Fixing Terrible Train Traffic & Zero Office Demand in Cities Skylines!

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oh dear oh dear look at the trains oh dear backed up backed up backed up backed up backed up underground backed up backed up everywhere backed up here there and oh my goodness me that is something else i have to look at hello everybody and welcome back to city fix with me biffer and today we're going to try and look at some preventative measures to try and stop your city getting so bad that you don't know what to do to fix the traffic and we're going to use this city submitted by cheeseburger uh he calls it my humble city it's called spring valley i think uh in the save game i'll put the link to the to the save game in the description below if you have the steam workshop and overall it's not a badly laid out city as we can see we've got a nice port down here for all your uh industry stuff i'm using the ultimate eye candy mod if you're wondering why it's suddenly going night and dark so quick we've got this big island here in the middle which i really like the look of and then some other little things spotted around and you've sent me a nice handy list of all the problems that you've got now before we dive into taking a look at those just a reminder because so many people miss this traffic manager i play with no d spawning it makes traffic worse so the base game has despawning just built in that's the way it is you will still get traffic but it may not clog up your city i just like to make things even harder for myself and i do no despawning that is the idea so let's take a look at the list of problems your city has because on the face of it things are moving so what are we here to fix well you really filled out the submission form very very well one of the reasons i picked your city to fix nice detail on your problems so let's just pause the game and zoom out and find what you've listed here so the first thing you say is that your trains are locked up near the edges of the map so let's just try and find a train line and see what your problem is okay so here we go you've got the unlimited outside connections mod so you've made some different connections you've got three lines coming here and going down to two and i'm just wondering how you've got these set up so let's have a look with the vehicle restriction mod ah there we go so you've got no cargo set on this side no passengers set on this side so you've got a cargo route and a passenger valve that are separated okay well let's follow that in because at the moment it seems perfectly clear let's see what it's like when we get a bit nearer the city okay here we get to the middle of the city and you can see the orange trains here are slowing right down and starting to get all blocked up here you've got what i'm assuming is an asset from the workshop it's got like one-way train lines bridges all sorts of things going on and yeah the trains are getting slower and slower okay so that's one issue we need to look at now you also mention your port area getting pretty slow um you've got this oval about set up here which i don't think is too bad let's just take a look whether you've got that set up with traffic manager i'm going to do control shift and left click get all the give way signs automatically set up probably no lane switching and a few oh i see you've done right okay you've done overkill on your traffic manager lane setup i see you've sort of done the tried to help them out with the which lanes to take and all that sort of thing but no let me just remove all of these and then we'll set up this roundabout again because if you do too much of that it just confuses the ai that traffic manager is adding into the game anyway because that is sort of tweaking the as you know the truck ai and that sort of thing right let me remove these okay so that's all of those removed from the roundabout so if we do this again ctrl shift left click just make sure it's just selecting that yeah there we go so you will notice it's going to add some in has it added any in no it hasn't actually added any in so that's fine so it's done all the giveaway signs and everything for us which is great that's what you need there we go everybody giving way everybody giving way so basically what is slowing all of this down here and the problems you're having is yeah you see no one's getting dedicated lanes correctly are they so where you've got them ignore this one for the one underneath but for this node here where you've got them coming on it's fine to do that so look at these buttons going this way so they get their lanes coming on which is fine so i'm going to add those back on to the on-ramp there and you've got one there and that's it that's fine so then they're going to use a couple we've got another one here there we go so then we're going to just let them use the nodes that are available to change lanes and then coming off here you've actually got two coming off and they're using two let's see where that goes oh yeah okay so if they want to go straight on they've got their own one that's fine but then they do sort of slow down here and there's not much coming around this roundabout to be honest so let's have a look how you've got this set up i would take that out and just say keep going i would also use the move it mod and i'm going to just curve that round a bit just so they don't have to slow down as much because coming around there that angle was quite tight uh you could even sort of do the same there help these trucks get off a little bit quicker we'll just do that that's fine and then let's have a look what's going on here they're not able to get round i'm assuming oh there is give way on there okay but the game isn't take right okay so i'm wondering now whether your traffic manager is set up correctly as well so let's take a look at that so we'll just pause the game we'll go into our options we'll go into traffic manager and the first thing i spot is your simulation accuracy is very low so i would say change that to high depends on how good your system is whether it will cope with it apply ai changes right away and then if we go into game play enable advanced vehicle ai and i would put that up to sort of about 75 80 percent ish we've also got path of evil let's change that to holy city this one here doesn't really matter you can leave that like it is so now we should notice that they're going to pay more attention to the giveaway there we go they're stopping now which is good um these are keeping going so again coming down here they've got to slow down again do you know what as they're all just sort of coming down here let's just use the in-game tool to actually see where they're all going if we pick this one here so some are going that way but most are coming up under here onto this road underneath could we give them a better access to there like here could we just swing a road around and then all that traffic doesn't have to even go via the roundabout okay so just put this suite on here and put two lanes at the end they can choose which way they want to go what i'd like to do there is tell them that that one can go there and that one can go there so when they come into this node here they can pick which lane they want and what we should see is once they've all got themselves sorted out is more of these trucks picking to go this way and i'd like i'm just wondering whether i'm gonna tell them actually only to go right i think i'm gonna do that and i'll tell you why because there's not many that are gonna go left let's do that instead so you get all confused there we go because then they can just keep going look at that they can just keep going have no issue at all which is going to keep this bit moving which will then hopefully keep all of this bit moving as well so let's just give that a second and keep an eye on that look hardly any are coming down here so that means this is all free so what i might just do actually is just change that back to give way there like it should be there we go and then if this got too bad you could put some asymmetric roads in here so a two and a one two and a one and then when it met this it would go back to two again you know usually mathematics it'd be fine right let's leave this running for a second that's okay isn't it and now that there's not so much traffic coming down here they've got plenty of space you can see them all changing lanes not getting in each other's way and it split out the traffic up there and down here so i think that is this area sorted all day oh dear look at the trains oh dear backed up backed up backed up backed up backed up underground backed up backed up everywhere backed up here there and oh my goodness me that is something else i have to look at but the other problem you mentioned was i think it was this road up here everybody was only using uh one lane and particularly as they were coming around here into the junction it was causing all sorts of problems but putting on that enhanced ai for driving really makes a huge difference to that and i noticed that you have put a lot of lane mathematics in here already which is also helping so that problem has just solved itself fantastic so the next problem that you mention is your office is not growing so if we have a look in this area here you have a lot of offices zoned which is fantastic there's nothing in this district which would stop your offices growing but yeah they're not coming so if you have a look down here your demand for industry is at zero you've got no demand whatsoever now i have the demand master mod and i'm not saying this is the fix to your problem but this can show you what the difference is if we actually put some demand for industry on in the game and then just run the game for a few seconds we should see some of these offices start to grow okay so as you can see the uh office buildings are now coming in i've actually restarted the game and removed the demand master modeler i can't click on this anymore and you'll see the the need for industry offices is now going down so you might get a couple more popping in but what is it that's caused that well probably the simplest way to explain it is an imbalance between your residential demand your commercial demand and your industry demand there is a balance that is needed between those uh very basically people that live in houses go to shops to buy goods the goods get the stuff from the industry and that's basically how it works if you have too much of your commercial zone in your city then they're constantly putting out calls for goods we need more goods we want to sell more goods send the goods to us and then the industry is flapping hard saying we've got to make all of these goods and they can't make enough so many calls are being put out for goods that the industry can't keep up so then what you'll see is if we look at our outside connection you are basically importing goods so many goods into your city look we can see all the little purple places these are all commercial and not getting the goods that they need and we don't really have a demand for industry so the solution there isn't to build more industry to make more goods and solve the problem that way because there's no demand for industry the solution is to remove some of your commercial and we can see there's even more demand for commercial than anything else in my mind this is slightly imbalanced i would say always have less commercial than this bar tells you so i think if we start removing some of the commercial from your city we're gonna find the problem gets better so let's just have a look around like you've got there's going to be a huge okay some commercial that isn't needed i'm going to remove this commercial around here you've only got a little bit of industry so a little bit of residential they don't need that many shops so i'm going to remove these that are here there we go and then let's have a look over here we've got a few shops by this area that is still probably more shops than they would need so i'm going to just remove some of those and of course you can replace these with there we go replace these with residential as the demand goes up what else have you got up here oh you've got a nice big residential a few shops there yeah again this is quite a lot all the way down here so i'm going to remove all of this maybe even this along here as well yeah let's get rid of that we've got this huge commercial block all the way down here and again not much residential nearby to sort of deal with that so i'm going to remove a lot of course you can put some back as the demands change you can maybe change it and put in some residential offices instead but this is so far away from any other residential that's going to travel there you're basically trying to keep all of this busy just with these people here and they don't need that much so that's going to go also just to mention what you are doing is good here you have a mix of residential and offices and commercial all sort of near each other don't forget that offices won't make goods they just provide jobs particularly for university workers at university students once they've left but yeah having a mix like this and not having huge blocks of commercial at other places so they don't have to travel so far that's a good way to keep your uh city working well i'm just going to remove these ones on the outskirts here oh uh oh big faux pas you've actually got stuff built on a roundabout oh oh that is shocking that is absolutely shocking i'm going to remove that got a lot of industry here lots down there lots along here lots up there yeah maybe not as much as you think you'd need again so once again i'm going to remove i'm probably going through the city and removing about half of all the uh did i say industry i meant commercial about half of all the commercial that i see something like that and here we are in your downtown area right by the porch you've got some huge business strips that are running along here which are fine normally but there's so much so what you could do for instance like this little strip down here we could have a look just make sure that that's zoned separately yes it is don't think this is set up for any sort of specialization no so we could just change this uh commercial strip along here let's go into our district tab this one here and you can set that up as tourism specialization or leisure specialization so let's set this one up as tourism down here so all those buildings will rebuild themselves and then is there another good one that we can find let's have a look the leisure one is going to be quite noisy so you want that sort of if you're going to do that a little bit further away from your residential area i think that'll probably do for now so that's probably i would say about half of your commercial removed in your city like yeah i thought that was a load of commercial that removed in your city so i'm gonna run it for a while now we've got this strip down here actually this little strip here this bit here i bet we could turn some of this let's just put in a new little uh district i'm gonna just do one along here as that's a little bit further away from sort of low residential not this bit over here and then we'll change that to leisure and we'll just see how that goes hopefully that'll make a difference there we go these are popping in and we growing so yeah let me run the city for a few minutes and we'll see what difference that's made to importing goods right so while we're waiting for that to balance out have noticed a huge traffic jam down here let's follow this and see where this is going so let's just double check the lanes that we've got going on here yep so they've got dedicated lanes for going off let's just check you haven't got any hawkey bulky yeah yeah i've got that in there but it doesn't matter that's fine that's exactly what we want them to do alongside the completely blocked up rail network which we will get to yet they've all got dedicated lanes coming on which is good but if you go there we like that wow these highways are massive and they're all coming down here i'm just checking you're not forcing them at any point so they're all coming down here to this roundabout why are they all coming down here to this roundabout well let's use the in-game tool find out where they will go in let's pick this segment here so quite a few are going on some are going back round the rest are coming all the way down here and then spreading out from here to go to different places so this is where the traffic jam starts and they're going all the way around just to get down here do we think maybe we could give them some assistance what's at the other end yeah i think we could we need some sort of extra slip lane to come off of here i would perhaps suggest let's have a look maybe off of here somewhere okay so i've just ran a little slip lane off down here i may just upgrade that to a national road is two-way a two-lane highway just when it gets a little bit further down here can i upgrade that little piece under there there we go just to give them some added speed and i've just put a little tunnel here you can see where the train line used to go so i've just lowered that down a bit and then we've got two lanes coming out onto the roundabout which is good let's just lower this down a spot level that out a bit excellent so let us just put a giveaway sign there if any house is all set up correctly make sure there's no unnecessary no that's fine control left click there with this tool to give dedicated turning lanes which we don't have on here there we go so that should help with that and then here we want to do a control left click as well to give a dedicated turning lane off and hopefully what that's going to do is now bring them down here i mean it's not going to help all of these guys they've still got to get through the roundabouts and all through this area here so let's just take a quick look we've only got two lanes going around here i've only got one lane coming on as well so what i'm going to do is i'm going to slightly change this just to sort of help in the future we're going to give them two lanes coming in and then i'm going to upgrade this i know you've sort of used the industry road but to try and sort of solve a traffic problem i'm gonna upgrade that to three and then we can give oh i've set that to bridge and all of that haven't i never mind it's gonna work and then i'm gonna give everybody a dedicated turning lane coming off control left click control left click control left click like that and then just double check giveaway and everything is fine and then what we might just find is this traffic here will go down a little bit quicker i actually want them not to change lanes in the middle of these two segments so that counts as one big segment they can pick their lane when they come in here and hopefully so why are these guys stopping no they're going okay they're going through just to encourage that yeah it's already set to go through and we've got so many lanes here just wondering whether we could just make this two lanes all the way up and have two lanes going off but then they'll start lane switching up here because no that's fine so we'll leave that like that for now so what we should see is this go down quite quickly [Music] yeah that was taking a long time to go through so i just put a little bypass laying on here for now and look at that it's only queuing up to here all the traffic down here has gone all the traffic around here has gone all the traffic down here has gone so hopefully our little lane down here isn't causing any issues so they're coming down in dribs and drabs come along here and yeah there's a few that are queuing up here but that's not too bad they'll get out eventually it's not queuing too far this one here is pretty bad i think once this has gone down these will start getting out a bit better and we could also just i mean eventually you could just remove that line there but we could also just do this and say go through um yeah we want those to go straight ahead and that should be okay yeah let me just give that a minute make sure this traffic goes down over here okay so this is just a super busy road coming down here lots of traffic coming this way so i want to help them get out a little bit quicker so instead of this four lane road going smack straight into the roundabout and having a real harsh right angle turn like this one here you go straight down right angle turn um i've just changed it to these two little roads going up and down and then i've used the move it mod just to curve it a little bit so when they can go quite a few more are getting out each time whereas as before one car was getting out or one low was getting out at once so that has worked nicely and then i've just used our little lane tool here lane connector to make sure that those two are going up there and those two are going down there so no u-turns and that has helped a little bit and then i'll just move this junction up a tiny spot and let's take a look at the traffic there we go it's only sort of up to here now as opposed to all the way down there one more thing we could do is make them pick their lane back here instead of doing hawkey bulky lane switching in the middle now i'd only do this in certain circumstances and this would be one of them because this is basically only taking them from one node to another so they can pick their lane here and if we stop them picking their lane whoops wrong button everywhere else let's just quickly do this or i'll keep clicking the wrong button there we go go away off the screen thank you very much thank you very much thank you very much you go there there we go so now they have to pick their node up here which is fine because they're turning the corner anyway and that's not going to cause traffic again we could do a similar thing this end to help them get around the corner quicker but it's okay and then they're going to stick in their lane all the way down and there we go look all the traffic's gone already brilliant and i've just done the same at the other end of this road as well to help the traffic going in the other direction and our little bypass little slip lane that we've got down here just curve that back a bit so they can get out a lot easier because that was backing up here and i've also stopped them lane switching all the way back here until we get to this node where it goes from one to two and they can spread out so that works nicely and i think if we just give this a few minutes we should find that the traffic on here will go down as well yeah there we go a few minutes later it's not backing up here at all and it's not backing up here and at the other end not backing up here brilliant right some time has gone by so what effect has we're moving i would say about 50 of our commercial from the city done for us well let's take a look let's go up here have a look at our outside connections wow that has dropped immensely that total import used to be was it 13 000 something like that is now down to 4 000 and we can see the goods where they're being requested dotted around the place and now we have a need for some industry so we have a look down here yeah this is filled out hasn't it with all of our industry buildings that we put in which is fantastic you will probably spot there we go some little symbols like this not enough goods to sell well that's fine because now we have a need for industry we can start filling some of those needs for goods which is fantastic so i will let you do that but that is basically how to deal with not having enough needs for industry in your city just sort of looking around the city for any other issues that we've got couple of hot spots over here in a super busy oil industry it all seems to be converging on here let's just take a look at what's going on so you've got two lanes here two lanes here and four lanes there but that doesn't seem to be right to me let's just do that again yeah there we go so we can force them into those lanes oh then i know what's gonna happen now you've put this here if i take that out people are then gonna try and switch lanes here to decide whether to go left or right okay i can see what the problem is i think what we might have to do because if they're coming down here they're basically being forced to go this way which is fine because they can still leave up there they can still get to that same junction can't they which is this little area here they go up there they can come off there they go up there they can go hang on let's follow this one so these are forced down to come this way which then means they come round and they come out and over here so yeah it's a bit of a long way around but it will just keep them going which is good i would say no lane switch in there they can pick their node here which will be a lot better this you've got yeah maybe some extra lanes needed there but you're like oh my goodness you've got so much lane stuff going on it's like what do i do what do i delete first it's actually moving so it is going to be super busy this bit here i'm guessing you've got this set up as a roundabout yeah you have let's change that to dedicated lanes coming off oh it's trying to do two lanes i bet that's because you've got this yeah let's remove that do a dedicated lane coming off and there and there you've got all of it you don't have these don't have them set up like that if you're going to have it as a roundabout have it as a roundabout if you want to do the ball keys set up every lane to every direction thing then don't use it as a roundabout take out all your giveaway signs and all that sort of stuff but if we take all of these out on this little mini sort of roundabout thing so you could actually make that into a proper roundabout and have it go round but eek [Music] okay i've sort of changed it there to try and make it more like a roundabout so you can see now if we control left click there we go we've got all the giveaway signs coming on probably need to do a little bit of change in here you got too many lanes coming up here oh my goodness me oh my goodness me there's so much going on what is this one doing over here uh that's your shipbuilder thing okay so let's change where that goes let's have that connect up here instead it's just using the normal road isn't it so we can just add that on ourselves there we go we're going to bring that up here and connect to there that's fine so we don't need that extra connection then you've got all of these coming up yeah you've just got too many lanes everywhere too many lanes well let's just see if this will go down as we've set it up and hopefully that will help okay things are moving a bit better but you've got this right in the middle here so your queue of your traffic is just going to come up onto this roundabout which even though i adjusted this bit we're still there going to block up everything else we've got this nice big road coming down here which goes straight over here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to remove that and then i'm going to take a bit of this and i'm going to pop that right there there we go that's still going to work let's use the move it mods i mean they go in and out here so if i just move that over a bit there we go so instead of coming down there they're going to use this road instead and then i wonder whether to leave that connected there because they're still going to come down there and come in okay so here we are back at the wiggler train about i don't know what you would call this thing i mean it's very nifty it's got lots of one-way rails these like thinner ones a one-way rails hard to say that coming in and it sort of works it sort of works but i think we've solved the problem with our train traffic because with all of that extra commercial stuff all of those goods being sucked in from outside from the other invisible cities that are around our city outside of our map so many trains were coming in that the game just couldn't cope and your rail network just couldn't cope so solving one problem has led on to another problem solving itself that is just the sort of city fix that i like so even though the traffic percentage wasn't the main thing we were looking at uh in the city this time it was preventative measures even in hard mode with no despawning what is our traffic at 85 yes as always there's a few little red spots where things are getting busy but it's moving enough to be well above 80 percent which for me is absolutely fantastic so i hope you found that information useful how to prevent certain problems that would appear in your cities and what to do if you have no industry demand very interesting one to fix if you would like me to take a look at your city the submission form is in the description below no guarantee but i pick ones that have got interesting problems and see what i can do thank you for watching if you enjoyed a like is always appreciated and i will see you very soon have a fantastic day take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 158,167
Rating: 4.9436302 out of 5
Keywords: biffa plays, biffa, biffaplays, how to start a new city, how to fix your cities skylines, cities skylines fix traffic, cities skylines, how to fix traffic cities skylines, cities skylines how to fix traffic, city fix, cities: skylines, how to fix traffic, cities:skylines, cities skylines traffic management, cities skylines how to fix your city, biffa2001, how to fix your city cities skylines, cities skylines biffa, cities skylines fix train traffic
Id: rHsjlpXRXy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 58sec (1798 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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