one around the woods and a lake out Boat blissful really is I love it I haven't got to do it in like a month I got to take the boat out and paddle you know but it's not the same it's not the same as knowing that you're gonna stay the night out here it's different it's a bit different because I know I can go whatever pace I want do whatever I want I could fish for ten hours on this lake here show up to camp a dark if I chose I'm not going to do that well I could mind you would be upset if we sat in the boat for tonight Winchester what is it Monte UN divorce women no some some more try and catch a fish all right the Monty he leaped you know I didn't think he had it in him we were on a pontoon boat and you know Monty he trusts me and he'll let me carry him around but I didn't think he'd be a dog that would like leap off a pontoon boat but he did he surprised me it took him a second but he'll leap right off I was proud of them yeah my teeth I am proud of you you're a good boy you're very good boy lead the way Monty where do we go where did he go yeah that way all right if you say so yeah my teeth I don't know where we're going I'm lost Monty I'm lost I just hit my dog with my boat yeah that's right I hit my dog with my boat yeah Monty you got in the way [Music] [Music] best time for fishing of the Year hot summer sunny day hot sunny summer day summer sunny day sunny summer day summer sunny day sunny sunny sunny summer day oh yeah that's a nice breeze but it's a just silly dog he's so silly there are some weeds there we go where is a little pike I'll take a big one too we're giving this to more cast fruit where I'm not fishing too crazy hard to let him get into lakes that I really like we're just doing little casts here and there all right all right mine comes away the important for me right Monty he's like good us were too cold this is the spot this is the portage can't believe you don't remember her Monty Monty are you good boy are you stinky yeah I think you even know you stink [Music] [Music] it looks like he shuffles his feet like you barely picks him up off the ground please just scoop them oh so for any of you that noticed I was wearing a brace on my wrist a video or two ago it still hurts I didn't really heal but I'm just going with it anyways I'm just kind of fighting through the pain it's not terrible or anything but what hurts the most is not paddling so much but lifting Monty like I said that before and so what I'm doing is I'm lifting him all with my left hand and I always carry him the same way I put my hand under his chest and this hand under his butt and lift him and every time I lift him because I'm putting all the weight on this hand in his chest he's making a big grunt like an accordion or something he's go [Music] every time I pick him up so it's kind of just cracking me up it's probably not it's not it's a lot better for me to support up on the butt but it hurts my hand too much to do so then we're gonna fish this like a little bit and I don't know what's going on I think it's just cuz it's been on the drier side of things but I've only seen one mosquito the whole time I've been out here and it was just now on this portage and it was just like amok portage so yeah that's great the bugs are not bad at all right now that is tremendous so we were gonna fish for a little pan fish now give it a try should have brought out my ultralight other Payton oh there we go Monty is just mulching himself little baby little baby Pike just relax hey fish of the day fish of the day fish of the day so far cuz it's the only one and she's just teeny little jig thing it's like sixteenth ounce one no one thirty tooth one thirty second okay guys I realize who that is off wasps nest looks like it got destroyed or something [Music] yes something got to that I bet there's still bees in it but they definitely all of those people or they just fell apart or a branch something got to it something LLC bees flying around maybe they moved you know as a kid I used to me my brother used to attack Hornets nests and jar bees and catch bees and stuff I mean for a lot of a lot of you have as kids but I've been stung quite a few times [Music] hitting nests or just being just a dumb kid around bees I remember a couple good ones one of them was they were in like the metal roof of a garage and I just thought that a 10-foot stick was gonna be long enough for me to you know beat on the metal and mess with them and I wouldn't get stung but those beasts said otherwise they got me right on the lip it was just big old fat lip and then another time which is a little bit more intense my brother we were fishing it some kind of ponds and there was a bunch of big rocks it was like Boulder area it was just rocks and pound rock who were just crawling around his kids and my brother stepped on a bee's nest and like crunched it a big old ground wasp business and he got stung like I don't know 50 times or more and yeah I was pretty crazy because he was like passing out and so like my dad was like flying blowing every red light to get to the hospital and he was just like he was like falling asleep so I was like he was telling me to keep him awake and I saw this and they're trying to keep him awake as best I could and pretty intense but you made it we got him to the hospital and they gave some shots and I don't know if he's allergic to bees I don't think he is but I think that many bee stings when you're a small child like I think that can kill anybody if you get enough that venom in your system but you made it but that was pretty intense now I don't mess with these at all I like bees I prefer if they stay away from me you know namely Hornets no like Hornets nests but I don't mess with them if they don't mess with me my tea you're supposed to be my good luck charm what's going on [Music] would be nice to see a big ol snapping turtle I know they're in here I know for a fact because this is the lake I'll link the video right here wait let's try it list let's do this let's do it correct this time if the video it's gonna be up in this corner right this is gonna be oh yeah yeah yeah right it's looking this way yeah up here we'll get it this time anyways this is the one where he took Ruger is a little puppy ten week old puppy camping I'm doing the same trip I did they're just in less time and snapping turtles stole our fish my perch from here and I'm sure he's still around I don't think there's many things that are out to get snapping turtles here maybe I 130 mm nice that's what I was looking for just peace little perch [Music] yay bye-bye OCS teeny ones where all the big fish go [Music] [Laughter] just catch a little-bitty after a little-bitty tell the little ones Monte feel a poop coming on the midday poop we might need to dock here shortly a rare rare moment with the Monty eating his food when it was presented just amazing [Music] he's such a slob look at this spacious koalas mouth [Music] oh geez knowing dear buddy we embarrassed okay I'll stop recording you okay I'll let you enjoy your lunch I made the mistake of showing Monty my only snack cheddar cheese mm-hmm and now he doesn't want anything to do with this only this are you good boy can you sit that's a good boy can you sit pretty so pretty Monty sit pretty let not twirl sit pretty come here sit sit pretty oh that's a good one all right you get a chunk [Music] nope it's on your back Monty the cheese is on your back get him onto your back there you go good boy [Music] oh it is hot and sticky hot and sticky sunny beautiful out [Music] [Music] so beautiful [Music] almost snake Monty there we go that one hit it good little bass little Bobby Bobby jr. Bobby jr. [Music] [Music] okay on to the next Lake [Music] sweatin MND yeah I didn't catch much tuna last night little Bobby jr. that's okay other places to fish and we've got one more portage until the lake that were potentially staying at tonight and I want to do some swimming well I'm setting up camp I'm definitely sweaty it's hot out it's bright ready Mundy got a little muddy there somebody might have to clean it out but anywho let's get this last portage done [Music] Oh [Music] miss calm for middle of the day sunny hot it's gorgeous I am excited to do some swimming we're gonna get across the lake here get to the campsite throw a couple things out maybe set up a little bit jump in the water I'm pumped and I'm thirsty I use my my little Sawyer water filter one time but uh I'm ready to chug some water use my big ol gravity filter you know there's treats at the dog park where they gopher with the dog park treats [Music] [Music] all righty well this is where we're gonna be spending the rest of our day oh we made good time so I can leisurely set up camp do some swimming take my time there's a bunch of wood here someone left from for a fire so I won't need much I can just process what's here's a big log but um I'm gonna still do some fishing tonight and another like I'm on a portage too but another word camp let's bust out the DSLR I know you guys are thinking I'm a big Meany for not bringing out any treats for montie Montana bring you a treat Mike come here good do you think I forgot to bring your treats you silly boy first we're gonna start him off light see now that we've got to camp we get to set up some a meal course of treats for Monty first we start off with his den tea-tree which he loves he loves these Dendy treats good boy they're the or event dental things his Monty has got the stinkiest but not as only it only is he a stinky dog hey I'm sorry but he's got stinky breath too Monty it's just your treat sorry I would never forget forget your treats can't bust off the next course yet but what I can do is get myself some water see Ruger would have eight in his treat ten minutes ago a Monty Monty likes to enjoy his slowly with lots of grit just takes his time enjoys every bite are we getting any eye close äj-- Monty yeah you enjoy that Monty you look funny when you're chewing it Monty you got bugs on your face he doesn't care not a care in the world out in the woods enjoying his treat [Applause] and Monty could get that tree now get that tree okay Monty do you think you deserve the next course of treats well this may be the final course for Monty treats but not Monty be stale what I have for you today Monty is a raw venison boom yes that is right yes go ahead go ahead take it take it you want it you aren't Almighty do you want it where do you want it you want right here I'll sit on the quite agree hey go go ahead do it your boy Monty it's all you it's all you no I don't need it oh thank you I gotta my stake here is still still frozen that's good I'm gonna keep it in the shade and insulate it much Monte this know once you have enough stuff content there that's not fair that's not a good spot my teeth that's right where I'm gonna set up the tent I should probably stop him now [Music] Oh mmm h2o not like it when you're thirsty all right Monty I need you to move pal please there we go let the mess begin Bucky Bucky huh Joe move party huh go go go go go Mikey go go wait grab it get your ball get your phone you make me touch it got robbed Madison on my hands you you don't think I'm actually in need the rainfly tonight I'm definitely gonna sleep with it off but I'm gonna do my usual thing where I set it all up get the stakes all around and then I just unhinge it and flip it over just in case just in case it decides to rain at some point or when I leave to go fishing I will put it back up and keep it all sealed up yeah Monte you crunch that bone oh yeah that's a crunchy treat right there a Monti like a real wild animal get into that bone marrow oh yeah delicious you look funny 1t definitely looks really appetizing to me I mean yeah yeah this slobber monster eating on it you enjoy that body alright put some of this crap away and do some swimming Oh curious as to see how much Monty actually cares about me swimming when he's got a bone got a delicious treat he probably doesn't care at all [Music] Monty Monty oh he came running to boy I'm fine I'm sorry go ahead enjoy your treat I'm sorry I apologize okay boy all right [Music] yeah Oh Marty kaan come on T come join me nice come on come on oh yeah that's it good boy come on Marty double-time [Music] hi Marty yah yah Monty ah good boy give me that pootie give me that tail I'm dragging you down Monty I'm dragging you down [ __ ] just kid go get up mighty what a beautiful day just a beautiful day today is really nice cuz I just like you know I started in the morning and I had all day no rush whatsoever to get to any spot you know I there was no unknown Portage's or anything like that I knew know this whole area so you know it's just nice it's a really relaxing day three Monteith buddies sitting in a reeds just like what the heck what are you doing I have ID look at this dog whose dog to me that's a good boy Monty he's just taking a break this'll lazy sometimes that's a good boy you know what Monty I'm going for a swim whether you like it or not you yeah thing I'm gonna shut the camera off here and just swim for like a half-hour hey Monty sit sit wait up sit sit sit sit Monty hey what's your onesie come here lay down I don't know sit later hmm Oh Marty you're so funny but he refuses to come sit by me when he's got his bone I got him to come over here but as soon as I look away or anything he just picked up his bone and leaves what a funny dog so I did bring out Monty a sleeping pad tonight he deserves that [Music] man the breeze is so nice right now it's keeping any sort of bugs the way there's a little bit of mosquitoes but this breeze it's just getting us here enough we're keeping away the mosquitoes and it's just it's like the perfect temperature right now sitting here in the shade it's not blistering hot but not cold it's a good temperature [Music] so I'm gonna blow up this air mattress and the other one get all the tents set up and put everything away get it neat picked up and then I might lay down I did forget to bring my hammock that was that would been really nice to lay in the hammock for bear for this but maybe I'll lay down who knows I'm just gonna enjoy it kind of right now relax for a bit soak in the nature and then we'll get to some fishing Monty you doing work on that bone there buddy Monty Monty I need to interrupt you and you can you look away for a second from the bone come on take out a treat Monty I got a treat Monty do you want to go fur Monty dog park Monty treat he's immune right now this is exactly what he wants nothing more oh that's awesome Monty that's a good boy oh yeah he's getting into that juicy marrow just just getting there all right every all the air mattresses are blowing up Monty's still chewing on his bone regretting not bringing out the hammock the weather is just gorgeous and look at hummingbird can we get a glimpse of it oh yeah there it is that thing Oh Eric goes anyways it would be wonderful to have the hammock out right now but I'm gonna take a little power nap just enjoy the sounds of the nature and the breeze and everything probably gonna actually pull all my air mattress right here and just lay right there but I wish I had the hammock it's okay but that's where we're at and then we're gonna do some fishing or something after hey Monty he is he's just gonna be enjoying that bone for a little bit yeah should we go fishing you don't go fishing do you want go fishing you want tree all you want everything don't you well it took a nice nap I for like I just laid for like an hour and just kind of listened to the sounds of Mother Earth the wind lon it's very relaxed and even sleep for most of it but it's beautiful day it's a little bit breezy it's gonna be fun going where we're going we're gonna be blowing with the wind that we're fighting it all the way back but we're gonna go do some fishing if we don't catch some fish we just catch bass maybe yeah I'll cut up a bass and eat it but maybe I don't need to kill anything today who knows who knows how old Phil hey Monty but we're gonna get going to the other lake and get back on the water for the grown I want to keep my socks dry Monty over the top let's see if I can catch a worthy bass today I was gonna take a few casts here we'll probably move to the other side of the lake I feel like that'll be better than this side for some reason maybe because I catch a lot more fish over there breeze feels nice it is just a nice temperature outside right now it's so nice it's warm enough to swim but cool enough to where I'm not just sweating yeah I'll sweat no sticky sticky earlier but I was doing work but it's pretty good temperature otherwise for just lounging in shorts and a t-shirt shorts ass dirty white t-shirt yep yep I think many of you should have noticed by now that I pretty much only wear white t-shirts I've mentioned this before I wear white t-shirts because they are the best at staying clean looking when you're doing stuff outdoors that's the reason I wear them make fun palett into crazy we got six-inch waves here [Music] lucky take a few costs here oh yeah just gotta take off fuel costs you know look a little slight cloud coverage now potentially dangerous oh yeah odds are creeping in will that be fun rain wouldn't put it against the earth to do that wouldn't be the worst thing but wouldn't be the best thing I didn't bring out I didn't bring out stuff to cook oh now that is what we're after nothing hit hard hey I'll take it tyranny little fish tonight so yeah like I said I didn't bring out a stove or anything like that we have to use the fire to cook this is a little bit I'm making a mess so he's going on worst-case scenario if I don't catch more that's a monty tree nothing more there's nothing better than spoiling your Monty over and over well I was expecting a bass with how it hit I mean it came in quick but it it hit pretty good this has that look about it now the sun's covered Oh Wendy doesn't smell like rain you can smell rain oh all right oh this crazy wind what I was thinking didn't bring my ultralite again makes casting this little teeny 130 tooth bounce jig easier minnows that was a bluegill snap it at the water why'd you gotta sit down catching you treats okay good boy ooh what feels decent this is a kill hey keeper not monstrous but can't complain actually after this cast we're just gonna go for bass and pike and if any are worthy enough they'll bite that big jig just like that first one did and if we get skunked all the way around we can always try again think oh that was a wasn't paying attention that's probably a nice bluegill or bass or pike that's definitely a bass [Music] that's you shabby take it fish of the day there we go ah finally a decent sized bass that when it's sticking its neck out like that when it's pulled off that looks like Ruger it reminds your Ruger [Music] [Music] and fish small to smile but a bit the big jig stop it what gives you can't be biting that unless you're big enough Monty's a pretty content dog we like to joke that you can you can let Monty to go outside and go potty and he's come he's he's set for the day he'll sleep the rest of the day which is true but he's always down for adventure but he got a good bit of adventure and today good chunk of portage in good chunk of swim in he's pooped in the back of the boat here's a little pika-pika demise [Music] come on come on piggies Bobby bias where you at Bobby Bobby bass we're just caught Bobby we let Bobby go now we need another Bobby oh hey Monty top of the mornin to ya do is it down there mister oh don't you groan at me I find this lack of fish disturbing Oh speak of it dang it yes we're missing we're missing Monty biting flies son it just looks crazy it's like cover it up you can stare at it a little bit but it's just like this haze great sunny day all day winds are picking up there's haze good mean rain [Music] if I knew how to use this watch correctly let's just let's just look at it the barometric pressure is 29.2 five so barometric pressure so it's that good to know [Music] My dear champion you're a champion among dogs you just flopping down heavy and [Music] astronomy [Music] his groans are just cracking me up wind yay would you do it to me we're gonna fish this way again okay all right or refinishing the shore it's a sign I'm surprised I haven't caught a pike yet all day no pike very surprising I will cast not once [Music] [Music] [Music] it was so great there was a pike fallen I'm pretty sure right when I said yet Dave which means nothing I think that's that means anyways it popped out of the water after it it just grabbed it that's the same Pike scared me making me jump rope wrapped that was pretty funny we go not a bad Pike it's not it's a skinny little guy it's like 25 inches see if I can fish camel well there we go that's all you got to do to catch a pike oh that's covering in the slime you just got a cast out I'm gonna paddle back up a shoreline event and let myself drift gonna put the wind cast for some more gills so it's completely covered now this look like it's rain but it's just change I'm pretty clear up for a point a while now there's gotta be range coming I know I got this sunglasses on it's not dark out it's not bright out I always do that I'll just keep mind regardless if I need to or not come on there we go oh yeah there it is Gil number three yeah I think we're gonna melt stayed in the boat I think we're to keep more that looks like it good all right there we go if we get slime all over my boat oh it's a little poker got me it's a little pokey poke Mitchell Ozzy's pan fish this one feels like a decent no no it's okay I wasn't gonna keep them anyways four is plenty [Music] don't like when they stick their spines out right when you go to grab them then they flip and it sticks right in the palm of your hand happens a lot well like I said I'm pretty hungry I think we're gonna have an early dinner tonight ooh nice fish just surfaced right in front of me I have to go for it even if I'm not keeping them I'm still just having fun even if they're just a little pan fish another little panfish these are biting consistently I think catched too many crazy big fish today I caught the one nice bass pike a little bass that was pretty much it then that was just pan fish wasn't the craziest fishing I don't I don't usually have as as much luck this oh I just put my put the lure down in the water I'm getting bites wait I usually don't catch as many crazy amounts a big fish this time of year [Music] events it's a Bobby little Bobby hello Bobby jr. came to say hello Robert you stop it Robert you stop it Bob jr. okay we're gonna make it start making our way back to camp and I'm gonna start working on dinner getting a fire going firewood whatnot I'm pretty hungry we might be tuckered out early tonight the sun's back it's still just hazy I don't think we're gonna get rain till after dark if anything but yeah we can make it our way back to camp now monkey Monty mr. Monty where to next Monty no why I was just getting water quick Monty what have you done you've undone hours of drying Monty you stinker yeah you just sit in that water make sure it soaks all the way through all the layers of your fur yeah that what you need to do to get a drink a drink of water won't - you're such a stinker well guess you're gonna be extra wet and stinky now congratulations you mind if I park my vote are you just gonna stand on the way do you think you're gonna stop my boat oh yeah you moved you just had to get wet stinker I'm gonna cut up some firewood here [Music] [Music] [Music] okay IP watch the stick you want the stick okay okay yeah I see on your face nice all right I gotta throw the stick now you just get that look in his eye he wants nothing more than the stick thrown for him these little stinker you get a mighty note this one just sticker here where is it Monty you mean this stick right here alright I'll throw it for real this time ready for a real throw all right I'm gonna actually throw all right sorry about that one I got a tease them you know got a tease me every once in a while why well just go throw the sticks for them for a few minutes it will spark up a fire here there you go that's how you smother a fire not the most in a most efficient way I'm just kind of this is there's no thinking involved in this one I'm just lighting a fire yeah I know this evil thing Monty come here come here come on come here come on was that the sixth try all right I know it's gonna be tough all right you can you can I guess she just laid out for the first part see funk art he brushed him out pretty good but he's still gonna need to be brushed out to dry all the way since he got into the water like 20 minutes ago or whatever it was Oh Monty you stinky dog at you big butt all right you hearing this guy groan oh mighty [Music] well you stink here we let it begin the Monty balls [Music] oh man you're just groaning dude get some groans all right Monty I need you to don't have to do much just stay there okay oh yeah there we go at this side that's okay I needed to just stand up let's get your ear have I mentioned that Monty stinks alright yeah now you can use a towel dry and just how you sprinkle some Monty dust on the fire stinky all right you're free you're free when the sun's looking like a red ball again it's crazy it's been looking like that every night like the past week it's a red ball craziness so I literally just you know brush out Monte dried them off and pour them a fresh bowl of water and what's he doing drinking water out of the lake little stinker so uh the reason I have the great done right now when I'm ripping the fire and getting the coal bed built up is because I don't trust what other people cook and burn on fires and or the fire grates or whatever so I am I actually have to use it to cook my venison up tonight so I'm just burning the piss out of it so any nasties will be out of there see it's funny you know I'll I'll rub my hands in dirt to clean my hands and you know I'll eat dirt whatever mess nature whatever germs but a fire grate that was used by other people I don't trust that that something's gross about that yeah I've got my weird little things yeah this is gonna burn down actually I'm gonna start flinging up the fish now and then we'll cook up Monty's first and then we'll get the steak going and it will cook up my fish will leave Monte a little portion of meat it's gonna be good just pound Monty's bone he did a pretty good number on it I thought it was a stick good job Monte okay let's get cooking a little bit here take my grill brush lightly just kind of brush off the grill a little bit you know okay okay let's start with Monty's beautiful fish fillets easy in three I'm getting five I'm not gonna feel guilty about it the dog I weigh three times as much as he does I could justify it as many ways as you guys need me to all right now you must put on this beautiful piece of meat mmm mm-hmm that is a venison flat steak we're a sprinkle Montreal in there probably rub a little bit off on Monte side Moops my bad Monte keep it off Monti side I'll take the big chunk all right burn for a minute then we'll get our potatoes started steak quick oh yeah that's gonna be good okay a pot of water on here what are steak oh yeah ooh-hoo-hoo Monte's fish is almost done it's gonna come together so nicely oh yeah see with Monte's we just want to make like a nice fish slurry mix it all in with his dog food let it cool down soak in it's close to done so I got the Idahoan baby [ __ ] mashed potatoes that's why I got the water boiling so we're gonna have steak potatoes with some fish it is gonna be the lightbulb I am so hungry oh I'm so hungry right now this boys this bad boy is gonna be so good oh yeah ooh oh that's gonna be delicious okay it's time to dump Monte's into his bowl and get my start it's just mixed Monte's together i'm just got to keep it away from him oh yeah that's a dog treat right there I don't even know if you need any snake Monty I don't know I don't know mister a little bit of water cook ours a little bit slower than Monty's yeah maybe not so much water yeah that's good or some kind of sprinkle Montreal on these as they go in [Music] oh yeah Montreal the only space you'll ever need all right let's get that cooking of course I brought a fresh lemon so I'm gonna add some lemon juice in there oh my mom I forgot to do it but she she's like Matthew didn't I teach you how to roll your lemons and I know she did I just totally forgot to do it you roll your lemons and you can get all the juice out you can get it out a lot easier then the way I'm doing it right now sorry mom I messed up again we go save the other half of that lemon oh it's that's coming along perfectly oh yeah whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo that's gonna be so good oh so I don't know if any of you guys have noticed this yet but are picked up on it but I pretty much enjoy everything I eat I enjoy it all it's so good it's always so good when I want food and you give me food I'm always happy especially if it's gonna taste like this this this is gonna be a smorgasbord oh yeah I'm gonna cook this up hopefully this water boils out just a little bit and then I'm gonna drizzle fresh lemon on there right before I eat it this should be getting close here oh yeah pretty soon up on the potato we'll set those off to the side this this is getting close okay we'll slow this one down oh yeah slow that one down oh yeah all right all right all right I am guessing that our water is gonna be boiling or close enough oh it's perfect perfect so we add in our baby red instant mashed potatoes hope I didn't use too much water it looks like I did Oh still boiling water little soupy it's okay let it burn out for a second and we'll just set it off to the side with the lid off it'll come around it's still going to be delicious yeah a little soupy won't kill me okay set those out to the side all right this bad boy that thing is gonna be done this stuff I gotta check it with the spatula all right it's time to eat it's time to eat [Applause] all right stay there okay look at this glory I'm gonna save Monty a big old chunk of this maybe not so big but we'll see but regardless are you ready to face Monty I'm so hungry okay go ahead go ahead a little fresh Lebanon here okay set that right there okay Oh soupy mashed potatoes still boiling hot Wow hmm oh yeah oh that stake is just so right in the middle mmm mm-hmm that's cooked pretty dang perfectly let's start a little overtime all right line T I pretty much covered this whole thing in spice so I got to make it smaller bits for them all right that's enough steak worm go ahead I'm have to wash my crocs before bed they're covered in blood now go ahead mighty hmm it doesn't matter how many times you eat meat or steak red meat when you're out in the woods cooked up over a campfire always hit the spot hmm [Music] yeah [Music] who I am ooh that's lemony this sauce is just whoo that's got a punch to it the juice of the fish is cooked in I'm so dang good all right let's see if I can burn my mouth with these these might have to wait a little bit I'm still really hungry though so I'm gonna smash these it's too much well while they're still really hot these are gonna have to wait I might let these cool down that was delicious I would have liked to make some little potatoes in with the rest of it but man was that good mmm it's an it's never enough is it yeah yeah me neither I can eat until I pass out I haven't no need to hot food that's too hot all right I'm gonna clean up let my potatoes cool down my fires just coals now they I'm gonna clean up camp a little bit why wait for these to cool down what what is it do you wish you had more there's water for you little monster he's breathing heavy out here these are just filler just to fill me up right before bed but out that was a tasty meal I'm just gonna I'm pretty much cleaned up now I'm just gonna make sure everything's ready for rain cuz it just it seems like the temperatures dropping pretty good and it's just cloud coverage you can barely see the moon I see I first see some rain tonight potentially so I'm just going to leave the rain fly out many ways I'm gonna finish this up clean everything up and put up my fire and then we're gonna get in the tent and get ready for bed he gets his own sleeping pad today yeah I brought out the big one for you Mon to you there's a good boy you got a fat butt you can't you can't fit it on a little one all right ladies and gentlemen we're pretty pooped good food full belly look at his eyes he's closing them already he's ready to sleep he was standing at the door of the tent just like what weirdo dude so now it's time for me and Monty to pass out and go to sleep so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning Monty [Music] [Music] Monty slept pretty good too I think has he got a sleeping pad you didn't creep on to mine anyways it's time to get up and get moving yeah right let's go say you'll go aside don't go side Monty let me see let me see that a little teeth yeah go ahead don't step on anything oh he dodged it all alright no getting up let's do it okay gonna make a little breakfast as a pack up camp a little bit more water oh god I have my oath my oatmeal no no no soupy extra soupy I'm drinking oatmeal today oops oops Daisy oh well it'll be a tasty oatmeal soup yeah that's a little little bit watery that's a little bit yeah yeah I get it Lou this is probably the super soap meal I've ever eaten still hit the spot I feel like I've got a whole other day of adventure ahead of me but just got to little Portage's on one paddle to go home ooh it's a good cup of joe oh yeah mosquitoes weren't too bad I got bit up a few times around camp here but pretty much nothing unless we get a big rain I don't think they're gonna come back very strong so I'm just gonna finish up my oatmeal finish up my coffee and then finish packing up and we'll probably any get heading down to the water what do you think my tea you want this good me come here mighty carry mighty mighty come here what could go down why'd you come here move all that crap in your tail do you want to swim today or do you want to stay dry and somewhat clean until you back huh what do you think maybe we'll yeah we might have him swim I think we're gonna have a swim today big ol swim a big monty worthy swim let's write Monty you're swimming you've sealed your fate yeah yeah you could do it you all right I'm just gonna finish up clean up move on the other leg and get going good way mine isn't gonna go too far he's just gotta go to there that's a nice little swim for him right off the bat in the morning all right guys overnighter how to do some paddling portage in efficient cooking up some good food at the end of the day so we're gonna let my to continue to swim fishes paddle up and get back to the car so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 48,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, backpacking, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcraft, bushcrafter, bushcrafting, fishing, swimming, backcountry, backcountry camping, canoe, canoe camping, summer camping, wild camping, wilderness camping, cooking, food, delicious, campfire, campfire cooking, cooking over a fire, adventure, adventurer, outdoorsman, outdoors, funny, hilarious, dog, dogs, camping dog, lake, portaging, canada, cooking fish, how to fish, eating fish, backpack camping, paddle, wildlife, asmr, relaxation, forest
Id: W1_pZIG8pSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 40sec (6460 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 19 2018
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