Parking In Cities! Big Parking Lots, Parking Lot Roads, and Vanilla Parking

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everybody welcome back my name is yumble and today i'd like to discuss parking in city skylines so you might be wondering why should i build a parking lot what's the point they just take up space they're they're uh you know parking lots are not necessarily the most beautiful thing in the world when compared to architecture or other things but i think that you can you can do them justice if you if you focus hard enough and really have a plan for your parking and city skylines i want to say up front that it's not completely necessary as far as a built-in metric for parking or anything like that the truth is sims vehicles will just disappear when they get to their destination if there's not a parking spot for them so that's the default kind of vanilla mode but if you play with a bit more realism and a bit more thought put into your shopping center or if you play with realistic parking turned on there is a setting in traffic manager called realistic parking if you go into your settings and you go down to traffic manager if you use mods under gameplay i spoke about this in our last video enable more realistic parking this type of scenario that we have in front of us this this shopping center becomes a necessity where you need to find a spot for sims to put their cars otherwise they'll drive around indefinitely so the reasons that i'd say to use parking are for realism or aesthetic or or because you you have to because you've turned on realistic parking and traffic manager i want to talk about parking lots different different uh parking solutions for you and also uh parking garages as well just to get some variety in the parking and and make your city a bit more realistic before we get into all the fancy mods and assets that you can use to to create a parking lot i wanted to show you one vanilla option vanilla dlc option for creating a parking lot in city skylines these are actually edison hyper chargers and there's another variant the free charge ev charging these come with the organic and local produce commercial buildings within the green cities dlc and what i've been doing to get these there's a 50 50 chance that you'll that you'll get one of these every time you zone a two by two like this one's an edison hyper charger right you can you can keep zoning two by twos until you get the ones you want and it makes a parking lot i just i thought that was kind of a cool unique way to to solve this problem of parking in city skylines and this of course you wouldn't be using traffic manager or anything in this case if you're just playing on console or playing on pc without mods um essentially you just zone these in for aesthetic delete the ones that you don't want unless you want a building in your parking lot that's that's fine that's realistic enough um but yeah you end up with this type of scenario and there's a two by three variant so if you want to zone two by three instead there's a 50 50 chance that you'll get this one which kind of has a roof the free charge ev charging station but i thought that was a really cool way to do it basically you end up you end up creating a district like i've done here you end up designating that district as organic and local produce if you have that downloaded through the uh through the the dlc options you know if you have if you've purchased that and then you just build a road surrounding the whole thing and it and essentially it's a it's a as good a parking lot as any and it also satisfies commercial needs as well so what you end up with is something that looks just like this and i thought that that was a really cool and unique solution to parking without using mods that also employ a few a few people you know so you'll still have trucks showing up here and things like that but it creates a parking lot that this college district desperately needs so let's say we want to put a parking lot in this area right here i have a few different mods that i could use to pull this off for a few different assets first i think i'll show you big parking lots because i think it's the easiest option of the two big parking lots is essentially a collection of roads and parking space assets that you put together evenly spaced and it makes a real nice result you always start with the drive road for this it can be downloaded from the steam workshop as well it's very it's it's free you know if you have it on if you have this game on on pc this is totally free to you so amazing um you always start with the drive road big parking lots you can see the the logo up there big parking lots and for this i recommend turning off within the uh within the snapping options turn off road guidelines because those are only going to hinder you because we want exact measurements here and we don't want it snapping to anything unnecessarily so i would always start with maybe going a few units in maybe three units up in a few different places here three units up and then three units up on the other side so those are our drive roads this is a drive road here this is a drive road and then you end up using the border road now the border road i'll try to explain this as we go along each road has a different type of border the the drive road has kind of a sidewalk appearance on both sides the border road has that border on one side so if you draw this clockwise you might have to reverse it later if you don't if you don't do it this way but if you if you go clockwise an exact number of units so i'm going up 12 units specifically i'll show you why in just a second excuse me counterclockwise i said clockwise so many times counterclockwise is the way to go if you do it if you do it uh clockwise the border will end up on the inside and you'll have to reverse all the roads so counterclockwise makes it easy and then the filler road is what you use to fill in the area that you're going to be parking within and the goal here is to leave one unit going across in rows essentially and this is very flexible you can build it however you want so to get that one unit the best way to do it is to go in increments of three this is why i went up by 12 because 12 is divisible by three so it should give us a few a few rows here now we've got this we've kind of got this shape there's a there's kind of ways in and ways out and a border and this center area and now the actual magic happens if everything went correctly and you have rows of individual squares you know lines of individual squares by going up by three units now it's really really easy to go to your vanilla excuse me to your big parking lots options here and and at its most basic it's just this one here it's just the parking space which goes in easy it goes like this it's a one by one building that zones in right where right where the the squares are and oops if you do it wrong it goes like that you just delete it try again nice that is the result it gets a little more involved not by much but it can it can get a little more involved there are five unit options which make things real easy very quick when you want to do them in bulk if you want some some variety as far as accessibility parking i i applaud you and recommend it and it also looks really nice in a parking lot and you can put um parking on the other side to balance that out you know there's half part there's individual parking spaces there's sets of three there's sets of six you can do no parking sets of six if you want to place your own car props in the parking garage just to make it look nice and it comes with a clipping remover for when this happens when you use certain ones you'll see that there might be a little piece missing and it looks kind of bad the clipping remover just puts down that that road texture that comes with it but yeah you just end up filling in all the spaces it's very very simple but very very versatile at the same time and very user friendly once you've figured out the building of the roads as long as your your math is correct when you're building the roads it's very very easy to it's very very easy to get it right and once you've done this i also strongly recommend taking paths even just regular paths and just connecting them to this because people will come and they'll they'll park in the in the in the parking lot i don't know if we'll actually see anyone park here maybe we will maybe we won't a lot of these buildings have parking built in so it might not matter but once they've parked their car when the pedestrian gets out if it's quicker for them just to get to the road this way then please allow them that you know give them a path people don't walk on the grass in this game they're very obedient to a fault so i'd recommend giving them an out at the top or they can walk out through the bottom if they want to that's a really effective solution if you really want to get crazy and expand on it a little bit my favorite parking garage asset creator is called king leno all these things with crowns these are all his he has so many great options a university city parking garage mall parking garage which those can be used anywhere really modern parking garage which just looks amazing uh eight story modern parking garage and then this huge downtown parking garage which is just i mean i'll place this one this is overkill for this area but if you ever want to add a parking garage to the mix for realism you can totally do that and to take it even a step further i'm going to take the university city parking garage and see if we can't pull off something extra interesting here maybe we'll make it so [Music] let's try this let's see if this works the way i wanted to i'm just going to plop this down here on the corner and king leno was kind enough to leave these spaces through his parking garages some of them have just these spaces that run through which can be really handy if you ever want to say put a road through it i'm going to move this over by by one or two and we'll see we'll see if we can do something with it [Music] maybe just to there we'll just kind of line it up with the situation here so now if i wanted to run a drive road through the parking garage which is a pretty realistic scenario in life in general this is very very plausible could absolutely happen and then i want to run this road back to that other road just trusting that it attached in there the roads inside don't really have to make sense because we're not actually going to be driving vertically in the parking garage though cars do park in these parking spaces these are just as valid as this type of parking space down here just as just as usable to traffic you can see they're already parking over here they'll park in here as well and the road through it isn't really necessary but i think it adds to the realism i think that a lot of times you when you go to a parking garage you drive in that parking garage because it's a parking garage so why not do that so that lends itself to this type of scenario that opening shot that we had this is a little a little shopping center in the city that we're doing on stream right now and same concept so we've got our parking lot here and then there's a parking garage and then there's additional parking up against the parking garage which in the us at least this is a super plausible situation this happens all the time so can't recommend that enough try to integrate parking garages where appropriate whenever you're building a parking lot if need be if it's overkill it's overkill but if you want to do it you can get some really nice results um upwards and onwards let's let's do um let's do these guys next let's let's do parking lot roads parking lot roads is kind of the older version of big parking lots but it's still very much useful and it and it still finds its way into my game play in different places it's somewhat compared to big parking lots i would say parking lot roads are much more dense so if you have say a shopping center that you want to have a smaller parking lot in with more spaces i would go for parking lot roads these also tend to look pretty realistic as far as the textures and how the spots go in but basically parking lot roads is these four networks this is a drive road just like the big parking lot a big parking lot drive road that just gets cars into the parking lot so there's no actual parking on this road this is the small parking lot road medium parking lot road large parking lot road and they all hold different amounts of space so technically 22 meter 40 meter 58 meters so widths is what we're talking about here and each of these support a different um a different amount of parking spaces or different numbers of of rows of parking so if this one has two rows of parking on a two-lane road this is a cars will be driving down the middle of this of course in both directions this one has two two-lane roads expressed by those lighter areas and you'd end up it's it's similar on on each of these you end up placing these parking spots here these don't snap or anything by the way so you end up frequently dabbling with move it just to wiggle them into position as it goes like if you if you need to tighten them up a little bit or move them a great way to do it they count as buildings so you can always select the marquee tool and select buildings by double clicking it and these are fully you know you can move them using move it but it's very uh you have to you have to line them up and copy them over and stuff like that so that's fine so let's speaking of copying this one has one two three four five six rows of parking up top on the largest of the roads and once again you just end up placing these in and copying them around as necessary so i like these for more of a small shopping center or maybe a small residential area big parking lots or more if you want your parking lot to kind of to kind of boom or have some more flexibility maybe these are i think they're slightly less flexible but maybe a bit more elegant it depends who you ask some people only use one type of parking lot i found i found uses for both or either uh so right now i'm gonna see if i can do something uh something decent looking if my measurements are correct here it's the medium size i've done no measurements but let's say let's create a bit of a parking plaza here this is how that road connects so you end up with this kind of nice it starts with a smaller area here and the networks the curb network within the network connects very nicely and very cleanly if you look at it um so that just for just for the sake of example you might do what's that five units in and then three units over so i'm going to do the same thing on the other side three units over and then back to the road and you can do rows and rows of parking this way and and just like in the picture if you hover over each of these you get some nice inspirational photos of how you can do this how you can pull this off different options but really you end up doing this you end up placing buildings alongside of it if you want to you know you can totally zone alongside other roads or in this case i might recommend plopping some some commercial buildings let's say we go to our low density commercial things here like what if we want to do um why are there no zoning squares on here i've got a zoning square toggle mod which in this case is going to turn out real handy and we'll just zone these in keep it easy so you've got this low density shopping center with probably too much parking but this is what it ends up looking like you just measure this out eyeball it get it close plop it in as i said before big parking lots it's all automatic as you draw the road the rows of one by one squares the the things plop in automatically and they all end up perfect as you as you put in the parking spots they end up going on the grid here there's no grid you can see we're kind of off the grid so i'm going to select that and move it you can do to do rotation rotate at center after clicking the the parking lot that you want to use and then click the segment of this and it actually squares it off perfectly so isn't that nice so now you can move it move this into place using move it you can duplicate it put it up top use the um it's been recommended to me that i use the the light you can see the the lamp post in the middle here is uh is right about in the center of the of the parking spaces and you just end up giving it as much space as as it needs to uh to exist so same deal over here i'm going to take this one we're going to line it up properly select it rotate at center click anything else that's squared up properly and then use uh move it if you hold ctrl while moving something and move it that's actually the most refined way to adjust something so you can duplicate that and then holding control i'm just going to keep this squared up where we want it and of course in big parking lots you can also do accessibility spots and some other options let's see what we got here oh there's a charging spots as well which is interesting so like car you know you know what i mean let's say we want to have uh we want to have our accessibility spaces right here right in front of the store and maybe i would i would do if i had a little more foresight into this i would do some on the other side too just because it's um it's a good habit to get into and it adds some diversity to your parking lot as well it's just a good thing and you'll find that as you build more parking lots there might be other situations that arise where you want to uh have uh how can i say it where you might want to have different variations of things you know you might find other uses for these parking lots that i've not even discovered you can do diagonal parking spaces with big parking lots you know you can do all kinds of interesting things this one just to give this a sense of completion same deal rotate it center square it off move it where it goes holding control we're going to duplicate it and then move it into here it's already squared off so it's good to go and if you hold alt right click and drag you can uh rotate the thing perfectly so you're still 90 off you still have that nice 90 degrees but it's flipped and there you go so you end up with a nice little uh look we've got it we've got a pennies we've got a laundromat so we've got this place growing in with a parking lot in front of it this parking lot is a little overkill for this set of spaces but that is the the rudimentary way that parking lot roads may work and of course you could you could put a parking garage next to this i do think that big parking lots integrates much better with with say a a parking garage if you have a parking garage that you want to draw roads through or something like this i haven't pointed this out specifically yet but i'd love to make mention of it four lane road like a four lanes skinny road this is a this one in particular is from network extensions two it's actually this road right here but if you use this one you get turns in both directions and you can put a parking lot off of this and that's very very effective because sometimes the parking lot will get a little jammed up in the entrances and exits and it helps to have a four lane road to feed it sometimes depending on how how busy the parking lot is in this case very simple way in and way in way out two ways in two ways out on either side and then a parking lot down the middle and cars are already parking there to speak to the flexibility of big parking lots i did the same thing over here you can do some more oddly shaped stuff if you want to you can do diagonal parking lots you can any sort of any sort of shape you can imagine really all kinds of stuff there are options for edge parking within big parking lots as well it's not a commercial for big parking lots but i do use their stuff quite a bit um another example of edge parking for this little commercial center we have here but yeah that's essentially it parking lots are are not always necessary i wouldn't recommend over using them or anything like that because they can take up quite a bit of space but i do recommend trying to integrate parking lots into your city especially if you turn on realistic parking and traffic manager guys thank you so much for listening to me uh thanks for letting me talk about this admittedly polarizing thing because like a lot of people don't like parking lots but thanks for checking this out let me know if you have any questions uh feel free to check out the stream on twitch as well i stream on twitch two days a week sometimes three days a week these days but yeah we're on we're on twitch pretty frequently and there's also a discord as well if you have more specific questions or if you want to check out some memes feel free to join the discord and discuss skylines and and content creation guys thank you for joining me i've been yumble i will see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 100,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: city skylines, parking, tmpe, realistic, big parking lots, parking lot roads, vanilla, green cities, traffic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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